Sarah Palin is the reason compasses point North.

calendar   Tuesday - May 26, 2009

Criminal traveller scum at it again. Isn’t it time for a ,,,, solution to this scourge?

Last week sometime a politician in Eastern Europe, I can’t recall which one now, suggested a final solution to the gypsie/traveller problem in his country.
Of course, those two words conjure up images of history that aren’t very pleasant. To say the least. BUT ... you can see what a menace these folks are and what problems they cause wherever they go. Not just here in the UK.  And they do this because they know damn well they are pretty much safe from any sort of retaliation. Well, what if they no longer felt so safe?  Just one time, just once, a few hundred bodies showing that the public just was not going to put up with them anymore, and bingo. The problem solves itself, finally.  There’s your final solution without the usual images of camps and barbed wire.
A roundup or two, no more, and there goes your problem. Protesters? Oh sure. You’d have those.  Same solution. Another problem solved. Next?

Travellers seize on Bank Holiday to set up illegal camps
Travellers took advantage of the Bank Holiday weekend to set up camps at two West Country villages in military-style operations while council officials were on the extended break.

By Paul Stokes
Last Updated: 6:45PM BST 25 May 2009

Residents looked on helplessly as a 50-strong gang brought in mechanical diggers and set about concreting over a meadow, fencing off plots and install portable toilets on a site at Newent in the Forest of Dean, Gloucestershire.

The district council failed to obtain an injunction to prevent the work which included creating sewerage systems and providing electricity and water supplies.

One villager, who did not wish to be named, described seeing earth-moving equipment knocking a hole through a hedge before lorries arrived carrying hardcore.

“I don’t think the British Army could do better,” he said. “Nobody wants them here because it’s an illegal operation, but our main gripe is with the council because we warned them almost half a year ago.”

According to locals, a syndicate of four travellers clubbed together to pay £65,000 for the land at Southend Lane last autumn, although there is no planning permission for it to be developed.

Another band of travellers also worked around the clock 40 miles away at the weekend to turn three acres of farmland in Cricklade, Wiltshire, into an illegal camp.

Kieran Westman, a local resident, said: “They’ve already hard-cored the whole field and they look like they are here for good.

“It was like a military operation. The council served a stop notice, but they ignored that and carried on. Now the place is a real eyesore.”

Peter Colmer, vice-chairman of Cricklade town council, voiced his “disappointment” at Wiltshire county council for not being pro-active in dealing with the problem.

Well now, until somebody wakes up to the fact that problems like this can only be dealt with fatally and finally, look for more of the same.
Uh ... come to think of it, isn’t that what I predicted the last time I reported on this vermin in a previous takeover? More of the same.

The most recent Government figures show that of 2,539 gypsy and traveller sites in south-west England, 893 do not have planning permission and 317 are facing legal action.

A spokesman for the Newent-based travellers, giving his name only as Richard, said: “There’s 50 men working here because we need somewhere to live. We don’t want to cause any trouble and don’t want to bother anybody.”

Meanwhile, a spokesman for the Cricklade travellers refused to talk about what was happening there.


sorry about pix quality. Telegraph didn’t publish the photo on line so I scanned the one in the paper. couldn’t sharpen it.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/26/2009 at 11:53 AM   
Filed Under: • Travelers/Gypsies/SquattersUK •  
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Political gloom and doom as more ministers face unforgiving public. But no financial worries or

No financial worries and so far, NO prosecutions.

This is the front page of the morning paper, and this stuff is in its 18 day I believe.


Well now here’s what that’s about and this is small compared to some. Man, what a gravy train these folks have been riding. For years. No wonder they’re smiling.


Sir Nicholas and Lady Ann Winterton, the veteran Conservative MPs, are to resign from parliament at the next election.

By Jon Swaine
Last Updated: 6:41AM BST 26 May 2009

The couple, who were censured by the parliamentary standards watchdog last year over their use of expenses, said they would not stand for re-election as the MPs for Macclesfield and Congleton.
They said they could not maintain the “hectic pace” of politics and wanted to spend more time with their family.

The pair became the 11th and 12th MPs to leave or announce they would leave their positions since the Telegraph’s investigation into MPs’ expenses began.
In 2002, after paying off the mortgage on their £700,000 London flat with the help of taxpayer-funded expenses, the couple gave the property to a family trust controlled by their children.

