Sarah Palin is the reason compasses point North.

calendar   Monday - June 16, 2008

Fuel shortages spread as tanker drivers’ strike, gas stations running dry.

Due to past and VERY bitter experiences with unions, I am not too quick to defend them and simply wish they’d go away.
But ... I’m not 100% certain they are to blame for this crises.  More research needed to refute or back up what I’m hearing, so will not make personal comments on this topic.

In our area, there are gas petrol stations with signs out saying that the pumps aren’t working. In other words, they haven’t anything to sell anymore as ppl topped up just before the strike or just after it started.  So far no lines as there isn’t anything to line up for in some areas.

Fuel shortages spread as tanker drivers’ strike enters fourth day
By David Millward, Transport Editor
Last Updated: 3:44PM BST 16/06/2008

Motorists are facing increasing fuel shortages with queuing spreading to several parts of the country as the strike by Shell’s tanker drivers entered its fourth day.

Fuel rationing was imposed by some garages in the South West, while drivers were facing difficulties filling up in parts of Wales, Worcestershire and in the South East.

Alarmingly Shell was not the only retailer to see its pumps running dry. Esso’s garage in Barry, south Wales, was completely out of fuel.

There were long queues reported at the service station at Junction 30 of the M5 near Exeter. 

According to the AA there was also confusion with some garages running out of diesel, while others were unable to supply unleaded petrol.

Elsewhere, a garage in the Gorton area of Manchester has raised prices by 14 pence a litre, charging motorists 129.9 pence for unleaded.

Its prices were on a par with half a dozen remote forecourts on Shetland and the Isle of Wight, which have traditionally charged far more than the national average.

“The impact of the strike is really being felt today particularly in Wales and the South West. In some localised areas motorists are struggling to find fuel,” said Edmund King, the AA’s president.

In the South West the fuel situation was described as “dire” by Ray Holloway, president of the Petrol Retailers Association.

This led several independent retailers to impose limits as low as £10 as they wait for new stocks to arrive, according to the UK Petroleum Industry Association.

“It’s been happening at rural areas,” said a spokesman. “Supplies have been getting quite low away from major centres like Truro.”

The problem had been caused by picketing at a Plymouth refinery which meant that supplies were not only being blocked to Shell forecourts, but other garages were getting embroiled in the dispute.

According to the latest Government figures 647 garages – including 249 Shell outlets – have either run dry completely or had to turn away motorists looking for diesel or petrol.

That number is expected to rise today as the strike by 641 drivers hits home.

Next weekend could be even worse unless a deal is reached between the drivers’ union, Unite and the Shell’s contractors: Hoyer UK and Suckling Transport.

The two sides have restarted talks raising hopes that the dispute, in which the union has submitted a 13 per cent pay claim, could be settled before the next four-day walkout on Friday.

If agreement is not reached, there are fears that next weekend could be even more difficult because of an overtime ban which will run between the walkouts.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 06/16/2008 at 11:04 AM   
Filed Under: • EconomicsOil, Alternative Energy, and Gas PricesUKUnions-Labor •  
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calendar   Saturday - June 14, 2008


A quote from this month’s Limbaugh Letter, which I received a couple of days ago:

On May 20, the Democrat House approved legislation allowing the Justice Department to sue OPEC with the so-called “NOPEC” bill:

It shall be illegal and a violation of this Act to limit the production or distribution of oil, natural gas, or any other petroleum product ... or to otherwise take any action in restraint of trade for oil, natural gas or any petroleum product when such action, combination, or collective action has a direct , substantial, and reasonably foreseeable effect on the market, supply, price or distribution of oil, natural gas or other petroleum product in the United States.

Oh please, please, pass this Act! I can just imagine the resulting hilarious lawsuits against ... Congress! As Rush continues:

Folks, I can’t believe a single Democrat actually read that with a straight face, because the only people truly responsible for limiting the production or distribution of petroleum are liberal Democrats.

During the 90’s Clinton vetoed legislation passed by the Republican Congress to drill in ANWR. Had we started drilling back then, ANWR would now be producing about 1 million barrels a day ... about what we import daily from Saudi Arabia

Oh, pass this legislation.

I know, wishful thinking. 


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 06/14/2008 at 07:36 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsOil, Alternative Energy, and Gas Prices •  
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calendar   Thursday - June 12, 2008

Amazing news: SUVs not selling well anymore

High Gas Prices Driving Midsize SUVs to Extinction

Gosh, the title just about says it all, doesn’t it? Even the medium sized gas piglets are sitting on the dealer’s lots gathering dust. Gosh, I wonder why? Could it be that people have finally realized that operating a vehicle that costs them 25¢ per mile is a bit of a waste when they aren’t using even 20% of the capacity or capability of said vehicle? Why yes, yes it is.

It’s no secret that drivers are flocking to smaller, more fuel-efficient cars as the cost of gas marches higher. And midsize SUVs are built on the same frames as trucks, which add extra weight and drink more fuel.

So drivers who want a bigger ride are opting for newer crossover vehicles — such as the Ford Edge or Buick Enclave — that look and perform like SUVs but are lighter because they’re built on the same underpinnings as cars.

They’re not well-equipped to go off-road, but analysts say few people were using that feature, anyway.

he move away from midsize SUVs is painfully clear to Tonie Mixer of De Pere, Wis., who has been trying for a month to sell her cream-colored 2007 Explorer, which features heated leather seats and a power moon roof.

So far, the only inquires have been from brokers wanting to help with the sale.

