Monday - February 06, 2012
Woo hoo!!!!! This was not your daddy’s boring old Stupor Bowl.
Guess I’m not the only one looking up intentional grounding. The ever-helpful Google brings it up as choice #4 as soon as you type “inten”; by “intent” it’s #2. The rule makes sense - duffing the ball isn’t going to save you in a pinch - although the various exceptions are a little hard to follow. Football has so darn many rules and they change every year. Makes it difficult sometimes for all but the most dedicated fans.
Dirty tricks as strategy? In a possibly brilliant move, with just seconds on the clock, the Giants “accidentally” had an extra guy on the field. The penalty forces the failed play to get a do-over, but doesn’t reset the game clock, and thus the Patriots got screwed out of nearly a dozen valuable seconds. Naughty! Look for that one to change next year perhaps? The time should be put back on.
This was my first Superbowl with an HD TV. Lots more to see than what they show on regular TV, but I came away with the feeling that the viewing experience was being intensely managed. This was a very rough game, a grudge match. You noticed how many injuries there were? But with HD I saw the eye pokes, the punches, the kicks, the extra knee kick to the head on the tackle, and all the other nasty details you can’t see on plain TV. I noticed at least 3 times a bit of a fight start up after a tackle, and the camera cuts away just as the refs start to run in to break it up. Late in the 4th Q there was a quarter second shot of one of the linesmen sucking down oxygen for all he was worth. Oops, shouldn’t show that either. Instant cutaway. And never a single cheerleader. Phooey.
On the advertisement front, my wife sees the Adriana Lima Kia spot and goes “H*** S***!! I want that outfit!!” I kinda just sat there drooling, but told her to get the shoes too. I think that’s my pick for best ad. It was such an over the top guy fantasy it could’ve been an Old Spice commercial. On second thought though, watching the extended Lima only version above, I’d choose better shoes.
Sorry, I had to pull the video. It was making the page load too slow. Google up “Kia Adrian Lima” and you’ll find it everywhere else.
Overall? Probably one of the best football games I’ve seen in a decade, from the opening sacks right through to the last chance win-or-die Hail Mary pass as the clock ran out.
Posted by Drew458 on 02/06/2012 at 02:59 AM
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Monday - January 23, 2012
This is probably Raaaacist
The coach had put together the perfect team for the Detroit Lions. The only thing that was missing was a good quarterback. He had scouted all the colleges and the Canadian and European Leagues, but he couldn’t find a ringer who could ensure a Super Bowl win.
Then one night while watching CNN he saw a war-zone scene in Afghanistan. In one corner of the background, he spotted a young Afghan Muslim soldier with a truly incredible arm. He threw a hand-grenade straight into a 15th story window 100 yards away. KABOOM!
He threw another hand-grenade 75 yards away, right into a chimney. KA-BLOOEY!
Then he threw another at a passing car going 90 mph. BOOM! BULLS-EYE!
“I’ve got to get this guy!” the coach said to himself. “He has the perfect arm!”
So, he brings him to the States and teaches him the great game of football. And the Lions go on to win the Super Bowl.
The young Afghan is hailed as the great hero of football, and when the coach asks him what he wants, all the young man wants is to call his mother.
“Mom,” he says into the phone, “I just won the Super Bowl!”
“I don’t want to talk to you,” the old Muslim woman says. “You are not my son!”
“I don’t think you understand, Mother,” the young man pleads. “I’ve won one of the greatest sporting events in the world. I’m here among thousands of my adoring fans.”
“No! Let me tell you!” his mother retorts. “At this very moment, there are gunshots all around us. The neighborhood is a pile of rubble. Your two brothers were beaten within an inch of their lives last week, and I have to keep your sister in the house so she doesn’t get raped!”
The old lady pauses, and then tearfully says, “I will never forgive you for making us move to Detroit.”
Posted by Drew458 on 01/23/2012 at 01:42 PM
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Joe Biden Was Right!
Wednesday -
Vice President Joe Biden fumbled on a play to campaign contributors in San Francisco on Wednesday, marking yet another one of his infamous ‘oops’ moments.
