Sarah Palin's image already appears on the newer nickels.

calendar   Saturday - May 30, 2020

And then a miracle occurred

Our condo sits just 20 feet from the edge of a steep ravine. The land falls off almost vertically, and drops 30 feet or so down into a gulley. It’s very naturally wooded down there, with loads of broken sharp branches, downed trees, a soggy slough from the little creek that goes through, etc. And it’s quite remote, even though it’s only a couple dozen yards from the road that runs behind us. If you fall down there and get hurt, you’re going to die, because no one will ever see you or hear your screaming.

This condo park was built in 1979. There’s never been a fence there, or even any significant brush that would keep anyone from falling over the edge. The landscape guys go zooming up and down the narrow bit of grass between our patio and the edge with their giant mowers. The winter before last some little kids were visiting the neighbors, and were out there sledding in the snow on those little round disc sled things. The ones you can’t steer or stop.

I’ve been after the Association to put in a fence since we bought this place almost 9 years ago. With the new manager, someone actually finally came out and took a look, and went “gosh, this is steep and could be dangerous.” No kidding. Anyway ... 6 months later, and I noticed mark-out paint on the grass the other day, and Friday, 3 of the landscape guys came with a truckfull of posts, and spent about 4 hours digging holes and putting it in.

It’s a split rail fence, parts direct from Lowe’s. It runs 7 sections, so it’s got to be at least 70 feet long. It looks a bit raw, but I’m glad it’s finally in. And now we’re buying potted plants to hang from the rails, and climbing flowering vines to cover it over. Just for a bit more privacy. And some more green.


And it might even make the deer take a different path. Assuming they don’t eat the thing.

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/30/2020 at 09:54 PM    avatar
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Protest BS

Another Day Of Disruption, Burning, Looting

Because the entire country is fed up with police brutality, in the instance of ONE man, so this justifies riots from sea to shining sea? I do not effing think so.

Protests continued Saturday as more demonstrations erupted in cities nationwide following the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd.

In some cities, authorities issued curfews in light of the at-times violent protests and destruction taking place.

Police and protesters clashed in Brooklyn Saturday night resulting at least 200 arrests and “countless” officers hurt and in the emergency room.

NYPD vehicles windows were broken and set on fire.

One person was arrested near the 79 Precinct with loaded .380 semi-automatic pistol.

Two women were reportedly arrested for throwing a molotov cocktail at an NYPD van that had four officers inside.

Thirty-seven patrol cars have been vandalized so far, according to reports.

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms established a curfew starting Saturday at 9 p.m. following a night of disruptive and at-time violent protests.
An Atlanta Police Department vehicle burns during a demonstration against police violence, Friday, May 29, 2020 in Atlanta. The protest started peacefully earlier in the day before demonstrators clashed with police. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

An Atlanta Police Department vehicle burns during a demonstration against police violence, Friday, May 29, 2020 in Atlanta. The protest started peacefully earlier in the day before demonstrators clashed with police. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

Protests continued Saturday and police arrested demonstrators that were purposefully blocking traffic.

Security officials surrouned Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s house as crowds of protesters gathered around the massion. A brick was reportedly thrown at one of the police officers.

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms denounced the riots and said in a Saturday press conference, “When you run it down the street with a Gucci bag, that’s not about black people dying in America. That’s about killing ourselves when we do things like that.”

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced a curfew Saturday night after 500 people were arrested and five police officers were hurt after protests turned violent.

I’ve had enough. Bring out the water cannons, the mace, the dogs, and the rubber bullets. And warm up the MRAPS with their machine guns.

It’s time to grow up, or die. And I don’t give a flaming shit which one you choose.

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/30/2020 at 09:37 PM    avatar
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calendar   Friday - May 29, 2020

Trump Dumps Who? WHO !!

President Trump: US ‘terminating’ relationship with WHO

President Trump announced Friday that the U.S. is “terminating” its relationship with the embattled World Health Organization (WHO) over its failure to enact reforms in the face of concerns over its handling of the coronavirus pandemic and its pro-China bias.

“Because they have failed to make the requested and greatly needed reforms, we will be today terminating our relationship with the World Health Organization and redirecting those funds to other worldwide and deserving urgent global public health needs,” Trump told reporters at a Rose Garden event.

In the course of the same statement, Trump announced a number of measures aimed primarily at China in response to its conduct on a number of fronts including trade, the coronavirus and its recent crackdown on Hong Kong.