They then claimed more than £120,000 in expenses to rent the flat from their children over six years.
The decision to pass ownership to their children was aimed at avoiding paying hundreds of thousands of pounds in inheritance tax.
An investigation by Sir John Lyon, the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards, found in June last year that they had broken Commons rules by renting a property from family members.
David Cameron, the Tory leader, described their actions as “indefensible”.

In a letter to Mr Cameron yesterday, Sir Nicholas, 71, and Lady Winterton, 68, said they wanted to “pass the baton to a younger person”.
“Maybe the years are taking their toll and perhaps we can no longer represent Macclesfield and Congleton with the some level of energy and enthusiasm as in the past,” they wrote.

Yeah right. Energy and enthusiasm. Has to take a lot of that to fiddle the system and avoid taxes the rest of us HAVE to pay!

Mr Cameron thanked them for their “service, energy and commitment”. Sir Nicholas has been MP for Macclesfield for 37 years, while Lady Winterton has represented Congleton for 26.
Their decision to quit adds weight to suggestions that the scandal is aiding Mr Cameron politically, in allowing him to clear “bed blockers” from safe Tory seats and install candidates more in line with his “liberal Conservative” outlook. Sir Nicholas has a majority of 11,401 and Lady Winterton one of 8,246. Their decision to leave at the next election rather than now means they will each receive between half and all of their £64,766 salary for the year after they resign.
They will also each receive a £40,799 “winding-up allowance” and a pension worth about £30,000 a year.

The couple join a growing list of MPs who have announced they are standing down or are being forced out after the Telegraph’s investigation. Michael Martin is to resign as Commons Speaker and MP for Glasgow North East next month, while Shahid Malik, the justice minister, stood down pending an inquiry into his claims. Andrew MacKay, the MP for Bracknell, resigned as an aide to Mr Cameron and said he would not stand for re-election. The Tories Sir Peter Viggers, the MP for Gosport, Douglas Hogg (Sleaford and North Hykeham), and Anthony Steen (Totnes) will stand down at the next election. Ben Chapman, the Labour MP for Wirral South, is to stand down, while Elliot Morley (Scunthorpe) and David Chaytor (Bury North) were suspended by the Labour Party. All three claimed for “phantom mortgages”.

Ian McCartney, the former Labour Party chairman who made questionable claims, said he would not seek re-election for “health reasons”. Up to half of MPs could leave Parliament by the election due to resignations, retirements and electoral defeats.


So they still make out like bandits, don’t they? £40,000 for winding up?  That’s closing their offices guys. Think almost $80,000. And they get pensions etc.
Nice work if you can get it, and many have.  But wait a minute.  Here’s just one more for today. And believe me, there are 100dreds.

MPs’ brother buys gadgets and they appear on her expenses
Julie Kirkbride, the embattled Conservative MP, claimed £1,000 in taxpayer-funded office expenses to pay for computer equipment bought by her brother.

By Jon Swaine
Last Updated: 9:32AM BST 26 May 2009

The equipment, which included a digital camera, was bought by Ian Kirkbride, and delivered to him at the MP’s publicly funded “second home”, where he has lived rent-free for five years.
Miss Kirkbride, 48, then put the receipts through her office expenses account, and successfully claimed the money back. During the same period, she separately claimed £220 for another digital camera for her office.

Mr Kirkbride, 59, bought a digital camera, five memory cards, four internet routers, three external hard drives, a computer printer, map software and a battery. The items, which totalled £1,000.52, were delivered to him at Miss Kirkbride’s Redditch flat between March 2005 and October 2007.
He works as an IT consultant from the property, which is near Miss Kirkbride’s Bromsgrove constituency. She claims he also lives there to help care for her eight-year-old son, Angus. Asked yesterday why she needed the cameras, Miss Kirkbride said: “I record my work as an MP in pictures.
“I often ask my brother to source IT equipment for me … These items were bought by my brother, on my instructions,” she said.

Miss Kirkbride has bought several other electrical items in her own name in the past four  years. She bought another internet router for herself in June last year and had it delivered to her property in West minster. She also pays for a “home office” internet service for her London flat.
In December 2005, she claimed £50 from her office expenses to pay for 200 correspondence cards bought by her brother. Miss Kirkbride said yesterday that the cards had been produced for her.

