Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

calendar   Tuesday - March 17, 2009

Wax off!

Geez, I didn’t know that New Jersey even had a state Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling. What will they think of next, a state Board of Tire Pressure Standards and Monitoring?

NJ to outlaw Brazilians?

No, not that kind. The other kind

A Brazilian? How many is that? wink

TRENTON, NJ - Things could get hairy in New Jersey this summer for women who sport revealing bikinis or a little bit less.

The painful Brazilian wax and its intimate derivatives are in danger of being stripped from salon and spa menus if a recent proposal to ban genital waxing is passed by the state’s Board of Cosmetology and Hairstyling.

Cherry Hill salon owner Linda Orsuto said that women would “go ballistic” if the proposal passed. She said that some women would resort to waxing themselves, visiting unlicensed salons or traveling to other states, including Pennsylvania, in a quest to remain bare down there.

“The clients are going to freak,” said Orsuto, who owns 800 West Salon & Spa, on Route 70. “It’s a hot issue, and we’re going to have to do something.”

New Jersey statutes allow waxing of the face, neck, arms, legs and abdomen, but officials say that genital waxing has always been illegal, although not spelled out.

Regardless, almost every salon in South Jersey, from Atlantic City casinos to suburban strip malls, has been breaking the law for years by ridding women, and some men, of their pubic hair for $50 to $60 a session.

Jeff Lamm, a spokesman for New Jersey’s Division of Consumer Affairs, said that the proposal would specifically ban genital waxing, and was prompted by complaints to the board from two women who were injured and hospitalized. One of them sued. Lamm said that the state only investigates infractions if consumers complain.

The Brazilian wax was born of necessity shortly after the infamous thong bikini emerged on the beaches of Brazil, said Monmouth County salon owner Valentina Chistova, who has blogged about the procedure.

“I really don’t know if the state can stop it at this point,” she said. “I know a lot of women who are hooked.”

The proposed new rule [N.J.A.C. 13:28-2.15] also prohibits licensees from performing permanent cosmetic applications or body piercing services, which are currently prohibited under N.J.A.C. 13:28-2.10. In addition to these practices, the proposed new rule prohibits licensees and shop owners from performing or offering to perform eyebrow and/or eyelash tinting, the removal of hair from the genital area, the removal of skin tags and teeth whitening or other services related to the beautification of the teeth. Licensees and shop owners are also precluded from offering ear candling services, which are defined as the placing of candles or any other device in the ear in order to cleanse and/or treat the ear or inner ear canal.

So I guess NJ has solved every other aspect of life if they have time to consider this nonsense in the legislature. Plus they want to make eyebrow tints illegal too. Give me a break. I’d like to take a great big tub of hot wax and apply it to Trenton. Maybe that will rip the fuzz off their brains.


h/t to Hot Air


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/17/2009 at 10:50 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - March 05, 2009

Democrats don’t like freedom


There you go. 24 states have at least a relative amount of freedom, 26 do not. Given these levels, as a country, the greater number of people who vote Democrat, the less freedom there is in that state. Period. It’s almost linear. When you get to a Democrat majority, there are only 3 states left that enjoy that relative amount of freedom. Only 3.

George Mason University has put together a highly interesting study. Please go and read the rest. Look at the graphs and understand them: they gathered all sorts of data, grouped them into the categories of Paternalism, Fiscal Policy, and Regulatory Policy, and gave each one a reasonable weighting. They even put the data up online in spreadsheet format, so if you think they missed something you can add your own categories and adjust the weights. But I think they’ve covered just about all of it.

There are NO states that have that relative amount of freedom when 52% of the citizens or more vote Democrat. As the graph shows, those states have considerably less freedom.

I added the colored lines to their graph. Any data point bisected by the horizontal zero line counts as being below that line. Any data point bisected by one of the vertical vote percentage lines counts as being to the left of that line.

The raw data and some of the other graphs will show you that New York is the least free state in the nation, followed by New Jersey, California, Rhode Island, Maryland, and Illinois. Guess which party controls those states? The most free states are Colorado and New Hampshire, followed in no particular order by Texas, Montana, Indiana, and South Dakota. Alaska and Maine are high in Personal Freedom, but not so great in Economic Freedom.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/05/2009 at 05:58 PM   
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Dubya vs. B.O.

