Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

calendar   Saturday - November 23, 2013

deadly doctor beats the rap. again. on his way to the USA to work there. god is witholding blessings

There are more than you might know, referred to as Dr.Death on this side.  In this particular case and this person, he is it’s reported, heading to the USA.
Not such good news.
I know there are plenty of bad doctors among whites, being incompetent isn’t restricted to any one race or color or nationality.  But there has been an alarming number of foreign born and trained doctors who have caused medial havoc, or in plain English ...  death.  Some who have been allowed to practice do not even speak the language well.

So anyway, what’s new here from my view, is that this doctor will be heading for the USA.

Something tells me his insurance will be sky high, assuming he bothers to get any. Reason I say that is because he has not shown himself to be someone who operates (no pun intended) within the confines of silly things like rules and the law.

Read all about it. 

Doctor Death’ Jayant Patel escapes with fraud conviction and plans return to work in the USA.

A public inquiry found 13 people died as a result of his negligence, but repeated attempts at prosecution failed

By Kathy Marks

Even his colleagues called Jayant Patel “Doctor Death”, and nurses were so alarmed by his conduct that they hid patients from him. But after eight years and three trials which cost A$3.5m (£1.98m), the US surgeon flew out of Australia yesterday convicted only of fraud – and planning to “go back to my work”.

Those words horrified the many Queenslanders who blame alleged surgical blunders by Dr Patel for maiming them or killing their loved ones. A public inquiry investigated 87 deaths to which he was linked, and concluded that 13 people had died as a result of his negligence.


However, repeated attempts to prosecute him failed, and this week the 63-year-old left Brisbane Supreme Court with just a two-year suspended sentence for fraudulently obtaining medical registration and employment. Queensland authorities paid his A$1,400 air fare back to his home state of Oregon.

Concerns were raised about Dr Patel within months of his starting work at Bundaberg Base Hospital, Queensland. The public inquiry heard that he amputated the leg of a diabetic Aboriginal woman, then “forgot about her”. Six days later, she was discovered, semi-comatose and gangrenous.

Dr Patel was also alleged to have carried out heart surgery on a man who was “moaning and screaming” because he was not anaesthetised, and to have operated on a cancer patient despite being told he was too sick for surgery. The patient died on the operating table. Dr Patel failed to detect obvious breast cancers, it was claimed, and repeatedly punctured vital organs during surgery.

Queensland health authorities hired him solely on the basis of a “deceitfully crafted” curriculum vitae. Had they checked his qualifications or references, they would have learnt that his license to practise had been revoked in New York state because of gross negligence, while in Oregon restrictions had been placed on his license. Instead, health officials appointed him director of surgery, and ignored the complaints against him for two years. In 2008, Dr Patel – who had resigned and returned to the US in 2005 – was extradited to Brisbane, where he was found guilty in 2010 of three counts of manslaughter and one of grievous bodily harm.

Two and a half years into a seven-year jail sentence, the verdicts were overturned on appeal, and two retrials failed to secure convictions. Last week, to the dismay of the surgeon’s alleged victims and their relatives, the state’s Director of Public Prosecutions, Tony Moynihan QC, dropped all but the fraud charges, to which Dr Patel pleaded guilty.

“It’s all over, and what a farce it’s been,” said Beryl Crosby, president of the Bundaberg Hospital Patients Support Group. “There was no justice at the end of it all.” Ms Crosby, who said she had promised patients on their deathbeds that she would fight until the end, described the withdrawal of the remaining manslaughter and grievous bodily harm charges as “devastating”.

The main obstacle for prosecutors was the conflicting medical evidence which led to deadlocked juries and the successful appeal. However, Terry Martin, the judge in the final case, told Dr Patel that he had “put the health and welfare of patients at risk”, and showed “no … genuine remorse”.

Dr Patel portrayed himself as the victim of a miscarriage of justice, saying that the legal saga had been “a long and very difficult journey”. Despite his bold pledge to return to work, it is doubtful that he will ever be employed again as a surgeon. Legal fees have reportedly left him broke.

Toni Hoffman, a senior nurse who “blew the whistle” on Dr Patel, said he appeared still not to “understand or accept the gravity of what’s happened”.

She said one man died of internal bleeding after the surgeon stabbed him 50 times with a large needle in an effort to drain fluid from a sac around his heart.

“We were seeing these patients dying every day and we couldn’t do anything.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/23/2013 at 09:22 AM   
Filed Under: • Health and SafetyUSA work and the workplace •  
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Annie Oakley’s gun and charm bracelet will be up for auction Sunday

Our kinda woman but ....

Is that a shotgun she’s holding?  Doesn’t look like it but with my eyes, it’s hard to tell.  Had em less than a week and trying to get used to these new glasses. Paid enuff but like the old ones. Anyway ....  the DM does take liberty their facts when doing captions and headlines ,I have found over time.
I’d never read or heard of her referred to as, a gunslinger, which really denotes another thing altogether.

Take a look.  Some nice photos at the link.