“The world is now suffering as a result of the misfeasance of the Chinese government,” Trump said.

Trump announced last month that the U.S. would freeze froze funding to the WHO, and threatened to make the freeze permanent if the organization did not enact “major substantive reforms.” The U.S. had been the top contributor to the agency to the tune of approximately $450 million a year. China meanwhile pays approximately $50 million a year—although Beijing had recently announced a $2 billion injection of funds.

Good. Now dump the UN too. I seriously doubt if the USA benefits a dime from either organization. All we do is pay into them, and they’re all corrupt tyrants and Marxists. Let the rest of the world pay for this BS.


[ damn. I was trying so hard to find something to post about that wasn’t COVID related. Hey, Minneapolis and now Atlanta are burning, as the schwoogies use any excuse to riot, destroy, and steal. White House locked down. DC and NYC seething. CNN Atlanta office destroyed. The cops up there in Minnesota killed a guy as they were arresting him. George Floyd. That’s bad. Really bad. Huge amount of excessive force? And now the officer has been arrested, charged with murder, and the others fired. So, case closed, right?

Oh hella no.

Let’s get this party started! Burn, steal, loot, assault! Woo hoo, this is more fun than a flash mob at the mall! Let’s make it nation wide!
Now we’ve even got race hustler Al “Tawana” Sharpton complaining that the rioters had the audacity to torch and rob black owned stores!! How dare they!! Crivens, what a total racist ... and nobody will say a word against him, ever.

How many blacks have been shot or killed by other blacks since this happened Monday? A couple hundred? 40+ just in Chicago last weekend. How many since. So I don’t buy that BLM mantra. It’s BS too. Blacks don’t give a flying fart about other black lives, unless they can use it as an excuse. We seen it a million times before. And I’m sick of posting it. And just because they behave like rabid feral animals doesn’t excuse any of it. The laws apply to all of us. ]

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/29/2020 at 07:53 PM    avatar
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Fighting The Good Fight

Dr. Zelenko prepares for the final battle.

I have been preparing for the final battle in this war. The major counteroffensive is beginning. The whole world will hear us and be turned upside down.

Just released today, this 20 page medical document might be one of the nukes he’s planning to drop.

Early Outpatient Treatment of Symptomatic, High-Risk Covid-19 Patients that Should be Ramped-Up Immediately as Key to the Pandemic Crisis
More than 1.6 million Americans have been infected with SARS-CoV-2 and >10 times that number carry antibodies to it. High-risk patients presenting with progressing symptomatic disease have only hospitalization treatment with its high mortality. An outpatient treatment that prevents hospitalization is desperately needed. Two candidate medications have been widely discussed: remdesivir, and hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin. Remdesivir has shown mild effectiveness in hospitalized inpatients, but no trials have been registered in outpatients. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been widely misrepresented in both clinical reports and public media, and outpatient trials results are not expected until September. Early outpatient illness is very different than later hospitalized florid disease and the treatments differ. Evidence about use of hydroxychloroquine alone, or of hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin in inpatients, is irrelevant concerning efficacy of the pair in early high-risk outpatient disease. Five studies, including two controlled clinical trials, have demonstrated significant major outpatient treatment efficacy. Hydroxychloroquine+azithromycin has been used as standard-of-care in more than 300,000 older adults with multicomorbidities, with estimated proportion diagnosed with cardiac arrhythmias attributable to the medications 47/100,000 users, of which estimated mortality is <20%, 9/100,000 users, compared to the 10,000 Americans now dying each week. These medications need to be widely available and promoted immediately for physicians to prescribe.

I read the whole thing. You have to open the .pdf link at the above site to get to it.

Pointed out in this paper is the deeper truth that while Dr. Zelenko may have seen 1456 patients that were symptomatically declared to have COVID, he actually used his HCQ treatment plan on “only” 405 of them. The rest were so mildly ill that they didn’t merit treatment.

Here are a few parts I found noteworthy. The original document is unedited, tending towards run-on sentences and a rather high level of insider terminology and acronyms. Well duh, it’s a medical research paper, not a news story in USA Today.