“It’s the perfect car,” she said. “But it just uses the gas because we got the big engine in it.”
It uses the cash, too. At $4 per gallon, it costs $90 to fill the 22 1/2-gallon tank of a 2007 Explorer. A four-wheel-drive model with a powerful 4.6-liter V8 engine gets just 13 miles per gallon in the city and 18 on the highway.

And that’s a midsize. Sorry folks, but that’s a gas sucking pig as far as I’m concerned. It’s nice to have a well made, solid vehicle. It’s nice to have lots of room for your passengers and your gear. It’s nice to be able to sit up high and see everything. And it’s nice to have enough power to move a big vehicle like that around. But it comes at a cost. And just like the housing bubble, too many people bought too much vehicle, and now they’re in a bind. Well, that’s a shame. How quickly we forget. We went through this exact same cycle back in 1971, though I’m a bit amazed that today’s high-tech medium sized SUVs actually get mileage just as bad as the gigantic full sized cars with their massive carburated big block engines did back then. 13mpg around town? That’s freakin pathetic. And that’s a midsize. What kind of mileage does a Hummer get, or a Ford Excursion with the massive mega-power engine get? 4mpg around town? 6 perhaps?

Midsize SUV sales were down 24 percent for the first five months of this year from the same period in 2007. The decline for May was an especially steep 38 percent, according to Autodata Corp.

People bought about 445,000 Explorers in 2000, at the height of the SUV market, but last year Ford only sold about one-third of that number. And 2008 looks even worse.

For large SUVs, such as the Chevrolet Suburban and for Ford Expedition, sales declines have also been huge. But automakers are betting they will survive — in smaller numbers — because of large families that need the space and people who tow boats and campers.

I remember, once upon a time, back in the dark ages of the 80s, that there was a Honda Civic station wagon. It was an odd looking vehicle, a small car with huge windows. But you know what? It was really practical. You had room for 4, with lots of headroom. No trouble strapping little Jimmy into the child seat. Plus you could put a giant TV in the back and still have room for groceries. It wasn’t a speed demon, but it did get 30mpg on the highway. It was sort of a mini-minivan, only with normal doors.

Then: 1988 Honda Civic Wagon


Now: 2008 Honda Fit


Decades later Honda keeps the idea going with their new Honda Fit. It looks a lot cooler but it’s essentially the same concept. And it’s faster. Plus the Fit gets 28/34 if you can drive a manual.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/12/2008 at 09:21 AM   
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Petrol protests go global
By Fiona Govan, Madrid Correspondent
Last Updated: 1:07AM BST 12/06/2008
Protests over rising fuel prices have spread across the globe.

Spanish authorities got tough as the trucker strike entered its third day, deploying riot police to lift blockades at the border with France and clear roads around the capital.

With supplies unable to get through the country was gradually brought to its knees as petrol pumps ran dry and supermarket shelves emptied.

Car manufacturing plants warned that if the stoppage continues the entire industry and its daily production of 13,000 vehicles will grind to a halt because parts for assembly are not reaching factories.

But unions representing self-employed lorry drivers rejected a government package to help the industry and vowed to continue nationwide protests over rising fuel prices.

Two protesters died – one in Spain and another in neighbouring Portugal – as they tried to stop traffic crossing the pickets lines.

Protests were also staged elsewhere in Europe and across Asia. Around 50,000 Polish lorry drivers held one-hour protests across the country although without blocking roads, the organisers said.

And Dutch truckers announced plans to block roads at 18 points across the country for 30 minutes on Thursday.

In Thailand truck drivers voted to begin strikes next week and block roads to the capital with 400,000 lorries unless the government helps them pay for soaring fuel costs.

While in Hong Kong about 500 minibuses, lorries, garbage trucks and coaches staged a go-slow protest, crippling traffic in a demonstration calling for fuel taxes to be scrapped.

Communists burned tyres and blocked roads in parts of eastern India angered by fuel price rises but elsewhere in the country calls for strikes were largely ignored.

In South Korea truckers voted to strike on Monday, ignoring a $10.2 billion (£5 billion) government aid package designed to cushion the impact of soaring fuel prices.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 06/12/2008 at 08:32 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - June 11, 2008

A little common sense?

I still think my plan is better. Not only does it cut the price of oil 80% over night, it scares the crap out of the entire planet. Hey, if they don’t respect you make them fear you. But in the meantime, please click over to NRO and read the rest of this piece. It’s about the uncontrolled speculation on the oil commodities market, which is responsible for a huge amount of the price of oil, and suggests several ways to limit that impact.

In my opinion the world needs to be on an oil standard. The same way that the world used to be on a gold standard when gold was fixed at $32 per ounce. What we are going through now is very similar to the Tulip Craze. PLEASE take 60 seconds to click the link and read up on that one if you aren’t familiar with it. The bottom line is that unchecked speculation leads to disaster. And we are currently on the very edge of the abyss, and a very large part of the reason why is another out of control speculation situation. We need some common sense ASAP. But lacking that, and the whole damn world seems to be lacking that, we need to put some brakes onto this runaway train as fast as we can.

An astonishing thing happened last Thursday and Friday: oil on the New York Mercantile Exchange rose by almost $17 per barrel, or roughly 14 percent. At the same time, the wholesale price for unleaded gasoline added another $0.36 per gallon, or 11 percent.

Media and analysts were quick to blame this unprecedented spike on the declining value of the dollar, on brewing tension between Israel and Iran, and on increasing demand for oil in China, India, and other expanding economies. But this was a market event, not an economic or geopolitical one: Futures trading and speculation is unquestionably putting upside pressure on oil prices.

Those skeptical about investors’ role in rising energy costs should be persuaded by last week’s events. The time has come to consider new commodities-futures regulations in order to prevent an unnecessary speculative oil spike, with all the collateral economic damage that will attend it.

