Sarah Palin is the reason compasses point North.

calendar   Tuesday - October 06, 2009

The result in Ireland shows that Europe’s usurpers have succeeded.

H/T LyndonB

This is too good and too important for me to ignore.  I did see it the other day and like so much around me I got lost in other things.  So thanks Lyndon for the reminder.

We Americans should not look at this and feel too smug and think oh well.  Silly Brits and Europeans. Their problem.  Ho-Hum.
This is NOT a yawner people.  This is what’s happening here, and do not think that a central European state (even if Blair becomes the unelected president of Europe) will necessarily become our bosom buddy.  On the other hand, just to confuse the issue, I have read and heard in radio analysis of the news, that Tony Blair is madly in love with everything American and so the USA will have a good friend in Europe.  ??

I would not fault any country for looking out for their own interests.  We usually do the same. Mostly not perhaps but some do try.
I just wonder about this and how it could affect my own country.

It’s well worth reading ALL of it.

The deed is done. Ireland has been coerced at a moment of acute distress into accepting an EU treaty that emasculates the Irish Supreme Court and that voters have already rejected once.

By Ambrose Evans-Pritchard

Eurosceptics always feared that the mechanisms of monetary union would force recalcitrant states to knuckle down in the end. This has occurred exactly as they predicted. Only a fool can believe that the Irish people have genuinely embraced the European Constitution (now Lisbon) as a “positive good”. They acquiesced with their backs against the wall.

The Irish economy contracted by 11.6pc in the 12 months to June. Nominal GDP shrank by nearer 13pc, which is what matters for debt dynamics. It is not for outsiders to judge those such as radio star Eamon Dunphy for switching sides to save “jobs and livelihoods”. The country is in deep depression.

The reason why this crisis is so grave is intimately tied to euro membership, even if this is not obvious to Irish voters. They appear to have believed the great lie – repeated by Ryanair’s Michael O’Leary – that Europe saved their country from Iceland’s fate. It did no such such thing.

Iceland’s economy contracted by 6.5pc to June (less than Germany) and is already turning the corner. Exports are surging. Unemployment fell in August to 7.7pc. Such is the magic of a floating currency. The plunging krone acted as a shock absorber. Icelandic society remains in tact.

The euro did indeed shield Ireland from the storm, but it is not the storm that does the damage – any more than 1929 crash caused the Depression. The country no longer has the means in EMU to counter debt deflation, as will become painfully clear over the next two years. It has become a laboratory for the roll-back of the modern welfare state.

There is something demented about this Lisbon drive. The EU has already pushed the integration of Europe’s states beyond viable limits. It obsesses over institutional machinery even as it ignores the social crisis of youth unemployment at 39pc in Spain, 31pc in Lithuania, 28pc in Latvia, 26pc in Ireland and Slovakia, 25pc in Italy and Hungary, 24pc in France.

It cannot run Europe’s fisheries, farms, aid projects, and budget with a minimum of competence. Yet it presses for more and is willing to sell its political soul to get its way. “The EU seems blind to a central insight of liberal democratic thought – that the means of reaching public decisions are just as important as the ends,” says Oxford professor Larry Siedentop.

The means were to ignore the verdict of the French and Dutch people when they voted no to the original text in 2005, with half Europe waiting do exactly the same had Brussels not called off the kill for the sake of decency.

Common sense called for a halt then. But no, they tried to slip it through by parliamentary majorities in the House of Commons, Holland’s Tweede Kamer, Denmark’s Folketing, and France’s Chambre, with the specific and sole of purpose of denying citizens the chance to express their will, confirming what we long suspected – that the EU’s authoritarian habits are spreading to our national legislatures. Dublin alone was left grapple with its voters, obliged to do so by its Supreme Court. And when they too said no last year, the political classes refused to accept the verdict yet again.

It is worth remembering how this Lisbon monster came to life. It was supposed to be the answer to the Danish and Swedish no votes to EMU, the Irish no to Nice, and anti-EU riots that set Gothenburg in flames.

Henceforth, there would be no more stitch-ups. The Laeken Declaration in 2001 acknowledged that the EU was seen by the peoples as “a threat to their identity”, that “deals are all too often cut out of their sight”, that there was no appetite for “a European superstate or European institutions inveigling their way into every nook and cranny of life.” It spoke of returning powers to the member states. A convention – modelled on Philadelphia – would draw up an EU constitution to restore “democratic legitimacy”.

What then happened? The EU insiders hijacked the process. Dissident utterings were silenced in the working groups. A praesidium under super-elitist Valéry Giscard d’Estaing employed Commission lawyers to draft the wording. The final text called for an EU president, foreign minister, justice department, a supreme court with jurisdiction over all areas of EU policy for the first time, and fresh powers to enter yet more nooks and crannies – in other words, the apparatus of an aspirant state. And this how it remains in Lisbon disguise.

“The convention failed: it was a self-selected group of the European political elite,” said Gisela Stuart, Britain’s member on the praesidium. The experience was enough to turn her into fervent opponent of Lisbon.

