Sarah Palin is allowed first dibs on Alaskan wolfpack kills.

calendar   Saturday - October 09, 2004

Daily Dose

Quote Of The Day

“Well, if crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight? They never mention that part to us, do they?”
-- George Carlin

On This Day In History
October 9th

1936 - Hoover Dam Begins Transmitting Electricity To Los Angeles
On this day in 1936, harnessing the power of the mighty Colorado River, Hoover Dam begins sending electricity over transmission lines spanning 266 miles of mountains and deserts to run the lights, radios, and stoves of Los Angeles. Initially named Boulder Dam, work on the dam was begun under President Herbert Hoover’s administration but completed as a public works project during the Roosevelt administration (which renamed it for Hoover). When it was finished in 1935, the towering concrete and steel plug was the tallest dam in the world and a powerful symbol of the new federal dedication to large-scale reclamation projects designed to water the arid West. In fact, the electricity generated deep in the bowels of Hoover Dam was only a secondary benefit. The central reason for the dam was the collection, preservation, and rational distribution of that most precious of all western commodities, water. Under the guidance of the Federal Reclamation Bureau, Hoover Dam became one part of a much larger multipurpose water development project that tamed the wild Colorado River for the use of the growing number of western farmers, ranchers, and city dwellers. Water that had once flowed freely to the ocean now was impounded in the 115-mile-long Lake Mead. Massive aqueducts channeled millions of gallons of Colorado River water to California where it continues to this day to flow from Los Angeles faucets and irrigate vast stretches of fertile cropland. With Hoover Dam, the federal government set out to demonstrate that the aridity of a region once called the Great American Desert need be no serious obstacle to its full settlement and development. However, as rapidly growing western cities like Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Phoenix today face increasing difficulties in obtaining the water they need, it remains to be seen if the Great American Desert might still dictate its own limits to western growth.

1635 - Religious dissident and Rhode Island founder, Roger Williams, was banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

1888 - For the first time the public was admitted to the Washington Monument.

1930 - Laura Ingalls became the first woman to fly across the United States.

1967 - Che Guevara was executed in Bolivia.

1975 - Soviet scientist Andrei Sakharov was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work to end the nuclear arms race.

Today’s Birthdays

John Lennon, (1940–1980), singer, guitarist, songwriter
Trent Lott, (Chester Trent Lott), (1941- ), American Senator (R-MS)

Thanks to The Quotations Page - The History Channel - InfoPlease.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/09/2004 at 12:18 AM   
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calendar   Friday - October 08, 2004


We at BMEWS are pleased to announce that Jen, one of own “Little Moonbat Mascots,” is currently in boot camp and about to celebrate her 20th birthday on the 12th of this month.  For those of you who have ever been to boot camp then you will know it can be a lonely place to celebrate a birthday given that friendships are not easily entered into.

So what do we want you to do?

Send her a birthday card!!!!!!  Or leave a comment here and the Annoying Little Twerp in Chicago (Barb) will print the page with this little post AND all your comments and then mail them to Jen.

So, in order to give you some possible common ground with our Jen, here is some biographical info provided by her friend, Barb.

Her name is Jennifer Leah Clark. She’s from a two parent family. She has a younger sister named Roberta-who thinks we’re both psycho. She’s got 3 cats and a “poigle"- a beagle/pointer mix.

She’s employed by UPS, She wants to teach in a private school. She belongs to a Lutheran denomination so small that services are held in a closet (Sorry Jen) She lives in the Chicago “SouthLand"(as do I)

She does “45” on the expressway.

She has a MAJOR crush on Frank at IMAO (don’t tell Sarah K.)

She’s U2’s biggest fan.

She LOVES the Cubs and wishes destruction upon the White Sox and the Yankee’s!  (comment from Vilmar:  watch it there, Jen.  You’re walking a fine line hating my Yankees!!  hehehe)

Jen is bright and fun and quirky and stubborn and down to earth and very passionate and totally unique (run-on intentional)

Jen has a strong love of God, and country.  She loves what the US is and hates those that want to destroy it. She also believes that freedom isn’t free. She joined the military for that reason. She’s been so blessed by being part of this great Nation, and she wants to give something back. She supports Israel too.

Did I mention that she has excellent taste in best friends too.

Remember, she has no idea we are doing this so it will be a surprise to her.