Nothing makes conservatives queasier than regulation, especially of financial markets. But oil’s meteoric rise from $50 in January 2007 to almost $139 on Friday calls for drastic measures that might solve this crisis without a measure as drastic as the gas tax Charles Krauthammer proposed on Friday.

In the past, energy price appreciations of last week’s magnitude have typically been caused by supply disruptions — like the 1973 OPEC embargo, or the 4 million barrels per day in lost production that followed the Islamic Revolution in Iran in 1979, which restricted international oil supplies for several years and caused a spike in prices.

In this decade, though, world oil production has continued to rise, making it difficult for simple supply and demand to explain the explosion in oil’s price from $20 in 2002. The Energy Information Association reports that since 2002, world petroleum production has risen from 76.995 million barrels per day to 84.594 million barrels per day in 2007, a 9.87 percent increase. Over the same period, demand has gone from 78.036 million barrels per day to 85.354 million barrels, a 9.38 percent increase. So total world oil production actually rose faster than demand, but prices increased by almost 400 percent nonetheless. Kind of throws a monkey-wrench into blaming this crisis on China and India’s lust for crude, doesn’t it?

The fact is, the explosion in oil futures trading on the various exchanges around the world has unquestionably been a huge factor in the nearly 200-percent increase in oil prices since January 2007.
As a pure capitalist, I’m all for defending the free market. However, with food and energy prices going through the roof largely due to commodities speculation, calling these markets “free” seems a tad oxymoronic.

This article makes sense. If the children won’t behave, and they aren’t, then Mommy has to call a time-out, and change the rules of the games they’re playing. Because you don’t want to wait until Daddy gets home, especially if you put me in the Daddy roll. Please go read the rest and make up your own mind. Will this work, or not? Why or why not? Comments are open ...


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/11/2008 at 07:21 PM   
Filed Under: • No Shit, SherlockOil, Alternative Energy, and Gas Prices •  
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Bohica, Bohica …

This should be the top story on every news site, on every newspaper, and on every TV and radio news program. America, fucked again by the Democrats. Bend. Over. Here. It. Comes. Again.

House Subcommittee Rejects Plan to Open U.S. Waters to More Oil Exploration

WASHINGTON — A House subcommittee on Wednesday rejected a Republican-led effort to open up more U.S. coastal waters to oil exploration. Rep. John Peterson, R-Pa., spearheaded the effort. His proposal would open up U.S. waters between 50 and 200 miles off shore for drilling. The first 50 miles off shore would be left alone. But the plan failed Wednesday on a 9-6, party-line vote in a House appropriations subcommittee, which was considering the proposal as part of an Interior Department spending package.

With record oil prices and gas prices projected to hover around the $4 mark for the rest of the summer, Republicans have ratcheted up their efforts to open up oil exploration along U.S. coastline. But the long-sought change has so far been unsuccessful. Most offshore oil production and exploration has been banned since a federal law passed in 1981.

“We are kidding ourselves if we think we can drill our way out of these problems,” House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey, D-Wis., said during the bill mark-up session.

Hey Obey, you Oasshole - getting to the oil and gas will take several years. Everyone knows that. That’s why we’ve been pushing for this kind of thing for 25 years. Remember when gas cost 89¢ a gallon? And we wanted to drill for oil offshore? And you said it wouldn’t help bring those prices down? You numb-nutted fucktard, it was today we were trying to protect against back then. What kind of rancid cum dribble are you anyway? Did you fail the test to get on Smarter Than a Fifth Grader? Is that why you took a career in government? Holy shit, you’re so fucking dumb we can’t trust you with a glass of milk unless you’ve got your safety helmet on.

For his part, Peterson said: “There is no valid reason for Congress to keep the country from energy resources it needs.” “I’m disappointed. I did not expect a partisan vote today. I felt we had a chance of winning this. A lot of Democrats have been talking favorably about my amendment. They know we have to do something. But today was an absolute show of Pelosi power, it was dealt from the top down,” Peterson said later, speaking with FOX News, adding he was open to other energy solutions, including wind and solar power.

Pelosi? Wasn’t she the crotch wrinkle who had a plan that was going to save us all? Why, yes she did!!

Pelosi Details Plan for Special Energy Committee

In a memo to House Democrats, Speaker Nancy Pelosi spelled out in more detail her plans to create a new bipartisan select committee to help raise the profile of energy independence and climate change issues in the new Congress. The California Democrat said her hope was to use the panel to “gather state-of-the-art scientific research, focus public attention on these urgent issues, and support the work of the authorizing committees” charged with writing actual legislation over the next six months.

Yes, this is the exact same FoxNews article I linked to earlier. Because it’s been updated. Because our HOPE for some intelligent CHANGE has been DASHED. So now America will continue to be the only country in the free world who has fuel resources but will not allow itself to go after them. Meanwhile, the fucking red Chinese are drilling OUR oil just 50 miles offshore of Florida. Ok, in theory it’s Cuba’s oil, but if we actually were a BIG BAD EMPIRE instead of a wet-my-pants nation of wilted flower holding Kumbayah singing spineless Obama-fainting fucking PUSSIES, it would be ours whenever we wanted it.

