Sarah Palin's presence in the lower 48 means the Arctic ice cap can finally return.

calendar   Saturday - August 18, 2012

Britain’s voodoo killers. Warning. This isn’t a pleasant read.

There isn’t any doubt this will be the most disturbing and gruesome post I have ever done.  In my wildest imaginings of the evil ppl do, until sometime last year when I first became aware, I still didn’t know it had gone this far and for so long a time.  Reports say at least ten years.

I have done some editing but, due to the nature of the subject, this is not a short post. And oh btw:

Lets hear it for multi culture and diversity folks.

Remember that very old story about a farmer inviting a pig into his house and clothing it etc.?  It was still a piggy and it still crapped wherever it wanted to even though it was the smartest animal in his barnyard.  Something like that. 
Another way saying something about a leopard’s spots.

Well, this gruesome story reminds me of that.  I love cats, but if I dressed a cat up in a suit and tie, it would still be a cat and it would still, we would hope, use the damn litter box.
But this is a very different sort of animal. An almost human one.

They’ve been taught to read and write and given opportunities to better themselves which some have for sure.  But the life forms that have been coming out of some of the backward places mentioned, are not quite the same.  They may look it and act it when it’s necessary, but once on their own, where no one can see, they quickly revert to what they actually are.

Savages, and vicious ones at that.  They are NOT capable of integrating and a thousand years from today, they will be exactly as they are now, which is what they were a thousand years ago.  Savages.

This is without a doubt the most disturbing article I have ever posted here. And it is not done for shock value, although it may shock a few.  Mostly I think, this won’t surprise many as it’s pretty much expected.

This isn’t for the squeamish.

he was found licking blood from the man’s injured face.

the louder the victim screams, the more potent the magic.

Britain’s voodoo killers: This week a minister warned of a wave of child abuse and killings linked to witchcraft. Alarmist? This investigation suggests otherwise


They appeared to be upright and decent members of our society. She dressed smartly, and had worked for Marks & Spencer. ( a major dept. store chain)

He drove a top-of-the-range Mercedes and spent his spare time coaching a local women’s football team.

But unbeknown to their neighbours and friends, this couple living in their suburban London flat led a terrifying secret life.

They practised African black magic or voodoo, and on Christmas Day in 2010 they murdered a teenage boy in the belief he was a witch.
To rid the 15-year-old of his ‘demons’, the couple attacked him with knives, sticks, metal bars, a hammer, pliers and a chisel until he begged to die.

After three days of torture, Kristy Bamu was put in the bath and hosed down with cold water to get rid of the blood on his body. Horribly injured, he slid under the water as the bath filled up, and drowned.

Details of Kristy’s murder were revealed at a trial at London’s Old Bailey which ended earlier this year.
Football coach Eric Bikubi, 28, and his partner, Magalie Bamu, 29, Kristy’s sister, were each sentenced to life imprisonment for killing him at their eighth-floor apartment in Newham, East London.

The case was a shocking reminder of how witchcraft, with its roots in Africa, South Asia and the Caribbean, is now practised in the heart of our multicultural cities and towns.

more than 130 dreadful injuries on his body. His face was unrecognisable and pounded to a pulp.

Nine days before Kristy’s death, a mother disembowelled her four-year-old daughter to ‘exorcise evil spirits’ at her home in Hackney, London.

Shayma Ali strangled the child before stabbing her 40 times with a kitchen knife because she believed she was possessed by a spirit referred to in the Koran.

She had removed the eyes from the little girl’s toys to stop them ‘seeing’ the child’s evil ways.

Particularly prized are the genitalia of young boys and virgin girls. Cut from a live child they are thought to add more potency because of the victim’s screams

Last month, four family members were found guilty of murdering a pregnant 21-year-old woman whom they claimed was ‘possessed’ by ‘evil spirits’.
Mohammed Tauseef Mumtaz, 25, and his parents and brother-in-law were found guilty of killing his wife three years ago.

And just this week a Nigerian couple were sentenced to seven years in jail after abusing their children — who they believed to be possessed — for ten years.  Their crimes were only uncovered after their eldest daughter threw a note into the street outside her window, begging for help.

Oh great. Abuse for 10 years and serve 7 for the abuse.  That’s what passes for justice in today’s fracked up world where if justice ruled, they’d deserve life at the least.

Police are investigating a tide of violent acts, often against children, by those who believe in witchcraft practices known as voodoo, kindoki, and juju. But a government minister has warned that political correctness is hampering their ability to prevent such atrocities.

Such horrors are barely credible yet detectives fear they are only scraping the surface of this hidden and abhorrent crime wave. They have linked witchcraft to huge money-making operations in which parents pay wads of cash for ‘deliverance’ ceremonies to stop their children being witches.

Horrific exorcism videos promoting the vile practice are on sale in Britain and I was able to buy them myself. Scotland Yard is now so alarmed at the rise in witchcraft ceremonies that it has established a special unit to investigate the ritual abuse of children in the name of religion and culture.
But these detectives are being hampered by a culture that is endemic throughout the state apparatus and conspires to hide the true enormity of what is happening.

The modern-day creed that immigrant communities must be free to follow their own cultures and customs, without questions or criticism, has allowed witchcraft and various rituals to flourish.

In June, it emerged that social workers at Islington Council, North London, considered sending an African boy back to his native land, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), for an exorcism at the taxpayers’ expense because his mother claimed he was possessed by ‘kindoki’ or evil spirits and needed ‘deliverance’.
Astonishingly, the council paid Dr Richard Hoskins, an expert in African religion, £4,372 to travel to Kinshasa, the capital of the DRC, to investigate how and if the ceremony should take place, because social workers were worried the family’s ‘sensibilities might be affected’ if they didn’t obey the mother’s wishes.
Dr Hoskins met the grandparents in Kinsasha, who claimed the boy had been ‘infected by sorcery’ in Britain which would ‘destroy them all’. Church officials in the city also claimed that his evil spirits would lead to ‘strife, illness, divorce, hardship, poverty and death’ if not dealt with by the ritual. It would have involved depriving the boy of food and drink for three days to ‘cast out’ the bad spirits.

On his return, Dr Hoskins told Islington Council that the ceremony would leave the boy ‘disturbed and traumatised’. The extraordinary plan was dropped and the child is now in the care of the local authority.

However, as Dr Hoskins told a conference, the case highlights how ambivalent British officials can be towards tackling child abuse when it is committed under the guise of religious or cultural ceremonies and ‘masked by multiculturalism’

According to witch doctors, to kill a living person for medicinal purposes is the most empowering form of sacrifice and, the most potent form of all is to kill an innocent child.

At its heart, this abuse is rooted in the belief that a misfortune befalling a family can be blamed on their child being a witch.
The failure of an immigration appeal, a shortage of money, the loss of a job or an on-going housing problem have all been cited as reasons for a son or daughter being deemed to be ‘possessed by evil spirits’.
Even a misdemeanour such as bedwetting can put a child at risk of being labelled a witch — indeed, as we shall see, it was the fact that he wet himself that sealed Kristy Bamu’s terrible fate.

Likewise, girls from strict religious backgrounds who bring shame on their family honour by adopting Western attitudes have also been forced to undergo exorcism ceremonies where they are beaten and shouted at until they faint with terror.
Dr Hoskins, an academic who has studied witchcraft for 25 years, gave evidence at the Kristy Bamu murder trial, where he said: ‘Even among educated people in London, I’ve met those who believe in kindoki, as witchcraft is known in central and western Africa , and that it has powers.’
This first caught public attention with the death of eight-year-old Victoria Climbie more than a decade ago in 2000. Victoria was killed in London by her great-aunt and partner, who said the sweet little girl was a witch.

