Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

calendar   Thursday - April 07, 2005

DeLay In Deep Doo-Doo

For months now I’ve been following this story but only on the periphery.

It now appears as if our little pal Delay has been up to no good.  From what I’ve read, he knew better.  He should not have gone on those trips.

He should not have accepted all that money. No matter how you look at what services they provided, this is an incredible amount of money.

This is bad.

I wonder if the Republicans will be as eager to throw him to the wolves as they were with Trent Lott?

Better yet, will there be anyone within the ranks of the party attempting to do the same thing to the other side?  I’m sure there are no lack of Dummycraps doing the same thing Delay did.

Or will the Republicans once more fall back on the mantra, “it’s not how we operate. Republicans don’t go on witch hunts...yada...yada....yada”

Then again, it could be nothing more than a media feeding frenzy and witch hunt.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/07/2005 at 04:21 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - April 06, 2005

The Moonbats Are Circling

Apparently the MSM is in an absolute tizzy that President Bush more or less told Jimmy “PeanutBrain” Carter to go fuck himself and that he was not welcome on Air Force 1 as it headed to the Pope’s funeral.


I love this.  An unidentified White House source said:

“The other thing that people forget is that Carter has treated President Bush very badly. He has openly criticized the President in a manner that President Clinton has not.  He has traveled around the world bad-mouthing this president and this country’s policies. I would be surprised if a single person gave a thought to including him in the delegation.”

Find that here.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/06/2005 at 09:06 AM   
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calendar   Monday - April 04, 2005

Did Scrappleface Write This?

This defies all logic and common sense.

When I read it I thought it was a spoof done by Scrappleface. 

The subject?  Sandy “Burglar” Berger.

Here are some snippets.

Former national security advisor Sandy Berger wasn’t trying to conceal information when he stuffed five copies of a top secret terrorism report in his pants and socks during two trips to the National Archives in 2003

“(he) did not have an intent to hide any of the content of the documents”

Berger took the documents merely for personal convenience - to prepare for his and President Clinton’s testimony before the Sept. 11 Commission

All this comes from ................. (are you ready?)

(are you sure?)

(please put down any cups of coffee or other liquid refreshment.  Empty your mouths of food so as not to spew on your keyboard or monitor.  Take all loaded weapons and put them in the “safe” position.  Better yet, take all the bullets out and put them in another room.)

OK, is everyone back?

This DRIVEL, this SHIT, this NONSENSE came from the

chief of the Justice Department’s public integrity section

And we are expecting our government to keep illegals out?  And we want our judges to not be activists?

How can we expect anything of any consequence from a government that has prosecutors who did not even:

“ask...(Berger) to explain why he destroyed three out of the five copies he had stolen.”


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/04/2005 at 07:33 AM   
Filed Under: • Judges-Courts-LawyersPolitics •  
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calendar   Saturday - April 02, 2005

On The Filibuster

Most of you are probably aware the big stink the MSM and the Dummycraps are making about proposed changes to the filibuster rule as it applies to judicial nominations.

The Dummycraps, finding themselves in the minority, are pissed off that they’ll not be able to stop voting on President Bush’s appointees.  They can’t stand that Republicans want to continue the system in place since 1789.

Here’s a link to a note sent by John F**king Kerry (that moron who claims to be a Vietnam vet and who looks Fwench!) It’s alarming in it’s lack of honesty.

So what does James Taranto and crew propose?

You’re gonna love this---and it is elegant in its simplicity.

If the Democrats won a majority in the Senate, they could restore the minority’s right to filibuster. Democratic Senate candidates in 2006 could run on the promise to restore the filibuster, and, if that proves insufficient to win a majority, they could repeat it in 2008.

You think they’ll do it?  Or is this just more political bullshit from the party that has no shortage of it?

(see, Mr. Taranto, I still link to your articles.  I don’t hold grudges!!) grin


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/02/2005 at 06:50 AM   
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calendar   Friday - April 01, 2005

Two Asshats In The News

Two Asshats In The News

If both these pieces of crap dropped dead I would shed no tears.