In a rousing speech at a private fundraiser, the politician mistakenly predicted the city’s 49ers football team would lose its shot at the Super Bowl to the New York Giants.
Speaking at the closed event at the Bently Reserve in the Bay Area’s financial district, he kicked off with ‘The Giants [are] on their way to the Super Bowl!’
Sunday -
New York Giants beat San Francisco 49ers 20-17 to reach Super Bowl
Lawrence Tynes booted the Giants into the Super Bowl again. Tynes kicked a winning 31-yard field goal in sudden-death overtime and New York beat the San Francisco 49ers 20-17 in the NFC championship game Sunday night to reach its second Super Bowl in five seasons.
Well, even a broken clock is right twice a day, right?
Posted by Drew458 on 01/23/2012 at 04:54 AM
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Thursday - January 19, 2012
Wrong Ingredients
I would have thought this cocktail was made mostly from sour grapes -
Posted by Drew458 on 01/19/2012 at 05:47 PM
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Thursday - December 22, 2011
it’s RACIST to use the word colored. wtf. why is that a bad word? what’s next?
I just happened upon this a minute ago. I don’t follow sports here, or as the Brits call it, Sport. No ‘s’ on the end.
But the headline caught my eye and I was going to pass on it until I realized the word was “colored.” There’s a video at the end at the link. Take look and listen.
His accent is pretty hard but judge for yourself if he said anything in an offensive way. Or meant it to be taken as ridicule based on race.
Jeesh. The stupid hand wringing bed wetters are making things worse by the day.
So then, an apology for the use of the word colored. Fucked up politically correct left wing dictatorship has taken over.
Gaffe of the day: Alan Hansen forced to apologise after making race blunder TWICE on Match Of The DayOutrage on Twitter after pundit calls black players ‘coloured’
England captain John Terry to be charged over alleged racist remarks
By EMMA REYNOLDSBBC pundit Alan Hansen is the latest to come under fire in football’s race row after making an embarrassing gaffe on Match of the Day.
The commentator - who is paid a huge £40,000 per show - shocked viewers by twice describing black players as ‘coloured’ when discussing the John Terry and Luis Suarez cases.
Fellow pundit Lee Dixon looked on in apparent discomfort as Hansen, 56, said: ‘I think there’s a lot of coloured players in all the major teams and there are lots of coloured players who are probably the best in the Premier League.
‘If you look at 25 or 30 years ago it was probably in a bad way - not as bad as some of the other nations on the Continent - but certainly there is always, always room for improvement.’
The ex-footballer had been discussing the separate allegations that England captain Terry and Liverpool striker Suarez have hurled racist abuse at other players on the pitch.
Ex-Liverpool star and broadcaster Stan Collymore was quoted in The Sun saying: ‘What colour would that be? Blue? Green? Orange?’
Although he didn’t see the incident, musician Example waded in to the debate, saying: ‘I didn’t see MOTD but did Alan Hansen really say ‘coloured players’?? Wow. Hand him his P45.’
Hansen was even labelled ‘ignorant’ and ‘overpaid’ by society blogger Toby Young on the Telegraph website - the same newspaper Hansen writes for as a columnist.
Mr Young wrote: ‘Alan Hansen, the overpaid football pundit, just dropped a clanger on Match of the Day. In fact, make that two clangers.
‘Clearly, Hansen’s intentions were honourable. But his ignorance is breathtaking. Is he really unaware that the word “coloured” has been verboten since the mid-70s?’
Hansen has now apologised, but it may come too late with fans and observers horrified at the lack of action to stamp out racism in football.
He said: ‘I unreservedly apologise for any offence caused. This was never my intention and I deeply regret the use of the word.’
Posted by peiper on 12/22/2011 at 07:27 PM
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Friday - September 23, 2011
Can I introduce you please To a lump of Cheddar Cheese
Love this!
Being a Yank, I’d never heard it or knew it existed until just now. It’s utterly simple and stupid and completely excellent. It doesn’t hardly even have real lyrics until the second verse. Fabulous. Turn it up!
It’s fighting music but without the bagpipes.
Less than one guess as to what I’m cooking for dinner.
Posted by Drew458 on 09/23/2011 at 08:53 PM
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Tuesday - July 26, 2011
tennis anyone?
