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calendar   Wednesday - July 09, 2014

deutschland deutschland über alles, so far

Take Zat!!

Germany 7  :  Brasil 1

Not that I give a pig’s whistle about soccer, but it’s nice to see at least one team in this never ending World Cup thing at least score a reasonable number of goals for a change.

Brazil trailed Germany 1-0 with 22 minutes gone in its World Cup soccer semifinal. Seven minutes later, the host nation’s bid to win a record-extending sixth title was over after it had allowed four more goals.

“There were 10 minutes when I don’t know what happened,” Brazil defender Marcelo told reporters after yesterday’s game in Belo Horizonte. “Today was the worst day of our lives. The Brazilian people have every right to criticize us.”

Germany won the most lopsided World Cup semifinal 7-1. The worst defeat in Brazilian history was also the biggest loss for a tournament host. The rout ended a run of 63 competitive matches at home without a defeat for Brazil, going back to 1975.

“It’s very difficult to explain right now,” David Luiz, who captained Brazil in the absence of the suspended Thiago Silva, told reporters. “The dream is over in a way that the people didn’t want.”

Perhaps the biggest statistical surprise is that the win wasn’t Germany’s best at the World Cup. It defeated Saudi Arabia 8-0 at the 2002 edition, before going on to the final, where it lost 2-0 to Brazil.

Germany, which won the most recent of its three titles in 1990, advances to a record eighth World Cup final on July 13 in Rio de Janeiro’s Maracana stadium against two-time winner Argentina or the Netherlands, who play today.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/09/2014 at 09:58 AM   
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a brand new “ism” introduced

Just when we think there just can not be any more words to add “ism” to ... along comes an idiot academic who coins one.

It’s so f****** dumb sounding, lets hope it doesn’t catch on. But judging by what’s gone in the past, there may be little hope.

A blurb in today’s news brings us this latest loony tune.

The word for today is ....


Daily Mail

By Richard Spillett

Tackling ‘accentism’ - discriminaton against people with regional accents - is as important as the fight against racism, ageism and sexism, it has been claimed.

Prejudice against certain accents is the ‘last taboo’, according to Manchester University linguist Dr Alex Baratta, who says people are made to feel ‘fake’ when they have to ‘posh up’ while talking.

Dr Baratta is calling on employers to promise that job applicants’ accents will not be used against them in the same way as gender, sexual orientation, religion, age and race are ignored.

He said: ‘We should acknowledge that any form of workplace discrimination, to include accentism, should not be tolerated in a society which seeks to be more inclusive.

‘This is why “accentism” should be taken seriously as a problem which affects many of us.

‘Clearly, most people modify their accent not because they lack pride in it, quite the opposite in fact.

‘It’s actually because they fear the negative perceptions others might have of them if they don’t.’

Oh sure fuckin’ thing prof.
People just love connecting with call centers where the English right here here in the UK itself, is so damn thick that even other Brits hardly understand a word said.

Try communicating with some Irish and almost any Scottish call cntr.  Lots-a-luck.

There seems to be a drive on, and it’s been here for some time, to do away with the Queen’s English.
In an effort to be diverse and all inclusive, I have heard accents on the BBC I barely recognize as English. And there doesn’t appear to be any sort of voice coaching and if there is, it’s failing.  Tell someone to slow down cos you don’t understand, and they are offended.

So anyway ... I guess now there will be a brand new ‘ism’ you can be arrested and sued over.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/09/2014 at 05:26 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Tuesday - July 08, 2014




Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2014 at 11:55 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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A True Miracle Has Happened

A Worthless Government Program Has Been Canceled

I know, right? I had to sit down too. My head is spinning. But it’s true!!

“Aero Marti”, a pirate television broadcast by the US government from a high altitude airplane over Florida, so that the signal would reach Cuba, has been canceled. It’s been known for years that Castro and his minions easily jammed the broadcast, so that in all the years of it’s daily broadcast, NOT ONE CUBAN EVER SAW ANY OF IT.

9 or 10 years later, and $36 million or so down the hole, and the program was finally cut for good.

Called Aero Martí and purchased in 2006, the program included a single 1960s turboprop plane that tried to transmit US government broadcast signals to Cuba – except for the fact that the Cuban government easily jammed its signal every day so it never really worked.

