When Sarah Palin booked a flight to Europe, the French immediately surrendered.

calendar   Saturday - July 09, 2011

lets give three cheers and 3 cheers more for law and order? where?

Some news in review from past week or two.  Just things I neglected at the time but still thought of interest.

Like ....


A PAGAN prison chaplain visited Deerbolt to raise inmates’ awareness about the religion during a week to celebrate diversity at the dale jail.
Prisoners spent a thought-provoking week learning about differing cultures as part of efforts at the young offenders’ institution to promote respect for all people, regardless of their backgrounds.
Diversity Week featured talks on Buddhism, Christianity, and Islam and a performance by Bert Draycott – the world spoon-playing champion.

Hey,hey. Lets hear it for the spoons.  Still, if it keeps them from rioting or other fun and illegal games while inside, what the heck. They need something to occupy them until they get out so they can repeat the activities that got em sent away to begin with.
And speaking of being sent away.  How’s this for a corker?
You could not make this one up.  It a pretty good example (or a bad one depending on your take) of how one police authority deals with a life long career criminal.
Take a look at this.

‘Give the public a rest’

Female convict with ‘truly appalling record’ jailed for 229th offence


A woman described by a judge as having more convictions than any female convict that had ever been before him has been sent to prison.

Yet, despite her having totted up 229 convictions, Staffordshire Police have refused to issue a photograph of prolific thief and fraudster Penelope Russell, 42.
The drug user has brought misery to the victims of her 129 thefts, 52 frauds and other crimes that she has committed since she was a teenager.

Judge Paul Glenn told Russell she had a ‘truly appalling record’ and that he had ‘never seen a female offender with so many convictions’.
Despite a request from Mail Online for police to release an image of Ms Russell, our reporter was told: ‘On this occasion it’s not going to happen.’

Reasons cited were that because the case happened four days ago, reporting would not be contemporaneous and the force has a policy not to release an image of a convict unless they receive a sentence of three years or more.

Daniel Hamilton of Big Brother Watch said: ‘While suspects who have not been convicted of a crime must have their identities protected, this woman waived her right to anonymity when she chose to carry out almost 230 criminal offences.

‘Communities have a right to know the identities of those terrorising them.  The Police are wrong to hide behind this veil of anonymity.’

The decision by Staffordshire Police flies in the face of the Judge’s summing up in which he told Russell: ‘You are a professional criminal and the public deserve a rest from you, particularly the female shoppers you so regularly target.’


So once out of jail I guess she can rack up new scores. People in the area who have not encountered her before, will have no idea until she targets them. In other words, it would be impossible to avoid her.
Wouldn’t it be much easier to make her simply disappear? But then I guess her rights trump the rights of innocent ppl going about their business.
Not only would it be easier to do away with the slag.  It would certainly be cheaper in the long run.
Just think of the savings that could then be turned into more aid for Africa or the continuing war in Libya or perhaps an increase in aid to the charity that collects for aid to asylum seekers.  The options are limitless.

Here’s another Moonbat decisions aimed at crime fighting. Actually, not so much crime fighting as accommodating it.  Wouldn’t you say?


Suspects cannot be handcuffed ‘just’ because they pose a danger to police.

Swearing at police ‘is no longer an offence’: Met accused of surrendering to foul-mouthed louts


Police chiefs were accused of surrendering to foul-mouthed louts who subject their officers to vile abuse.
Officers have been banned from arresting yobs who insult them with the most offensive swear-words in the language.

Secret guidance issued to front-line police tells them not to act because the courts will not believe they have been upset by the abuse.

The policy change was greeted with dismay by officers and MPs, who said it was a sign of a collapse in respect for police.
They said it would make it even harder to deal with the rising number of late-night drunken skirmishes outside pubs, clubs and takeaways.

The Metropolitan Police, Britain’s largest constabulary with more than 32,000 officers, has issued a card, designed to be kept behind a warrant badge, telling officers to do nothing if they are abused by a member of the public.

