Sarah Palin is the only woman who can make Tony Romo WIN a playoff.

calendar   Thursday - October 06, 2011

Why not?

I just couldn’t face another post on the DC Follies, so here’s some cats scaring the hell out of themselves. via


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/06/2011 at 11:25 PM   
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Today’s Chess Problem 10/06/11

First the solution to the last problem:

1 … Bf5!
2. Nxf5 Qxf5
3. Qxf5 Nxd2+
4. Ka1 Rc1+
5. Qb1 Rxb1#
(# is the symbol for mate.)

Drew and Wes both got this one. Drew also asked a good question:

PS - just what defines a “weak back rank”? Two rooks and a knight in place, some pawns in the way, and a bishop or a knight just one move out make white’s back rank look pretty sturdy to me.

My answer:

A weak back rank? Some of this comes with experience. In this case, sure White has two rooks and a knight on the back rank, but it’s the knight that is the problem. Both rooks are on the wrong side. They are cut off from protecting the king by their own knight. If White’s knight wasn’t there, there’s no mate with Black’s rook and knight. As for the pawns, well, they are blocking possible escape routes for White’s king. The king has no ‘luft’. (For an explanation of luft, see the Wikipedia entry ‘luft’.)

Now, today’s problem is ‘White to move and win…’ Sorry, there’s a cook. So, see if you can find the ‘book’ solution, then find the refutation.


1. ? … White to move and win. (sure… crazy )

UPDATE: The alleged solution. The book gives:
1. Rxe8 Rxe8
2. Rg7 Rxg7
3. Qxe8+ Rg8
4. f7 and wins

Very pretty, and completely wrong. It ignores
4. … Qd5+
5. Bg2 Qxg2#

I’m assuming a typo in the book. Perhaps there’s still a White pawn on g2. Or White’s B is on g2 instead of h3. I can’t believe that John Hall (one of the authors, rated 2520) would have missed that.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 10/06/2011 at 06:31 PM   
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I’m gonna heave

most transparent administration in history

Rep. Edolphous Towns (D-NY) has introduced the Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011. That bill would do with Obama’s presidential records what Obama has already done to his personal and collegiate records: Seal them up.

In an obvious effort to protect President Barack Obama, a group of congressional Democrats has introduced legislation to create an official process that will allow the commander-in-chief to keep presidential records secret after he leaves office.

Ironically, Obama revoked a similar George W. Bush order in one of his first official acts as president. In 2001 Bush penned an executive order severely limiting public access to his presidential records. Shortly after swearing in, Obama killed it as part of his much-ballyhooed commitment to government transparency. At the time, the new president claimed that he was giving the American people greater access to “historic documents.”

If the Democrats’ proposed measure (Presidential Records Act Amendments of 2011) becomes law, former presidents will be allowed to assert a new “constitutionally based privilege” against disclosing records of their liking.

full text of the bill here

No. Not this president. Not any president. Not Bush, not Clinton, not Reagan. Not one word, one recording, one photo or one document. Granted that certain things have to be kept secret for security reasons, National Secrets Act or some such. But those should be accessible to people with the proper clearance levels, and there shouldn’t be all that much of it. The day to day stuff and everything else belongs to us. We The People are paying the bill, so the work product, it’s ideas, and all the machinations behind it belong to us. Every word spoken, every doodle drawn, every gold tee shanked. There is no 9 to 5 time clock for the job, so every utterance from every hour is public. That such a bill should be introduced more than a year before the next election really smells. And Edolphus Towns ought to be run out of town on a rail for putting forth such a tyrannical bill. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/06/2011 at 03:53 PM   
Filed Under: • GovernmentCorruption and Greed •  
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Not What I Was Expecting

Senator Begich: Sink The Pirates, Kill Those Dirty Rats

Alaska Senator calls for Coast Guard to open fire on pirate ships


Crew from the Coast Guard cutter Munro seized the Bangun Perkasa, which was not operating under a national flag, 2,600 miles off Alaska in September after it was suspected of engaging in fishing with drift nets on the high seas, according to the Coast Guard. Drift net fishing is illegal because the nets indiscriminately kill massive amounts of fish and other marine life such as endangered whales and turtles.

