When Sarah Palin booked a flight to Europe, the French immediately surrendered.

calendar   Thursday - April 10, 2008

Idiot + crime + cell phone camera = Jail

Idiot breaks girlfriend’s leg to fake a lawsuit

This one hardly qualifies as news. Hell, I found it at a gossip website. And while I try to leave the UK stories to our team of highly skilled UK bloggers, they can’t get everything everytime. That’s why I’m here.


A man who broke his girlfriend’s leg at her own request, and had it filmed on a mobile phone, in a bid to sue Plymouth City Council has been jailed for three years.

Gordon Thomson, 32, of Bampfylde Way, Southway, jumped two footed onto Elizabeth Hingston’s leg, which was propped up on house bricks as she lay on the floor, a court heard.

A friend filmed the whole sickening incident on a mobile phone - a 20-second film which was watched in court.

David Gittins, prosecuting, said that the pair had claimed that the injury had been caused by her garden wall falling on Miss Hingston, 27, at his council home.

The incident came to light on November 24, 2006 when police officers executed a drugs warrant at the defendent’s home and seized a mobile phone, which they examined for evidence of drugs offences.

It was then they found the film of Thomson jumping on his girlfriend’s leg. Police also found a partially completed insurance claim form.

The video showed Hingston lying face down on the floor wrapped in a duvet with her leg exposed and her foot covered by a pillow.

Bricks were placed below her knee and above her ankle before burly Thomson jumped as high as he could.

He lands on her leg with his full force and a sickening crunch - so loud it made the court room gasp out loud - is heard.

The camera man then mumbles his approval and says ‘’that’s definitely done it’’.

Judge Francis Gilbert, after watching the film in court, said the case was ‘extraordinary’.

He added “To inflict really serious harm deliberately and with premeditation for a wholly financial motive is an extremely serious offence which only a custodial sentence is justified.”

Thomson, who has a history of heavy amphetamine abuse, has already served nearly a year behind bars and could be released in about six months.

This isn’t moonbattery. This is Cubic Stupid. That’s Regular Stupid raised to the 3rd power. What is missing in these people’s brains? Are they deprived of some essential nutrient, like those Omega-9 oils you need for proper mental functioning?

Oh yeah, this was going to be on hell of a scam lawsuit. Can’t you just imagine their day in court:

“Weeeell your honor, she slipped and fell in the backyard of the projects, see, when the whole garden wall fell on her. That’s negligence, that is!”

“I see, and how is it that the wall appears undamaged?”

“Weeeell, I didn’t want nobody else to get injured, see, so while I was waiting for NHS to show up, I ran back to the flat and got me mortar and tools and fixed ir right up.”

“Mmmm hmmm, so tell me, why is it that her leg has two huge bruises that perfectly match your footprints?”

“Weeeell, I’ve always heard you shouldn’t move the injured, and she was between me and that wall I was fixing!”

And what about the “friend” who filmed this whole mess? Shouldn’t he get a year or two as well? No charges against the woman either? It’s another case of dumb people and dumber ideas. I’m just shaking my head here ...


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/10/2008 at 08:41 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeStoopid-People •  
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afghanistan progress causes MSM to go into “TET offensive” mode

Afghanistan: better than the MSM tells you

I don’t know why I’m posting this. Any regular BMEWS reader knows the media are a bunch of lying leftist sacks of shit. The “news” is their agenda, not the truth. Via Malkin, here’s a link to an excellent post by Ray Robinson over at The Two Malcontents that examines the latest NATO reports and spells out the real truth:

the revelations in the report shred the media template to the point of making it incontestable that the American public is the victim of journalistic malpractice concerning Afghanistan.

Ray cuts through the media spin, replacing “feelings” with facts, and goes on to list 12 crucial facts that the media somehow just isn’t telling you.

Here’s the link. Go read the whole thing. It will only take you a minute. It’s a good reminder that the media is still in full spin mode, even though coverage of Iraq and Afghanistan has decreased significantly in the past months. Because we’re winning.