Here’s the address:

Pvt. Clark, Jennifer
Company C, 323rd/Mad Dawgs 1st Platoon
2340 Magruder Ave.
Ft. Jackson, SC 29207

Here’s a picture of her with her best pal, Barb.  Jen’s on the left.


Don’t let us down---get to writing!!!!!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/08/2004 at 04:13 PM   
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WHAT Media Bias?  Where?  I Don’t See it!!

Read This and if you’re a Republican you’ll immediately be aware of what I am about to launch into.  If you are a Democrat, then allow me to explain in a manner that will not overload your feebly incapacitated brain:

Go ahead, read the article.  Completely.

Now tell me how long it took for the paper to identify the perpetrator as a Democrat.  Then explain to me why it is the Republicans were immediately identified as such by an (R) after their names as if THEY were the ones who committed the slur.

Then explain to me why there is no seeming outcry from the homosexual community for the use of the terminloogy the Dummycrap Senator employed.

Lastly, if you have any capacity to be intellectually honest, try and convince me that if the tables were turned this individual wouldn’t have been ridden out of town on the rails.

Go on!  I dare you!

OK, you liberal wankers can go away now.

For the rest of you, check this out.  It’s a comment made by one of the homosexuals to whom this Vince Fumo asswipe apologized:

“Vince is the kind of guy, when he gets angry colorful things come out of his mouth,” said Segal, who considers himself a friend of Fumo’s. “But he is also the No. 1 supporter of gay and lesbian issues in the Pennsylvania Senate ... and deeds speak louder than words.”

In other words, pass a few laws to help out the homo crowd and you’re given a free pass to go around saying things like “faggot”, “rump meister”, “carpet muncher”, “pillow biter”, etc.

You gotta love the blatant hypocrisy!!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/08/2004 at 02:39 PM   
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Photo Of The Week

Read more about how this photo was taken here.



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/08/2004 at 07:01 AM   
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It’s Time The Attorney General Stepped In

This is getting ridiculous.  In the same county where we had all those voter problems in 2000 and 2002 (run by Democrats, populated by Democrats and where stupid Democrats couldn’t figure out a ballot or use the new voting machines) we now have another brewing scandal.

After doors closed for new voter registration, an individual comes to the door 15 minutes late and demands Theresa LePore (the supervisor of elections) to have his paperwork taken (OBTW:  all of it was from Muslims against Bush!) SURPRISE!!!!!!! (not!)

He sneaks in anyway and starts yelling “disenfranchisement!!!” She refuses the box (she says) but admits to allowing people individually inside until 6.


The same thing happened in 2000 and caused the courts to come in and tell these morons they had to obey the law.  Because of that the mantra became, Bush was selected, not elected.” If these sons of bitches follow the rule of law there never would have been any problems.

And if you read this more in-depth article by the Palm Beach Post you will see how the issue easily slides from blatant violation of laws regarding voter registration to 527 groups and who they represent.

No mention is made of LePore’s law breaking by allowing additional people in until 6 PM.

And it goes without saying that whereas the Democrats break the law AT WILL, it’s the Republicans who disenfranchise voters.  Who tear up voter applications.  Who change polling stations without telling anyone.

One last thing:  Am I the only one who wants to know how many of those “hundreds of thousands” of last minute voter registrations submitted in the last week were from people wanting to register as Democrats or “republicans” claiming to change party affiliation?  Do you smell the same fraud I do?  Do you smell the setup that’s coming and lawsuits waiting to be filed claiming disenfranchisement?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/08/2004 at 06:10 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsMedia-Bias •  
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AH-NOLD For President?????

Great!!!  As if we don’t have enough problems with immigrants now we have assclown congresscritters wanting to give naturalized citizens the right to run for President.

How long before Juan Valdez bides his time, runs, wins and turns the US into another Mexico?  Or Muhammed does the same and we end up with women in chadors, riding in the back of the bus?

This is BAD JUJU folks!!!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/08/2004 at 05:54 AM   
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Islam---Aggressive?  Who’d a Thunk It?

Want a good read about Islamic aggression?  Check this out.

The author details how Islam got to where it is today over the past 1400 years.  Here’s a list of aggressions just in the 20th Century alone:

1. Muslim Turkey has expelled approximately 1,500,000 Greeks from its empire in the east and replaced them with Turks. They have massacred approximately 2 million Armenians and replaced them with Turks in the west.