One is that BITCH, WHORE, TRAITOR Jane Fonda (fonda what, I wonder?) who all of a sudden is beginning to feel remorse for her heinous actions in North Vietnam which most likely resulted in the deaths of many US soldiers.  I wonder how many commies she balled while she was there?

BITCH!  ROAST IN HELL!!!  It’s a little too late for your self-exculpations.

The other is Sandy “Burglar” Berger who “accidentally" stuffed his trousers, underwear and socks with classified documents.

How the FUCK do you ACCIDENTALLY stuff your clothing with classified documents?  I had a high clearance and I an tell you right now that if I were to “TRULY” accidentally take a classified document home with me my life would be miserable in the military.  I’d be considered a security risk and would find it difficult to get any promotions.

Sandy?  He gets a slap on the wrist (3 year suspension of clearance and $10,000 fine) with no action taken to determine what happened to the documents never recovered (which, I presume, he also “accidentally” lost.)

More info here.

Is this justice?

Just what the hell did he steal?  We’ll never know, now.

A sudden death followed by an eternity in a burning hell is too good for these two pieces of shit.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/01/2005 at 09:30 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsInsanityPolitics •  
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We Got Wack-Jobs, Too!

The Dems don’t have a lock on looney-tunes.

I remember reading about this several months ago (not sure if we posted on it and don’t feel like searching for it) but if you recall it was about a guy who was due to enter the Army just prior to the election.

His plans got foiled when his girlfriend said she was voting for Kerry. This is what he did:

Soper dragged Silveira, kicking and screaming, into her house before throwing her to the floor and spitting on her, police reports said. Soper reportedly bit Silveira and then placed a knife in her hand and told her to kill him, because a vote for Kerry would mean he would die anyway.

Oh, and one more thing.  He’s a high school dropout and still hopes to get into the military.

If the Army takes him at least they’ll know one thing:  he’s willing to act on his convictions.  (no pun intended)


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 04/01/2005 at 07:09 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - March 31, 2005

Just Who Do They Think They Are?

Check this out.

ABC is doing a special called “Only In America.” Wal-Mart is buying sponsorship.

21 (count ‘em! 21!!!) Dummycraps are writing to ABC to ask them to cancel Wal-Mart’s sponsorship.

Why?  They say Wal-Mart comes into a community and:

“treats workers poorly, violates immigration laws and squashes small businesses.”

Funny, every time a Wal-Mart opens here (and virtually anywhere else in the US) they are FLOODED with applications.  FLOODED!!!  If memory serves, there were 4000 applications for 800 jobs here.

Small business?  These are same fucktard senators that would have passed legislation to save the buggy whip manufacturers in the early 1900s.  What business is it of theirs to get involved in this?

Have they no clue how many BILLIONS of dollars Wal-Mart has saved US consumers which they can then use for other things like going to restaurants, medicine, clothes, etc?

And the immigration thing?  Why aren’t these piece of shit senators out trying to figure out why the SSA has millions of fake SS numbers which they do not track down and are almost certainly ALL from illegals?  Why aren’t they out there trying to determine which of their vaunted “small businesses” continue to hire illegals using those fake SS numbers to gain employment?

They do this because Wal-Mart is huge and these socialist bastards hate the US and capitalism.


Go read this and get pissed off.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/31/2005 at 07:35 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPolitics •  
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calendar   Monday - March 28, 2005

As Promised--- An Open Letter

This past weekend Allan and I posted about our frustrations dealing with President Bush’s lack of action regarding illegal aliens.

I then took fingers to keyboard and wrote a letter to my Senator and Congresswoman.

I ask that you take a moment to read what follows.  It is not exactly what I sent because in my version I personalized it to my role as a blog writer, LEGAL immigrant, prolific writer of letters to the editor and my representatives, etc.