[ on the MSM pushed fear of HCQ causing irregular heartbeats therefore heart attack danger!! ] This arrhythmia issue is a real, physiologically measurable effect of the use of these combined medications (HCQ+AZ), but fatal arrhythmia outcomes are so rare that they are of much lesser clinical significance than the hospitalization and mortality that the drugs prevent.  This fact is also clear from the lack of any cardiac arrhythmia events or arrhythmia mortality noted in the 405 Zelenko patients or the 1061 Marseilles patients or the 412 Brazil patients.Patients were not enrolled in these studies if they had known histories of QTc prolongation.  History of cardiac arrhythmia or other possible contraindications for use of HCQ orAZ or doxycycline is a normal part of workup and clinical judgement in physicianchoice to use these medicationsand how to monitor the patients


[ the Oxford study looked at more than 600,000 patients who had taken HCQ over the years ] The maintenance HCQ dose in the Oxford study patients, 200 mg/day, gives as large or larger plasma drug levels as five days of HCQ at 400 mg/day, the recommended dose for outpatient Covid-19.  These very small numbers of arrhythmias, as well as the null results in this very large empirical study should therefore put to rest the anxieties about population excess mortality of HCQ+AZ outpatient use, either from cardiac arrhythmias, or as mortality from all causes.

This discussion thus shows that the FDA, NIH and cardiology society warnings about cardiac arrhythmia adverse events, while appropriate for theoretical and physiological considerations about use of these medications, are not borne out in mortality in real-world usage of them. Treatment-failure mortality will be much higher, but even that pales in comparison to the lives saved. 

It would therefore be incumbent upon all three organizations to reevaluate their positions as soon as possible.  It is unclear why the FDA, NIH and cardiology societies made their recommendations about HCQ+AZ use now, when the Oxford study (41, 42) analyzed 323,122 users of HCQ+AZ compared to 351,956 users of HCQ+amoxicillin, i.e., that the combination of HCQ+AZ has been in widespread standard-of-care use in the US and elsewhere for decades, use comparable to HCQ+amoxicillin as if it just involved an alternate antibiotic choice, this use predominantly in older adults with multiple comorbidities, with no such strident warnings about the use given during that time. 

I note that since doxycycline is believed to cause even fewer cardiac arrhythmias than AZ, in patients where that is a concern(43), the long-term care-facility evidence suggests that HCQ+doxycycline likely will work about as well.


The extrapolation from laboratory theory to empirical use also seems to underlie resistance to the idea that combined HCQ regimens could work for early outpatient use.


The clash in scientific worldviews is that basic and clinical scientists seem to feel that biological and drug-development evidence for medication use in non-human and non-outpatient contexts can be extrapolated to recommendations for outpatient use without benefit of RCT [ randomized controlled trial; ie “official” and not anecdotal ] evidence but don’t accept epidemiologic evidence without RCTs, whereas epidemiologists have had career experience with laboratory and animal evidence that did not hold up under epidemiologic study, but do reason by including all types of epidemiologic study designs and derive causal conclusions in the standard way following Hill’s Aspects (26) on the basis of strong totality of evidence, sometimes even without RCT evidence.  There are contexts where each approach is valid.


However, it is not my point to say that remdesivir has little evidence to support its potential outpatient utility, only efficacy considerations that have not been addressed and that could lead to lack of efficacy under general use, but that HCQ+AZ has been directly studied in actual early high-risk outpatient use with all of its temporal considerations and found empirically to have sufficient epidemiologic evidence for its effective and safe employment that way, and that requiring delay of such general use until availability of additional RCT evidence is untenable because of the ongoing and projected continuing mortality. No studies of Covid-19 outpatient HCQ+AZ use have shown higher mortality with such use than without, cardiac arrhythmias included, thus there is no empirical downside to this combined medication use


HCQ+AZ has been standard-of-care treatment at the four New York University hospitals, where a recent study showed that adding zinc sulfate to this regimen significantly cut both intubation and mortality risks by almost half.

[ remember, any medicine works better earlier in the illness. To be intubated, you’ve got to be sick enough to be in the hospital, and then get even worse. So this is a Death’s Door kind of scenario. See her as well ]

But for the great majority, I conclude that HCQ+AZ and HCQ+doxycycline, preferably with zinc can be this outpatient treatment, at least until we find or add something better, whether that could be remdesivir or something else.  It is our obligation not to stand by, just “carefully watching,”as the old and infirm and inner city of us are killed by this disease and our economy is destroyed by it and we have nothing to offer except high-mortality hospital treatment.  We have a solution, imperfect, to attempt to deal with the disease.  We have to let physicians employing good clinical judgement use it and informed patients choose it.

Pretty amazing (not really) how NYU is just now finally seeing that zinc helps? WTF have you fools been??