God damn. I am fit to bust. FOUR BUCKS A FUCKING GALLON and the Washington leftist shitwipes DON’T suffer an immediate public stoning for saying things like “drilling for oil is not the solution”. That’s right, because making an effort to get more of a “scarce” resource isn’t worth it. Because having more of it couldn’t possibly impact the “scarcity”. Who is this craven moron and how the fuck did he get elected? The price of gas has DOUBLED since Pelosi and her crew took over in 2006. And the worst thing they can see about this is that, in the words of their new LightWorker Messiah - “Discussing rising gasoline prices, Obama said: “I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. “ - that the price increase hasn’t been gradual enough. Not that the price has increased to this level. Fuck no, that’s Ok. They’re happy with that. Totally. They just wish the price had gone up a little less quickly.

Dear America: You can go fuck, because the only important thing that truly matters is blocking any and all Republican legislation. We don’t care how good a plan it is, if it’s theirs, we are against it. Love, the Democratic Socialist Workers Party, aka the DNC. Blame Bush!!! PS - Allah U Akhbar!!!

Oh, and unless I missed it, or they’re all out on a latte break, there is not a single word of this on CNN or at their website. Could they be any more selectively biased if they tried?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/11/2008 at 04:01 PM   
Filed Under: • Oil, Alternative Energy, and Gas Prices •  
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Thank You America

a guest post by Rancino


The OPEC minister will look you in the eyes and state: “ We are at war with you infidels. Have been since the embargo in the 1970s. You are so arrogant you haven’t even recognized it. You have more missiles, bombs, and technology; so we are fighting with the best weapon we have and extracting on a net basis about $700 billion/year out of your economy. We will destroy you! Death to the infidels!

While I am here I would like to thank you for the following:

Not developing your 250-300 year supply of oil shale and tarsands. We know if you did this, it would create millions of jobs for US citizens, expand your engineering capabilities, and keep the wealth in the US instead of sending it to us to finance our war against you bastards. Thanks for limiting defense dept. purchases of oilsands from your neighbors to the north. We love it when you confuse your allies.

Thanks for over regulating every segment of your economy and thus delaying, by decades, the development of alternate fuel technologies.

Thanks for limiting drilling off your coasts, in Alaska, and anywhere there is a bug, bird, fish, or plant that might be inconvenienced. Better that your people suffer! Glad to see our lobbying efforts have
been so effective.

Corn based Ethanol. Praise Allah for this sham program! Perhaps you will destroy yourself from the inside with these types of policies. This is a gift from Allah, praise his name! We never would have
thought of this one! This is better than when you pay your farmers NOT TO GROW FOOD. Have them use more energy to create less energy, and simultaneously drive food prices through the roof. Thank you US Congress!!!!

And finally, we appreciate you letting us fleece you without end. You will be glad to know we have been accumulating shares in your banks, real estate, and publicly held companies. We also finance a good
portion of your debt and now manipulate your markets, currency, and economies to our benefit.




Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/11/2008 at 03:44 PM   
Filed Under: • No Shit, SherlockOil, Alternative Energy, and Gas Prices •  
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Bush is giving the Saudis a nuke plant? Huh? The country with more oil than anything. The country with thousands of empty miles of desert where the sun shines all the time and it never even rains? The country that is literally pumping money out of the ground - these guys need US to buy them a nuclear generator?


Here’s a quick geopolitical quiz: What country is three times the size of Texas and has more than 300 days of blazing sun a year? What country has the world’s largest oil reserves resting below miles upon miles of sand? And what country is being given nuclear power, not solar, by President George W. Bush, even when the mere assumption of nuclear possession in its region has been known to provoke pre-emptive air strikes, even wars?

If you answered Saudi Arabia to all of these questions, you’re right.

Last month, while the American people were becoming the personal ATMs of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was in Saudi Arabia signing away an even more valuable gift: nuclear technology. In a ceremony little-noticed in this country, Ms. Rice volunteered the U.S. to assist Saudi Arabia in developing nuclear reactors, training nuclear engineers, and constructing nuclear infrastructure. While oil breaks records at $130 per barrel or more, the American consumer is footing the bill for Saudi Arabia’s nuclear ambitions.

Saudi Arabia has poured money into developing its vast reserves of natural gas for domestic electricity production. It continues to invest in a national gas transportation pipeline and stepped-up exploration, building a solid foundation for domestic energy production that could meet its electricity needs for many decades. Nuclear energy, on the other hand, would require enormous investments in new infrastructure by a country with zero expertise in this complex technology.

Have Ms. Rice, Mr. Bush or Saudi leaders looked skyward? The Saudi desert is under almost constant sunshine. If Mr. Bush wanted to help his friends in Riyadh diversify their energy portfolio, he should have offered solar panels, not nuclear plants.

Ok, I know it’s politics. The Saudis want access to something with radiation because the crazy mullahs over in Iran have some. But the Saudis are the Wahabbi folks, a bunch of mullahs nearly as crazy. Sure, maybe, just maybe, I can see letting them have a nuke plant, but only if we run it, we fuel it, and we build in a bullet proof emergency shut down program worthy of Star Trek. Hell no, make it better. None of this last second defusing the self destruct sequence. Every employee is an American. A Talmud thumping engineer. With a remote. The slightest issue and the whole thing is shut down forever. You get the idea.

But gosh. If there was one place on earth where solar energy and wind generation should have a go, wouldn’t it be sandland? Especially since they have all the friggin money and can afford huge quantities of the very latest devices?

Something about this stinks. Ok, sure, part of the story is where it’s coming from: an attack from the Left. But W done gone and put his foot in it, just like with the Dubai ports deal a while back.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/11/2008 at 12:42 PM   
Filed Under: • Oil, Alternative Energy, and Gas Prices •  
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Is the GOP finally waking up?

Offshore Oil Drilling to Get Another Look in Congress

With oil and gas prices reaching record highs and little relief in sight, Republican members of Congress are looking at a long-sought, but so far unsuccessful plan to open American shores up to more petroleum exploration.