The memory aid states: ‘The courts do not accept that police officers are caused harassment, alarm or distress by words such as ‘f***, c***, b*******, w******.’

source for above


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/09/2011 at 02:41 AM   
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calendar   Friday - July 08, 2011

And It Just Gets Bigger

Fast And Furious has sister operation in Florida

“Operation Castaway” Funnels guns to Honduras, arms MS-13 Gangs

Virginia O’Brien, Special Agent in Charge at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives Tampa Field Division, ran a gun-running investigation that was walking guns to Honduras using the techniques and tactics identical to Fast and Furious, it was reported to these correspondents this evening via private correspondence from a proven credible source.

SAC O’Brien was previously the Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix Field Division, was later promoted to the Deputy Assistant Director of ATF, but then stepped down to the position in Tampa.  Whether the allegations of our source refer to the ongoing Operation Castaway remains at this hour unclear, but our source is certain that O’Brien has allowed the “walking” of straw-purchased firearms to Honduras using the same failed strategy as the Phoenix Field Division’s Operation Fast and Furious.  That Operation Castaway involved arms smuggling to Honduras is also certain.

We have a new report that Virginia O’Brien, Special Agent in Charge (SAC) at the ATF Tampa Field Division, ran a gun-running investigation that was walking guns to Honduras using the techniques and tactics identical to Fast and Furious, according to “a proven credible source.” This one is known as Operation Castaway.

Honduran street gangs known as MS-13 and M-18 are working with major drug traffickers to establish direct business contacts with Colombian and Mexican cartels and they have also tried to take over all drug smuggling operations in Honduras. ATF is supplying the guns.

The Tampa operation proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that “Project Gunwalker” was a national policy, not a Phoenix aberration, implemented by multiple top officials, in multiple agencies, within the Obama administration, in a miserably failed attempt to gin up support for more US gun control legislation.

Honduras is home to the MS-13 gang. MS-13? You know, these guys. The chop your face off with a machete guys.


And they’re everywhere across the USA ... everywhere you get masses of no habla illegals. Sorry, but that’s the truth.

Authorities arrest 10 alleged members of Plainfield NJ street gang MS-1 It started as a simple slap across the face — a seemingly minor altercation that took place at the start of a holiday weekend.

With that single smack, authorities said, the man who dared disrespect Franklin “Frankbo” Mejia was marked for death. By later in the day Saturday, the 20-year-old Mejia — an alleged member of Plainfield’s local MS-13 set — had developed a plot to kill the man, law enforcement officials said.

When police got wind of the plan, however, they arrested the alleged gang member in hopes of preventing a murder.

But that didn’t stop anything. By Sunday, Mejia’s 18-year-old brother, Kelvin Mejia, had taken up the mantle, gathering weapons and a crew of fellow MS-13 members and preparing his own attack on the slapper — this one scheduled for Independence Day, Union County Prosecutor Theodore Romankow said.

Many of those arrested are not from the United States, and some entered the country illegally, said Peter Fox, assistant special agent in charge of ICE’s homeland security operations at the Newark field office.

[ I guess the murder rap on darling young Kelvin from last year didn’t stick ... or perhaps he was out on bail ... ]

(May 2010) NORTH PLAINFIELD—A Plainfield teenager and a Bound Brook man today were indicted on charges they tried to kill two juveniles in Somerset County on Halloween, according to court papers.

A Somerset County grand jury charged Kelvin Mejia, 17, of West Fourth Street, and Santos Reyes-Villatoro, 37, of Tea Street, with first-degree attempted murder and second-degree possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose for the attack in North Plainfield.

North Plainfield / Plainfield is a ghetto hole. White flight and all that. But it’s right next to South Plainfield, where my MIL lives. And Somerset County is just the next country over from ours.

Wouldn’t it be just freakin’ amazing if the guns the cops took off of these cucarachas in NJ were straw purchased in Florida and smuggled first out of the country and then back in?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2011 at 10:12 PM   
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The Not News News

Hey, remember Freedom Flotilla II? Remember how the Greeks stopped The Audacity of Hope and wouldn’t let it depart? Gosh, awful, I know, but what about all the other ships? Weren’t there 15 or 17 or 57 of them? Once the Audacity was stopped, the whole thing kinda fell off the news.

Guess what? Not a single one of them got any closer than Crete. Not one ship. Total and complete failure.


Some lovely links and details for those who want more than just this sweet little moment of delicious wonderful schadenfreude.