She claimed £500 for a television in 2005, and then tried to claim £765 for an LCD television in February 2008. But after discussions with officials, they agreed it should be paid for from her second home expenses.

Between March and May 2005, she also claimed £1,000 for two photo shoots and prints. She then claimed £1,020 for another photo shoot in October 2006.
The disclosures come after Mr MacKay announced on Saturday that he would stand down as MP for Bracknell at the next election.

He was pushed to make the announcement by David Cameron, the Tory leader, after constituents expressed their anger over the couple’s use of expenses. Over the past eight years, they have claimed almost £250,000 in second home expenses by designating two different properties as their “second home”.
Miss Kirkbride designated the couple’s Westminster home as her main address and claimed expenses on the property in Redditch, where her brother lived. Meanwhile, Mr MacKay claimed second home expenses for the property in London.


Posted by peiper   United States  on 05/26/2009 at 09:46 AM   
Filed Under: • Daily LifePoliticsUK •  
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Study Buddy

My wife works as a medical assistant for an eye doctor. To get ahead in that field she needs to pass various levels of certification exam. She has her COA exam this Thursday. Certified Ophthalmic Assistant. Oh boy. So we’ve been studying. A lot. I spent the entire holiday weekend giving her practice exams, playing question and answer, and asking “stupid” questions to get her to expound on various aspects of the whole field of knowledge. I think she’s ready. Oh hell, I think she’s going to ace the thing. But she’s a bit of a nervous wreck. So I help her get past that when I can. But, to be fair, this is the “big one”, and a new career path may hang on it.

But at this point, I have ophthalmic terms and concepts on the brain. Gosh, did you know that the Allen card test can give you a falsely high visual acuity reading when you’re testing a patient with amblyopia because it avoids the “crowding phenomenon”? Neither did I, but I do now. And that’s one of the easy bits. What I do know is that “eyeball world” kind of grosses me out, so she’s welcome to it. Macular degeneration. Blepharospasm. Strabismus. Glaucoma and how it’s related to diabetes. Conjunctivitis! And all sorts of eye diseases that will turn your stomach. Yuk. But she loves it, so I help her out.

Today I have to reconnoiter the testing site over in Allentown. I’m going to go there at least once before the test day, because I’ll be driving her out there at dawn, and don’t want to add my getting lost to all the regular stress she’ll be having. I think I should find myself a good novel to read in the parking lot, and a large bottle with a tight fitting cap. Because it’s a 3 hour exam.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/26/2009 at 08:41 AM   
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calendar   Monday - May 25, 2009

Ret Him Be Ronery

North Korea Sets Off 20 Kiloton Nuke


Obama wants to rely on the UN to send Uncle Kim a nastygram

Effin wonderful. Just what we all need. Somebody tell me, what the hell this little tin pot twit even needs a nuke for? Come on. His whole nation is a worthless frozen dung heap. They don’t make anything, they don’t have any resources the world wants, they play almost no part in world affairs other than some small scale terrorist sponsorship. Nobody wants to invade him, not even China. And nobody can be bothered to even try to off the bastard. He runs his own little Dark Empire, and keeps his always-nearly-starving citizens as might-as-well-be-slaves.

And now he has managed to light off a big one. And just a few weeks after a mostly successful test of his long range missile. WTF is wrong with this jerk?

SEOUL, South Korea – North Korea defied world powers and carried out an underground test Monday of a nuclear bomb Russian officials said was comparable to those that obliterated Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The incident drew condemnation from Washington to Beijing and set the communist regime up for a showdown with the United Nations.

imageThe U.N. Security Council was meeting later Monday in New York to discuss what President Barack Obama called Pyongyang’s “blatant defiance” of resolutions banning the regime from developing weapons of mass destruction. British Prime Minister Gordon Brown condemned the test as a “danger to the world.” Russia’s Foreign Ministry called it “a serious blow to international efforts” to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons.

French officials said they would push for new sanctions, and even traditional Pyongyang ally China said it was “resolutely opposed” to the test, which Russian officials estimated yielded a powerful 10- to 20-kiloton blast — enough to flatten a city and far more than North Korea managed in a 2006 atomic test.

Pyongyang’s unprecedented defiance raises the stakes in the mounting standoff over its nuclear program.