Now, I’ve problems with George W. Bush, mostly in domestic spending. But I will say this: I’d have been proud to have him as my Commander-in-Chief. He did very well in that regard. Next, we turn to the current Coward-in-Chief, B. Hussein Obama, who never did ANY military service at all. I understand that the military is increasingly demanding that he prove he’s even eligible to be in being a native born citizen.

However that proves out, I spent six years on active duty defending my country against people like B.O. In my book, Obama is a domestic enemy of the Constitution.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 03/05/2009 at 10:32 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsGovernmentInsanityJack Booted ThugsMilitaryObama, The One •  
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calendar   Saturday - February 28, 2009

Right Wing Video presents…

Obama’s XXX Stimulus package.

Warning: this video is NSFW. Repeat, NSFW. You’ve been warned.

<a href="" target="_blank">Obama&#8217;s XXX Stimulus Package</a>
Obama’s XXX Stimulus Package

H/T Right Wing Video.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 02/28/2009 at 12:22 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsGovernmentCorruption and GreedHumorInsanityOdd-StrangeSex •  
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You’ve been had

Thank God for the internet. Because there are people who are willing to say on video what I think. Plus, they say it better than I ever could.

H/T Right Wing News


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 02/28/2009 at 07:50 AM   
Filed Under: • GovernmentCorruption and Greed •  
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calendar   Thursday - February 26, 2009

Thwarting the local terrorists

Not exactly. But this article is about 2 guys who work summers in a park 20 minutes west of here, over in Easton PA.

Twigging the TWIC

TSA declares Mule skinners must have biometric IDs

A federal anti-terror law that requires longshoremen, truckers and others to submit to criminal background checks has ensnared another class of transportation worker—mule drivers.

Yes, so-called mule skinners—in this case, seasonal workers who dress in colonial garb at a historical park in Easton, Pa.—must apply for biometric Transportation Worker Identification Credentials (TWIC), according to the Transportation Security Administration, which says it is bound by federal law.image

The requirement has officials of the Hugh Moore Historical Park perplexed.

“We have one boat. It’s pulled by two mules. On a good day they might go 2 miles per hour,” said Sarah B. Hays, the park’s director of operations.

The park’s two-mile canal does not pass any military bases, nuclear power plants or other sensitive facilities. And, park officials say, the mules could be considered weapons of mass destruction only if they were aimed at something resembling food.

In December, Hayes wrote to Rep. Charles Dent, R-Pennsylvania, about the requirement. Dent, in turn, wrote to the TSA requesting a waiver, noting the mode of transportation involved was “mule-drawn canal boats.”

In January, the TSA responded, noting the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002 applies to all mariners holding U.S. Coast Guard-issued credentials.

“We encourage the crew members… who possess Coast Guard mariner credentials to obtain a TWIC at their earliest convenience to comply with these requirements and not risk suspension or revocation of their other credentials,” the TSA wrote.

Two guys, two old mules, one creaky wooden canal boat. It’s not like tens of thousands of people flock to this place either. It’s a nice little trip, but it isn’t very popular. And there really isn’t anywhere terrorists could even go in the boat. It doesn’t have an engine, or sails. I’m not sure it even has a rudder. And I’m not sure that you can even get it out of the canal and into the Lehigh River.


TWIC on the other hand, is as high tech as it gets, at least for ID cards in the US. It’s one of those whiz-bang ID cards with holograms and funny colored engraving and all sorts of neat stuff that you can’t reproduce on a copier or a computer printer. Plus it contains your fingerprints, but I’d at least hope they were in a digital format, so that the “biometric identifier” part is properly high tech as well.

It does seems like overkill for these 2 seasonal part time workers to have to get such an ID, but it’s also overkill for them to have to be registered with the US Coast Guard. But since they give people a boat ride for money, that makes them professional mariners. Even if the placid stagnant water in the canal is only 5 feet deep.

On Wednesday, the mule skinner debate reached Capitol Hill, when Dent asked new Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano about the necessity of conducting background checks on mule drivers. He displayed a photo of two mules, Hank and George, tugging a canal boat in the company of two park employee mule drivers in colonial working attire.

