Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

calendar   Wednesday - July 22, 2020

Anarcho Tyranny

I’ve been waiting for this essay.

After several decades of speaking out against leftism, media bias, PC, thought control, cancel culture, educational indoctrination, and all the other forms and instances of radical leftism, Michelle Malkin appears to have reached her limit.

In case you didn’t know, the other day she and several other speakers were assaulted by BLM/Antifa while trying to speak at a pro-police rally in Denver. The event obviously had plenty of cops in the audience, and plenty more on duty to provide security. Yet when the crazed loonies attacked, they stood around and did nothing.

“To protect and serve” ... their masters, the ones signing their paychecks.

I think Michelle has reached her limit. I know I have.

The America you grew up in is not the America we live in now. One nation under God? Ha.  Land of the free? Ha.  Domestic tranquility? Ha.

Equal protection under the law? Ha.  The right to bear arms? Ha.  Freedom of speech? Association? Peaceable assembly? Ha. Ha. Ha.

It’s not “socialism” or “communism” under which we suffer. Our dangerously chaotic, selectively oppressive predicament is more accurately described as “anarcho-tyranny.”

The toxic combination of “pandemic panic” and “George Floyd derangement syndrome” has thoroughly destroyed the home of the brave. It is a paradise for the depraved and dictatorial.
Where do the police stand in this regime? It pains me to say it, but those of us who have backed the blue so loyally and vocally can no longer do so under the assumption that the blue will back us.

It’s rank-and-file cops who are issuing citations to citizens who want to breathe freely. It’s rank-and-file cops who are standing by while our monuments and courthouses and landmarks are burned and obliterated.

It was rank-and-file cops in Denver who watched as my patriotic friends and I tried to hold a Law Enforcement Appreciation Day this past Sunday and were besieged by Black Lives Matter and antifa thugs who had declared that their sole intent in invading our permitted celebration was to “shut us down.” I livestreamed the chaos as pro-police attendees were beaten, including the organizer Ron MacLachlan, who was bloodied in the face and head just a few feet from me by black-masked animals. One antifa actor wielded her collapsible baton just inches from me.
No cops intervened.

… the message is loud and clear. When push comes to bloody shove in end-stage America, under the rule of the anarcho-tyrants, we, the law-abiding, are the enemy.
Those in uniform sworn to protect and serve will turn their backs on us because their bosses don’t answer to the public. They protect and serve the mob.


They used to say that a conservative is a liberal who has been mugged. Malkin is no liberal in the modern sense of the word, never has been. But I think she’s been a believer up until now. And tomorrow?

None of this is anything new. We’ve seen it coming for more than 25 years, even if the term itself isn’t quite that old ...

[ 2004 ] We see the drift in this country, with the Patriot Act and its spawn at airports and in random searches of law-abiding citizens—all because our own overclass will not enforce standing laws against illegal immigration and does nothing to halt the transformation of American society by millions of aliens.

Unwilling to control immigration and the cultural disintegration it causes, the authorities instead control the law-abiding.

This is precisely the bizarre system of misrule I have elsewhere described as “anarcho-tyranny"—we refuse to control real criminals (that’s the anarchy) so we control the innocent (that’s the tyranny).

Because that’s easy. Example: Gun control for the law abiding, but do nothing to disarm the criminal class. I’m an elected politician, so I have to be seen doing something, so let’s pick the low hanging fruit (and hope nobody sees the backroom deals going on that are making me rich.) Nobody is really watching anyway.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/22/2020 at 10:36 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeCULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsJack Booted Thugs •  
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calendar   Saturday - May 30, 2020

Protest BS

Another Day Of Disruption, Burning, Looting

Because the entire country is fed up with police brutality, in the instance of ONE man, so this justifies riots from sea to shining sea? I do not effing think so.

Protests continued Saturday as more demonstrations erupted in cities nationwide following the death of Minneapolis man George Floyd.

In some cities, authorities issued curfews in light of the at-times violent protests and destruction taking place.

Police and protesters clashed in Brooklyn Saturday night resulting at least 200 arrests and “countless” officers hurt and in the emergency room.

NYPD vehicles windows were broken and set on fire.

One person was arrested near the 79 Precinct with loaded .380 semi-automatic pistol.

Two women were reportedly arrested for throwing a molotov cocktail at an NYPD van that had four officers inside.

Thirty-seven patrol cars have been vandalized so far, according to reports.

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms established a curfew starting Saturday at 9 p.m. following a night of disruptive and at-time violent protests.
An Atlanta Police Department vehicle burns during a demonstration against police violence, Friday, May 29, 2020 in Atlanta. The protest started peacefully earlier in the day before demonstrators clashed with police. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

An Atlanta Police Department vehicle burns during a demonstration against police violence, Friday, May 29, 2020 in Atlanta. The protest started peacefully earlier in the day before demonstrators clashed with police. (AP Photo/Mike Stewart)

Protests continued Saturday and police arrested demonstrators that were purposefully blocking traffic.

Security officials surrouned Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp’s house as crowds of protesters gathered around the massion. A brick was reportedly thrown at one of the police officers.

Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms denounced the riots and said in a Saturday press conference, “When you run it down the street with a Gucci bag, that’s not about black people dying in America. That’s about killing ourselves when we do things like that.”

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced a curfew Saturday night after 500 people were arrested and five police officers were hurt after protests turned violent.

I’ve had enough. Bring out the water cannons, the mace, the dogs, and the rubber bullets. And warm up the MRAPS with their machine guns.

It’s time to grow up, or die. And I don’t give a flaming shit which one you choose.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/30/2020 at 09:37 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsJack Booted ThugsJustice - LACK OFPolitically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Wednesday - April 08, 2020

In search of the WHY

Here is a link to a long essay that I think is important that you read. Grab a coffee and a sandwich; it took me over an hour to work through it. There are probably 100 links in it that you can follow. The author is making the case against the global shut down, and references data and statements from top doctors, virologists, and statisticians from all over the world.

“Excess mortality” is a term new to me, but it makes a lot of sense. Life goes on. People die all the time. People die from all kinds of illnesses all the time. If COVID-19 is killing people left and right, as the DemPanic media tells us, fanning the flames 24-7, then the numbers should show a spike in deaths. But they aren’t.

It also appears that the vast majority of the people in the daily global COVID death count are not just old, but already suffering from one or more chronic, pre-fatal conditions. Damn near all of them.

