Sarah Palin is the reason compasses point North.

calendar   Friday - July 26, 2013

Tourist Alert

l’attaque des chats sauvages

Fwench Pussies Really ARE Out To Get You

Visitors to one of France’s most beautiful tourist areas were today warned to be on their guard after a pack of feral cats launched an attack on a young woman.

About six cats pounced on the unnamed dog owner as she walked her poodle in the city of Belfort, in the popular Franche-Comte region, on the Swiss border, dragging her to the ground and mauling her.


She was bitten repeatedly and left with a torn artery which could have proved fatal, while the dog was also badly hurt.

It is thought that particularly high summer temperatures may have made the cats far more aggressive than usual.

Josette Galliot, the mother of the 31-year-old victim, said: “They jumped on her and managed to knock her over.

“The feral cats bit her on the leg and on her arms. They even pierced an artery,” Mrs Galliot told l’Est Republicain newspaper, adding that her daughter had been “living a nightmare” since Sunday’s attack.

The woman was rushed to hospital where she received treatment for her wounds, and a number of injections including one against rabies. The poodle was treated at a nearby veterinary clinic.

A local police spokesman meanwhile suggested that the attack was “very unusual” and therefore “a cause of great concern”.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/26/2013 at 11:58 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - July 10, 2013

brit anger at European Court of Human Rights

I have read in the papers that Obama either has already or is about to, sign a multi billion dollar (or is it only million dollar) trade deal with the EU.
SO then closer ties with that officialdom I guess.  Lets hope it doesn’t eventually involve those euro-ass-wipes meddling in USA affairs.  Can’t help but wonder if there were any concessions made to the EU that might impinge on our sovereignty. Just asking.  Because at this moment, many Brits pretty angry at latest decision by the ..... hell.

See it for yourselves.  This really is unbelievable but it’s happening right now.  I think the Brits may pull themselves out of the tangles of this court.

Here’s just another serious reason why.

What about the victims’ rights? Meddling European judges rule that even Britain’s most evil killers have human right to seek freedom

Prisoners serving whole life terms win the right to seek parole in Strasbourg

European Court of Human Rights rules sentence ‘inhumane and degrading’

Convicted killers Jeremy Bamber, Peter Moore and Douglas Vinter appealed

Minister Chris Grayling describes ruling as ‘a terrible day for British justice’

By Jack Doyle, James Slack and James Tozer

Victims’ families reacted with fury last night after European judges ruled serial killers must be given the right to seek parole.

In a hugely provocative decision, Strasbourg said murderers and rapists condemned to die behind bars must now be given a chance of freedom.

The families said the idea of the killers walking Britain’s streets again was a ‘horrendous prospect’ and ‘life must mean life’.

The whole-life tariff applies to 48 men and one woman – Rose West – whose crimes courts regard as so heinous they must never be let out.

But three of them – Jeremy Bamber, Douglas Vinter and Peter Moore – appealed to Europe, saying their sentences ‘undermined human dignity and destroyed the human spirit’. Vinter and Bamber even claimed their time in jail had left them ‘depressed and in despair’.

Yesterday the highest body of the European Court of Human Rights, the Grand Chamber, agreed with them.

It said refusing the 49 any prospect of release amounted to inhuman and degrading treatment in a breach of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights.

All the killers must now be allowed a review – with the prospect of release if they have been ‘rehabilitated’ and are deemed harmless.

Tory MPs said the ruling was an attack on democracy that exposed the court’s ‘warped moral compass’. Justice Secretary Chris Grayling spoke of ‘a terrible day for British justice’.

Ministers are already in a stand-off with the court over its demand to lift the ban on prisoners voting and are furious over its decisions in favour of terrorists and criminals.

Writing in today’s Mail, Mr Grayling threatened to withdraw from the court’s control after the next election, and accused the judges of being ‘misguided’ and trying to act like a ‘Supreme Court of Europe’.

read more

I will not mention by name here but this has a personal (in a minor way) meaning for us.  One of the 49 killers had done his evil on the family of someone we know very well.  A close personal friend who a few years ago told us the entire sorry tale including things not mentioned in the papers.
The court is soooooo concerned about the rights of these evil, murderous bastards.  How about the victim’s rights? 

A few examples out of the 49.

49 monsters given hope of freedom by the European Court of Human Rights: They’re the UK’s most notorious killers… now they can seek parole

By James Slack

ROSE WEST: With her husband murdered 10 young women in their house which became known as the house of horrors.
They even murdered their own daughter.  Husband Fred killed himself in prison.

JEREMY BAMBER: Murdered his adoptive parents, sister and her twin boys age six.

PETER MOORE: Murdered and mutilated four men. He did it, just for fun.

DENNIS NILSEN:Murdered 16 and was caught because his disposal of human entrails blocked his drains.

DOUGLAS VINTER: Stabbed his wife four times before finally strangling her to death.  Now here’s a case of how dumb can a woman be. She met him while he was in prison for a previous killing in 1996.  But like a few others on this list of rotters, he killed and then was let off in 2005 and then killed his wife in ‘08. 
Oh sure, allow these guys out as a human right. They aren’t dangerous anymore.
Wanna bet?

Don’t be lazy dear readers.  Read the entire list of 49.  It’s insane that there are some who had maimed and killed and got out only to do it all over again.
Here’s a link. Read it please.




Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/10/2013 at 07:59 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeEUro-peonsJudges-Courts-LawyersStoopid-PeopleUK •  
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calendar   Thursday - June 27, 2013

justice and fair play as seen thru crossed eyes of euro-pee on court. jerks!

I brought this bit of lunacy to your attention last year.
Here’s an update.