Kinda makes me want to smack a reporter or three. I think they’re all secretly hippies anyway.

smallish updatey comment: wow, The Two Malcontents is a great blog! I’m blogrolling them. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/10/2008 at 06:24 PM   
Filed Under: • Media-BiasWar On Terror •  
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TALLAHASSEE, Florida (Reuters) - Most Florida residents would be allowed to take guns to work under a measure passed by Florida lawmakers on Wednesday.

The bill, allowing workers to keep guns in their cars for self-protection, was approved by the Florida Senate by a vote of 26-13. It now goes to Republican Gov. Charlie Crist to sign into law.

Backed by the National Rifle Association and some labor unions, the so-called “take-your-guns-to-work” measure would prohibit business owners from banning guns kept locked in motor vehicles on their private property.

The measure applies to employees, customers and those invited to the business establishment as long as they have a permit to carry the weapon.

Backers say the measure upholds the vision of the authors of the U.S. Constitution, who made the right to bear arms part of the Bill of Rights.

Well knock me over with a feather. Florida thinks the rights of the individual reign supreme. But you know what has to come next. This is a Rueters article after all.

Critics say the measure usurps business owners’ rights to determine what happens on their property and puts workers and managers at risk from disgruntled employees.

The Cluebat swings: well, gosh, maybe you guys should be nicer to each other. And maybe you should make sure you don’t hire loonies.

Dozens of workplace shootings occur every year in the United States and studies have shown that job sites where guns are permitted are more likely to suffer workplace homicides than those where guns are prohibited.

Really. Who did the studies? The Brady Center? But at least they haven’t said it’ll be like the Wild West. Well, not yet anyway.  Oklahoma, Alaska, Kentucky, and Mississippi have similar laws. What’s the impact in those states? Give me the facts, Mr. Reporter Guy, not the emotional hand wringing.

“This is an attempt to trample upon the property rights of property owners and attempt to make it more difficult to protect the workers in a workplace and those who visit our retail establishments,” said Sen. Ted Deutch, a Boca Raton Democrat.

Trample upon the rights of property owners? Really Ted Douche? But they can carry guns too, if they have a permit. And the rest of your argument is BS too. Maybe y’all just have to try be nicer to each other, just a little bit. And stop assuming that an armed citizen can only be a lunatic just waiting for a chance TO KILL !!!!!!!

I think it’s a good piece of legislation. We’ll have to wait and see if it gets signed into law. Then perhaps it will be challenged, and some court will have to decide whether the rights of a property owner include the power to deny people invited to use that property their human rights. Because I don’t think you should get to pick and choose. All or nothing. And part of the All is the 2A. Maybe the good citizens of Florida are standing up for themselves for a Change. I Hope.

Watch this law pass, then watch workplace mayhem drop to about nothing. And watch armed robberies drop as well. Too bad they didn’t figure out a way to arm the teachers, and I have no idea why companies involved in Homeland Security aren’t included in this bill either. Maybe because they’re already armed?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/10/2008 at 05:03 PM   
Filed Under: • Guns and Gun Control •  
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Blog Repair Complete - Membership Database Update !!

Ok, I think that’s the last of it. I even dug up and replaced the files that were missing from the posting editor. And, for whoever has been trying to get at some Rush Limbaugh video on immigration, I went out and found a copy and stuck it back in. Dunno how you guys access the thing, but I’ve noticed that the error log says it’s been looked for several dozen times. Well, it’s back. And I love it.


Ooh, we got databases here. Fun fun fun.  I loves me my SQL, yummy yum yum.

BMEWS has been very open and easy going when it comes to allowing new members to join. Unfortunately this gives us quite a lot of DUD members, by which I mean phony members. You know, spambots and stuff like that. I’ve tried cleaning this up some. Here’s the logic I used:

IF (you have a BMEWS membership,
AND you have had that membership for more than 5 months
AND you have NEVER logged in)
THEN (your membership has been deleted).