For several years, the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which oversees all US government media abroad (VOA, Radio Free Europe), called for Congress to end the program but vocal anti-Cuba members of Congress refused to cut funding.

Then the plane became the victim of budget sequestration, so it was grounded in 2013 but its storage and maintenance was still paid for, to the tune of $79,524 per year – “just enough money to do nothing,” the Washington Post wrote last year.

The doomed program was finally cancelled for good in April 2014, today’s OIG report said.

The plane, whose programming was nicknamed by Cubans as la TV que non se ve, (“the TV that can’t be seen,”) cost taxpayers a total of almost $36 million in the nine years it was funded.

Even back at the very beginning there were folks who realized it was all a bunch of nonsense, but nobody would listen then either:

[Miami, September 26, 2006] U.S. Pushes Anti-Castro TV, but Is Anyone Watching?

Soon after Fidel Castro announced his mysterious illness in July, the Bush administration stepped up its anti-Castro television broadcasts to Cuba with a new $10 million system.

For the last two months, a twin-engine plane has beamed the signal of the American broadcast, called TV Martí, toward the island from over the Straits of Florida for four hours a day, six days a week, up from four hours of transmission from an Air Force plane on Saturdays. Because the plane flies at 20,000 feet, administration officials say, the Cuban government cannot jam the signal as easily as in the past, when a blimp tethered 10,000 feet over the Florida Keys did the transmitting.

But in interviews in the past two weeks, many Cubans said they still saw just snowy interference where the TV Martí broadcasts should be. About a dozen people in Havana said they still had never glimpsed the station even after the expanded airborne broadcasts began, raising questions about the usefulness of the $10 million expenditure.

Some said they would not watch the station even if they could, because they assumed that it would be biased.

“In my opinion, that is wasted money,” said a 35-year-old homemaker in Havana who, like all those interviewed, asked that her name not be used. “It’s propaganda.”

She and her husband said many Cubans tried to pick up commercial programs broadcast from Florida, but what they wanted was Spanish soap operas, not TV Martí.

The federal International Broadcasting Bureau, which also operates the Voice of America, says the purpose of Radio and TV Martí is to broadcast “accurate and objective news and information” to Cuba, where news is tightly controlled by the government.

The stations, which have broad political support among Mr. Castro’s many opponents in southern Florida, hope to have legions of Cubans tune in to pro-democracy news and talk programs and others like “Office of the Chief,” a laugh-track comedy with Cuban exile actors playing dimwitted versions of Mr. Castro and his brother Raúl.

Cuban exiles in Miami do most of the writing and acting for TV Martí, which was moved here from Washington in 1996 after intense lobbying by exile leaders. On a recent episode of “Office of the Chief,” which TV Martí calls its most popular show, an actor playing Raúl Castro said he would mummify Fidel Castro when he died by wrapping him in the pages of a book by Karl Marx, then display him on Havana’s seaside boulevard.

The laugh track went wild.

For years, though, critics of the stations have called them overly blunt tools in what should be a nuanced campaign to promote democracy in Cuba.

“The really shrill, outrageous kind of stuff they broadcast has no credibility in Cuba,” said John Nichols, a communications professor at Pennsylvania State University who studies Radio and TV Martí.

Mr. Nichols said elected officials in Washington would not dare to anger Miami’s 350,000 Cuban-American voters by eliminating a popular anti-Castro program, even if it was largely symbolic.

“It’s a litmus test of support for a certain policy on Cuba,” he said. “Few right-minded politicians or government bureaucrats are willing to take that on. So essentially we’ve created a pork-barrel patronage system and the policy is hands-off.”

Both stations have been accused of shoddy journalism and hiring practices, especially since the move to Miami, where some say they are primarily a jobs program for hard-line exiles.

In 1999, the inspector general of the State Department told Congress that the stations had “problems with balance, fairness, objectivity and adequate sourcing that impacted credibility.”

So, the broadcast had been going on for quite a long time before they got their high altitude airplane in 2006. So, the real question is: What got canceled? Is it the whole idiotic, pandering propaganda program, or just the airplane part? Is our government finally pushing back against the ornery exiles in Florida as they slowly die of old age and actually cancelling a nonsense waste of tax money that’s been pissing it away for generations, or have they only shut down the more expensive part of it, and somewhere in a rusty shack in the Florida Keys a bunch of old guys in those big white guayabera shirts are huffing and puffing, trying to re-inflate that old broadcast balloon, while the son music from BVSC plays in the background?