A year later the torso of a five-year-old Nigerian boy, named Adam by police, was found in the River Thames after he was sacrificed. Police believe he was smuggled into Britain and his body parts used in a ritual medical ceremony to save the life of someone in the migrant community who was dying of an incurable disease.

In some forms of African witchcraft, heads and other body parts can be buried in front of homes to keep bad spirits at bay. A cup of human blood is said to boost vitality. A powdered concoction made from pieces of brain is believed to lead to riches.

Particularly prized are the genitalia of young boys and virgin girls. If these body parts are cut from a live child they are thought to add even more potency because of the victim’s screams.

That such practices take place overseas has long been known. But now they are happening here after being imported from other countries — and in truth they have been going on for years.

He is alleged to have cut off his daughter’s head, legs and arms during a ritual to bring him luck.

The headless torso of a black baby girl was found hidden in bushes in Epping Forest way back in 1969. Scotland Yard are now reinvestigating her murder and think it may have been the earliest case of a killing linked to African witchcraft on British soil.
The girl’s father, from north-west Africa, quickly became the chief suspect, but fled the country before he could be arrested and questioned. He is alleged to have cut off his daughter’s head, legs and arms during a ritual to bring him luck.
According to police and migrant advisory services, witchcraft ceremonies are spreading because of the increasing number of unregulated back street churches and mosques that have broken away from the mainstream places of worship to cater for millions of new immigrants from Africa, South Asia and the Caribbean countries, providing a link to their birth countries, cultures and customs.
Many of these horrific events are filmed and can be found on videos selling for a couple of pounds in ethnic shops and market stalls in London. What they show is terrified children, accused of witchcraft, being freed of ‘demons’. In one video I bought, a white-robed pastor is shown hitting a five-year-old boy with a long stick as the congregation chants approval.
His mother cries, but is held back from freeing her son because it is thought — by the prayer goers — to be the best thing for the family and their child. They are scenes which police believe are being repeated week after week in cities such as London, Birmingham, Leicester and Manchester.

And, worryingly, Detective Superintendent Terry Sharpe of Scotland Yard says that witchcraft-linked crime is ‘far more prevalent’ in this country than official figures suggest.

‘Children have been physically beaten and forced to drink unknown liquids in rituals to rid them of evil spirits. They have been starved and deprived of sleep.

‘Children have been blindfolded and had their hair cut off. They have had liquid poured on their genitals and been murdered,’ he said after the Kristy case.
So what of this innocent boy’s killers, the couple who appeared to be pillars of their local community? At the time Eric Bikubi and Magalie Bamu were busy renovating their London flat and would talk on the stairways to neighbours who thought they were a perfectly ordinary and loving couple.
Five years earlier, Bikubi had even served as a community adviser on child protection issues in the London borough of Camden.

To his family and friends, he was a talkative man, mad about football, who had trials for Arsenal and claimed to have played alongside John Terry. As for Magalie, she tied back her long hair, dressed with some style and had loved her job at Marks & Spencer.
But behind closed doors, the couple could not have been more different from this presentable image.

His belief in witchcraft was so deeply ingrained that once, when he was in prison awaiting trial, he picked a fight with another inmate and was found licking blood from the man’s injured face.
It was to this murderous man’s home that an unwitting Kristy Bamu and his siblings were sent by their parents from their family home in Paris for a few days over Christmas in 2010.

His sisters, aged 20 and 11, were beaten along with Kristy, but escaped further attacks after ‘confessing’ to being witches. Two other boy relatives, aged 13 and 22, were made to join in the torture.

A nervous teenager, Kritsy wet himself during the visit and suddenly he was accused by Bikubi and Magalie of being a witch and bringing voodoo in the couple’s home. 

Bikubi forced Kristy to pray for deliverance for three days and nights without food and water.

The boy had a metal bar shoved in his mouth, he was struck in the face with a hammer and his teeth were knocked out. One of his brothers was forced to stand guard so he could not escape, while some of his siblings were made to mop up his blood.

He begged for forgiveness during his ordeal, and even confessed to being a witch to try to save his own life. All to no avail. When Kristy died he had more than 130 dreadful injuries on his body. His face was unrecognisable and pounded to a pulp.

Savagely killed by an evil couple in the name of witchcraft, it seems certain he will not be the last child to be maimed or die.

Photos at the link. Not pleasant.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/18/2012 at 09:43 AM   
Filed Under: • AfricaCrimeDIVERSITY BSTURD WORLD •  
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calendar   Thursday - August 09, 2012

england gives and the vermin take. and take. and laugh at their benefactors.


An Iraqi who came here for asylum and was handed a six-bedroom home. In return, he joined a gang that looted shops and raided a famous Michelin starred restaurant.  Photos at the link.  Miserable sub human scum. Take a look at those faces. Should any of them still be breathing?
The govts. no matter who in power, are a nest of vipers feathering their own nests. The left is in firm control of the things that contribute to the problems here.  With their multi-culture BS and their diversity and their kow towing to anything non white, it isn’t a surprise things are this way.  And they’ll continue because the sense of national survival is absent among those calling the shots on civil and human rights and all the crap that goes with it.

You think things are any different in the USA among that group?

And when it comes to the folks we all think of as crazies like the guy who shot those poor Sikhs in Wisconsin recently, why are ppl like him always gunning the wrong damn people?  Why oh why aren’t certain left wing groups being hit? Why isn’t some of the leadership being taken out?  Why isn’t that 5th column being brought to book?  Hasn’t happened one time that I can think of.
And that’s part of the problem.  With all the guns in America among so many diverse people, nobody has yet done a damn thing about taking out our mutual enemies.  Who btw track all right wing groups and I’m not referring to Federal agencies or any law enforcement people.  Although they do track as we know.  I’m referring to those bed wetting hand wringers who are foreign in organization but openly operate in the USA.  They are all still breathing. WHY?


It has emerged that one of last year’s rioters, Nasir Muhsen, 18, was living in a $4million apartment, funded by British taxpayers.


He and his family were housed in one of London’s most fashionable areas after they fled Iraq to claim asylum in Britain but he claimed to be so poor that he joined the riots to steal money for food.

Yesterday Muhsen was locked up for six and a half years at Inner London Crown Court after racking up what a judge called a ‘handsome record for violence’ after coming to Britain.

Sneering with contempt for the judge and laughing as he swaggered to the cells, he joked: ‘Obviously I want more, I want to remain in prison.’
The Mail can now reveal that Muhsen and his family trashed their six-bedroom flat in a grand Victorian mansion block in Kensington after being housed there by the council.

To the fury of neighbours, who include a naval admiral, they enjoyed a 3,000 sq ft basement apartment just by Earls Court.

The property, which if rented on the private market could command around £6,000 a month, had been refurbished before their arrival last year.
But by the time the family were evicted last Christmas for not paying their heavily subsidised rent to the council, it was in such a bad state that builders had to spend ten days on repairs.
One neighbour said: ‘They were like animals. All the wardrobes were ripped out. It had been gutted.
‘The windows were broken, the doors were off. It looked like it had been party central.  People came and went all times of the night. They trashed it.’