Last month, Pyongyang launched a rocket despite international calls for restraint, abandoned international nuclear negotiations, restarted its nuclear plants and warned it would carry out the atomic and long-range missile tests.

Kim, who inherited the leadership from his father in 1994 and rules the nation of 24 million with an iron fist, has three sons but has not publicly named a successor.

Though desperately poor, North Korea increasingly has turned inward. With last month’s controversial rocket launch and Monday’s nuclear test, Kim clearly wants to show its people that the nation remains strong, analysts said.

Monday’s atomic test was conducted shortly before 10 a.m. about 50 miles (80 kilometers) northwest of the northern city of Kilju, Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Alexander Drobyshevsky said, speaking on state-run Rossiya television.

Two hours later, Pyongyang’s official Korean Central News Agency declared that the regime had “successfully conducted one more underground nuclear test on May 25 as part of measures to bolster its nuclear deterrent for self-defense.”

The U.S. Geological Survey registered seismic activity in northeastern North Korea at 9:54 a.m. (0054 GMT), which it initially identified as a 4.7-magnitude earthquake.

And what does our own Fearless Leader have to say about it? oy vey ...

Obama Urges World to ‘Stand Up’ to North Korea, After Nuclear Test

President Obama accuses North Korea Monday of “recklessly challenging the international community” with its underground nuclear test.

The United States and its allies must “stand up” to North Korea, President Obama said Monday, accusing the rogue regime of blatantly defying the international community with its nuclear and missile test.

imageObama addressed the issue in the Rose Garden on his way to Memorial Day services at Arlington National Cemetery. He called North Korea’s tests “reckless” and a “grave threat” to international security.

“The United States and the international community must take action in response,” Obama said, noting that North Korea had abandoned a previous pledge to halt its nuclear program and has with its actions violated United Nations resolutions. “We will work with friends and allies to stand up to this behavior.”
“The United States will never waver from our determination to protect our people and the peace and security of the world,” Obama said.

He accused North Korea of increasing tensions and threatening stability in the region, while only further isolating itself.

“It will not find international acceptance unless it abandons its pursuit of weapons of mass destruction and their means of delivery,” Obama said earlier in a written statement. “The danger posed by North Korea’s threatening activities warrants action by the international community.”

He said the United States would continue working in multilateral talks and will hold consultations with members of the U.N. Security Council.
“They didn’t give us any warning whatsoever,” a senior U.S. intelligence official who works on North Korean issues told FOX News.

The tests added an extra layer of urgency to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s trip to China, where she is meeting with officials to discuss climate change.

“Such action by North Korea is unacceptable and cause for great alarm,” Pelosi said in a written statement from Shanghai. “These reported tests underscore the message our congressional delegation planned to deliver to top Chinese government leaders during our meetings later this week: the Chinese must use their influence to help bring North Korea to the table for the Six-Party talks. Today’s announcement makes that need all the more urgent.” [ why is Pelosi in China? I don’t know. Are we going to let her back in? I hope not. ]

I have this crazy idea ... a dead dictator can’t cause trouble. And we have all these cool submarines with all kinds of electronic gear. Blockade North Korea. No planes can come in, no ships can come in. And we interdict every ship and airplane that leaves, while messing with all the radio frequencies. Let them stand on their own two feet, or let China be their sole means of support. Let’s try the old time practice of Shunning, but in a big, pro-active way. And let Lil Kim be ronery all over again. Until he’s dead.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/25/2009 at 02:40 PM   
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Local Crime Wave

I live in a fairly large condo park. Something like 1000 people live in these 328 units. That means folks come and go at all hours of the day and night. Each of our buildings has 16 units in it, 8 upstairs and 8 downstairs, and we all have garages.

Last night the lady on the end had her garage broken into. We all have power door openers, but each door has one of those emergency release key latches in the middle of the door. The burglars tore that release latch right out, probably with a slide hammer or a pry bar or something, and got the door open that way. I don’t know what was stolen, if anything. Talking with the neighbors a few minutes ago I learned that at least 3 other garages were broken into last night. The State Police are here, and they’re doing their best to collect evidence and fingerprints and stuff. Maybe they’ll get some leads and catch the perps [ who are Einstein level geniuses apparently, as they left their Dollar Store quality toolkit outside my neighbor’s garage. Duh? Duh! ]

I’m going to go and disconnect the emergency release wire on our door. And I’m giving serious thought to some sort of alarm system. And more thought to a better garage door opener, a modern one that uses floating codes for the remote. Maybe one that can be wired in to an alarm? I have to do some research there. The opener we have is one of those ancient Sears 1/4 hp openers from the mid-70s when this place was built. It still works, but I’m guessing it might be nearing the end of it’s useful life. I’ll have to gamble that it will continue working, and risk going without the safety release.