The short of it is that a european court has the authority to rule on how Brits run the criminal system here.

Just once I wish the govt. here would tell the euros to go and do something anatomically impossible.  I guess we’ll see shortly.

And look at that smiling sack of poo shown here.  Lets hope his cancer when he gets it, is painful and long.

Thousands of convicts denied their human right to vote in line for £5,000 payouts… (7,624.24 USD) thanks to a European court ruling

A ‘gang of lawyers’ are ‘trawling’ for claims by current and former prisoners
Courts could award each inmate £1,000 for every election ‘missed’
It follows 2005 Strasbourg ruling in favour of axe-killer John Hirst

By Jack Doyle

Tens of thousands of prisoners are in line for compensation of £5,000 each because they have been denied the ‘human right’ to vote, MPs were told yesterday.


A ‘gang of lawyers’ was ‘trawling’ for claims by current and former prisoners on the back of a 2005 European Court of Human Rights judgment, a Parliamentary committee heard.

One eminent QC said the courts could be ‘bound’ to award each inmate £1,000 for every election ‘missed’ since the controversial 2005 Strasbourg ruling in favour of axe-killer John Hirst.

It found by banning him from the polls, Britain had breached his right to participate in the democratic process.

In the seven years since, about 650,000 new inmates have been imprisoned in England and Wales.

In that period the court has reaffirmed its judgment several times, despite MPs voting overwhelmingly against changing the law.

Prisoners serving long sentences may have missed general elections in 2005 and 2010.

Some may also be able to claim for local elections, the 2009 European Parliament elections – and even last year’s Police and Crime Commissioner polls.

Tory peer Edward Faulks QC believes payouts to inmates were likely even if they had never bothered to vote in elections in the past.

He told MPs on the Joint Committee on the Draft Voting Eligibility (Prisoners) Bill: ‘The courts will be bound to award damages to those deprived of the vote, whether they have voted before or not.’

Asked by former prisons minister Crispin Blunt if the figure would be £1,000 per election, he said: ‘It may be something of that sort.’ He said it was ‘inevitable’ payments would be backdated to 2005. ‘I suspect there will be an award of damages,’ he said.

Ministers would be likely to fight any claims. They are also resisting demands from Strasbourg that the law be changed. David Cameron has said the idea of giving prisoners the vote makes him ‘sick’.

To assuage the court, ministers have drawn up a draft Bill which offers MPs the choice of sticking with the existing ban, or giving votes to prisoners who are serving less than six months or less than four years behind bars.

The Bill is being considered by the joint committee and will be put to a vote of the House of Commons – which recently rejected by an overwhelming margin any change in the arrangements.

read more

A gang of lawyers are trawling for claims. The word is not ‘gang’! The collective noun for a group of lawyers is a plague! And it needs eradicating.

- Old Chap , Caribbean, Grenada,


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/27/2013 at 08:03 AM   
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calendar   Friday - June 21, 2013

they spread like the plague and those other folks and are just as unwanted and disliked

Ok first of all,

H/T to N.J.Yankee here at bmews.

I don’t know when he sent this to me but I found it only a short while ago. That’s because it’s the first time in too many weeks since checking that email account.  Very often I just can’t check it as often as I should or would like to.

The problems with this protected group as a newly discovered “race” aren’t new.  I’ve been sharing the horror stories almost as long as I have been with this blog. Usually (and not lately) the stories are centered here in the UK or more likely in England.  Because they crop up so often, I started to ignore all but the more outrageous.  Of which there have not, thankfully, been any recorded lately.  Understand however that will change dramatically after Jan. 2014, with the expected new influx of that odious disease that passes for human beings, and can no more be offended than muslims without a charge of racism brought against one.

Ignored but not intentionally is the activity of this group outside these borders.  I hadn’t given any thought to them in relation to countries like Sweden, until New Jersey Yankee sent the following.
Like the plague they are, they spread.

NJ Yank has been living in Ireland for some years and exchanging mail as well as reading his comments here at bmews, his association with that place has not been an altogether happy one.  Another misplaced American who misses home, soon the lucky dog will will return leaving some of us behind. There, that should make him feel guilty.  Or not. Prolly not.


Legally housed students forced out while illegal camped Irish Gypsies can’t be moved, arrested or otherwise made to obey the law. WHY? Because it’s against their “human rights”!

A few years ago about 50 Gypos invaded Wexford, Ireland on a holiday (3-day) weekend. The Garda (police) did nothing and the knackers only moved from the illegal camp site after a Group of Wexford merchants collected enough money to pay them to leave because no decent citizens would enter the town for fear of being assaulted and/or robbed.

Students forced out over traveller violence fears

Stockholm University
exchange students have been told to leave their accommodation immediately after a community travellers set up an illegal camp nearby, raising concerns for the students’ safety.

Doug Revolta, an Erasmus student from the UK, had been living since mid-January in Stockholm University accommodation in the capital city’s northern suburbs.

“I was having a great time here, and when they offered us the chance to extend our lease back in April I said yes, absolutely. I wanted to stay here for Swedish midsummer,” he told The Local.

However, the plan took an unexpected turn this week when the university housing office sent an email to Revolta and his fellow students warning them that a nearby travelling community (Gypsies) had caused enough concern that the students should move out.

“Because of the people who illegally moved into the parking area close to your apartments, we have decided that all students will be moved on June 17th,” the university wrote in an email to the students.

“The Housing Office at Stockholm University have done everything we can to resolve the situation, but our possibilities are very limited,” the university added, also warning that if “something happens” the students should call the police.