The vessel was found to have been using 10 miles of drift nets and had 22 tons of squid and 30 shark carcasses aboard, the Coast Guard said. The fishing boat and its crew of 22 were towed to Dutch Harbor, Alaska, in the Aleutian Islands.

And that’s when the Coast Guard found evidence of rats on board.

Ships with rats aboard are not allowed into Alaska ports, so the Bangun Perkasa sits at anchor three miles out of Dutch Harbor. Its crew is in custody ashore.

But the rats are still aboard, and Democratic Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska says they should be dispatched to the deep along with the ship and its drift nets.

“It would send an unambiguous signal that pirate fishing is unacceptable to the United States and will not be tolerated.  It will prevent this rust bucket from ending up back on the market where it most likely would only fall into the hands of some other pirate,” Begich said in a statement.

Shelling the vessel would also give the Coast Guard a chance to show off its newest ships, the National Security Cutters, the senator said.

“In addition to solving the rat problem, using the Bangun Perkasa for gunnery practice could demonstrate the advanced firepower of the Coast Guard’s new National Security Cutters,” Begich said in his statement.


USCGC Munro (WHEC-724) has been patrolling the seas for 40 years now. The 378 foot long ship took part in the 2004 Indonesian tsunami relief effort, was part of the KAL-007 airliner salvage operation, and any number of drug interdictions, sea rescues including the MV Alaskan Ranger affair, and deep water patrols in between. She presently calls Kodiak Alaska her home port. A Coast Guard cutter is about 3/5 the size of a Navy destroyer; as military ships go, it’s fairly small. The Munro is one of the CG’s Hamilton class cutters. From what I can gather, the ship was built with a single 5” gun as her main armament. This has since been replaced with a rapid fire 3” gun. The new generation of Coast Guard cutters, called National Security Cutters, are 40 feet longer, built with the latest and greatest systems, but their “big gun” is a single 57mm (2 1/4"). There just isn’t much call for cannons at sea anymore. So when Senator Begich (D-AK) called for the new NSC ships to use the pirate fishing boat as gunnery practice, he might have given them quite a challenge. Let’s just hope that they do it far at sea, because rats can swim for quite a distance.

Not being an artilleryman myself, I’m only guessing here, but I’d bet that it would only take about 3 or 4 hits from a 5” gun to do the job, and about 15 hits from a 76mm gun. It might be an all day affair trying to sink a fair sized ship with a 57mm, which throws a shell weighing less than a quarter what the 5” gun threw. The new generation of National Security ships also have a sea range 2,000 miles less than the old ships. But they have a helo pad and you can launch little rubber boats out the back of them! Such is progress.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/06/2011 at 11:07 AM   
Filed Under: • MilitaryPirates, aarrgh! •  
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Dancing On The Edge

Argentine “Dancing With The Stars” Couple Takes It To The Very Edge Of Porn

Racy Routine Redefines The Tango


Argentina’s version of DWTS features raunchy striptease that leaves NOTHING to the imagination

To think Nancy Grace’s accidental nipple slip on Dancing with the Stars caused so much controversy.

Just hot foot it down to Argentina where the cable news host would look demure and almost prudish compared to her South American counterparts.

Viewers of Monday night’s show were treated to a racy, Roman-inspired performance between model and reality star Cinthia Fernandez and her partner Marcelo Tinelli, as they writhed and contorted around the floor, stripping off each other’s clothes until they were completely naked.

The full-on frontal nudity in Bailando por un Sueño has caused a lot of controversy since it was aired with critics calling the performance more X-rated than five-starred.

The dance starts off with the partners wearing skimpy togas and continues as each tears off pieces of the other’s clothes. When Fernandez’s top comes off, she reveals gold-painted breasts which she goes on to squeeze provocatively.

After the pair grind their bodies together on the dance floor as if they were having sex, Tinelli proceeds to pour red wine over his dance partner’s body, who by this time is wearing only a G-string.

At the end of the dance, Fernandez’s G-string is pulled off, leaving her standing naked on national television. [ “standing” is used here for brevity. “spread eagle and upside down in a cartwheel with his face in her crotch” appears to be more accurate, judging from the pictures at the link ]

Even the show’s host, who seemed to get quite excited during the performance, even lying down with the couple at one stage, looked shocked by the raunchy routine’s end.