Might be away tomorrow, and thought I’d leave tonight with some sort of cultural event for readers to feast eyes on.
What better thing, aside from the Dodgers winning a World Series , then Tennis?
We hardly ever cover sports here. Unless it’s wearing a bikini. Which ain’t a bad thing at all.
I call her the Great Dane. She is:
OKAY ... Here’s the Tennis part.
And here’s the bikini .............
That’s All Folks ....
Posted by peiper on 07/26/2011 at 05:58 PM
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Friday - July 01, 2011
Sorry Peiper
The Los Angeles Dodgers says paychecks for some part-time game day staffers bounced, but not because the team didn’t have enough money to cover them.
Dodgers spokesman Josh Rawitch said Thursday that when the team filed for bankruptcy, its accounts were frozen for 48 hours.
Some security guards and ushers found their paychecks had bounced.
Rawitch says the checks were reissued Wednesday.The team filed for bankruptcy on Monday.
On Tuesday, a bankruptcy judge in Delaware authorized the team to borrow $60 million to make payroll.
Ouch. Tough times. And a BS statement from the team: they only had enough cash to make payroll after they got a loan to cover it.
Maybe they should have stayed in Brooklyn.
Posted by Drew458 on 07/01/2011 at 12:17 PM
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Friday - June 17, 2011
Canada Sux, Eh?
I have no sympathy for these scum. Line them up against the wall by their thousands and shoot them. Anyone that out of control due to the results of a sporting event is a danger to the rest of the human race, and like a rabid dog, ought to be put down without hesitation or recourse.
Oh boo hoo, our team lost the game. (In this case it was a hockey game, Boston edging out Vancouver to win the Stanley Cup. Yeah, it’s the middle of June fer cryin out loud, and these wizards are still playing hockey. )
We lost. So let’s destroy a good section of our own city. Burn cars. Start Fights. Break windows. Steal. Loot. Destroy. Because a team lost a game.
Granted the same thing often happens when some team wins a game. Up against the wall with that lot too.
You want to drink, fine. You want to sing in public, fine. You want to gather together for a while and all howl at the moon, fine. Parade up and down the street celebrating “your” victory or mourning “your” loss, nyet problemski. Pitch a mass violent tantrum and cause millions in damages and forfeit your right to live. On the spot. It’s that simple.
Scum. Poison gas is too good for the likes of them. Wood chippers come to mind, and really large fish hooks.
And yeah, that sentiment applies to any hooligans who get violent after any game in any sport, whether their favorite team wins or loses. It’s a game you morons. An utterly meaningless worthless bit of entertainment. And that’s all that it is. Just another way to waste a few hours of your life watching someone else do something. Pure twaddle, all of it.
Here’s a great big portfolio of pictures of the rioters. My hope is that the local police are using these and the thousands of other photos out there to do the biggest round up they’ve done in generations, while some other bunch is busy building a whole entire prison to hold these vermin in.
And while you are looking at the pictures, let’s play a quick game of “One of these things is not like the others”. You’ll see it. And all I can say about that one is ... nice bottom!
Posted by Drew458 on 06/17/2011 at 10:00 PM
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Saturday - June 11, 2011
Another Brick In The Wall
Kulsoom Abdullah is a 35-year-old with a doctorate in electrical and computer engineering. But it’s her passion outside of work that has put her at the center of a debate—one that could affect athletic competitions worldwide, even the Olympics.
Later this month, the International Weightlifting Federation will take up the question of whether Abdullah may take part in officially sanctioned tournaments while keeping her entire body covered, aside from her hands and face, in keeping with her Muslim faith.
“It’s what I believe in. It’s what I’ve chosen to do,” Abdullah tells CNN of her decision to wear modest garb. “I’ve always dressed this way publicly.”
The Atlanta resident wants to take part in tournaments in the United States, including one coming up in July. But USA Weightlifting informed her that those events are governed by IWF rules. And those rules preclude her dressing in keeping with her beliefs.
Abdullah generally wears loose, long pants past the ankles, a long-sleeve, fitted shirt with a loose T-shirt over it, and a hijab, or head scarf, covering her hair.
