Sarah Palin is the reason compasses point North.

calendar   Wednesday - September 22, 2004

More UN Crap

Looks like our asshole buddy Jacques Chirac is up to his old tricks again. He and his butt-buddy Lula daSilva from Brazil are proposing a global tax on arms sales and financial transactions under the guise of helping the poor in the world.

This is nothing more than another oil-for-food program where bastards like these are the only ones benefiting and the people it is purported to help end up getting screwed.

You need only understand that one of these shitheads is a socialist and the other a communist (the Brazilian) That should be enough to send you into a fiscal panic.

Chirac and his type tried this before some time ago at the G-8 conference.  They made it seem like the “tax” was so low the individual would never really notice it (something in the order of some thousandths of a percent) But when you calculate the TRILLIONS of dollars that float around every day, this is a gold mine for these corrupt money grabbing fucktards.

DAMMIT!  This shit pisses me off and now I am in a foul mood.  Excuse me while I go out digging in my garden to vent some anger.  I’ll be back on the be-back bus.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/22/2004 at 06:40 AM   
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Thanks UN!  And Kofi Annan, too!!

I got this tip from one of our readers, Renee. How she found it I have no clue. It took some digging and I finally located what she was talking about. (hey, I am not C-B.S.  I CHECK my sources!!)

Here’s a direct quote from Kofi Annan made 13 Sep 04. You read it and tell me what you think is wrong with it.

The Secretary-General is deeply concerned about the humanitarian impact of Hurricane Ivan, which has wreaked havoc across the Caribbean.  The Secretary-General is deeply saddened by the loss of life, injuries and destruction that have resulted from the disaster.  He wishes to convey his condolences to the people and Governments of Barbados, Grenada, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Trinidad and Tobago.  The Secretary-General requests the international community to offer solidarity and the resources necessary to alleviate the hurricane’s effects.

So I guess the multiple billions of dollars’ impact on the US is not worthy of mention nor of concern by this goat-fucking assbite, is it?

To be fair I searched the site for any comment made after the storm passed and also looked for comments made after Charley and Frances.  Result:  ZIP!  NADA!  ZERO!  NONE!

I guess all we are to the UN is nothing more than a money bag for the charlatans working there, the corruption rampant there, and the molly-coddling of dictators ruling the countries represented there.

I searched high and low for a good email link but the Secretary General has none. So here is a generic link:

If anyone knows a better onet, please pass it on to the rest of us so we can send this vile piece of humanity a piece of our minds.

Mine was as follows:

To Secretary General Annan:

I read your 13 Sep 04 message about how you were concerned for the people of the Caribbean affected by Hurricane Ivan. That was nice.

Yet after reading it I realized there was a huge omission in that statement.  Said omission resulted in a furtherance of my belief that the UN, like an ungrateful child who expects everything given him by his parents without need for thanking them, is that ungrateful child.  Given the tens of billions of dollars of destruction caused by three hurricanes to the US not to mention economic loss and large loss of life, we don’t deserve any mention do we?  What country is at the forefront of providing all manner of aid to anyone suffering natural calamaties?  Is it your homeland, Ghana?  Maybe Argentina?  China, right?  NO!  THE UNITED STATES!  And what happens when we are faced with devastating catastrophies?  Not a peep from the UN requesting other countries help us out.  Nice thanks we get.

I guess all we are good for to you and your Iraqi oil-for-food embezzling minions is nothing more than being the money bags supporting UN operations on our soil whose money is supporting ungrateful heathens posing as representatives of oppressive nations, whose money continues to fund the charlatans working at the UN, whose money furthers the corruption rampant there, and whose money allows for the molly-coddling of dictators ruling the countries represented there.

Yep, I guess that’s all we’re good for.  We’re just the United States.  Some bastard child unworthy of mention.

Thanks, Mr. Annan.  You have given me further ammunition to continue my personal campaign to oust you and your ilk out of our country.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/22/2004 at 05:51 AM   
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Hump Day Humor

A tip o’ the hat to Joanny for this ringing product endorsement!!

Dear Tide,

I’m writing to say what an excellent product you have!  I’ve used it all through my married life, as my Mom always told me it was the best. Now that I am in my fifties, I find it even better! In fact, about a month ago, I spilled some red wine on my new white blouse. My inconsiderate and uncaring husband started to berate me about how clumsy I was, and generally started becoming a pain in the neck.