In a follow-up email sent on Friday, the message was more urgent:

“We would like everyone to move out today. We cannot guarantee the security for students over the weekend anymore.”

The move was sparked by a community of what Revolta estimates to be 50 families living in caravans in a nearby car park. The families have got out of hand in recent weeks, according to Revolta, who said that some of his classmates had nearly been run over by the community’s vehicles. Some students, including himself, have even been threatened by the families.

A police spokeswoman confirmed that the families are on the police radar.

“It is hard for us to control, they are uninvited and living on land that the university claims does not belong to them,”.

“Patrols have been sent out several times, but nothing has happened there, I can’t confirm that we have made any arrests. We don’t usually arrest people just for camping illegally,” she added.

“But this is a recurring problem that we have every year, it’s people from all kinds of places making things very problematic around these areas for a lot of people.”

Appelgren pointed to excessive noise and garbage pile-ups as some of the complaints the police receive.

Bo Sundin, Moderate Party chairman of the Stockholm city district of Rinkeby-Kista, had yet to hear about the university students, but was familiar with the caravan families in the area.

“We are not interested in having them in around here, not even in Stockholm. But it’s hard, when we force them away, they move to another place,”

“The caravan people are coming here in summer each year trying to find work, and it causes a lot of problems that often involve police. It’s mostly bad conditions for the people living there, and a lot of them have children. And they often leave a lot of mess behind them when they go.”

“Another problem is that many of them are on the black market, but made their way here because they’re from other European countries and it’s easy for them to move.”

Sundin added that the problem would be best solved if police acted faster.

“The police should force them away as soon as they learn about them, I’d actually hoped it would be done by now.”

With the students having to head to the newly arranged accommodation by Friday night, there have been mixed reactions among the Erasmus students.
“Everyone was just annoyed at first, actually, but now a lot of people are worried. The girls are really scared, they don’t feel safe,” student Doug Revolta said.

Meanwhile, the local police are working hard to keep the peace.

“We get a lot of calls about it and we are conscious that there’s a problem,” spokeswoman Helena Appelgren told The Local.

“But we’re working there all the time and trying to solve the problem, but these things can take a lot of time.”

An update to this ...  amid anger by some students who said they paid to be where they were and had every right , the police finally moved in and moved the gypos out to someplace else where they could set their plague down amidst another group of innocents.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/21/2013 at 10:04 AM   
Filed Under: • EUro-peonsTravelers/Gypsies/Squatters •  
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calendar   Tuesday - June 18, 2013

words almost fail but not quite

Just a really short post with the idea that a photo might be worth a million words.  Mostly from yours truly here saying how I worry about some USA/EU deal that will get wrote in stone.

Hey just so you know and there may be a few who do not. No reason why you should.

Once upon a time when Britain was a sovereign state and made their own laws and followed their own courts and could deport anyone they wanted who was a threat to the nation, in those long ago and almost forgotten halcyon (well almost) days, the folks here joined something called the common market. Good for business and especially small business given a chance to grow etc,etc. How nice it all looked.  Like Communism. Pretty on paper.

Then one day the common market grew up and started to gobble up the other states lead by a resurgent former enemy whose bank called the shots. Panzers were plowed into Euros and everyone lived happily ever after. So it came to pass that the Brits found themselves members of something called, the European Union.  It even had its own flag. Well I never. 

And during the last ten years I’ve been watching this movie play out and guess what?  Brits aren’t happy.  They want their country back.

Sorry Charlie .... 

So who’s next?

I think we should be worried folks. Very worried.

Feast your eyeballs on this.  What?  You thought I might have been exaggerating?

Oh btw .....  I did not notice this cover on our conservative paper.  They hardly mentioned it. But apparently this liberal left daily thinks enough of it to place it here.

Any deal cut with the EU will have politically correct strings attached. You can count on that.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/18/2013 at 02:10 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - June 05, 2013

Hmm Herr Spielmann… Are We Bothered… No.. We want out anyway.. Who elected You… We did not..

Woo-hoo. Brits get read the riot act by euro judge.  Apparently little things like sovereignty have no part or place in the thinking of these eurocrats.

Can’t wait to see what happens next.  Prolly nothing. But then, ya never do know for sure.  There are a lot of Brits who would be thrilled to leave the EU.  But the EU isn’t the only problem they have, and even if they eventually get to vote on the issue, by the time they do and if they leave, it will be too late to save the country.  They need to leave right now. OK, takes time I know.  So one hour. That should do it.
Then deport all foreign criminals that are allowed here with benefits back to their native countries.  Those that refuse to go can be shot.  Deport all the jihad preaching lice and rid the country of the lawyers who enable them.  Pass laws forcing foreigners with names like spaghetti or alphabet soup to anglicize them so the natives are not forced to learn the immigrant’s language.  There’s more but that’s a start.
Oh yeah, rid the country of the uman rights industry on pain of death. 

Yes I know. Unrealistic and never happen.  But it’s nice to be able to imagine a better place. And it could be again if ppl had the will. And more patriotic fervor.

Britain must obey Strasbourg judges or quit the EU, warns new chief of European Court of Human Rights

Judge Dean Spielmann also says ministers should grant vote to prisoners
Intervention puts unelected court on a collision course with Westminster
MPs including Tory backbencher Dominic Raab ‘won’t give in to threats’

By James Slack and Steve Doughty

Britain was yesterday threatened with having to quit the European Union if it refuses to ‘kowtow’ to Strasbourg’s human rights judges.

The warning was delivered by the new head of the European Court of Human Rights, amid an increasing determination among Tory Cabinet ministers to leave its jurisdiction.