Rep. John Peterson, R-Pa. is leading the charge Wednesday, when he’ll push for an amendment to a spending bill that would open up U.S. waters between 50 and 200 miles off shore for drilling. The first 50 miles off shore would be left alone.

“For 27 years, Congress has deliberately locked up vast offshore oil and natural gas reserves,” Peterson said, according to USA Today. “With the price at the pump increasing daily — with no end in sight — and the cost of natural gas trading at record levels, Congress needs to unlock these reserves.”

Most oil production and exploration has been banned since 1981.

“Tapping America’s huge reserve of deep ocean energy helps us fight terrorism and increases our domestic energy supply, which will help put downward pressure on gasoline prices,” Greg Schnacke, President of Americans for American Energy, said in a news release, adding: “With Americans suffering at the gas pump and with higher energy bills, it’s a no-brainer that the OCS should be developed.”

But the proposal has faced staunch opposition from environmental groups from states where the shorelines are under consideration for drilling, like Florida.

Uh oh, here it comes. Hold your noses ...

Sierra Club lands program director Athan Manuel told a House committee Wednesday that drilling has been unsuccessful in driving costs down.

“The disappointing part about some of the energy policies being promoted (is) that it calls for more drilling when drilling really is the problem. And all we’ve got to show for pretty aggressive (domestic) drilling for the last 35 years is, again, $4 for a gallon of gas,” Manuel said, adding “since the first Arab oil shock in the 1970s, the U.S. has produced almost 90 billion barrels of oil since then, so we’ve tried drilling our way out of the problem and it just hasn’t worked.”

Environment Florida spokeswoman Holly Binns told the Media General news group that offshore drilling has no immediate impact on prices.

“It would take anywhere from seven to 10 years to bring those resources to shore — to have any measurable impact on supply,” Binns said, advocating renewable energy sources.

First of all, what “aggressive drilling” are they talking about? Huge amounts of proven oil finds are off limits to the oil companies, both off-shore and on federal lands (um, what right does the federal government even have to own land in the first place??) We’ve had an utter lock on oil, gas, and nuke development for nearly 30 years. But I guess if you’re the Sierra Club, even one hole in the ground is an affront to Mother Gaia and is thus “pretty aggressive”. Horse manure.

I’ve been in contact with the folks over at Newt’s Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less petition, asking lots of questions. There are two Republicans that seem to be taking the lead here. One of them is Wisconsin’s Paul Ryan, and the other is Pennsylvania’s John Peterson. I’m holding my breath, praying and hoping that these guys come up with some real solutions, and show some real leadership. And take the media by storm and point out that it’s the damn left that has got us into this mess and has kept us there for decades.

Democrats are holding their own series of events on Capitol Hill Wednesday to focus attention on global warming and energy independence, but drilling is not on the agenda. House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., said Tuesday ongoing calls for more drilling “is the Johnny One-Note of the Republican Party.”

Not surprisingly, the issue has spilled into the ream of presidential politics as well.

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., criticized Democrats, including fellow Sen. Barack Obama, D-Ill., over recent comments Obama made regarding gas prices.

The comments that McConnell referred to were given during an interview with CNBC. Discussing rising gasoline prices, Obama said: “I think that I would have preferred a gradual adjustment. The fact that this is such a shock to American pocketbooks is not a good thing.

Obama also said that “if we take some steps right now to help people make the adjustment, first of all by putting more money into their pockets, but also by encouraging the market to adapt to these new circumstances more quickly, particularly U.S. automakers, then I think ultimately, we can come out of this stronger and have a more efficient energy policy than we do right now.

McConnell, honing in on Obama’s referral to “gradual” price increases, said Obama’s remarks are evidence that Obama believes “rising gas prices aren’t the problem. The problem, he suggested, is that they’ve gone up too fast. He said he would prefer a gradual adjustment.”

He continued: “Whether it’s shutting down domestic exploration in large areas both onshore and offshore, instituting a moratorium on oil shale development, increasing the gas tax, or refusing to pursue coal to liquids, Democrats long ago implemented a ‘gradual adjustment’ on gas prices that’s reflected today in the $4.05 Americans are paying for a gallon of gas.”

Good. Rub his little nose in it. Now do it again. And again. Every damn day. And don’t forget San Fran Nan either. Remember how she had a plan to save us all lots of money back in 2006? Didn’t work too well, did it? So go on the offense. For once. Finally.

So do these GOP guys actually have a plan? Or is this just the old bullshit driven merry-go-round? You’ve got some reading to do to make up your mind. And some paying attention between now and November. And AFTER November. I’m fed up to HERE with these last minute “look at us doing something” publicity stunts that fade away after election day.

Let’s take a look ...
Ryan has bought himself a clue. His plan is basic, but it’s moving in the correct direction:

That’s a start Congressman. But you need to go further. A LOT further.

Washington, DC - Congressman John E. Peterson, R-Pa., along with the Republican Conference, unveiled a solutions based approach to solving our nation’s energy crisis, at a press conference on the steps of the U.S. Capitol this morning. Peterson, who has been sounding the alarm on a looming energy crisis for over six years, issued the following statement:

“With the price at the pump reaching a new record high daily and the cost of natural gas soaring, Americans are sick and tired of this do-nothing Congress. From rural America to the big cities, Americans are struggling to cope with the rising cost of energy. Americans deserve a solutions based approach – not the finger pointing Democrats are accustomed to – to help alleviate the burden on senior citizens, the working poor, small business, and middle-class America. House Republicans have waited 18 months for Speaker Pelosi to bring energy production legislation to the floor; yet, all we get is tax and blame legislation.