The methods being used to force this treaty through after electorates have already spoken cross a line that may not be crossed. The European Project has become the enemy.

This is the treaty that Gordon Brown was too ashamed to sign in public with fellow EU leaders in Lisbon. Yet sign he did.

The question for David Cameron is whether he will continue this practice, or take a stand before any more pages are ripped out of our own Magna Carta. Go on, David, sock the usurpers between the eyes.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/06/2009 at 07:46 AM   
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calendar   Monday - October 05, 2009


I’m not clear on which of these will work okay, so sending what was sent to me. There’s a bit of silly nonsense at the beginning runs less then a minute, and then the program starts.  This is very well done and while much is familiar, oh hell. check out the link(s) and let me know what you think.

This “PajamasTV” is a great place for commentary.  Check it out!


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/05/2009 at 02:12 PM   
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Last surviving leader of the armed Jewish revolt against the Nazis in the Warsaw

RIP .... One heck of a brave guy even if he didn’t think he was special.

Aren’t we lucky we never had to experience what this man did.  Not to mention all the others.  No other comments for me to make except to say how thankful I am to have been born and raised an American.  I sadly forget how lucky until I see something like this.  Reminders are good. None of us who never faced his experience can fully grasp it all.

Marek Edelman, who died on October 2, probably aged 90, was the last surviving leader of the armed Jewish revolt against the Nazis in the Warsaw ghetto; having commanded the heroic but doomed struggle in April 1943 he was one of a tiny number of fighters to escape with his life, eventually taking part in the equally ill-fated citywide Uprising the following year.

Edelman was just 20 when the Nazis invaded Warsaw. By November 1940 the invading army had cut off his district from the rest of the city with walls and wire. As the anti-Semitic directives of the occupation were put into force, hundreds of thousands of Polish Jews were forced into the ghetto, inflating its population to almost half a million.

Conditions became intolerable and in the course of 1941 the ghetto population was decimated by disease and malnutrition. Early the following year however, with Hitler’s decision to implement the Endlösung, or final solution to “the Jewish question”, plans were put in place to liquidate the ghetto and its remaining occupants entirely.

From July 1942, Jews were herded through the ghetto to a square at its southern end, and on to trains 6,000 at a time. From there, the destinations were death camps. Two months after the ghetto clearance had begun, more than 300,000 Jews had been transported to the gas chambers. But even as Jews were encouraged on to the trains to Treblinka with promises of better conditions at their destination, Edelman and a small band of others were laying down plans for armed resistance.

He was under no illusion about the real fate of those leaving , and using the small influence of a position at the ghetto hospital, Edelman plucked those he thought would be useful to the rebel cause off the death transports.

By the time the Nazis paused the ghetto clearance, in September 1942, only 60,000 Jews remained inside. Edelman and his comrades, however, had little doubt that the Germans would return to finish the job. They began acquiring weapons and organising themselves into units which would try to make up for their lack of training and munitions with an intimate knowledge of the ghetto, both above ground, and, through its sewer network, below.

The Nazi onslaught began on April 19 1943, as more than 2,000 Nazi troops moved in. “The Germans weren’t expecting resistance of any kind, let alone that we would take up arms,” Edelman recalled recently. In fact, some 220 fighters of the Zydowska Organizacja Bojowa, (ZOB, the Jewish Combat Organization), of which Edelman was deputy commander, had split into small groups each armed with a pistol, a few grenades, and some homemade explosives. They put up fierce resistance and the Nazi troops were forced to withdraw.

Over the next three weeks the fighting proved intense, with Jewish fighters killing dozens of Nazi soldiers. Inevitably, however, the losses were far higher on their own side, and, surrounded on May 8, ZOB’s leader, Mordechai Anielewicz, committed suicide, leaving Edelman in command. “After three weeks,” Edelman recalled, “most of us were dead.”

But just as Nazi forces were flushing out the few remaining fighters by burning down the ghetto ("we were beaten by the flames, not the Germans,” Edelman always insisted) two “liaison men” from the Polish underground on the “Aryan side” emerged through the sewers that still linked the ghetto with the rest of the city.

Though many of its tunnels were barely two feet high, and often booby-trapped, the sewer network had long proved a vital escape route. If they could reach the other side, the liaison men promised to shelter Edelman and his few remaining comrades. Accordingly, on the morning of May 10, as bemused passers-by looked on, Edelman and the filthy remnants of the ZOB emerged through a manhole in Warsaw proper. The fighters who remained behind were never heard of again. The uprising was at an end.

“We knew perfectly well that we had no chance of winning,” he recalled. “We fought simply not to allow the Germans alone to pick the time and place of our deaths. We knew we were going to die. Just like all the others who were sent to Treblinka.” Indeed, Edelman added, far from going passively, those who went steadfastly to Treblinika had shown the ultimate courage. “Their death was far more heroic. We didn’t know when we would take a bullet. They had to deal with certain death, stripped naked in a gas chamber or standing at the edge of a mass grave waiting for a bullet in the back of the head. It is an awesome thing, when one is going so quietly to one’s death. It was easier to die fighting than in a gas chamber.”