‘Wild West’ gunslinger Annie Oakley’s 130-year-old shotgun on sale for $100,000

Annie Oakley’s gun and charm bracelet on sale for nearly $100,000 each

She toured with Buffalo Bill Cody’s traveling Wild West show

Oakley was so confident, she once shot Kaiser Wilhelm II’s cigarette from his mouth
Auction in Dallas on Sunday

By Daily Mail Reporter

A shotgun once owned by Wild West sharpshooter Annie Oakley is expected to fetch at least £60,000 at auction.

Oakley was just 25 when she literally shot herself to fame as the top attraction in Buffalo Bill Cody’s travelling Wild West show. She drew huge crowds with her remarkable skills.

Her most famous trick was shooting a playing card facing side-on, then hitting the pieces again as they fell to the floor –from 90ft away.

The 1893 16-gauge Parker hammer shotgun is thought to be Oakley’s first proper gun and came to be one of her favourites.

She used it to wow audiences around the world for 20 years before retiring from the show to take up acting.

During her time on the road she performed for dignitaries including Queen Victoria and Kaiser Wilhelm II.

She was so sure of her talent that for one daring stunt she shot the Kaiser’s cigarette from his mouth.

Granted I never looked for it or made a study on the subject but ... I never saw a photo among the many I have seen over many years, of the Kaiser with a cigarette in his one good hand. If he smoked at all I tend to think it would have been a cigar, which in those days was considered a more manly smoke. But even then, I never saw a photo of him with a cigar either.  Now I am aware that just cos I didn’t see it does not mean it didn’t take place. Only that I never noticed it.

Following the outbreak of the First World War, she wrote a letter to the Kaiser requesting a second shot but he didn’t reply.

Oakley retired in 1913 and died in Ohio in 1926 aged 66.

Also up for sale is Oakley’s treasured charm bracelet boasting trinkets from her admirers including one from Buffalo Bill.

Experts have tipped both the gun and the charm bracelet to fetch about $97,000 each when they go under the hammer.

They are being sold by Oakley’s great grand niece Bess Edwards, 90, who in 1984 established the Annie Oakley Foundation in her memory.

‘Annie Oakley is remembered as an incredibly talented trick shooter who was the star performer with Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show for almost 20 years. Tom Slater, an expert in Americana at auctioneers Heritage, said.

‘She was so popular that arguably she made Buffalo Bill’s show famous, not the other way round.

‘Annie was skilled with a gun from an early age and was named Little Sure Shot by Native American chief Sitting Bull who also toured with the show.

‘She would use all manner of guns in her act but she favored shotguns because their scatter-spray meant it was slightly easier to hit targets.

‘She bought this gun in 1883 and there is no evidence of her owning a gun before this one.

‘Parker guns were the best you could get and she used this gun throughout her time with the Wild West show.

more to see, more to read. source

The Kaiser had one good hand, the other was withered from accident at birth. He was always conscience of the deformity, his mother didn’t help any and was embarrassed by it. People had vastly different views and attitudes then. So anyway .... it doesn’t seem to me that the Kaiser would have ever taken part in what would have been for him, an undignified stunt.  His persona wouldn’t allow for that I don’t think.  Stiff and formal and of military bearing. I don’t think that lends itself to what is described in this article. His generation remember was more of the 19th then the 20th century.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/23/2013 at 05:14 AM   
Filed Under: • Guns and Gun ControlHistoryUSA •  
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calendar   Thursday - November 21, 2013

the bbc reports live from guantanamo

Something to share with my fellow Americans.

I dearly hope you will be able to listen to what I heard last night on BBC radio 4.

I tune in lots of nights when my eyes are just too tired to read anymore or I just want to listen to something and not read at all.

The World Tonight isn’t a bad program, and often there’s a discussion toward the end. Except last night.

I must say I was proud of our people who refused to be drawn in and giving the answer that the BBC reporter wanted to hear.  The lady officer in charge of one of the units was polite but would not be bullied. Kudos there.

Have any of you folks ever heard of something prisoners do called, “Splashing?” Pretty gross and it really, really, REALLY!!!!!  bothers the hell out of me that our guys are not allowed to beat the crap out of these sub human shits. Then shoot em in a place where it’ll hurt the most.

Splashing in case the link I provide won’t work outside the UK, is a mixture of feces - urine - vomit -blood - AND --- semen, all of which as you will know is thrown at guards. 

They work 12 hour shifts and are the recipients of verbal abuse as well.  Threats and name calling etc.  Naturally, they do these things because any reaction by our hard pressed guys, would of course make the news via their lawyers, who belong to, I’ll tell you cos you’d never guess, a yooman rights group called Reprieve.

The animals have access to books, have a soccer field, microwave in cells, dvds and players, gym equipment, and of course as well, access to their lawyers.

One thing that stood out and had me seeing red was hearing the American “protesters” shouting support for the scum.  And also their comment about the rights under our constitution to protect them. ????  Idiots!  Those are the vermin who enable the muslim filth, who are intent upon spreading their obnoxious doctrine worldwide.  Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to face the turds with a machine gun and put an end to them? If only.

At the very beginning of the audio (this is radio), there is an intro for the program about Guantanamo, then there is some brief regional news and breaking news story about our intel agencies spying on everyday Brits, compliments of that Snowden rat puke who is still alive and still attacking our country from Russia.

