Death once had a near-Sarah Palin experience.

calendar   Monday - September 28, 2009



I’m not believin’ this. Or maybe I don’t understand something. Or maybe I’m dumber then I thought I wuz. Words really fail here so ... read it all for yourselves and see if maybe you can explain it. Somehow.  It apparently makes all kinds of sense to the ppl doing it.


By Fay Schlesinger
Last updated at 1:41 AM on 28th September 2009

When Tracy Ryan spotted a suspected burglar emerging from the dog sanctuary where she works, she thought she would have little problem pointing him out to police.

After all, he had a large port-wine stain on his face.

But when police set up an identity parade, they refused to take the man’s distinctive birthmark into account - in case it infringed his human rights.

An officer from the Nottinghamshire force explained that the mark was too rare to be included in a profile of the burglar when it was entered into a computer database.

It would leave only a small pool of potential suspects in the electronic ID parade, he said, breaking police rules.

Under laws designed to take into account ‘the rights and freedoms of the public’, witnesses must be shown a minimum of 12 photographs before they are allowed to identify a suspect.

These are selected from a database of people who have passed through custody in Nottinghamshire, in the hope that the burglar is already known to police.

Because only a handful of people on a database had a birthmark or port-wine stain, the characteristic gave fewer than 12 results.
The characteristic was subsequently removed and the search was broadened.

This forced Mrs Ryan, 39, to examine the faces of 93 suspects, none of which she recognised.

It was on August 25 that £300 in charity donations was stolen from the Crossing Cottage Greyhound Sanctuary in Sutton on Trent, Nottinghamshire.

Mrs Ryan noted that, apart from his birthmark, the suspected culprit was tall and wore a white tracksuit. She also took his car registration number.

Police have subsequently made an arrest and Mrs Ryan is due to attend a second identification parade which will include the suspect, who is on bail.

He will be pictured alongside 11 people of a similar appearance. But if he has a birthmark, it will still be kept secret.

The suspected thief and the other participants will be made to cover one side of their face.

Mrs Ryan said: ‘Surely an unusual characteristic like a big birthmark should help a police investigation?

‘If there were just four or five people on the database with such marks, all the better.

‘I understand police have to follow procedures, but to me the

rules are flawed and amount to a pretty lame excuse.’

Her boss John Morton, who manages the home for 30 former racing dogs as part of the Retired Greyhound Trust, said: ‘The police are saying they can’t infringe human rights. But what about our human rights?

‘We are law-abiding people who have been victims of crime, and the police have a responsibility to maximise their chances of solving that crime. If this is the law, it has to be changed.’

Joanne Hall, of Nottinghamshire Police, said the force had to abide by the rules of the Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984.

She said: ‘The witness had to be shown not less than 12 photographs at a time. PACE sets out to strike the right balance between the powers of the police and the rights and freedoms of the public.’

***Police use two principal variations of the identity parade technique - picture viewing and Viper.

The first, when no suspect has been identified or arrested, involves creating a profile of the suspect based on the witness’s observations, such as height, build and hair colour.

At least 12 potential suspects are then selected from a database of those previously in custody.

Viper is used when police have a suspect in mind or have made an arrest. The suspect is recorded on video and shown to the witness alongside 11 other innocent people who bear a resemblance to him.

If the original suspect has a rare facial feature, such as a birth mark or tattoo, matching ID parade participants can prove impossible to find.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/28/2009 at 02:58 AM   
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calendar   Saturday - September 26, 2009


Thing is, where there is thought to be a reward, mommies can’t look after each others children. It’s the law.
It’s to protect kids.  It’s also insane and I’d bet just another way for the state to raise money which reminds me ...

There’s gonna be a new Broadband tax of £6 (almost $12) on every home with a phone line, even if no computer in the house.
It’s to raise more money to provide Broadband service in remote areas that have none.

ALSO ... The miserable bastard powers that be in Liebour want to institute another charge to help local town councils. Major grocery chains have free parking right?  Uh huh. But the BPTB (bastard powers that be) are going to add on as much as £600 to the stores tax bill .....

The Tories (Conservatives) say they will not allow that if they win the next election and will fight it now. We’ll see. But what matters at the moment is the trend of thinking among this socialist govt. God they get me seeing red so often it seems to be the only color I recognize anymore. If that passes, you know who’ll end up paying the freight.
Meanwhile, back to the mommies and another brilliant bowel movement by this government.  Sheesh.