Judge Dean Spielmann, from Luxemburg, also insisted that ministers had a duty to grant the vote to prisoners.

His intervention once again puts the unelected court on a collision course with Westminster.

Technically, the EU and the European Court of Human Rights are separate institutions, with the ECHR overseen by the 47-member Council of Europe.

But Mr Spielmann opted to combine two of the most explosive issues in British politics by saying that, if we want to leave the court, we may also have to exit the EU.

His logic was that quitting the court would mean also exiting the Council of Europe. He added no state had ever been a member of the EU without first joining the council.

Mr Spielmann said: ‘That would plainly be a political disaster.

‘Any member state who would leave the Council of Europe, who would denounce the convention, would lose its credibility when it comes to promoting human rights also in different parts of the world.’

Last night, MPs said they would not give in to threats - particularly where they involved Britain’s membership of the EU.

Tory backbencher Dominic Raab said: ‘Mr Spielmann had no previous judicial experience before ascending to the heights of this European ivory tower, and it shows.

‘The only thing undermining the credibility of the Strasbourg court are the Mickey Mouse judgments it spews out. He and the other judges should take a long hard look in the mirror before complaining about British democracy.’

‘If Mr Spielmann thinks threatening to kick us out of the EU is going to persuade anyone in Britain to kowtow to the perverse rulings of the Strasbourg court, he’s got another thing coming’

Home Secretary Theresa May has said the UK should consider its relationship with the European court after a string of adverse judgments.

These include blocking the deportation of Al Qaeda hate-preacher Abu Qatada and the long-running battle over whether convicts must be allowed to vote.

Chris Grayling, the Justice Secretary, has also discussed walking away from the court. This would allow the final say to rest with Britain’s better qualified Supreme Court.

Judge Spielmann told BBC Radio Four that all decisions reached by his court must be respected - including prisoner votes.

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Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/05/2013 at 07:47 AM   
Filed Under: • EUro-peonsJudges-Courts-LawyersUK •  
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calendar   Monday - June 03, 2013

human rights for those who are clearly not


Greece: Afghan with swastikas throws woman over coastal wall
By Katerina Nikolas

Police in Corfu have arrested an illegal Afghan immigrant after he robbed a 20-year-old student and callously threw her over an eight-meter coastal wall. Police were surprised to find the Afghan had tattoos of swastikas and other Nazi symbols on his body.

Pantelis Haidos, the father of the young history student that was viciously attacked, described her ordeal to Zougla. He said she was returning home from a night out with friends when the alien Afghan robbed her. The young woman immediately handed over her purse when the robber demanded it, but as two cars approached the Afghan threw the Greek girl over the coastal wall.

Ms. Haidos is hospitalized but now out of danger. Meanwhile the criminal perpetrator has been charged with robbery and attempted murder. He will undergo a DNA test to ascertain his true age as his travel documents indicated he was 17-years-old but police have stated that his appearance is that of an older adult. If the man is indeed 17 he will be held in a young offenders’ jail rather than an adult prison.

According to Xryshaygh the Afghan criminal had applied for political asylum in Greece but had not been held in detention.

Proto Thema reported police are also perturbed by the swastikas and other Nazi symbols tattooed on the man’s body. The man refused to answer police questions regarding his tattoos but stated he was a Muslim.

Human rights organizations report almost daily on alleged racist attacks against immigrants by Greeks but fail to report on the frequent attacks against Greeks by illegal immigrants.

Perhaps the Greeks should send the scum to Saudi Arabia.
Bet those guys would get fast answers to any questions the Greeks want answered.  Oh sure, he could lie. But there’d be one hell of a penalty if discovered. A penalty not worth the lie.  But no.  They’ll follow the European rules watched over no doubt by various “rights” groups.

Meanwhile, in other news of Europe and crimes against the native populations.

From Holland:

Seven teens unidentified by names due to age, along with an adult whose name is El Hasan D (that’s all they say re name) have been arrested on charges of kicking a football lineman to death at a junior league match.
The charges are manslaughter, public violence and brutality.  Woo-hoo. That last one must be serious. Way I see it, bad enough you kick someone and they die. Maybe you didn’t intend that end.  But to keep on kicking and when there’s so many doing it, how is that manslaughter?  They should all suffer the very same.  That would be punishment and justice served.  But again. No. Can’t do that.  Something to do with human rights I believe.
Now would you not have to be a human to begin with to be accorded those rights? You’d think so.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 06/03/2013 at 11:00 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - March 27, 2013

It’s Upsetting that this is even news

Watching the always snuggly Robin Meade on the morning news over coffee this morning. Always my favorite way to get my eyes open.

One of her lead news stories is “Will Amanda Knox face extradition?” with the follow-on “State Department refuses to comment”.

Are you effin’ kidding me?

Not in my America. Not now, not ever. The Italians convicted her, sent her off to rot in jail, and then FOUR YEARS later came up with some new evidence and overturned that conviction. She was set free and got the heck out of Italy just as fast as she could. Damn straight! Now the Italians have decided to re-try her? Well, that’s just plain screwed up. And I really don’t care if they “annulled” the first conviction or not; she was tried, she was convicted. Done. And then her conviction was thrown out. Done. You took you shot, then took it back. That’s all you get.

But ... in this day and age ... Constitution trampled left and right, ignored whenever convenient, end runs done on the legislature left and right, memories of Elian Gonzales, the whole peak of the Executive Branch chock full of Commies and Islamists, and the most wobbly Supreme Court in my entire lifetime ... maybe this question is a crapshoot.

It shouldn’t be. It shouldn’t be a news story. There shouldn’t even be the question. Not in the mind of a single American. Not a one. Little kids in second grade ought to know better.