Now add in lousy testing, lousy tests (imported from China?), poor record keeping, and a sensationalist media with nearly no medical or scientific knowledge. And you get panic. Global panic, with all kinds of extreme government reactions based on that panic, almost all of them tyrannical in nature. Let no crisis go to waste.

This is not tin foil hat conspiracy nonsense. This is a long essay, put together day by day, tracing the spread of the COVID virus, government and media reactions, and countless buried news stories from confused boots on the ground in the thick of things who aren’t seeing much going on. Every assertion is verifiable; although you may need to translate some of the articles linked to.

Without a doubt, COVID-19 is dangerous. And people are dying. But in so many cases, the COVID is the proverbial straw that breaks the camel’s back, not the giant Acme safe spontaneously falling from the sky and squashing Wile. E. Coyote. Yet the governments of the world are acting as if it is.

[ Vilmar made a post the other day that the FDA has changed the rules so that deaths even suspected (but not tested) to be COVID related are now to be listed as COVID caused. This is fraudulent, creating fake numbers. Fake numbers that then become headline news, keeping the panic going. ]

The author, a Swiss doctor, gives us the Who, What, When, and Were. But it’s up to you to figure out the Why. Or you could just look at this cartoon, and expand that globally.


“The only means to fight the plague is honesty”

- Albert Camus, The Plague, 1947

Northern Italy has one of the oldest populations and the worst air quality in Europe, which had already led to an increased number of respiratory diseases and deaths in the past and is likely an additional risk factor in the current epidemic.

South Korea, for instance, has experienced a much milder course than Italy and has already passed the peak of the epidemic. In South Korea, only about 70 deaths with a positive test result have been reported so far. As in Italy, those affected were mostly high-risk patients.

The few dozen test-positive Swiss deaths so far were also high-risk patients with chronic diseases, an average age of more than 80 years and a maximum age of 97 years, whose exact cause of death, i.e. from the virus or from their pre-existing diseases, is not yet known.

Furthermore, studies have shown that the internationally used virus test kits may give a false positive result in some cases. In these cases, the persons may not have contracted the new coronavirus, but presumably one of the many existing human coronaviruses that are part of the annual (and currently ongoing) common cold and flu epidemics.

Thus the most important indicator for judging the danger of the disease is not the frequently reported number of positively-tested persons and deaths, but the number of persons actually and unexpectedly developing or dying from pneumonia (so-called excess mortality).


Dr. Richard Capek and other researchers have already shown that the number of test-positive individuals in relation to the number of tests performed remains constant in all countries studied so far, which speaks against an exponential spread („epidemic“) of the virus and merely indicates an exponential increase in the number of tests.

Depending on the country, the proportion of test-positive individuals is between 5 and 15%, which corresponds to the usual spread of corona viruses. Interestingly, these constant numerical values are not actively communicated (or even removed) by authorities and the media. Instead, exponential but irrelevant and misleading curves are shown without context.

And it goes on and on, page after page after page, reporting every day from all over the world.

•  Sweden, which has so far managed without radical measures and has not reported increased mortality (similar to Asian countries such as Japan or South Korea), is remarkably put under pressure from the international media to change its strategy.

•  Data from New York State show that the hospitalization rate of test-positive individuals could be more than twenty times lower than originally assumed.

•  An article on the specialist portal DocCheck deals with the problem of ventilating test-positive patients. In test-positive patients, simple ventilation through a mask is officially advised against, among other things to prevent the coronavirus from spreading through aerosols. Therefore, test positive intensive care patients are often intubated directly. However, intubation has poor chances of success and often leads to additional damage to the lungs (so-called ventilator-induced lung damage). As with medication, the question arises as to whether a more gentle treatment of patients would not be medically more sensible.

So I have to wonder ... is this continuously fueled global panic a coordinated effort to bring about international Socialism and tyranny? [ what we used to call a “commie plot” back in the Duck & Cover days ] An if so, who is doing that coordinating? Remember “Journo-List” from a few years ago?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/08/2020 at 09:38 AM   
Filed Under: • Jack Booted ThugsPandemic Pandemonium •  
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calendar   Saturday - April 04, 2020

Is capitalism now a crime?

Where do you draw the line between profit and profiteering? Should there even be one? What really is price gouging, other than reacting to market conditions? Ever read the James Clavell novel King Rat??

We’re in this emergency situation ... or we’re being lead to believe we’re in one. One of the major changes has been a massive increase in government power. Never let a crisis go to waste, right?

Here’s another case.

Brooklyn Guy Busted For Hoarding | Price Gouging

Federal agencies confiscated tens of thousands of medical supplies from a Brooklyn man who had been selling them at illegal marked-up rates from warehouses in New York and New Jersey.

The supplies have been sent to health departments in New Jersey, New York City and New York state, which will provide them to healthcare workers treating COVID-19 patients.

Among the items seized from the home of Baruch Feldheim, 43, were 192,000 N95 respirator masks, 130,000 surgical masks, procedure masks, N100 masks, surgical gowns, disinfectant towels, particulate filters, bottles of hand sanitizer, and bottles of spray disinfectant, according to the Department of Justice.

Feldheim was arrested Monday and accused of accumulating the items in order to sell them to doctors and nurses at inflated prices, according to New Jersey U.S. Attorney Craig Carpenito. Some of the supplies had been shipped from Canada, investigators said.

Feldheim was released March 30 on $50,000 bond. Feldheim will be paid fair-market value for the supplies, according to the Department of Justice.

“This is the first of many such investigations that are underway,” said Peter Navarro, DPA Policy Coordinator and Assistant to the President. “Our FBI agents and other law enforcement agencies are tracking down every tip and lead they get, and are devoting massive federal resources to this effort. All individuals and companies hoarding any of these critical supplies, or selling them at well above market prices, are hereby warned they should turn them over to local authorities or the federal government now or risk prompt seizure by the federal government.”

“If you are amassing critical medical equipment for the purpose of selling it at exorbitant prices, you can expect a knock at your door,” said Attorney General William P. Barr. “The Department of Justice’s COVID-19 Hoarding and Price Gouging Task Force is working tirelessly around the clock with all our law enforcement partners to ensure that bad actors cannot illicitly profit from the COVID-19 pandemic facing our nation.”

Sure, the guy was making a killing. But how is it that he was able to get his hands on this much PPE in the first place? Come on, get real, you KNOW he had none of this stuff on hand before Hannukkah. And tell me, please, what’s the price point line for this stuff? Just how much was he marking them up? Where’s the line?