This one’s a bit more generalized and I encourage you to copy and paste it to letters you write your own Congress-critters.  Of course, this would have more effect if mailed to Republican lawmakers and if you personalized it yourself.  Congress-critters getting the same letters numerous times make them not pay as much attention.  However, they need to know we’re on to them and their shenanigans.  If you do send it to Dummycraps, please modify accordingly or you’ll look like an idiot.

Dear Congressman/woman/Senator:

I’ve recently read some very troubling things regarding illegal immigration and President Bush’s position on this issue.

I could go into great detail here but in order to keep this short will point out the salient points which are all verifiable.

--President Bush called the Minuteman Project volunteers “vigilantes.” He couldn’t be further from the truth.

--President Bush met with Vincente Fox basically telling him he will do everything in his power to make it easier for Mexicans to come across the borders.

--The INS was promised 10,000 agents to patrol our borders.  They got funded 200.

--We’ve had a 23% increase in illegal aliens streaming across our borders the past year—many with families because they know our laws are so lax that they won’t get kicked out.

--Feel-good immigration bills related to drivers’ licenses have been passed with so many loopholes an aircraft carrier could sail through them.

--We have small towns in America that are not getting any attention from the Federal government in helping them stem the tide of illegals.  Local police officials are powerless to do anything as this is a federal matter.  Meanwhile illegals run free.

--Many states are having to close down hospitals because they can’t afford the cost of taking care of illegals.

--Illegals are deported only to come right back with no means to control their ingress.

Allow me to tell you something, (Senator or Congressman/woman), I worked HARD! DAMNED HARD! to get President Bush re-elected.  Is this how we are to be treated for our efforts?  A virtual dead silence and paucity of STRONG, CONCISE legislation coupled with a seeming fear of taking on the President? (not to mention your Democrat “friends” across the aisle.)

Have you forgotten what the word ILLEGAL means?  These people come here, break our laws and then we house them, clothe them, feed them, give them government aid, allow their kids to go to our schools---all the while they pay nothing in taxes.  They are ILLEGAL!!! They are breaking our laws!!!!  Why are they allowed to do so?

Meanwhile they send BILLIONS of US dollars back to Mexico.  No wonder Vincente Fox wants opens borders.  The more illegals here sending money to him, the less HE has to spend to take care of them!  Are you people in Congress so arrogant you think we, the public, are ignorant of all this?

It is time, sir.  (ma’am) Time to take action.  If I do not see any POSITIVE, DEFINITIVE ACTION from Congress putting actual teeth into our laws and making illegal immigration ILLEGAL again, you can rest assured that I will devote all my efforts and those of my friends in the blogging world to making sure those who put the security of our nation second to grandstanding and vote-getting by Hispanics do not get re-elected. You will recall, it was the action of bloggers like myself that got the President elected and got Kerry discredited.  This is a two way street.

Furthermore, as much as it pains me, I may even cross party lines in the next election in 2006 and the next Presidential election in 2008.  This situation is intolerable.

The safety and security of our country is dependent on secure borders.  Our current policies and “turning a blind-eye” attitude make a mockery of it.

How in the world can Americans be expected to trust their elected politicians to protect and defend them when all this nonsense is allowed to go on?  Is it any wonder elected officials are held in such low esteem?

I look forward to hearing about POSITIVE, ACTIONABLE, LOOPHOLE-LESS legislation not only proposed but PASSED.  Very quickly, too, I might add.  Or you will leave me and many others like me no alternative but to actively work at defeating everyone currently in office.

You may think I am blustering.  You may even think I am threatening you and as such you casually toss this aside as just another rant.  That could not be further from the truth.