One of the most basic, most fundamental concepts that this nation was built on was NO DOUBLE INDEMNITY* NO DOUBLE JEOPARDY. Ever. And to even entertain the suggestion, even for TV ratings, is antithetic to the point of nausea. It speaks volumes to just how low, how un-American, this country has become.

We call it the Fifth Amendment:

No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

And no matter what kind of extradition treaty the USA may have with Italy, a person’s individual rights MUST trump those. I really don’t care if there is some minor precedent against it. Italy let her, that “terrible satanic murderess” out of jail and dropped the charges. I don’t shiv a git if that isn’t a 100% Official acquittal or just an overturning of her conviction, it tastes like acquittal, so a big va fangool to you Italy.

* I came back a couple hours later when I had this niggling thought. Yup, double jeopardy. Being tried twice for the same offense. Double Indemnity was a movie starring Fred MacMurray. It’s also a clause in some life insurance policies. Hey, first cup of coffee and all. But you knew what I meant!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 03/27/2013 at 07:38 AM   
Filed Under: • EUro-peonsFREEDOM •  
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calendar   Wednesday - February 20, 2013

The One Thing Worse Than A Union

Is a French Union.

“Keep Your So-Called Workers,” U.S. Boss Tells France

Tire firm will NOT be relocating to Fwance

The CEO of a U.S. tire maker has delivered a crushing summary of how some outsiders view France’s work ethic in a letter saying he would have to be stupid to take over a factory whose staff only put in three hours work a day.

Titan International’s (TWI) Maurice Taylor, nicknamed “The Grizz” for his negotiating style, told the left-wing French industry minister in a letter published by media on Wednesday that he had no interest in rescuing a plant set for closure.

“The French workforce gets paid high wages but works only three hours. They get one hour for breaks and lunch, talk for three and work for three,” Taylor wrote on Feb. 8 in the letter in English to the minister, Arnaud Montebourg.

“I told this to the French union workers to their faces. They told me that’s the French way!” Taylor added in the letter, which was posted by business daily Les Echos on its website and which the ministry confirmed was genuine.

“Titan is going to buy a Chinese tire company or an Indian one, pay less than one euro per hour wage and ship all the tires France needs,” he said. “You can keep the so-called workers.”

Socialist President Francois Hollande might take some comfort in Taylor’s view of his own country’s business policies: “The U.S. government is not much better than the French,” he said, referring to a dispute over Chinese exports.

Yeah, but, we’re not talking about governments Fwanz-wah. We’re talking about businesses. Factories. You know, real jobs making real stuff and paying real taxes.

Taylor’s comments are the latest blow to France’s image after verbal attacks last year by Montebourg on firms seeking to shut ailing industrial sites prompted international mockery.

Combined with concerned over plans for a 75% “millionaires tax”, Montebourg’s antics drove London Mayor Boris Johnson to remark to an international business audience that it seemed France was being run by left-wing revolutionaries.

Montebourg has also lashed out at cheap imports of manufactured goods from low-wage countries like China and last year told the boss of Indian steelmaker ArcelorMittal he was unwelcome in a spat over a shuttered plant in France.

Despite having per-head productivity levels that rank among the best in Europe, economists blame France’s rigid hiring and firing laws for a long industrial decline that has dented exports. Many also fault the country’s 35-hour work week.

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co.’s (GT) Amiens Nord plant employs 1,250 workers, who have been battling demands that they work more shifts or accept layoffs. The government said in January that the site faced imminent closure.

Talks with Titan over a possible purchase of the plant’s farm tire section fell through last September after a failure to reach a deal with the CGT union on voluntary redundancies.

… Wall Street analysts have dubbed Taylor “The Grizz” for his tough negotiating style.
“Sir, your letter states that you want Titan to start a discussion. How stupid do you think we are?” he wrote. “Titan is the one with the money and the talent to produce tires. What does the crazy union have? It has the French government.”

Ouch. That’ll leave a mark.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 02/20/2013 at 08:44 PM   
Filed Under: • Big BusinessEUro-peonsUnions-Labor •  
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calendar   Wednesday - January 23, 2013

socialist norway on the march? but where? take a look at this.

Don’t want everyone to think the UK is alone in the asylum.  Oh no.  We have company okay. 

This thing reads like the script for some fiction flick.  Or it could be a good if unbelievable book.  But no. Look here.

This is, it is reported by Front Page Magazine, for very real.

This seems to be the way the world has decided to move. Must be the water or else everyone is stoned outta their minds.

State TV in Norway: Paying to Be Propagandized

January 23, 2013 By Bruce Bawer

Well, it’s done. I just made the first of my two compulsory yearly payments to NRK – short for Norsk rikskringkasting. In English it calls itself the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, but believe me, there’s nothing remotely corporation-like about it. It’s a fully government-owned and government-operated outfit, and its fealty to the Labor Party worldview is reflected in the nickname by which some of its disgruntled viewers refer to it: ARK, or Arbeiderpartiets rikskringkasting – Labor Party Broadcasting.

As of 2013, the semiannual NRK license fee – which, I should perhaps underscore, is something you pay in addition to whatever you might happen to shell out for your cable and/or satellite service – went up to $240.33, for a total of $480.66 per year. (Out of the kindness of their hearts, they divide the amount in two, apparently realizing that for a lot of people this is no small expense.) It’s a tax, of course, but it’s not treated as a tax – which is reflected in the fact that the fee actually includes an eight percent value-added tax. In other words, not only do they charge you a tax on top of your regular income tax to pay for a product that you may never even use – they also tax the tax.