Back when this all first hit, I bought 2 N100 masks from Amazon. 3M brand particular respirator model 8233. They cost me $13.60. EACH. It took weeks for my order to be delivered. I don’t know what these things used to cost, back in the days of reality. Because I’d never heard of the things, and when I did a bit of mask research, I found these were the best you could get. So I bought some. Better safe than rich, right? Did they used to cost a buck each? I have no idea. Maybe our all-powerful government will publish pricing guidelines, wholesale and retail. Control the market. Freeze the prices, like Nixon did. And that worked out so well, right?

I notice that the seller, Hugo’s, no longer has the masks. But they do have toilet paper. Commercial size rolls, unknown brand, 2 ply, great big 500 sheet rolls. Carton of 96 for $123.64. So that’s 4 times as many rolls as the big 24 pack you can buy in the store, and each roll is quite a bit bigger. So figure it as equal to 5 24 packs. Do those cost $24 each? Or are they only $12? Is this price gouging too? 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 04/04/2020 at 11:25 AM   
Filed Under: • Finance and InvestingFREEDOMJack Booted ThugsPandemic Pandemonium •  
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calendar   Saturday - March 28, 2020

Our Rights Have Been Trashed (For Our Own Good)

Rhode Island Hunting New Yorkers

You no longer have the right to free movement. As if you hadn’t noticed this already.

Rhode Island plans to send the National Guard out to knock door-to-door in an attempt to hunt down anyone who has arrived in the tiny state from New York City during the coronavirus pandemic. State police, meanwhile, have begun pulling over cars with New York state plates.

Gov. Gina Raimondo said anyone traveling there from New York will be ordered to undergo a 14-day quarantine and could face fines or even jail time if they’re found to not comply.

“Right now we have a pinpointed risk,” Raimondo said at a news conference Friday. “That risk is called New York City.”

She isn’t wrong to be seriously concerned. She should also be hunting down Massachussets people, as Boston is another outbreak epicenter. Hey, let’s jail folks from New Hampshire, because Manchester.

How about the whole country walls off Rhode Island, all 10 square blocks of it, and leaves them to rot? Let the uppity fuckers die. No loss to the rest of us. How Dare They?™

I’m really getting chapped about this fascist power grab game of one-upmanship going on. Oh you did this in your state? Hold my beer. Watch us do something even more repressive.

Does any of this even help? Maybe it does, but these acts could be destroying the union that is the USA. Certainly giving it a beating.

Rhode Island, which had some 162 confirmed cases by late Friday compared to New York State’s total of more than 44,000, joined a host of other municipalities and states trying bar entry to New Yorkers living in the epicenter of the US’ coronavirus outbreak.

The Hamptons, counties north of the city [ Long Island,, east of NYC ], and governors in Florida, Maryland, Texas and South Carolina have all also ordered New Yorkers to keep out or undergo mandatory two-week quarantines.

Cuomo said he was opposed to such restrictions, at least within the state.

“I don’t like it socially or culturally,” Cuomo said during a radio appearance Friday on WAMC. “I don’t like what it says about us as one state, one family. Also, I don’t believe it’s medically justified.”

In Rhode Island, Raimondo maintained she’s within her emergency powers to impose the aggressive measures and said she had consulted with state lawyers.

“I know it’s unusual. I know it’s extreme and I know some people disagree with it,” she said.

“If you want to seek refuge in Rhode Island, you must be quarantined.”

If Cuomo is saying this isn’t justified, it probably is. He and DeBlasio have proven yet again what level of idiots they really are. But that’s almost beside the point.

Yeah yeah, the public good. Want to know who owns most of the homes in the Hamptons? People from New York City. So now it’s “illegal” for people to stay in their own houses if they have more than one?

This is so wrong. It screams Statist Opportunism. Is the only way to save America to destroy it? Are we My Lai village writ large? How much trampling can we take? And even more worrying, will it become the new normal when this shit is finally over? Will the jackboots stay on the feet because every sparrow that falls will be another emergency? When does government ever cede power except at gunpoint?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/28/2020 at 08:19 AM   
Filed Under: • Jack Booted ThugsPandemic PandemoniumTyrants and Dictators •  
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calendar   Wednesday - March 25, 2020

Too Many Rats Sink The System

“We’re all in this together”, right comrade??

NJ Rat Fink Reporting Phone System Overwhelmed

Gov. Phil Murphy ordered non-essential businesses to close this week but many people in New Jersey say not all retailers have gotten the message.

Very, very many people, apparently.

A phone number that the state set up for people to report violators became overwhelmed with calls.

Murphy gave the number out during his daily briefing on Tuesday as a way to report violations of Executive Order No. 107.

“Let me be clear if I could. My executive order is not a polite suggestion. It is an order. No one, and I mean no one who can do their job from home should be going to work in an office. We must have 100% compliance. This is about public health and it’s about people’s lives, your employees’ lives, their families’ lives, and your life,” Murphy said during the media briefing.

The number is assigned to an investigator in the state Department of Homeland Security, according to a state office phone directory. reported that State Police requested the number be removed from their news article because the calls were interfering with a line used for “law enforcement sensitive calls.”


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/25/2020 at 12:14 PM   
Filed Under: • Jack Booted Thugs •  
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calendar   Tuesday - March 10, 2020

Extreme Measures

Let’s see how I can polarize the optics on this one. What the hex, I’ve been learning from the MSM. Ah, I know ... put it in the worst possible light ... weaponize it to the highest degree ...

Nazi NY Governor Cuomo Sends His Personal Army To Corral All Those Filthy Jews

Just days after the state assembly granted him unlimited emergency powers ...

New York is creating a “containment area” around a community in New Rochelle, in an attempt to limit the spread of coronavirus in an area that quickly became the state’s largest source of COVID-19 infections, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Tuesday.

“New Rochelle is a particular problem,” Cuomo said, describing the area as a cluster of cases.

“The numbers have been going up, the numbers continue to go up, the numbers are going up unabated — and we do need a special public health strategy for New Rochelle,” Cuomo said.

A synagogue in the city has become the epicenter of an outbreak in Westchester County — which accounts for 108 of New York state’s 173 coronavirus cases.

As of Tuesday, that synagogue is also at the center of a circle that extends for a one-mile radius, marking the state’s containment area.