“Now Hank and George, while sometimes are ornery, they are not terrorists,” Dent said. Napolitano said she would try to be flexible.

“Obviously this is a picture designed to say ‘Hey, isn’t it absurd that they be required to have TWIC cards.’” Napolitano said. “Um, let’s work with you on this particular case, if we might.”

Park officials say four or five park employees typically have Coast Guard credentials to operate the canal boat, and the extra expense of a TWIC card, which is at least an extra $100 on top of fees for Coast Guard credentials, is unwelcome.

“I think the rule was written and the policy was set up for all the big shipping, and they never even considered something outside the normal bounds,” Hays said.

Dent said he will work on a “common sense” solution with Napolitano.

Well, maybe they ought to go through the serious background check that TWIC entails. Who knows, maybe these people are ... a hidden threat. They could grab the rope and run away with the canal boat passengers as hostages. All the way to the other end of the 1 mile long canal.

Besides, that TWIC ID might help them get real jobs in the off season.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/26/2009 at 11:00 PM   
Filed Under: • Fun-StuffGovernment •  
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calendar   Tuesday - February 24, 2009

Obama Prognosis Query

After watching the boy blunder do his most to put this country even deeper in the hole, it has occurred to me that Barry may soon be the third President of the United States to be impeached, and the first to be convicted and removed from office. A development he and his toy poodle mob are apt to take amiss. Assuming he does decide to resist removal how likely are we to see the White House getting more bullet holes this close to the bicentennial of the War of 1812? Would it be a fitting commemoration?


Posted by mythusmage   United States  on 02/24/2009 at 03:03 AM   
Filed Under: • Government •  
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calendar   Friday - February 20, 2009

Under this rule, even Osama Bin Laden is British.  (A BMEWS MUST READ. REALLY!)

RICHARD LITTLEJOHN is a columnist with The Daily Mail here in England.

I think he’s perhaps one of the best, most logical and clear thinking conservative writers around. 
I really admire and appreciate good word smiths.  Even if one happens to be on the left.  But I’m especially happy when the best are found in the conservative camp. 

There is a very serious problem this country faces, and the left wing powers that be along with the european weenies of the eu are helping to make it worse.  But here.  I’ll let Mr. Littlejohn tell you about it.  Even an American not living here has to wonder about what this country is doing to itself.
Maybe the people here didn’t realize exactly what they were getting themselves into when they voted Labour in 1997.  But they should have.
But then, Blair was a damn good salesman and the thing he sold the very best was .... Blair. 

It’s my personal belief that the Labour party is destroying this country.  Even scarier is I am not certain the Tories can save it even if they win the next election.
Stay Tuned.

Under this rule, even Osama Bin Laden is British

Last updated at 8:27 AM on 20th February 2009

Some years ago, in the wake of the Afghan hijack fiasco at Stansted, I invented a spoof game show called ‘Asylum!’

Anyone could play, provided they had no links to Britain. International terrorists were especially welcome.

All you had to do to win was find your way here and remember the magic word ‘asylum’. Prizes included a council house, lavish benefits and lashings of Legal Aid.

It was supposed to be a joke but, as always, was based on fact. I can remember writing that none of the hijackers would be deported and they’d all end up living here permanently, courtesy of the mug British taxpayer.

That’s exactly what happened. The Afghans took their place among a motley crew of foreign undesirables granted refuge in Britain. Top of the list was Abu Qatada, described as Osama Bin Laden’s European ambassador.


He’s been shacked up in West London since 1993, when he arrived from his native Jordan on a false passport. Since then he’s cost us £50,000 a year in benefit payments and more than £1.5million in lawyers’ fees.

After 9/11, the Government woke up to the enemy within. Tony Blair announced that ‘the game has changed’. No longer would we play host to Islamist headbangers, dedicated to our destruction.

Britain’s reputation as a soft touch was over. The preachers of hate were to be rounded up and kicked out, we were promised.

Blair knew perfectly well that was never going to happen, thanks to Labour’s embrace of the European ‘yuman rites’ act, which he once called his proudest achievement in politics.