These units have no basement, and they have no attic, so all my stuff is stored in the garage. Furniture, extra stereo gear, equipment, tools, my whole reloading system, my entire window cleaning business, etc. Plus a car!

A few weeks ago one of the cars in the parking area was broken into and some DVDs stolen. I don’t know if the owner even filed a police report.

Our condo park is in a sleepy little town in western NJ that has no crime, hardly ever. But this condo village is right by the interstate highway, both on the road in and on the road out. And we’re not actually part of the town that’s on our mailing address, so we don’t get patrolled by that town’s police. We actually live in a township, and that township does not have a police department. Instead we rely on the state police, who have a barracks 2 miles down the highway from here. But they spend most of their time taking care of the highway, and almost never patrol here. When you consider the ongoing vinyl siding project here, the never ending repaving and water pipe repair projects going on here, all the people delivering things, and the steady stream of workers who go up and down the main road to get to the diner over the top of the hill where they all work ... an awful lot of people are going through our little village all day and night, every day. And every one of them only has to think about it for a second to realize they never see a cop here.

Yeah, I’m definitely looking into some kind of alarm. A really REALLY loud one.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/25/2009 at 01:44 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeDaily Life •  
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WTF? Strange things in the in-box


SINCE u HAVE CHOOSE YOUR path..I can WALK over you.,in your AREA of your Planking Idea/s thoughts and ACTIONs.
AS you STEPPed on MY rights/DO YOU expect the same of me.YOU people thinking you R controlling our THOUGHTS,,r going 2 get a BIG surprise..,LAWS r LAWs,.,RIGHTs r RIGHTS,,MORALs r MORALS,,if you can not see the DIFFER,,maybe U R the TERRORists of AMERICANs,,those reps and lieberals and others whing about stuff,as American r sitting back and laughing.
REMEMBER<,AMERICANs deported over 500,000's of non,AMERICANS after the war of 1776.

re,shad Planking


“Who is that trip trap tramping over my bridge?” yelled the troll.

“It is I, the big billy goat gruff” replied the eldest goat.

I sure do get some strange emails from time to time. And I’m pretty certain I’ve never even made a shad plank. Perhaps if this email was a little more coherent I could understand what the author was about, and enter into a discussion. But it’s written like utter crap ... so I’ll just post it so everyone can jeer at him. I can’t even say this was done by a non-English speaker, whom I would cut a very large amount of slack because English can be a difficult language, since the return email address is to Troy Michigan. So, WTF. And this email was CC:’ed to somebody else as well. Go figure.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/25/2009 at 12:17 PM   
Filed Under: • Stoopid-People •  
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178-page report cost taxpayers £500,000. The conclusion of which is …. read this.

How can they spend money on this sort of BS?
Easy. They aren’t spending their own money.

This appeared in the Telegraph but I couldn’t find it in their on line version.
So, H/T, where I did find it on line.


A two-year-long, 178-page report that cost taxpayers £500,000 has arrived at the unsurprising conclusion that commuters want trains to run on time.

The biggest-ever study of overcrowding and the punctuality of trains, commissioned by the Rail Safety and Standards Board (RSSB), has been condemned as “an astonishing exercise in rehashing the blindingly obvious”.

The report for the RSSB, which is funded by the Department for Transport to the tune of £12million every year, discovered that passengers are likely to be in a “positive emotional state” if their train is punctual and announcements are audible and comprehensible, and in a “negative” frame of mind if the service is late and no one tells them why.

Commuters are “chilled out and happy” if they get a seat on a train, but their mood turns to “panic” if the train is late and there is no seat, the research found.

The study, undertaken by a team of external consultants and psychologists, analysed travellers all over Britain and used an “undercover passenger” carrying a miniature video camera concealed in a gift-wrapped cardboard tube inside a carrier bag to record travellers’ behaviour.