The governor is calling on the National Guard to help maintain the containment area. Cuomo said the troops will be deployed “to deliver food to homes, to help with the cleaning of public spaces.”

The new policy will take effect Thursday and remain in place through March 25th.

This is one of the areas that was endemic with the measles last year. For months and months.

And now two people across the Hudson River in Rockland County have it too. The same kind of people. Another 22 in self quarantine. The 2 guys were delivering food to that same community in New Rochelle over in Westchester. And they’re in Monsey ... another one of those communities. Which also went through the measles thing recently. And before that, the hepatitis thing. Oy vey, it never stops.

Health officials announced two residents who have been confirmed to have coronavirus potentially exposed others to the disease from February 28 - March 2 in Rockland County.
“It was previously believed that these infected individuals had not worked as caterers during these events and it was only through the detective work of one of our investigators that this discovery was made,” said Dr. Ruppert. “Any person who believes they may have been exposed should contact their health care provider by phone right away. I also ask that anyone who becomes ill with this disease be completely forthcoming with our investigators, it is only with your help that we can prevent the spread of this disease.”

ROCKLAND COUNTY, NY — Two cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in Rockland County, County Executive Ed Day confirmed. Both people who caught the virus worked at a bar mitzvah service and celebration at Young Israel of New Rochelle.
The synagogue’s rabbi has also tested positive for the virus.

The governor of any state is the nominal leader of that state’s National Guard. In effect, they are his army. And while they are Guardsmen, to the rest of us they are soldiers. I have no idea if these troops were sent to this task armed. I would really hope not, but being armed is what they do. And I do not know when the last time was, or if there ever was, an effort in this country to use troops to curtail the movement of citizens en masse. And there are a LOT of people in that one mile circle in New Rochelle. It’s super-suburbia, just north of New York City. And just like Lakewood NJ (where I fully expect the next outbreak to blossom, just like with the measles), and Monsey NY, it’s a very very Jewish neighborhood.

The very far Left leaning Democrat governor of NY, Andrew Cuomo, was just given nearly unlimited emergency powers by a midnight session of the State Assembly. They hardly even read the bill, just rubber stamped it in the middle of the night. For real. So much so that Progressives around the state were wondering out loud and online if they had gone too far. Fascism? Nazism? Where’s the line? And just a couple days later out comes his army to encircle the Jews? Horry Clap. These are some terrible optics even without the opportunistic slant.

Was it necessary? Probably, but who cares? Let no crisis go to waste: it’s Kristallnacht in NY. It’s what antisemitic Leftists do when they have unlimited power.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/10/2020 at 03:26 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsJack Booted Thugs •  
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calendar   Sunday - December 22, 2019

Time For FISA To Go?

Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) : Eliminate FISA Court

Secret tribunals are so Nazi. This is not truth, justice, and the American way.

Biggs described the FISA Court as contrary to American values of due process.

“It is a secret court that has virtually no oversight and no transparency,” said Biggs. “So if somebody wants to go in and get a warrant, basically nobody is really actively reviewing those warrants other than these FISA court judges, and I think that is star chamber-esque. That is really not the American way.”
Biggs reflected on Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz’s report outlining “17 significant errors or omissions” in the FBI’s application to surveil Carter Page, which occurred during James Comey’s tenure as FBI director under then-President Barack Obama’s administration.

“What I see here is the corruption of the deep state that has been revealed in Michael Horowitz’s report and it is what we have seen all along,” stated Biggs, “Michael Horowitz was limiting his scope to primarily to Carter Page, and you have 17 major problems with just that affidavit to get that warrant.”

FBI misconduct identified in the bureau’s operation against President Donald Trump may be pervasive across federal law enforcement and intelligence institutions, estimated Biggs.

Biggs remarked, “When you start looking at that and start peeling that back and look at the other areas that he found, it’s a pattern that is gross and is serious, and what it does is it undermines the constitutional republic that we have.”

“I think the court needs to be eliminated,” determined Biggs.

Let’s eliminate the Patriot Act while we’re at it. And take back all those additional spy powers that were just granted to the President. By the Democrats. WTF?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/22/2019 at 10:18 AM   
Filed Under: • Jack Booted ThugsJustice - LACK OFOppressionTyrants and Dictators •  
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calendar   Thursday - June 16, 2016

Obama throws Orlando Victims under the Bus

As if we weren’t already reeling from all this death already. Both on this site and in general. The floor of the Pulse Club at Orlando is still awash in blood, the local hospitals still have people from Mateen’s shooting rampage in them, Israelis are mourning yet more murdered by The Usual Perpetrators, Bangladesh has Jihadis killing Hindus, Peiper has passed on… and honestly you just wish for a time in the world to not cry and cry and cry.

Much less spend hours trying to contact family friends living in that neck of the woods on the off chance things aren’t ok with them. But boy oh Boy, do we have a treat for you....

Have you ever wondered what things might have been like if- in the face of clear and present threats- the government refused to acknowledge the threat by its’ name? Well, we no longer have to because that’s the situation we live in, and have been living in for the *past Eight YEARS.* Now they’ve just made it clear how deep that goes, even when the butchers come for the “LGBTwhatever” community that is supposed to be a preserve- and set of special snowflake clients- for the Left. In the days since the mass murders, Obama has failed the American people so crushingly. Let us count the ways:

1. Not bothered to identify the Orlando shooter- or any of the perpetrators lately- by ideology or name.

2. Refused to give any statements or plans on how we will counterattack said ideological godfathers of this crime.

3. Called for yet more restrictions on our Second Amendment Right, which will make it even HARDER for the supposedly precious LGBTs- and everyone else- to defend themselves against an atrocity like this.

Over at PJ Media they do a good job showing how self-defeatingly stupid This is.

The more incompetent the Obama administration becomes, the less convincing its demand for public disarmament will be. Conversely, the more competence the administration demonstrates, the more likely the public is to entrust its safety to it.

Historically, state failure drives civilian armament, not the other way around. Perhaps the clearest example of this trend is Lebanon, where the inability of the central government to protect the sectarian communities has led each to protect itself. While America is not Lebanon, the same principles hold true: competence inspires confidence, and there is precious little competence in the administration.

Other people have covered this much, much better than I can. So please, I encourage you, check them. Victor Davis Hanson, Neo-Neocon, Ace of Spades, and the incomparable Mark Steyn (as well as Fernandez) have all given incredibly valuable things on this, but linking them all and giving juicy excerpts would probably bulk this post up too much. So I’ll limit my link to some gallows humor (Scimitar Sidebursters?)