PS - set up to fail? I read elsewhere today that the NIH suggested HCQ dosage is FIVE TIMES HIGHER than what Dr. Z and the international medical community has been doing. The likelihood of arrhythmia goes up as the HCQ dosage increases. 

The awareness of the pushback and paranoia against this treatment plan is gently mentioned in this paper. It is very apparent towards the end of one of the links I posted before about Dr. Z. And it is spelled out in no uncertain terms by the link I put up last week to WattsUpWithThat.  Ruin the world economy, let millions get sick, let millions die, all because a) OrangeManBad, and b) Global power grab by “elites” to push world Socialist tyranny.


Somewhat related, somewhat sarcastic update: This same bunch of researchers at NYU Langone are going to try to prove a negative. They’ve got a big Official Study coming up, RCT and everything, in which they’ll try to prove whether HCQ works as a prophylactic. I want to see how that will work while being ethical. Sure, you could give half the subjects the drug, and half a vitamin pill, and then expose the whole bunch heavily ... which is the Nazi approach, and the worst No-No in medical research. “First do no harm”, right?

Clinical Trial Tests Efficacy of Common Antimalarial Drug to Prevent COVID-19 Infection

[ April 1, 2020. Coincidence, or April Fool’s stunt? ] < a href="">YU Langone Health researchers are co-leading a major clinical trial to determine whether the common antimalarial medication hydroxychloroquine can help prevent 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19) infections. The drug, marketed as Plaquenil®, has attracted considerable media attention, but definitive evidence is lacking on whether it can thwart infections in people who have been exposed to the novel coronavirus known as SARS-CoV-2.

The new study, which is being led by the University of Washington Medical Center in Seattle in collaboration with NYU Langone, may help answer that question. “Currently, there is no proven way to prevent COVID-19 after being exposed,” says Anna Bershteyn, PhD, assistant professor in the Department of Population Health at NYU Langone and the study’s co-principal investigator. “If hydroxychloroquine provides protection, then it could be an essential tool for fighting this pandemic. If it doesn’t, then people should avoid unnecessary risks from taking the drug.”

Hydroxychloroquine, used widely against malaria since the 1950s, is effective against autoimmune diseases like lupus and rheumatoid arthritis as well. Past research has suggested that the same drug might block the SARS-CoV-2 virus from invading human cells in a lab setting. Other modeling studies have hinted at the drug’s potential to prevent an infection or reduce the length of time that people shed viral particles and remain infectious. But these hypotheses have not been specifically tested in humans.

To do so, the new study is enrolling 2,000 adult volunteers at 6 sites. Specifically, researchers are recruiting people who lack any COVID-19 symptoms but have been in close contact with others who have a confirmed or pending diagnosis. On a random basis, the trial participants will receive either hydroxychloroquine or a placebo pill (vitamin C) every day for two weeks. Each day during the 14-day period and then again on day 28, the participants will swab their nasal passages and send the samples to researchers so they can detect any new COVID-19 infections.

I have to wonder if zinc is part of the prophylactic approach too. Good luck finding 2,000 people willing to take a 50/50 risk on getting a placebo, knowing that they’ve been exposed to a virus that can kill them. Especially now that the virus is declining. Maybe the Nazi approach is the only way to be sure ... so that means this study isn’t going to happen. Oh wait: I gather if you give them a couple dollars it becomes a “challenge trial”, and that’s now ethical?? Crivens. Maybe next week it will be Ok to dose prisoners without telling them. Or maybe use those illegals that ICE is always corralling? WTF, if you’re flushing ethics down the toilet, might as well jiggle the handle a couple times to make sure.

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/29/2020 at 12:08 PM    avatar
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Read Between The Lines

There is a Hasidic Jewish community called Kirya Joel just outside of Monroe NY, up in Orange County just north of the border with Rockland County NY. It’s just a few miles west of the military academy at West Point.

The COVID situation has been really terrible there. At one point this little village had most of the active cases in Orange County, and their sister community in Rockland County a few miles south in Monsey had more than half the cases in that county. Outside of New York City and Westchester County, these are the hardest hit places in the nation, as bad or worse than the nearby counties in northern New Jersey.

So, many of them were very sick. And now many of them are well now. Cured. And they’re giving back, donating their plasma in large numbers so that others can be treated as well.

Pretty cool.

Montvale NJ is in Bergen, right on the NY border, the hardest hit county in NJ. Just over the hill is Pearl River NY in Rockland County, where big pharma Pfizer R&D recently announced COVID vaccine trials.

