Sarah Palin's presence in the lower 48 means the Arctic ice cap can finally return.

calendar   Tuesday - July 30, 2013

I Give Up. Now Even Math Is Racist

New book for teachers: mathematics is racist, so don’t teach it and then kids will naturally want to be Socialists. I kid you not.

1 + 1 = I am a victim of an oppressive society.
2 x 2 = Gibs me ma free stuff foevah.

Link 1:
Textbook title: Rethinking Mathematics: Teaching Social Justice By The Numbers.

Link 2

Link 3

Two main themes emerge from the pages of “Rethinking Mathematics.”

The first is that the U.S. is a hopelessly racist country that routinely oppresses “people of color.”

This message is conveyed through lessons and essays about racial profiling, environmental racism, unfair mortgage lending practices of Big Banks, the “overabundance of liquor stores” in minority communities, and slave-owning U.S. presidents.

The book’s other major theme is that capitalism’s unequal distribution of wealth is the root cause of the world’s suffering.

if students are taught that the constitutional principles of private property ownership and free market capitalism are merely tools white people use to oppress “people of color,” they’ll eventually demand a socialist form of government.

Political Correctness + Socialist Mass Media = Death of America

Common Core = Commie Core

... or as they say, “you do the math”.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/30/2013 at 03:25 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - June 22, 2013

NY human rights commission. please drop dead you rank M*****F******

Well if this doesn’t beat all I hardly know what does.

And btw ... it isn’t just the idiots in New York (and you make fun of Ca.?) but our entire country that is F***** up.  This could have happened in any state in the union.  What makes us screwed up is that it is allowed at all.
Surely the pub owners here were not mean spirited people but ...  well read this for yourself.  Then tell me if our country isn’t every bit as fouled up as Europe in this mad drive to label everything as racist. 

Sometimes I wish I could grab a gun and start killing all those politically correct ass wipes that approve of and have anything to do with things like this.
Well, ok.  More than just sometimes.  All the time.  What the hell.  Even if I could, it’s far too late to save the country here or the USA.  How come?
Because our countries have been lost for a long time, and both have been lost in the classrooms from kindergarten to university.  The left got the kids very early on, and they went on to teach the following generation who in turn ..... 

New York’s only Welsh pub to pay $2,500 after asking for British job applicants

The owners of New York’s only Welsh pub have reluctantly reached a deal with the city’s Human Rights Commission after they indicated a preference for British applicants for a bar job.

By Philip Sherwell, New York

Michael and Jennifer Colbert, who run the Longbow Pub and Pantry in Brooklyn, agreed to pay a $2,500 (£1,600) settlement and to undergo anti-discrimination training.

The advertisement that landed them in trouble with the zealots at the HRC was placed on the website Craigslist.

“Energetic and enthusiastic men and women with an appreciation of craft beer, good food, whisky and real football (a k a soccer),” it read. “Being British definitely works in your favour.”

Mr Colbert, who is from Wrexham, and his wife, an American, made clear that they were happy to hire a non-British bartender as long as they understood certain key cultural differences.

As Mrs Colbert wrote to the commission: “It is essential to know that Wales is not where the Princess is from, why Everton v Liverpool is an important match, that ‘knocking someone up’ is not about being pregnant, a banger has nothing to do with gangs, black pudding is not a dessert and that the Old Firm has nothing to do with attorneys.”

The couple noted that owners of thousands of other ethnically-linked New York businesses recruit on the same principles.

But the Commission insisted that there could be no wavering from a ban on advertisements in which employers refer to national or ethnic origin.

The case dragged on for a year before the Colberts were advised by lawyers to accept the deal to avoid more punitive penalties and costs.

The couple are now looking to return to what they love - serving customers in an oak-paneled British oasis, a Welsh national rugby jersey framed by the bar, Old Speckled Hen on draft, fish-and-chips on the menu and football (not “soccer") on the television.

They remained defiant, however.

“Free speech is not so free after all it seems,” they said. “Please note that the payment of the fine is NOT an admission on our part that we are guilty of the charges.

“The anti-discrimination training clause? Vindictive retaliation for talking to the press, nothing more.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/22/2013 at 09:33 AM   
Filed Under: • CommiesCULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsDIVERSITY BSPolitically Correct B.S.Racism and race relationsUSA work and the workplace •  
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calendar   Thursday - June 13, 2013

the mau mau were what?  It’s official. They were Freedom Fighters. Not in a sane world tho.

Foreign Secretary William Hague has announced a £19.9 million compensation settlement for Kenyans tortured during the Mau Mau uprising in the 1950s. He said the “British Government recognises that Kenyans were subject to torture” and “sincerely regrets that these abuses took place”.