Freedom Flotilla II: Blocked but not Defeated
Only “two ships have so far been able to leave (Greece) on their way to Gaza.” On July 5, the French boat MVDignite/Al Karma broke out and sailed. On July 7, Press TV, Gaza TV and other news sources said Greek commandos on Crete blocked it from proceeding.

Organizer Claude Leostic told AFP that their vessel “was taken to Sitia in Crete by the Greek Coast Guard after being stopped in a nearby port (for) refueling. The authorities (gave) various administrative reasons” for doing so, none of which are justified.

On July 6, Ynet writer Aviel Magnezi headlined, “Juliano ship (with Greek, Norwegian and Swedish activists on board) heads for Gaza,” saying:

On board activist Dror Feiler said, “(a)ll roads lead to Gaza. It will be a small but high-quality flotilla. At this point, I can only say that after a lengthy battle, we finally succeeded in departing.”

The Voice of Israel said it was allowed to sail on condition it doesn’t head for Gaza. Activists on board explained that Greece’s Coast Guard is monitoring their movements remotely. Israel is pulling out all stops to prevent humanitarian aid from reaching Gaza and defeat Flotilla efforts to arrive.

On July 7, Magnezi said Juliano, “Norwegian, Swedish Gaza-bound flotilla activists to announce their return home” after Greek forces blocked them at sea.

Eight other vessels can’t sail. Two were sabotaged and disabled. Greek authorities block the others from departing.

Gaza-bound flotilla stopped in Greece

The Audacity of Hope is still anchored at a port in Greece, though passengers hoped to be in Gaza by now. It’s the latest attempt by activists worldwide and from the San Francisco Bay Area to break Israel’s blockade and get to the people of Gaza.

The Audacity of Hope is one of ten American boats on a protest mission from Greece to Gaza. The excitement spilled over in the waters of Greece, but the celebration was short lived.

Greek coast guards and commandos stopped the boat, claiming it didn’t have permission to sail. The captain was arrested and commandos aimed weapons at the activists.

“Under pressure from the U. S. government and Israeli government, the Greek government is not willing to allow any of the flotilla ships to leave the Port of Greece,”

BERKELEY -- Henry Norr, a passenger on the Audacity of Hope and part of the “Freedom Flotilla,” returned to the Bay Area late Friday after a failed mission to reach the Gaza Strip.

Norr, of Berkeley, along with poet and author Alice Walker, of Anderson Valley, and Kathy Sheetz, of Richmond, were among the Northern California residents on the Audacity of Hope that was intercepted by the Greek Coast Guard about 30 minutes after leaving a Greek port July 1.

“Only a fool thought we’d get to Gaza given what happened last year,” said Norr, a 65-year-old former San Francisco Chronicle reporter turned activist. “We knew we’d be stopped, so it’s not a surprise we didn’t make it to Gaza. We got stopped sooner than we had thought.”

So with the ships locked up tight, the dirty hippies are trying to fly their way in instead. And guess how that’s going?

Gaza flotilla Brits stopped at Israel airport

Eleven British pro-Palestinian activists have been detained at Tel Aviv’s Ben Gurion Airport as Israeli authorities attempt to combat the so-called “flytilla”.

Palestine Solidarity Campaign supporters left London on flights on Friday morning. One American was stopped from boarding a plane leaving Britain.

The activists said they intended to travel to Bethlehem in the West Bank. Israeli authorities had asked European airlines to prevent activists from flying.

As many as 200 people were stopped from boarding planes, including those hoping to travel from Paris, Berlin, and Geneva.

As it’s said they say in Maine, “Ya cahn’t get they-a from he-a.” LOL LOL LOL



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2011 at 09:36 PM   
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more money for foreign aid while cuts are made in home country

I have come to the conclusion that nobody, absolutely no one, should be allowed to run for high public office, or any public office outside of dogcatcher, unless they have worked at a regular job in the private sector for a min. of 25 years. Period and no exceptions.  Today’s crop of pols and I don’t care what party they belong to, are too far out of touch with the real world and with people who actually have to go out and work for a living.  Support a family and pay a mortgage etc.  And by job I do not mean someone out of law school who is shoehorned into a high end job cos daddy once worked for the firm or is a senator.