With NRK, as with the BBC, it’s the license fees that pay the bills and keep the enterprise going. And as I’ve complained before (and will complain again), what you’re doing when you cough up this sum is paying to be propagandized. Essentially, that’s what NRK is: a propaganda operation, designed to ensure that when the Norwegian people get their news about the world, it’ll be served up to them with just the right spin, in hopes that it’ll keep them from straying too far from the socialist line they were fed in school. To be sure, ever since 1992, when NRK was finally forced to surrender its TV and radio monopoly, there have been other broadcast news sources in Norway; but old habits are hard to break, and besides, Norwegians have been told all their lives that NRK is the only really serious and truly reliable news source, since, unlike commercial TV channels, which always must look over their shoulders at their advertisers, NRK is undefiled by poisonous capitalistic influences, and is thus able to present them with the pure and unadulterated truth. An amazing number of people actually buy this bull. Dagsrevyen, the national news program that is broadcast every evening at seven, regularly draws around a million viewers in this country of five million.

Still, every once in a while NRK tries to pull something so flagrant in its dishonesty that it actually erupts into something of a scandal. Case in point: the January 12 edition of Dagsrevyen featured an eight-minute story about Mirela Mustata, a Romanian gypsy, or Romani, woman who was in a Norwegian prison after having been convicted of “aggravated human trafficking” in a case involving four children. The clear objective of NRK’s report was to paint Mustata as a victim of cultural prejudice, punished simply for trying to keep her children from starving. To this end, NRK implied that Mustata had done nothing more than put her kids to work selling costume jewelry on the street – which, viewers were instructed, is a harmless, generations-old gypsy tradition. “I did everything I could to take care of my children,” a weeping Mustata said on camera.

What NRK tidily omitted from its report was the actual nature of the offense for which Mustata was convicted: namely, she had taken ten thousand euros in exchange for allowing her eleven-year-old daughter to be pinned down by several men and raped. Mustata exploited the same daughter again in the same fashion when the girl was twelve, and again when she was thirteen. The girl in question, and another daughter whose similar victimization Mustata also arranged for, are now living in foster homes at secret addresses, while two other siblings have been shipped back to Romania to be cared for by the child-protection authorities. None of this was mentioned in the Dagsrevyen report. NRK, in its determination to spin any and every event involving members of certain minorities in such a way as to make them look like virtuous victims, left out everything that mattered.

And there is more at the link.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/23/2013 at 03:22 PM   
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calendar   Saturday - January 12, 2013

Paying It Off

Greece Raises Middle Class Tax Bracket To 40%,

Top Tier Grows To 42%

In other words, anybody with a halfway decent job is paying at, or near, the maximum tax rate. Guess the party’s over in Greece.

Athens passed new tax increases to boost revenue by US$3 billion to keep in line with previous commitments to creditors. The new measures limit family benefits and force the middle class to pay over 40 per cent of their annual salary in taxes.

Greek’s Conservative-led coalition has passed the new tax increases to middle and high-income earners, self-employed and businesses.

The new law increases the amount of income tax paid by those earning more than US$26,000 a year, limits tax benefits for having children, revokes tax breaks for farmers and increases corporate tax to 26 per cent from 20 per cent.

It also increased top income tax rate to 42 per cent from 40 per cent for Greeks earning more than US$56,000 a year, which is the higher-end of middle class average in Greece.

The new law was part of an overall package approved past November in order to qualify Greece for more bailouts in the future. It aims to save Greece up to US$3 billion in 2013.

If the new tax changes would not have been passed, then Greece would not qualify for more bailout money to be transferred and the nation would have fallen short of paying its own bills.

That’s the way Greece ... Tax The Rich™ - anyone earning more than $56K per year.

Coming soon to a neo-Turd World dictatorship near you!

So now that they’re going to tax their people naked to pay their way out of debt, that step towards austerity lets them get even more money lent to them, so that they get deeper in debt. Yeah, that makes sense. Uh huh.

Just last month Greece has received another US$45.5 billion in frozen loans and now with the passage of the new tax bill it is on track to get another US$19.9 billion in the next few months.

But it’s been a free ride over there for ages, and it’s time somebody has to pay the piper

Trying to hold control of the economy at the end of 2012 Greece adopted a 2013 budget that involves 9.4 billion euro of spending cuts, mainly in state wages, pensions and benefits, all of which have already been significantly reduced over the past two years.

Tough austerity measures have also led to a drastic surge of unemployment – in September 2012 it reached a record 26 per cent, which is one of the lowest levels amongst the EU nations.

Oops. Yup, the party’s over.  But I think they meant to write “highest” instead - the EU27 is at 10.7.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 01/12/2013 at 01:03 PM   
Filed Under: • EconomicsEUro-peons •  
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calendar   Thursday - January 10, 2013

washington sends a warning to london?  sure does, and some brits will not like it

Folks who make bmews a regular port of call, are familiar with my mad rants and hopping up an down anger whenever some foreigner somewhere tries to tell us how we should do things in our own backyard.  And most especially when Brits think they can decide or would like to decide, how America deals with the gun issue.  None-a-your damn business is my standard reply.

So then, now I am pissed off at our government. Here’s a fellow bmews has perhaps never heard of.  His name is Philip Gordon.  Mr Gordon is, the Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs. 

(I once had a Eurasian affair, but I never knew there was an official post for it. And he gets paid as well? )

Ok so, in his capacity as the above title, he has been visiting London where, he has warned the Brits to remain in the EU or face isolation.