I do not threaten.  But I will use all the power available to me through email, contacts, letters, action, money and information campaigns to keep the pressure on.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/28/2005 at 07:51 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationPolitics •  
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Great Stuff From Vox

I’ll post this excerpt:

If you insist on clinging to the political fiction of a Democratic-Republican dichotomy, you will find the next twenty years as mystifying as the last twenty. If, on the other hand, you understand that beneath the fiction is an orchestrated effort to transform a theoretically decentralized constitutional republic into a fully centralized member of a supranational oligarchy, everything not only makes perfect sense, but becomes quite predictable. Thus, I can confidently predict:

1. uniform state euthanasia laws
2. a ban on home-schooling, probably federal
3. a political union with Canada and Mexico
4. an elimination of the right to trial by jury
5. elimination of the separation of powers doctrine (this is already effective, but not apparent)
6. a ban on all political speech by unapproved parties (already in the works)
7. emigration restrictions
8. legally recognized polyamorous relationships
9. a global tax to fund a UN military

Go read the rest. You’ll see what he means.  And you’ll thank me for it.  It’s coming.  It’s inevitable---unless we get off our asses and make our politicians accountable.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/28/2005 at 06:18 AM   
Filed Under: • HistoryIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationPoliticsReligion •  
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calendar   Sunday - March 27, 2005

This Is Wrong!!!

Y’all know I like Wal-Mart.  I shop there often.  They are good for a community.

But..............hopefully some of you out there know more about this than I do but for some reason it goes against my grain to have Congress fund $37,000,000 just so Wal-Mart and Bentonville, AR can get a better road.

I know the feds help fund some road construction but this seems a bit over the top.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/27/2005 at 08:28 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - March 24, 2005

Africa…Dictators…Corruption (Once More)

Thanks to a comment by Vox Day I found this article by Nicolas Kristof in the NY Times. (registration may be required)

Yesterday I had an entry titled: Another From The “Who’s Surprised?” Dept.

In it I made a comment:

some people are MEANT to be forever subjugated to the rule and authority of others.  After all, what’s the difference if your “owner” is black or white.  You’re STILL a slave!

Here’s what came out of Kristof’s piece:

Many, many ordinary black Zimbabweans wish that they could get back the white racist government that oppressed them in the 1970’s.

“If we had the chance to go back to white rule, we’d do it,”

“Life was easier then, and at least you could get food and a job.”

“I want the white man’s government to come back. ... Even if whites were oppressing us, we could get jobs and things were cheap compared to today.”

Mugombo Mudenda, remembered that as a younger woman she used to eat meat, drink tea, use sugar and buy soap. But now she cannot even afford corn gruel. “I miss the days of white rule,” she said.

Here’s how he ends it:

When a white racist government was oppressing Zimbabwe, the international community united to demand change. These days, a black racist government is harming the people of Zimbabwe more than ever, and the international community is letting Mr. Mugabe get away with it. Our hypocrisy is costing hundreds of Zimbabwean lives every day.

Of course, the liberal mantra comes through as it always does: we have to do something.  Yet you will also notice that the “something” we have to do is never expounded upon.  You almost get the impression he’d want us to use our military’s force.  But no way, Jose!!  Especially not after what we know now and what the media did when we went in to liberate Iraq, depose Hussein, and stop the proliferation of WMDs and terrorism. 

What’s happening in Africa is being done by Africans to Africans.  They demanded freedom.  They got it.  We tried saying they weren’t prepared for it but they insisted--- as did the international community.

So they are now “free” to do what they want.

And what do they do?  Starve their people, steal their lands, deny education, fail to provide health services --- the list goes on and on.  When the international community bands together to ship in food and other aid, no infrastructure exists within those countries to move the product.  It rots at the ports or harbors.  If infrastructure does exist it is under the control of the petty despots and dictators in charge of the country and they steal it all only to sell (at prices the average man can not afford) what they don’t keep for themselves. 

We should keep our noses out of this and just wait for it to sort itself out.  Then...........................move in and take it all over using a blueprint loved by the liberal left---not interfere with indigenous lifestyles (meaning they can continue to kill one another); take away all their guns so they use only bows, arrows, slings and clubs; refrain from pushing our lifestyle on them (no TV, no electricity, no sewers, etc.)

And while they live in their mud huts dressed in loin clothes with National Geographic photographers once more taking pictures of nekkid natives, we mine the shit out of the place....of course, we’d restore it to its pristine original beauty afterwards!!