And despite a raft of grandstanding ‘ anti-terror’ measures, Qatada is still here, along with a roll call of psychopaths from across the globe.

This week, after a drawn-out legal battle, the Law Lords ruled finally that Qatada could be returned to Jordan, where he has been convicted in absentia of terrorism offences.

But that won’t happen any time soon, either. The appeals process isn’t exhausted by any means, and will drag on for years, fuelled by a bottomless well of Legal Aid.

To add insult to injury, a panel of European judges has awarded Qatada £2,500 in damages for the brief period he spent in Belmarsh prison after 9/11.

Another ten foreign terror suspects held at the same time also received payouts ranging from £1,500 to £3,400 each.


They include a variety of north Africans with links to Al Qaeda and other terror groups. Most, like Qatada, entered on false passports. They should have been deported instantly.

Even after they were jailed as a threat to national security, they were all free to leave the country voluntarily at any time. They chose to remain in prison and fight expulsion through the courts. Eventually, they were released under ‘control orders’.

And until Britain repeals the pernicious ‘yuman rites’ act, here they’ll stay, indefinitely.

The ‘rights’ of foreign terrorists will continue to trump the rights of law-abiding British citizens, who will be forced to carry on picking up the bill for their expensive lawyers and welfare benefits.

We’re not even allowed ‘for legal reasons’ to know the names of eight of the men we have been ordered to pay compensation. So who should we make out the cheque to, then? There is no end to this lunacy. Binyam Mohammed is an Ethiopian citizen who was granted leave to live in Britain. In 2001, he decided he’d rather live in Afghanistan.

Shortly after 9/11, he was arrested at Karachi airport carrying a false passport, trying to board a plane for London. He ended up at Guantanamo Bay and claims to have been tortured.

Britain is now moving heaven and earth to bring him ‘home’. Yet he hasn’t lived here for eight years and left of his own free will. By no stretch of the imagination is he a British ‘resident’, let alone a British citizen.

We’ve got enough problems with foreign terrorists, not to mention home-grown headbangers, without working ourselves into a lather over the fate of an Ethiopian who was resident in Afghanistan when he was arrested in Pakistan.

In the case of Binyam Mohammed, what we’re looking at is extraordinary rendition in reverse. Instead of flying terror suspects abroad to be tortured, we’re flying them here to be pampered.

Taken to its logical conclusion, the definition of British ‘resident’ should apply to Osama Bin Laden. After all, he lived in London for a few years before moving to Afghanistan. Maybe we should offer to bring him ‘home’, too.

And if Bin Laden was discovered living above a kebab shop in Finsbury Park, he’d be granted indefinite leave to stay, showered with benefits and given access to the best ‘yuman rites’ lawyers taxpayers’ money could buy.

If we can’t even deport Abu Qatada, because he wouldn’t face a fair trial, what chance would we stand with Bin Laden?

Welcome to London, twinned with the Hotel California. You can check in any time you like - but you can never leave.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/20/2009 at 02:24 PM   
Filed Under: • CommiesEUro-peonsGovernmentIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationInsanityRoPMATerroristsUK •  
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calendar   Tuesday - February 17, 2009

Welcome To Hell

DJI: 7552.60, down 298 today

Down 2000 since election

We are doomed.


Gold 969.9
Crude 35.04
S&P 789.17

GM needs another $2 BILLION right now, and $16.5 BILLION to stay afloat for the rest of the year. GM plans to close 5 plants and lay off 37,000 employees this year.

SEC charges Robert Allen Stanford of Stanford Investments with fraud over $8 BILLION scam for selling CDs with false return rates; the money was stolen from other funds.

Russain Market tumbles 9.7% in half a day; trading suspended.

Obama signs “stimulus” bill, goes back to campaigning. Forever.

Less than a month into office, President Barack Obama is trying to recapture the energy and common-man feel of the campaign trail to ease the harder task of governing. He’s adopting the “permanent campaign” as a major tool for how he conducts his presidency, ditching Washington for the road, early and often.