OK, look. I understand there are things that may be in the interests of my country with regard to the EU.  I can’t think of any but there must be one at least. I have to confess to not caring though.  If I can become angry when foreigners stick their nose in our affairs, it’s tit for tat as far as I am concerned.  I don’t think Washington has any business getting into this scrape.  Oh and btw …. since politicians are by nature lying bastards anyway, I really do not see England leaving the EU in my lifetime.  The pro euro-weenies of the left will as always, manage to subvert the will of the majority on this issue. 

Do any of you recall me saying there are ppl in the USA who would if they could, have us join the EU?  I ranted on about what I see as influence and agencies here in Europe, at work in the USA.  Make us more like them, one might say.
I suppose ppl reading my thoughts based on the things I read and hear in this place, might have some of you thinking I exaggerate things a bit.  Ya think?
Well, I have pretty much chopped up this article to highlight those things that have more meaning to me personally.  How else should I take this?  You decide.
There’s a link so you can read it in the unedited version. 

Obama administration warns Britain to stay in the European Union

Britain risks damaging its relationship with America and being sidelined in the international community if it leaves the European Union, the Obama administration publicly warned today.

“We value a strong UK voice in a strong European Union,” the US State Department’s Philip H Gordon, the Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, said starkly during a visit to London to meet ministers yesterday.

“We have a growing relationship with the EU as an institution, which has an increasing voice in the world,

A British exit from the EU would not enhance the “special relationship” in any way, he said. America would continue to forge stronger links with member countries of the EU which it sees as having “a growing voice in the world and a critical partner on global issues”.

The public statements of Mr Gordon, a respected senior member of the administration, show the level of concern in Washington over a mooted referendum on British membership of the EU.

In a long-awaited speech due soon on Europe, the Prime Minister, it is believed, will say that a referendum will take place in 2018, after the next election.

But Eurosceptics have demanded that it is held sooner and Boris Johnson, seen as a rival for the Conservative leadership has joined them in making the call.

Francois Hollande, the French president, has, in turn, stressed that the UK cannot pick which laws it likes from a “a la carte” EU menu and should realise that membership “is for life”.

Mr Gordon insisted that in fact the US will be damaged if Britain did pull out. He said: “The EU in particular is such a critical partner for the United States on all of these global issues and therefore we also value a strong UK voice in that European Union.

What’s in the British interest is for the British people and the British Government to decide.”


“What’s in the British interest is for the British people and the British Government to decide.”

Hey, hasn’t he already said the opposite?  And if it’s really up to “the British people” which I bet it will never work out that way, then why is he making suggestions and giving warnings?

the Prime Minister, it is believed, will say that a referendum will take place in 2018, after the next election.

Uh huh. So a wait of five years?  What scheming shits leaders (I use the term loosely) truly are.  He promised a referendum a few years ago. Whatever happened to that?  I’ll tell ya.  It was scrapped because he knew ahead of time what the outcome would be. 

Everytime I see the letters EU I want to scream, TO ARMS! TO ARMS!


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 01/10/2013 at 07:12 AM   
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calendar   Friday - January 04, 2013

broad of nose, big thick lips, yes sir yes ma’am one of those

The front page headline that greets us …. and not for the first time.


Bad enough this country seems unable to flip the international bird at those who insist these vermin have rights.

There does not seem to be any lynch mobs out for blood either.  And there should be.  In many respects, western cultures have become a bit too civilized for their own good.  At the same time, the criminal has it appears, become less human like, more aggressive and more brutal.

Recently, a woman was surprised by burglars who overpowered her , tied her up and poured petrol over her.  They ransacked the house and told her she’d be set alight.  Somehow, she managed to reach a phone and dialed 999, with her tongue after they left. She is damn lucky they left her only frightened. It could have been worse.

There can not be anything too much scarier than being accused of a crime one is innocent of.  So yes, if someone is accused of a crime, and especially a sexual assault against a child, then the authorities must make damn sure they have the evidence, either by the victim and or DNA.

None of us would like being in a position of being accused of something we did not do.  So there is indeed a good reason for having a darn good defense lawyer.  BUT.

That is not the case here.  Example after example of those clearly guilty, but because of the “Rights Industry” they not only remain here, they do so with benefits from the folks who pay the taxes.  And worse yet, as this example shows, they are out on a bail and, hmmm.

Not much doing today. Bored. Oh I know, how about having sex of some kind with a four year old.  Sickening, but it’s happened.  And ALL in the name of … “rights.” When is this travesty going to end? 

Here, take a look . 

Nearly 4,000 foreign murderers, rapists and other criminals are roaming the streets, free to commit new crimes.

The Government wants to deport them but admits that many cannot be kicked out because of their human rights.


A Parliamentary answer reveals that 3,980 foreign criminals who should have been sent back to their country of origin are ‘living in the community’.

The figures do not even include the handful of terrorist suspects such as Abu Qatada whom the Government is seeking to extradite.

by Tim Shipman

Officials say thousands use the Human Rights Act, which guarantees the ‘right to family life’, or fears about violence in the countries they left as a way of dodging deportation.

Around 800 of the foreign criminals have been at large in Britain for more than five years.

The revelations last night prompted calls for the Government to withdraw from the European Convention on Human Rights so that the foreign offenders can be sent home.

Ministers admitted last year that a string of murders and sex attacks have been committed by foreign nationals who should already have been kicked out.
Foreign criminals on immigration bail have committed three murders, three kidnappings and 14 sexual offences, including rape.

Official figures show that there have also been arrests in relation to 27 other ‘violent crimes’ and 64 thefts.

Home Office Minister Mark Harper used a Parliamentary written answer to release the most recent figures, recorded at the end of September.

He said: ‘There are 3,980 foreign nationals in the UK subject to deportation action living in the community.