Children’s Minister Vernon Coaker said: ‘The legislation is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all children. But we need to be sure it does not penalise hard-working families. My department is discussing with Ofsted the interpretation of the word “reward".

Mothers are banned from looking after each other’s children

By Sarah Harris
Last updated at 3:28 PM on 26th September 2009

Two working mothers have been banned from looking after each other’s toddlers because they are not registered childminders.

The close friends’ private arrangement had let them both return to part-time jobs at the same company.

However, a whistleblower reported them to the education watchdog Ofsted and it found their informal deal broke the law.

This was because little-known rules say friends cannot gain a ‘reward’ by looking after a child for more than two hours outside the child’s home without agreeing to a number of checks including one from the Criminal Records Bureau.

Although the mothers never paid each other, their job-sharing deal was judged to be a ‘reward’. Campaigners fear thousands of working families could be innocently breaking the rules by relying on close friends for informal childcare.

A Downing Street petition in protest at the treatment of the two mothers has already received 1,600 signatures.

Educational campaigner Dr Richard House labelled the case as ‘absolutely scandalous’.

He said: ‘There is no conceivable rationale behind it. It’s like making the assumption that all parents are paedophiles and they have to prove that they aren’t. As soon as we create a society like that then family life ceases. Parents have to have the confidence to make their own choices about their own children. This is absolutely extraordinary.’

The women, who have not been identified, had given birth at similar times. When their daughters passed their first birthday, they decided to return to work part-time at the same firm.

The colleagues agreed to look after each other’s children as part of the job share. They are said to be ‘very good friends’ and the girls were so close they had grown up ‘like sisters’.

However, it is understood that someone believed they were acting illegally as childminders and reported them to Ofsted.

The women have now put their girls into official childcare ‘meaning they can’t work as they wished due to the elevated costs’, friends say.

Ofsted regulations state that where a person cares for at least one child for ‘reward’ in their own house for more than two hours in any one day they must be registered with them as childminders.

Reward is interpreted as ‘the supply of services or goods’ or ‘reciprocal arrangements, not just money changing hands.

The rules particularly affect close friends because relatives, such as grandparents, do not have to register with Ofsted. Nor do nannies as they provide childcare in a parent’s house.

Some 1,654 people have signed the No10 petition, calling for a change of the meaning of ‘reward’ to ‘money and gifts’ in the Childcare Act to allow reciprocal deals.

A circular with the petition says: ‘Caring for a child for reward is classed as childminding and requires the carer to be registered with Ofsted. In this case, Ofsted say that the reward is free childcare when the mothers themselves go to work!’

It adds: ‘In an age when the Government want women to return to work, why is it made so difficult for people?’

An Ofsted spokesman confirmed it had been called in after a complaint.

Children’s Minister Vernon Coaker said: ‘The legislation is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of all children. But we need to be sure it does not penalise hard-working families. My department is discussing with Ofsted the interpretation of the word “reward”.’

A whistle blower reported them. How many times have I heard that.  I’m all for crime reporting but come on.  This country seem loaded with folks who report all sorts of off the wall stuff. Busy bodies.
Gee ... and I’m gonna be stuck here for awhile. Could be as much as two years. And that’s assuming I can get the wife back into the USA. Meanwhile of course, I grow older.  ok ... cut me a tiny bit of slack while I feel sorry for myself.  kay, I’m over it now and anyway the weather isn’t bad these days. Hey, maybe we can both sneak into the US as illegals. Ooops. Can’t do that. Never get away with it. We’re white.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/26/2009 at 12:00 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - September 24, 2009

UPDATE … To a story that recently appeared here and I’ll bet nobody is surprised.


BMEWS will recall that story from the other day.  Briefly to recap for those who don’t know.

Four school boys grabbed a young girl, tied her to a fence and beat her with a skip rope. Another kid saw what was happening and ran into the school and got an employee who ran out and got the girl free and also managed to get a couple of the little bastards.
The school reported to the girls parents that that their kid was hurt in a skip rope accident. Clearly a freeken lie by ppl who would normally instruct kids to be truthful.  Or they should and they might if they weren’t the same sort of shits as the boys who abused that little girl.
Well, the lady who saved the kid informed the parents of the truth, and got herself fired for her trouble.
And that brings us to this UPDATE on that story.