Standard Leftist Procedure for after a Jihadist Massacre

But as for where my input comes in.... I have had my misgivings with Trump and still do, but I will say that I have been very, very impressed by how he has preformed here. Both in terms of how he has skillfully covered the issue (I do think he has been a rather sharp political operator lately), but on the moral and ethical issues. He did not HESITATE to identify the ideology that drove this atrocity and call out Obama for both trying to disarm law abiding American citizens using it and the disproportionate anger the manchild in chief had for him over *the man who murdered American citizens.* My recitation here can’t do it justice, so please read it too.

But of course, soon after he pointed it out you had the usual talking heads, apologists, and spin doctors get on their high horses to try and say “What’s the big deal?” That it really really really doesn’t matter if Obama or others use the term “Jihadist”, “Islamist”, “Radical Islam”, or- God Forbid- Islam itself to describe the perpetrator or his motivations. Or to quote Obama’s former rival, Secretary of State, and current (grudging) heir, “What difference – at this point, what difference does it make?”

Well, I’ll tell you. Because all of these supposedly genius, big brained individuals are burning a lot of calories and doing a lot of mental gymnastics to try and avoid dealing with something that is really *Very, VERY simple.*

To avoid getting too deep into the linguistics (because I am not sure i know enough about it), words are a medium for conveying meaning. We use them to communicate concepts, ideas, and thoughts. I say “water” and you know I’m talking about what you drink. I say “Moss” and you know to look at green stuff growing on a rock.

I write “Pet” and you look to your pets.

And if I write OR say “cowardly dipshit” you look to the White House.

So the words you use are important for what kinds of concepts you convey, and thus what the nature of your message is. This is also relevant for the words you DON’T use. I’m *PROBABLY* not going to talk about a disaster where a bridge collapsed the exact same way if it was brought down because of construction flaws as if it was collapsed by a Bomb. Both are tragedies and both feature very similar chain of events, but one was an accident or negligence, the other is MASS MURDER.

And likewise, I am not going to blame the construction company for the collapse if it was primarily caused by a terrorist bomb, and I’m not going to call the construction company “terrorists” in the event they were to blame (even if they were massive douchebags whose actions claimed many lives).

Identifying the cause of the tragedy, its’ perpetrators (where there are any), and the motive for why they acted the way they did are CRITICAL to understanding why it happened, how it happened, and HOW IT COULD BE PREVENTED. As well as notifying the public of these facts and educating them on any threats they face, whether from depraved corruption in the meat industry, bad contractors, or totalitarian ideologies that want to murder or enslave us all.

Obama and his minions either don’t get this or are trying very very very hard to pretend they don’t.

But enough of me talking; let’s imagine what might have happened if other Presidents that came before took a similar approach to Obama. Let’s make a game out of it. I’ll stick some Obama-ated historical quotes below the cut. Can you guess A: The enemy it was originally referring to, and B: Who said it? I’m not even going to pick on the low hanging fruit and show how the other party has done it; For the sake of it, let’s limit ourselves to other Democrats.

Go to the comments if you want the answers.

See More Below The Fold

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 06/16/2016 at 02:41 AM   
Filed Under: • Big BrotherCULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPassing on, Death and DisasterFREEDOMGuns and Gun ControlJack Booted Thugsmuslims •  
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calendar   Wednesday - April 27, 2016

File under WHAT THE HELL?: 9/11 Memorial Guards interrupt Choir students signing the National Anthem

I only wish I had nothing today. Because I think Nothing would be a better situation than this.  Choirs are proverbial for purity, honesty, and intelligence. When we talk of the scum of the day, what do we say? “He’s no choir boy.” So who has the nerve to hassle an actual choir?

Oh. That’s right.The people getting paid to guard the 9/11 memorial.

The Waynesville Middle School choir from Waynesville, N.C. was visiting New York City for a three-day trip last Wednesday when they stopped at the 9/11 memorial and decided to sing “The Star-Spangled Banner” out of respect for the dead.

They never got to finish.

Before the song was over, two National September 11 Memorial & Museum guards walked over and told the students they had to stop singing.

Some of these guards didn’t even remove their hats out of respect, as you can clearly see in the video.

So, why might you ask? So glad you did that! Let’s have a look see.

According to the 9/11 memorial’s website, groups wanting to perform must first obtain a permit.

What’s that you say? A Permit? Let’s find out more about this. And indeed, yours truly managed to dig another juicy fact up.... though it is from See-BS. But I think you’ll forgive me when I point out what this means…

Groups wishing to perform at the Sept. 11 memorial are supposed to apply for a $35 permit. The North Carolina group did not.

So, in short this was about monies. That you must apply for a permit to have a performance on public/gubment managed land. Ok, I have my misgivings with the extent the permit system has gotten to but this is a fairly reasonable limitation. HOWEVER....

Let’s look at that wording again. Really, Really, REALLY look at it.

Groups wishing to perform at the Sept. 11 memorial are supposed to apply for a $35 permit. 

Is there ANY INDICATION WHATSOEVER- has ANYBODY ALLEGED AT ALL- that the Choir *WISHED TO PREFORM* at the memorial beforehand? NO, I THINK NOT. What they Came Wishing To DO was to visit the memorial and pay respects to the three thousand~ murdered innocents that this memorial pays tribute to.

“We just wanted to show respect to the people who lost their lives,” another student added.

In short, the time during which they could in any way have been construed as “wishing to preform” must have been after they got into the Memorial itself, with a astonishingly small window of opportunity to file for a permit, pay the money, or solicit profit, publicity, new students, or in short ANYTHING THAT WOULD USUALLY MOTIVATE PEOPLE TO PREFORM. Which is what the law was mostly meant to REGULATE, mind: use of public spaces for premeditated agendas, ESPECIALLY for profit ones (which is a reason why you don’t see as many advertisements filmed at the White House even when a certain Neo-Bolshevik is not in it). And of course to make sure that the government gets its’ fair share (such as it is) for it.

But Wait. There’s more.

According to the 9/11 memorial’s website, groups wanting to perform must first obtain a permit. The Waynesville students didn’t have one, but did get verbal permission from a security guard that day, music teacher Martha Weathers Brown said.

Maybe she’s lying, but the See-BS page also echoes this.

Chorus teacher Martha Brown told Fox that one security guard at the memorial plaza had given the students permission to sing, but another guard told them to stop.