We continue to pursue removal in all these cases.

‘The principal barriers to removal are non-compliance on the part of individuals which means we have insufficient evidence of nationality and identity to obtain a travel document, ongoing legal challenges and the situations in countries of return.’

Home Secretary Theresa May has issued new guidance to judges saying Section 8 of the Human Rights Act, which guarantees the right to family life, should not override serious criminality in deportation cases.

But critics say that is not enough to solve the problem. Tory MP Priti Patel, who asked the Parliamentary question that led to the publication of the figures, called for the abolition of the Human Rights Act.

She said: ‘Lax immigration and border controls inherited from the previous Labour government have left this mess and the current Government must take all steps necessary, including abolishing the Human Rights Act, to get these people removed from Britain.

‘The public deserve to have a robust immigration system in place to keep them safe instead of laws and rules designed to help foreigners remain in Britain when they should have no right to be here.

‘Hard-pressed taxpayers will be disgusted to learn that they are footing the legal fees and living costs associated with this number of foreigners overstaying their welcome.’

Sir Andrew Green, chairman of MigrationWatch UK, said: ‘This is an extraordinary number. Offenders and their lawyers are clearly playing the legal system.
‘The case for pulling out of the 60-year-old ECHR gets stronger by the day. The Government is trying to give better guidance to the courts but that is most unlikely to have the necessary impact.
‘The only long-term solution is to pull out of the ECHR completely and write our own human rights law.’

And in a somewhat related story:

llegal immigrants injured five staff during a riot at a detention centre. About 40 detainees were involved in the incident at Morton Hall immigration removal centre in Swinderby, Lincolnshire, on December 30. One detainee was taken to hospital. Up to 50 detainees took part in a protest on Christmas Day, in which no one was hurt.

The ONLY way to control this problem, is the use of deadly force.
Oh wait, can’t do that.  Need the permission of the euro-weenies, who will not approve. Hey wait again, just whose country is this anyway?
Oh yeah. I forgot.  Brits gave it away to Brussels and the euro-weenie human rights court.  But wait yet again.. What humans?  Where? There aren’t any. 


Posted by peiper   United States  on 01/04/2013 at 06:00 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEUro-peonsIllegal-Aliens and ImmigrationJudges-Courts-Lawyers •  
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calendar   Saturday - December 29, 2012

a once sovereign state under a foreign court

This article from yesterday’s paper just begs for posting.

Just another good example of lost sovereignty to the now wanna be super state of the EU.
And who rules it all?

The left.  Some are fighting a holding action, and UKIP for sure isn’t blind.  But the game may be over.  Take a look at this outrage.

Murderers and drug dealer to get IVF in prison and you’ll be paying! Criminals using European Human Rights laws to start families at taxpayers’ expense.

· Ministers may be powerless to stop demands for treatment because of a ruling by European Court of Human Rights

· Turning down demands could lead to court action costing tens of thousands
· Names and identity of the prisoners are protected but four are murderers and one a drug dealer

By Jack Doyle

Four murderers and a drug dealer are in line for taxpayer-funded fertility treatment so that they can father a child from behind bars.

The killers are demanding to be allowed to take part in IVF treatment despite serving life sentences.

Ministers may be powerless to refuse because of a ruling by the European Court of Human Rights concerning the right to a private and family life.

Turning down the prisoners’ demands could lead to court action and compensation claims running into tens of thousands of pounds.

The cases will provoke outrage at the rights afforded to individuals who have committed shocking crimes, and spur demands for action against the power of European human rights judges, who are also demanding an end to the ban on prisoners voting.

It has been revealed that a prisoner had been given access to artificial insemination treatment on the NHS at a cost of around £2,000.

Since then, 13 applications have been made by inmates in England and Wales. Eight have been rejected but five remain in ministers’ in-trays.
The names and details of the inmates are protected by privacy laws, but three were convicted of murder, one of murder and aggravated burglary and the fifth of possession of a Class A drug with intent to supply.

Last night Justice Secretary Chris Grayling, who has said he wants to ‘curtail’ the powers of the Strasbourg court, said: ‘There can be no clearer example of why we need changes to the human rights framework.

‘The European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg has extended its remit into areas which have little to do with real human rights issues and I intend to bring forward proposals about how we change that.’

Andrew Percy, Tory MP for Brigg and Goole, said: ‘When you commit a crime such as murder you should lose your rights and liberties.’

The doors were opened to a flood of new applications by a 2007 Strasbourg ruling in the case of a convicted killer, Kirk Dickson.

Dickson and a friend kicked to death a 41-year-old man in 1995 and he was sentenced to a minimum of 15 years.

He met his wife Lorraine through a prison pen pal scheme while she was serving 12 months for a £20,000 benefit fraud. 

They married in 2000 after her release but while he was still behind bars.

In 2001 David Blunkett rejected the couple’s application to authorise her access to sperm donation from him for IVF treatment.

With at least £20,000 in legal aid, they took the case to the High Court and the Court of Appeal but were rejected at every turn.
In 2007 the case went to Strasbourg, when Dickson was 35 and his wife 49.

Ministers fought the case, arguing that losing the opportunity to have children was an inevitable result of being jailed.
But the Grand Chamber of the European Court of Human Rights ruled that the Dicksons’ rights had been breached and handed them £18,000 in damages.  (that works out to $29,000.00)


Does it get any crazier than this?  Sure it will. This is Europe. And this England is no longer a truly sovereign state.  They say it is but be assured, these folks are quite delusional.  The left has seen to that and has been at work here for a very long time.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 12/29/2012 at 09:00 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEEUro-peonsJudges-Courts-LawyersUK •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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