( A dinner lady is the person who dishes out the lunches in school cafeteria)

Bully exposed by sacked school employee revealed to be son of school governor

By Sarah Harris
Last updated at 12:30 PM on 24th September 2009

One of the bullies at the centre of a row over a sacked dinner lady is the son of a school governor.

Carol Hill, 60, was sacked for telling the parents of seven-year-old Chloe David that their daughter had been tied up and whipped in the school playground.

The school had informed Scott and Claire David she had simply been ‘hurt’ in an incident with a skipping rope.

Mrs Hill was suspended after the incident in June and yesterday it emerged that she had been fired by a disciplinary tribunal for breaching pupil confidentiality at Great Tey Primary School, near Colchester, Essex.

Angry parents are demanding the resignation of headteacher and governors at the school and some are threatening to remove their children if Mrs Hill is not reinstated.

Parents have questioned whether Mrs Hill’s sacking was influenced by the fact that a governor, who did not take part in disciplinary hearings, is mother of one of the four boys accused of tying Chloe’s wrists and ankles with the skipping rope.

Sarah Harris, 36, who has two children at the school, said the treatment of the dinner lady was unfair.

‘Maybe this would have been dealt with differently had a governor’s child not been involved,’ she told The Times.

‘You put your trust in these people not only to teach your children but to keep them safe and look after their pastoral care.

‘I am worried and very concerned as to what else may have been covered up.’


Sure does tell us a lot about our wonderful new world.  And of course we are all surprised by this. Instead of a damn good whipping the little SOB’s mommy covers up and costs someone their job. No sweat, no conscience, and no wonder her little angel is a snot faced bastard along with his friends.  And if she didn’t personally cover it up, then the school admin did. None of them should ever again be allowed to work in that sort of position.  But what are the chances of that happening?


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/24/2009 at 11:53 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEEducationJack Booted ThugsUK •  
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I got this piece of sick stomach churning crap from James Delingpole who of course got it from another person. Love the way the blog world works, HATE the way indoctranation is taking place in my country. Do I still have one btw?
I LOVED President Reagan, I voted for him in Calif. as gov. and I voted for him as president and I’m sorry he couldn’t serve in office longer coz I’d have kept voting for him. BUT ... I would have been much embarrassed and unhappy if school kids were taught songs in his praise. No way.  That smacks of something else altogether and this really bothers me.  You guy may already know but for those who don’t, well, misery just loves company. Doesn’t it?
So here. You can be miserable with me.


This is what Delingpole had to say on the subject.

Next time my daughter comes home from school saying she has been studying Mary Seacole (again) for Black History Week, or compulsorily watching a video called An Inconvenient Truth or one her teachers has suggested she “Go Veggie” for a day, I shall play this video and be grateful for one small mercy:

No British primary school teacher, however rabidly left-wing and deranged (if that’s not a tautology?), is ever going to be coaching their class in a hymn of praise to Gordon Brown.

September 24th, 2009 Here’s some footage to gladden the heart: children at an elementary school in New Jersey being coached by their teacher to sing a song in praise of their Dear Leader. (Hat Tip: Steve Foley)

Once upon a time I worked with song writers and musicians in Nashville. Whoever put this together hasn’t got “IT.” That writing spark. Glad they don’t or this could be worse. They might buy their way onto Billboard.

Barack Hussein Obama
He said that all must lend a hand [?]
To make this country strong again
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said we must be clear today
Equal work means equal pay
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said that we must take a stand
To make sure everyone gets a chance
Mmm, mmm, mm!

Barack Hussein Obama
He said Red, Yellow, Black or White
All are equal in his sight
Mmm, mmm, mm!

I couldn’t even listen or watch the whole thing.  While you’re viewing this I’m off to find an Alka Seltzer.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/24/2009 at 08:14 AM   
Filed Under: • CommiesCULTURE IN DECLINEDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEducationOutrageous •  
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calendar   Wednesday - September 23, 2009

What kind of chance do kids have with stupid idiots teaching in schools? And this one is stupid!

Oh Boy.  Here we are again with this racist pc bull. It just seems to get worse and not better. Ppl complain and still, things stay the same or grow worse.