$29,842,038.10 USD , or 21 plus million depending on what newspaper you are reading.

One of the savages has had this to say.

“It is not quite enough because of the punishment we had”

Kenyans tortured by British colonial forces during the Mau Mau uprising will receive payouts totalling £20m, Foreign Secretary William Hague has announced.
He said the UK government recognised Kenyans were tortured and it “sincerely regrets” the abuses that took place.

A lawyer for the victims said they “at last have the recognition and justice they have sought for many years”.
Thousands of people were killed during the Mau Mau revolt against British rule in Kenya in the 1950s.

Mr Hague also announced plans to support the construction of a permanent memorial to the victims in the Kenyan capital, Nairobi.

Might that include the white civilian victims as well? 
Hmm. Right. Didn’t think so.

Wambuga Wa Nyingi, 85, detailed his torture at the hands of the British colonial authorities in a witness statement.
He was a tractor driver and member of the pro-independence Kenya African Union - but never took the Mau Mau oath.
He survived the Hola massacre in 1959, when 11 Kenyans were beaten to death by prison guards in a detention camp.

He said: “I was battered on the back of my head and around my neck repeatedly with a club. I believe that the beating went on for up to 20 minutes…
“I lay unconscious with the 11 corpses for two days in a room where the corpses had been placed awaiting burial.
“The people who put me there thought I was also dead.”

“I would like to make clear now, and for the first time, on behalf of Her Majesty’s government, that we understand the pain and grievance felt by those who were involved in the events of the emergency in Kenya,” he told the Commons.
“The British government recognises that Kenyans were subject to torture and other forms of ill-treatment at the hands of the colonial administration.
“The British government sincerely regrets that these abuses took place and that they marred Kenya’s progress towards independence.”

Mr Hague said 5,228 victims would receive payments totalling £19.9m following an agreement with lawyers acting for the victims, who have been fighting for compensation for a number of years.

The compensation amounts to about £3,000 per victim and applies only to the living survivors of the abuses that took place.

Mr Hague said Britain still did not accept it was legally liable for the actions of what was a colonial administration in Kenya.

Christian Turner, the British High Commissioner to Kenya, also made a statement on the settlement to members of the Mau Mau War Veterans’ Association in Nairobi.
Gitu wa Kahengeri, secretary-general of the association, said it was the “beginning of reconciliation between the Mau Mau freedom fighters of Kenya and the British government”.

The above link is a week old but … Of course NO SURPRISE ….

This is just an hour old. Take a look.

Mau Mau veteran families seek more from UK
1 hour ago – Relatives of Mau Mau fighters tortured during the British colonial rule are demanding more compensation from the UK.

· They want the British Government to compensate them with an amount equivalent to one kilogramme of gold for each year of the 70 years of colonial rule.
· A kilogramme of gold is estimated to be worth $39,041 (Sh3,318,485) in the black market.

So for no good or just reason, the Brits were just mean and nasty racist white guys and the Mau did nothing to warrant the treatment they received. 

How many other peoples and tribes will now demand, com – pen – say – shon?

The Brits would have been justified in wiping out the entire tribe of butchering savages.  How about compensation to the families of the white farmers who were murdered by these vermin?  Will they have to part with any of that new found free money to their victims? Yeah. Sure thing.
Fracked up pc world. 


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/13/2013 at 03:02 PM   
Filed Under: • InsanityPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Tuesday - June 04, 2013

One bizarre story I missed til now … life in the former Great Britain

We get several newspapers, there’s 2 or maybe 3 on Saturday and there are two papers every other day of the week.
Even so, I missed this story. I never saw it.  Not til I paid Vilmar’s site a visit minutes ago.
I can’t even say, unbelievable, because it is all too believable. 

H/T Vilmar



A NEWPORT shopkeeper has been forced by police to remove a T-shirt from his shop window because they felt it “could be seen to be inciting racial hatred.”
Matthew Taylor, 35, the owner of Taylor’s clothes store on Emlyn Walk in the city, printed up and displayed the T-shirt with the slogan: “Obey our laws, respect our beliefs or get out of our country” after Drummer Lee Rigby, 25, was killed in near Woolwich barracks in London last week.
But following a complaint from a member of the public, police came to his store and threatened to arrest him unless he removed the Tshirt from sight…
…A spokeswoman for Gwent police confirmed: “ We did have a call from a member of the public. We visited the shop and asked him to remove it (the T-shirt) as it could be seen to be inciting racial hatred.”


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/04/2013 at 12:41 PM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDaily LifePolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Wednesday - May 08, 2013

The Redneck National Anthem …. all stand please.  Thank You.

