Sarah Palin is the only woman who can make Tony Romo WIN a playoff.

calendar   Saturday - January 11, 2014

now what?

I guess our deep dark super freezing period is over. It’s wobby out. Just a bit below freezing this morning, so we had 2” of snow. Dry and sunny all day, getting warmer, so we had the fogs by mid afternoon. Wet and drippy by later on, it rained on and off all evening. Looked like it might be another freezing rain/ice storm, so we made sure to spread plenty of those little white pellets of not-salt ice melter around. Now, in the early part of the Middle of the Night, we’re gettting big fat drops of rain. Sounds like summer rain on leaves outside. Plop plop plop. But it’s just above freezing.

Maybe tomorrow will be less of a borderline day.

Hey, we won 5 ouf 7 in Cheap League. And the ladies saved our skins for once in Game 3. Yay, them! This team in this 16 team league is somewhere in the middle of the pack, floating around about 8th place. That’s a good place to be for a social league.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 01/11/2014 at 01:25 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - January 08, 2014

Late Night Thanks etc

It’s 4am.

It’s 4° out. Down here at the PC, it’s 67°.

Thank you New Jersey Central Power & Gas.

In Good Omens, the wonderful book he co-authored with Neil Gaiman, Terry Pratchett opines that the central focus of thousands of years of civilization has been to get as far away from nature as possible. On nights like this, I happily agree.

We took 5 out of 7 in Greed League tonight. We needed a sub, and some guy BJ just walked up to us and volunteered. He was pretty drunk, but he sure could bowl. First game he threw a 233. So we bought him a beer; second game he threw a 277. So we bought him another beer; third game he threw a 216. Good enough! We had a fun time, and we’ll call him again next time. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 01/08/2014 at 04:03 AM   
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calendar   Monday - December 30, 2013

winning by winning

We earned 13 out of 16 points tonight at Late League. They use the match point scoring system, with the players sorted by their averages. So our high average bowler is pitted against your high average bowler, and so on. This minimizes handicap pins, and gives everyone a direct opponent along with trying to win the overall game for the team. It adds a lot of competition and fun.

I won all 4, beating my opponent in each game plus having a higher series total. Plus I put a total of 79 more pins into the “bucket” to help my team win each game. So, yay. And now that I’m home, I’ll have a drink. I’m limiting myself to 1 or fewer beers at league; not just to save money or cut calories, but because while I do need to relax to bowl well, I also need to stay focused. So I don’t drink at all unless I go there on a full stomach, which I didn’t do tonight.

So it was a fun night.

And BRRRR ... somebody turned the heat off outside again, and it’s winter once again. Fr-fr-freezing!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/30/2013 at 11:55 PM   
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calendar   Tuesday - December 24, 2013

winning by not losing

We took 10 out of 16 points at Late League tonight. Conditions were terrible. Nobody could roll anything decent, and it was split city all night. I threw ... a 518 series I think? Gak. But it was enough to win a point in games 1 and 3, and give me overall against my opponent. So 3 out of 4 for me, because he sucked worse than I did tonight.  And sometimes, that’s how it goes.

Due to Christmas Eve and New Year’s, we get 2 weeks off from Greed League. Fine by me.

And now for a well deserved drink. See what I have to mix in with this eggnog stuff in the fridge. And tomorrow ... the holiday fun really begins!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/24/2013 at 12:14 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - December 17, 2013

yay and yuck

Took all 7 against the 1st place team tonight at Greed League. Don’t ask me how. Holiday Miracle I guess. I threw a 621 so I’m happy with that; all games over average. Good enough.

A bit tired now.

But it beats being in Mada-freakin-gascar and having the damned Bubonic Pneumonic Plague.

Local authorities in Madagascar say 20 people have died since last week because of what they suspect to be an outbreak of bubonic plague.

Police in the northwestern district of Mandritsara said Wednesday the deceased could not be treated in time. They say more than 20 others suspected of being infected are currently receiving treatment.
The plague, known as the Black Death, killed millions in Europe in the Middle Ages but is now extremely rare and can be treated. It is carried by bacteria that primarily are carried by wild rodents

Today, the plague is a rare malady. Antibiotics are largely to thank for this. However, more than 80% of the world’s remaining bubonic plague cases come from Madagascar alone, often spread within the island’s prisons due to cramped and unhygienic conditions. Last year, Madagascar reported 60 deaths from the plague, the highest number in the world.