Muhsen was living at the plush property with his mother and brothers at the time of the riots, yet his defence lawyer, Rupert Bowers, argued: ‘He had no income, the money he took was to buy food.’
Muhsen, who a month after the riots was jailed for another robbery, has convictions dating back to 2009.
He was given a youth rehabilitation order after being convicted of wounding and possession of an offensive weapon in 2010 and robbery in June 2011.  But like many of the gang members, he breached the order to join the riots, during which he was part of a group that ransacked an off-licence, battering the terrified shopkeeper over the head eight times with a bottle of champagne.

Yesterday Judge Usha Karu jailed Muhsen for six and a half years for conspiracy to commit violent disorder and robbery.
The court heard that Muhsen was part of a mob of more than 50 youths from rival gangs who teamed up for a night of ‘devastating’ disorder.
She told them: ‘It was a year ago today that you were involved in the mob criminality that so disturbed the law-abiding members of the public.’
Today, in stark contrast to the scenes of arson, looting and damage, London is hosting the Olympics, which demonstrates the excellence which can be achieved in sport and is an inspiration to all.
‘However, those involved in these events were intent on the opposite.’
In extraordinary scenes, many of the defendants, aged between 15 and 25, whooped with joy, shouting obscenities and laughing as the judge passed sentence.

Yesterday he laughed as he was sentenced to three years in jail. Having already served a year on remand, he will be eligible for release in only six months.


Meanwhile, a country that does care about a little thing called border control and self survival while not perfect itself, has just cracked down on their gypsy camps and destroyed camps all across the country and is deporting them in large numbers. That country is France!
I’ve only just read about it minutes ago. 

France smashes its gipsy camps, making hundreds homeless

PUBLISHED: 16:00, 9 August 2012

France’s socialist government has begun smashing up Roma gipsy camps across the country and deporting the illegal immigrants living in them.
It comes days after Greek police rounded up 6,000 migrants in Athens at the weekend - detaining 1,600 for deportation.
Destruction of Roma gipsy camps and deportations began in Paris yesterday and will move to other major French cities, where camps have mushroomed in recent years.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/09/2012 at 11:52 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeCULTURE IN DECLINEDaily LifeDIVERSITY BSmuslimsTravelers/Gypsies/Squatters •  
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calendar   Tuesday - July 31, 2012


OK it may be a bit of a long story but please, stay with it. I’ve edited a bit to shorten, but although there’s some snide humor here at the end, what Littlejohn has to say is very straightforward and it’s damn well true. The mind boggling thing of it all is, how’d it get far and nobody was able to put a stop to it.
Littlejohn mentions only one of quite a few more for some reason, of the out of control spending by an unelected body that answers to no one. But it’s all in the name of equality of course.

Welcome to the Equality Hotline, for Scribble press 3


the Equality Commission, where staff facing redundancy are threatening to sue for unfair dismissal on the grounds that sacking them would, er, be a breach of the Equality Act.

Budget cuts mean that regional offices must be closed and the payroll slashed in half. But because all of those who will lose their jobs are, by definition, from minority backgrounds they claim their dismissal would be against the law.

This dilemma is the perfect illustration of the problems created by Harriet Harman’s ludicrous piece of legislation, which forces governments to take into account the impact of every single policy decision on so-called vulnerable groups.

If implemented to the letter, it would mean that no one from an ethnic minority or with any kind of disability could ever be sacked. But that in itself would fly in the face of true equality.

Surely if we are ‘all in this together’, cuts in public spending should affect everyone, regardless of race, gender, disability or sexual proclivity. And if there is one organisation ripe for the chop it is the Equality Commission, an umbrella organisation for every conceivable ‘victim’ group in Britain.


The old Commission for Racial Equality performed a valuable function in the days when racism was rife. But even though inequality still exists, we are long past the point where we need a full-time, expensive quango to enforce minority rights.

Adequate laws exist to combat discrimination. But the Equality Act was a bridge too far, a cynical piece of New Labour social engineering designed to scupper any attempt by an incoming Conservative government to tackle the gargantuan budget deficit generated by Gordon Brown’s drunken sailor public spending spree.

The pernicious doctrine of ‘multiculturalism’ concentrates on what divides, not unites, us.
And that’s precisely why the Equality Commission needs to be wound up. It is an uncomfortable, artificial alliance of competing special interest groups with their own individual axes to grind.

It has a vested interest in perpetuating the politics of division, lumping together people who have nothing in common apart from being outside the mainstream of the population.
Paradoxically, the Equality Commission is one of the few bodies where minority groups are over-represented, which makes it even more ridiculous that staff earmarked for redundo are able to claim discrimination. That’s how they got the job in the first place.

All too often this has generated internal conflict as the gays have fallen out with the Muslims and there have been allegations that the Afro-Caribbeans are paid more than the Asians.
It is time the organisation was put out of its misery. Abolition is the only humane solution. Who knew that the Equality Commission had an office in Guildford, at the heart of the Surrey stockbroker belt in the whitest of the Home Counties?

A recent report identified widespread waste, including a telephone advice hotline used by just 73 people in a year — at a cost of £5,000 a pop.
No doubt those members of staff currently facing the sack will be ringing in…

‘Thank you for calling the Equality Hotline. Please hold. All our operators are busy squabbling among themselves.
Our services are available in 207 different languages. Please choose from the following menu. For Urdu, press 1. For Jafaican, press 2. For Scribble, press 3…
If you are Muslim who wants to complain about gay marriage, press 1. If you are a West Indian who has been racially abused by a Pakistani shopkeeper, press 2. If you are a wheelchair user who wishes to report your disabled access being blocked by an illegal gypsy camp, press 3.
If you are a feminist complaining about the oppression of women under Sharia law, press 1. If you are a man who thinks he should be allowed to divorce his wife under Sharia law, press 2. If you wish to make a vexatious complaint of racism against your employer because you think there might be a nice drink in it for you, press 3.
If you are facing redundancy and would like to allege discrimination against the commission set up to eliminate discrimination, please hang up as we are unable to help you. As a result of spending cuts, this hotline is no longer in service...’

I listened to an interesting report on the radio last night, wherein people outside the UK were asked if they enjoyed the opening show for the olympics, but importantly, did they understand it all.  Quite a few said they didn’t get some of the images as it appeared centered on things outside their experience.  For example, the segment dealing with the tribute to the NHS. (Natl. Health Serv.)` Not having or wanting a TV, we didn’t watch the opening ceremonies, except for a bit of the fireworks display on the desktop pc.  So I did not get all the comments about how left wing the show was.  One conservative politician referred to it as multi-cultural crap, and then had to say sorry but that he was misunderstood.  I find that crap two, if I can take some liberty with spelling here.  So then here is Littlejohn’s very brief take on the subject.

Of course it was a parade of pinko propaganda. That’s what you get when you hire a pinko producer and a pinko scriptwriter and lavish them with public money.

But it was spectacular pinko propaganda and I’m not going to rain on the parade. It didn’t take itself too seriously and if there was a political message I doubt anyone swallowed it.

There was actually something quite quaint about the worship of the NHS, which owed more to the 1948 Olympics than 2012. That was the year the NHS was established.

Dancing nurses in starched aprons aren’t enough to cover the shortcomings of the modern-day health service. They only served to highlight the distance between fantasy and reality.

Two stories in the wake of the opening ceremony demonstrate how far removed today’s NHS is from the popular post-war ideal.