Oh and Cynthia Fernandez’s parents were reported to have been in the front row of the audience.

If anything, their dance was probably fairly historically accurate. How raunchy do you think the entertainment was for those Roman orgies? Pretty far out there would be my guess.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/06/2011 at 09:55 AM   
Filed Under: • Eye-CandyHollywoodSex •  
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Testing, Testing 1 2 3

It Was Racial Profiling!!!!111!!


He should be grateful that I’m not a UK cop

Iranian Student Running In Weight Vest Mistaken For Suicide Bomber

An Oxford University student was mistaken for a suicide bomber as he jogged around the city’s streets - wearing a weighted vest. 

Armed police stopped the Iranian man after reports of a suicide bomber, only to discover he was a jogger wearing an exercise vest.

The suspect was ordered to stop running, put his hands in the air and drop everything as officers approached him.

The officers carefully took off the heavily padded vest and searched it, looking for explosives and a detonator.

However, they found the Oxford University PhD student was wearing a training vest loaded with weights for added resistance when running.

Iranian student Goudarz Karimi said he was shocked by the police response even after they realised he was not a suicide bomber.

He said he had gone out for a jog on Monday afternoon and was confronted by the armed response team in Southfield Road, East Oxford.

Mr Karimi said: ‘They told me “Stop! Stop! Put your hands in the air. Drop everything you have”.

‘The police removed my weight vest and examined it. They started asking questions: “What are you doing?”

‘They said they had a report of someone walking in a bomb suit. There were police cars and the street was blocked.’

Mr Karimi said he feared his ethnic origin had sparked the concerns.

‘I am 100 per cent sure that if I was blond with Caucasian skin type, nobody would have noticed and said anything about it.

‘But I’m of dark skin complexion and from Iran and I’m sure that’s related to it,’ he said.

He said officers advised him not to wear it in the street in future but Thames Valley Police dispute this.

Mr Karimi, who is studying for a PhD in physiology, anatomy and genetics at Oxford University, said: ‘I felt a bit like my rights were violated. The police told me to take my vest off and to go home and I don’t see why I should.

Kudos to the police for not simply shooting this idiot on sight. “out for a jog” wearing blue jeans? Training with a 65lb vest on? Who is this guy, Mr. Olympia? And the vest in “tactical” black? Is he kidding? The only thing missing was a couple wires from his iPod.

Ok, to me, this looks a bit more like an ammo vest than a suicide belt, but come on. Maybe it’s a great design for the 1 in 10,000 hard core runners who use such a thing, but neon yellow or safety orange would have been a better color choice. Something that doesn’t scream paramilitary gear quite so loudly.

Looks to me like a desperate attempt to place the race card.  Or the martyr card. Or just to see if he could get away with it, testing the system. What a jerk.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/06/2011 at 09:45 AM   
Filed Under: • RoPMAStoopid-PeopleUK •  
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calendar   Wednesday - October 05, 2011

Fast and Furious: It’s Bush’s Fault?

Bush-era probe involved guns ‘walking’ too

desperate attempt at deflection, pure BS, or evidence of a long term layer of universal stupid at ATF/DOJ/DHS?

WASHINGTON — The federal government under the Bush administration ran an operation that allowed hundreds of guns to be transferred to suspected arms traffickers — the same tactic that congressional Republicans have criticized President Barack Obama’s administration for using, two federal law enforcement officials said Tuesday.

Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, and other Republicans have been hammering the Obama Justice Department over the practice known as “letting guns walk.” The congressional target has been Operation Fast and Furious, which was designed to track small-time gun buyers at several Phoenix-area gun shops up the chain to make cases against major weapons traffickers. In the process, federal agents lost track of many of the more than 2,000 guns linked to the operation.

When Bush, a Republican, was president, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives in Tucson, Ariz., used a similar enforcement tactic in a program it called Operation Wide Receiver. The fact that there were two such ATF investigations years apart in separate administrations raises the possibility that agents in still other cases may have allowed guns to “walk.”