Just seems to be my day to be the one being offended by the left and their bullying pc bs. And I see no end to it or them. Not in my lifetime anyway. Damn it that is depressing.

I HATE the pc world we live in and especially those self offended, self appointed guardians of the correct and only way to see and think and speak.

I defy anyone anywhere to show me an example of one ship during the era of slavery, that delivered slaves under the glorious and proud Stars and Bars. Not one.  Those slaves were originally brought to our shores under the flags of many nations including the USA.  So why aren’t all these highly offended negros and their guilty white idiot supporters calling for us to abandon the Stars and Stripes?
Now the word Redneck has to be apologized for also.  Read it all to find out why.

‘Redneck Day’ at Arizona high school causes uproar

An Arizona high school has come under fire from civil rights groups for holding a spoof “Redneck Day” to build team spirit ahead of end-of-year dance.
By Philip Sherwell, New York

The event at Queen Creek High School, near Phoenix, split the school community, upset Black students, angered civil rights activists and unleashed a debate about free speech and racial stereotypes.

The teenage student council, whose plans were approved by school officials, insist that their only intention was to satirise Duck Dynasty, a reality TV show about a family of long-bearded, rural Louisianans who have made millions from their duck-hunting business.

One student however turned up draped in a Confederate flag, an emblem of regional pride in parts of the South but which for many is a racist symbol of slavery and segregation.

School officials said that the student came from another state where the Civil War flag was a more common sight. He was asked to change attire by a teacher and he explained that he had not meant to offend.

In a country where historical reminders of racial divides are still so potent, that did not end the controversy. The term “redneck” is also politically and racially loaded. It is traditionally derogatory slang for poor white farmers, but for some has connotations with bigoted rural conservatives.

Leading the criticism was Ozetta Kirby, a local leader of the National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People, America’s oldest civil rights organisation, whose grandson attends the school.

“I’m sitting here crying and praying,” Mrs Kirby, a church pastor, told The Arizona Republic. “That can break you down and make you feel at the bottom rung of the whole society, where everybody is being jubilant. No kid should have to go through that. We all know the connotation of ‘redneck’.”

The Queen Creek school board apologised for offence caused by use of the word.



The article reminded me of this song by an old friend who once recorded for RCA.  I have chosen this version because of a memory or two.

This version is NOT the studio recording.  Vernon was playing somewhere here in the UK, in one of the Country Music clubs dotted all over the UK from England to Wales.  American single acts playing gigs here, almost all one nighters and a hell of a grind, and were ALWAYS backed by a British band.  Always.
I used to arrange the booking with Brit agents who then booked the various clubs. 

I got to know Vernon well and he was very kind to me when I was out of work and as they say, in between gigs.  He gave me one of his western hats which I wore with great pride for a long time. Somehow, it got lost among the many moves we made.

You will note the dress among the audience in this video.  Brit fans dressed up this way in lots of clubs, they had fast draw contests firing blanks of course, and this was all in a the day when a gun firing blanks wasn’t a taboo.

Vernon and many acts like him had a very hard time getting air play on American Country radio stations, because they were thought to be, “TOO COUNTRY.”
So anyway ... here’s something that in it’s day was a hit record for Vernon Oxford.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/08/2013 at 10:15 AM   
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if I could express myself really well, I’d be arrested.


In the world of the politically correct and offend no person or group of persons I share this bit of stupidity.

In the guise of declaring everything “sexist” so that a smaller group of fun loving albeit silly college boys at Cambridge might enjoy the female form; the annual jelly wrestling contest has been cancelled.

Deemed as “sexist” the all male drinking society pitches bikini clad ladies against each other in a vat of jelly.

The uptight anti jelly crowd managed to raise a thousand signatures condemning the contest.

What the hell is the harm?  It is not as if the women who have taken part in the past, have done so under threat or with a gun to their heads. Or more likely this being England a knife, axe, bat or bludgeon. 

To be very honest about it, and possibly it’s my age, I don’t quite see the entertainment value in watching either mud wrestling or jelly wrestling or much of whatever else young men find erotic these days. But I can not for the life of me see the harm as long the women involved are okay with it. So what the pc crowd is in effect doing, is denying some women the opportunity to enjoy what they call fun. Hey, they will not be doing these things at 60. But that doesn’t matter to the dead heads on the left.  They will decide for others what is and is not appropriate and worthy of being called fun.

God how I HATE those people.  If I could only express that hate verbally in a better and more articulate way, I’m certain I’d be arrested.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/08/2013 at 09:54 AM   
Filed Under: • Daily LifeDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Tuesday - April 30, 2013

The race card. Don’t leave home without it.