Or does this signal a change of attitude at the high levels of our government? One tyrant not really feeling it against another tyrant? 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2014 at 05:48 PM   
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Escalation In Israel

Rockets Rain Down In Jerusalem

Iron Dome Intercepts Several Over Tel Aviv

Hamas Firing At Least 1 Per Minute: 40 Fired In 20 Minutes

40,000 IDF Troops Called Up

Reports of rockets falling all over Israel, but no deaths yet

Breaking News: 10pm Jerusalem / 3pm East Coast USA

Amid barrage of rockets, Iron Dome makes 2nd interception over greater Tel Aviv

For second time on Tuesday evening, Gaza terrorists launch rocket at central Israel; air raid sirens sounds in Jerusalem, central Israel; Tel Aviv opens public bomb shelters; no injuries reported.

Israel came under a heavy barrage of rocket fire on Tuesday night, with code red sirens sounding off in central Israel, the Jerusalem area and as far North as Binyamina.

More than 40 rockets were fired into Israel in the biggest ever salvo of long-range fire from Gaza.

The Iron Dome rocket defense system intercepted a number of rockets and no significant injuries have been reported in the attack.

An Iron Dome battery intercepted a projectile over the greater Tel Aviv area for the second time on Tuesday evening.

Two loud thuds were heard by residents in downtown Jerusalem shortly after a rocket siren went off in the capital at approximately 10 p.m. Thousands of city residents promptly entered bomb shelters, while others remained outside and in area cafes.

According to police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld none of the rockets fired from Gaza landed directly in the city of Jerusalem, although two rockets likely landed just outside the city.

Air raid sirens were also activated in cities including Rishon Lezion, Bat Yam, Holon and Bnei Barak, but sirens were not sounded in Tel Aviv.

The Israel Air Force struck 50 targets in Gaza in past two hours as part of its ongoing Operation Protective Edge.

Earlier on Tuesday evening, the Iron Dome rocket defense system intercepted a projectile near Tel Aviv over the city of Rishon Lezion, as air raid sirens sounded in central Israeli cities for the first time amid recent escalations.

No injuries or damage were reported in the attack, which marked a widening of the range of rocket fire the Gaza Strip.

Siren sounds in Tel Aviv, Jerusalem; 16 killed in IDF strikes in Gaza

Netanyahu: The operation in Gaza could take some time; U.S. condemns rocket fire toward Israel; five armed Palestinians shot dead after crossing border into Israel; Israeli government approves call-up of 40,000 reservists.

Israel launched a series of airstrikes on Gaza militants early on Tuesday, dubbing the offensive “Operation Protective Edge.” More than 50 targets were hit in the offensive.

Meanwhile, rocket fire on Israel’s south continued. According to the IDF, eight projectiles were launched between 2 and 6 A.M.

Militants in Gaza fired more than 85 rockets toward Israel on Monday evening, with Hamas openly claiming responsibility for some of the launches for the first time since the current round of fighting began. The rockets hit several major cities in the south and, also for the first time in the current fighting, caused alarms to go off in central Israel and Jerusalem. The barrages lightly wounded two Israelis and caused property damage.

The Israel Defense Forces called up 1,500 infantry and Border Police reservists in preparation for further escalation, after the security cabinet decided on Monday afternoon to intensify attacks against Hamas and other terrorist groups in the Gaza Strip. A senior official said the ministers want to refrain from a large-scale military operation for now, but they instructed the army to prepare for significant expansion of its current operations.

Palestinian officials said Gaza was bracing for further Israeli attacks. They said Hamas had evacuated likely targets and its leaders had gone underground lest Israel attempt to assassinate them. Hamas also issued a statement on Monday night demanding that the Palestinian Authority take action against Israel, saying “national unity sometimes requires paying a price.”

Israeli television reported Tuesday that a rocket aimed at Tel Aviv was intercepted by its “Iron Dome” defense system after the country carried out airstrikes on at least 100 sites in the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip as part of a new offensive aimed at halting rocket attacks by militants.

The apparent rocket attack would be the deepest strike by Palestinian militants since Israel launched an offensive in the Gaza Strip.