In one hospital in Hertfordshire, a grandmother died after being denied food and water for a whole week.

In another, a sick woman was shoved aside by workmen so they could drill holes to install a TV above her bed.

These are not isolated incidents. The NHS does perform miracles and provide excellent care, but this is the work of dedicated individuals, not a bloated bureaucratic system that is rooted in 1948, not the 21st century.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/31/2012 at 03:39 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsDIVERSITY BSPolitically Correct B.S.UK •  
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calendar   Friday - July 27, 2012

wipes patient with urine soaked sheet but, There is no evidence of general incompetence.’

Thaddee Nsengiyaremye?
What the hell kind of a name is that?  OK, I got the first one but the alphabet soup last one defies me.  Maybe they didn’t sack the lazy jerk because they could spell or pronounce the name.

So now he’s working in a care home?  They’re allowing this gorilla to work in a care home, instead of deporting him?

The he treated one patient, read below, should have been auto dismissal.  Oh wait.  Isn’t he a member of a favored and protected group?  Whoops. Never mind.  He can’t be fired cos it’d violate him cibil rights.
Someday this total turd will be old too.  Maybe with some luck he’ll be feeble and old and be tended by some jerk with his work ethic.

One of the damn scary things about old age innit?

I guess the best defense is a good supply of sleeping pills.  Just hoard those little suckers for the day when.

So here’s what I’m banging on about.  And I’m sure some of you can find stories in the USA that might be the same or close to this.

Nurse who failed to spot a patient had suffered a stroke for EIGHT HOURS is not sacked.

Nurse was supposed to check on patient regularly but checked her only at 9pm and 5.25am the next day


He made no record of patient’s care

Admitted wiping another patient down with bed sheet soaked in her own urine

Council said ban would not be ‘proportionate’

Nurse now works in a care home


A nurse who failed to notice an elderly woman had suffered a stroke for more than eight hours has avoided being struck off.

Thaddee Nsengiyaremye missed making nine vital checks overnight as the patient recovered from a hip operation.

He ignored her for several hours as she fell unconscious, her pulse dropped alarmingly and her arms went limp.

When Nsengiyaremye finally checked on her, more than eight hours after the last observation, he did not realise she had suffered a stroke and waited more than half an hour to call for help.

He admitted a string of charges against him when he appeared at a Nursing and Midwifery Council hearing in central London.

But the panel ruled he could continue in the profession because there was no evidence of ‘general incompetence’.

Nsengiyaremye will have to work under supervision and undertake further training over the next 18 months.

Panel chair David Flinter said: ‘A conditions of practice order will sufficiently address the panel’s concerns and adequately protect the public.

‘We have seen records of your supervision sessions in your current employment, which indicate improvement in your clinical practice.

‘There is no evidence of general incompetence.’

Nsengiyaremye was working a night shift at the Sussex Orthopaedic NHS Treatment Centre in Haywards Heath, West Sussex, on April 19, 2010, when he took charge of caring for the woman, referred to as Patient B.

His boss Michelle Hailey told the hearing he should have been checking on her regularly as she recovered from a hip operation at the treatment centre.

‘Even if the protocol is not being properly followed, you would expect someone who has just come out of surgery to have regular observations’, she said.

He was expected to make hourly checks until 2.30am and two-hourly observations after that.

But Nsengiyaremye actually checked on her just once, at 9pm, before finding her critically unwell at 5.25am.

‘There was nothing done by the registrant at 8pm, he carried out observations at 9pm, and then nothing is done by him from 10pm until 6pm,’ said Joanna Dirmikis, for the NMC.

‘He ought to have been carrying out hourly observations until 2.30am.’

The hearing was told the woman had a weak pulse, high blood pressure, and her breathing was abnormal when Nsengiyaremye checked on her at 5.25am.

But instead of immediately calling for a doctor, he went to collect a machine to carry out more tests.

When the ambulance was finally called, at 6am, the patient was rushed to the Princess Royal Hospital opposite for emergency treatment.

Mr Flinter said giving Nsengiyaremye a ban would not be proportionate or helpful.

‘The conduct was serious and not isolated, but areas of retraining have been identified’, he said.

‘We have concluded it would not be proportionate to suspend you and deprive you of the opportunity to address the concerns about your practice.’

Nsengiyaremye admitted all the charges against him, including not making a record of his care of patient B until he was ordered to by Ms Hailey more than 10 hours after his shift had finished.

He was also found to have not made vital records of a patient’s fluid levels during the shift.

The registered nurse further admitted a previous incident when he wiped a patient with a bed sheet soaked in her own urine and refusing to give her a bath.

The woman rang the bell for her bedpan to be changed while Nsengiyaremye was working on November 9, 2009, but he was slow to respond.

When he finally arrived, Nsengiyaremye was aggressive towards the patient, refused to change her urine-soaked gown, and wiped her down with the dirty bed sheet he had just stripped off the bed.

Nsengiyaremye now works in a care home and must undertake regular supervision sessions, as well as adhering to a training plan relating to infection control, medication administration, record keeping, and recognition of clinical treatment.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/27/2012 at 09:51 AM   
Filed Under: • DIVERSITY BSHealth and SafetyHealth-MedicineUK •  
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calendar   Wednesday - July 25, 2012

another victim of political correctness and the games haven’t even started

Just one more reason to HATE!!!! political correctness and the left and libtards and all the other jerks who are “offended” on behalf of other people.

Why oh why do nut cases like that SOB in Co. hurt and kill innocent people in random shooting?  Why just once, just one freeking time, why can’t someone blow away a whole group of lefties.  Never happens. 

So here’s what got my goat today.

I don’t follow Olympic sport so I could care less who wins and who loses and who gets gold. But I know they work hard to earn their place and one (FUNNY) joke at the expense of a group should not place them outside the human race. What a farce.

Writing on Twitter, a Greek athlete wrote the following.

‘With so many Africans in Greece… At least the West Nile mosquitoes will eat home made food!!!’

This is a reference to an outbreak of the West Nile virus, a potentially fatal disease transmitted by mosquitoes of African origin, in Athens this summer.

One man died and another 180 have been infected since the outbreak began.

Where’s the racial insult?  Did she use the ‘N’ word.  Did she point out that Yogurt has more culture then Africa? What?

Every damn thing comes down to what some ass-wipe liberal says is racism.  Sick of the whole thing.  I wish I could wish liberals dead. They are a blight. A menace.

I understand her desire to save her position, one she worked hard for.  But I am disappointed that she didn’t defend herself and instead made an apology.  She should have known they (left) lives on groveling but would not change their empty minds.  And look here at how the Mail presents the story with the headline they have used. 

Greek triple jumper booted off Olympic team in disgrace after she mocked African immigrants on Twitter


A Greek triple jumper was today kicked off her Olympic team over comments on Twitter mocking African immigrants and expressing support for a far-right party.

The Hellenic Olympic Committee said Voula Papachristou was dropped from the team ‘for statements contrary to the values and ideas of the Olympic movement.’

Papachristou, who is currently in Athens, was due to travel to London shortly before the start of the athletics events but has now been excluded.


She also re-tweeted a comment from Ilias Kasidiaris, a politician with Golden Dawn, criticising Prime Minister Antonis Samaras’s stance on immigration. 

It created a storm on the social network, with other users accusing her of being a ‘Nazi’ and a supporter of the extremist right-wing political party.