One thing led to another and somehow I ended up with a lot of his blood on my white blouse. I tried to get the stain out using a bargain detergent, but it just wouldn’t come out.  After a quick trip to the supermarket, I purchased a bottle of liquid Tide with bleach alternative, and to my surprise and satisfaction, all of the stains came out!

In fact, the stains came out so well the detectives who came by yesterday told me that the DNA tests on my blouse were negative and then my attorney called and said that I would no longer be considered a suspect in the disappearance of my husband. 

What a relief!  Going through menopause is bad enough without being a murder suspect!  I thank you, once again, for having such a great product.

Well, gotta go.  I have to write a letter to the Hefty bag people.




Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/22/2004 at 05:40 AM   
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The Daily Dose

Quote Of The Day

“Outside of a dog, a book is man’s best friend. Inside of a dog it’s too dark to read.” —Groucho Marx

On This Day In History
September 22nd

1776 American Patriot executed for spying

In New York City, Nathan Hale, a Connecticut schoolteacher and captain in the Continental Army, is executed by the British for spying.

A graduate of Yale University, Hale joined a Connecticut regiment in 1775 and served in the successful siege of British-occupied Boston. In the summer of 1776, he crossed behind British lines on Long Island in civilian clothes to spy on the British. While returning with the intelligence information, British soldiers captured Hale near the American lines and charged him with espionage. Taken to New York, he was hanged without trial the next day.

Before being executed, legend holds that Hale said, “I only regret that I have but one life to lose for my country.” There is no historical record to prove that Hale actually made this statement, but if he did he may have been inspired by the lines in English author Joseph Addison’s 1713 play Cato: “What a pity it is/That we can die but once to serve our country.”

1980 Iran-Iraq War

Long-standing border disputes and political turmoil in Iran prompt Iraqi President Saddam Hussein to launch an invasion of Iran’s oil-producing province of Khuzestan. After initial advances, the Iraqi offense was repulsed. In 1982, Iraq voluntarily withdrew and sought a peace agreement, but the Ayatollah Khomeini renewed fighting. Stalemates and the deaths of thousands of young Iranian conscripts in Iraq followed. Population centers in both countries were bombed, and Iraq employed chemical weapons. In the Persian Gulf, a “tanker war” curtailed shipping and increased oil prices. In 1988, Iran agreed to a cease-fire.

Today’s Birthdays

Michael Faraday, 1791–1867, English scientist
Tommy Lasorda, 1927-- , Baseball manager

Thanks to The Quotations Page - The History Channel - The Biography Channel.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/22/2004 at 05:20 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - September 21, 2004

Weird Bits

Political correctness is alive and well in Florida. A recent law requires municipalities to identify and propose new names for locations deemed politically incorrect.  Soon we will lose colorful names like:  Jap Rock, Negro Island, Jewfish Creek and Cracker Swamp

Since the original intent behind the naming of these places is not known guess what government must now do?

“ We need to figure out whether or not it was done in a derogatory manner.”

Can anyone say, “re-writing history?”

This shit pisses me off and I can only hope local municipalities tell the state to go fuck off!

Speaking of determining intent, read this and think hard about what will happen to your trusts after you die. Especially if you are fortunate enough to die with a shitload of money and leave things to museums and such.

Seems a trust with a large art collection left behind at the death of a collector was mismanaged and some people (notably big art houses/museums and the like) want it moved to a more favorable location (to benefit them, of course.) The problem is the trust stipulated:

“that no part of it may be lent, sold or rearranged in any way. ”

Maybe this does not affect you because you are not leaving behind a trust but if you do, beware.  Should the Association of Art Museum Directors win this case, it will set precedent that donor agreements can be torn up at will.

Remember Marion Barry, the crackhead mayor of DC?  To give you any indication of the level of intelligence the people living in DC possess, we find that Marion has won a seat on the City’s Commission! Then again, what do you exepct from those folks?  FORONS!!  They deserve whatever shit happens to them now.

What is it about Black folks that make them do stupid things like this.  Have they no pride?

Sitting on bar stools causes pregnancies?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/21/2004 at 06:06 PM   
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Headin’ Out

Allan here. I’m loaded up and about to leave, headed south on I-65. I have $100 woth of bottled water and $100 worth of ice that I need to get moving with. I intend to give it all away to family members who are still without power and to anyone else who needs it. I’ll be back Friday, gang. As Vilmar told you earlier today, I finally found my son late last night and he’s OK. So far, all of my family has reported in without injuries or deaths. I’ll have more on the destruction when I return.