2. Muslim Turkey has invaded and occupied northern Cyprus, displacing the Greeks living there.

3. Muslim northern Sudan has conquered much of southern Sudan, literally enslaving its Christian and pagan population.

4. Indonesian imperialism has occupied all of non-Islamic western New Guinea and incorporated into Indonesia.

5. Muslim Indonesia has invaded and conquered Christian East Timor with horrible loss of life.

6. This very day, Muslim Indonesia is attempting to destroy Christianity in what used to be called the Celebes.

7. A half-dozen Arab countries have fought two to four wars (depending how you count) in an attempt to destroy Israel and occupy its territory, and is currently continuing the attempt this very day with the publicly voted consent of 55 of the world’s 57 Islamic nations.

8. For no good reason, Muslim Libya has blown up western aircraft, killing many civilians.

9. Muslim Iraq, in an imperialist war of aggression, invaded and occupied Muslim Kuwait.

10. Muslim Iraq, in an imperialist act of aggression, invaded Muslim Iran with a resulting (some estimates say) death of 2 million people.

11. Muslim Albania, this very minute, is attempting to enlarge its borders at Christian Macedonia’s expense.

12. Muslim Northern Nigeria has been (and is currently) an aggressor against the Christian south.

13. Muslims expelled approximately 800,000 Jews from their homelands between 1947 and 1955.

14. During Jordan’s occupation of the West Bank, the kingdom undertook an unsuccessful attempt to make Jerusalem a Muslim city by forcing out approximately 10,000 Christian inhabitants.

Religion of peace, EH???


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/08/2004 at 05:52 AM   
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Looks like the French are none too pleased with the latest UN Inspector report which says they were complicit in the oil-for-food scandal.  Their response?  To urge caution in accepting the report too readily. 

Although not a Frenchmen, I found this quote from the Russkie named Zhirinovsky particularly troubling: 

“I never took a drop (of oil), or a single dollar from Iraq or from any other country. I have never dealt with oil.  I do not care what someone might have received, I personally gained nothing.” long as HE doesn’t get anything he doesn’t CARE who does?  In other words, it’s like saying, “hell, I’m not corrupt but if someone else is and innocent people die or starve because of it I don’t care what they make.  More power to them for not getting caught?”

The denials are flowing thicker than oil.  Conclusion:  they are all as guilty as sin.

Read this CNS report that has a blow by blow of what is alleged in the report.  It focuses on Russia and France.  Just on the French side of the equation you’ll learn that Saddam started bribing the French Socialist party long before the Oil-For-Food program began; that oil vouchers were given to several Frenchmen to get their help in lifting the sanctions; Saddam was told as early as May 2002 that France WOULD veto any American effort to go to war.  There’s lots more.  It’s worth your reading it to know exactly what kind of friends we have in the French.  It should also make you wonder why Fuckface is so eager to go kiss their ass.

Meanwhile, Jacques Chirac, who many call the President of France (I call him the Fucktard of France) is in Hanoi pressing the flesh, hoping for bribe money (I guess.) While there he:

“warned that the world’s different cultures could be “choked” by US values.  This, he said, would lead to a “general world sub-culture” based around the English language, which would be “a real ecological catastrophe”.

Hey, I don’t know about you but I think hje’s jealous he has to ride in little Renaults or Peugeots and his people live in shithole sized apartments on streets covered in dog shit because no one cleans them.

But what really must frost his jaws is this:

Vietnam is a former French colony, but only around 375,000 of its 81 million people speak French. English is considered by most people a far more valuable and practical second language, particularly among businessmen.

Take THAT! you stupid fucking frog!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/08/2004 at 05:48 AM   
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The Coalition of the Bribed

Funny how the press just LOVES to make headlines about the UN Weapons Inspector who just filed a report saying Saddam had no weapons of mass destruction.  Yet they overlook the damning facts about Saddam’s Oil-For-Food program and how he skimmed about $11 BILLION and bought off countries with his oil money.

The list cited names from France, Russia and China, all permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, which supervised the program.  Read the rest here.

This piece goes into detail about how the scumbag cheese eating surrender monkeys ("the French” for those of you in Rio Linda and all other Democrats reading this) profited from this corruption with the understanding they’d:

“influence the French to oppose U.S. initiatives at the United Nations and to work to lift sanctions. ”

I brought all this up in earlier posts (here) (here) and (here) which had basically the same information regarding who got how many contracts, what governments they were with, etc. but it seems no one is too eager to investigate.  Must be hitting too close to home, huh?