“The solutions based approach Republicans rolled out today hits all aspects of the energy spectrum: increased domestic production of oil and natural gas, clean coal and advanced nuclear technology, increased efficiency and conservation, expanded investment in renewables, and cutting the bureaucratic red tape in Washington to allow refining and infrastructure expansion to occur. Folks, as simple and realistic as this proposal sounds, there is extreme opposition from Speaker Pelosi to even debate these issues in committee or on the House floor.

“The American people should know that extreme environmentalists are holding the energy resources of this country hostage. These unfounded fears and the influence of a small minority continue to force the price of energy to record highs. The aforementioned approach, proposed by the House Republicans, invites all Americans, Republican, Democrat and Independents, to join us in urging the Democratic Leadership in both the House and Senate to bring energy production legislation to the floor for debate. 

“In my nearly four decades of public service, I am hard pressed to find an elected official or private citizen that wants to harm the environment. I am confident, that with current technology, the will of the American people, and a solutions based approach, America can overcome any crisis, including the one we currently face, and increase domestic energy production in an environmentally friendly manor. 

Good move. Let’s get away from the old bullshit rallying cry of “the Republicans want to rape the environment and turn the whole country over to big business while the old people starve!!!”. Because it isn’t so. And it has never been so. NOBODY wants to screw up the environment. Not even Republicans. Hello, we live here too. And we want to keep the old people alive, because they’re the ones who own all the stock in Big Oil. Just kidding.

And what is this grand plan from the Grand Old Party? Well, it starts out pretty good:

The Change America Deserves: Lower Energy Prices
When it comes to energy production, while our global competitors are pursuing 21st Century technologies, America is stuck in the 1970s. On electricity production alone, for example, just to keep up with new demand, by 2030, the United States must build 747 NEW coal plants, 52 NEW nuclear plants, 2,000 NEW hydroelectric generators, and add 13,000 NEW megawatts of renewable power. The dire need to increase domestic oil and gas production is no different. Yet, the Democratic Majority refuses to lead.
Republicans are committed to a comprehensive energy reform policy that will increase the supply of American-made energy, improve energy efficiency, and encourage investment in groundbreaking research in advanced alternative and renewable energy technologies. With 21st Century technologies and the strictest standards in the world, America can and must produce more of our own energy right here at home and protect our environment at the same time. That’s the change America deserves.

But then it gets even better, and lands a full 12 gun broadside right on target: it’s the Dems, party of the wild eyed Greenies, who have caused the whole damn mess:

How Washington is Broken:

Ooh, I like it. Keep hammering like this for the next 3 months please. But then what? Well glad you asked ...

How Republican Solutions Will Fix It:

Damn Straight Skippy. And how is the GOP plan going to work? By increasing freedom via reduced regulation and reducing costs via lowered taxes. And balancing things with realistic envirinmental regulation. What’s not to love? Other than ... where were you guys 25 years ago?

Here’s the latest EIA energy outlook paper. It is not a happy picture. We import 75% of our oil and are essentially hostage to the instability in the oil producing nations. No shit. It’s time to build a stronger America by building an freer America. I don’t like being a hostage, do you?

PS - you did get Newt’s email from Norway this morning didn’t you? Norway doesn’t seem to have an energy crisis. Norway has managed to balance off shore drilling with environmentalism. It’s a smart thing to do, getting a balance. Too bad the US has been mired in a seeming All Or Nothing miasma for decades, with the Nothing squad winning:

The U.S. Was Once a Leader in Offshore Drilling. Today Norway Is

The United States was a leader in the creation of the offshore drilling industry in the 1950s and early 1960s, but today it’s countries like Norway that are leaders in the field.

Norway’s annual output of 1.6 billion barrels of oil comes exclusively from offshore drilling. Oil and natural gas are transported through a network of sub seafloor pipelines. Norway is the home to the world’s largest natural gas drilling platform.

And the truly remarkable fact is that Norway has built this robust offshore oil and gas drilling industry alongside large and thriving fishing and tourism industries.

The Norwegian Model: Trust, Common Sense, and Green Conservatism

Norway has avoided the “everywhere versus nowhere” trap that has paralyzed U.S. offshore drilling through a common sense approach that is textbook Green Conservatism.

In Norway, strong environmental protections were part of exploration, drilling and transportation of oil and natural gas from the outset. This initial environmental emphasis has built the sense of trust necessary to allow Norway to move to a cooperative, performance-based model rather than a regulation-based model like we have in the U.S.

Norway has relatively few laws, regulations and government agencies that govern offshore drilling. Their equivalent of our Supreme Court - the Hoyesterett - reportedly declined jurisdiction over offshore drilling on the grounds that it lacks expertise!

The result is a policy in which environmental concerns are carefully balanced with energy needs. Norwegians have put some areas off-limits to drilling. In some areas, drilling is carefully circumscribed. But the point is that drilling occurs. Environmental concerns have informed - not pre-empted-Norway’s oil and gas industry.

The American Model: Distrust, Stalemate and Energy Crisis

Compare that to the United States, where a series of congressional prohibitions and presidential moratoria on offshore drilling - fed by public mistrust and largely unfounded environmental fears - have placed virtually all of the offshore United States off limits to drilling.

The United States is the only country in the world that so dramatically limits the exploration and development of its offshore oil and gas deposits.