So in short: this started about monies. That you cannot preform certain acts of reverence (like a memorial tune, which just googling “Dirge” will show is one of the oldest forms of human musical expression known) on your own time, for nonprofit without bowing down and kissing the ring of BigGov for the privilege before paying up. Even if doing so would require a rather obscene expenditure for the occasion and- in this case- precognitive abilities. Because some half-wit overwrought bureaucrat somewhere decided that something like THIS could be reasonably viewed as a Performance.

And on the other hand: this is about Gov mugs not being able to get their right hand and left hand on the same page, because if we assume the teacher is honest (which granted may be a question) this NEVER WOULD HAVE HAPPENED- the very thing that got the memorial staff wringing their panties out- unless ONE OF THEIR OWN hadn’t told them it was A-Ok. Only for a few others to go in and contradict it.

If there was one story to epitomize one reason to distrust government abilities and people- not the big, spectacular, horrifyingly damaging ones like Benghazi or Clinton’s email server, but the mundane, every day things- this would be one of them. It ENCAPSULATES just how greedy and incompetent this unfeeling blob that we pour trillions of dollars, many people, and immense trust in can be when given openings to get too big for its’ britches. I just wish it didn’t have to happen like this.

Which brings me to the final snippet.

Brown added that she understands why they were told to stop and used it as a teaching moment about respecting authority, showing students that these rules are in place to protect a sacred space from people who might want to be disrespectful.

I’m sorry, but WHAT?

How can you respect authority that Can’t even make up its’ own mind?

How is a permit based cash grab demand based on a Highly Tortured reading of the term “preform” going to protect this hallowed ground?

Let me emphasize that this land is not private property. This is a NATIONAL MEMORIAL. It belongs to WE THE PEOPLE. And if there is a reason for it to exist AT ALL it is to honor the memories and allow for mourning of the murdered dead (ya know, kinda like this!) And here we have tweedledee and tweedledum interrupting a CHOIR doing that and trying to state that their authority (which is again given in trust to them by WE THE PEOPLE) gives them the right to interpret bureaucratic minutiae like this.

I am not an anarchist. I am not even sure I agree with the saying that “The government that governs best governs least.” I do believe that governmental authority DOES play a highly important role in maintaining and preserving our freedoms and other things.


To quote the thing that empowers these authorities....

Amendment IX

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.

Amendment X

The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

So now the Memorial staff are saying they’re oh so very sorry, the guy reacted incorrectly, you’re welcome to come back..blah blah blah. Maybe they even mean it. But I think in many ways that it is less important than the fact that this happened at all. That some small cogs in the Federal juggernaut honestly thought that This of all things was worth worrying about or treading on their coffers. And the fact that even the teacher is telling them this is a lesson about “respecting authority.”

If we cannot go to lawfully mourn and remember our dead at the location dedicated Specifically to it- if we are forced to put what is essentially Deeply Inoffensive expression under scrutiny for fear that it will offend some bit of overwritten and invasive statutory or regulatory law- then I do believe we will have lost just a little bit of our freedom, and the terrorists who committed this massacre will have won a victory. A little victory, not the war, not something that gives them the Bag-tinted dystopia they want all over the world. But something that makes that victory Just A Little Bit Closer. And honestly if an invasive state keeps sticking its’ nose in and forcing us to heed it on this invasive level, sooner or later people might think that the change over to caliphate will be a matter of convenience.

What can I even say about this? I’ve written enough… so I’ll just ask that you please, Please read the Fox link. It has the video in all its’ nature. And consider letting our dear *employees* in the government know exactly what we think of this.

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 04/27/2016 at 04:04 AM   
Filed Under: • Big BrotherDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEducationGovernmentCorruption and GreedHomeland-SecurityJack Booted ThugsJustice - LACK OFNanny StateOutrageousStoopid-PeopleWar On Terror •  
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calendar   Sunday - March 13, 2016

The Brownshirts: Partie Deux; These aare the Muscle We’ve Been Waiting For

So I get up to check in and I see this latest bad news. And as soon as I saw the details I knew I wanted to expand a bit on Somnabulist’s post. But first if you havenot already, please read the post Drew put out explaining ths. and then come back.

What I wanted to say is that- as one of the local grumpy history nerds, what Bernie’s thugs did to Trump is EXACTLY THE KIND OF THING that the Brownshirts were used for. In a nutshell, this was the goal of the Brownshirts- or the Sturmabteilung/Storm Detachment as they were properly known (and “Stormtroopers” as they are popularly known)- during the time when they were most important.

In a nutshell, the average Brownshirt formation had three duties.

1: To intimidate and violently harass anybody the Party wanted intimidated or violently harassed.

2: To attack and forcibly break up any political rallies or meetings that the NSDAP did not want to happen.

3: To provide security/muscle protecting Nazi leadership from having 1 or 2 done to them by one of the numerous other paramilitaries in interwar Germany.

Keep in mind. The SA was the main body of the party’s active members. So THIS was the main thrust of the Nazi Party’s activities during its’ rise to power. Not getting out the vote.  Not buying guns. Not doing military drills. Not fund raising. THIS. What does that say?

I think it is pretty safe to say that this is an example of 2 par excellence. It is one thing to deal with hecklers or protesters, who might occasionally get nasty. They’re there, they come in all kinds of stripes, and they have always been there. But this is something different. This was a coordinated attack by a fairly broad number of groups against a rally by someone they did not like. They did not come to heckle, they did not come to protest, they did not come to try and shout the groups down, they did not come to try and embarrass their opponents, they came to completely deny them the right to have their own damn meeting.

I’d call it paramilitary if any of the groups involved seemed even vaguely military, but this seems to be plain old ununiformed thuggishness. But it’s still thuggishness. Just of a kind that I fear is different from what we’ve seen so far.
And that worries me.

But don’t believe me. Take a look at this, from the absolutely invaluable German propaganda Archive. And take a look around the rest of the site. See if anything Goebbels said seems applicable, or reminds you of the stuff that Weasel put up. I’ll quote just one part of it that stood out to me.

And the Pharus Hall? — that was the uncontested domain of the K.P.D. [the Communist Party of Germany]. They held their party congresses there. Almost every week they gathered their most loyal and active members there. Here one had heard only talk of world revolution and international class solidarity. Here of all places the NSDAP scheduled its next meeting.