A blow-by-blow can be found here.

Even the British are getting into the act by writing an article about Dutch and French inspectors who were supposed to keep this sort of stuff from happening yet they themselves took over $100,000 in bribe money from the Iraqis.

Some great allies we have in the French, Germans and Russians, wouldn’t you say?  They find nothing ethically wrong in dealing with a barbaric dictator, taking bribes, skimming billions from the people of Iraq and giving no second thoughts to the misery they’ve created.  Yet all the while they prefer to keep this evil bastard in power and refuse to support the one country that has bailed them out of world wars and rebuilt their economies.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/08/2004 at 05:12 AM   
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Daily Dose

Quote Of The Day

“I’ve done the calculation and your chances of winning the lottery are identical whether you play or not.”
-- Fran Lebowitz

On This Day In History
October 8th

1871 - Great Fire Of Chicago Begins
At nine o’clock on a Sunday evening, the Great Fire of Chicago erupts after a cow reportedly kicks over a lantern in the barn of a resident named Mrs. O’Leary. Within hours, the conflagration, driven by a strong wind out of the southwest, engulfed the center of the city and around midnight jumped the Chicago River, burning the southern portion of the city to the ground by daybreak. As thousands of panicked Chicagoans fled to the north, the fire pursued them, and by Monday the flames had reached Fullerton Avenue, then the northern-most limit of the city. Tuesday morning, a saving rain began to fall, and the flames finally died out, leaving four square miles of Chicago a smoking ruin. Property damage was estimated at $200 million, 90,000 people were made homeless, and at least 250 people perished in the blaze.

1918 - Alvin York Kills 25 & Captures 132 Germans
During World War I, U.S. Corporal Alvin C. York is credited with single-handedly killing 25 German soldiers and capturing 132 in the Argonne Forest of France. The action saved York’s small detachment from annihilation by a German machine-gun nest and won the reluctant warrior from backwater Tennessee the Congressional Medal of Honor. On October 8, 1918, York and 15 other soldiers under the command of Sergeant Bernard Early were dispatched to seize a German-held rail point during the Allies’ Meuse-Argonne Offensive. The Americans lost their way and soon found themselves behind enemy lines. A brief firefight ensued with a superior German force, and in the confusion a group of Germans surrendered. However, German machine-gunners on a hill overlooking the scene soon noticed the small size of Early’s patrol. Yelling in German for their comrades to take cover, the machine gunners opened fire on the Americans, cutting down half the detachment, including Sergeant Early. York immediately returned fire and with his marksman eye began picking off the German gunners. He then fearlessly charged the machine-gun nest. Several of the other surviving Americans followed his lead and probably contributed to the final total of 25 enemy killed. With his automatic pistol, York shot down six German soldiers sent out of the trench to intercept him. The German commander, thinking he had underestimated the size of the American force, surrendered as York reached the machine-gun nest. York and the other seven survivors took custody of some 90 Germans and on the way back to the Allied lines encountered 40 or so other enemy troops, who were coerced to surrender by the German major that the Americans had in their custody. The final tally was 132 prisoners.

1869 - The 14th president of the United States, Franklin Pierce, died in Concord, N.H.

1934 - Bruno Hauptmannn was indicted for the murder of Charles Lindbergh’s baby.

1945 - President Harry Truman announced the U.S. would share the secret of the atomic bomb only with Great Britain and Canada.

1956 - Don Larsen of the New York Yankees pitched the first and only perfect game in a World Series.

Today’s Birthdays

Jesse Jackson, (1941- ), Civil rights activist & loud-mouthed, race-baiting extortionist
Edward VernonRickenbacker, (1890–1973), American war hero and airline executive
Chevy Chase (Cornelius Crane Chase), (1943- ), Comedian & actor
Sigourney Weaver (Susan Weaver), (1949- ), Actress & killer of aliens

Thanks to The Quotations Page - The History Channel - InfoPlease.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/08/2004 at 12:16 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - October 07, 2004

In My World

National Security Database:
A Very Bad Idea

On this matter, I am an expert witness. I do databases for a living. I live, eat, sleep and breathe databases 24/7. For the last eighteen years that is all I have done. I have installed, configured and maintained databases for Fortune 500 companies and several government agencies, including the Department Of Defense and the Department Of Energy, to name a few. Oracle, DB2, Informix, Sybase are all database companies that I deal with on a regular basis, especially Oracle. With all that said, let me make this perfectly clear ....