If you want to skip all that, slide forward to 7:06 minutes into the program for the start of this feature. Some is boring to be sure. Some isn’t and I still do not understand why the issue means so damn much to foreigners.  If they don’t like the means we use to protect our country, let em declare war on us. Otherwise they really should shut the F***up. 

click the photo, you’ll see it again at the site, click again and wait a few seconds for the start button to appear.

Tonight Ritula Shah reports live from the US base in Guantanamo Bay.
President Obama promised to close the facility in 2008 but 164 men are still being held. Will the president spend precious political capital to overcome the legal and practical hurdles that still stand in the way of its closure?
The World Tonight has been given access to the base to see what the conditions are like for the detainees and to talk to the people who guard them.


about 43 minutes in total


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/21/2013 at 07:44 AM   
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When President Obama told business owners, “You didn’t build that!”

When President Obama told business owners, “You didn’t build that!” this was just one passing skirmish in the war on achievement.

I was reading Thomas Sowell long before his hair turned grey.  Over time and getting involved in other reading and things personal, I’m sorry to say he got lost in my grab bag of hold to read later things.  So I was grateful to an old friend who sent this to me.

It should be required reading here in the UK also because what he writes about sure applies here. In spades as the saying goes.

I have often wondered why we can’t have people like Mr. Sowell in public office, instead of the deadbeats of both parties we are saddled with now.
I don’t have the same cozy, warm and especially trusting feeling I once did.  And if I were a Brit and a voter here, I wouldn’t feel any better about those who
Having said that ... if I were a voter here, I think I could trust Nigel Farage and UKIP.

Anyway ....  take a look at this if you have not already seen it.

H/T dear friend Lynne

Source for article is Town Hall . com

The War Against Achievement

Thomas Sowell

A friend recently sent me a link to an inspiring video about an upbeat young black man who was born without arms. It showed him going to work—unlike the record number of people living on government payments for “disabilities” that are far less serious, if not fictitious.

How is this young man getting to work? He gets into his car and drives there—using controls set up so that he can operate the car with his feet.
What kind of work does he do, and how does he do it? He is involved in the design of racing cars. He sits at his computer, looking at the screen, with the keyboard on the floor, where he uses his toes as others use their fingers.

His story recalls the story of Helen Keller, who went to an elite college and on to a career, despite being both deaf and blind. Her story was celebrated in books, in television documentaries and in an inspiring movie, “The Miracle Worker.”

But our culture has changed so much over the years that the young man with no arms is unlikely to get comparable publicity. Helen Keller’s achievement was seen as an inspiration for others, but this young man’s achievement is more like a threat to the prevailing ideology of our times.

The vision on which the all-encompassing and all-controlling welfare state was built is a vision of widespread helplessness, requiring ever more expanding big government. Our “compassionate” statists would probably have wanted to take this young man without arms, early on, and put him in some government institution.

But to celebrate him in the mainstream media today would undermine a whole ideological vision of the world—and of the vast government bureaucracies built on that vision. It might even cause people to think twice about giving money to able-bodied men who are standing on street corners, begging.

The last thing the political left needs, or can even afford, are self-reliant individuals. If such people became the norm, that would destroy not only the agenda and the careers of those on the left, but even their flattering image of themselves as saviors of the less fortunate.

Victimhood is where it’s at. If there are not enough real victims, then fictitious victims must be created—as with the claim that there is “a war on women.” Why anyone would have an incentive or a motivation to create a war on women in the first place is just one of the questions that should be asked of those who promote this political slogan, obviously designed for the gullible.

The real war—which is being waged in our schools, in the media and among the intelligentsia—is the war on achievement. When President Obama told business owners, “You didn’t build that!” this was just one passing skirmish in the war on achievement.

The very word “achievement” has been replaced by the word “privilege” in many writings of our times. Individuals or groups that have achieved more than others are called “privileged” individuals or groups, who are to be resented rather than emulated.

The length to which this kind of thinking—or lack of thinking—can be carried was shown in a report on various ethnic groups in Toronto. It said that people of Japanese ancestry in that city were the most “privileged” group there, because they had the highest average income.

What made this claim of “privilege” grotesque was a history of anti-Japanese discrimination in Canada, climaxed by people of Japanese ancestry being interned during World War II longer than Japanese Americans.

If the concept of achievement threatens the prevailing ideology, the reality of achievement despite having obstacles to overcome is a deadly threat. That is why the achievements of Asians in general—and of people like the young black man with no arms—make those on the left uneasy. And why the achievements of people who created their own businesses have to be undermined by the President of the United States.

What would happen if Americans in general, or blacks in particular, started celebrating people like this armless young man, instead of trying to make heroes out of hoodlums? Many of us would find that promising and inspiring. But it would be a political disaster for the left—which is why it is not likely to happen.

Thomas Sowell, Town Hall dot com


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/21/2013 at 06:04 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - November 20, 2013

anchors away

Found at the Daily Mail a few minutes ago.

Takes me back more than 40 years, altho the tin cans I served on were WW2 vintage and no match for these modern brutes.
Damn ... no kidding. I know it’s old age talking and memories seem so much better years on but .... seeing this makes me wish I could serve again.

And okay ... it isn’t the Stars and Bars but ....