Cured COVID Community Plasma Donations

KIRYAS JOEL - Sholem Feldman had a bad bout of COVID-19 that started in April and lingered for weeks, afflicting him with severe symptoms that left him “very weak.”

But the 44-year-old father of nine found a way last weekend to derive a benefit for others from his run-in with the coronavirus: he participated in a two-purpose blood drive that yielded both plasma for current COVID-19 patients and blood to replenish blood banks that have dwindled during the recent crisis.

Feldman, a major-appliance salesman, was one of 130 Kiryas Joel residents who drove to Montvale, N.J., on Sunday to give blood to Miller-Keystone Blood Center for a donation drive led by the village’s ambulance corps.

All the donors had recovered from COVID-19 and been tested to verify that their plasma had the virus-fighting antibodies that would help hospital patients overcome the same illness.

Feldman said Wednesday that he was grateful to be on “the giving side” after having recovered.

“We try to help each other,” he said. “The Bible says, if you revive one person from dying, it’s like you save the world.’”

For weeks, volunteers from Hasidic and Orthodox Jewish communities in New York and New Jersey have turned out in droves to donate plasma for coronavirus patients and now blood as well.

Berish Schoenbrun, who organized Sunday’s blood drive and earlier collections for the Kiryas Joel Volunteer Emergency Medical Service, said roughly 345 other Kiryas Joel residents donated plasma in five previous trips to Bethlehem, Pa. - where Miller-Keystone Blood Center is based - and New Brunswick, N.J.

I think this is great. And 9 kids. Gosh!!

What is not mentioned whatsoever in this article is anything about Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, who apparently contained the outbreak there almost single-handedly, treating over 1300 patients. He’s the original HCQ-Zinc-Zpack guy behind Trump, and these days has cut contacts with Kiryas Joel and now lives and practices from a hidden location. Because of nearly constant death threats, bad press, and a tidal wave of hate from the Left. All because he bucked the system, found an apparent solution, and told people without following the rules and obeying the hierarchy.

It would be utterly priceless if anyone had asked Sholem Feldmen if he’d been treated by Dr. Z or not.

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/29/2020 at 08:48 AM    avatar
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The New Normal

I might have to make a category for this kind of stuff. We live in a different world right now. Whether we stay there, or go back to the old way ( January ) remains to be seen.

Email from my local grocery store: we now accept SNAP payments for online orders for pick-up or home delivery.

Isn’t that nice?

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/29/2020 at 08:11 AM    avatar
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calendar   Thursday - May 28, 2020

yeah I built that


As part of the COVID re-opening paranoia, I have to sanitize the floors at the eye doctor’s offices where I work. Tile, linoleum, vinyl flooring, and carpet. One location is mostly hard vinyl flooring, the other location is more than 1000 sq ft of office carpet.

I bought a potent steam cleaning machine to do the job. This thing will strip paint and degrease engine blocks, clean years worth of soap scum out of your shower, scrub the BBQ until it looks new ... and also steam mop and sanitize hard floors. It comes with a couple dozen attachments including several sizes and styles of mop head. But none of these work on carpet, because the brushes and microfiber mops stick like glue to rugs. Way too much friction. And the 2 piece plastic wand is not built to be used like a shovel handle.

The Haan company sells a line of floor sanitizers, all of which cost at least double what the mcCullogh steamer I got the Doc to buy for me cost, and all their models provide a whole lot less steam, pressure, and run time. But one of their models has a carpet glide plate, and such a thing is not available for the McCullogh steamers. So I built my own.

At first I was going to glue up a few layers of foamboard - plastic cardboard - and hold that in place with some rubber bands. That idea didn’t work out. then I wondered if I could make a glide plate out of 1/4” plywood, but I’d have to find longer versions of the special screws they used that have that open thread to grip plastic parts. So that didn’t work. Then I figured I could make something out of some oak slats I’ve got out in the garage. That seemed about right, but while digging through the lumber pile I found some bullnose pine slats. Already rounded, so no grabbing the rugs. A little work with the saber saw, and a few seconds using my heavy duty craft stapler to attach them to the large brush accessory, and Wah Lah!! At least I hope.

I’ll try it out tonight. Hey, at least I can check the boxes that a floor sanitizing process is in place. I just hope I can do the job without soaking the carpets. This steam machine can throw a tremendous amount of steam. Holy cats.