Let’s not get ahead of ourselves here. Allowing guns to be transferred to “suspected arms traffickers” may not be the same thing as forcing dealers to allow straw purchasers to arm drug cartels below (and above) the border.

On Tuesday, the House Judiciary Committee chairman, Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, called on Obama to direct the Justice Department to appoint a special counsel to investigate. Smith said that newly released department documents suggest the attorney general knew about Operation Fast and Furious as early as July 2010.

So it’s only fair for me to say that “I question the timing” of this new bit of news.

Federal law enforcement officials familiar with the matter say Operation Wide Receiver began in 2006 after the agency received information about a suspicious purchase of firearms. The investigation concluded in 2007 without any charges being filed.

After Obama took office, the Justice Department reviewed Wide Receiver and discovered that ATF had permitted guns to be transferred to suspected gun traffickers, according to the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because the practice is under investigation by Congress and the Justice Department inspector general’s office.

In a statement, Grassley, the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, said that “whether it’s Operation Fast and Furious, Operation Wide Receiver, or both, it’s clear that guns were walked, and people high in the Justice Department knew about it. There’s no excuse for walking guns, and if there are more operations like this, Congress and the American people need to know.”

Following the discovery that agents in Tucson let the guns “walk,” a tactic which has long been against Justice Department policy, the department under Obama decided to bring charges against those who had come under investigation in 2006.

Sounds an awful lot like playing politics in DC. Something raised a red flag back in 2006, but after investigation no charges were filed. But when some more dirt floats up under Chairman Zero, suddenly it’s time to bring charges against them. Go figure.

To date in Wide Receiver, nine people have been charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms. Two of the nine defendants have pleaded guilty and a plea hearing is scheduled for Oct. 13 for two other defendants.

Last October, Jason Weinstein, deputy assistant attorney general in the Justice Department’s criminal division, raised concerns about investigative methods in Operation Wide Receiver and about the timing of announcing indictments in both Wide Receiver and Fast and Furious.

Now there’s a bureaucrat. He’s more concerned about the methods and the timing than about the act itself. Gee, thanks.

The crap in DC just gets deeper every day. “Bush did it first” is no excuse even if true. The only thing this article shows me is that ATF has been out of control and unchecked for a long time, which is pretty much common knowledge among the firearms owning citizenry.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/05/2011 at 09:45 AM   
Filed Under: • GovernmentGuns and Gun Control •  
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Today’s Chess Problem 10/05/11

I’m betting this one even confuses Wes…


1. … ? Black to move

We’re working through the first part of the book. Weak back ranks. In this instance, White is the loser.

graphics courtesy of ExaChess. Problems from Combination Challenge by Lou Hayes and John Hall.


Posted by Christopher   United States  on 10/05/2011 at 12:26 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - October 04, 2011

EZ Bake Goodness

Mushroom - Ham - Swiss Quiche
makes 2 quiches

2 frozen deep dish pastry pie shells image
1 pint heavy cream
1/2 cup whole milk
half a dozen fresh large eggs
2 10oz packages sliced white mushrooms
3/4lb thin sliced deli ham
3/4lb wedge Jarlsberg Swiss cheese
coarsely ground black pepper
whole nutmeg

Heat the oven to 350°F.

Coat a large skillet with a good splash of olive oil. Heat it up a bit, then toss in both packages of mushrooms. Stir them around to coat with oil, let cook for a couple minutes then cover and reduce heat.

Pare the wax off of the wedge of Jarlsberg, then slice the whole wedge into matchsticks using a very sharp knife.

Roll up 3 or 4 slices of the deli ham, cut them into thirds lengthwise, then slice them into 1/2” widths. This gives you lots of little pieces of ham. Repeat this several times more until you’ve cut up about 12-16 slices of ham. Check the mushrooms and give them a stir.

Break the eggs into a medium small mixing bowl and beat them with fork. Add the milk and cream and mix them up. Grate on a bit of nutmeg - about a dozen passes over a fine Microplane grater - and then grind on a generous amount of black pepper. Mix it all together. Check the mushrooms; they should be starting to brown a little and the juices should be running. When that happens, take the cover off and let them evaporate for another 3 minutes, then use a slotted spoon to ladle them out into a bowl.