Seeing that flag of ours flying so proudly makes me ever more homesick.  NJYank knows the feeling.

Ignore the audio, it adds nothing but watch FULL Screen


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/20/2013 at 12:10 PM   
Filed Under: • PatriotismPersonalUSA •  
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calendar   Sunday - November 17, 2013

muzzie ritual in the streets of new york?  when is our next revolt going to start?

Well, I tell ya people.  This sort of thing would never have been allowed and these vermin would not be invading civilization yet again, if the country had not been turned over to the left and the “rights” industry, without a fight. All they had to do was walk in.

Unless this is not what it seems to be, or there’s a prank of some kind, I guess it’s finally come stateside in bigger form than I thought.
And in NY. Well, other places also according to the blog site, Creeping Sharia.

I had to go to YT to embed this video here, but please visit the site I found it on. There’s other stuff there.



Watch the whole thing. Only runs a bit over a minute. And take a look at what’s going on elsewhere in the states.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/17/2013 at 12:06 PM   
Filed Under: • muslimsUSA •  
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calendar   Tuesday - November 12, 2013

a real woman ….

Gee. A real woman with all the normal kind of flaws. Flaws? I don’t see em that way. Oh right. No red hair but she looks so nice I’ll forgive her that.

A bit of a bulge, a bit heavy but only a bit, and a smattering of gray in her hair. But oh you kid.

OK, there’s another reason for this beside that I like her.  Read her story at the link.  Death defying?  You bet. Literally.

Women seeing this will have a greater appreciation for what she has gone through and how the surgery left her.

Gutsy lady.  And still (for me anyway) eye candy as well.

I was carrying around a cyst the size of a bowling ball: Mother overcomes agonising condition to reach final of curvy modelling contest

Elisha Perez from Greenwich in Connecticut had Adenomyosis
Had abdominal hysterectomy (removal of uterus & ovaries) to combat pain
Now finalist for fuller-figure lingerie brand’s ‘Star in a Bra’ competition

By Deni Kirkova

A mother-of-one with a cyst the size of a bowling ball on her uterus has overcome the debilitating condition to reach the finals of a curvy modelling contest.

Elisha Perez, 37, from Greenwich in Connecticut, USA, was misdiagnosed by doctors who thought she was suffering from IBS.

Over 15 years her condition continued to worsen, leaving her writhing in pain for hours at a time.

She found it hard to walk, could hardly eat and had to struggle throughout the day and night to sleep and was eventually diagnosed with Adenomyosis - for which there is no known cure.

After multiple consultations she decided to go ahead with an abdominal hysterectomy - the removal of her uterus and ovaries - to restrict the pain.


More to read and more to see here


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/12/2013 at 11:37 AM   
Filed Under: • Eye-CandyScary StuffUSA •  
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calendar   Thursday - November 07, 2013

another very short one from me, doesn’t need to be long, speaks for itself

This guy said it way back when, in fewer words then I have and with more impact.

This tells you all you need to know, or it tells you how we got to where we are today. Sure, there are lots of other factors but this one is key.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/07/2013 at 08:00 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsSPOOKSUKUSA •  
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calendar   Saturday - November 02, 2013

neighbor pushed beyond barking dog limits, takes out family and dogs. Good!

I kinda think that many of you reading this, perhaps all of you, are more civilized than I am.  I never made any great claim to being such.
On the other hand, I guess it all depends on what one means by ‘civilized.’
The reason for me saying this, is a short story I read in a morning paper a couple of day ago.
Since it happened in the USA and as far as I know, we’ve never read about this sort of thing or at least not been reported.
Anyway, I fell compelled to share it but mostly my personal thoughts and opinion on the subject.
It’s doubtful anyone will agree with me, and that’s okay.  No harm done. My wife doesn’t either and I still love her.

I guess because I have been through this more than once, and one time worse than anything I can describe, I will tell you.

Had the shooter here been taken alive and gone to court and had I been on his jury, there is no way on God’s green earth I would vote to convict.
In fact, I would suggest a tax free life and a medal and a cash reward.
The way I see it is .... as bad as it appears, if it give even one dog owner pause for thought, and I have been a dog owner and love the damn things as much as I do cats, if only one got the message this guy left I say well done.
He’d been pushed to his limits and boy do I personally understand that. 

My wild ass guess is that it’s possible the victims here knew why it was happening and their last thoughts might have been, “god damn those fuckin dogs”.  Naturally, being the type of owners they were, they would not think to blame themselves for being inconsiderate turds who cared only for their own comfort and convenience, neighbors be damned.

Ever had a dog owner say to you ... “my dog doesn’t bark” when you know damn well it does?
And it never stops?

And then people are surprised when a poor guy like this, driven to the wall, grabs a gun.
Well, bravo and good for him.  I’m sorry he killed himself though. A good lawyer might have gotten him, if not off, a low sentence for diminished responsibility after having been driven to it.  This guy who is the real victim here, did not wake up that morning and ask himself what he should do to break he boredom. Oh, I wonder if I should shoot someone today. No. Not at all.  You can bet ur boots this extreme annoyance had been going on for a long time.  And sometimes some people can take only so much abuse.

Sgt. Steve Martos said authorities can only speculate on a motive for the killings.