Senate bill S.2845 (National Intelligence Reform Act of 2004) has a provision in it that would let government counter-terrorist investigators instantly query a massive system of interconnected commercial and government databases that hold billions of records on Americans.

This is a very bad idea. Let me repeat. This is a very bad idea. Got that?

Why? Because the government wants to make use of a tool that companies have been increasingly using more and more over the last decade. This tool is called “Business Intelligence”. What is it? It is an analysis tool that examines data stored in data warehouses and recognizes patterns that allow businesses to make better marketing decisions. For example, how many of you have a “shopping card” from your local grocery store or pharmacy? Almost all of you, I’d bet. You flash it at the store when you buy something and you get a 10-20% discount on purchases. That’s a good deal, isn’t it?  Your local CVS pharmacy or Kroger food store simply asks you to fill out a form giving them your address and a little personal information about yourself and in return they give you hefty discounts on purchases. That sounds like a sweet deal, right? Well, it is until you start getting unrequested mail from various companies asking you to sample their products or you find that the products you normally buy have been moved to opposite sides of the store requiring you to travel across the entire store to make your normal purchases (and increase the chance you’ll buy other items on your trek).

Are you starting to get the picture yet?

OK, here is the bottom line: these companies are peeking into your mind and examining your habits, based on your buying preferences. Every time you visit the store, your purchases are recorded and stored in a massive data warehouse (a specialized kind of database). They are using that information to increase their business and you are helping them by letting them track your purchases. Now, apply that same approach to government. Do you really want the federal government (a.k.a. “The Nanny State") being able to gather information about your movements, locations, habits, purchases, registrations, etc.? Even more, do you really want the federal government examining all of that information with complex analysis tools that recognize patterns about your behavior?

Yes, it might help identify terrorists before they strike .... but it could also be used for other bad purposes as well. There are endless possibilities for database systems and analysis tools like this to be misused, particularly when government bureaucrats get involved. I’m not trying to scare you with a “possible” bogey man. This bogey man is real and businesses are already using these tools to get into your private life. What makes you think the government will do any less?

And one more thing .... as one of my old Computer Science professors told me ages ago, the only 100% secure computer system is one that has been unplugged from everything, locked in a safe, dropped in the deepest trench in the ocean and guarded by a fleet of nuclear submarines .... and even that is not always enough. From personal experience, I can tell you that he was dead right on the money.

So what can you do? Well, if the idea scares you too then write your Senator before they pass this legislation. Otherwise, you could have no privacy left in a few years. They will know everything about you. Voting patterns, buying habits, travel plans, income, expenses, liquidity, gun registrations, police records, medical history, etc. The list goes on and on. And with the proper business intelligence tools they can even figure out how often you change underwear and whether you pick your nose. No, really.

Think about it .... do you want George Orwell’s chilling prediction in his book ”1984” to come true? .... Big Brother Is Watching You

If so, all you have to do is sit back and do nothing ....


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/07/2004 at 11:01 AM   
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Female Voters Show Support For Cheney

OK, ladies .... if you really think Dick Cheney is cool and want to support Bush/Cheney get your tee-shirt now and show your support. Also available: caps, tank-tops, mouse pads, buttons and .... thongs.


(--thanks to Steel)


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/07/2004 at 09:26 AM   
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Cajun Ghost Story

This happened about a month ago just outside a little town in the bayou country of Louisiana, and while it sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock tale, it’s real.

This guy was on the side of the road hitchhiking on a real dark night in the middle of a thunder storm. Time passed slowly and no cars went by. It was raining so hard he could hardly see his hand in front of his face.

Suddenly he saw a car moving slowly, approaching and appearing ghostlike in the rain. It slowly crept toward him and stopped.

Wanting a ride real bad the guy jumped in the car and closed the door, only then did he realize that there was nobody behind the wheel. The car slowly started moving and the guy was terrified, too scared to think of jumping out and running.

The guy saw that the car was slowly approaching a sharp curve, still too scared to jump out, he started to pray for his life; he was sure the ghost car would go off the road and in the bayou and he would surely drown, when just before the curve, a hand appeared thru the driver’s window and turned the steering wheel, guiding the car safely around the bend.