The hysteria is so acute that both of our current presidential candidates even voted in 2005 in favor of willful ignorance about our domestic energy resources. Each voted for an amendment that would have removed from the energy bill that ultimately passed a provision for a comprehensive inventory of the oil and natural gas resources in the offshore continental shelf of the United States. Fortunately the amendment failed—even though one of the two candidates is still the sole sponsor of a bill to repeal the authorization of the inventory. You can read the inventory here that 44 U.S. Senators didn’t want you to read and learn that the U.S. Minerals Management Service estimates a mean of 85.9 billion barrels of undiscovered recoverable oil and a mean of 419.9 trillion cubic feet of undiscovered recoverable natural gas in the Federal Outer Continental Shelf of the United States.

I’m not suggesting that the United States adopt the level of government involvement in oil and gas that Norway has (its major petroleum producer, Statoil, is a public-private company). And I’m too much of a realist to think that the U.S. oil and gas industry and the environmental groups are going to suddenly sit down, hold hands together, and forget their differences.

What I am advocating is a more informed public making its demands of energy independence clear to our government.

New Poll Shows Broad, Bipartisan Support for Tapping Domestic Energy Sources, Including Offshore

Last week American Solutions released the results of new survey research dealing with energy security, coal and climate change. The adults surveyed made clear that Congress should prioritize increasing the availability of affordable energy over battling climate change.

In pursuit of the immediate goal of energy security, clear majorities of Americans of every political and ideological stripe advocated the U.S. tap into its voluminous domestic energy resources, including the oil located off its coasts and in Alaska and the coal deep within its grounds. Clean coal was particularly popular and Americans urged the swift building of zero emissions coal plants.

Americans prefer a greater use of domestic energy sources and an innovation-encouraging tax policy that rewards businesses for new energy solutions. While there were some political and ideological differences, for the most part, Americans stood united in favor of a smart, practical energy policy that would allow them to drive to work and power their homes without breaking their bank accounts. For additional information, including the survey results, click here.

A Vote to Watch: The Peterson Amendment to Lift the Offshore Drilling Moratorium

This week, Congressman John Peterson (R-Pa.) will offer an amendment to the Interior Appropriations bill that would lift the congressional moratorium on offshore drilling.

Contact your member of Congress today and urge them to support the Peterson Amendment to restore sanity and common sense to our domestic energy policy.

Every American should keep their eyes on the House Appropriations Committee this week to see whether members vote to support our desire for environmentally responsible increased domestic energy production, or whether they continue to bury their heads in the sand.

PPS - Over 556,000 people have signed the Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less. petition. Not bad for a few days work. Please read it and sign on. Oh, and they’ll send you a nice bumpersticker if you can give them a small donation.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/11/2008 at 10:25 AM   
Filed Under: • Oil, Alternative Energy, and Gas Prices •  
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calendar   Sunday - June 08, 2008

Sign Newt’s Petition?

Drill Here. Drill Now. Pay Less. Duh.

Good old Newt and the gang have a petition going. They’ve got nearly half a million digital signatures already. It’s an attempt to send a message to the government to cut the crap as well as the red tape and to get moving on some energy solutions, instead of just generating endless hot air that isn’t even hooked up to a wind turbine. Gosh, this sounds exactly like what we’ve all been saying around here for a long, long time!

Anyway, here’s The Link if you’d like to add your name to the list.


It’s now a cliche: fat-cat oilmen control our destiny by holding back supplies, letting prices soar, then pocketing the profits. But if any fat cats are to blame for the energy crisis, it’s those on Capitol Hill.

Funny how so few, especially our friends in the mainstream media, seem to notice Congress is the culprit. When it’s not stopping the development of the energy resources we need, it’s busy demonizing the very entities — such as the oil companies — that can go get them…

That oil has surged to $130 a barrel is no surprise: The supply is shrinking. Yet, Congress refuses to let our oil companies tap the massive assets that lie offshore and under our mountains — reserves that dwarf what we have today.

Our Outer Continental Shelf contains as much as 86 billion barrels of oil and 420 trillion cubic feet of gas, according to the U.S. Minerals Management Service. That’s more than 10 times the oil and 20 times the natural gas we use each year.

Then there’s oil shale. At least 1 trillion barrels of crude — possibly as many as 2 trillion — lie in formations across the Rocky Mountains and into Canada. “This,” the Institute for Energy Research said recently, “is more than seven times the amount of crude oil reserves found in Saudi Arabia, and enough to meet current U.S. demand for over 250 years.” Yet we don’t want to disturb it.

No, a petition probably won’t do much. But what else can you do? It’s not like it’s a sane idea to run around setting fire to gas stations to protest the prices. No, that’s a looney reaction.

DANVILLE, Calif.—A Danville woman faces arson charges after police say she set fires at two gas stations and a Starbucks outlet in a protest over high gas prices.

Diane Craig, 64, was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of premeditated arson and burglary.

Police said Craig used a fireplace log and a lighter to set fires in the restrooms of an Arco station, a Chevron station and a Starbucks. No structural damage was reported at the locations.

Police later found Craig at a nearby fast food restaurant with eight fireplace logs with her. She told officers that she was behind the fires and said she woke up that morning wanting to do something about high gas prices.

Police said they don’t know why Craig targeted the Starbucks.

Ok, the Starbucks I can understand. Worst damn coffee on the planet. The whole place is staffed by snotty little leftists, and their prices are outrageous.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/08/2008 at 04:31 PM   
Filed Under: • Oil, Alternative Energy, and Gas Prices •  
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calendar   Saturday - June 07, 2008

It’s a Gas

via Power Line:

Blame the Left for High Gas Prices

Congressman Roy Blunt put together these data to highlight the differences between House Republicans and House Democrats on energy policy:

ANWR Exploration
House Republicans: 91% Supported
House Democrats: 86% Opposed

House Republicans: 97% Supported
House Democrats: 78% Opposed

Oil Shale Exploration
House Republicans: 90% Supported
House Democrats: 86% Opposed

Outer Continental Shelf (OCS) Exploration
House Republicans: 81% Supported
House Democrats: 83% Opposed

Refinery Increased Capacity
House Republicans: 97% Supported
House Democrats: 96% Opposed


91% of House Republicans have historically voted to increase the production of American-made oil and gas.