Update: It works just fine.
Smells a bit like hot wet wood after a bit (duh), but it didn’t fall apart, and I was able to quickly steam the carpets. Steaming the hard flooring with the large microfiber mop took me over an hour. Went through nearly a gallon of water; the advertised 120 minute run time per tank must only apply to light use at the lowest setting. Naturally. I was rather pleased to see that very little additional dirt came up. I’ve scrubbed the daylights out of that place since the pandemic started, and their new germaphobic continuous processes are keeping the place quite clean. Don’t tell anybody, but they hardly even need me at this point.

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/28/2020 at 03:17 PM    avatar
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calendar   Wednesday - May 27, 2020

what a hoser

NJ governor “Red” Murphy says he’ll allow live graduation ceremonies ... in July.

High school ends in early June.  College ends in mid May.

What a dick.

TRENTON, NJ — New Jersey school districts will be permitted to hold outdoor graduation ceremonies with social distancing beginning in July, Gov. Phil Murphy announced Tuesday.

Murphy made the announcement on Twitter, saying the ceremonies, which can begin July 6, must “comply with social distancing – ensuring the health and safety of all in attendance.”

The order permitting outdoor graduation ceremonies applies to middle school and high school graduations, as well as colleges/universities, a news release from Murphy’s office said Tuesday. Specific guidance would be released by the state Department of Education and the Secretary of Higher Education on Wednesday.

That guidance could mean multiple graduation ceremonies at different times or spread across multiple days for instances where graduating classes are “too large to accommodate a crowd within the restrictions in place for outdoor gatherings,” Murphy said.

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/27/2020 at 09:27 PM    avatar
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Taking The Measure Of Life During Lockdown

Many weeks ago, before this whole virus thing took off, we had a nice sunny day in the early spring. After the long dark of winter, we had actual daylight down in the living room. And we realized that the carpets were in God-awful condition. We have cats. Cats make a mess. And they throw up. All the time. It’s what cats do. And the carpet suffered. So we figured it was probably time to get rid of it, and we thought that maybe carpet wasn’t the best way to go. So we thought about putting in wooden floorings. So we traveled to the other end of the county and found a Lumber Liquidators store, and found some flooring there that we liked. And we paid to have one of their subcontractors come and measure our place.

Then the virus maelstrom hit, and life shut down for two months. Several phone calls with the measuring people over that time, and we finally scheduled to have somebody come and do the job yesterday. He got here at 11, after we both got up real early and did furious amounts of housework to make the place presentable. The job was only supposed to take 25 minutes. And we were all wearing our masks and gloves, being good little sheep and following Teh Rulez. But we got to talking, and talking, while he worked slower and slower. He finally finished 2 1/2 hours later. So now we have the precise measurements for every room and closet in the unit, and the exact number of square feet, and even how much overage will be required to put in wooden floors or tiles in each room here.

But he was here forever, and we talked and talked about all sorts of simple benign stuff. Dog stories, different home construction methods, the state of the internet, remember when Carter was president, and so on.

This was the longest, and nearly the only, face to face conversation I have had with anyone other than my wife since Friday the 13th in March. It’s now almost the end of May. Ok, we did see a few friends and relatives at her sister’s microscopic outdoor wedding on March 20, with all 7 of us in masks keeping great distances apart out in their backyard. We went home after about 90 minutes of that. It was nice, but it was very awkward. We haven’t seen my mom or her dad since Christmas. Right now I’m not even sure if it’s legal to drive out of state to do such a thing.

We’ve been living in nearly solitary confinement since about March 7; we were voluntarily self-isolating for more than a week because of the possibility one of her co-workers had the virus. That didn’t pan out, but we didn’t have that info until after the wedding.

I guess I’m rather starved for human interaction. 

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/27/2020 at 10:29 AM    avatar
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calendar   Monday - May 25, 2020

The Dothraki Among Us

2 Dead, >5 Wounded At Giant SC Block Party
It must have been a great time

A South Carolina teenager was among two killed when gunfire erupted late Saturday at a block party that drew about 1,000 people despite the government’s warnings against large gatherings during the coronavirus pandemic, investigators said.

Jabbrie Brandon, 17, died at a hospital, while 21-year-old Curtis Lamont Bomar died at the scene just outside Jonesville, Fox Carolina reported, citing the county coroner.

At least five others were wounded at the party, the Union County Sheriff’s Office said. The extent of their injuries was not immediately clear.

Witnesses told authorities that the gunfire came from a car driving down the road, and people at the party returned fire, the station reported.