This story has to be two weeks old by now and look. Just how dumb are these folks going to get?  What F***ing investigation is required?  What’s there to investigate?  Oh dear, he made provocative statements.  Woo-hoo. Get the rope.  STUPID people doing stupid things. 

Mr. Cherry has had to resign from the conservative party over his comments.  All of this because TWO people complained.

· John Cherry is being investigated by police
· He said that children from inner city would not be welcome at a new school.
John Cherry was forced to resign from the Tory Party after suggesting inner-city children from a ‘coloured area’ would not be welcome at a proposed new boarding school in the countryside.
In a report in last week’s Mail on Sunday, the West Sussex district and county councillor said the youngsters could ‘escape into the forest’ and trigger a ‘sexual volcano’ because they had been ‘plucked from their natural surroundings’.
Sussex Police have launched a probe to establish whether the comments amount to a racist offence.
A spokesman said: ‘The remarks attributed to Mr Cherry have been subject of complaints to us by two members of the public.’
He also stated truthfully that Chinese and Indian kids would do well but questioned if those from Pakistan could keep up. He also said that some of those kid came from backgrounds where the parents didn’t understand the work ethic in the werstern world. Or words to that effect.
Mr Cherry, 73, later apologised for his comments, saying: ‘My remarks were thoughtless and extremely foolish. I very much regret the distress this must have caused.’

Yeah, the truth is often distressful. Innit? But we mustn’t let the politically correct hear that. Cos this is a result.
And this one too.
Everything is about race even when race isn’t there. Look at this one.

Welsh woman fined for ‘racist’ insult after calling father’s mistress an ‘English cow’

· Elen Humphreys, 25, told Angela Payne to ‘leave well alone, you English cow’
· Prestatyn magistrates ordered Humphreys to pay £50 in compensation
· Last week, an English tourist was fined £150 for calling security guards ‘sheep s******s’ at a Welsh holiday camp
By Becky Evans

A Welsh woman was convicted yesterday of racially abusing her father’s mistress by calling her an ‘English cow’.
Prestatyn magistrates heard that Elen Humphreys, 25, went to Angela Payne’s house in Rhyl to collect some of her father’s belongings and told her: ‘Leave well alone, you English cow’.

Ms Payne reported Humphreys to police, saying the comments were the ‘final straw’.
Humphreys was ordered to pay Ms Payne £50 in compensation and was given a 12-month conditional discharge after pleading guilty to racially aggravated harassment at court.

The case comes two days after a English tourist Anthony Taaffe was fined £150 for calling security staff at a Welsh holiday park ‘a bunch of sheep s******s’.
Prosecutor James Neary said Ms Payne contacted police last November because Humphreys’ mother had previously been warned by officers about her conduct.

He added that Humphreys, of Garndolbenmaen, near Porthmadog, had called Ms Payne other names before the incident.

Andrew Hutchinson, defending, said that Humphreys’s parents had been married for 32 years but her father had then started the other relationship and gone ‘backwards and forwards’ between the two women.
‘Emotions were running high,’ he said.

Source both stories, The Daily Mail


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/30/2013 at 05:01 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPolitically Correct B.S.UK •  
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calendar   Sunday - April 21, 2013

young girl violates political correctness diktat, police do not prosecute. the sky will fall

England is I guess, experimenting with elected police commissioners and in recent elections, with very low turnout, a lady was elected who, I understand from what I read, has no actual arrest powers. Well anyway, she’s already hired advisers and bought some vehicle of some kind with a sign that reads Ann Force One.  Oh clever.

So, this lady hired a young girl who has just turned 17, at a salary of £15,000 ( $22,800.00 ) to be a Youth Crime Commissioner dealing with the yoot of the community. Get their feedback etc. and find out how they thought the police should react with them.
Does this read like a dumb comedy?  It’s pretty dumb okay. Ain’t funny though.

What eventually happened was the young girl, who was chosen out of the 164 who were considered, said a few naughty things in her Twitter account that of course the Daily Mail just had to expose in case a bigoted, racist ended up in that job.

Whoever it was at bmews who once asked … what’s it take to get arrested over there,
well I still can’t answer that.  Had the question been, what’s it take to get your cell phone confiscated by the fuzz and a full investigation made because 50 idiots were offended by her remarks, oh that’s not hard to answer. Not at all.

Refer to travellers/gypsies as … “pikeys.” ???  Pikey? Even I hadn’t heard that one.
But you guys who read bmews already know they are a protected race. Really.

Then … refer to immigrants as …. “illegals.” Wooo.  That might be racist.

Then … when talking about a reality TV show, say that the males on the show all look like f*****g Fags.  A-oh.  That was foolish. Disaster looms.