Huh?  Is this maybe the deputy from the old Andy Griffith show?

Barking dogs suspected to have triggered killing spree in Arizona

by Arun George

Phoenix: For months, Michael Guzzo complained to neighbors about incessant dog barking, even putting up fliers on doors throughout his Phoenix townhome complex, advising people of pet ordinances and fines.

This weekend, police say, Guzzo went on a rampage, methodically killing four members of a family and their two dogs that lived next door before killing himself with the same shotgun. While his motive died along with him, neighbors and family members of the victims say he was becoming increasingly unhinged over dog noise.

Neighbors in the complex of two-story townhomes where a central courtyard looks like a tree-laden park said Guzzo made no secret that the barking dogs were irritating him. He often left printouts of the city’s dog barking ordinance on doors throughout the community, said Joni Flood, 27, who lives a few doors down from the victims. “He hated them. But everyone here has dogs,” Flood said.

Killed in the Saturday shooting were Bruce Moore, 66; his daughter, Renee Moore, 36; her husband, Michael Moore, 42, who used his wife’s last name; and Renee’s son, Shannon Moore, 17.

Family members of the victim were in shock Monday as they walked into the crime scene for the first time since the killing, standing amid pools of drying blood on the home’s back patio where the two men were apparently killed first. “It’s angering beyond belief,” said Patrick Riley, 41, Michael Moore’s brother. He found his brother’s silver necklace amid the blood. “It just angers me looking at all this because I just feel for my brother. The helplessness.”

Police haven’t given specific details of the attack, but Riley said he thinks Guzzo shot his brother over a 6-foot (1.8-meter) cinderblock fence while he worked on a car engine. “He had no idea what was coming,” Riley said. He said police told him Guzzo, 56, killed the two men first, then walked through the family’s unlocked front door and shot Renee, her son, Shannon, and the dogs. Phoenix Sgt. Steve Martos said authorities can only speculate on a motive for the killings.

“If he had left a note, maybe, but nothing like that occurred in this case,” Martos said Monday. Michael Moore’s mother Jacque Alderman, 70, said Renee “told me all the time the man was crazy. He just couldn’t stand the dogs.” Libni Deleon, 26, said that just a few months ago he returned home from work to find Guzzo standing by his back gate where his two dogs were on the patio barking.

“He said, ‘Your dogs are barking. I’m here to live in peace,’” Deleon recalled. Deleon says Guzzo tried to kill him on Saturday, too. Moments after the shooting, Guzzo walked across the courtyard and began kicking on their front door. Libni Deleon’s wife, Vanessa, had just gotten out of the shower, grabbed their two children and ran upstairs to hide in the bathtub. Libni went toward the door as Guzzo blasted two holes through it, sending about 20 shotgun pellets into the walls at the back of their home. He ran upstairs to get his own gun, opened the window and began to yell at Guzzo, who opened fire again before walking back to his home to turn the gun on himself. “I feel pretty darn lucky,” Libni Deleon said.

H/T First Post


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/02/2013 at 12:06 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - October 30, 2013

a high-profile figure in the Scottish Occupy movement hacks usa military and nasa.

Well here go again.

I guess it’s not too hard for someone like myself, who has a million miles to go to even hope he can understand puters, to be critical of the security exhibited by American military interests. It’s because I have mistakenly had this vision you see, of American tech know how and till recent times our technical invincibility.  My excuse, or a better word would be explanation, is that I’ve had too much pride in our abilities and not really knowing enough about computers and how things work, basics aside, I just assumed that our tech people did.
This is getting way outta hand people, and I confess I’m way frustrated.  I guess our puter ppl are even more so.
Gee whiz ... after that wikileaks snot and faggot Manning and then Snowden ... here we are yet again with egg on our face and an open back door to sensitive info stored on American computers. In fact, this scummy creep who I dearly wish somebody would kill, slowly, drip by bloody drip, has bragged about his attacks and was planning quite a bit more.  Hate doesn’t even begin to describe what I feel.

So here ....  in a nutshell, is the story,

His name is Lauri Love.  For real, that’s his name.

Lauri Love, an activist in the Occupy movement, is alleged to have stolen ‘massive amounts’ of confidential information – including details of military servicemen – by breaking into thousands of computers.

The 28-year-old from Stradishall, Suffolk, is said to have bragged in messages with his co-conspirators:

‘You have no idea how much we can f*** with the US government if we wanted to’.

He seems to brag about infiltrating Nasa networks. He allegedly wrote: ‘lol Nasa. Ahaha, we owning lots of Nasa sites.  I think we can do some hilarious stuff with it.’

In another post, he wrote: ‘This stuff is really sensitive. It’s basically every piece of information you’d need to do full identity theft on any employee or contractor for the [government agency].’ It is claimed that Love, who used the online pseudonyms ‘nsh’, ‘route’, ‘peace’, ‘shift’ and ‘love’, planned to use social media, including Twitter, to publicise the attacks.

In one message he planned to announce an attack ‘so it rolls along the morning news in US and gets Europe for the afternoon and evening.’

Love was a leader in protests at Glasgow University, where he was a student. He helped organise demonstrations including a sit-in as part of a protest against cuts to higher education.