If you are an old member who has logged in, even once, then you are Ok and unaffected by this.
If you are a new member who has joined within the past 5 months and have not logged in yet, then you are Ok and unaffected by this. But please log in soon, Ok?

I think I will run this query a few times a year. So if you are a member, please log in. Even once. It’s the little “LOGIN” link over there on the right

If you are certain that you have logged in at least once, then ignore this Update.

You don’t have to comment (not that we would mind!!), but if you don’t log in EVER, then eventually you’ll get culled, and then you’ll have to go through the “hassle” (ie one short form to fill out) of joining again so that you can comment. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/10/2008 at 03:17 PM   
Filed Under: • Blog Stuff •  
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Older Than Adam: Evidence of Evolution?

Fossil Snake Found, With Legs!!

A fossil animal locked in Lebanese limestone has been shown to be an extremely precious discovery - a snake with two legs.

Scientists have only a handful of specimens that illustrate the evolutionary narrative that goes from ancient lizard to limbless modern serpent.

Researchers at the European Light Source (ESRF) in Grenoble, France, used intense X-rays to confirm that a creature imprinted on a rock, and with one visible leg, had another appendage buried just under the surface of the slab.

“We were sure he had two legs but it was great to see it, and we hope to find other characteristics that we couldn’t see on the other limb,” said Alexandra Houssaye from the National Museum of Natural History, Paris.

The 85cm-long (33in) creature, known as Eupodophis descouensi, comes from the Late Cretaceous, about 92 million years ago.


it is the unmistakable leg bones - fibula, tibia and femur - that catch the eye. The stumpy hind-limb is only 2cm (0.8in) long, and was presumably utterly useless to the animal in life.
“We can even see ankle bones,” ESRF’s resident palaeontologist Paul Tafforeau said.

“In most cases, we can’t find digits; but that may be because they are not preserved or because, as this is a vestigial leg, they were never present.”


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/10/2008 at 11:58 AM   
Filed Under: • Amazing Science and Discoveries •  
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Today In History

1963: USS Thresher, SSN-593, Lost At Sea

In company with SKYLARK (ASR-20), THRESHER put to sea on 10 April 1963 for deep-diving exercises. In addition to her 16 officers and 96 enlisted men, the submarine carried 17 civilian technicians to observe her performance during the deep-diving tests. Fifteen minutes after reaching her assigned test depth, the submarine communicated with SKYLARK by underwater telephone, apprizing the submarine rescue ship of difficulties. Garbled transmissions indicated that--far below the surface--things were going wrong. Suddenly, listeners in SKYLARK heard a noise “like air rushing into an air tank"--then, silence.

As Thresher neared her test depth, Skylark received garbled communications over underwater telephone indicating “… minor difficulties, have positive up-angle, attempting to blow.”

Efforts to reestablish contact with THRESHER failed, and a search group was formed in an attempt to locate the submarine. Rescue ship RECOVERY (ASR-43) subsequently recovered bits of debris, including gloves and bits of internal insulation. Photographs taken by bathyscaph TRIESTE proved that the submarine had broken up, taking all hands on board to their deaths in 5,500 of water, some 220 miles east of Boston. THRESHER was officially declared lost in April 1963.

Deep sea photography, recovered artifacts, and an evaluation of her design and operational history permitted a Court of Inquiry to conclude Thresher had probably suffered the failure of a weld in a salt water piping system, which relied heavily on silver brazing instead of welding

Thresher was lost with all hands; 129 souls including the civilian contractors aboard. The loss of the USS Thresher is probably my very first memory of world events. I wasn’t even 3 yet. Or I could be remembering the article that National Geographic Magazine ran 14 months later. Thresher is one of only two submarines that the US Navy has lost during peacetime.



     Eternal Father, Strong to save,
     Whose arm hath bound the restless wave,
     Who bid’st the mighty Ocean deep
     Its own appointed limits keep;
     O hear us when we cry to thee,
     For those in peril on the sea.