86% of House Democrats have historically voted against increasing the production of American-made oil and gas.

And let’s not forget all the organizations, like the Sierra Club and all the other enviromental groups, that lobby the heck out of these guys. All Left of Center aligned. Yeah, no kidding.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 06/07/2008 at 09:33 AM   
Filed Under: • No Shit, SherlockOil, Alternative Energy, and Gas Prices •  
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calendar   Sunday - May 25, 2008

A liberal tells the truth

So, ‘this liberal’ wants to take over the oil companies? At least she was honest: she identified herself as a ‘liberal’ (semantically equivalent to ‘thief’).

I issue the same challenge to Maxine Waters: if you did nationalize the oil companies, can YOU guarantee that the price would go down?


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 05/25/2008 at 02:42 PM   
Filed Under: • CommiesDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsGovernmentInsanityOil, Alternative Energy, and Gas PricesStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Thursday - May 22, 2008

This is what you get when lawyers run the government

House passes bill to sue OPEC over oil prices

The House of Representatives overwhelmingly approved legislation on Tuesday allowing the Justice Department to sue OPEC members for limiting oil supplies and working together to set crude prices, but the White House threatened to veto the measure.

The bill would subject OPEC oil producers, including Saudi Arabia, Iran and Venezuela, to the same antitrust laws that U.S. companies must follow.

The measure passed in a 324-84 vote, a big enough margin to override a presidential veto.

The legislation also creates a Justice Department task force to aggressively investigate gasoline price gouging and energy market manipulation.

Are they out of their ever loving minds? How terminally stupid can you be and not fall over dead? Yes, OPEC is nearly a monopoly. We’ve known that for 35 years. So what? Yes, they are a massive cartel that has the world by the nadgers. This is news? Of course they are fixing the prices and fixing the amounts delivered. You can’t do anything about it, other than invading their countries. That’s it.

And just how do you think “our friends the Saudis” are going to react to being sued for price gouging? How about “Ok, never mind, we’ll sell our oil to someone else.”?

This is another example of our do-nothing government wasting time and money just for appearance’s sake. It’s bad enough this utterly useless measure was even considered, yet alone worked on. But when it came down to voting, an awful lot of “Conservative” Republicans went over to the other side and supported this “We’re all victims, let’s sue somebody to make things fair bill. Hope you clods are wearing comfortable shoes in November, because it’s walking time.

The way to energy independance is two-fold. First, you move heaven and earth to maximize your own production. Second, you do whatever you can to eliminate or minimize aspects of your own economy that run on imported fuels. It isn’t that hard to figure out. Yes, it’s going to require some sacrifices. Tough. Fucking. Shit. And it might cost you some money. Too bad. And you might rail against it like a cranky 2 year old because it’s an evil Socialist Agenda Taking Away Your Rights. Well, there may be some truth in that. But one thing you can say for Socialism is that it gets things done much faster. And we need solutions. In place. Yesterday. But let’s keep things in balance too; we just might have to put up with a bit more pollution for a few years. An endangered specie or two might go bye-bye. Again, that’s just too bad. Let’s shoot for “good enough” instead of only be willing to accept perfection.


Some Ideas That Will Work But Will Not Be Popular


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/22/2008 at 08:58 AM   
Filed Under: • GovernmentOil, Alternative Energy, and Gas Prices •  
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calendar   Saturday - May 17, 2008

A drop in the bucket

SHARM EL-SHEIK, Egypt - President Bush said Saturday that the Saudis’ modest increase in oil production is “something but it doesn’t solve our problem” of soaring gas prices.

Taking note of the kingdom’s recent decision to raise production by 300,000 barrels a day, the president said the United States must act, too, to ease the gasoline crisis. He mentioned steps such as developing alternate fuels, improving conservation and expanding domestic exploration.

“We’ve got to do more at home,” the president said on a lawn of a resort overlooking the Red Sea. He spoke after a private meeting with Afghanistan President Hamid Karzai.

Bush said he told Saudi King Abdullah during their talks on Friday that the king should be concerned that high energy prices are hurting some of Saudi Arabia’s biggest oil customers, including the United States.

The kingdom decided May 10 on the production increase to help meet U.S. needs after Venezuela and Mexico cut back on oil deliveries. Oil minister Ali al-Naimi made that announcement Friday.

“One of the interesting things about American politics is, those who are screaming the loudest for increased production from Saudi Arabia are the very same people who are the fighting the fiercest against domestic exploration, against the development of nuclear power and against expanding refining capacity,” Bush told reporters.

“So I was pleased they had increased production by 300,000, but I’m also realistic [ ed.: enough of a realist ] to say to the American people, we’ve got to do more at home,” the president said.

As gas prices keep climbing, Bush is promoting moves that long have been part of his agenda. They include opening a coastal strip of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska to oil exploration and production and making it easier to build new oil refineries and nuclear power plants in the United States.

All those ideas have been stymied in Congress, and critics say Bush’s approach would not offer short-term relief to families.

I think President Bush deserves the No Shir, Shitlock prize of the week for that statement of the obvious. Not that the media will listen to it.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/17/2008 at 09:17 AM   
Filed Under: • Oil, Alternative Energy, and Gas Prices •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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