So the little boy (age 9) is playing with a friend. He says something that a teacher then claims was, “inappropriate language.”

If this article is accurate, if the Mail hasn’t taken any liberties with the facts, then it goes to show how deeply and politically correct folks have become.
Soon folks will be afraid to open their mouths for fear of maybe saying the wrong or politically incorrect thing.
I’d really like to shoot those dumb ass schmucks. Here ya go. Read this one.

Boy, 9, told to apologise for ‘racist’ taunt to Polish classmate while playing soldiers in lesson

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:46 PM on 23rd September 2009

A nine-year-old schoolboy was branded racist by teachers after playing a game of soldiers with a Polish friend, his parents have claimed.

Steven Cheek was reprimanded for pointing a finger at the Eastern European classmate and said: ‘We’ve got to shoot the German army’.

His teacher immediately sent him to see the deputy head, who forced him to stand in front of the class and make a humiliating apology.

Steven’s mother Jane Hennessey, 37, of Harlow, Essex, slammed teachers for ‘over-reacting to kids playing games’.

She said: ‘Steven has always wanted to join the Army when he grows up. That’s his burning ambition and he loved learning about the war in class.

‘He’s not a racist - he’s only nine years old and he didn’t single out the Polish boy, who is one of his good friends. That just happened to be who he was playing with.

‘The deputy head shouted at Steven and said ‘that’s racism’, which is ridiculous because he has a Polish aunt and they were on our side during the war.

‘He didn’t understand what he had done wrong - he was just playing a game like kids always do. He came home after being told off and said ‘Mum what’s racism?’

‘I think the school has over-reacted and been very heavy-handed. They could have quietly told him off instead of turning it into a big issue.’

Steven was hauled before the deputy headteacher of Purford Green Junior School, in Harlow, Essex, on September 11 during a lesson.

He pretended to fire a gun with his finger at a fellow pupil, who happened to be Polish, and saying: ‘We’ve got to shoot the German army’.

Teachers claimed that Steven was singling out the pupil, who has not been named, and forced him to apologise publicly for being racist.

But Steven’s mum Jane, who lives with his electrician father Darren Cheek, 39, and sister Amy, 18, claims the boys are friends and were playing a game.

She said: ‘He was just playing like boys do. I am so angry and he has been upset by it because he does not know why he has been told off.

‘Steven has a Polish auntie and he has been bullied since the incident after he had to stand up in front of class.

‘What made me furious was that the head has carried out an official report on Steven which will stay on his record in the future.’

source and more to read here


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/23/2009 at 11:15 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - September 22, 2009


Correct. Leave all the lights burning cox it’ll really piss off the greens.

OK so. Here’s our story of doom and one for the books.

Every time I ask can things and ppl get any dumber, they do.

Little girl, school kid, is attacked by four boys ,, and she’s tied to fence and whipped. Nice huh?  They’re just yoots having fun.  So … a lady who works at the school saves the kid , she had to be dragged away from the yoots and suffered rope burns in addition to being beaten.

Well …. the lady who saved the little girl told the parents what happened but no matter.  The school told the parents that the girl was injured in a skipping rope accident.  Turns out they lied.

Result … lady who saved the girl and informed parents of the truth of it all, got the sack. Yeah.. the school fired her because …. ready?

She breached pupil ( that is the punks) confidentiality.  Oh that makes sense. The miserable bastards who tied up the girl get “confidentiality” the victim gets bruises and rope burns, and the woman who dragged the girl to safety gets fired.  Yup … That’s about right for this freeken country these days.
Justice would be to tie those boys to a fence and dish out the same treatment.  Then use the little snots to harvest body parts for the law abiding ill.

Sacked for exposing the bullies: School employee is fired for telling parents girl had been whipped

Last updated at 1:46 AM on 22nd September 2009

A school employee who told the parents of a seven-year-old girl that she had been viciously bullied in the playground has been sacked.
Scott and Claire David were simply informed in a letter home that their daughter Chloe had been ‘hurt’ in an incident with a skipping rope.
In fact, she had been tied to a fence, whipped by four boys, had to be dragged to safety and suffered burns to her wrists.