Who’s with me?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/24/2005 at 08:29 AM   
Filed Under: • InternationalPolitics •  
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Shooting Ourselves In The Foot

Shooting Ourselves In The Foot

Never let it be said that BMEWS does not point out stupidity among the ranks of its favorite party.

In this case, it’s the College Republican National Committee.

They’ve been involved in some shady fund raising activities and Ben Shapiro outlines what needs to happen to put that behind us.

And here we have some maroon who OD’d n coke and OxyContin while at the home of Carrie Fischer. 

I wonder if they were getting Kinky playing “Star Wars” make believe?

It is hard to poke a stick in the eye of the “other” side when we have moonbats like these on ours.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/24/2005 at 07:02 AM   
Filed Under: • PoliticsStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Wednesday - March 23, 2005

Batting Order

Do you all know the rules for Presidential Succession (as established by the Constitution and the Presidential Succession Act Of 1947)? If not, here is a refresher ....

In order, the persons who take over the Presidency in the event of the President’s death or incapacity are ....

1.  Vice-President - Dick Cheney
2.  Speaker of the House - Dennis Hastert (R-IL)
3.  President Pro Tempore of the Senate - Ted Stevens (R-AK)
4.  Secretary of State - Condaleeza Rice
5.  Secretary of the Treasury - John Snow
6.  Secretary of Defense - Donald Rumsfeld
7.  Attorney General - Alberto Gonzales

Wanna hear the really scary news? From 2001 to 2003, the Number #3 slot was held by Senator Robert “KKK” Byrd. Yes, on 9/11, if President Bush, Vice President Cheney and House Speaker Hastert had been killed, Robert Byrd would have become President. Are we scared yet?

Yes, Byrd is the same “former racist” who tried to smear Ms. Rice during her nomination hearings. Condaleeza Rice is not only black but a female (in case you haven’t been paying attention). This, only 141 years after blacks were freed and only 49 years after blacks finally achieved full equal status (more or less) in this country. Not to mention the fact that it is only 85 years since women were finally allowed to vote.

Look further on down the list at Number #7 and you find a Hispanic-American who happens to be an American business success story and noted judge.

What would Abraham Lincoln think if he could look at this list and see a BLACK WOMAN only four heart-beats away from the Presidency? Hmmmmmmm ......?

Looking back at the Clinton Administration, however, here is the “end-of-world-scream-your-head-off” scenario ....

1.  Vice-President - Al Gore
2.  Speaker of the House - Newt Gengrich (R-GA)
3.  President Pro Tempore of the Senate - Strom Thurmond (R-SC)
4.  Secretary of State - Madeline Albright (ineligible, foreign-born)
5.  Secretary of the Treasury - Robert Rubin
6.  Secretary of Defense - William S. Cohen
7.  Attorney General - Janet Reno

Contemplate carefully numbers #2, #3, #7. I’m getting the nervous shakes. Need I say more? Now, go take two Valium and try not to worry.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 03/23/2005 at 02:27 PM   
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Another From The “Who’s Surprised?” Dept.

This should cement forever in the minds of anyone not able to see Africa for what it is--a cesspool of dictators, corruption, torture, in-fighting and eternal tribal warfare:

African leaders are unlikely to criticize Zimbabwe for state-supported intimidation against opposition supporters ahead of March 31 polls because they quietly approve of President Robert Mugabe for nationalizing formerly white-owned commercial farms, a political analyst said here.

Even after the horrid disaster of nationalization that took place in Zimbabwe when white land-owners were forcibly removed resulting in hundreds of thousands of acres left in ruins, producing virtually no food crops, these fucking moonbats in Africa STILL want to nationalize their own lands.

They deserve the poverty, AIDS, deaths, and strife they are going through.  May they all die quickly so we can go back in and fix it up to our liking.

Hell, for all I know maybe some people are MEANT to be forever subjugated to the rule and authority of others.  After all, what’s the difference if your “owner” is black or white.  You’re STILL a slave!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 03/23/2005 at 06:27 AM   
Filed Under: • InternationalPolitics •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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