Marek Edelman was probably born in Homl, now Belarus, on New Year’s Day 1919. That, in any case, was the date marked on his official documents, but he freely admitted that he could not know for sure. “I don’t know my exact age,” he said in 2007. “My father died when I was very little, I almost don’t remember him at all. My mother died a few years later, so there was no one who could tell me when I was born.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/05/2009 at 09:57 AM   
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Lovin It!

Let’s just hope it’s true!

stolen from Theo’s, of course!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/05/2009 at 08:01 AM   
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BBC wins bid to keep star salaries under wraps (and it only cost us £200,000)

The big deal about this bit of business, is that the BBC is publicly funded.  For those who don’t know, people here pay a yearly TV license and they do try and collect using whatever means necessary.  So why shouldn’t the salaries be made public?

Thankfully, just last week we gave away the perfectly good (for now) TV set as anything I want to see is not shown on television. The set belonged to the wife’s mom who didn’t even use it the final two yrs of her life.  It just stood there in her room, silent. Truth to tell, we don’t miss TV and haven’t watched but one program in five years here.  Thank heaven for You Tube.

Even if we hadn’t given the set away, I’d have fought tooth and nail and refused to pay as others have.  Use my money to help pay millions a year to ONE foul mouthed,rude and crude individual? (pictured) Not bloody likely!

The surprise is how many folks simply buckle down and give up and pay.  I guess addictions are like that and I can only assume it is an addiction as why else would so many watch what’s on offer?  No thank You.

Think of it this way.  What if you were required to pay a license (USA) for a channel hosting Howard Stern? Even if you weren’t demented enough to think he was funny or talented or whatever.  Yes, I know millions do and millions are also tasteless and possibly very sick as well. But that’s not the point.  At least in the US you aren’t forced to get a TV license to fund things you think are gross and in very poor taste. Like the fellow pictured here who thought it quite funny when he and his sidekick made public calls to a well known actor, on air, telling the old guy all about the enjoyable sex one of em had with his grand daughter.  That’s what passed for entertainment, and this guy gets paid millions a year. Well, not with any of our money.

BBC wins bid to keep star salaries and Middle East report under wraps (and it only cost us £200,000)

By Liz Thomas
Daily Mail

Big earner: Jonathan Ross earns a reported £6million a year


The BBC has won a High Court battle to keep the salaries of its stars a secret.

The corporation spent more than £200,000 ensuring those who fund the service never know how their cash is spent.

Three years of appeals and legal wrangles mean it will not now have to disclose what it pays on-screen talent, production staff or how much money shows cost.

Mr Justice Irwin concluded that the ‘BBC has no obligation to disclose information which they hold to any significant extent for the purposes of journalism, art or literature, whether or not the information is also held for other purposes’.

Although insiders insist that details of executive pay will continue to be publicly released, the BBC could still use this ruling as a further tool to ensure it does not have to disclose the salaries of top talent.

The BBC has come under fire for the eye-watering sums it pays stars such as Jonathan Ross, Graham Norton and Chris Moyles.

Ross earns a reported £6million a year and around 40 other stars are paid more than £1million annually.

Jeremy Hunt, Tory culture spokesman, said: ‘We have long called for the BBC to open their books to the National Audit Office so licence-fee payers can be sure they are getting value for money.

‘If the BBC was more transparent about its finances then court cases like these could be avoided.’

Matthew Elliott, of the TaxPayers’ Alliance, said: ‘The BBC’s behaviour is shocking and incredibly disappointing.

‘Firstly, the fact that the Corporation has blown a fortune on lawyers trying to obscure the truth shows they see zero need for accountability, even when it’s rightfully required of them.

‘Secondly, the BBC should be entirely open and honest about how it spends licence-fee payers’ money. If they can’t justify the amount they are spending, they shouldn’t do it in the first place.

‘This is yet another example of the BBC being out of touch with the concerns of the people it is supposed to be entertaining, and who pay its keep.’

The case went to the High Court because the BBC consistently refused to comply with freedom of information requests from newspapers and members of the public.

The broadcaster was taken to the Information Commissioner, and the Information Tribunal, who both ruled that it should release the information.
Ruling: The BBC will not be forced to disclose an internal report on its Middle East coverage, or details of staff salaries

Ruling: The BBC will not be forced to disclose an internal report on its Middle East coverage, or details of staff salaries

But the BBC appealed to the High Court, which found previous hearings had not properly taken into account its evidence.

It also ruled that the broadcaster was exempt from sections of the Act as a public body, and therefore did not have to give out information relating to its programming in journalism, arts or literature.

A spokesman for the BBC said: ‘The BBC was entitled to decline to disclose the information on the basis that the Freedom of Information Act did not apply to it.’


Macker and BMEWS… I didn’t have this when originally posted but, here’s the other sick no talent turd who once worked for the BBC and was in on the sick joke I wrote about. And this bit of filth btw is doing well I understand, in the USA. GAK!