For right now, I want to leave a message for Dan Rather: “Dan, read this! Take heed! I expect you to do the right thing!”


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 09/21/2004 at 12:51 PM   
Filed Under: • Media-BiasPersonal •  
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More Outrageous Dummycrap Behavior

Read these and tell me if you believe Dems have either shame or honor or a sense of decency.

From the land of Californicators (of course) we see where a city council candidate is passing out leaflets advocating the assassination of President Bush.  It’s one thing to sit around wishing someone would get shot but to openly advocate it?

And in typical dummycrap fashion, when asked if he’s ever committed a violent act this scumbag replied “no” but also added:

“But if I did, I wouldn’t be honest about it”

You still think Dems are honorable?

In Gainesville, home to one of our readers, I find this little gem about a (don’t be too surprised now) SOCIAL BEHAVIOR SCIENCES teacher slugging the head of the Republican Executive Committee in Alachua County.  Yep, a teacher (natch!, most are socialists, anyway!) of SOCIAL BEHAVIOR!!!!!!!

I hope they fire the bastard but knowing unions, he’ll be idolized for doing what he did.

Lastly we have a story where cops in New York are seeking this guy who actually threatened to kill the president.

What’s up with these wack-jobs anyway?

If anyone can point me to articles where Republicans are getting arrested for such behavior or even threatening such behavior against Fuckface I would appreciate it.  Don’t just tell me about them; I want the LINKS!  Verifiable links, not Dan Blather-type links!


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/21/2004 at 07:08 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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An Interesting Little Poll

The Washington Post-ABC News Poll taken last week showed some very interesting data.  Check out the percentage numbers below which show the likeability standings of several individuals in the time periods annotated.

Michael Jordan: 83% (2000)
Tony Blair: 76% (2003)
Pope John Paul II: 73% (2003) (note: hey!  what’s to dislike about this guy?)
Democratic Party: 54% (2004) (note:  that’s a stretch!)
John Ashcroft: 49% (2003) (note: the seemingly most reviled man in America pulls a 49%)
Michael Dukakis: 47% (1988) (note: yep, after riding the tank!)
Prince Charles: 45% (2003)
Herbert Hoover: 43% (1944) (note: taken as people were crawling out of the depression and during a war requiring rationing!)
Jesse Jackson: 38% (2003) (note: damn!  THAT high?)
Vladimir Putin: 38% (2003)
John Kerry: 36% (2004) (note:  yep!  The Poodle ranks lower than Pooty Poot Putin!  And a step above McCarthy!)
Martha Stewart: 36% (2004)
Joseph McCarthy: 35% (1954)
Rush Limbaugh: 34% (2003)
Pete Rose: 34% (2004)
O.J. Simpson: 29% (1995)
Osama bin Laden: 1% (2001)

John F**king Kerry AKA The Poodle AKA Waffler AKA Mr. Flip-Flop AKA Fuckface’s numbers FELL 18 points over the past six months!!  How low can he go?


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/21/2004 at 06:07 AM   
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Leno’s Late Night Humor

** Last night of course was the Emmy Awards. HBO won 32. NBC took home 8. And CBS News gave back 4.

** Anybody watch TV Saturday night? I was watching the opening of the new Hooters in Atlantic City, no I’m sorry that was the Miss America Pageant.

** Congratulations to Miss California who won the talent competition. Her talent staying a virgin in California for 22 years.

** Let’s see what’s going on over at CBS News. CBS as of today which stands for “can’t backup story”.

** Dan Rather admitted that he was misled about the authenticity of those documents. Dan was furious. In fact today he was talking about that 86 yr-old former Texas National Guard Secretary and he said, “The bitch set me up!”

** Last night opposite the Emmys, NBC showed “Titanic”. I saw a ship coming down, I thought it was the Kerry campaign.

** President Bush still continuing to lead in the polls. In fact when John Kerry was told the latest poll numbers, he called President Clinton again. Not for advice, just to make sure he had his vote. “You’re still with me right?”

** Did you know John Kerry is going to be appearing on “Dr. Phil” next week. Is that how bad his campaign is going? He needs grief counseling now?

** Congratulations this weekend to Britney Spears – not for getting married, for staying married so long. What is it 52 hours now?! Just a couple of hours from breaking the old 55 hour record. I think these kids are going to make it.

** She married Kevin Federline who was her backup dancers, and apparently here backup husband as well.

** Britney sent out wedding invitations, but only to her closest friends. Well they weren’t really invitations. It’s like a season pass. You’ll get into all the 2004 weddings. Any of the weddings up until January, you are in! Walk right up. Don’t even show anything.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/21/2004 at 05:58 AM   
Filed Under: • Humor •  
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Star Trek Comes To Iraq?