The report comes just a week after the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs was attacked for spending £300,000 on a three-year study that proved ducks liked rainy weather


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/25/2009 at 11:10 AM   
Filed Under: • Daily LifeEconomicsInsanityUK •  
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Obama … Cheney videos … for everyone and including our foreign lurkers out there.

OK BMEWs ... before you pull out your collective hair and jump up and down wondering what the heck I’m posting this here for, and even though I’m sure you’ve seen it already, would you please comment calmly (if possible) on each of his points.

He doesn’t say exactly but came close to explaining why in his opinion, Guantanamo should be closed. He says it causes more problems and there have only been three convictions in 7 yrs.  What makes me see red however is the inclusion of what the europeans think of our methods re.terrorists.
Frankly, I could care less what they think. I’m concerned with my country, PERIOD! And any end will always justify the means.
You may not all agree with that attitude and will I’m sure feel free to express disagreement with it.

There’s another reason for posting this here.  We have an awful lot of people in foreign places that may or perhaps may not have see these.
I just can bring myself to act like the libs or at any rate the real left wingers, and only present one side on this topic or present it and fiddle with the video and make it something else entirely.

I’d guess you folks back home have already seen this.  I was riveted to it and found it of great interest. He may not be the orator that Obama is, but for me he makes a hell of a lot more sense and I believe every word.  Some may not agree, and that’s your right. 


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/25/2009 at 10:14 AM   
Filed Under: • EditorialsInternationalWar On Terror •  
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Captured: The Extraordinary Life of Prisoners of War.  You’ll find this of some interest.

Wasn’t looking for this today but it appeared on a site I was on and I just had to look.

There isn’t a long story to go with it, it’s a series of found photos with regard to POWs from the last war. That is, WW2.

Exhibits include maps hidden inside playing cards in order to help prisoners in their escape attempts from Stalag Luft III



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/25/2009 at 09:26 AM   
Filed Under: • History •  
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calendar   Sunday - May 24, 2009

A timely reminder and thanks to:  Argentium G. Tiger

Originally posted by:

Argentium G. Tiger 05/22/2009 at 09:50 PM

The Tiger posted this excerpt last week and it belongs here, right now, and especially today.
I think I should also say thank you very much Tiger, and so I do.  Shamed to admit it but I had forgotten this. But not anymore.

If we lose freedom here, there’s no place to escape to.  This is the last stand on earth.  And this idea that government is beholden to the people; that it has no other source of power except the sovereign people is still the newest and most unique idea in all the long history of man’s relation to men.

This is the issue of this election.  Whether we believe in our capacity for self government, or whether we abandon the American Revolution and confess that a little intellectual elite in a far distant capital can plan our lives for us better than we can plan them ourselves.”

-- Ronald Reagan - From his speech to the Republican National Convention, October 27, 1964

Watch the whole thing, it’s got some good pearls of wisdom in it.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/24/2009 at 06:43 AM   
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Our Masters in Brussels to switch off the watt rating on light bulbs. It’s to be lumens.

No link to the story I found on the subject and so had to wing it, mostly.
But I got it in the Telegraph and the original article was written by,
Louise Gray.

Light bulbs are to be labeled in ‘lumens’ rather than watts under new European rules that critics fear will lead to a “complete mess and consumer confusion.”

Since so called energy saving bulbs no longer accurately reflect the amount of light given out, from Sept. 2010 bulbs will be labeled in lumens, which are units of light.

The equivalent wattage, if the same amount of light is produced by an incandescent bulb, will be displayed in smaller print.  Example, 800 Lm light bulb is equiv. in old bulb of 60 watts.

Hey ... No Matter. What? Me Worry?
Yesterday I ordered another 50 of the 100watt bulbs on line, as after Sept. the enviro-nazis have decreed no more will be sold.
Must make a note to check the 60s although we don’t use too many of those.  Still, ya never know when one will be needed and it’s always best to be overstocked then under.

A curious thing about the UK and lamps and lamp shades. It’s always been quite difficult to get shades with a 100watt rating. Most are 60, so when a year ago I happened to find a bunch of lamp shades on sale that were ok to use with higher wattage, I bought some.  But on reflection, I now think I should have got more.