But the attempted cover-up was exposed when Carol Hill - a school employee who saved her from further injury - bumped into Mr and Mrs David and told them what really happened.
Mrs Hill, 60, was suspended after the incident in June and yesterday it emerged that she has been fired by a disciplinary tribunal for breaching pupil confidentiality at Great Tey Primary School, near Colchester, Essex.

The decision has been condemned by the girl’s family, who were prevented from giving evidence on Mrs Hill’s behalf.
Other parents at the school are considering withdrawing their children in protest.
Friends say that Mrs Hill, from Great Tey, who has worked at the school for almost eight years, is ‘shocked and very disappointed’ but is planning to appeal.

One said: ‘She thinks she’s been treated really shabbily but she insists that if she saw a child being bullied again she would definitely step in like she did.’
Her husband, Ron, said: ‘She’s not been eating and has been really down. I can’t describe how cross I am. I can’t believe it’s got this far. She’s done nothing wrong.’
Mrs Hill has previously told how another pupil alerted her to the bullying incident. She found Chloe bound up and terrified.

She said: ‘She had eight knots around her wrists and had been whipped across the legs with a skipping rope. I took her back into the school, along with four boys who had been seen with her. Two admitted it.’

Mr and Mrs David say Chloe, who had rope burns to her wrists and whip marks on her legs, was sent home with an accident notification letter. They could not find out what exactly had happened as she was in shock and refused to talk about it.

Later that evening, Mrs Hill was helping at a Beaver Scouts meeting and went over to Mrs David to say she was sorry about what happened.
Speaking in July, she said: ‘As I was talking to her it became clear she did not know the whole story. I had to tell her because she then realised there was more to it.’
Mr and Mrs David have since withdrawn Chloe and their five-year-old son, Cameron, from the school.

They say that if Mrs Hill had not told them, they would never have been alerted to what had really happened. They later demanded to see the school’s accident book which stated that Chloe had been tied up.
Mr David, 33, a steel worker, said last night: ‘I’m disgusted and shocked that Mrs Hill has been sacked and I’m disgusted that the school has been able to cover everything up.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/22/2009 at 08:11 AM   
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Just another one of those this place is damned well DOOMED stories. Yawn. This is life in the UK

I have another story to follow that makes even less sense and is worse in every way.

I will never understand so don’t try and explain it, how these folks came to be so freeken STUPID! OK you can try and explain and I’ll listen but I still can not understand where common sense and logic went to. Off with the fairies somewhere.
See what ya make of this.

Man arrested for carrying out citizen’s arrest on yobs ‘who threw apples at him and his wife’

Last updated at 12:16 AM on 22nd September 2009

When police failed to help after Roland Digby’s house was repeatedly pelted with apples by a gang of youths, the father-of-three tried to perform a citizen’s arrest.
But instead of the yobs, it is he who has been left facing court.
He was arrested and charged with common assault after allegedly placing his hand on a 16-year-old’s shoulder to restrain him.

The youth swore at him and a scuffle broke out, so Mr Digby put him in a ‘full-nelson’ behind-the-back armlock ‘to make sure he didn’t get away’.
About 15 other teenagers then joined the fray, which ended after several minutes when Mr Digby escaped with a ‘clipped lip’.

But despite four 999 calls no officers turned up to his house. When they did arrive five days later, it was Mr Digby that was arrested.
The courier driver, 49, said: ‘ People who stand up for their own rights face a criminal record, while the perpetrators get off. I am totally disgusted by this. The police have just hung me out to dry.

‘When I was young, if someone told you to disappear, you would, but now people say you can’t touch them or you’ll get in trouble.
‘I have lived in this town for 25 years and used to run an off-licence. I always complied with enforcing ID checks and I had a good relationship with the police.
‘They know me well but I am shocked by what has happened.’

Mr Digby, from Royston, Hertfordshire, says his property had already been targeted twice in a week by youths throwing dozens of crab apples from a nearby BMX bike track.
Despite calling 999 each time, police only turned up hours after the incident, when the teenagers were nowhere to be seen.

After a third night of harassment on September 3, when more than 20 teenagers pelted him and his wife Janette with apples as they sat in their garden, Mr Digby called the police at 8.30pm and went to confront the group.

Mr Digby complained to two passing policeman on the way home after he broke free from the scuffle.
They told him to go back to the house and wait, but at 11pm he received a call saying no officers would be able to attend that evening. When he was arrested Mr Digby refused to accept a caution and was charged.