Could it be that a 21st century version of Star Trek’s phasers are coming to our military?

This is great news!  Now, if they could miniaturize it, boost the power and include “deadly” or “lethal” in addition to “stun” we might have something here.

Hell, with the right settings our troops can place terrorists in a pen full of pigs, hit “VERY WELL DONE VERY QUICK,” point it at the pigs which would then blow up showering the sheetheads not only with pig parts but pig poop, too.  Of course, we’d then shoot the sons of bitches immediately.

Yeah, Mohammed, go to your 72 whores smelling like pig shit and REALLY impress them!  hehehehe


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/21/2004 at 05:40 AM   
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And The Flip-Flops Keep Rolling Right Along

Now we have Fuckface saying he’d not have taken out Saddam Hussein!!!! I mean, this is incredible!  How can this cretinous fucktard look himself in the mirror every day and admire what he sees?

Please, someone, hold me down and restrain me before I do or say something really stupid.

Help me here as I can not possibly keep track of the positions.  Kerry started way back by:

--- first approving a bill authorizing war
--- then he voted against funding
--- then he said we should spend as much money as needed to win the war
--- then he said he would have voted for force if he were Presdient
--- then he said it was the wrong war at the wrong time
--- then he said he’d not have taken out Saddam

Do I have it right or did I miss a few?  Please let me know as I’ve lost track.

Like all small dogs, The Poodle should be punted (HARD!) to a far away place so we don’t have to hear his nuanced bark.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/21/2004 at 05:37 AM   
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More Bullshit At C-B.S.

If you want to get even more pissed off at what CBS did concerning Blather-Gate, check out this story where Kerry advisors were consulted on the memos.

Now Joe Lockhart is denying he was the second person to talk to Burkett prior to release of the story.

It drives me into a blind rage when I see this crap taking place and CBS denying they are not biased.  If they weren’t then how come NO ONE from the Bush Administration was ever consulted?  Why were all the people consulted members of the DNC or Democratic party?

Think about it:  that what they did is a felony!  Therefore to refuse to admit who provided the forged memos makes them accomplices to that felony.  And all C--B.S. can do is say that although the papers are forged, the allegations and story behind it has an element of truth to it.

This is nothing more than corruption at the highest levels of CBS, the DNC and the Kerry campaign.  And you can tell how bad it is when all you get is denial, denial, denial, denial.

I just hope the Republican National Committee unleashes its big dog lawyers and goes after these fucking sons of bitches.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/21/2004 at 05:34 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsMedia-Bias •  
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Two announcements first thing today.

Number 1:

We have a winner!!!!

Yep, we have a winner in our contest to pick the date and time closest to when we’d hit 102,000 visitors.

And the winner is............

(drum roll, please.....)


She picked Monday, 5 PM and we totaled over at about 8:15 PM so she was within 3 hours or so of the correct time.

So, Dottie, please send me an email when you are ready to post the first of your 10 guest entries and I will explain how you go about doing so, OK?

Number 2:

If you read what happened in history today you’ll get set up for what’s going on.  Allan has left us for a few days to help his family clean up from the mess Ivan caused.

He was pretty stressed out at not having been able to contact his son since last week and yesterday was finally able to.  The family is well but the place is trashed.  I am sure all of us are relieved no one was hurt.  It makes cleaning up much easier to deal with.

To give you an idea of what it might be like in the panhandle of Florida or southern Alabama right now, think about what you would do if your home was trashed, you had no electricity, the prospects for electricity repairs are dim and may take months and hundreds of your neighbors are in the same boat meaning finding contractors to do repairs is difficult.

---Where do you live?  A hotel for months?  IS there a hotel near by to go to or is the nearest one dozens of miles away?  Do you live in a tent in your yard? How long before you are at each others’ throats in a small room or tent ?
---What about going to work?  IS there work to go to or did it get wiped out, too?
---If your job is still there how long can you stay away to clean up?
---Got kids? What about schools and meals for them?  Any busses running? For that matter are the roads passable? If the school is trashed where do you send them AND deal with all the above?

Lots of things to think about, eh?  And I’ve only begun to scratch the surface.