She also attacked a pizza company for appointing foreign workers and wrote:
‘F****** hell why are the people from Direct Pizza so difficult to talk too!! IT IS CALLED ENGLISH. LEARN IT.’

Oh god in heaven forbid them learning the language of their host country.  We can not have that.  Jail the girl.

She did not help herself by Tweeting this.
‘Worst part about being single is coming home from a party/night out horny as **** and having to sleep alone.’

She also said she wanted to make hash cookies, but also claimed it was from an episode of South Park she was referring to.

Thing is, she was maybe 16 when she said all that.  But she got into trouble with the law for her remarks about the language and travellers and the fag remark. Oh yes, and equating immigrants with illegals.

So the cops took her phone and launched an investigation because that’s lots easier than finding real crinamolls and anyway, the real crime was violation of Political Correctness.

Well she lost the job but the good news is:

Youth crime tsar who stepped down from £15,000-a-year role will NOT face police action over ‘racist and homophobic tweets’

· Kent Police said it will not recommend that Paris Brown, 17, be charged

· Teen was appointed Britain’s first youth police and crime commissioner

· Later resigned after offensive comments found on her Twitter account

· Case did not ‘pass evidential threshold for prosecution’, police said

· The 17-year-old has apologised and denies being racist or homophobic

And that my friends is the state of freedom of speech even when written on a social site. Apparently on a par with shouting fire in a crowded theater, one must be very careful of what one says, or they will knock,knock on your door.
I really do wish she had not apologized. 
She called em as she saw them. 

Oh yeah … speaking of pikeys. 
Another story for another time.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 04/21/2013 at 05:28 PM   
Filed Under: • Daily LifeFREEDOMPolitically Correct B.S.UK •  
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calendar   Thursday - February 28, 2013

Play That Funky Race Card

This Is Racist!!


It sure is: the cat is black, the squirrel is brown, but the dog is white!

Bloomberg Businessweek is taking a beating from critics who say the magazine’s recent cover—featuring a cartoon illustration of what appears to be a black family rolling in cash from a housing rebound—is racist.

“Our cover illustration got strong reactions, which we regret,” Josh Tyrangiel, Bloomberg Businessweek’s editor in chief, said in a statement to Yahoo News. “If we had to do it over again, we’d do it differently.”

The Feb. 25 cover depicts the cash-grabbing family members as stereotypical caricatures inside a two-story pink home above the headline “The Great American Housing Rebound.”

“Flips. No-look bids. 300 percent returns,” the subhead reads. “What could possibly go wrong?”

Oh for the love of Pete. How much more multi-racial a picture could you have? Sure looks like a black kid upstairs, and a Latina teen in the next room over. Downstairs we’ve got a white woman, and reaching out through the wall to grab another handful of cash is an Indian guy. No, he’s black! No, sorry, he ain’t. Look at that skinny nose and that hairline. That ain’t no black dude. That’s an Indian guy, and yeah, plenty of them come that dark and darker. So?

It’s just another example of the Race Police laying a beatdown on anyone and everyone because they can. Had everyone in the house been whiter than Casper, that would be racist too. Had they all be Asians, we’d have heard remarks about chop suey and the sounds of falling silverware. This is a Lose-Lose situation, and it’s high time to tell these people to


and go away.

It’s a cartoon. Take a friggin’ pill.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/28/2013 at 11:12 PM   
Filed Under: • Politically Correct B.S.Racism and race relations •  
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calendar   Tuesday - February 12, 2013

Sweden, where stupidity is understood as brilliance.

Things at home require attention.
Speaking of attention .... these stories caught mine.  Not sure exactly why because it comes as no surprise.  Seems like while the cast changes from time to time, the play remains unchanged.

H/T Tundra Tabloids


Sweden has long since stopped circling the drain, and has taken that final plunge into oblivion.

The Swedish Public Employment Service (Arbetsförmedlingen) plans to open an office in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa in an effort to prepare emigrating Somalis for life in Sweden.

The purpose of the pilot project is to assist Somalis who have received a Swedish residence permit on family reunification grounds but who have not yet arrived in Sweden.

In 2012, a Swedish Migration Court decision opened the door for many Somalis to join family members who have permission to stay in Sweden. The Swedish embassy in Addis Ababa processes these applications.

By mapping out the residency applicants’ professional and educational backgrounds, the Public Employment Service hopes to find suitable places in Sweden where they can apply for work.

“If we can help prepare them we believe we can win time, quite simply, when it comes to their establishment in Sweden,” Mattias Wahlsten, operations coordinator at the Public Employment Service, told Sveriges Radio (SR).

NOTE: And there will always be more just waiting around the corner, and in the mind of the self loathing Left, denying them entry, would be deemed ”racist”.