Black Death plague was the single biggest killer of people across the world from the fourteenth through the seventeenth centuries, and surprisingly today, the bubonic plague is still a big problem in many parts of the world.

The latest outbreak has occurred in Madagascar, where an even more vicious strain of the plague than the one in the Middle Ages has killed 39 people so far, according to a government statement last Thursday.

A doctor with the government said that 90 percent of the cases seen were pneumonic plague, a strain that is more severe than the common bubonic plague, typically killing victims within three days, leaving little time for antibiotics to work their magic.
The outbreak has been blamed on an infestation of rats in residential areas due to uncontrolled deforestation.

Horry Clap.  The rats have taken over in the filthy slums, coming out of the fields and forests, because the island has been stripped bare of nearly all the plant life by the natives, who will eat or burn anything.  The de-greening of this once magnificent spice island has given us a whole new world, “lavaka”, to describe a nearly unique kind of erosion only found in a few other places around the world.

This really sucks.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 12/17/2013 at 09:36 PM   
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calendar   Monday - October 28, 2013

another position round at another league

Monday Night Money League ... the place where I’m a permanent substitute it seems (8 weeks out of 8 so far) ... first position round tonight. So I was up against M again, and she’s pretty good (considering she’s worked at the alley for 20+ years). This league uses the Match Point method of scoring, which makes it very mano a mano competitive. And the handicaps are individual, which makes it even harder. So I had to give M 3 pins, but I beat her by enough the first game to take the individual point. My team won it all that game, so we got all 4 points, 3 individual and the overall win one.

M rolled really well in Game 2, and while I came back strong I couldn’t quite catch her 209+3=212 score with my 208, so she got that point. Worse, my teammates screwed the pooch big time in that game, so we got nothing and ceded all 4 points to our opponents.

Game 3 saw me trying to rev up my guys. Come on, let’s win this, we can do it, let’s rock! But it wasn’t to be. They were flatter than a bicycle tire from 30 years ago. I got in my groove, and lead M from the 2nd frame, and even though she finished strongly with X X XX8 I was stronger with X X X XX9 and beat her by 48 pins, so I got the point for Game 3 and the one for our individual series. So I earned 3 all by myself, and shared in earning 1 for our side. And since these guys didn’t power up to win in Game 3 either, we lost the night 10-6, but we’ll stay in 7th place because we were 10.5 points ahead of M’s team. Now we’re only 6.5 points ahead. Sure do wish they’d go back to bowling like they did the first 3 weeks of the season. I thought I was on a team with the pros!

All I can say for tonight is, thank goodness for the sub! grin


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/28/2013 at 10:52 PM   
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calendar   Wednesday - October 02, 2013

Rural Bowling

I was gonna say Redneck, but come on.

I’m watching these guys at Greed League last night, playing with their smart phones. They’ve got a couple of pictures on one of them, and they’re all passing the phone around to look.

“Wow, check out the rack on this one!”

“Nah, the other one was better. Not quite as big, but better shape.”

“Yeah, but did you see the tips? They really stuck out! Like icicles!”

“Here, check this one out. It’s got to be a 40, maybe a 42”

“You know, you can judge from the size of the head. They’re all about 8” across. So I’d say that one was a 40 at most, probably only a 38.”

“Ok, but still, that’s a helluva rack!”

Men. They’re all pigs. Right?


They were looking at pictures of deer. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/02/2013 at 08:15 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - October 01, 2013

best so far

I did quite well in Triples League last night, bowling my best series and highest game ever.

My match up on the other team was this little old lady J. She didn’t throw the ball fast, or hard, or with a giant lane crossing hook. Actually, she throws a backup ball, right handed but using the left hander’s line. And it works pretty well for her. Now that we’re in the 4th week, my book average has rolled off, so the average I’m using is now based on how I’ve bowled in this league for the past 3 weeks. And that’s pretty good, taking me from last year’s high book average of 185 up to 193. Hers was 170, so I had to give her 18 pins with the 80% handicap. So I beat her in the first game, raw, with a 191, but she got me by 5 with the handicap. I rolled a bit better in the second game with a 205, again topping her raw score, but the handicap gave her the win by 1. Both those games were a bit of mixed bag points-wise, with us losing the team totals but winning a couple of individual points. So we weren’t in the best spot, and we wanted to hang on to as much of our team’s points lead in the standings (we’re in 1st by 11.5) as we could. So we buckled down and got really focused. Late in the second game I left 3 10 pins in a row, and while I made 2 of them, yay! (10 pins suck), it was time to make an adjustment. I’d already moved up half a shoe on my starting spot, which often fixes a 10 pin leave, but it wasn’t doing it. So I asked “coach Fuzzy”, my teammate Bill who seems real good at analyzing my kind of bowling. And he said I should move a board to the right, or maybe half a board. I went with one and finished the game with 4 X for the 205. So you can see I had been doing poorly up to then - a 140 in the 8th. Boo, hiss. Right. So we got focused, and found the groove. Boy howdy did we.