It was an open declaration of war. We meant it that way and the opponent understood it that way. Our party members were jubilant. Everything was now at stake. The future of the Berlin movement would be risked boldly and bravely. It was win or lose!

This was an integral part of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party’s strategy, like it had been for Mussolini and other thugs before. It was part of the strategy he followed ever since he was released from prison after the Munich fiasco. On one hand the National Socialist German Workers’ Party would forswear attempts to launch a violent coup that would see them march on the Reichstag and other institutions of power and forcibuly remove the people in it and put Nazis in them in favor of actually trying to win power through the ballot box. But the other half of the equation was this. To obtain a monopoly of violence and force on the streets, to forcibly dominate the streets. Because the streets are the level where public life is lived. To dominate THEM was to dominate both public life and ultimately private life. So that when the people did go to the polls, they would be those that ha d already lived under Hitler’s rule for months, or years. People who had been exposed to the Party’s propaganda, to its’ ideals, and to its’ leaders and what they believed in on one hand, while being denied access to those of others. There’s also the fact that this meant that those were the Party knew it could “reach”.

You can imagine what effect this had. So can you imagine what would happen if the Bernieites try to do it again?

I don’t even particularly Like or Trust Trump* . But I like political terrorists even less, and unless these bastards are indicted or given a sound thrashing by anyone else they try to attack, they will likely try it again.

But if there is one advantage this does it gives Trump and everyone in that crowd the right to wear the Martyr’s Crown, and they SHOULD. Frequently, and PUBLICLY. Especially whenever Bernie tries to pad out his claims to be a “Democratic Socialist”, especially if he does not renounce these bastards and assist in apprehending them. And you can help. This is the first post of mine I feel obliged to say: SPREAD IT AROUND. Spread It Around. Because this kind of behavior should concern everyone who loves freedom. I honestly don’t care about the allegiance of people doing this, because ANYONE behaving like this has politics and ideology that is distinctly totalitarian. Distinctly antithetical to American ideals. And I’d encourage people to haul these people over the coals and to the police station even if they were militant Cruz supporters. Because if this kind of conduct becomes kosher, freedom in America will go to the operating table and risk dying.

I honestly do not know what to say, so I guess I’ll end by making a few notes. That..

1: Yes, this attack seems like a bunch of wild animals that got together and stampeded. Because it is. But if that makes you think that this might not be a problem or that it isn’t as much of one, look back at the Tharsus Hall link and realize that it describes the small nucleus of a group that would number over three million men and had its’ own motorized and-yes- medical corps. This Can Happen if people like this are not stopped, and when you have a horde of three million people- thousands in any given city or town against maybe a couple dozen or hundred cops, tops?- THEY WILL BECOME THE LAW.

2: To ANYBODY who even REMOTELY thinks that this isn’t a problem because they personally do not like Trump, so it’s not your problem.. OF COURSE it is your problem. It’s a problem for anyone who lives here and does not support this kind of stuff. It would be a problem if this was being done to Bernie supporters. For the sake of the Christ, Take that article I linked for example. The attack Goebbels spoke of was on the Communist Party of Germany who were Stalinists with their own groups of street fighting terrorists. But so what? It was still a crime, one committed not because the Nazis objected to the KPD’s attempts to institute a totalitarian regime by violence, but because they objected to *what kind* of totalitarian regime it would be. It was a crime these very people would go on to commit against countless others. Old Imperialist Stalheim, Weimar Constitutionalists and Republicans, members of the press, Austrian independentists, Poles, and innocent Jews (as Kristallnacht showed).

So whether or not you “approve” of these people being beaten up is already missing the plot. A group with this kind of power can threaten to use it on anyone it damn well pleases, and nobody’s precious opinion can outweigh that. First They Came sums it up well enough…

and finally, to my readers and any of the participants in this riot that might be reading this to see how the barbaric right wingers live and who has read this far down....

3: Between 1922 and 1934 the SA was by far the most powerful part of the Nazi party and largely catapulted them into power. But after that, it was utterly gutted in the Night of the Long Knives where ideological troubles led Hitler, the SS, and the old Imperial military establishment to slaughter the more troublesome members of it when they judged that they were getting too independent and forceful. So if these petty university brownshirts feel on top of the world today and believe that they are oh so important, they might want to think twice about how expendable they are to those on the top. Because in the end, a totalitarian beast devours its’ own children. Without exception.

*in fact, the previous bit of brutality I was reading about was the fact that someone in the Trump campaign manhandled a friendly reporter and that wound up with them getting bruised and the Trump campaign flatly denying everything and anything. So ironically the morons might have helped cover up some dirty laundry for him.... Great Job Chuckleheads, Ge-reaaaat Strategy there…

Posted by Turtler   United States  on 03/13/2016 at 10:47 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsHistoryJack Booted ThugsPoliticsScary StuffTyrants and DictatorsUSA •  
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calendar   Monday - February 01, 2016

millionaire black doctor(?) in uk gets land taken from white farmer in zimbabwe

If you read the article, do you come away thinking, what the hell have they been thinking all this time?

I do feel for the family. But heck, that black bastard running things has a very long and a very loud record and voice on land grabs.
I’d have never felt safe once he came to power.  And especially as this farmer had already suffered land confiscation.  Wouldn’t you think somehow he’d have thought, okay. That’s it we’re leaving, before investing hundreds of thousands of dollars?
I suppose it’s the old it won’t happen to me kind of thinking.

And just so ya know .... the so called doctor in the story, lives with his wife here in a home with a million dollar (in USD) value.


White Zimbabwean farming family are handcuffed and frogmarched off their land to make way for a black British doctor who runs a slimming clinic in Nottingham and whose wife is friend of Mugabe

Phillip Rankin and his family have farmed in Zimbabwe for decades
Their farm has been taken from them and given to Sylvester Nyatsuro
Mr Rankin was handcuffed and dragged away from the property last week as police moved in to enforce the claim
New owner originally from Zimbabwe but now works as GP in Nottingham

By Hugo Gye for MailOnline

A family of white Zimbabwean farmers have been evicted from their land after it was handed over to a British doctor who runs a weightloss clinic in Nottingham.

The Rankin family, who have farmed tobacco in Zimbabwe for decades, were handcuffed by police and dragged off their land so it could be claimed by Sylvester Nyatsuro.

Dr Nyatsuro, 45, is originally from the African country but has lived in Britain for at least 15 years, and is now in charge of his own GP practice.