Meanwhile, in further news from the world of the politically correct ...

Police get a lesson in Muslim culture

NEW Wiltshire Police recruits have visited a Gorse Hill mosque as part of their cultural awareness training.

A total of 15 new police officers, plus two members of Victim Support, went to the Al-Habib Islamic Educational and Cultural Centre, in Chapel Street, yesterday where they listened to a presentation on Islam and sampled ethnic food.

It was part of two days of cultural awareness training, organised by the West Wiltshire Multi Faith Forum.
It also included a visit to a Sikh temple and talks about other faiths, including Hinduism and Rastafari-anism.

Shahid Khan, a sufi teacher at the mosque, who delivered the presentation in the male prayer room, said the visit aimed to build relations between the police and the Muslim community, giving officers a point of contact and greater understanding when dealing with a case involving Muslims.

more mind numbing stuff here


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/12/2013 at 04:25 PM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Monday - January 14, 2013

dicks in a dress get some knickers in a twist

See how it works is, press freedom as approved by the scummy, ugly idiots of the left, like Lynne Featherstone. But hey wait, this all started just because Suzanne Moore quite rightly voiced an opinion, not in the press but in her Twitter page.  Moore is a well known journalist here, and the papers all have Twitter pages so perhaps her Twitter account is tied to her paper. Whatever, this truly ugly beast, speaking of Featherstone, seems to believe that folks who have the temerity to voice an opinion not shared by her, are all fascists of the first order and should all go to the wall.

I’m posting this cos apparently a new phobia has been discovered and introduced.
Yeah really.  How’s this grab ya.

Transphobic!  Iz that a werd er what? Write it down and paste it to your fridge or beer cooler.  The word today is,


Leave it to the left to come up with terms for non pc crimes that they can attach ‘phobic’ to.

Oh yeah, take a good look at that ugly face on Featherstone and tell me; can you imagine her as an “Equality Minister”? She is a former minister of equality.  Yuk. Nothing that owns a face that ugly should be seen in public unless wearing a burka or a paper bag over her face. Plastic would work very well too.

Two top female writers, an insult about Brazilian transsexuals and a firestorm on Twitter. Do natural-born women have the right to say what they like about men who change sex?

· Julie Burchill has come under fire for a column in yesterday’s Observer
· The columnist described transsexuals as ‘dicks’ in chicks’ clothing’
· She was writing in defence of fellow columnist Suzanne Moore
· Miss Moore had been forced off Twitter after criticism of another article
· She said women were pressured to have bodies like ‘Brazilian transsexuals’
· Lib Dem minister Lynne Featherstone has called for Ms Burchill to be sacked
· Miss Featherstone also wants Observer editor John Mulholland sacked

By Ben Spencer

A controversial newspaper columnist has been accused of being transphobic after she wrote an article attacking transsexuals as ‘bed-wetters in bad wigs’ and ‘dicks’ in chicks’ clothing’.


Julie Burchill wrote a column in the Observer yesterday defending her friend and fellow columnist Suzanne Moore who came under fire on Twitter for an article that said women were under pressure to have bodies like ‘Brazilian transsexuals’.
The Observer website was swamped with comments in response to Miss Burchill’s column, many describing it as ‘vile’ and ‘horrible’.
Comments have since been suspended on the story and a message posted on the website says that it is now subject to an ‘inquiry’ to be carried out by the paper’s Readers’ Editor.
The comment also provoked fury on Twitter.
Liberal Democrat minister Lynne Featherstone called for Miss Burchill to be sacked for attacking transsexuals as ‘bed-wetters in bad wigs’.
The former Equalities Minister, a staunch supporter of transsexual rights, said she should be fired and her newspaper’s editor John Mulholland should also go.
Miss Burchill wrote the article in defence of fellow columnist Suzanne Moore, who became the target of transsexuals’ fury over what seemed to be a throw-away comment in a previous article.
Miss Moore, describing the challenges faced by modern women in an article for the New Statesman, had written that modern women were expected to look like ‘Brazilian transsexuals’.
She had said: ‘(Women]) are angry with ourselves for not being happier, not being loved properly and not having the ideal body shape – that of a Brazilian transsexual.’
The comment provoked fury on Twitter and Miss Moore subsequently said she had been forced to stop using the website because of the abuse she had received.
She added that the reaction of ‘the very vociferous transsexual lobby and their grim groupies’ reminded her ‘of those wretched inner-city kids who shoot another inner-city kid dead in a fast-food shop for not showing them enough “respect”.’

Some comments on the subject.