Air raid sirens went off in the city, which is Israel’s commercial capital and about 45 miles north of the Gaza Strip. The Israeli military didn’t immediately confirm the report, but an explosion was heard shortly afterward.

The earlier strikes prompted President Obama to urge both sides to exercise restraint.

But the Israeli military said the strikes would help “retrieve stability to the residents of southern Israel, eliminate Hamas’ capabilities and destroy terror infrastructure operating against the State of Israel and its civilians.”

The airstrikes resulted in five Palestinian deaths and over a dozen injured, Gaza’s Health Ministry said.

“We have repeatedly warned Hamas that this must stop and Israel’s defense forces are currently acting to put an end of this once and for all,” said Mark Regev, a spokesman for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

The Israeli military said “Operation Protective Edge” looks to strike the Islamic Hamas group and end the rocket fire that has reached deeper into Israel and intensified in recent weeks.

The attacks come as tensions have soared over the killing of three Israeli teenagers and the apparent revenge killing of a Palestinian teenager by three Jewish suspects.

Nearly 300 rockets and mortars have been fired at Israel in recent weeks, including a barrage of close to 100 projectiles on Monday alone, the military said, a huge surge after years of relative quiet that followed a previous Israeli campaign to root out Gaza rocket launchers.

Israel had signaled that it would not launch a larger offensive if the militant group Hamas ceased the rocket fire. But the same time Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has instructed the military to prepare options for every scenario.

Naturally, our Godking pResident Obama has high praise for Hamas, but none for Israel.

President Barack Obama offered strong praise for Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas in an opinion piece published Tuesday in an Israeli newspaper, but had little to say about the other key player in the crisis, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“In President Abbas, Israel has a counterpart committed to a two-state solution and security cooperation with Israel,” Obama wrote in the daily Haaretz. The president offered no parallel praise for Netanyahu, who is only mentioned by name once in the piece.

Obama’s comments, published in Hebrew, Arabic and English, were his first public comments on Middle Eastern affairs since the murder of three Israeli teenagers last month touched off a new round of regional violence and deepening mistrust.

Link: 40,000 troops called up
Link: Hamas declares all Israeli citizens are now valid missile targets

This is going to get much worse before it gets any better.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2014 at 02:35 PM   
Filed Under: • IsraelWar On Terror •  
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Offended at 20,000 feet

Insensitive, Racist, Sexist Airline Safety Video Scrapped

I have hidden the terrible, offensive video below the fold. I am such an old fart, pre-PC cretin, misogynistic raycis that I can’t see a single thing wrong with it. I think it’s charming, sweet, and even a little funny. I think it’s one of the most enjoyable and adorable little films I’ve seen in ages. And I think all the women are gorgeous, from the swimwear models to the ANZ spokesperson to the native Cook Islands dancers. 

That pretty much settles it. If I think it’s great, then in today’s Bizzaro world, you know it’s Satan’s own spew covered in Hitler sauce and served with a double side of Evil Boooosh. I smell sulfur!!

Air New Zealand has scrapped an in-flight video, which features bikini clad Sports Illustrated models, after an online petition signed by thousands said it was offensive.

The airline came under criticism for the “Safety in Paradise” video —featuring models Christie Brinkley, Chrissy Teigen, Hannah Davis and Ariel Meredith running through safety pointers while looking glamorous in their bikinis on the shores of the Cook Islands.

Some 11,000 people signed an online petition asking for it to be removed, claiming it “completely disregarded” passengers who found it offensive.

“This video is culturally insensitive; it disregards those who are conservative by nature and are uncomfortable with its imagery and disregards passengers who have been exposed to sexual assault,” Natasha Young, author of the petition wrote.

I’m fairly Conservative. This vid doesn’t leave me feeling disregarded. Wait, WTF does “feels disregarded” even mean, anyway? Is that like “social justice” or something? And folks who “have been exposed to sexual assault”. Wait, what? Exposed to it? What, you saw someone being raped? Or you were yourself molested? Or were you college roommates with a morning-after accuser? That don’t jive. Anyway, what about it? Do you think that means the rest of the world, especially a distant South Pacific island where they only recently adopted White Man’s crazy idea of wearing clothing anyway, that distant little sparsely populated island where there isn’t anything to do except go to the beach, the empty, private, unseen beach ... do you the rest of the world is going to sit there on the sand in Paradise covered up from nose to toes because you once saw a girl get a surprise kiss from a guy she wasn’t interested in? Or is it the baby, those little people who are naturally naked from the get go, and mostly naked most of the time anyway?