I threw a 279 in game 3. My highest game ever, by 1 pin. 9/ in the 1st, followed by 9 X. Bam bam bam bam bam bam bam. Conditions were breaking down, and by the 4th frame my ball was going Brooklyn, crossing over to hit in the lefty’s 1-2 pocket, but still striking. I threw four of those in a row, which caused J to bust my chops a bit that I was using up all the strikes on her side. Yeah, right? And that’s when folks told me that she’s from a family of semi-pro bowlers, her husband and son both having gone on the tour a couple times. Hmm, a ringer, eh? Sneaky little old ladies! But I made an adjustment anyway, because throwing Brooklyns is kind of risky. Sometimes they work, and sometimes you get a terrible leave. Much better to use the proper pocket. Safer. So I kept my new starting point, and I moved my target down and out. 2 feet down, 2 boards over. And rolled that line. Bam bam bam. I kept reminding myself that each frame was just another frame, put the ball out on the spot, come through, remember to snick my fingers to get the revs up. And it worked. It’s very easy to get nervous after throwing a big bunch of strikes when you don’t usually, but I beat that. No way, I want to win. So, one frame at a time. And I struck into the 10th, 9 in a row. My 2nd ball in the 10th I forgot to snick and the ball rolled weak, leaving the 5 pin. Drat. But the 5 is an easy pick up; it’s still a strike ball throw. Mostly. No real adjustment needed, or you can move your feet left one. I just threw the ball, and picked it off. 9/ X X X X X X X X X 9/. 279. Nice. Best game ever, by 1. 675 series, best ever by 3.

The other two guys on my team tore up the lanes in game 3 as well, throwing a 248 and a 275. Good bowlers in this league, oh yes! And we trampled, winning that game by 230 pins. ( I was so focused I never even looked at the scores until the game was over ) Which gave us the wood for the night, and all 3 individual points in that game, and the 3rd game win, and all 3 series points. So we took 12 out of 16, and I’m pretty sure that keeps us in 1st with at least 16. A lead equal to a whole week’s worth of points. Not bad for Week 4. And only 31 weeks to go!

And I’m still the sub. Because the “official” team member isn’t sure if he’s going to join or not. So none of this is costing me anything. So far.

Greed League tonight, then I sub again on the Wednesday early league. Plus I got some practice in Sunday morning, and we have Fun League Friday night. So I’m getting lots of practice in. And it seems to be helping. My average in this league will now be 201; that’s the first time I have ever had a 200+ average. Ever. So I’m a little nervous about my ability to defend that ... oh hella no. I want it, so I’m going to keep it. Eyes down, straighten the elbow on the push away, let the ball swing, get it out there, snap on the release, come up through the ball, second arrow. Ole! I can do this.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/01/2013 at 07:45 AM   
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calendar   Monday - September 23, 2013

three times the sub

Subbed for the Triples money league again tonight. Hey, free bowling for me.

And it’s super competitive, using the 16 point system instead of the 7 point system. I like it.

I helped the team to big wins the last 2 weeks, and we won big again tonight, 12.5 points out of 16. I covered my man in all 3 games, so I won 4 points for the team, and my scores helped us get the total for games 1 and 3. 177, 183, and then something just clicked and I threw a 255. So that’s my first 250+ game this season, and another 600+ series. So somebody ought to be sending me a couple of those USBC fridge magnets we all love so well.

Greed League tomorrow, where we’ll “discuss” the prize fund schemes.  rolleyes  Hey, at least I tried to get them to see things the right way.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/23/2013 at 10:44 PM   
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calendar   Friday - September 20, 2013

fun league

597 for the night. Not a 652, but not bad for just screwing around.