If you watched Game of Thrones you’ll remember the line from Danaerys’ wedding - “A Dothraki wedding without at least three deaths is considered a dull affair”.  Sometimes it seems to me that a certain element in our society feels the same way, and actually looks forward to random acts of murder at so many of their social gatherings. Concerts, sporting events, new sneaker releases, Black Friday sales, weddings, funerals, children’s birthday parties, and the especially ironic shootings at their Stop The Violence candlelight vigils. And now with the warmer weather, and the ending of some of the lock downs, they vent the pressure with firearms. I was a big fan of GoT, but the Dothraki were barbarians.

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/25/2020 at 09:38 AM    avatar
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calendar   Sunday - May 24, 2020

COVID Equality

Color blindness?

via Justin Hart. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of this data, but county by county numbers are available in all the states if you make the effort.


The total number of deaths attributed to COVID-19 is the same in all three color areas: red, yellow, green.

Somebody took all the county death numbers, put them in a spreadsheet, and sorted them. Then cut that sorted data into 3 roughly equal chunks, and then found that one chunk was just a few counties, the next chunk was a couple dozen counties, and the final chunk was the entire rest of the county. So they mapped it, and every county in the lower 48 got an associated color. Red for the first chunk, yellow for the next chunk, and green for the last chunk.

All the deaths in all the green areas added together are equal to the total number of deaths in all the yellow areas added together, and both green and yellow are equal to the total number of deaths in all the red areas added together.

And what a non-surprise: the yellow areas are right around the red areas. They are NOT the population centers of the country. Not all of them anyway.

Makes you wonder why national policy is being set based on the red zones. Which are all super blue, actually.

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/24/2020 at 09:40 PM    avatar
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Back To Normal, Florida Man Weekly Stupid

Kidnapping Used To Pass Unconstitutional Roadblock Checkpoint

A Florida man was arrested last week on kidnapping charges after allegedly threatening a 17-year-old girl in a grocery store parking lot and forcing her to drive him and another woman through a coronavirus highway checkpoint into the Florida Keys, authorities said.

Alexander Michael Sardinas, 37, has been charged with kidnapping and false imprisonment and is being held at the Monroe County Jail in lieu of $50,000 bail, according to court records.

He and a woman identified as 43-year-old Michelle Lynne Peterson hailed a taxi to head into the Florida Keys on Thursday but were turned away at the U.S. 1 checkpoint at mile marker 112.5, according to the Monroe County Sheriff’s Office. Despite both living there—Sardinas in Tavernier and Peterson in Islamorada—they lacked the proper identification and paperwork proving either residency or that they held jobs in the Keys, Adam Linhardt, a sheriff’s office spokesman, said.

After the taxi dropped them off on the side of the road, a Florida Highway Trooper spotted them arguing and gave them a “courtesy ride” back to Florida City, Linhardt said, according to the Associated Press.

Later that day, Sardinas approached a 17-year-old girl in a Publix parking lot. Police said the young woman was traveling from her father’s house in Homestead out to her mother’s in Key West, but had made a pit stop at the grocery store around noon. She was targeted because her vehicle had the proper hurricane reentry sticker and a Monroe County license plate that would clear her to pass through checkpoints.

Though there was no evidence Sardinas was armed, the man allegedly threatened to harm the girl if she touched her cellphone, according to the sheriff’s office. The girl then drove Sardinas and Peterson through the checkpoint, showing deputies her license, which has a Florida Keys address.

She later told detectives she did not tell the deputies at the checkpoint she was being held against her will because she was scared. Once cleared to pass, the girl then let Sardinas out at a gas station in Tavernier, drove Peterson to a CVS at mile marker 92, and, when both were finally out of the car, pulled over to call a family member, according to the sheriff’s office. The family then called to report the incident.

Tavernier and Islamorada are already IN the Keys, just not down at the far end, merely 20 miles past Key Largo. So it looks like even general Keys residents aren’t allowed to go out to the end of the island chain? And obviously no regular Floriduh residents either. How on earth is this possibly even slightly legal??

But kidnapping ... that’s a bit much. Especially since they’re already in the damn Keys. Is Key West all that much better than the rest of them? The place is about a whole square mile, isn’t it? WTF.

Geex. Floriduh Man strikes again.

Life is getting back to normal.

UPDATE: Just to make this story even better, Key West is scheduled to reopen next week.

And a general PS for overall Floriduh stupid:

Jessica Haim, who owns five retail shops on Duval Street, filed a lawsuit arguing that the “military-style” roadblock was illegal and ineffective.