He will appear in Stevenage Magistrates’ Court tomorrow, but is unrepentant and plans to plead not guilty. He said: ‘I don’t even know if the kid complained about me or if police finally went to investigate my complaint and arrested me as a result of his story.’

The law allows any person to make a citizen’s arrest as long as they use only ‘reasonable force’.
It is understood that the level of force Mr Digby used to restrain the boy will be at the centre of the court case.

None of the youths have been arrested but police are investigating Mr Digby’s claims about the apple-throwing and scuffle.
A spokesman for Hertfordshire Police said: ‘This is a matter reviewed by the CPS who felt there was enough evidence to bring charges against Mr Digby.

‘However, we have not lost sight of the circumstances surrounding this incident which are still under investigation and are committed to resolving the complexities of this case with all parties involved.’



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/22/2009 at 07:26 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - September 20, 2009


I hardly know where to begin I’m so damn tongue tied at the moment.  (holler and pull what hair is left)
Of all the stupid freakin - fracken idiocy this has to top the list. And btw.  Brits are not alone. Oh no. Germany and Holland just two more adherents to the church of Bore. Mind you it’s in the name of gween.  Fuckin jerks!  This place is screwed if this goes thru. Wait. It’s already screwed thanks to Liebour.

How to get folks OUT OF CARS and more ppl on bikes. In case of accident, blame the drivers involved in accidents with bikes or pedestrians, even if they are NOT at fault. There ya go. That’ll work.  That’ll get more ppl out of cars.  Jeesh.

Cycling plan to blame drivers for all crashes

Ministers are considering a far-reaching change in the law in a bid to promote greener transport
From The Sunday Times

MINISTERS are considering making motorists legally responsible for accidents involving cyclists or pedestrians, even if they are not at fault.
Government advisers are pushing for changes in the civil law that will make the most powerful vehicle involved in a collision automatically liable for insurance and compensation purposes.

The move, intended to encourage greater take-up of environmentally friendly modes of transport, is likely to anger some drivers, many of whom already perceive themselves to be the victims of moneyspinning speed cameras and overzealous traffic wardens.
Many will argue that it is the risky behaviour of some cyclists — particularly those who jump red lights and ride the wrong way along one-way streets — that is to blame for a significant number of crashes.
However, policy-makers believe radical action is required to get people out of cars and onto bicycles or to walk more. Only 1%-2% of journeys are at present made by bike.

Other proposals to promote greener — and healthier — transport include the imposition of blanket 20mph zones on residential streets.
Supporters want such measures to be included in the government’s National Cycling Plan and Active Transport Strategy, due to be published soon.

Phillip Darnton, chief executive of Cycling England, an agency funded by the Department for Transport (DfT) to promote cycling, said four key policy changes were needed. “I would like to see the legal onus placed on motorists when there are accidents; speed limits reduced to 20mph on suburban and residential roads; cycling taught to all schoolchildren; and cycling provision included in major planning applications,” said Darnton.

Such proposals will be seen by some as part of a battle for control of Britain’s roads between motorists, cyclists and pedestrians.
In London, where cycling has bucked the national trend and increased sharply, clashes are already common.
Last week James Martin, the television celebrity chef, described in a newspaper his joy at running a group of cyclists off the road and into a hedge while test-driving a sports car. Martin was forced to apologise after thousands of angry cyclists protested.

Matthew Parris, a columnist for The Times, was similarly forced to backtrack last year after suggesting that piano wire should be strung across roads to decapitate cyclists. Parris said he was joking, but statistics show that cyclists are actually among the most vulnerable road users, with 115 deaths last year alone.
Last month Harry Wilmers, 25, a mental health support worker, was killed when his bicycle was hit by a lorry in Manchester. Wilmers was the boyfriend of Rebecca Stephenson, the daughter of Sir Paul Stephenson, the Metropolitan police commissioner.

The government is spending £100m on building cycle routes in 18 pilot towns. Yet motorists and residents are often infuriated at seeing swathes of road space, or the kerbs where they park their cars, turned into cycle lanes. Councils in York, Huddersfield and Cambridge, have all had to deal with anti-cycling protests.