Some people really have a stick up their arse. And I suppose that’s some kind of sexual assault these days too. Funvacs. Sucking all pleasure from life for everyone. Guess they get some kind of sour grapes power rush from that.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2014 at 10:41 AM   
Filed Under: • Politically Correct B.S. •  
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calendar   Monday - July 07, 2014

This Will Wake You Up

One Lap, Isle of Man

37.3 miles in 19.5 minutes

Turn on the speakers, turn off the lights. Start the video and click it to Full Frame. Better yet, port the vid to your big HDTV if you can.

Horry Clap. This one WILL get you up and going.


He’s only gone and done it again. Just two days after breaking his own Isle of Man TT lap record with a 19m26s lap in his Subaru WRX STI, Mark Higgins has today gone faster again.

The iron-testicled rallyist clocked a time of 19m 15s, shaving 11 seconds from his Wednesday time. Around the Isle of Man’s 37.3-mile course, that equates to an average speed of 117.5mph. That’s astonishing.

“This was a great run when everything came together, and I was able to do a much cleaner lap,” said Higgins after his run. “I am still learning where I can go flat in this car.”

“I am really happy to beat the lap records set by John McGuinness in the Zero Bikes [electric motorbikes], and the sidecar lap record as John was riding me about that!”

Higgins’s WRX STI is a stock US-spec 2015 car, save for an FIA roll cage, race seats and harness, along with toughened springs and dampers, a noisy straight exhaust (for crowd safety, apparently), and Dunlop Direzza tyres.

“I can’t say enough about the WRX STI and how much abuse it has taken,” said Higgins. “We have really ridden it hard over this course for three very fast runs.”

In a barely race prepped Subie, pretty much out of the box??

video source.

Amazing. Too bad they didn’t have a UV filter on the lens. Also too bad that I couldn’t find the motorcycle gyro Helmet Cam video from the bike race there just a couple weeks ago. They go much faster, and they do it while getting utterly horizontal and sideways in the corners. 

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/07/2014 at 11:01 PM   
Filed Under: • planes, trains, tanks, ships, machines, automobiles •  
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Mom in a box?

I saw this video at a few places earlier this week but didn’t run it. Thought it was a teaser for some new movie, maybe like Moonrise Kingdom II or something.

Killer. Mom +100 FTW.

Also ... all you old folks ... reminds you of that Bill Cosby routine from waaaaay back when, don’t it?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/07/2014 at 09:55 PM   
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Is Wes still around?

Really need to play more blitz.



Posted by Christopher   United States  on 07/07/2014 at 07:49 AM   
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calendar   Sunday - July 06, 2014

Plumb amazing

The first rule of homeowner repairs: when something isn’t working right, take it apart, clean it up, lubricate it if necessary, and put it back together. 90% of the time that fixes things, or at least delays the inevitable for another half year or so.

We had a drippy knob in the shower. We’ve got one of those mono-lever showers, American Standard circa 1978. Pull the little knob on the tub faucet to make the shower run, and adjust the hot/cold and flow volume with one big knob on this Twist and Pull shaft. And a few weeks ago it started being real hard to push in and out. And a couple days ago the only way we could get the water to shut off was to turn the dial to cold and then lean on the knob as hard as we could. Right. So Saturday it went past that point, and started dripping no matter what. And today it was rather pissing out.

So I turned off the water as much as it goes ( must get a real plumber in one of these days to put in a real valve, not the ancient POS valve there that works at best 95% ), and started the good fight. You know the drill. Run around the house and locate every tool you think might be necessary. Pull up a How To video on YouTube, only to find out that it’s for a Moen valve, and you’ve got American Standard. Close enough? We’ll see.

Go at it, but at least this time you’re being smart, thinking ahead, and you’ve got a wash cloth stuffed in the tub drain. Because of screws, washers, and other suicidal parts. Not this time you bastards! Take everything apart. Get stuck on the collar, go back to YouTube.  It says it slides off. Right. Really!! Be partway into watching another How To video when the wife comes over with the collar. Say What??? She got it off by worrying it back and forth a million times, but it came off. Fine. Great. Move ahead. Figure out how to pull the copper clip, get it out. Worry the cartridge out, pray that a zillion gallons of water don’t come shooting out with it.