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/10/2008 at 10:13 AM   
Filed Under: • Miscellaneous •  
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calendar   Wednesday - April 09, 2008

Blog Tag

This is for NJT. It’s been hanging on my fridge for a year or so now. But I figured I should put something up after seeing yours. It’s nice to own a Kimber, ain’t it? Now that spring is here I’ll try to find time to make some new ones.


Yes, I know, I am teh suck at blog tag. I’m supposed to pass it on to 5 others, as well as come up with a 6 word memoir. How about a 6 word State of Affairs instead?
“Needs job, instead shoots and bowls.”

And I try not to pass things on. That’s why they make condoms. Let’s see, Macker, DemJen, Kami, Big Bored, Steamboat ... Ok, that’s 5, but are they supposed to be shootists? Maybe only 2 or 3 of them are. And I don’t want to annoy people. Sorry. Toldja I suck.


Just playing blog tag with a fellow commentor over at a great gunnie site that seems to have fallen by the wayside. But we’ll hold out a hope that S & D get their lives running smoothly soon and get back to the important things ... shootin’ and bloggin’.


For the rest of you ... Geex, didja hear what that dad blame fool Dhimmi Carter wants to do? Yup, old peanut brain wants to get all cozy with Hamas. In Syria. Damnation W, can’t you duct tape this fool into a cardboard box for the next 9 months?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/09/2008 at 09:50 PM   
Filed Under: • Miscellaneous •  
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Man released burglar as Keystone Cops fail to show up as they were going in the rong direction.

I’d like to see humor in this ...  is there any?

By Lucy Cockcroft
Last Updated: 2:14am GMT 26/03/2008

A man who caught a burglar was forced to release him after police failed to respond to a 999 call.

Gary Hall, 43, sat on the intruder after wrestling him to the ground when the boy came through the door of his home.

His wife, Jackie, telephoned police but, after waiting almost 20 minutes, Mr Hall had to let the teenager go when a gang of five youths began pelting his house with stones.

Mrs Hall dialled 999 shortly before midnight, but she did not hear from police until 3.15am when they called to apologise for not attending the scene.

It was not until the following morning that an officer visited their house in the village of Holton le Clay near Grimsby.

Mr Hall said: “I was watching television with my wife and heard a noise. I looked outside and saw a group of teenagers prowling about in our garden, shining their torches though the windows of our motor home.

“One of them approached the front door and turned the handle. I quickly opened the door and must have surprised him because he stumbled through the door.

“He was a big lad, taller than me, but he was easy to wrestle to the floor. He didn’t put up much of a fight and I just sat on him to restrain him.”

Mrs Hall said: “I was terrified. We had three young children in bed upstairs. I was shouting down the phone to get someone around quick and that my husband had caught a burglar in our home.

“The operator took our address and said someone would be around straight away.

“But when they didn’t show up and his mates came back throwing stones and shouting abuse, I screamed at Gary to let him go.”

All six of the teenagers immediately ran away after the incident on Easter Sunday. Three hours later the police returned Mrs Hall’s call and explained that the officers had been diverted.

Mr Hall, the director of a firm of electricians and a 15st former body-building champion, said: “The police response was disappointing to say the least.

“I don’t know what kind of incident it takes to get a response.

“Obviously they didn’t think this was high priority. They always seem efficient when it comes to sending out speeding tickets.

“If we give in to these young thugs, they will continue to control our villages, towns and cities.”

A spokesman for Lincolnshire police said: “It was a very busy night. We were dealing with 10 high priority cases. The call was unfortunately misdirected to Humberside police. We called back later to apologise.”

batbat bat

Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 04/09/2008 at 07:27 PM   
Filed Under: • Crime •  
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Deportation ruling blow to terror strategy

Deportation ruling blow to terror strategy

By Andrew Porter, Political Editor
Last Updated: 6:59pm BST 09/04/2008

Plans to deport terror suspects have been dealt a devastating blow after judges ruled that it was wrong to return suspects even if a memorandum of understanding existed between Britain and another country.
Uncertain World:
The Home Office was forced to abandon plans to deport 12 other suspects being held in Britain as a result.