Last week lobbyists for cycling and walking groups met Jessica Matthew, the DfT official in charge of sustainable transport who is drafting the National Cycling Plan. Placing the onus of responsibility on motorists is perhaps the most controversial move under consideration.
Such scheme would place the presumption of blame against whoever was driving the most powerful vehicle involved in an accident, so they or their insurers would be liable for costs or damages.

If a cyclist were hit by a car, the presumption of blame would fall on the driver, while a cyclist would automatically be blamed if he or she knocked down a pedestrian.
Similar policies — which would not extend to criminal law — have already been adopted by Germany and Holland, where transport campaigners say they have had a significant influence in changing attitudes towards cycling.

Matthew, who has been briefing Lord Adonis, the transport secretary, also confirmed that ministers want to slash speed limits in urban areas.
Her report is expected to recommend that councils should introduce 20mph zones in all residential streets and on other roads with high numbers of cyclists or pedestrians. This would include roads around schools, markets and shopping areas, as long as they are not major through routes.

Edmund King, president of the AA, said it was wrong to see cyclists and motorists as separate and opposed groups. “Many cyclists are motorists and many motorists are cyclists,” he said.
“Simple changes in the law that assume one party is in the wrong because of what they drive will not help harmony on the roads.”


Here ya go England. The BMEWS Tiger has the answer and it could work. Pay attention!

When the hell are the people in the UK going to toss Labour out on its ear, FOREVER?  They’ve done an incredible amount of damage.  Whoever gets in really needs to consider an omnibus bill that simply disbands any and all new agencies/departments/councils/laws/regulations passed by Labour during the time they were in.

Yeah, it’ll create a bit of a mess, but NOTHING like what was created BY Labour when they were in.
Posted by Argentium G. Tiger


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/20/2009 at 08:59 AM   
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Christian hoteliers charged with insulting Muslim guest, and it’s a criminal offence.

You bet it is and if the paper’s reporting is honest and unbiased (?) then this is outrageous.

The way it reads, it was more discussion then insult. So why the charges?

This isn’t the only weird pc article today with regard to religious matters.  A nurse (yes, another one) faces the sack because she has worn a small cross on a chain while on duty. Woo-hoo.  How many patients died?  This religious pandering PC shit will be the death of the country yet.  Unless its already dead and there wasn’t anyone left to bury the corpse. 

A Christian couple who run a hotel have been charged with a criminal offence for allegedly insulting a female Muslim guest about her beliefs.

By Jonathan Wynne-Jones, Religious Affairs Correspondent
Sunday Telegraph

Ben and Sharon Vogelenzang are charged with breaching Section 5 of the Public Order Act – causing harassment, alarm or distress. If convicted, they face fines of £2,500 each and a criminal record.
The Muslim woman was staying at the Bounty House Hotel in Liverpool, which is run by the Vogelenzangs, when a conversation arose between the hoteliers and their guest about her faith.

t is understood that among the topics debated was whether Jesus was a minor prophet, as Islam teaches, or whether he was the Son of God, as Christianity teaches.
Among the things Mr Vogelenzang, 53, is alleged to have said is that Mohammad was a warlord. His wife, 54, is said to have stated that Muslim dress is a form of bondage for women.
The conversation, on March 20, was reported by the woman to Merseyside Police. Officers told the couple that they wanted to interview them over the incident.

After being questioned on April 20, they were interrogated again three months later before being charged on July 29 with a religiously-aggravated public order offence. They appeared in court on August 14 and are now awaiting trial.

Mr and Mrs Vogelenzang do not accept that they were threatening or abusive in any way. David White, who is representing them, said that they believe they have the right to defend their religious beliefs.

Their case is being funded by the Christian Institute, which has backed a number of Christians in legal disputes.

A spokesman for the Institute said: “We are funding Ben and Sharon’s defence because we believe important issues of religious liberty and free speech are at stake.

“In many instances we have detected a worrying tendency for public bodies to misapply the law in a way that seems to sideline Christianity more than other faiths.”

A police spokesman said: “Merseyside Police can confirm that Benjamin Vogelenzang and Sharon Vogelenzang, both of Fazakerley, were charged with a religiously-aggravated public order offence on 29 July 2009. This follows an incident on 20 March 2009.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 09/20/2009 at 02:39 AM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINEDaily LifeNanny StateRoPMAUK •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
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  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
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It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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