Expect worse tomorrow.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/17/2009 at 06:19 PM   
Filed Under: • EconomicsFinance and InvestingGovernment •  
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calendar   Sunday - February 15, 2009

Sorry, America, I’m the bearer of bad news.  (A MUST read and please SHARE)

I predicted it all: the corruption, naivety, incompetence and wasting of tax dollars
, says James Delingpole.

By James Delingpole
Last Updated: 6:05PM GMT 14 Feb 2009

Comment on this article

Towards the end of an American tour last week to promote my new book WELCOME TO OBAMALAND : I’ve Seen Your Future and It Doesn’t Work, I began to feel ever so slightly guilty. Partly it was all those people I met still wearing their “Vote Obama” badges like religious talismans, still quite obviously brimming with audacious hope for their country’s bright future under the new Obamessiah. Who was I to come from the other side of the pond and rain on their parade?

Mainly, though, it was because I’d never expected the Obama project to go pear-shaped quite so soon. Sure, it was nothing I hadn’t predicted in the book: the cronyism, the corruption, the naivety, the incompetence, the wasting of taxpayers’ money on pet, left-liberal causes. Even so, by the time I left Washington DC, I was feeling almost sorry for the guy. Couldn’t he at least have had a honeymoon before the divorce papers came through?

It’s still early days, of course, with plenty of “time for change”. But, after only three weeks, Obama’s presidency has begun more closely to resemble the shambles at the end of the John Major administration than the golden dawn we might have expected for this Tony Blair Mk II.

Tom Daschle, the trusted comrade
who was going to mastermind the new Obama universal healthcare plan, was forced to resign over tax irregularities. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, the alleged financial whiz who was supposed to sort out the US economy, somehow managed to survive a similar scandal – only to preside over a “stimulus” package so vague, ill-thought-out and wasteful that Wall Street share prices have been plummeting even faster than Obama’s approval ratings.

“It will create millions of jobs,” declared House speaker Nancy Pelosi, optimistically, of the $789 billion (shaved down, after much opposition protest, from over $850 billion) “stimulus”. Conservatives have re-christened it “Porculus”, noting that about half of it has rather less to do with boosting the economy than it does with pork-barrelling favoured constituents on the liberal left and expanding the welfare state.

Obama’s new “heal the world” foreign policy is faring little better.
All those liberal democracies who rejoiced at his plans to close Guantanamo have gone strangely quiet now that they’re being asked to give homes to some of the deadly terrorists once incarcerated there. (As P J O’Rourke once said: “Everyone wants to save the world; no one wants to help Mom do the dishes.") India is up in arms over his attempts to meddle in Kashmir. No one seriously believes that the Great Satanic hand of friendship he is offering to Iran will have any more effect on its ongoing “Nuke Israel” programme than did Dubya’s Great Satanic two fingers of contempt. And economies the world over are positively terrified by Obama’s moves towards protectionism. Have none of his economic gurus told him that protectionism was precisely what made the last Great Depression so deep and so prolonged?

Some Americans – the 48 per cent who didn’t vote for him – understand his shortcomings all too well.
These were the ones I addressed during my lightning tour of about 30 talk-radio shows, covering everywhere from Florida, the Mid-West and California to the far-flung reaches of Hawaii and Guam. To a man – or woman in the case of the Annie Oakley of the Airwaves, Dr Laurie Roth (tagline: “She ain’t disabled, she ain’t gay, and she ain’t illegal, but she is ‘special’ “) – the presenters were properly aghast at my predictions of the horrors to come as the Land of the Free opens the floodgates to European-style socialism.

“As you are today, so we were in my country in May 1997, when we, too, elected a grinning ex-lawyer with chameleon charm and a snake-oil salesman’s patter that he could make us all better off and create social justice all in one go,” I warned. “But behold my ruined nation now!”

They got the message all right. Not that they didn’t have their suspicions anyway. Contrary to the image those right-wing talk show hosts have over here as frothing rednecks, they’re an astute bunch, the Limbaughs and the Dennis Millers, the G. Gordon Liddys and Jim Bohannons. In the US, unlike in much of Britain, people are still genuinely interested in political ideas, in the price of liberty and the ongoing struggle to defend freedom from the tyranny of the state.