Rub down the cartridge, wipe off some corrosion, inspect the washers, spin them around a bit, give the whole thing a good spray of WD-40. Dig around in the cylinder with a long screwdriver to see if anything else wants to fall out. Nothing. Fine. Put the cartridge back in, don’t forget the little C clip, lean on it real hard, get the Mrs. to wiggle the retaining clip in 85%. Figure that the decorative steel retaining collar will hold it in, so tap that one back on with several dozen light, precise whaps with a 3lb drilling hammer. Yeah. Mr. Big Hammer does it again!! Screw the front plate on, screw on the knob. Drips? No. Turn the water back on. Drips? No. Good enough. Don’t touch it until morning. We don’t need showers right now, and with the water on we can flush the toilet or rinse some dishes in the kitchen sink. Good enough. Oh, let’s fill a few plastic jugs with water just in case, so we’ll have a couple flushes if it all goes to hell in the morning. With luck, we won’t need the plumber. Not yet, not yet.

Good enough for now. Time for a drink.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/06/2014 at 11:16 PM   
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a nice end to the day … eye candy of course

Saw her photo in Sunday magazine, have no idea who she is. I mean ok she an actress. I know that cos the mag said so.
Unlike some guys ,,, I didn’t read the text or interview or whatever was being said.  I just kinda liked her looks.

Drew probably knows more about her then the person who wrote whatever it was that I didn’t read.





Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/06/2014 at 12:11 PM   
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I posted the original story that went along with the photo a few months ago.
So this is more an update.

The French appear to be somewhat stricter or at least that’s the impression.

Parents to jail, then deported and banned from returning.  Of course, Romas being who and what they are, it’s a sure bet they will try to return.
From their standpoint, I would imagine they’ll try for Britain where they will invoke human and civil rights and the right to a family life with compliments of the over abused Brit taxpayer.

As for the kiddies. Well, as you’ll read here, cos they are after all at so tender an age, the police simply let them go. Sure thing. So the little shits can continue doing what their culture instills in them.
I still don’t understand, I really don’t, why it would be so awful to give the police the authority to simply delete the scum. The kids as well. Not only would it greatly reduce the burden on the French and clean up their cities, it would work to the benefit of Europa overall. But no.
It’s a ring fenced loop that plays on and on.
What? Me worry?
Seems to be the unspoken motto of this group of sub human life forms.

‘It was industrial-scale exploitation’: Roma gang in Paris who sent children to rob holidaymakers jailed for up to eight years each

Twenty Roma parents and other family members were beginning prison sentences of up to eight years each
They sent their own children on to streets of Paris to rob holidaymakers
British tourists were among those targeted by some 40 youngsters
Each child had to ‘steal two wallets a day, or two or three mobile phones’
Judge said those sentenced were ‘involved in industrial-scale exploitation of their own children’

By Peter Allen

Twenty Roma parents and other family members who sent their own children on to the streets of Paris to rob holidaymakers were beginning prison sentences of up to eight years each yesterday.

British visitors were among the hundreds of tourists targeted each day around the Louvre, Notre Dame and the Eiffel Tower by some 40 youngsters.

There were disturbances in the court late on Friday afternoon when the tough sentences were handed down. The heaviest went to women – including mothers – involved in the crime network.

The senior judge of three involved in the case, Dominique Piot, said: ‘Each minor had to steal two wallets a day, or two or three mobile telephones.’

He said those imprisoned were ‘involved in industrial-scale exploitation of their own children’. Comparing them to modern-day Fagins, he said that children who failed in their targets were often beaten.

The offences took place between 2011 and 2012, and the youngsters involved were aged between nine and 17.

Two women and one man were sentenced to eight years, while a woman and a man got seven years each. All were permanently banned from France.

One of a series of photos showing roma kids at work.


Recently in our neck of the woods, a group of roma adults did what you see here, inside the bank itself, to a woman at the atm machine.
They are bold because generally, they are allowed to be. 