Abu Qatada will not be deported
It came as in a separate ruling, Abu Qatada, the firebrand preacher once described as “Osama bin Laden’s right-hand man in Europe”, won his fight against deportation from Britain that could lead to him being released from prison.

Qatada has been convicted in his absence in Jordan of involvement with terror attacks in 1998, and of plotting to plant bombs at the Millennium.

The radical cleric once called on British Muslims to martyr themselves, and tapes of his sermons were found in a flat in Germany used by some of the September 11 hijackers.

Previously, the Special Immigration Appeals Commission (Siac) dismissed Qatada’s appeal against deportation to Jordan on the grounds that his human rights would not be breached because Amman had signed an MOU.

Both Gordon Brown and Tony Blair had promised that the new “memoranda of understanding” (MOUs) with other nations would ensure that they could be deported even if those countries sometimes carry out torture. The Government would have assurances that the men returned home would not be tortured.

advertisementLord Justice Buxton, giving the ruling of the panel of judges, concluded that because of the issue of evidence obtained by torture in Jordan, Siac had misdirected itself in law and its decision could not stand.

Tony McNulty, the Home Office minister, said: “I am pleased that the courts dismissed all but one of Abu Qatada’s reasons for appeal.

“We are seeking to overturn that point, and I believe that we will be able to secure his deportation to Jordan and we will push for it as soon as possible.

“In the meantime, he remains behind bars.”

In a separate case, two Libyans known only as AS and DD won their appeals against deportation. The decision led the Home Office to drop the deportation case against them and 10 other Libyans suspected of terrorism.

It is believed that AS and DD, who were previously on bail from SIAC, have now been handed control orders. Other steps - including further control orders - have been imposed on the other 10 Libyans, it is understood.

The development is highly damaging to the Government’s policy of seeking agreements with foreign countries to deport terror suspects. The so-called MOUs are designed to give reassurance that countries with poor human rights records will not torture or ill-treat anyone returned to their soil.

The ruling in the case of AS and DD leaves the MOU with Libya - signed in October 2005 - effectively in tatters.

Shadow Home Secretary, David Davis, said: “This deals a major blow to the Government’s assurances that Memorandums of Understanding are the answer in seeking to deport terror suspects. The Government should focus on prevention and prosecution rather than just trying to deport these individuals once they are here.

“They should answer our calls to establish a dedicated UK border police to secure our borders and prevent foreign terror suspects from entering the country in the first place.

“They should also allow the use of phone tap evidence in terror trials and make good on their promise to allow terrorism suspects to be interviewed after charge so that we can secure more prosecutions.”

A Home Office spokesman said: “We have already taken steps to protect the public.”



Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 04/09/2008 at 06:14 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeRoPMATerroristsWar On Terror •  
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Muslim sex offenders get a dispensation from the rules ?

I need to go on record here, with NO background in medical stuff or training on the subject that I think it’s all bullS.... anyway.
I can’t get my head around the fuzzy-wuzzy, touchy feely warm and cozy idea that a treatment program does anyhting but tell shrinks exactly what they wanna hear.  And I also do not entirely buy the idea of rape being no more about control then it is sex.  Drew’s use of the words “souless bastards” fits well here as it does in his post on another crime story. 

Muslim sex offenders may opt out of treatment
By Ben Farmer
Last Updated: 2:10am BST 09/04/2008

Muslim sex offenders may be allowed to opt out of a prison treatment programme because it is against their religion, it has emerged.
Muslim sex offenders who do not take part in the course may spend more time in prison, experts say
The Prison Service’s Muslim advisor has said there is a “legitimate Islamic position” that criminals should not discuss their crimes with others.

Under the Sex Offender Treatment Programme (SOTP), which treats more than 600 prisoners including rapists and sexual killers each year, offenders must discuss their crime, sometimes in groups.

Ahtsham Ali said he would now urgently raise the issue with prison policy makers, raising the prospect of an exemption or special rules for Muslim prisoners.