At the same time, of course, there’s another half of the US that thinks the exact opposite. With unemployment (by some measures) approaching 20 per cent and consumer spending plummeting faster than at any time since records began in 1947, a lot of Americans are quite understandably scared for their jobs and for their future. Maybe, they believe, capitalism has failed and Big Brother Statism – the kind of Liberal Fascism that the US has already glimpsed in the First World War under Woodrow Wilson and again during the Depression under FDR – is the only answer.

America is as divided as it has been in perhaps any era since the Civil War. It’s going to get uglier yet.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/15/2009 at 05:22 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - February 12, 2009

Biggest Oops of All



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/12/2009 at 04:44 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - February 04, 2009


H/T Theo Spark. 

Interesting site here folks.  >>



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 02/04/2009 at 02:24 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - January 21, 2009

President for life, Sheik Barak Hussein Obama calls stop to military trials at Gitmo.

Radio news early today reports President (For Life ) Barak Obama has signed his first order as president in the order to stop military tribunals at Guantanamo.

A Bush spokesman interviewed said that when the decision to use Guantanamo was made, nobody at the time thought it would raise the ire or concern of people half way round the world or at home.  It was seen at the time as a solution, and as a situation where we were at war and these folks did not come under civil jurisdiction.  It has become he went on, an albatross around America’s neck and has given the USA an international black eye.” He also said that finding a place for the prisoners was easier said then done and he predicts a political battle over them.  Where he asks, are you going to try them and house them.  There will be people who will say, “Not in our back yard.” And so the battle will start.

Then there is another unexpected issue.  The human rights issue raised by the left so often.
The countries these folks come from are “not known for having very good reputations where civil rights are concerned.” So will the new govt. (USA) deport any to those countries?  And what about countries that will refuse to take those who might be freed?

This is gonna get a mite sticky. 

Meanwhile, the coverage and opinions on the new president, peace be upon him, continues unabated.  (peiper one sarcastic right wing sob today. just like yesterday and the day before)

Barack Obama inauguration: Bloggers and analysts divided over speech
Some praised it as inspirational, brilliant and poetic. Others found it unremarkable, workmanlike, even condescending.

By Catherine Elsworth in Los Angeles
Last Updated: 8:21AM GMT 21 Jan 2009

While none questioned the historical significance of Tuesday’s inauguration - most described the occasion as both momentous and moving - political commentators were sharply divided on President Barack Obama’s hugely anticipated inaugural address.

“A disappointing hodgepodge,” was the view of New Republic writer John B. Judis. He deemed Barack Obama’s speech “unusually abstract” and occupying a “netherworld between inspiring oratory and political argument.

“It was well-delivered, but it consisted of a hodgepodge of themes, injunctions, and applause lines that did not speak directly to the crisis that the country faces.”

Writing for the same publication, however, Walter Shapiro, political columnist and former White House speechwriter for Jimmy Carter, was moved to proclaim Mr Obama the “poet-in-chief” for the speech’s “striking phrases and sudden bursts of imagery”.

“President Obama reminded the nation that here was a man who wrote himself into his job,” Mr Shapiro declared, although he added “my guess is that Obama’s address was a little too cerebral, a little too reflective of recent White House history to reach the standard of greatness.”

In an 18-minute address delivered before a shivering, expectant crowd of over a million, Mr Obama pledged to rally his nation to “a new era of responsibility” and show the world the US is “ready to lead once more”.

America’s 44th - and first black - president, known for his rhetorical skill and powerful speeches, outlined the grave challenges facing the country. But he stressed they could be met, declaring that “starting today, we must pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and begin the work of remaking America”.

Debate about where the speech would rank alongside history’s most memorable inaugural addresses began immediately: Did it lack the kind of lofty rhetoric necessary to guarantee immortality? Had the enormous expectations surrounding the address simply proved too great?

John Dickerson, writing on, declared it “a good speech but not a soaring one” that lacked “the kind of personal speechmaking Obama was so good at during the campaign.”

CNN analysts Jeffrey Toobin was also underwhelmed.

“I thought that this was a speech with a lot of ideas but no theme and most importantly, this was a speech without a single memorable phrase,” said Toobin.