We took 5. Of 7. On the Bye Week. Bowling against ourselves. This is called “bowling with the wives”, so we had FUN!!

oh well ...


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/20/2013 at 08:26 PM   
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calendar   Thursday - September 19, 2013

A Nice Series

I subbed for the Wednesday night league last night. A whole sea of familiar faces; I know just about everyone on that league. As a sub, I didn’t have to pay. And while I was out to bowl my best, I really was just filling in for someone else’s team. So there was no pressure at all on me, which left me free to concentrate on putting the ball down exactly the same every throw in exactly the same spot. And paying better attention to the changing conditions. I got some good advice from one of the guys on the team I subbed for Monday: put some pressure in my fingertips so the ball would snap more strongly off my hand. And he was right.

I threw a 652 series. 223, 225, 204. On my 185 book average. So I gave my temporary teammates nearly 100 pins. They were happy. I was happy too; I’ve only thrown a better series than this two or three times ever. So maybe I’m learning, finally.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 09/19/2013 at 10:14 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - August 29, 2013

Bowling Math

A Pig In A Poke

A pig in a poke is a very old expression, used to warn people about getting into situations where they aren’t really sure of all the details. A poke is some kind of bag or box I guess. If you’re buying a pig this way, all you know is that you’re buying a pig. You don’t know if it’s a boar or a sow, or how big the pig is, or whether it even comes with all four legs. All you can hear is the oinking, so you lay your money down and hope your porcine dreams come true. But really, you’re running blind.

This is a lot like the prize allocation in bowling league. Early in the season, everybody votes for one of several payout schemes, and almost everyone only sees the big prize amounts for the winners. Problem is, regardless of the size of the league, there is only one winner. Everybody else is a loser, to some degree. And come the end of the year when the prize money actually gets handed out, it’s almost a guarantee that somebody (in the last place or two) will get their nose out of joint because they feel ripped off. And if they’re mad enough, they don’t come back next year, and the league shrinks. If this happens year after year, eventually the league dies from attrition. And yet every year, the guys figuring out the prize amounts always concentrate on the top prizes first, and the lower placing teams get the leftovers. And then they wonder why teams quit the league.

I’ve heard that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.

So I set out to fix that, or at least to explore the process to my satisfaction. And I found an odd thing: it seems to matter more to bowlers how much money they get back then what the actual cost is. And that does not make sense at all.

Let’s say you go to a store and see some item you want to buy. Call it an impulse purchase; you’re going to buy this thing in this store, a mystery box, no matter what it costs. You don’t know the price. So you give the cashier a $20, get your box, and she gives you $15 change. Instead of focusing on how much the box cost, you only notice that you got back $15. $15!! The next time you’re in that store, you impulsively buy another mystery box. A pig in a poke. This time, you give the cashier a $50, and she gives you $45 change. Wow, $45!! This is even better! The third time you’re in that store, you’re a bit short on cash, yet you buy another mystery box. You hand over $5, get your box, but you get no change at all. And you feel robbed. Hey, last time I got $45 back!  And somehow you never notice that the box cost $5 every time. That’s how bowler’s minds work when it comes to prize money.

I built a bunch of spreadsheets. Each one is a prize money calculator, based on different payment schemes. At the core, all of them are driven by a fairness algorithm based on the simple Sigma series of Σ 0 to n = n(n-1)/2. In English, that means that I’m cutting up a chunk of the prize money pie into lots of perfectly even slices, one for everybody, and then the rest of the pie is chopped into different small equal bits (I call them “cuts") which are doled out according to a team’s final placement. The higher your team places, the more small bits you get, in addition to your basic slice. Last place gets no extra cuts, second to last gets one, third to last gets two, and so on. This creates a perfectly even stepwise allocation. No matter what place you’re in, the next place down gets awarded one cut less, and the next place up from you gets awarded one cut more. The bigger the value of a cut is, the smaller the basic slices are, and the wider the steps are between adjacent places. Make the cut too big and the losers cry and quit, make it zero and every place gets awarded the same amount, so why bother. Somewhere in between is the perfect spot.

n = number of teams
Basic Slice = (Prize Money - ( (n(n-1)/2 * Cut Value )/n

Prize Money = Income - Expenses (well, duh)

And this works out very well. There is no huge money gap between 1st and 2nd, or 3rd and 4th, or anywhere. Each place gets exactly $Cut Value more than the place below them. And you can even run the numbers in your head, since the number of cuts for any given place is always ( n - Place ), no matter how big or small the league is.