Paralyzed with fear, the guy watched the hand reappear every time they reached a curve. Finally the guy scared to near death had all he could take and jumped out of the car and ran to town.

Wet and in shock, he went into a bar and voice quavering, ordered two shots of whiskey, then told everybody about his supernatural experience.

A silence enveloped and everybody got goose bumps when they realized the guy was telling the truth and not just some drunk.

About half an hour later two guys walked into the bar and one says to the other, “Look Boudreaux, ders dat idiot dat rode in da car vhen we were pushin it in da rain!


(-- thanks to Don R.)


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 10/07/2004 at 09:20 AM   
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The Light Is Dawning on CAIR

The Islamic group CAIR recently ran some polls and concluded that 25% of Americans hold anti-Muslim views!  My response?  “Is that all?!?!?!”

Here are some of the findings:

* When asked what comes to mind when they hear “Muslim,” 32 percent of respondents made negative comments. Only two percent had a positive response.

* Those with the most negative attitudes toward Islam and Muslims tend to be less-educated white males who are politically conservative.

* African-Americans hold more favorable attitudes about Muslims than do whites. 

(hmmmm, Blacks are Christian; Blacks tend to be less educated.  Sorry, I am experiencing a disconnect here.)

* Most Americans believe that the terrorists are misusing the teachings of Islam.

(really!?!?!  Their Holy Book is used as rationale for killing innocent children, women and other civilians and they are NOT misusing the Koran?!?!)

Here’s some contact info:

brahim Hooper, 202-488-8787 or 202-744-7726, E-Mail:;
Rabiah Ahmed, 202-488-8787 or 202-439-1441, E-Mail:

Send them a note telling them how you feel.  And if you are a college educated male, let them know, too!

Mine is below.  Please do not copy it because if they get a bunch of letters just like it (or close) they will discard all letters as a spam scam of some sort.  Use your own words.  I think I’ve provided enough “red meat” to get you going.

This is in reference to your web post:

First off, I think your numbers are wrong.  The percentages are probably higher.  And you know why?  Because it’s never dawned on you or your “people” that of ALL the terrorist attack made against Americans and others worldwide in the past 10 plus years, almost EVERY SINGLE ONE of them were made by Muslims.  (it’s no use denying it, the proof is incontrovertible!)

Let’s not also forget that since 9-11 there has never been a huge public outcry from the Muslim community slamming/criticizing/finding repulsive those attacks (and don’t bother now as we won’t believe you).  When Palestinians attack innocent Israeli bystanders (no military in the area at all to make it a legitimate target) there is no outcry for the senseless violence.  Say what you will about that conflict but nothing will be resolved if innocents get attacked.

The same applies now in Iraq with terrorists killing innocent Iraqis; using Holy Mosques as places of refuge, places to kill civilians and places to store weapons; using schools as places to kill hundreds of children.  As a race or as a religion I find these actions DESPICABLE and UN-HUMAN!  Which then makes me wonder if those who practice this (or condone it through their silence) are fit to live with the rest of humanity!

You have clerics going around saying that it is OK to kill innocent men, women and children who are not believers (I think the term they use is “infidels” or “non-believers")

You have clerics declaring it is OK to beat women.

You live in a society that denies women the right to education.  The right to drive.  The right to vote, even.  Sure, Muslim women have those rights in countries not dominated by Muslims (France, Germany, USA, etc.) but most efforts by terrorists are to CONVERT everyone to Islam and strict Islam doctrine.  You can not deny that but once again, I see almost NO OUTCRY, NO DEMANDS from Muslims in those aforementioned countries to disagree with those doctrines.  Nor do I see mass protests by Muslims against their clerics.  (You getting the picture yet?  How the hell can we TRUST you when by your silence you become complicit in those beliefs and doctrines and objectives?)

And probably the biggest:  You have clerics and others who DO NOT PRACTICE TOLERANCE for others of different beliefs and values but DEMAND the rest of the world accept yours.

You’ve a long way to go before you EVER get my trust but you better start now.


Vilmar Tavares


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 10/07/2004 at 08:16 AM   
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On: 03/20/21 07:00

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Tracked at Casual Blog
On: 07/17/17 04:28

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On: 07/09/17 03:07



Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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GNU Terry Pratchett

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