“We remember inaugural addresses by ‘We have nothing to fear but fear itself’ (Franklin D Roosevelt); ‘Ask not what your country can do for you’ (John F Kennedy). Where is anything comparable in this speech? I’m afraid this is likely to join the vast majority of inaugural addresses which are quickly forgotten.”

Arianna Huffington, writing in the Huffington Post, said the new president delivered a “solemn reality check” in which he effectively told America it was “time to grow up”.

Calling it “Obama’s sober sermon on the steps”, she said the speech was “a warning bell” but “ultimately optimistic”.

“There was something very powerful about watching this relatively young man, one of the youngest to ever hold the highest office in the land, telling the people of America to grow up.”

This part of the speech riled some, however.

“We…need no condescension from the President of the United States telling us that we ought to act our age, not our shoe size,” wrote Pejman Yousefzadeh, a conservative blogger, on

“This inaugural address had a whole host of faults. It fell well below expectations for its inability to connect with the issues of the day, its apparent characteristic of having been written by committee, its vagueness and generalities, and the fact that it puzzled more than it enlightened.”

Historian Michael S Roth, however, could not have disagreed more, declaring the speech “brilliant, deeply felt” and containing “echoes of the great speeches of the past”.

“It was a dignified, thoughtful speech - worthy of the great orator who delivered it and appropriate to our perilous times,” he wrote on

Michael Gerson, in the Washington Post, meanwhile found many of Mr Obama’s words to be platitudes but the speech’s content more compelling.

He said many had “expected the speech to be rhetorically masterful but perhaps ideologically shallow. Instead, we heard a speech that was rhetorically flat and substantively interesting. On his first day in office, President Obama has managed to surprise.”

The New York Times assembled a panel of former speech writers to presidents Carter, Bill Clinton, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan and George H.W Bush. They judged the address everything from mixed to marvellous.

But in an editorial the paper declared that Mr Obama’s speech, though lacking the “soaring language” of Presidents Franklin D Roosevelt or John F Kennedy, gave the crowd “the clarity and the respect for which all Americans have hungered.”


I’m still left asking the very same question without any answer. 
Why the hell does the world care one little bit about OUR internal security matters as regards Guantanamo?  Why is it any of their damn business?
And why should any American give a flip about world opinion as regards Gitmo?
Or any other personal home issue.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/21/2009 at 05:00 AM   
Filed Under: • GovernmentHomeland-SecurityInternationalObama, The One •  
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calendar   Friday - January 16, 2009

Guest Post #2, by Carol

The Ammunition Coding/Numbering Kerfuffle

This is going on. In more than a dozen states very similar bills have been introduced. You know as well as I do that this is totally unworkable, and it’s just as stupid as the case imprinting idea. And you know it won’t do a G_d damned thing to eliminate, reduce, or even slow down crime. Not a thing. But the well coordinated asshats in many parts of the country just keep pushing. Time to look up the pending bills in your state, and get out the writing paper, stamps and envelopes, along with the phone directory. You can’t turn your back on these rabid little chipmunks for a jolly second.

Remember what Hitler did in WWII.  Read on.

Here ya go.

Nobody can sell any unmarked ammunition after June 30, 2009

And so it begins.

It has already started…

Ammunition Accountability Legislation.

Remember how Obama said that he wasn’t going to take your guns? Well, it seems that his allies in the anti-gun world have no problem with taking your ammo!

The bill that is being pushed in 18 states (including Illinois and Indiana) requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacture a data base of all ammunition sales. So they will know how much you buy and what calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition after June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition is coded.

Any privately held unmarked ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011. (Including hand loaded ammo.) They will also charge a .05 cent tax on every round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more!

If they can deprive you of ammo they do not need to take your gun! This legislation is currently pending in 18 states: Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington. And Georgia too

Send to your friends in these states AND fight to dissolve these bills!

To find more about the anti-gun group that is sponsoring this legislation and the specific legislation for each state, go to:

Spend a few minutes and find out what sneaky shit your state is trying to push. It’s a good bet they are. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 01/16/2009 at 09:35 PM   
Filed Under: • GovernmentGuns and Gun Control •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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