He and his wife Veronica were allocated the Rankins’ farm under Robert Mugabe’s controversial land seizure laws which allow the state to take the property of white people and hand it over to ‘indigenous’ black Africans.

Phillip Rankin, 57, has lived at Kingston Deverill farm in the north of Zimbabwe for more than 30 years with his wife Anita and their three children.

The size of the tobacco farm has been progressively reduced since Mugabe’s land grabs began in 2000, and last year he was told that he must leave the property for good.

Dr Nyatsuro, who is linked to the Mugabes, apparently turned up at Kingston Deverill in September with a government document saying that he was now the rightful owner of the land.

The Rankins refused to leave without being compensated for their property, having recently planted a £300,000 tobacco crop, but two dozen settlers moved into an empty cottage nearby and a warrant was issued for Phillip’s arrest.

In the early hours of Friday morning, 20 police officers dug under the fence surrounding the family’s home and knocked on the door before carting away most of their belongings.

They then handcuffed Mr Rankin and took him to a police station before later releasing him to stay with relatives.

His son Barry, speaking from his new home in the capital Harare, today described how the family thought they had ‘survived’ after they held onto their land in the initial wave of confiscations by the Mugabe regime.

The 33-year-old father of three hit out against the eviction, saying it ‘doesn’t make sense’ that a wealthy professional who lives in the West should be given property by the government.

‘As a family we are absolutely gutted,’ Mr Rankin told MailOnline. ‘We have been turfed off of our land and there’s nothing we can do about it. We are devastated.

‘It was our business - but more important than that, it was our home. We have never owned anything other than the farm and that’s gone in one weekend.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/01/2016 at 11:03 AM   
Filed Under: • Jack Booted ThugsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLE •  
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calendar   Monday - November 23, 2015

JANUS Award of the Week

Total Hypcoprisy

Police Chief of Washington DC, the city where almost nobody can own or carry handgun, and even keeping a functional loaded weapon in your home is a crime, suggests citizens should get involved in their own mutual self-defense and “take down” active shooters if they can. You know, engage the bad guys with sustained and accurate gunfire until the cops show up. If the cops show up.

Hypocrisy by cops = hypcoprisy

In a surprising comment, [Washington DC] Metropolitan Police Chief Cathy L. Lanier is encouraging ordinary citizens to subdue or even kill active gunmen if they can as the “best option for saving lives before police can get there.”

During an interview Sunday on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Chief Lanier was asked what should people do if they are in the vicinity of an active shooter like the ones who terrorized Paris on Nov. 13.

“Your options are run, hide, or fight,” the D.C. police chief said. “If you’re in a position to try and take the gunman down, to take the gunman out, it’s the best option for saving lives before police can get there.”

The District for decades had outlawed handguns until the U.S. Supreme Court overturned the ban in 2008. Since then, city leaders have enacted restrictive laws that are still being challenged in court by gun owners and pro-gun activists.

Chief Lanier, who has enthusiastically supported the city’s efforts to limit handgun ownership, admitted that her suggestion for the public in the midst of an active gunman does not reflect the longstanding advice offered by many police officials around the country.

Uh huh. So, for all those years when it was “To Serve And Protect” it was a) we aren’t legally required to do “protect” stuff you know, b) don’t do this yourself, “taking the law into your own hands”, and c) you aren’t allowed to own a gun, much less use one.

I see. And now, now that ISIS is popping up all over the world, now that the Agitator In Chief has us on the edge of a race based civil war, now that it’s open season on the police all over the country, NOW it’s “Shoot the bad guys first for us, protect us. PS - you still aren’t legally allowed to own, brandish, or use a loaded firearm.”

Guess they’re supposed to use blunt cutlery, finger guns, and precision-chewed PopTarts™.



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 11/23/2015 at 10:19 PM   
Filed Under: • Jack Booted Thugs •  
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calendar   Thursday - August 06, 2015

words fail ….  they sell babies also. they have a price list.

Islamic State Circulates Sex Slave Price List

A senior United Nations official says Islamic State is circulating a slave price list for captured women and children, and that the group’s ongoing appeal and barbarity pose an unprecedented challenge.

The official, Zainab Bangura, said that on a trip to Iraq in April she was given a copy of an Islamic State pamphlet, which included the list, showing that captured children as young as one fetch the highest price. The bidders include both the group’s own fighters and wealthy Middle Easterners.

The list shows the group’s view of the value of those it captures and surfaced some eight months ago, though its authenticity came under question. Bangura, who is the UN special envoy on sexual violence in conflict and was also in Jordan and Turkey, said she has verified that the document came from Islamic State and reflects real transactions.

“The girls get peddled like barrels of petrol,” she said in an interview last week in New York. “One girl can be sold and bought by five or six different men. Sometimes these fighters sell the girls back to their families for thousands of dollars of ransom.”

For Islamic State fighters, the prices in Iraqi dinars for boys and girls aged 1 to 9 are equal to about $165, Bangura said. Prices for adolescent girls are $124 and it’s less for women over 20.

more at source, bloomberg financial

Posted following 2wice in case screen shot hard to read on some screens.

A translated version of the document was shared online by humanitarian and peace prize winner Dr Widad Akrawi, and reads as follows:

We have received news that the demand in Women and Cattle market has sharply decreased and that will affect Islamic State revenues as well as the funding of mujahideen in the battlefield, therefore we have made some changes. Below are the prices for Yazidi and Christian women.

The price for Yazidi or Christian women between the age of 40 - 50 is $43 (£27)

$75 (48) for 30 to 40-year-olds

$86 (£55) for 20 to 30-year-olds

$130 (£83) for ten to 20-year-olds

$172 (£110) for one to nine-year-olds

Customers are allowed to purchase only three items with the exception of customers from Turkey, Syria and Gulf countries.

Dated and sealed by ISIS in Iraq October 16, 2014.


ISIS executes 19 girls for refusing to have sex with fighters as UN envoy reveals how sex slaves are ‘peddled like barrels of petrol’

The women refused to practice ‘sexual jihad’, a Kurdish official has claimed
He also claimed money, distribution of women has created a rift within ISIS
ISIS published ‘price list’ of captured Yazidi, Christian sex slaves last year
UN envoy verified the document as genuine after spending time in region

By Jay Akbar For Mailonline

daily mail source


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 08/06/2015 at 11:47 AM   
Filed Under: • Jack Booted ThugsREALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLETerrorists •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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