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/05/2009 at 08:00 AM   
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It’s my understanding that this sort of thing has happened in the USA as well.  I believe that because there isn’t any reason for BMEWS people who told that to lie.  It’s damed disappointing though, to know that even in America this sort of lunacy has been let loose.  I guess it just proves that no one country owns the stupid nanny license.  Make the ole head do a turn though.  Why are folks putting up with it?

So, here’s another loony tune, moonbat one for the books.  I have also included a few comments from the article source which is The Daily Mail. Shows that a lot of folks are aware and unhappy, but nobody seems to be able to stem the stupid tide.

Sainsbury btw, is a major super market chain over here. And like Tesco, they need to retrain their staff methinks.

Sainsbury’s shopworker refuses to sell pregnant woman Cheddar cheese

By Daily Mail Reporter
05th October 2009

A pregnant woman was forced to lie and promise supermarket staff she would not eat a certain type of cheese before they would sell it to her.

Janet Lehain asked for some Canadian Cheddar while she was shopping at Sainsbury’s.

But the member of staff serving her on the deli counter said she could not have it because it was made from unpasteurised milk.

Sainsbury’s bosses have since admitted she got it wrong. In fact, pregnant women are advised to avoid eating ripened soft cheeses of the Brie, Camembert and blue-veined types, whether pasteurised or unpasteurised. Hard cheeses such as Cheddar can be safely eaten during pregnancy.

Mrs Lehain, who is pregnant with her third child, replied by saying that she was aware of the current medical advice and wanted to buy the cheese.

Eventually the member of staff working at Sainsbury’s Fairfield Park store at Clapham, Bedfordshire, handed over the cheese.

In a letter of formal complaint, Mrs Lehain said: ‘What followed was the most patronising encounter I have had the misfortune of experiencing in a long time and made worse by the fact it was entirely unexpected given the seemingly simple task.

‘The member of staff told me how lucky my generation of pregnant women are to have such information available to them because this was not the case “in her day”.

‘I could only respond by saying that I thought pregnant women in the past were probably a whole lot less stressed and guilt-ridden as a result.’

Mrs Lehain, from Bedford, added: ‘I asked if I could have the cheese if I promised not to eat any of it. How ridiculous that I had to openly lie in order to buy a piece of cheese!

‘Even if I were ignorant of the risks associated with this period in a woman’s life it is not the job of a supermarket to tell people what they should or not be eating.

‘Indeed if I am missing something, and the Government in its wisdom has made supermarkets guardians of public health without me noticing, then I should like to leave the country now.’

Mrs Lehain said: ‘Are they for example going to stop obese people buying chocolate and other high fat food?’

A spokesman for Sainsbury’s said: ‘It is not our policy to refuse sale of goods on grounds that they may be unsuitable for pregnant women, although we do ask our colleagues to make customers aware if there are any safety concerns.

‘Customers should always refer to the product packaging for the most accurate and up to date information. In this case, our colleague made a mistake unpasteurised cheddar does not pose a risk to health during pregnancy.’

Sainsbury’s are a class act. Yesterday I was refused a bottle of cider (despite being 28 years old and presenting them with ID) because my partner (also 28) didn’t also have ID. Common sense didn’t kick in at all… I presented them with my debit card so they could check that it was in fact me purchasing the cider, but they still refused citing their challenge 25 policy… I pointed out I understood that if someone looked under 25 they would be ID’d and that I was fine with that, however, I had presented ID.... but they insisted both of us (irrelevant of who was actually doing the purchasing) needed ID. I asked if I had a small child with me would they still refuse and they said no… I even pointed out that even if my partner was underage as long as the alcohol is being consumed at home with parental consent it is not illegal… nothing doing. In the end I walked out without buying anything because the kid on the till said I had to hurry up and pay for what I could buy!!!

- Unimpressed, Reading, England,


I had to lie at Boots awhile ago. I had a slight rash on my eyelids and the GP advised me to go to the pharmacy and ask for a tube of 1% steroid cream.
The jobsworth gave me a lecture about how they were not going to sell it to me because it wasnot to be put anywhere near the eyes!
This was despite my telling them that my GP had said it was OK.
I then went over the road to another branch and told them I had a rash on my a*** and was given the ointment without any problems!!
Just learn to play their games - they are all covering their asses. I should know - I am a lawyer and it’s all getting ridiculously out of hand.
Whatever happened to commonsense?

- Erika, London, 05/10/2009 11:49


Get used to it....this is the New World Order slowly but surely being put into place while you all sit watching dancing nonsense, talent contests and soaps.

- Tony, Essex, 05/10/2009



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/05/2009 at 07:22 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDaily LifeNanny StateStoopid-PeopleUK •  
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calendar   Sunday - October 04, 2009


This is certainly NOT a normal posting for this site.
Look, the news is depressing.  And not just the vote in Ireland but yes, that plays no small part in things.