And then I saw the magic. Math-o-magic. The actual cost of bowling for any particular place is akin to that mystery box; the more you put in (weekly dues), the more you get out (prize money for Place X), yet the price of the box (net cost per bowler per game for Place X) never changes. Which completely destroys the thesis of “let’s raise the dues so there’s more money in the prize fund”. As long as the weekly dues are enough to both cover expenses and to give the last place team a prize of at least nothing, then it doesn’t matter whether weekly dues are $15, $20, or $500: the net cost for any Place is always the same. So why not set the dues as low as possible?

The other thing I found was the “I quit” threshold for the prize allocation for last place. And found that it can be avoided by making the Cut Value smaller. And that’s what I really set out to do with all of this, to find the way of keeping everyone (even the losingist losers) happy enough to come back next year.

This is going to be a hard sell. I can drop the price of league by a third, yet the net costs don’t change. And I figured out how to keep teams from quitting over cheap prizes. But like the proverbial monkeys in the cage with the fire hose, bowlers are hide-bound traditionalists, change resistant to the core, and to them “We’ve always done it this other way” is their major argument. Even as it takes them closer to the grave, year after year.

image image

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/29/2013 at 08:36 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - July 25, 2013

minor miracle on the lanes

The stars must have been properly aligned for me at summer league last night. The weather was as well; it was 70° inside with 68% humidity. Finally, a summer’s night bowling where I wasn’t sweating constantly!

I stayed relaxed and concentrated, kept my head down and my shoulders open, and once I’d found a line that worked I kept with it the whole evening, bowling low and slow. I put the ball over my target spot almost every frame, maybe +/- a quarter of a board. And bowled the best series of my life, a 672. 248, 169 (drat those 10 pins!), 255. Loads of strikes, maybe 30 for the night? Yeah, closing another 2 or 3 frames would earned me that elusive 700 series I want so badly, but considering how poorly I’ve bowled this summer, this series should be good enough to win me one of those sweet 150 Over Average pins. Sweet. Oh wait, it’s a 140 Over pin? Sweeter - that’s a guarantee then. Always nice to get new decorations for the refrigerator!


Now if I can just remember to do the flip-to-the-right release on my spare ball, I can make more of those 10 pin corner spares. So a 700 ... maybe this year. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/25/2013 at 07:34 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - July 17, 2013


Since for once I am speechless and can think of nothing, and also since I have not yet had breakfast or even coffee, I leave this heartwarming article of family sport to your tender mercies. lol.

They’re not the only gays in the village!: Bowling alley chief hits back at lesbians who claim they were refused family ticket because of ‘discrimination’

Michelle Giddins and Gemma Lloyd claim they were discriminated against
They claim Palace Superbowl refused them a money - off ‘family deal’
But Palace Superbowl said they were refused service for ‘foul language’

By Neil Sears

A lesbian couple are threatening to sue for discrimination after being refused a family ticket to a bowling alley with their two sons.

Michelle Giddins and Gemma Lloyd, both 28, who have been together since February, say they and their boys were upset to be told that families were made up of a husband and wife and two children.

But the boss of the Palace Superbowl company hit back at Miss Giddins, saying: ‘She’s not the only gay in the village – she wasn’t refused a ticket because of her sexuality, but because of her foul language.’

He said the firm has gay directors and the manager of its other branch is gay.

The very modern dispute – which carries echoes of a damages claim last year won by a gay couple barred from a bed and breakfast – broke out at the Palace Superbowl in Orpington, Kent.

Miss Giddins and Miss Lloyd, who live together in nearby Bexley, were having a day out with their respective children from previous heterosexual relationships – Joshua, six, and Matthew, five.

The pair, who are planning to enter a civil partnership in August next year, said they asked for a family ticket at £15.50, because buying individual tickets for two adults and two children would have cost £18.70.

‘He said a husband and a wife and two children is a family – that made me mad. We had to prove we were a family so I showed the manager a picture of us which I had in my purse of us all together.

‘We are never going back. I did swear when I was there, but only because we were being discriminated against in front of the children. I’m now looking into whether I can take legal action.’




Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/17/2013 at 01:51 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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