Papachristou later took to Twitter to try and defuse the row, saying: ‘I apologize if I insulted people! I have no mingling with politics!!! I am only athlete!!’

But her comments were to no avail as pressure mounted on her to be thrown out of the Greek Olympic squad.

The left-wing party Democratic Left led calls for her to step down, saying ‘racist humour and jokes’ had no place in Greek society. 

This afternoon, Isidoros Kouvelos, President of the Greek Olympics Committee, confirmed her expulsion.

Papachristou has since apologised again for her comments on her Facebook page. She wrote: I would like to express my heartfelt apologies for the unfortunate and tasteless joke I published on my personal Twitter account.

‘I am very sorry and ashamed for the negative responses I triggered, since I never wanted to offend anyone, or to encroach human rights.

‘My dream is connected to the Olympic Games and I could not possibly participate if I did not respect their values. Therefore, I could never believe in discrimination between human beings and races.

‘I would like to apologise to all my friends and fellow athletes, who I may have insulted and shamed, the National Team, as well as the people and companies who support my athletic career. Finally, I would like to apologise to my coach and my family.’

The 23-year-old was not among the favourites for gold in London. She finished 11th in the European Championships in Helsinki earlier this year and was 8th at last August’s World Championships in Daegu.

Her personal best in the triple jump is 14.72m and her season’s best was just 14.58m, half a metre behind the favourites.

Her Twitter account has been taken down.


Right, so her account was dropped and now what else?
The very bastards who scream about “rights” are very quick to stifle the rights of others under the guise of fairness and sweetness and light.
Oh yeah, and civil and human rights. 
But only for them and the ppl they can pressure into think like them.
I’d like to know where and how she “mocked” the immigrants mentioned in the headline.  What a boring fuckin world this is gonna be when the libtards finally win and control everything.  And they will ya know.  Win that is.  Because there isn’t anyone out there (Self Censored).


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/25/2012 at 01:06 PM   
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calendar   Monday - June 25, 2012

un migration head says eu countries should be forced to accept multiculture

OK, I’ll be brief as possible.

Wish I’d seen this article in time to post the comment by NewJerseyYankee along with it.
Whatever ... my post below by NJY still ties in well. This article may not be on the exact same subject matter, but as you can see, the thinking is the same and by the same pc kind of ppl.

Take a look.

UN migration chief calls on EU to force member states to be multicultural as he says Britain’s quota ‘not legal’

By Daily Mail Reporter

The EU should make sure that its member states are multicultural to ensure the prosperity of the union, the UN’s special representative for migration has said.

Peter Sutherland also suggested the UK government’s immigration policy had no basis in international law.

He was being questioned by the Lords EU home affairs sub-committee which is investigating global migration.

Mr Sutherland, who is non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs International and a former chairman of oil giant BP, heads the Global Forum on Migration and Development, which brings together representatives of 160 nations to share policy ideas.

He told the House of Lords committee migration was a ‘crucial dynamic for economic growth’ in some EU nations ‘however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states’.

He said that an ageing or declining native population in countries like Germany or southern EU states was the ‘key argument and, I hesitate to the use word because people have attacked it, for the development of multicultural states’.

‘It’s impossible to consider that the degree of homogeneity which is implied by the other argument can survive because states have to become more open states, in terms of the people who inhabit them. Just as the United Kingdom has demonstrated.’

In evidence to the Lords committee, he urged EU member states to work together more closely on migration policy.

He criticised the UK’s attempt to cut net migration from its current level to ‘tens of thousands’ a year through visa restrictions.

read more, source

Here are a few comments from readers at the Mail On Line.  So far there are only 83 but I expect hundreds in a few hours. It touches a nerve.
It is true the native populations are getting older and the birthrate is and has been low for some time.  Except in the UK amongst those collecting more in benefits per child then can be made working for a living. But that’s just an aside. 
The kind of people generally migrating invading Europe and the UK, are not in the main, the same sort of people who in the past so easily integrated in, and helped make through their honest endeavors a better place then they found it.  That is NOT to denigrate the many honest and hard working migrants who have settled here and learned the language and raised their offspring to be lawful citizens.  We tend to hear about the bad ones because lets face it.  If it bleeds, it leads.

tell mr sutherland to take them to his home country

- m. martin, davod hungary,

When I was a child in Brierfield it was a close working community of native Lancashire people. Starting in the fifties the local cotton mill owners started encouraging people from (East & West) Pakistan to come over to work in the mills and undercut the wages paid to local Lancashire girls. Street by street the waves of immigrants took over the town. The locals and immigrants do not mix. The town is dominated by a large mosque and I no longer feel at home in my hometown. Peter Sutherland’s views (like the mill-owners of yesteryear) are just plain wrong.

- Nelly, Brierfield,



Continued never-ending “economic growth” is as un-sustainable as the multi-culti societies these fascists insist that we establish. It simply makes a very few wealthier at the expense of the happiness and contentment of the many. This planet has finite resources and an increasing human population. You do not solve this problem by de-stabilising communities with settled populations (like the UK) with increased immigration from unstable third world countries. You solve this problem by reducing population in those third world countries to settled levels so that they too can become stable. This is not rocket science and is blindingly obvious. A failure to grasp this is not indicative of stupidity it is indicative of someone with an agenda that has little to do with the happiness of the many.

- Attila, Dundee,

source for more, especially the comments on line


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/25/2012 at 05:30 AM   
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europe is toast … and the left in america is leading us down the same road

I had no idea I would be making a post of a comment made here at BMEWS by our friend below.  I thought I was working on something else when I checked comments this morning.

It’s very interesting how we all differ in our expression on a subject we are all agreed on.
Anyway, NJY has really said it well and in fewer words then I often use.  Wish I had that knack but since I don’t, no worry.
I’ll borrow his.

Europe is screwed. It’s gonna be an Islamic paradise before the middle of the century.

That’s because the Europeans allowed it. Many believe they are being “multicultural” heroes. The rest haven’t the time or courage to oppose the tide.

The Europeans who opposed the Islamic culture were afraid of the naive idiots who pushed the Political Correct agenda.

America is going down the same road, albeit a little slower. Actually, I see the need to allow the legalization of the Mexican “illegals”. At least they’re not Muslim and will help dilute the raghead tsunami which is currently ghettoising many major U.S. Cities.

Just wait. It’s gonna get worse and I only hope the Muslims behead the Liberal, Socialist butt lickers first so I can watch and get some serious Schadenfreude before it’s my turn.

Posted by New Jersey Yankee


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/25/2012 at 05:06 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - June 24, 2012

June 1st … Belgium.  Muslim scum attack police and riot.

A few days ago while checking emails, but just before the YHOO sign in page, there was a small news blurb about some muslims attacking the police in Belgium.
I made a mental note to go back and see what that was all about, had a lot of mail and answered much and then lost track of things. The same day that I posted that story about the art I admired, I also shared the info and pix with some friends and then remembered the muslim/police thing.
I didn’t see anything on line in my usual places, and nothing on the BBC, so I asked a friend in Belgium what was happening there and that I had read something but wasn’t clear on what I’d seen. It was just a quick scan on my part and I just caught the words, muslims attack police.