However, union leaders warned that as treatment is used to assess whether prisoners are suitable for early release, Muslims who have to serve longer terms because they did not take part could sue the Prison Service.

The prospect of a dispensation for Muslim prisoners emerged after an unnamed prisoner wrote to a prison magazine asking for clarification of the position of Muslims on the programme.

He wrote: “I have always insisted that it was against Islamic teachings to discuss your offence to anyone, let alone act it out within a peer group.”

Mr Ali said the issue had been raised before and told Inside Times: “I will be taking it forward as a matter of some urgency with colleagues, including those with policy responsibility for the SOTP programme.”

The Prison Service last night said it was seeking to ensure the programme was “sensitive to the diversity of religions within the prison context”.

Mark Leech, the editor of the Prisons Handbook, said: “Muslims who don’t want to take part in the course may have to spend more time in prison, because their risk of re-offending will not be assessed as part of the treatment programme.

“This would be quite right, because we have to think about the victim.

“I think it is feasible there may be a judicial review so that Muslim sex offenders get a dispensation from the rules.”

Harry Fletcher, the assistant general secretary of probation union Napo, described the situation as an “intractable problem”.

He said: “The logic is that Muslims cannot take part in offender programmes and therefore their offending behaviour cannot be assessed and they are unlikely to be granted parole.

“They may then seek legal redress through judicial review on the grounds that they are being discriminated against on the grounds of religion.”

A spokeswoman for the Prison Service said the programme was suitable for all sex offenders.

She said: “Membership of a particular religion is not a bar to participation in accredited programmes.”


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 04/09/2008 at 05:53 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeRoPMA •  
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The best guy wins for a change

Ramirez wins again!!

No, this isn’t some alternate ending for the Highlander. It’s props for political cartoonist Michael Ramirez, who has garnered another Pullet Surprise for his work.


Clicky Linky

This is his second win. He won another Pulitzer back in 1994, “For his trenchant cartoons on contemporary issues”.

Ramirez publishes daily at the Investors Business Daily, but you see his most excellent work nearly everywhere. Way to go.


h/t to Michelle Malkin


BMEWS hears back from the author. That was really nice of him:


Thank you for your wonderful e-mail and your kind words.

I am overwhelmed by my good fortune. I have been very lucky in my career and blessed in so many ways. I am but an ordinary person with an extraordinary job that has extraordinary benefits (like these awards) which have in turn, introduced me to so many extraordinary people.

It was nice to be able to bring home the Pulitzer for IBD. I believe we have the best editorial page in the country and they deserve the recognition. The editorial cartoons are but a small part of the effort.

Thank you for taking the time to send an e-mail and for reading my cartoons.

Best wishes to you and all your loved ones,



Michael P. Ramirez
Senior Editor/Editorial Cartoonist
Investor’s Business Daily
12655 Beatrice Street
Los Angeles, CA 90066

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/09/2008 at 05:46 PM   
Filed Under: • Fun-StuffNews-Briefs •  
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How much rope would it take?

Teen beaten to make video

Today’s big story is about another sick crime committed by utterly heartless and moronic teenagers. It’s all over the news. It’s the story about the beating Victoria Lindsay was subjected to. It’s not “another Girl Fight video” as some channels have reported. It’s attempted murder purely for kicks. And for video fame. I really don’t give a crap what the charges are, this was an attempt to kill, for a minute or two of fame on YouTube. The talking heads on television are saying this young high school girl was beaten even after she was unconsious. By her friends. That’s attempted murder. Murder One too, as it was a fully planned conspiracy on the 8 “children” who took part in it.

Lindsay has bruises, a concussion and damage to her left ear and eye, although her family said she is expected to recover.
The tape shows Lindsey being beaten and taunted as other teenagers shout in the background.

All suspects face charges for false imprisonment and battery. Three of them were charged with kidnapping because, the sheriff’s office said, they forced Lindsay into a car and drove her to another location after the beating.