The outfits—officially called “costumes”—worn at competitions must be collarless and must not cover the elbows or knees, according to the IWF’s technical and competition rules.
The IWF constitution also states that no distinction is made among individuals based on religion.
Mark Jones, a spokesman for the U.S. Olympic Committee—which oversees USA Weightlifting and many other sports—explained part of the challenge is that judges need to see that a competitor’s elbows and knees are locked during a lift.
So the IWF will hold a meeting, and everyone will strive to be “reasonable” and the end result will be that Special Allowances will be granted to Special People. Who will then use their more-than-equal “rights” to game the system. And no other weightlifter who is not a muslime will be allowed to dress this way. Another bit of inequality, another small step towards dhimmitude.
If part of the rules require that certain parts of the body be exposed to show that certain moves are done properly, that’s how it is. Lady, if you want to compete in your baggy outfit, go to Saudi Arabia and do it. Oh wait, lifting weights there is probably a religiously decreed Males Only activity, and she’d be flogged or worse for doing it.
I’m tired of the entire world having to bend to this “faith”. You want to change the rules missy, how about you get your religion to bend a little instead?
Posted by Drew458 on 06/11/2011 at 11:39 AM
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Monday - April 04, 2011
OK so ... a very rich loony tune Egyptian who once owned one of the world’s most famous and great dept. stores (Harrods), now owns an English football club and erects a tacky statue telling the fans who do not like it they can go to hell.
This man is I believe, the country’s chief loon.
You may recall that after his son and Lady Di were killed in that car wreck, he blamed the govt. saying it was a conspiracy and murder.
Too bad he wasn’t in that car with them and no seat belt either.
I’m not posting any of the photos here so check the link.
btw .... here’s what one person making comments had to say. Gives you an idea .....
Funny how an immigrant on a work visa who has NO BRITISH CITIZENSHIP nor will ever have, is allowed to BUILD anything except a sandcastle in this country...this guy has made a mockery of our already useless immigration system and now runs roughshod wherever he fetches up...when will his visa expire and when will we be rid of this “person”. I hope the pigeons treat this “statue” with their usual aplomb and I would seriously question the planning officials who allowed this eyesore permission.
- Arthur Dent, Englands Smoking Remains,
And here’s what he is referring to.
‘Anyone who doesn’t like it can go to hell’
Mohammed Al-Fayed defends 7ft 6ins Michael Jackson statue at Craven CottageBy DAILY MAIL REPORTER
A defiant Mohammed Al-Fayed has told Fulham FC fans they can ‘go to hell’ if they don’t like a new statue of Michael Jackson erected at Craven Cottage Stadium.
The Egyptian businessman, who is chairman of the West London club, unveiled the bizarre Eighties-era 7ft 6ins statue of Jackson on Sunday ahead of his team’s game against Blackpool.
Al-Fayed, 78, commissioned the statue following the singer’s death in June 2009 and originally planned to place it in Harrods before selling the department store.
Many football fans have been bemused by the placing outside the West London club, believing the so-called link between the singer and team isn’t strong enough to warrant such a statue.
Speaking at the unveiling today, Mr Al-Fayed laughed off suggestions it was ‘bizarre’.
He said: ‘Why is it bizarre? Football fans love it.
‘If some stupid fans don’t understand and appreciate such a gift this guy gave to the world they can go to hell.
‘I don’t want them to be fans. If they don’t understand and don’t believe in things I believe in they can go to Chelsea, they can go to anywhere else.’
One fan outside the stadium, Michael Tune remarked: ‘We’re a laughing stock. It has nothing to do with football.’
Posted by peiper on 04/04/2011 at 01:13 PM
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Thursday - February 24, 2011
football for the kiddies banned as too dangerous. future olympic spongeball champs now in training.
So here I am again with nothing to say because .... I can’t find the right words. There’s quite a few I can think of but it would only reinforce the fact that my vocabulary is less then sufficient. I do tend to turn the air blue with frustration.
When I was a kid, I once broke my forearm at school. And btw ... it was set by a vet as we had no GP nearby. We were in farm country in the hills and the vet was at the bottom around the corner in a manor of speaking. My mom didn’t sue either. In those far off days, I doubt anyone would have thought of it.