He is also believed to have been a high-profile figure in the Scottish Occupy movement, part of the protests which swept throughout much of the world in 2011, and has been pictured at Occupy marches.

Love, who is believed to have studied physics, maths and computing, was apparently involved in 2011’s ‘Hetherington House Occupation’, in which dozens of protesters took over an unused university building in Glasgow and stayed there for seven months.
The charges against Love were filed at the federal court in Newark, New Jersey, because he allegedly used a server in the state as part of his activities. He also faces charges in Virginia for other alleged intrusions.

Either we need to hire these sorts of scum or else kill them. 

Here’s the headline as it is online. Not posting the whole article ... use link if interested.

British Baptist minister’s son, 28, who ‘keeps to himself’ charged with hacking into top secret US Army databases, Nasa, and other government agencies

Lauri Love from Stradishall, Suffolk arrested by National Crime Agency
Love, 28, described in court papers as ‘sophisticated and prolific hacker’
Charges follow a joint operation by a number of international police forces
He could be extradited to US where if convicted he faces 10 years in jail
Love has previously been a leader in the Occupy protest movement

By John Stevens, Daniel Bates and Hugo Gye


Love could be extradited to the US, where if convicted he faces up to ten years in prison and a fine for twice the damage caused.

The US government said Love worked with two other people in Australia and one in Sweden – who have not been charged – ‘to disrupt the operations and infrastructure’ of the federal government.

From October 2012 until July this year it is claimed he hacked into thousands of government computer systems – including those of the US Army, US Missile Defense Agency and Nasa – and left behind ‘back doors’ through which he could return to get sensitive data.

The hacking ‘substantially impaired the functioning of dozens of computer servers’ and caused ‘millions of dollars in damage’ to government agencies, according to the indictment.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/30/2013 at 06:03 AM   
Filed Under: • Computers and CyberspaceCrimeREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLEUKUSA •  
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calendar   Wednesday - October 23, 2013

left wing eye candy …. caution. long term view might cause tummy upset.

How could I possibly resist this posting?
I couldn’t.

How come so many lefty libtards, and I’m just assuming this woman is, have little or no style?  Unless they’re wealthy matrons or movies stars who have other ppl see to those needs. And sometimes even then .... ?

I came across this yesterday but couldn’t post it but I think it’s funny.

The headline in the paper suggested that the heavily pregnant lady may have simply been bored by Obama’s speech. She was standing directly behind him.
So anyway ... the question really is, how is it possible this woman has no clue as to appearance?  How is it possible to look in a mirror and not say to ones self, “self ... that is a dopy, goofy and totally stupid arrangement of hair”.  “You look like an absolute jerk”.
Hey ... it’s not her fault exactly.
She’s probably one of those feminists who do not want to be seen as a sex object.  Well she has no worry on that score except, she is preggers as the Brits put it, so someone thought she was. Or ... maybe nobody else involved. Now that’s a thought.

Ok so here she is.  Miss liberal left wing eye candy for the day.  Unless I can find someone uglier and dumber looking. And that’ll be a stretch.





Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/23/2013 at 05:54 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEye-CandyUSA •  
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calendar   Wednesday - October 16, 2013

privacy and how much should the public know …

A few days ago I went on a rant with regard to Edward Snowden, the SOB who stole and then shared intel files with people who he had to know were not our friends.  Mostly left wing press and especially the Guardian here in the UK.  Guardian. Think Trotsky - Marx etc.  Not that I’d have admired the thief had he passed on to right wing media.  Based on what we are hearing and reading here, much of the material was highly sensitive, some less so in matters of state security but embarrassing nonetheless.  Who gave him a license to decide to act as he did?
He stole so much that there was no way on god’s green earth he’d have had time to read it all and see what was dangerous and what wasn’t, to pass on to .... foreigners.  I call that treason.

So anyway ... I posted under the heading,

Can you see any reason to let these scum live?  I don’t but I know they will. Damn it!

Which brought a reasoned response from one of our readers, which we welcome.
Normally, I’d have left a reply under comments as that’s where replies belong. But I feel strongly enough about this subject to place it here on our front page.

The reply to my post as follows .

I left DC 6 weeks ago after 10 years in the Beltway and have come away convinced that Snowden isn’t the criminal that many rabid bloggers made him out to be.

He revealed the largest infringement on human privacy **ever**.

Why is the public so silent about it? I’m not sure.

Posted by Redbear762 10/15/2013 at 12:56 PM

What privacy?

It isn’t conceivable that the NSA - CIA -FBI combined, have the numbers necessary to monitor ALL calls and mails and email etc of the general public.
I really doubt the average person has anything of any interest to those agencies. They’d be wasting time they do not have trying to listen to everybody. I honestly do not think any generation before has faced the type of threat to national security that the current one is exposed to. So it may be a matter of desperate measures to counter the threat.

No, I do think Snowden is exactly the criminal rat I believe him to be.
He stole thousands of files and handed them off to people who btw are anti American to begin with. His recent so called free speech award comes from a very left wing group, there can be no doubt he shared our secrets with the Chinese and Russians.