Please NOTE that this story is not new.  I’m only now aware of what happened. The story dates from June 1st. But as far as I’m concerned, it’s today’s news simply because it’s the same old same old with these lice infested, scummy and miserable bastards. The west is destroying itself by using the usual civilized police methods, on an uncivilized and barely human life form.  They are nothing more then vile insects who push and push and the host countries treat them as though they are actually real humans. They aren’t and should never be thought of or treated as such. They should each and every one be deleted! Otherwise, the west may as well bend over and kiss its collective ass good bye.

Here was the brief exchange between myself and friend in Belgium, which got me looking for the link(s) I found.

Hi Pat. Thought you’d enjoy seeing this even if it isn’t related to music.
We have seen a news item here with regard to muslims attacking your policemen over some slight or other in Belgium. ???  It wasn’t on BBC news and so wondered what was happening in your part of the world. 
Hope all well.

Hi Jay,

Indeed, although the Muslim community in this country always is rather hostile towards the authorities, that was really a case over the top, many days of riots because two police officers tried to check the identity a Muslim woman wearing niqab (apparel not allowed in my country for security reasons). The police officers were seriously hurt themselves by this aggressive woman who smashed the face of the female officer.  All this led to the massive riots. The Muslim community seems to overlook there are limits to acceptable behavior, freedom ends where that of one’s neighbor’s starts… In general the authorities in this country even already tend to be more forgiving and in my eyes laxist towards the this community, espicifically in order to avoid riots as much as possible. I think in general they should be stricter and tend towards zero tolerance when it comes to public order.  But of course when I’m saying that, I am practically considered a racist whereas obviously that’s rubbish. It’s not about racism but about vandalism and violence being intolerable, disregarding ethnicity.

Well, now I’m really curious because BBC radio and their world service would surely be on this. Several days of riots?
I didn’t see anything in our papers about that.  So I Googled muslims attack police in Belgium and there were links including that new site I found recently. So I’ll use it again, and with thanks I’ll tip the hat to  Click the hat for everything plus other stories.


Two policemen were injured and eight people arrested in the riots recorded last night following the arrest of a woman who refused to remove the niqab during a control of identification in a suburb of Brussels, the French-speaking RTBF television reported. Burqas and niqabs (full face veils) have been banned in Belgium since 2011. But, as usual, Muslims think they are above the law.
Delta(H/T Maria) In Moelenbeek, Brussels, police stopped a Muslim woman in a full-face covering veil for an ID check. She refused to show her face, so they escorted her to the police station, where she again refused to comply with their demand that she show her face. The woman, described as a 25-year-old convert to Islam who had already been booked many times for similar offences, was extremely aggressive. She struck several of the police officers, breaking the nose and knocking out 2 teeth of one policewoman, and injuring another, both of whom required hospital treatment.

Meanwhile, a Muslim mob had been quickly summoned by mobile phone, where messages spread the news that the woman had received a beating in police station causing the attempted assault of the police enclosure for up to 150 people. They surrounded the police station, throwing objects at the police. Anti-riot units had to deploy.

The Socialist mayor of the area, Philippe Moureaux, has blamed the group Sharia4Belgium for the incident. He has issued a decree banning any gathering of more than 5 people in the district in case the mob returns tonight. Eight people were arrested during the clashes, which ended at midnight. Security has been increased this morning around the police station with additional agents.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/24/2012 at 01:03 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - June 21, 2012

white girls groomed for sex … update as guilty vermin ring the race bell.

This is a sickening update on an earlier story that has to do with a gang grooming and using young white girls for prostitution as well as their own perverted needs.
If I seem to be stressing white girls I’ll be plain and direct.

It would be every single bit as rotten if they were not.  This is a miserable and disgusting story about a like group who happened to target white girls specifically.
There is some outrage but so far there is no evidence of any white ppl burning cars or raiding and looting stores and nobody has so far tried to burn down the muslim part the city these vermin lived in.  Now if the girls were either black or muslim, oh then you’d see the whites out rioting along side their muzzie friends, carrying red and green flags and banners. 

Last time there was any sort of update, we weren’t made aware of just who the gang leader was. That has just appeared today. His name couldn’t be released until today.

There has always been crime and there certainly has been child abuse and all that attends it. But I can not shake the feeling that the UK has imported these gremlins.  Like it isn’t bad enough there are plenty of home grown SOBs walking around free looking for their next victim.

Yeah, we all recognize that in too many cases young girls bring much grief upon themselves.  Maybe their parents aren’t parenting. Who knows.
But this sort of thing is a deliberate and planned assault on naive and foolish youngsters, who at that age really don’t know which end is up. (NO pun)

For those of you new to the site, see the link below for photos.

Ringleader of Rochdale sex grooming gang is finally unmasked as he is found guilty of another 30 counts of child rape

Shabir Ahmed, 59, led child sex exploitation ring of nine men who targeted vulnerable young girls in Rochdale and Oldham
He was jailed for 19 years last month following an 11-week trial
Ahmed - known to his victims by the nickname ‘Daddy’ - could not be named as he was awaiting trial on separate child rape charges



The ringleader of a gang of Asian men who groomed young white girls for sex can finally be unmasked after he was found guilty of 30 child rape charges.

Shabir Ahmed, 59, led a child sex exploitation ring of nine men who targeted vulnerable young girls in the Rochdale and Oldham areas of Greater Manchester.

He was jailed for 19 years last month following an 11-week trial at Liverpool Crown Court.

But Ahmed - known to his victims by the nickname ‘Daddy’ - could not be named as he was awaiting trial on separate child rape charges.

Today he was convicted of 30 charges of rape by a jury at Manchester Crown Court and Judge Mushtaq Khokhar lifted reporting restrictions, which means he can be identified for the first time.

The court heard that he raped and sexually abused a young Asian girl over many years.

He treated her as a ‘possession’ which he used for his own sexual gratification, the court was told.

Ahmed, formerly of Oldham, wearing a black Lonsdale tracksuit top, smirked as the jury returned the unanimous verdicts.

Judge Gerald Clifton, who sentenced Ahmed in Liverpool, said the gang treated their victims ‘as though they were worthless and beyond any respect’.

Ahmed was violent and dominated his victim, a jury of six men and six women was told in his latest trial.

Rachel Smith, opening the case for the prosecution, said Ahmed repeatedly raped the victim for more than a decade.

Miss Smith said: ‘She tried to make him stop, but it was to no avail.’

She said the victim was eventually forced to submit to him and the abuse happened on an almost weekly basis.

‘The defendant was a violent and controlling man,’ said Miss Smith, adding that he dominated his victim and would subject her to extreme violence.

The judge said some of the men claimed their arrest ‘was triggered by race’.

But, he added: ‘That is nonsense. What triggered this prosecution was your lust and greed.’

Ahmed and the nine other men were convicted of conspiracy to engage in sexual activity with children under the age of 16.

He was also convicted of two counts of rape, aiding and abetting a rape, sexual assault and a count of trafficking within the UK for sexual exploitation.

He was previously banned from the court for his sentencing hearing because of his threatening behaviour and for calling the Judge Clifton a ‘racist bastard’.

Judge Clifton called the defendant an ‘unpleasant and hypocritical bully’.

In his latest trial, Ahmed rounded on the jury, police, the prosecutor, the media, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Margaret Thatcher and made personal comments about a Crown Prosecution Service case worker.

He claimed in court that the case against him was a racist conspiracy.



Posted by peiper   United States  on 06/21/2012 at 12:21 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - June 19, 2012

crackdown on racist and homophobic name-calling in schools.