Anyway, Allan should be back Friday so along with me I hope you all wish him and his family well.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/21/2004 at 05:31 AM   
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The Daily Dose

Quote Of The Day

“I wonder if other dogs think poodles are members of a weird religious cult.”
-- Rita Rudner

On This Day In History
September 21st

Without warning, a powerful Category 3 hurricane slams into Long Island and southern New England, causing 600 deaths and devastating coastal cities and towns. Also called the Long Island Express, the Great New England Hurricane of 1938 was the most destructive storm to strike the region in the 20th century.
The officially unnamed hurricane was born out a tropical cyclone that developed in the eastern Atlantic on September 10, 1938, near the Cape Verde Islands. Six days later, the captain of a Brazilian freighter sighted the storm northeast of Puerto Rico and radioed a warning to the U.S. Weather Bureau (now the National Weather Service). It was expected that the storm would make landfall in south Florida, and hurricane-experienced coastal citizens stocked up on supplies and boarded up their homes. On September 19, however, the storm suddenly changed direction and began moving north, parallel to the eastern seaboard.

Charlie Pierce, a junior forecaster in the U.S. Weather Bureau, was sure that the hurricane was heading for the Northeast, but the chief forecaster overruled him. It had been well over a century since New England had been hit by a substantial hurricane, and few believed it could happen again. Hurricanes rarely persist after encountering the cold waters of the North Atlantic. However, this hurricane was moving north at an unusually rapid pace--more than 60 mph--and was following a track over the warm waters of the Gulf Stream.

With Europe on the brink of war over the worsening Sudetenland crisis, little media attention was given to the powerful hurricane at sea. There was no advanced meteorological technology, such as radar, radio buoys, or satellite imagery, to warn of the hurricane’s approach. By the time the U.S. Weather Bureau learned that the Category 3 storm was on a collision course with Long Island on the afternoon of September 21, it was too late for a warning.

Along the south shore of Long Island, the sky began to darken and the wind picked up. Fishermen and boaters were at sea, and summer residents enjoying the end of the season were in their beachfront homes. Around 2:30 p.m., the full force of the hurricane made landfall, unfortunately around high tide. Surges of ocean water and waves 40 feet tall swallowed up coastal homes. At Westhampton, which lay directly in the path of the storm, 150 beach homes were destroyed, about a third of which were pulled into the swelling ocean. Winds exceeded 100 mph. Inland, people were drowned in flooding, killed by uprooted trees and falling debris, and electrocuted by downed electrical lines.

At 4 p.m., the center of the hurricane crossed the Long Island Sound and reached Connecticut. Rivers swollen by a week of steady rain spilled over and washed away roadways. In New London, a short circuit in a flooded building started a fire that was fanned by the 100 mph winds into an inferno. Much of the business district was consumed.

The hurricane gained intensity as it passed into Rhode Island. Winds in excess of 120 mph caused a storm surge of 12 to 15 feet in Narragansett Bay, destroying coastal homes and entire fleets of boats at yacht clubs and marinas. The waters of the bay surged into Providence harbor around 5 p.m., rapidly submerging the downtown area of Rhode Island’s capital under more than 13 feet of water. Many people were swept away.

The hurricane then raced northward across Massachusetts, gaining speed again and causing great flooding. In Milton, south of Boston, the Blue Hill Observatory recorded one of the highest wind gusts in history, an astounding 186 mph. Boston was hit hard, and “Old Ironsides"--the historic ship U.S. Constitution--was torn from its moorings in Boston Navy Yard and suffered slight damage. Hundreds of other ships were not so lucky.

The hurricane lost intensity as it passed over northern New England, but by the time the storm reached Canada around 11 p.m. it was still powerful enough to cause widespread damage. The Great New England Hurricane finally dissipated over Canada that night.

All told, 700 people were killed by the hurricane, 600 of them in Long Island and southern New England. Some 700 people were injured. Nearly 9,000 homes and buildings were destroyed, and 15,000 damaged. Nearly 3,000 ships were sunk or wrecked. Power lines were downed across the region, causing widespread blackouts. Innumerable trees were felled, and 12 new inlets were created on Long Island. Railroads were destroyed and farms were obliterated. Total damages were $306 million, which equals $18 billion in today’s dollars, making the Great New England Hurricane the sixth costliest hurricane in U.S. history.

Today’s Birthdays

H. G. Wells, 1866–1946, English author.
Larry Hagman, 1931--, Actor
Stephen King, 1947-- , Author
Bill Murray, 1950-- , Comedian, Actor

Thanks to The Quotations Page - The History Channel - The Biography Channel.


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler   United States  on 09/21/2004 at 05:11 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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