Put a handful of cheese matchsticks in the bottom of each pie shell, even distributed. Now add a handful of ham bits the same way, and then a spoonful of the half browned mushrooms. Add a generous layer of cheese and then a generous layer of ham and mushrooms.

Open up the oven and slide the top rack forward. Place a solid baking sheet on the top rack - one that won’t suddenly twist out when it gets hot! - and place each pie shell on the baking sheet. Carefully pour in some of the cream/egg mixture until each shell is 3/4 full. Toss in any remaining cheese, ham, and mushrooms. Top the shells off with the remaining liquid, stopping when the liquid is about 1/8” down from the top of the pastry. If you’ve been generous with the fillings you’ll have about 1/4 cup left of the liquid left. If your oven is properly level you can probably get away with putting it all in. If you happen to have pie shields go ahead and use them.

Bake them for about 45 minutes. The quiches will be mostly set at this point but not browned. Turn the oven up to 400° F and give them another 10 minutes to brown, then turn the oven off. If you like your quiche firm leave them in for another 15 minutes, otherwise take them out. Let them cool, then cover and refrigerate overnight. Cut yourself a really generous slice for breakfast and reheat it for one minute in the microwave. Give the second quiche to a friend or neighbor.

I topped mine off with a whole slice of ham and a whole slice of deli Swiss laid crosswise over that, just for show. Comes out great. There is no need to add salt because of all the cheese.

Variations - you can add some onion if you want. Soften or caramelize about half a large sliced Spanish onion ahead of time, and add half to each quiche. You can also cook them using a water bath method. Just make sure that your pie pans don’t have any vent holes on the bottom. You could add some broccolli if you really felt the need. I often add several slices of crispy bacon, although the flavor tends to get lost. I’m sure that slices of pre-cooked breakfast sausage would work too. Don’t make it too complicated; stick to 2 or at most 3 main flavors. I used less than 1/4 of an average nutmeg for both; don’t overdo it with the nutmeg. You can vary the texture by using more milk and less cream, or using half an half instead, or all milk or all cream. IMO heavy cream with just a splash of milk works best. Portabella mushrooms have a stronger flavor. Different cheeses have different flavors. Use your imagination.

I had no intention of making quiches, but when I was getting the ham at the deli I saw their quiche in the display case for $5 a slice. Crivens! I made a whole quiche for hardly more than that, using generous quantities of top quality ingredients. And it’s just so darn easy to do ... and all the neighbor ladies were duly impressed, making more “mmm mmm” noises than a whole classroom full of children during Obama Indoctrination. One asked me if I thought a quiche could be frozen. Probably, but whatever for? So it won’t go stale. Are you kidding me? These things never go stale because they get eaten up in a day or two. What you don’t eat for breakfast you’ll eat later on for a snack or with dinner.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/04/2011 at 02:06 PM   
Filed Under: • Fine-Dining •  
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… and never the twain shall meet

Obama has done in two years what Bush failed to do in eight. He has skillfully done all he can to reset relations with the broader Muslim world (despite the machinations of the Israeli government) while ruthlessly wiping out swathes of Jihadist planners, operatives and foot-soldiers in Afghanistan and Pakistan. He has thereby strengthened us immeasurably both in terms of soft and hard power.

Compare the two presidents. One unleashed a war in Afghanistan he then left to languish, and sparked an unjustified war in Iraq, that became a catastrophe of mass death and chaos. He both maximally antagonized the Arab and Muslim world and didn’t even score a major victory against the enemy. In many ways, Bush gave al Qaeda an opening in Iraq where it never had one before, and allowed its key leadership to escape at Tora Bora. The torture program, meanwhile, fouled up our intelligence while destroying our moral standing in the world.

Obama has ended torture and pursued a real war, not an ideological spectacle. He has destroyed almost all of al Qaeda of 9/11 (if Zawahiri is taken out, no one is left), obliterated its ranks in Afghanistan and Pakistan, found and killed bin Laden, in a daring raid pushed relentlessly by the president alone, capturing alongside a trove of intelligence, procured as a consequence of courage and tenacity rather than cowardice and torture.