Ppl who read BMEWS on a regular basis and have for awhile, know that I’ve often posted stories about the ridiculous Health and Safety rules and regs here.
Haven’t presented one to you in awhile. Hasn’t been much. Thought maybe the new govt. had done away with elf ‘n’ safety dept.
Guess not.
Take a look.
‘Elf and safety brigade slaps ban on footballs in the PLAYGROUND… because they’re too dangerous
By JAMES TOZERFor decades, the nation’s playgrounds have echoed with the thud of a firmly-struck football.
But children living in the streets where England football star Steven Gerrard grew up are being denied that innocent, wholesome pleasure - and it’s all in the name of health and safety.
Pupils at a primary school in Huyton, near Liverpool, have been banned from bringing modern synthetic or leather footballs into the playground and told to use balls made of sponge instead.
Teachers say the heavy balls are unsuitable for an enclosed space where young children may be playing, saying it risks injury.
However amid fears over Britain’s childhood obesity epidemic, as well as worries over where our next generation of sporting champions is going to come from, critics last night slammed the edict as an absurd over-reaction.
The rule was spelt out in this month’s newsletter sent out by Malvern Primary School in Huyton, a deprived area with Britain’s second worst obesity record.
The district has nevertheless long been regarded as a hotbed of footballing talent, having produced the likes of Liverpool captain Gerrard in addition to former Everton hero Peter Reid - now manager of Plymouth Argyle - and notorious Newcastle United player Joey Barton.
It informed parents: ‘Please can we request that only sponge balls are brought into school. This is to ensure the safety of all our pupils when on the playground.’
But Tam Fry, chairman of obesity prevention charity the Child Growth Foundation, said: ‘Children must be exposed to risk, otherwise how can they be expected to learn?
‘It may think it is protecting the children, but they could just as easily fall over playing with a sponge ball.
‘Policies like this mean our children are in danger of becoming cocooned cotton buds.’
Critics say it is just the latest obstacle created by political correctness to stand in the way of the exercise and life skills children can gain from taking part in sport.
Last summer a primary school in Devon banned playground football altogether, saying pupils were copying the cheating and fouling displayed at the World Cup.
Shortly afterwards, brothers Henry and Alex Worthington, 12 and 11, were threatened with antisocial behaviour orders by three police officers while having a kickabout in the cul-de-sac where they live in Timperley, Greater Manchester.
Mr Fry added: ‘We do have a litigation culture, but you can’t tell me Steven Gerrard did not play football in the playground - I bet he even fell over a few times.’
And Adrian Voce, director of Play England, which advises schools on safe, fun pastimes, pointed out that last year’s review on health and safety by Lord Young recommended a common sense approach to managing risk in children’s play-times.
‘Research tells us that children need to play adventurously and test themselves, yet many children don’t get the opportunity to do so in our risk-adverse society,’ he said.
‘Children must be allowed to encounter some risks for themselves as a natural part of their play and growing up.’
Knowsley, Huyton’s local district, has among the country’s worst GCSE results, and in 2004 was ranked behind only Hull in a league table of Britain’s fattest towns.
Malvern Primary School yesterday insisted the football crackdown was not new, saying the reminder had been issued after a parent complained that a child was nearly hurt.
It pointed out that its cramped playground was shared by pupils of all ages but stressed it was supportive of sport and backed the importance of physical exercise.
In a statement it added: ‘Malvern Primary School treats the health and safety of its pupils as a top priority and has for a long time had a policy of protecting children by recommending sponge balls in the playground before school starts and during breaks, especially as the playground accommodates children from the age of four to 11.’
I was tempted to put the moonbats on this article till the thought struck me. What if they’re doing this to avoid any future lawsuits? What if some little kid broke his arm on the playground or anywhere on school property?
OK so .... future sponge ball champs?
Posted by peiper on 02/24/2011 at 08:50 PM
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Monday - October 25, 2010
a good twist
Infidel w**ore!! How can she be the winner without a mustache?
But at least Jeter will have more time for her now that the Yanks are out of it. Waaat-waaat-waat-waaa. Gee, too bad.