The Tories (Conservative Party) is saying that when they’re elected they are gonna start putting some teeth into law and order.  The opposition party is saying the same damn thing.  WTF is it with these ass-wipes? (Pardon me please) What is it with them?  Haven’t they seen what’s been happening in their own country for years now?  Or do things become miraculously visible only at election time? Bah ..

I’m pretty well PO’d over other things here as well. Nothing I can do of course. But one can’t help being rankled. Can one?

Well anyway .... to take my mind off things I went over to YT looking for something to help cheer me up.  Music is usually the answer and mostly from another era. One I kind of wish I could visit.  Although if I were around way back then, I would never have been able to catch all the great talent and bands the were going then.  But I can see em on YT, right in my own home. house.

Well, while there I found this wonderful video.  You might say, it struck a chord for me.  It so well reflects that time, just before the depression.  A time that history calls, THE ERA OF WONDERFUL NONSENSE. 


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/04/2009 at 02:13 PM   
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Mr. Maintenance

Choosing a new bathroom ventilation fan


That’s one of the jobs I have to do today for my regular Sunday customer. The vent fan they have in the lab bathroom gave up the ghost, and they want me to put in a new one. It shouldn’t be a big deal, as the ceiling there is suspended fiberglass panels underneath rebar trussing. So I’ve got all the clearance room I’ll ever need. And the wires and switches are already in, so it’s just a matter of going up on a ladder, getting the old one out, and hooking the new one up. Gosh, I might have to cut a new hole if the new fan has a bigger faceplate. Looks like a 90 minute job.

Now it’s down to picking the proper fan. They don’t need one with a light built in, and they don’t need one with a heater built in. And it’s a semi-industrial setting, so the fan noise level isn’t much of a concern. Price is a concern, but I know where to get stuff on the cheap, because I am the GoogleMeister.

So, what fan to pick?

If you read the typical Fix Up Your Bathroom web pages, they will tell you that a bathroom fan should be able to change the air at least 8 times an hour. How do you calculate how much fan you need with that? It’s pretty easy:

Length X Width X Height X 60 minutes in an hour
-------------------------------------------------------- = Number of Cubic Feet Per Minute needed
8 air changes per hour

Thus, if you had a 10 x 10 x 8 bathroom, you’d get 8 air changes per hour with a 54 CFM fan. The problem is, 8 changes per hour is 7 1/2 minutes per change. While this is probably fine for your home bathroom, and probably fine for clearing out the steam from your shower, you want a bit more than that in a workplace. Just in case your trip to the bathroom ... is, um, aromatic.

So, how to go about finding how much fan you need to de-stink the place quickly, but not so much fan that it sucks the paint off the walls? If you think that 3 minutes is a typical length of visit, then divide those 3 minutes into an hour and you see that what you really want is 20 air changes per hour, not the leisurely recommended 8. Recalculate the above example, and you’ll see you need a fan that can flow 133 CFM. Now realize that with ducting, fans don’t operate at maximum efficiency, so move to the next model up. That means you want to install a 150 CFM unit. With that amount of ventilation, by the time the employees are done washing and drying their hands, the room is almost fully aired out. And if they visit for longer than that, then no problem. You really want to keep the number of air changes above 12. But let’s not go crazy. 30 changes per hour is quite excessive, unless you have a whole queue of folks lined up to use the room every day. In which case it’s really nice.

Just remember that you have to let air in to pull air out; you may need to install an air inlet or trim 3/4” off the bottom of the door. If the door to floor gap is about an inch, you’re fine.

Gosh, but aren’t fans that powerful both noisy and expensive? In the past they were, but no longer. Fans are getting better every year. Panasonic has a full line of high volume, super quiet fans that are very competitively priced. Their Whisper Ceiling fans cost much less than a similar CFM model by Brone, run much quieter, and last nearly forever. And they’re all Energy Star rated, pulling only 31 watts or less. Plus, if you shop around you can get one for nearly half price.

And quiet these days is defined by the “Sones” rating. Old fans ran at 3 - 5 Sones or more. Conversation is around 2 Sones. A couple years ago “quiet” fans were at 1.0 - 1.5. Today, a really quiet fan runs at 0.5 Sones, and if you use fiberglass wrapped flexible ducting (Air King makes this stuff) it cuts the noise even more. 0.5 Sones is so quiet you have to almost strain to hear it.

Another way to figure things is to just calculate the number of air changes per hour:

CFM rating of fan X 60
-------------------------- = number of air changes per hour
Length X Width X Height

So if you had a 6 foot wide X 12 foot long X 8 foot tall bathroom, then a 150CFM fan would give you ... 15.6 air changes per hour; once every 3 minutes and 50 seconds. Good enough.

The downside to these high powered fans is that the bigger ones use 6” ducting. And fiberglass insulated 6” ducting is actually a bit over 8” in diameter. So you aren’t going to fit these things in a downstairs bathroom when the upstairs is sitting on 2x6 joists. You have to find a low clearance fan that uses 4” duct. No worries, Panasonic has them too. This is their WhisperFit line, in which the same quiet fan is given a smaller lower housing. You’ll either get less airflow, or a bit more noise, depending on which model you want. But even 1.5 Sones is still very quiet.