Nothing prevented people in the Keys from driving to Miami, getting infected and coming back, her lawyers, Angelo M. Martin and Alan A. Fowler, argued in court papers. Nor were workers who live in other counties tested for illness as they drove through the checkpoint.

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/24/2020 at 10:50 AM    avatar
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Holiday cookout winner


This is the “francheesie”, a deep fried, cheddar stuffed, bacon wrapped hot dog served in a pretzel bun. A Chicago thing.

Total salt overload, but I bet it tastes great. A couple of the hot dog places around here serve Vienna Beef dogs, and I think they’re pretty good. A nice balance of snap, flavor, volume, etc. Worth a try if you can get them.

As much as I love pretzels, I’d use a regular bun instead. And I’d get the same taste without the mess by just frying the bacon dog and putting some cheese sauce on top.

Heck, I’d probably parboil both the hot dogs and the bacon to get some of the salt out first, let them drip dry, and then a quick dip in the deep fryer. Or use a lower salt dog. We usually buy the Sabrett dogs, which are tasty, thin, and rather salty. A low salt Ball Park might be a better choice here.

But I bet they taste great either way.

Happy grilling!

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/24/2020 at 10:39 AM    avatar
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More Back To Normal: Pushing Identity Politics On Children

Crayola Releases “Colors Of The World” Skin Tone Crayons


Every body is beautiful — and Crayola has released an inclusive new line of crayons to celebrate just that.

The iconic art supply company has created a palette of 24 global shades for its new “Colors of the World” box, which is designed to illustrate more than 40 skin tones.

Because Crayola believes that every child should be able to “creatively and accurately color themselves into the world they see around them,” the brand hopes the new line can help cultivate a more inclusive world for kids of all ages, races, cultures and ethnicities.
Slated to hit store shelves in July, the exciting new crayons will be sold in 24 and 32-packs, the latter featuring new hair and eye colors as well.

Each of the Colors of the World crayons will be wrapped in “gradient” skin tone labels with the color names listed in English, Spanish and French. Color names like “light golden,” “deep almond” and “medium deep rose” were selected to be realistic and relatable, helping kids easily chose the shade they most identify with.

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their crayons but by the content of their character.”

I don’t buy in this at all. Maybe it is a good product for the few artists who do portraiture with crayons, but for children? No. I think it’s much better, more innocent, for little kids to draw mommy, daddy, and the family dog in red, green, or purple. Do little kids REALLY need to be skin tone aware, and “identify” with only the shades of that they see around them?

Wouldn’t it be a better, more inclusive world if ALL of us could get past this kind of simplistic classification? 

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/24/2020 at 10:26 AM    avatar
Politically Correct B.S.Racism and race relationsTrackbacks (0) • Permalink

Ok, Back To Normal

4 Dead, 11 Shot In Chicago In 36 Hours

Four people were shot dead and at least 11 were injured as shootings occurred across gun-controlled Chicago during the first 36 hours of Memorial Weekend.

NBC Chicago reports the first shooting of the holiday weekend were recorded around 2 p.m. Friday and the last one reported during the 36-hour window took place about 7 p.m. Saturday.

The first fatal shooting was discovered just before 8 p.m. Friday, when police found “a 32-year-old male victim was found shot to death inside a residence.” A 35-year-old was shot to death in an unrelated attack at roughly the same time.

Around 11:30 p.m. Friday “a 41-year-old man was discovered lying on a sidewalk after suffering multiple gunshot wounds to his upper and lower body.”

The last reported fatality of the first 36 hours occurred at 6 a.m. Saturday, when police found “a 27-year-old man lying on the floor with a gunshot wound to his stomach.”

The shootings come even as Fox 32 reports “a coalition of organizations is sending 370 community-based mediators to 72 locations across 12 neighborhoods in hopes of tamping down Memorial Day weekend gun violence.”

Bullets don’t do social distancing.

And there’s no point mentioning who these people are, or the people that shoot them. SSDD.

Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/24/2020 at 10:10 AM    avatar
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calendar   Saturday - May 23, 2020

Wishing Her A Great Career

This is Layla Burns. I think she’s about 14. She is a young teen child model with steady work and a budding actress. She had a small role in a couple episodes of the Outlander romantic drama on the Starz network, and was in at least one other artsy short film.

What a beauty. I hope it lasts, and she has a great career. Some people are just blessed.



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/23/2020 at 09:22 AM    avatar
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