Kids have been calling other kids names since the beginning of time.
Sometimes it gets out of hand and adults need to step in.
In today’s world, there’s bullying that gets so bad that some teens have been driven to suicide.  A subject for a future post.

But this bit of name calling by tiny tots (some of them) doesn’t seem to be the crime of the century. What is certain though is that there sure is a bit of serious indoctrination afoot.  That’s what I think when I see a line in a story like this one.

“lessons that teach children about the importance of diversity”

That line just stood out from almost everything else in the article.

That’s our world and that is what the kiddies will grow up conditioned to. And they will pass it on like Moses returning with the ten commandments.
OFSTED btw, stands for Office for Standards in Education.

Oh btw and for the record.
I have not changed my thinking on the subject since forced busing and integration in the USA all those years ago.  I won’t change on this diversity and multi culture crap either.

(see comments after the article)

Take a look.

Ofsted: schools failing to stamp out offensive name-calling

Teachers are failing to fully crackdown on racist and homophobic name-calling in schools despite mounting concerns over bullying, according to Ofsted.
By Graeme Paton, Education Editor

Pupils are often being allowed to get away with “derogatory” language in playgrounds and the classroom by using insults based on disability, race, religion, family circumstances and sexuality, it was claimed.
In a report, the watchdog said children in primary and secondary schools regularly admitted to using words such as “gay”, “spaz” and “slag” to offend classmates.
Some children reported copying phrases from television or mimicking the behaviour of parents, inspectors found.
But Ofsted warned that many staff failed to pick up on slurs, dismissed them as harmless jokes or lacked the confidence to properly challenge pupils. In some cases, teachers even dismissed racist terms as “banter”, said Ofsted.

Inspectors recommended the introduction of new rules to ensure all teachers “consistently and firmly” clamp down on “aggressive language”, including lessons that teach children about the importance of diversity.

The report – based on inspections of 56 primary or secondary schools – told how some schools went to extreme lengths to stamp out bullying, particularly insults linked to homophobia.
One primary school encouraged pupils to behave in a “non-gender-stereotypical way”, with infant boys dressing in girls’ clothes from the dressing-up box or wearing their hair in ribbons.

A six-year-old at the school chose to wear a “tutu all day without comment from his peers”, other boys preferred “cheerleading to football” and all 10- to 11-year-olds learned about gay role models such as actor Sir Ian McKellen and rugby player Gareth Thomas in lessons, it emerged.

Another small infants school with large numbers of parents in same-sex relationships attempted to create an “open-minded” atmosphere by appreciating that “a boy may prefer to be known as a girl and have a girl’s name and similarly a girl may have a girl’s name but wants to dress as and be a boy”, said Ofsted.

Susan Gregory, Ofsted’s director of education and care, said schools had a duty to promote a “positive culture so all pupils learn in a happy and safe environment”, adding: “This report shows many examples where action to tackle bullying has been very effective and I hope this best practice can be emulated by other schools.”

The study – entitled No Place for Bullying – was based on formal discussions with 1,357 pupils and almost 800 staff.
It found that pupils in all of the schools “could give a range of examples of disparaging language that they heard in school”. The use of the word “gay” was the most common put-down, often taken to mean “rubbish”.

But Ofsted warned that staff “often said that they did not hear any of this type of language in a typical week”, while others dismissed slurs as a joke, even when they were based on racism.
“Less frequently, this apparent acceptance that derogatory language was ‘just banter’ was also applied to racist terms or to ones related to disability,” inspectors said. “For example, a teacher wrote that they heard ‘occasional racist remarks but it may be banter between friends’.”



Posted by peiper   United States  on 06/19/2012 at 12:13 PM   
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calendar   Monday - June 11, 2012

must not sing god bless the usa as it could offend other cultures.

It’s been raining hard and steady all day and in fact since last night. Had early start today, wife to doctor and I have a test very early tomorrow morning.
So, I was about to shut down early and pack it in but wanted to visit Vilmar’s site to see what sort of mayhem he was up to.
And darn if my blood pressure didn’t rise several notches.  The story is a day old, it may not be brand new but in case even one of you missed this stupidity, well, here ya go. Bizarre. Unbelievable that someone could be this stupid and still remain in the school system.  But then again, hey. This is what you get when you lower standards to meet quotas. 

H/T Vilmar


by Madeleine Morgenstern

The principal of a Brooklyn, N.Y. elementary school, Greta Hawkins, has reportedly pulled the song “God Bless the USA” from a kindergarten graduation ceremony so as not to offend other cultures, according to the New York Post.

The kindergartners had spent several months learning the song, which was set to close out the program, until P.S. 90 principal Greta Hawkins came into a recent rehearsal and told teachers to scrap it.

“We don’t want to offend other cultures,” teachers quoted Hawkins as saying, according to the Post.

Teachers and parents were reportedly shocked by Hawkins’ decision, particularly because the Lee Greenwood song has been sung at school events in the past — and because a rendition of Justin Bieber’s song “Baby” was kept in the program.

Kindergarten mother Luz Lozada told the Post “God Bless the USA” got a standing ovation at last year’s fifth-grade graduation, and that the school’s immigrant parents, including those from Pakistan, Mexico and Ecuador, “love it.”

But New York’s Department of Education gave the Post a different reason for pulling the song: Hawkins thought the lyrics were “too grown up” for 5-year-olds to sing — though Bieber’s were apparently fine.

According to the Post, the Education Department is supporting Hawkins’ decision.

“The lyrics are not age-appropriate,” spokeswoman Jessica Scaperotti said.

It’s not the first time “God Bless the USA” has attracted controversy: In April, a Massachusetts elementary school made headlines after students were taught to sing “We love the U.S.A.“ instead of ”God bless” before ultimately backing down.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/11/2012 at 08:39 AM   
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calendar   Friday - June 08, 2012

oh diversity,diversity,diversity. bsbsbsbsbsbs!

Quite sadly, I only discovered this site yesterday. Sadly because the fellow who ran the show has had to quite.
Zack Rawsthorne is a cartoonist and his site,, can still be seen in parts.
This fellow is a heck of a gifted artist, I tried email with no luck in the hope of finding out what his plans are and if I could somehow arrange to buy or lease or do whatever within affordable reason, to get the years that I have missed and possible future stuff. No luck with email however. His idea was I think, excellent.
If you go to the link above, you’ll get the idea. Take a look some of his conservative cartoons.

Take a look.





Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/08/2012 at 10:29 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - June 06, 2012

Firms face compulsory quotas if they don’t put women in top jobs

A nice socialist solution?
Mr. Cable as you’d guess, is a left winger and this sort of thing is dear to his heart.
Can you imagine setting aside a prescribed number in a case like this to be able to check the pc boxes.
Well, the new head of state in France is working on it. His declared goal of a cabinet made up of 50% female has been reached. Not my concern and good for them. But I can’t help but wonder as others do, what sort of qualifications do they come to the job with? Or was the qualification, female?

Mr. Cable and a few friends are most concerned that there aren’t enough ladies on the boards of companies. Not demeaning women in any way but, how many are there who want to but can’t because evil men are keeping them out?  Not saying women haven’t been unfairly treated many times in the job market. But Cable and crew are assuming the companies are some sort of anti female conspiracy trying to keep women out. So, his solution is to arbitrarily fix a number to be grafted onto businesses with boards.
Affirmative action anyone? 