The suspects were identified as 17-year-old Mercades Nichols, 17-year-old Brittini Hardcastle, 14-year-old April Cooper, 16-year-old Cara Murphy, 17-year-old Britney Mayes and 15-year-old Kayla Hassell. Zachary Ashley, 17, and Stephen Schumaker, 18, were identified by deputies as the lookouts.

The victim reported the attack after she was beaten so badly she had to be treated at the hospital. That’s when the sheriff’s office started looking into it and learned about the video. The sheriff calls it shocking, saying he’s never seen anything like it. It was a vicious attack all captured on home video inside a Polk County home. When 16-year-old Victoria Lindsay arrived at her friend’s house where she had been staying, six girls were waiting. Immediately, they started yelling and one girl began pummeling the victim. On the video, the girls can be heard encouraging the fight in the background, even taunting Lindsay to fight back, all while one of them held the camera. The victim’s family has said it was an elaborate plot to injure and embarrass Victoria Lindsay. Lindsay’s parents couldn’t believe their daughter had to endure the attack.

Police said Lindsay was attacked on March 30 by six teenage girls when she arrived at a friend’s home.  One of the girls struck her on the head several times and then slammed Lindsay’s head into a wall, knocking her unconscious, according to an arrest report.  Later, according to a clip of the video that was released by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office, the teens can be seen blocking a door and hitting her.

Two males, Ashley and Schumaker, allegedly acted as lookouts, police said.

Polk Sheriff Grady Judd said the girls had such little regard for the consequences of their actions—while they were in the holding cell, one allegedly remarked to another, “I guess this means we won’t be going to the beach.”

Another asked, “Does this mean I’m going to miss cheerleading class?”

Principal Hatch says, in his 30-plus years working with kids, times are scarier now than ever before.  The girls told Polk deputies they were getting Tori back for talking trash about them on her MySpace page. Their plan—they say—was to stage the fight and post it on You Tube for revenge.

The trial should last about 7 minutes. The “alleged perpatrators” were so smart they videotaped the entire thing and then published it on YouTube. Game over. Guilty. Should these poor little kiddies who were just trying to embarass this girl, not really hurt anyone, be charged as adults? Without question. If you’re old enough to be in high school you’re old enough to know right from wrong. Even the two standing outside as lookouts, specifically put there to make sure the sound of screaming wasn’t too loud. Charge them with the real thing, conspiracy to commit murder, with a torture and kidnapping rider. Charge them all equally, find them all guilty. Then take them outside and hang them, and leave their bodies to rot in the wind. Film the whole thing. And put the video up on YouTube.

These “children” are complete and total failures as human beings. 3, 5, 10, 25 years in prison isn’t going to teach them a damn thing. They are soulless bastards without the slightest shred of compassion for another human being. I don’t give a flaming rat’s ass if they’re 14 or 45.

And for financial penalties? Now let’s turn things around and say that, because they were all under 21, the parents are fiscally responsible. Strip the parents of every last cent they have. Convert every asset they have to cash, right down to selling the clothes on their backs at a garage sale. And every penny goes to Victoria. Not a dime for the lawyers. Then throw the parents into solitary confinement for 3 years, with no human contact at all, no TV or radio, not even a book to read, so they have ample opportunity to focus on their utter failure as parents. Any other minor children these people have get thrown to Social Services forever.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/09/2008 at 04:57 PM   
Filed Under: • CrimeStoopid-People •  
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Terrorist Bomb Maker Al-Masri now officially dead

Eight fingered Egyptian Al-Qaeda bomb maker Abu Ubaida Al-Masri is finally, officially dead. Apparently we’ve killed this guy several times, most recently with a Predator missile strike in Pakistan back in January, but news has finally come from “official” Al-Q news sources saying the old goat molester is taking the ultimate dirt nap. Cause of death is “natural”, rumored to possibly be hepatitis. Can you catch hepatitis by being blown to smithereens by dirty shrapnel?