The heck with the tree huggers and their environment nonsense. The sky will still be there long after they’re gone and frankly, I don’t give a damn! I’m concerned with NOW.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/24/2009 at 06:27 AM   
Filed Under: • Daily LifeEnvironmentEUro-peonsUK •  
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calendar   Saturday - May 23, 2009

Snip snip snip

BMEWS ran out of space earlier today. After more than 5 years, and nearly 13,000 posts, we had filled up all of our disk space.

I had to go in and kill some posts, and quite a lot of graphics.

I kept the 1st post, and several of the better early ones, but about 750 of the old posts had to go.

And I got rid of all the graphics files over a certain size, including all the old movie files we had in the backroom. I also deleted the member photos, since none of them had names attached. I’ve got the pics of Barb, Dottie, and Allan on my home PC. The rest, sorry, had to go.

The PC file dates on the graphics files don’t transfer over to the Unix box where BMEWS actually lives. So I had no way of knowing if I was killing new graphics files or old ones. So if you’re going back and looking at some of the older posts, don’t worry if you don’t see the pictures. I killed them.

I also cleaned out the dud membership area again. So no memberships for Hot Sex Lesbian, Belinda XXX, blowjobflyer, or any of the other spammers from .ru,, and gmail. Months ago I straightened out the new member registration email, so it’s obvious how to go about activating a membership. So anything older than a month is, ipso facto, spam.

Here’s a tip to new members who might forget to activate their membership immediately: If you choose a username that looks like random characters, and your email goes to anything, gmail,, russipornski, or anything wierd ass looking like that, I will delete you AS SOON AS I SEE YOU. Choose something normal, even if you do use gmail. I just had to wipe out over 600 phony accounts, and I’m getting tired of going through this BS every damn month.

All this trimming still leaves us about 2/3 full, which I hope is enough room to see us through for another year.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/23/2009 at 02:32 PM   
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OK, Not a rant on the subject by me. This is interesting but of course it’s the short version. I recommend the full one but wasn’t sure about posting the long one.

Here’s one thing I forgot to mention over the past week of gripes and complaints about the mugging of the public by their own elected representatives.
I was originally so concerned (still am) about the amounts these people were spending, that I forgot to tell BMEWS readers about a small and very chintzy bit of pass it to the taxpayer expense. Now get this.
These representatives of the people were so wrapped up in themselves, so cheap, so petty, in their eagerness to pass off EVERY little item, that some wanted small change back. Like, one person bought a stainless steel dog dish, another person claimed for a kitchen sink plug.  Alright, I understand they might be due some expenses but jeesh. Wouldn’t you think that with what these folks get in perks alone, that they could afford those items without putting in a claim for them?  And these aren’t the only two.

Finally, and this is sort of cake icing.  Many MPs are returning the money in question where it’s been discovered they were not due the amount in question.
So then, is that money going back to the taxpayer? Will it end up in the treasury?  Oh come on. Get effin real.  Of course not.
It’s due to go back to the house (commons?) and be put back into the fund that funds .... EXPENSES.  Ha!

Expenses whistleblower: our rotten Commons

This link will take you to the full 8 minute interview. WHISTLE WHILE YOU WORK



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/23/2009 at 03:30 AM   
Filed Under: • Daily LifeEconomicsUKwork and the workplace •  
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calendar   Friday - May 22, 2009

straight to my head

Hey, it was summer today! What happened? We had the heat on Tuesday, I swear!

I was out working on my tan today, the old fashioned way: work. And sweating gallons. Damn!! It hit 90 this afternoon, I’m sure of it.

But the nice side of working like that, being tired and maybe a little dehydrated, is the economical effect. No, not the money, though that’s always nice. It’s getting home, getting out of the damp clothes, turning on the air conditioning, sitting down, and having a beer. Good old Sammy Adams. Beer with flavor. This time it was their Honey Brown, which is pretty thick stuff. One beer ... and I can feel it all the way down to my toes. That’s economical! LOL

Ok, so is the world still here? I was out of touch. I heard Obama is given the go ahead so that the UAE can have it’s own nuke generator. Cuz they need one you know ... that little country has so damn much oil the sand is brown and sticky. But for us? Frickin windmills, subsidized solar panels, and “green” cars with the new death-trap CAFE standards. Thanks a lot. Friggin commie bastard.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/22/2009 at 07:36 PM   
Filed Under: • Miscellaneous •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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