I happen to agree with them and find Ms Featherstone a repulsive moaning Minnie who should be getting on with the job she is overpaid to do, not criticise someone else’s opinion to the extent that she demands that they are sacked. So if you get them sacked, it is not going to change their opinion one iota. You can pass all the PC laws you like, but I for one will promptly ignore them!
- exUKresident ,

The world is completely insane, you cant say anything without hurting peoples delicate feelings or someone else championing them and attacking you in the name of political correctness, all this madness has to come to a head sooner or later, the majority of us are sick of the loud crass minority who will jump on any band wagon they can just to make themselves feel worthy
- frankbull, horley, United Kingdom

Lynne Featherbrain is the one who should be sacked! The day the fabulous Julie Burchill is banned from speaking her mind is the day I emigrate to Syria in search of democracy and free speech!
- Dolly Diamond, Brighton,

Now here’s an opinion from the left that won’t surprise anyone.
This is how they think.
THEY will tell you exactly what free speech is and what it is to be used for. Here, read this.

I love how most people commenting here seem to have mistaken ‘free speech’ with ‘vocal & literal bigotry’. Free speech is for anti-war movements, open debate and parity; not for some jumped-up woman to spew hate and insults which are suited to only one agenda: her own.
- Jiffy, Glasgow, United Kingdom

read more here


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/14/2013 at 06:33 PM   
Filed Under: • Battling Brits Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPolitically Correct B.S.Politically-Incorrect •  
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calendar   Monday - December 10, 2012

Stupid is really on the march on that side of the pond these days huh.  pt1

First I need to thank RichK for the headline. Yeah, he used it in a comment on another subject entirely unrelated to this. But look, look how well it fits.

In my day, of really good radio and comedians who could be funny without the use of four letter words, and vocals that didn’t scream and could land on key, in the bad old days, we had a program called, “The march of Time.”
Was it good?  I don’t remember.  I only mention it because of the headline Rich dropped on us.

So from that I go to Stupid On The March.  Or maybe The march of stupid. No.I think the first.

Anyway, today has been a busy and stress filled one, add to that like a damn puppy dog I just HAD to overeat tonight and feel like. Ah. Never mind. It was a far, far stupid thing of me to do, but nowhere near as schupid as the following articles.

Take a look at this bit of insane political correctness. And hey. It gets worse in the next story.

The stupid march on Sweden.

Children banned from dressing up as gingerbread men… because school says costumes are racist

By Daily Mail Reporter

Schoolchildren in Sweden have been banned from dressing up as gingerbread men for a Christmas parade because their teachers fear the costumes could be considered racist.

Youngsters from a primary school in Laxa told their parents they had been ordered not to wear the outfits for the St Lucia celebrations on Thursday.

Traditionally, children dress as either St Lucia, or gnomes, stars, or gingerbread men for the candle-lit parade.

But heartbroken 10-year-old Mio Simiv was told he could not wear his gingerbread man costume to the celebration because it might be seen as ‘offensive’.

Angry mum Jenny Simic told local media: ‘I thought he had to have got it wrong so I called the school and they said people might find a brown gingerbread character offensive.

‘I said, well then my son won’t participate. He won’t support some Ku Klux Klan procession - because that’s what the little Lucias look like when they all come in with white hoods and white dresses.’


She later sent a text message to Mio’s teacher to see if the ban still stood.

She received the response: ‘I know what you think and what you’re writing. Unfortunately we have no gingerbread men or songs in our procession! We cannot offer gingerbread cookies because of allergies among pupils.’

A school spokesman blamed the row on a ‘misunderstanding’.

District schools head Marghareta Zetterlund claimed: ‘The children and their teachers chose the songs for the parade and they didn’t chose the gingerbread boy song, so there will be no gingerbread boys.

‘We don’t serve gingerbread cookies because of possible nut allergies. I can’t comment on who might find the costumes offensive,’ she added.

But Mrs Simiv said: ‘This is not what we were told at all. There was no misunderstanding, this is just an excuse.’

‘Why should they remove these things from a traditional celebration just because someone might be offended? You could turn that around and ask, “Why are we removing it? Aren’t brown people like us, or what? Can’t they participate?“‘



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/10/2012 at 06:56 PM   
Filed Under: • Politically Correct B.S.Stoopid-People •  
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calendar   Sunday - December 02, 2012

bah and humbug to 300 year old traditions. political correctness must be obeyed

Let be clear on one thing, he is serving this country in its military and so for that reason deserves some consideration.
BUT ….

As others have pointed out, he must have been aware of the conditions demanded and the dress code for the Guards.  Personally, as a matter of style I find the turban looks better. But I’m not in the military and anyway, nobody asked or would give a damn what I like or don’t. It’s really not my business anyway.  What bothers people and I’d agree, is that hundreds of years of Brit tradition MUST be put aside to accommodate another culture and religion.
Why can’t they accommodate that of their host country?