Both he and Manning are traitors and should be eliminated. But what the heck, nobody tossed acid in Jane Fonda’s face after Nam, or even shot her dead. So I guess it only follows with the new standards of treason that Snowden is a hero.  Look for the book and movie soon.  His mom will no doubt be portrayed by Fonda and if he has any sisters they’ll be played by the dixie ditsy chicks. 



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/16/2013 at 02:21 AM   
Filed Under: • MiscellaneousREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLEUSA •  
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calendar   Monday - October 14, 2013

The Daily Mail takes on the Marxist Guardian who publish stolen USA files

The following is an editorial published in hard copy ans on line by the Mail.
The editors here have taken on the Marxist Guardian, who are publishing the files that traitor Snowden has supplied them with.

The paper that helps Britain’s enemies

By Daily Mail Comment

Forget hacking voicemails or slipping payments to officials for stories that may or may not be in the public interest.

Set to one side even (dare we say it?) this paper’s provocative headline 12 days ago, questioning how a long-dead Marxist, who wanted to smash all the traditions and institutions which make Britain British, could be said to love his country.

By any objective yardstick, don’t such crimes and controversies pale beside the accusation levelled against the Guardian on Tuesday by the new head of MI5?

Indeed, it is impossible to imagine a graver charge against a newspaper than that it has given succour to our country’s enemies and endangered all our lives by handing terrorists ‘the gift they need to evade us and strike at will’.

Yet so said Andrew Parker, in his first speech as our spy chief, which yesterday was significantly endorsed by No10.

So isn’t it staggering that the BBC, after spending all last week trumpeting Ed Miliband’s attack on this paper over our charge that his father’s Marxist views validated one of the most evil regimes in history, could hardly bring itself for much of yesterday to report Mr Parker’s devastating indictment of the Guardian?

The problem, and it’s worse under the new director general, is that a wall of prejudice surrounds Broadcasting House – a belief that the Right merits relentless attack, while the BBC’s soulmates on the liberal Left must always be protected.

Let us be clear. The Mail has never believed that MI5 and GCHQ deserve unquestioning support.

In this column, we were highly critical of their demands for the power to detain suspects without trial for 90 days.

We led the charge against MI6’s cosiness with Labour over the dodgy dossier on Iraq. And we have opposed secret courts and the so-called snoopers’ charter.

But at the same time, we accept that the security services would be guilty of dereliction of duty if they failed to monitor those who pose a threat to the UK.

We believe the Guardian, with lethal irresponsibility, has crossed that line by printing tens of thousands of words describing the secret techniques used to monitor terrorists.

Such is certainly the view of UK national security adviser Oliver Robbins, who says the paper has ‘already done real damage’, while the information it still holds is likely to ‘lead directly to widespread loss of life’.

Indeed, so incendiary are these documents that British agents have had to be moved for their protection.

Yet, almost as astonishing as the BBC’s reticence, the editor of the Guardian now says he will continue to release the material, arguing that he will take care to publish nothing that endangers lives.

But how, in the name of sanity, can he know? He’s a journalist, not an expert on security.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/14/2013 at 07:10 AM   
Filed Under: • CommiesDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsInternationalUKUSA •  
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calendar   Sunday - October 13, 2013

The United States of America looks frighteningly close to being ungovernable.

I don’t think you’ll believe it but, Max Hastings is not a left winger. He isn’t a liberal.
He’s a columnist (Conservative) for the Daily Mail and a noted historian.  I’ve read a couple of his books, and he is a good writer and well researched.
Which brings me to ….  our regulars here may get a mite PO’d at some of his comments on the doings of the great shutdown of 2013.

Hey … gives us something to think about or gripe about or both.

Meanwhile … I’d like to suggest you read the comments at the end at the link below.

This is just one of them.

James14, Basingstoke, United Kingdom, 19 minutes ago
Either you believe in democracy and the rule of law or you don’t. There is no middle line. Whatever anyone thinks of Obama, his healthcare plan was democratically passed by both Houses of Congress, upheld by the Supreme Court and ratified by his re-election. For the Republican Party to be allowed to overturn all of that on a whim would be wrong and counter to everything the US supposedly believes in. It seems to me the Republican Party only believe in democracy and the rule of law when it suits them.

America is becoming ungovernable: MAX HASTINGS’ chilling verdict on the visceral political hatreds behind the shutdown of the US government

By Max Hastings

Washington this week has basked in autumnal sunshine and bitter hatred. Like players in one of those Hollywood movies about a divided hick town with lynch mobs baying, the legislators of the greatest nation on earth trade insults about blame for the government shutdown, resulting from the stand-off on the U.S. budget.

The Senate’s chaplain, Barry Black, rolled his eyes skywards and said: ‘Save us from this madness.’

The ‘madness’ is, of course, the insistence of the Republican majority in the House of Representatives that they will vote to enable the federal government to pay its bills only if the White House agrees to suspend or scrap its national health scheme, which they loathe to the point of obsession.

Obamacare (properly known as ACA, the Affordable Care Act) is the greatest — cynics say the only major — achievement of this disappointing presidency. It provides subsidies and new regulatory procedures to bring health insurance within reach of the poorest Americans. Long-term, it is intended to lower the horrific costs of public healthcare.

Republicans hate the scheme because they claim that it will make medical care more costly for middle America, and extend the reach of the hated federal government.