I know the next election will be about the economy. But what it should also be about is the revelation of the Republicans as fundamentally weak on national security. Caught up in their own ideology, they proved for eight years they’d rather posture and preen than do the intelligent, relentless, ethical intelligence work that is only now leading to victory.

Obama, in other words, is winning the war Bush kept losing. And since Cairo, we have witnessed the real flowering of democratic forces in the Middle East - unseen during the Bush-Cheney years. For all the tireless efforts of the Israelis to cripple US foreign policy against Jihadism, Obama has done the job.

Andrew Sullivan at The Daily Beast writing about our omnipotent war leader Obama.

I don’t think liberals have merely a different world view than we do. I think they actually inhabit a physically different universe, one that exists solely within their minds, and that once in a while a message from over there cross talks and winds up over here.

I don’t see how there can be any reconciliation between Red and Blue.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/04/2011 at 01:07 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Eric, the bus is coming for you

Issa: Holder was briefed on Fast & Furious

Emails show White House was in the know ages ago

Holder: my dog ate my homework I don’t read all my briefings

Pretty much proof that he flat out lied to a congressional investigation. Or else he’s utterly incompetent. Or both!

CBS News: Documents reveal that Holder received briefing on Fast & Furious in July 2010


“ ... straw purchasers are responsible for the purchase of 1,500 firearms that were then supplied to Mexican drug trafficking cartels.”
No code words or euphemisms there. Nice and specific. And yet Eric Holder, upon discovering that 1,500 guns had been “supplied” to Mexican drug cartels in an operation managed by the ATF, apparently didn’t demand a full explanation. Fancy that.

Go read the story at Hot Air if you’d like.

As we’ve said from the very beginning, this goes all the way to the top. ALL THE WAY. Guess Obama’s “under the radar” plan to subvert the Second kind of blew up on him. Or would that be “backfired” if we stick with the bus terminology?

As far as I’m concerned, this is a major major felony concocted, run by, and screwed up by, the entire top of the DOJ/DHS pyramid. Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/04/2011 at 09:50 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeGovernmentGuns and Gun ControlObama, The One •  
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Another Commie Plot

Van Jones: Steal the Tea Party

Making no secret of his disdain for Tea Party ideals and ideas, ex-White House adviser Van Jones [comminust, truther, NBPP lunatic] on Monday nonetheless urged liberal activists to “steal” the Tea Party’s playbook.

The former “green jobs” adviser, speaking at the top of a three-day conference in the nation’s capital designed to galvanize liberal activists, spoke interchangeably in harsh and glowing terms about the Tea Party movement. He described their cause as “the worst” and “silly” and other unflattering adjectives. At the same time, he said progressives can learn from what the Tea Party has accomplished, as he tried to steer the crowd toward his own umbrella group which he’s been working on since the summer.

Using the pick-yourself-up-by-the-bootstraps tone President Obama has employed in recent days, Jones pointed to the Tea Party movement as an example of grassroots activism done right. He suggested liberals have relied too much on one person, Obama, to fix everything.

Only instead of taking to the streets in the name of lower taxes and less regulation, he urged the crowd to model its own Tea Party-style movement in the name of the middle class.

“If we can just be as warm and sharing and kind as the Tea Party, which one might suspect is a relatively low bar, we might be able to do something for our country,” Jones said Monday.

Obama has stirred controversy in recent days by urging the base to quit complaining, take off their “bedroom slippers” and march with him. Jones used similar language, as the three-day Take Back the American Dream Conference got underway.

“We went from hopey to mopey and forgot to build a movement in the middle,” Jones said.

He credited the Tea Party with building a “network” that operates without any individual leader. “There is no Tea Party. You can’t land at the airport here in D.C., and get in the cab and say ‘take me to Tea Party headquarters’,” he said.

Jones described the movement as an “upgrade” over what progressives had done.

“They use their charismatic leaders to build something bigger than any leader,” he said. “They talk rugged individualism, but they act collectively.”

Mwahahaha, ROFLMAO. “Relied too much on one person”. That translates as “we sold you all the New Black Jesus, and he hasn’t pulled off a single miracle yet.” Too funny. Plus, “we forgot to build a movement in the middle”. You mean that MoveOn, ACORN, all the unions, Daily Kos, HuffPo, NBPP, Nation of Islam, 97% of the MSM, and the entire educational system nationwide ("Barak Hussein Obama, Mmm, mmm, mmm!") wasn’t a movement? Endless layers of interconnected simpatico organizations all getting their funding and talking points from George Soros wasn’t sufficient?