You can see here how even the military, at the very top, has grown very PC over time.

What next?  A religious Jewish soldier who might insist on wearing a skull cap?
Why not?  Better yet, why not simply allow the guards to scrap tradition altogether and just let everyone wear what is comfy for him or in the future, her, prefer to wear.
Something of their own design perhaps.

oh btw, in the photo here we see him when he was in training for another outfit and he was NOT wearing a turban.  So just how urgent is the wearing of that item?  Seems like exceptions can be made after all.  Unless that is, you want to score a politically correct point.

Traditions hold cultures and countries together but, since this one is somewhat fractured anyway, what diff. will it make?  Bah, humbug!


The British Army is embroiled in a damaging row after the first Sikh soldier allowed to wear a turban rather than a bearskin on ceremonial duties suffered abuse from his colleagues.

By Mark Nicol and Amanda Perthen

Guardsman Jatinderpal Singh Bhullar, 25, who joined the Scots guards this year, has been given permission to wear a turban outside Buckingham Palace, breaking hundreds of years of tradition.

The decision by Army bosses has proved controversial with Bhullar’s fellow soldiers. The Army’s Sikh chaplain has told The Mail on Sunday that Bhullar has endured taunts about his turban and his refusal to cut his hair and his beard.

Traditionalists in the Scots Guard say the allowances made for Bhullar will make the whole company look ridiculous to tourists and onlookers. The regiment traces its origins back to 1642 and its soldiers have worn bearskins on parade since 1832.

The Mail on Sunday was initially approached by serving non-commissioned officers based at Wellington Barracks, who were angry that the MoD had compromised centuries of history for the sake of one soldier.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/02/2012 at 11:54 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEMilitaryPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Thursday - November 29, 2012

dummy, multi kulture does NOT mean you can speak freely among peers. or anyone else.

So what if he said it?  In many cases it’s damn well true.  Oh but we can’t say that anymore true or not.  And we shouldn’t mention white pearly teeth in the dark either.  (Shine, Louie Armstrong, 1931)

We had tough and I mean a rough Boatswain’s Mate named Green on our ship.  Not a bad guy or anything but, darn if he didn’t favor a monkey like or an ape like appearance. Which isn’t saying anything bad about the guy. I hardly knew him personally but it’s hard not noticing ppl aboard ship. And that’s how he looked. So why would it be all that criminal to say so among your peers?  As for the cop here well, it does appear as if he is hedging bets and trying to back off. I guess he has a job to protect in which case, sadly, he should have known better then to say out loud what very many white folks already think. Where did he ever get the idea that he had freedom of speech?  Who does he think he is?  Certainly not a member of a protected group that MUST be hired in place of certain others to make up quotas and keep the left happy.

All this pc crap is so much nonsense it just has to end one day.  But when?

I was merely discussing evolution, says policeman accused of calling black people ‘monkeys’

A police officer accused of describing a group of black people as “monkeys” has told a court he was merely referring to their unusual gait.

By Telegraph reporters

PC Kevin Hughes, 42, allegedly made the racist remark while on patrol with three fellow officers in Newham, one of London’s most ethnically diverse communities.

As they passed three black men leaning against a wall in Green Street, Upton Park, the officer allegedly said: “Look at them, they look like f---ing monkeys”.

But Hughes told Westminster Magistrates he had simply remarked on a man’s gait and posture while discussing the theory of evolution with PC Costas Dakoutros

“I had engaged with PC Dakoutros, we were discussing about evolution or terms of that kind,” he said.

“We were in the car, I had a fleeting glance to my right hand side and saw a gentleman.

“I said that man there was walking like a monkey. PC Dakoutros said something along the lines of ‘are you saying that because he is black?’

“I just said it has nothing to do with him being black, I noticed him because he had elongated limbs, his gait. I said that was why I picked him out, because of the way he was walking. It was a fleeting glance.

“I was just trying to reinforce my point that I believe that some human beings had characteristics that resemble monkeys. I just said that man, with the gait, he was walking like a monkey.”

He added that he considered his own “sticking out ears” to resemble that of a monkey and that others’ noses or lips might also do so.

During the discussion he also said black people were closely related to “chimpanzees and Neanderthals,” it is claimed.

When asked if he had used either of the words, he said might have used the former, but did not even know what Neanderthal meant.

Cross-examined by prosecutor Kate Wilkinson, he admitted that he was aware of the racist connotations of likening black people to monkeys and that he had described the man on the street as walking like monkey.

The trial continues.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 11/29/2012 at 10:00 AM   
Filed Under: • Politically Correct B.S.Racism and race relationsUK •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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