And for you California folks, there is a WhisperGreen line that meets the new Title 24 specification. As an added advantage, these fans can sense the backpressure in your ducting, and will automatically adjust the motor speed so that they output the rated level of air. WhisperGreen appears to be the WhisperFit line, with this added variable speed feature. They’re Energy Star rated too, of course.

No, this isn’t a push for Panasonic products. Broan is a big player in the fan market, along with Air King, NuTone, and several others. And they all have a full line of products. What I’m pointing out here is that the fans available today are much more powerful, efficient, quiet, and cost effective than that 20 year old monster you might have in your bathroom. So it might be time to think about putting in a newer, better model.

I was able to locate the Panasonic FV-15VQ4 fan, a 150CFM model that uses only 31 watts and is 0.6 Sones quiet, at for only $124, with free shipping. I’ve seen this same fan being sold for $299 plus shipping. This is about the strongest fan you can find that runs at the dead quiet noise level. There are fans much more potent, but most of them are in the 3.0 Sones level, which is getting kind of noisy. A 25 foot run of Air King fiberglass insulated flexible ducting is about $30. FanTech sells a nearly identical product for just a little more. I was able to find a generic one, still UL listed, for just $17.75 ($26 delivered) at


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/04/2009 at 11:56 AM   
Filed Under: • work and the workplace •  
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Cameron rejects Boris Johnson’s call for Lisbon Treaty referendum

With no further comments from me ....


Last updated at 4:19 PM on 04th October 2009

The creation of a European superstate has moved a step closer, after the Irish people voted to accept the Lisbon Treaty, paving the way for a powerful new President of Europe.

In a result greeted with relief in Downing Street and dismay in the Tory Party, more than two-thirds of the Irish electorate voted Yes in the country’s second referendum on the treaty.

The ballot, hailed by European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso as ‘a great day for Ireland and for Europe’, followed a frantic campaign by pro-Europeans to reverse Ireland’s overwhelming No vote last year. Now, only Poland and the Czech Republic of the EU’s 27 countries have yet to approve it.

Critics say the treaty, which aims to ‘streamline’ EU institutions to mimic the functions of a nation state, represents the biggest threat to British sovereignty since the invasion of William the Conqueror in 1066.


David Cameron rejects Boris Johnson’s call for Lisbon Treaty referendum as Europe row overshadows Tory party conference

By Simon Walters, Simon Mcgee and Brendan Carlin
Last updated at 2:52 PM on 04th October 2009

David Cameron today rejected calls for a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty even it if is ratified as a revolt over Europe threatened to overshadow the Tory party conference.

The Tory leader, who arriving in Manchester for the conference this morning, is under renewed pressure over the Treaty after it was approved by Ireland yesterday.

Boris Johnson has put himself at the head of a Euro revolt by calling for a referendum not just on the Treaty, but on whether the UK should pull out of Europe altogether.

The Mayor of London and former Tory frontbencher insisted the prospect of Tony Blair becoming the ‘big magnifico’ President of Europe underlined the need for a poll.

But Mr Cameron stuck to his guns today as he insisted he would not set out his plans until the last remaining EU members Czech Republic and Poland had ratified it.

‘I don’t want to say anything or do anything now that would undermine or prejudice what is happening in other countries where they are still debating whether to ratify this treaty. That is a very sensible thing to do,’ he said.

‘There were three countries that it hadn’t been ratified in - Ireland, the Czech Republic and Poland. There are now two so I don’t see any reason to change our approach because one of those has decided to ratify.

‘I think people will understand this argument that while there are other countries actually delaying the implementation of this treaty, don’t do anything or say anything that stops them from doing that.’



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/04/2009 at 10:20 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEFREEDOMTyrants and DictatorsUK •  
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I have a message for German chancellor Angela Merkel.  Pssst.  Hey. Go invade Russia.

Right. That’s my message to Merkel.  Do something useful and stay out of Brit politics.

Go pick a fight with with the Poles or something. She’s upset because Cameron just may (Brits aren’t holding their collective breath tho) give in to the voters and allow what was PROMISED to them a few years ago.  And they are still waiting.

One of things I find endlessly fascinating is that in a speech given in late 1944 or 1945, Hitler predicted some of this.  Of course he missed the mark on his prediction of a war between us and the Soviets.  Which could have happened as we now know. And ppl of my generation almost always expected it.  But he did comment on the strength of a rebuilt Germany calling the shots and the strength of the Bundesbank.
I recall snippets of the speech but not the whole thing.  But he clearly said that a Europe united as one state (my words) would only be able to function with a strong Germany at it’s center.

Well, what many see happening these days and what a lot of people fear, is a united European superstate calling the shots for everyone. 

I will end my comments here with what Peter Hitchens has written today on the subject.

We in Britain, like Ireland, have constantly been warned that by staying out we would miss the European train – always depicted as a luxury express bound for a pleasant destination and more or less under our control.