Maybe it’s because you can only sell people a lie for so long; eventually their eyes will see the truth. I read this morning that Oliar’s popularity in West Virginia is down to 28%, and that DNC strategists are already referring to the “Hillbilly firewall” (isn’t that a disparaging term? I’m offended on their behalf!) and giving up on several large swaths of flyover country even before the 2012 campaign really even kicks into gear. They know their dog won’t hunt, so they aren’t even going to try.

And the best part of all is that he STILL doesn’t get it. Sorry Van Jones, it’s a Tea Party thing. An American thing. You just wouldn’t understand. We don’t have charismatic leaders. Oh sure, we have a number of nationally recognized strong voices, but they aren’t leading. They’re following. They’re up on the bully pulpit, spreading the word that all of us already know: less government, less spending, less taxes, less business choking regulation, less power, and a return to constitutionally mandated limited government. It’s called freedom, and it’s written in the American psyche at the genetic level. We don’t need a Messiah to unite us, because we merely opened our eyes and raised our voices and found that we already were united. A collectivist of individuals. We The People, of the several United States.  And it was that easy.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/04/2011 at 09:27 AM   
Filed Under: • CommiesDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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oh those french

French Schools Ordered to Ration Ketchup to Protect Cultural Heritage

What more really needs to be said?

PARIS – French schools were rationing ketchup in their cafeterias to help children keep their cultural identity, under a new government decree.

The rule came into force in most primary and secondary schools Monday and restricts how often the condiment can be served.

School lunchrooms can serve dressings such as ketchup and mayonnaise only with certain dishes, such as fries, which are now allowed only once a week.

Fries only once a week? Have they been listening to le Mooch?

The decree also bans schools from serving ketchup with traditional French meals, such as beef bourguignon and roast veal with blue cheese sauce.

The edict aims to ensure that the pupils stay connected to their cultural heritage—and to prevent them from being lured by fattening junk food.

“Canteens [cafeterias] have a public health mission but also an educative mission,” according to Christophe Hebert, chairman of the National Association of Directors of Collective Restaurants. “We have to ensure that children become familiar with French recipes so that they can hand them down to the following generation.”

I’m not really sure how to respond to this, but I’m thinking that forcing children to eat food from only one culture is anti-diversity, and therefore raaaaaaaaaacist!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/04/2011 at 08:47 AM   
Filed Under: • Fine-DiningFRANCE •  
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calendar   Monday - October 03, 2011





Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/03/2011 at 03:39 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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Once Again, The One And Only Post
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The advantage to having a guide with you is thɑt an expert will haѵe very first hand experience dealing and navigating the river with гegional wildlife. Tһomas, there are great…
On: 07/28/23 10:37

The Brownshirts: Partie Deux; These aare the Muscle We've Been Waiting For
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Tracked at head to the Momarms site
The Brownshirts: Partie Deux; These aare the Muscle We’ve Been Waiting For
On: 03/14/23 11:20

Vietnam Homecoming
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Tracked at 广告专题配音 专业从事中文配音跟外文配音制造,北京名传天下配音公司
  专业从事中文配音和外文配音制作,北京名传天下配音公司   北京名传天下专业配音公司成破于2006年12月,是专业从事中 中文配音 文配音跟外文配音的音频制造公司,幻想飞腾配音网领 配音制作 有海内外优良专业配音职员已达500多位,可供给一流的外语配音,长年服务于国内中心级各大媒体、各省市电台电视台,能满意不同客户的各种需要。电话:010-83265555   北京名传天下专业配音公司…
On: 03/20/21 07:00

meaningless marching orders for a thousand travellers ... strife ahead ..
(1 total trackbacks)
Tracked at Casual Blog
On: 07/17/17 04:28

a small explanation
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Tracked at yerba mate gourd
Find here top quality how to prepare yerba mate without a gourd that's available in addition at the best price. Get it now!
On: 07/09/17 03:07



Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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GNU Terry Pratchett

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