Yet it is still an extraordinary step to attempt to blackmail the Democratic administration into dropping a measure that became law in 2010.
As a host of commentators point out, if Obama gave way on this issue — as assuredly he will not — the road would be open for his congressional enemies to pull the same stunt about any other law they dislike.

They could defy the intentions of the Founding Fathers of the constitution as flagrantly as the gun nuts who exploit the 1776 provision for militias to bear arms, to enable modern mass murderers to equip themselves with machine-guns. But the Republicans are seized with a self-righteousness which is impervious to reason.

In Britain, most MPs of all parties consider Westminster to be as much home as their constituencies.
But the United States is different. The senators and congressmen who fly into Washington on Monday nights and jet out again on Thursdays never cease to belong first and always to Kansas, Montana, Alabama or wherever else they hail from.

Tis a big country Max, and yeah. Many belong to the states they are from.  Come to think of it, we had an uncivil war about who belonged where, when the north decided they belonged in the south also.
Just couldn’t resist that.

Many of the legislators orchestrating the federal shutdown feel as foreign among East Coast smart-asses — as they would characterise Washington’s elite — as did the Tennessee frontiersman Davy Crockett when he was elected to Congress in 1826.

This is how the powerful Right-wing Tea Party, dedicated activists, have gained such leverage. Incumbent Republicans live in mortal dread of being ousted at election time not by Democrats, but by far-out Right-wingers on their own side.

Even if they would like to act temperately in this crisis, they dare not.

The grassroots are obsessed with firearms. I have sometimes struck up casual conversations about gun law in rural states such as Kansas or Wyoming; it is like holding a dialogue with Martians.

Many people out there sincerely believe the federal government may descend on their homes at any moment to confiscate their pistols and assault rifles, to appease the evil socialist anti-gun lobby. They insist that they must be ready to defend themselves. I have even heard one group cite a threat from extra-terrestrials.

In Britain, we sometimes deplore the decline of religion. But we should take heed of how malign its influence can be, not only in the Muslim world but also in much of the U.S. To be sure, American churches are packed on Sundays, but the gospel of intolerance which some espouse contributes mightily to today’s Washington political gridlock.

Fear is what a lot of this is about.
The Fox TV channel — the Wailing Wall of the American Right — currently advertises a hot best-seller entitled National Bankruptcy — Why The Middle Class Is Doomed. Most Republicans hate 2013.
They want to reset the clock to around 1955, when the world lived in terror of nuclear annihilation, but when Dwight Eisenhower occupied the White House, women and blacks knew their place, there was no swearing on TV, and sex was kept in its proper place under the carpet.

The British middle classes relish nostalgia: some root for UKIP because they fancy the weather would improve if we could leave Europe. But in our hearts, most of us accept that life moves on; even that some change is for the better.
But rural Republicans are not like that. They believe they have the right, duty and even power to roll back the 21st century. This week I chatted to a diplomat’s wife who attended both 2012 party conventions, who remarked on the contrast between them.

The Democratic event in Charlotte, North Carolina, featured delegates who were every colour of the rainbow, many of them young, all willing to hope.
The Republican get-together took place in a heavily-armed fortress in Tampa, Florida, and was attended almost exclusively by white-haired, white-skinned folk bereft of hope, moved only by their fears. If that seems a caricature, fast forward to now.
Those same Tampa dinosaurs have shut down large parts of Washington for 11 days. There is a real possibility that rather than give way, they will drive the jalopy over the cliff and subject the U.S. and the rest of the world to a traumatic debt default.
America has become the test-bed for a crisis of democracy.

There is a frightening debt chasm between U.S. government tax- raising and spending for which both parties share blame, but which Obama has made no real effort to address.

Even Democrats privately fume about the fact that their President may do some statesmanship, but he does not do much politics.
It is vital for all political leaders to privately meet, smooch and cut deals with legislators on whose votes they depend to implement their policies. Yet Barack Obama recoils from glad-handing.

This cool, even cold, man finds it hard to charm his friends, never mind his enemies. His natural habitat is a platform from which he can broadcast to a multitude. All successful reformers in U.S.  history, notably including Franklin Roosevelt and Lyndon Johnson, owed most of their achievements to backroom skills such as Barack Obama lacks.

He would argue: ‘Yeah, but that was before the Tea Party came along.’ That was also before a substantial minority of the American people became seized with such manic distrust of their own government that they decided that any and all means are justified to frustrate its purposes.
Their hatred of President Obama is truly frightening.

It is no exaggeration to say that though they call themselves Christians, a terrifying number would rejoice to see him dead. That is how poisonous is the political climate of the U.S. today.

Polls show that the American people hold the Republicans chiefly responsible for the current mess. The party’s moderates are desperate to extricate themselves. But behind them stand the Tea Party’s gunslingers, holding cocked pistols to their heads.

America remains the greatest society on earth, but its leadership looks sickly and feeble, for reasons that relate partly to this President but mostly to the fact that the U.S. constitution and its standard- bearers are failing their country.

The United States of America looks frighteningly close to being ungovernable.

there’s more here

Be cool Drew. Remember who else reads bmews.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 10/13/2013 at 04:00 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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