Posted by Drew458 on 10/25/2010 at 01:19 PM
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Thursday - August 12, 2010
Something in the water?
And odd question, but this allegation really makes me wonder.
A California woman sued the governing body of U.S. competitive swimming and her former coach, claiming he sexually abused, humiliated and harassed her when she was a teenager training under his supervision.
The suit announced Wednesday is one of several around the country alleging USA Swimming covered up wrongdoing and allowed a culture of abuse to exist in coaching ranks. The lawsuit also names the West Valley Swim Club and Pacific Swimming, the West Coast branch of USA Swimming.
The lawsuit claims swim coach Norman Havercroft sexually abused Jancy Thompson over a five-year period in the 1990s, beginning when she was about 15.
The Associated Press generally does not identify victims of alleged sexual abuse. However, the now 28-year-old has chosen to speak publicly.
Thompson, who graduated from police academy and does gang intervention for a nonprofit group, said she came forward to help affect change.
“I was robbed of my childhood and never performed to my full capabilities,” she said. “I want to ensure that no one has to endure what I went through and carry such a burden the rest of their lives.”
A telephone message left at a listing for Norman Havercroft in Corona del Mar was not immediately returned.
USA Swimming said it investigates misconduct complaints and revokes membership if behavior was inappropriate.
The alleged abuse took place at various locations in Santa Clara County, including a Los Gatos swim club where Thompson trained, the homes of Thompson and Havercroft, and at a school, according to the 44-page lawsuit first filed June 18 and amended Aug. 4.
Havercroft is accused in the lawsuit of groping, engaging in sexual acts, providing pornography and buying an Internet camera for “cyber” sex.
The abuse carried on after Thompson turned 18, even though she never gave consent, according to the suit filed in Superior Court in San Jose.
The suit also claims Havercroft abused another female and says USA Swimming knew about that case and did nothing to remove Havercroft from his position. It also says Thompson witnessed Havercroft inappropriately touch and massage several underage females.
“In the worst of ways we claim that he took advantage of the coach-athlete relationship, exerting his power and authority,” attorney Robert Allard said.
Jane Weil, a lawyer for USA Swimming and Pacific Swimming, said the organizations had no “knowledge of unlawful conduct” by Havercroft, as alleged in the suit. Weil said the San Jose Police Department and the Santa Clara County district attorney’s office investigated claims of abuse by the other female and brought no criminal charges against Havercroft.
During the police investigation, detectives interviewed Thompson and her mother regarding the other case. Thompson said Havercroft never acted inappropriately with the swimmers, according to a 1997 police report provided to the AP by Weil.
A message left with a police spokesman was not immediately returned. A spokeswoman for the district attorney’s office, Amy Cornell, confirmed that office has never brought charges against Havercroft.
The alleged victim in the other case sued Havercroft and West Valley Swim Club in 2001. The case was settled confidentially. Weil said neither USA Swimming, nor Pacific Swimming were involved in that case.
A call to a phone number listed for the West Valley Swim Club said the number was no longer in use.
USA Swimming has come under fire for its handling of alleged abuse cases but has said it was taking steps to keep young athletes safe. At least 46 coaches and officials have been banned for life, mostly for sexual misconduct.
The organization will vote on measures at its national convention in September that include a new athlete protection policy, expanded background checks, and a requirement that all adults who interact with swimmers become members of the organization.
In the lawsuit, Allard called it a belated effort that demonstrates a ”callous indifference to the health and safety of the young swimmers across the country.”
And of course Thompson had nothing incriminating to say at the time; she was still competitive then and needed a coach and the support of USA Swimming. Makes me wonder just how pervasive this kind of abuse is in other sports where parents force their kids to be performing monkeys Olympic hopefuls? Gymnastics? Ice skating? Tennis?
Posted by Drew458 on 08/12/2010 at 08:26 PM
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.
- Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
- Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
- Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
- Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
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Oh, and here's some kind of visitor flag counter thingy. Hey, all the cool blogs have one, so I should too. The Visitors Online thingy up at the top doesn't count anything, but it looks neat. It had better, since I paid actual money for it.