More then anything else however, this reminds me of a brainless lefty suggestion by a member of the previous govt. Some of you regulars might recall my post on the subject of, fishing.  Think it’s a joke? Think again.

A few years ago it was said that the famed fishing rivers of England were enjoyed by too many white middle aged men. So the brainless twits on the left thought it would be a good idea to make fishing and fishing lessons available.
To muslim women.  Who it was found, were not to be found enjoying England’s fishing streams and rivers or wherever it was fish go to relax.

I always thought it was my local Tesco, since that’s where my wife had always caught the fish she brought home.
Needless to say, the plan went nowhere. But that anyone thought it was something worthy of a govt. program says a lot about the loons.

Firms face compulsory quotas if they don’t put women in top jobs insists Vince Cable

PUBLISHED: 22:07, 4 June 2012 | UPDATED: 22:07, 4 June 2012-06-06
Businesses could be hit with compulsory quotas to increase the number of women on boards unless they raise the number voluntarily said Vince Cable.
The Business Secretary said he was ready to introduce legal targets if firms had failed to ensure a quarter of executives at board level were female by 2015.
He also suggested that if he were prime minister, half of the Cabinet would be women.
Mr Cable said there were encouraging signs that firms were beginning to heed calls for gender equality – revealing figures suggesting that in the past three months, half of new appointments to FTSE company boards have been women.

He said he planned to ‘name and shame’ companies that fail to make further progress. One in ten of Britain’s biggest firms still has all-male boards.
‘It’s very, very important that women are there in numbers,’ Mr Cable said.

‘Our objective is to get a quarter of all board membership being women by 2015.
‘Our current approach, which is trying to change the culture, trying to name and shame, I think will work. If it doesn’t, we can look at things like quotas.
‘There is a body called the Financial Reporting Council that requires companies to declare publicly what they do.
‘So companies will be in the future publicly identified and there will then be a role for me to go out and say publicly, “This is a disgrace, you should change your behaviour”.’
Asked whether he woul0d introduce quotas if that approach failed to deliver the target figures, the Business Secretary said: ‘I would, yes. I think that’s a perfectly legitimate last resort. But I think the current approach that we have adopted is beginning to produce serious results, so let’s give it a chance.’

NOW HERE’S WHERE THINGS PICK UP AND GET REALLY INTERESTING. Mr Cable is not the lone voice on the subject. Oh no.
There is this super body of unwanted gas bags.

The EU has announced a consultation on how to increase women’s presence on corporate boards, warning that progress towards equality is too slow.
Mandatory quotas are being threatened if member states fail to make sufficient progress.

The EU’s Justice Commissioner, Viviane Reding, has warned that on current rates of change, it will take more than 40 years for women to hold 40 per cent of board positions in Europe’s publicly traded companies.
In Britain, companies are working towards a voluntary target to increase the percentage of women on FTSE 100 boards to 25 per cent, up from 12.5 per cent last year. But business leaders have warned against compulsory quotas.

On BBC Radio 4’s Woman’s Hour the Business Secretary also took a swipe at David Cameron’s failure to meet an aspiration that a third of his ministers should be women. There are five women – all Conservative – in the Cabinet.

In a reference to the new French president’s decision to make half of his top team female, Mr Cable said: ‘If I ever finish up in Mr Cameron’s job, and who knows what could happen, you might well get a Francois Hollande moment.’
Meanwhile, Tory MP Peter Bone demanded that Vince Cable be sacked from the Cabinet after it emerged that the Business Secretary was in contact with Labour to discuss a possible alliance following the next election.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/06/2012 at 01:12 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - June 02, 2012

BAD white lady. Naughty. You may not complain about dark nurse just cos she’s incompetent

The usual, here we go again you’re a raaaaaaaaacist.  Says the BIG MA-MOO. You will of course know who ma-moo is but here’s a clue.
It ain’t the clean and well groomed white lady. No. She was a patient in a hospital and complained about the treatment given her and a blind patient on her ward.
She reported the nurse in question which it turns out was a great mistake because, that nurse is a member of a holy fraternity or in this case I guess sorority, whose supervisor the nice white lady spoke to, also happened to belong to that holy and much favored minority (not for too much longer unfortunately) and the supervisor who only a year or so before was taken from her tree happily eating bananas and given cloths and made a nurse supervisor, got very angry at the nice white lady and accused her of being ,,,, all together now.  Raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist.  Well now kiddies, if she wasn’t before she got a good taste of why so many white folks are.  But so damn few of em understand that.  Screaming race always shuts down the debate.  I would say that by today’s standards and how that silly word has been applied, anyone can be a racist for merely preferring one group to another. I mean, like seeks like and always has.  So I suppose there’s a certain degree of racist thinking there. So what? Big deal.  Take a look.

Patient who complained about black nurse after treatment left her with punctured lung is accused of racism

Sandra Hynes, 50, went in for acid reflux treatment but following complications was left with a punctured lung

Nurse fed hot soup to a blind patient leaving her blistered and screaming


A patient who complained about the treatment she and a frail blind woman received at the hands of a poorly-trained nurse was branded a racist.

Sandra Hynes, 50, had only gone into hospital for a simple operation to relieve her acid reflux, but following complications was left with a punctured right lung.

She had to stay in for an extra two weeks and was put on morphine and oxygen to cope with her pain.


But further problems arose when her morphine drip and oxygen needed replenishing over a weekend.

Astonishingly, the staff on duty had not been trained in how to insert a ‘cannula’ needle into her hand, and struggled to provide new oxygen, leaving her in excruciating pain.

When she was given morphine orally instead, and began hallucinating and crying, a member of staff told her off.

Her patience finally snapped when a nurse fed hot soup to a blind patient in the bed next to her, leaving her blistered and screaming.

Mrs Hynes told the junior nurse – who happened to be black – that she should have tested the temperature of the soup before serving it.

Moments later the nurse’s superior, Staff Nurse Maureen Nwadike – who is also black – arrived in the ward, and told horrified Mrs Hynes: ‘You’re racist.’

Despite being in great pain, the patient grabbed a Zimmer frame and tried to leave the hospital.

Now, following a complaint, the Chelsea and Westminster hospital in West London has apologised for her appalling treatment.

Last night Mrs Hynes, of Grays in Essex, said: ‘I was called a racist for complaining about a lady getting scalded, and because no one was able to fix my morphine over the whole weekend. It was a horrific experience.

‘I was in terrible pain, and because it was over the weekend no one could do anything about it.

‘I was scared to be on the ward, and about what might happen while I was asleep.
‘At one stage I even took a Zimmer frame and tried to get out so I could call for help on the street.

‘I never want to go there again, however ill I am.’

Following her complaint, Senior Nurse Sian Davies admitted in a long letter:

‘It is recognised that there are indeed less doctors working at the weekend, which unfortunately resulted in a severe delay in reviewing your pain relief, which is not acceptable.

‘You also described how Nurse Hannah did not know how to change the oxygen. She was relatively new to the ward, not very confident, and has learnt from the experience.

‘And you described how Nurse Maureen Nwadike accused you of being racist.

‘The behaviour you described will not be tolerated and is not acceptable. I will be monitoring her communication skills.’

Contacted at her home in Thamesmead, South-East London, Mrs Nwadike, whose husband Anthony, 54, is a director of a private nursing business, refused to comment.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/02/2012 at 01:42 PM   
Filed Under: • DIVERSITY BSHealth and SafetyHealth-Medicine •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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