Now, as the whistle blows, the doors are locked and the Eurotrain at last jolts out of the station, we look around us and see threadbare seats and through grimy windows glimpse an unfamiliar and unpleasant landscape, and when we ask where we are going, the crew tell us that from now on, that is their business, not ours.

German chancellor Angela Merkel fury at Cameron ‘hostility to EU’ as she downgrades ties with Tories
By Ian Drury

EU fall-out: David Cameron has angered German politicians over his ‘hostile’ stance to Europe and is at loggerheads with German politicians over his stance on Europe.

They were devastated by the Tory leader’s threat to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty, which was masterminded in Berlin.
Chancellor Angela Merkel was also angered by Mr Cameron’s decision to remove Conservative MEPs from the federalist European People’s Party group in Brussels.

In retaliation, her ruling centre-right Christian Democrat CDU party has downgraded relations with the Tories.
She has axed three joint policy groups - on the environment, security and economic competitiveness - and an annual meeting between the parties.
She is furious that Mr Cameron has carried out his 2005 pledge to align his MEPs with a new right-wing group in the European Parliament.

And the German chancellor is unhappy at his refusal to buy into the European ‘project’ - especially his outbursts against the Lisbon Treaty.

One insider told BBC Radio 4’s World At One programme: ‘The Tories don’t understand how seriously the Germans take this. Some of the CDU politicians have been reduced to tears.’

Critics warned that the severed ties meant the Tories risked losing influence in Europe.

Conservative grandee Lord Brittan, a former European Commissioner, said policy groups and meetings were vital to building relationships.
He said: ‘They are important, because how do you get influence in the European Union? You do it by building up alliances, by talking to people and you don’t do it overnight. You can’t just turn up at a meeting and say “This is what I want”.


Hey folks ... this is all ya need to understand.

The Lisbon Treaty, which was masterminded in Berlin.


Posted by peiper   United States  on 10/04/2009 at 09:36 AM   
Filed Under: • EUro-peonsGovernmentJack Booted ThugsTyrants and DictatorsUK •  
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The most dangerous thing in the world today is the universities!

YouTube is amazing. Who knew you could find an interview with… Ayn Rand!

Part II

Part III

Presented without much comment. What I’ve read about Ayn Rand I like. But I’ve yet to read Ayn Rand’s writings.

h/t small dead animals


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 10/04/2009 at 08:17 AM   
Filed Under: • Philosophy •  
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Blair can’t be allowed to become the next Napoleon…

Another headline in this morning’s Sunday Mail reads as follows.

So as Ireland votes ‘yes’ to Lisbon treaty, our 1000 years of history ends like this

It is not over yet but might be close.  As you read the comments by the Conservative leader David Cameron, I think unless you’re a Brit you’ll be as lost as I am to fully understand what Cameron is saying.

LYNDON ..... HELP?  What does this mean in plain Engrish?

“‘If the Treaty is ratified, we would not let matters rest there. But we have one policy at a time and we will set out how we would proceed in those circumstances if, and only if, they happen.”

Blair can’t be allowed to become the next Napoleon… and don’t even ask about Cherie Antoinette

By Simon Walters, Simon Mcgee and Brendan Carlin
October 4, 2009
Sunday Mail

Boris Johnson put himself at the head of a Tory Euro revolt yesterday by demanding a referendum on whether Tony Blair should be the ‘big magnifico’ President of Europe.


The London Mayor threw down the gauntlet to David Cameron after the Conservative leader declined to give a cast-iron pledge to call a referendum on the EU Lisbon Treaty if it is ratified by the rest of Europe before the next Election.

Mr Johnson demanded a referendum not just on the Lisbon Treaty, but on whether the UK should pull out of Europe altogether.

‘A referendum would send out a clear message that we do not want a badly thought-out treaty imposed on us without the chance to vote on it,’ Mr Johnson told The Mail on Sunday.

‘It also sends the message that we don’t want some big magnifico swanning round the globe purporting to be acting on our behalf when we haven’t even been consulted as to whether it should be Tony Blair or not.’

Mr Johnson denied that his surprise move was an attempt to undermine Mr Cameron on the eve of the Conservative conference in Manchester, which starts today.

Mr Cameron said if the Treaty is not ratified by the Election, he will go ahead with a referendum if he wins power. However, if it is ratified by then, he said he would ‘not let matters rest there’ – prompting claims he might call off a referendum.

Mr Johnson had no such reservations. ‘I have the solution,’ he declared. ‘What we have got to do is to have a referendum. If Tony Blair is going to be President of Europe, I want a referendum on the matter, and a lot of people will agree with me.
Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson is calling for a referendum on the EU president

‘The British people are entitled to one – and they were certainly promised one. It doesn’t mean the answer has to be “no” but it would be very interesting to hear the arguments.

‘There should be two questions: are you in favour of the Lisbon Treaty and are you in favour of remaining in the EU?’