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/06/2014 at 10:40 AM   
Filed Under: • REALLY WORTHLESS and PUTRID PEOPLETravelers/Gypsies/Squatters •  
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Some Brits not well pleased as s*** hits the fan in some emails and outspoken officers.

Don’t think you’ll see things like this in USA papers.  (?)
Or maybe you already have.
Whatever .... seems a hell of a way to wage a war but then, I’m no strategist.

I’ve posted this under Guns and Gun Control, cos that sadly seems to be the way this modern war is being fought, what with good Brit troops being subject to stupid politically correct, feel nice about ourselves rules of engagement dictated by bleeding hearts far from the dirt and the sand and the blood.

Edited version of article from Daily Mail

The bloody betrayal: Intelligence emails reveal Taliban have taken back Afghan strongholds that 150 of our boys died for

For many years military experts have warned of a nightmare scenario of the Taliban returning to prominence in Helmand and across the whole of the country.
Now it appears that these fears are being realised.

But while almost all the 4,500 British troops still in Afghanistan are either confined to base or training Afghan troops, the United States Marine Corps (USMC) is continuing to take the fight to the Taliban, with the Marines suffering eight fatalities and more wounded in a series of clashes with the enemy in Helmand Province.

In his emails sent last week the British officer was disgusted by the different approaches of the UK and the US to the return of the Taliban.

‘The USMC is getting stuck in

while we [the British] are packing up and marking Armed Forces Day at Bastion with a (VIP) ministerial visit and a rugby team,’ he wrote, referring to members of Premiership team Saracens being flown in to boost the morale of troops.

He added: ‘The Ministry of Defence keeps ramming home the message that the mission has been a great success, that the enemy is completely on the back foot and that Helmand is in a much better state than when we arrived in 2006.

‘But I don’t think we can consider what we’ve done as anything other than failure, and we’ll be judged accordingly. This is not something to be proud about.
‘It is Ramadan now so everyone [the Afghans] is hungry and p***** off. Afterwards the smart money is on the Afghan soldiers going AWOL and returning to the north of the country where most of them are from, especially if they are not paid. Because they are not from Helmand the locals see them as foreigners, just as they do us.’

The Taliban also achieved a morale-boosting feat when their gunmen attacked an SAS helicopter carrying UK Special Forces troops near Lashkar Gah.
This incident took place four months ago but has not been reported until now. It is referred to in the officer’s emails.
No SAS soldiers are believed to have been wounded, but the £40 million Chinook helicopter was badly damaged.
The officer wrote: ‘The SAS helicopter was brought down three miles from Lashkar Gah by heavy small-arms fire. The recovery operation was a complete cock-up. The RAF did not have a helicopter powerful enough to lift the wreckage

so the Americans were called in. They used a Sea Stallion helicopter to recover the Chinook.

In May 2006, hundreds of Col Tootal’s Paras, assisted by Gurkhas and soldiers from the Royal Irish Regiment, took on the Taliban in these isolated but strategically significant districts.

For several bloody months the besieged and outnumbered troops fought rearguard actions and the Paras’ stubborn defence of their ‘platoon houses’ entered British military folklore.

These districts were defended with equal courage by other British regiments and Royal Marines but by the time the last soldier marched out of Sangin, around 100 UK personnel had lost their lives there, many of them shot by snipers or blown up by deadly improvised explosive devices.

From 2010, British troops continued fighting but focused more of their resources on training the Afghans to take the lead against the Taliban.

A Ministry of Defence spokesman said last night: ‘Afghan security forces have been responsible for security across Afghanistan since last summer and have proved themselves capable on many occasions.

‘We are aware of reports of heavy fighting in northern Helmand, but it would be wrong to comment further on a fluid situation.

‘In the same way as our coalition partners, UK personnel continue to conduct force protection missions in support of the ANSF while working towards the end of combat operations later this year.’


Private James Prosser, 21, from Cwmbran, South Wales, died in an explosion in Musa Qala in September 2009.
His mother Sarah Adams said: ‘It was all for nothing.
‘The Taliban said they would come back and they have done – they were just waiting for us to leave.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/06/2014 at 09:40 AM   
Filed Under: • Guns and Gun ControlWar-Stories •  
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sweet sweet steampunk



Sweet fantasy rides. More pics and some story at this link.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/06/2014 at 12:51 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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