Al Qaeda operative and bomb expert Abu Ubaida al-Masri, one of the terror group’s top 10 leaders, is dead, a U.S. official confirmed to FOX News Wednesday.  Al-Masri was responsible for the organization’s external operations, meaning he plotted attacks outside the tribal areas of Pakistan.
The unidentified official said it is believed that al-Masri died of natural causes, possibly hepatitis, in Pakistan, and are staying away from a report that he was killed in a January CIA predator strike.

U.S. officials say al-Masri has probably been dead for several months, with no explanation as to why news of his death was not released sooner.

Heh, kinda reminds me of “Our top story tonight, Francisco Franco, still dead.”.

This is the guy who is thought to have been behind the London subway bombings in July 2005, and he had a long history with Al-Qaeda. He was deeply involved in the failed airplane/liquid bomb plot where a dozen other terrorists are currently on trial.

Back in April the LA Times wrote

“He is considered capable and dangerous,” said a British official, who like others in this report declined to be identified. “He is not at the very top of Al Qaeda, but has been part of the core circle for a long time. He is someone who has emerged and grabbed our attention as others were caught or eliminated in the last couple of years. Perhaps he rose faster than he would have otherwise.”

So ... one less. Yippee! I’m not complaining, but I’d like to see stories more along the lines of “100 A-Q killed in bombing strike”, oh, perhaps every other day or two.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/09/2008 at 10:43 AM   
Filed Under: • Terrorists •  
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calendar   Monday - April 07, 2008

last chance to read old posts - No, they’re Ok for now

Final Update:
Ok, it looks like everything is back in place, except for one obscure .jpg file. But on the other hand, I’ve never gone through every single bit of code for this blog before, so it’s entirely possible that Allan made a mistake and referred to the wrong file name. Odds are you’ll never notice the difference, because the missing file was in an area that I’m not sure the regular readers can even get too.

Alrighty then. I’m going to leave the galleries up for the next week, and then trim them. At this point it doesn’t look like the old posts will have to be cut, and it doesn’t look like the uploaded graphics area will have to be cut. Things seem to be running Ok. Phew, I’m so glad we were able to sort this out.

New members might also find the signing up process to go a little bit faster too. It is not automatic, but it’s a bit more streamlined now. So be a little patient, m’kay?


UPDATE - Well, we may have lost some graphics, or I may be able to stick them back in tomorrow. I’ve been planted in this chair for several hours and I’m tired of it.  But the problem wasn’t with the graphics or the old posts. We’ve got something running amok with the log files. I killed a bunch, and got back most of a Gig. But everything seems to be working Ok.

Tomorrow I’ll figure out which graphics files got snipped from the page headers ... I have them all on my PC, so I’ll just stick them back.  Then maybe we can figure out why the log files are growing so damn fast.


We’re running low on server space here at BMEWS. I’m going to have to trim a bunch of old posts. I’m going to do the oldest ones first, and probably get rid of the first two year’s worth. Right now I’m doing a full backup to my home PC, so nothing will actually be lost. We just won’t see it online ever again. And I’m going to have to cut out a lot of the graphics files too.

So if you want to go back in time to when BMEWS was Vilmar and Allan, now is the time. The cutting won’t begin until tomorrow or the day after. First I have to figure out what graphics I can delete - we have 4 or more directories full of them, not just the all the posters upload to. And we still have ALL those Weekend Women pics too.

Somewhere down the road Mr. C. and I will also be upgrading to the latest version of ExpressionEngine. BMEWS is several versions behind at this point.

Things might get a little messy, but we’ll get it figured out. Somehow. Someday. But I’ve got hope that this change will be for your own good for the best.

Here’s a link you may want to explore - all the Motorvator posters we’ve run.
The same link also takes you to the Cheesecake & Stuff gallery, that has all of the nekkid ladies Allan used to post, as well as some cartoons, and a few neat pictures of cars and things. Get them now ... cause they’re soon gone.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/07/2008 at 06:13 PM   
Filed Under: • Blog Stuff •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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