The Mayor said he would campaign for the UK to stay in Europe but believed that the Lisbon Treaty should be torn up.

Mr Cameron said: ‘I have said repeatedly that I want us to have a referendum. If the Treaty is not ratified in all Member States and is not in force when the Election is held, and if we are elected, we will hold a referendum and lead the campaign for a “No” vote.

‘If the Treaty is ratified, we would not let matters rest there. But we have one policy at a time and we will set out how we would proceed in those circumstances if, and only if, they happen.’


No matter who becomes President of Europe, and people that will be the official title if the treaty is finally forced thru, here is what the estimated cost will be for the new fuhrer. 
My source for the following information was the Daily Mail on Saturday. Sorry, no link to the following available.  I had to copy it from the paper. 


Here’s what the Brits could be helping to pay for, along with other european txpayers.

There is NO job description;
nothing on how long a person will serve, nor any details on how the successful candidate will be remunerated.
But he or she will almost certainly be paid as much as European Commission president Jose Manuel Barroso.  His pay-and-perks package is:

Salary:  £269,246 a year
Residence allowance:  £40,390 a year
Entertainment allowance:  £15,635 a year

Resettlement allowance (when he leaves the post) £22,441
Transitional allowance (to help his re-entry into the non-EU world) £403,956

PENSION:  £57,557 A YEAR.

Brussels has been reluctant to say what the position entails.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/04/2009 at 02:45 AM   
Filed Under: • EUro-peonsGovernmentCorruption and GreedInflation and High PricesInternationalNanny State •  
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calendar   Saturday - October 03, 2009

Healthcare is not a right

So, I’m doing some research for my next Toastmaster’s speech. My premise is that you do not have a ‘right’ to healthcare, or any ‘right’ to the labor of others—be they cotton-pickers, house slaves servants, or doctors.

It’s an argument that I thought was settled back in the 1860’s… but Democrats have a thing for slavery.

So, whilst surfing for info and/or quotes to plagiarize flesh out my speech to the 5-6 minutes required, I stumbled upon the fact that somebody used this line of attack 16 years ago. During the Clinton healthcare debacle.

I’ll give the pull-quote:

The Declaration of Independence applies to the medical profession too. We must reject the idea that doctors are slaves destined to serve others at the behest of the state.

That’s it! One sentence summarized the 5-6 minute speech I’m working on. That one sentence trashes the entire idea of gov’t healthcare.

This is a brilliant speech. Please go read it.

A couple more quotes:

Observe that all legitimate rights have one thing in common: they are rights to action, not to rewards from other people. The American rights impose no obligations on other people, merely the negative obligation to leave you alone. The system guarantees you the chance to work for what you want—not to be given it without effort by somebody else.

And now?

You are entitled to something, the politicians say, simply because it exists and you want or need it—period. You are entitled to be given it by the government. Where does the government get it from? What does the government have to do to private citizens—to their individual rights—to their real rights—in order to carry out the promise of showering free services on the people?

The answers are obvious. The newfangled rights wipe out real rights—and turn the people who actually create the goods and services involved into servants of the state.

Health Care Is Not A Right
by Leonard Peikoff (January 23, 1998)

Delivered at a Town Hall Meeting on the Clinton Health Plan
Red Lion Hotel, Costa Mesa CA
December 11, 1993

Yes, my Toastmasters speech will include some quotes from this speech.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 10/03/2009 at 08:06 PM   
Filed Under: • FREEDOMGovernmentHealth-Medicine •  
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How do ya like the way they do things here?  Neat huh?  Keep voting till Euros get the vote wanted the first time.

I’m not much on conspiracies but I tend to believe those who make the claim that Ireland was bullied or bribed this time around.

Tony Blair it is believed, is a shoe in for the new office of President of the EU.


(oh yes,yes,yes. screw me,screw me. GAK)

Irish prime minister Brian Cowen has announced Ireland’s acceptance of the EU Lisbon treaty today.

Early results and exit polls from yesterday’s referendum indicate Ireland has decisively voted “Yes”, paving the way for a radical shake-up of the EU.

Irish Taoiseach Brian Cowen, whose government has backed the treaty, heralded the victory saying it would bring about “a stronger and fairer Ireland and Europe”.

In a brief statement to reporters Cowen said: “The Irish people have spoken with a clear and resounding voice,”

Hey hold the phone there a minute.  Didn’t they do that only recently?  I do believe they did. I guess it didn’t count.

Just so you folks back home know.  The latest Pro EU vote was very well financed and very heavily promoted by people OUTSIDE Ireland, who came to that place from Brussels (to name one place) and organized the vote the way they wanted it.  I guess the people will see in time if they made a mistake.
Hey .. not to worry.  If they find they did in fact make a mistake, I’m sure they’ll get out. Of course, EU troops will have to occupy the country as IRA types start making devices of persuasion.

Here’s a link for the rest of the story should you be interested.

Cheers and enjoy the wkend.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/03/2009 at 11:02 AM   
Filed Under: • EUro-peonsPolitics •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
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  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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