There’s a small blurb in the paper that reports a fifth of MPs (members of parliament) are opposed to receipts to back their expenses.
And this is after all the proven documented evidence from a year or so ago with regard to the expense fiddling committed by so many of them.

They lead privileged lives and I don’t begrudge them some perks of office.

It isn’t just the report of receipts that has me bugged.  There’s so damn much else that common sense tells us isn’t right or fair.  OK, life isn’t fair. Live with it.  But not with self serving, egomaniacal pumped up job smiths and something called Quangos that cost the earth.  And certainly not the BILLIONS this small island hands out and btw says it’s going to give even more, in foreign aid.  And a planned increase to another African country.  It’s fine to give money to the really needy but … what about the really needy in your own god damn constituency?  What about them?

What about this woman?  Look, I accept the fact that the state is not our mommy. And it shouldn’t be.  I also think there might be some holes in this story which I read originally a few days ago. By that I mean, it doesn’t tell us if she’s able to pay anything out of existing funds or if she has a pension of some kind.  I don’t know.
But what bothers me so damn much is reading about some aid given to Afghanistan, and then it’s found that the aid given by Britain was then sold off by the folks who collected same.  AND …. more aid is being earmarked for turd world countries.
How easy it is to play with other people’s money.  Fine, you wanna be Mother Teresa?  Good on you. Be Mother Teresa at home FIRST!

Callous judges have sentenced Elaine to life without dignity


A stroke victim has been told by the highest court in the land that she has no right to expect the State to provide her with a helper so she can live with dignity in her own home.

Elaine McDonald, a celebrated former ballerina, needs assistance to use the bathroom three times a night. But she lost her appeal against a decision to deny her a night-time carer.
Five Supreme Court judges ruled by 4-1 that there was no legal duty on her local council to supply her with a home help. Only one of the five senior judges dissented.
Miss McDonald, 68, who was once described as Britain’s best classical dancer, said: ‘I have paid my dues since I was 16. I am not a scrounger. But now I need care and that is being denied to me.
‘I have the right to live with dignity. And for me that means being able to go to bed knowing that I have the help I need to go to the toilet in the middle of the night.’
Until recently, Miss McDonald, who is confined to a wheelchair, lives alone and needs round-the-clock care, had a visiting social worker to help her ‘access a commode’.

As part of a programme of spending cuts, the London Borough of Kensington and Chelsea withdrew night-time support to save £22,000 a year. Social services officials told her to use incontinence pads in future, even though she is not incontinent.

Miss McDonald, with the backing of the Equalities Commission, challenged the decision using the Human Rights Act, which is supposed to guarantee everyone dignity and the right to a family life.

The court, however, rejected her appeal, with the honourable exception of Lady Hale. She said: ‘I would have allowed this appeal. We are, I still believe, a civilised society. In the United Kingdom we do not oblige people who can control their bodily functions to behave as if they cannot do so.

‘A person in her situation needs this help during the day as well as during the night. Logically, the decision of the majority in this case would entitle a local authority to withdraw this help even though the client might be left lying in her faeces until the carers came in the morning.’
Lady Hale said that the ruling by her colleagues would also allow councils to withdraw daytime help, too.

‘The only constraint would be how frequently - or, rather, how infrequently - it was deemed necessary to change the pads or sheets, consistent with the avoidance of infection and other hazards such as nappy rash. The consequences do not bear thinking about.’

Indeed, they don’t. Over the past five years, Town Halls have been slashing spending on personal care for the disabled and elderly. In the light of this ruling, expect them to cut back still further.
What do councils think they are for, if not to provide help for the most vulnerable and the elderly? Anyone with any experience of the elderly and disabled is aware that the inability to control their basic bodily functions is what causes them the greatest distress.

Admittedly, care provision is expensive, but so are grandiose new civic centres; superstar salaries for senior officers; gold-plated pensions; inflated allowances and expenses for ‘Cabinet’ members; daft diversity departments, global warming directorates; propaganda sheets masquerading as newspapers; ‘walking bus’ co-ordinators, equality enforcers, gay rights advocates; anti-nuclear programmes, and all the other wasteful and unnecessary initiatives on which councils all over Britain choose to fritter away taxpayers’ money.
The £22,000 it would cost to provide Miss McDonald with a carer would barely pay for half a dozen hideous traffic humps.

It is monstrous that a Conservative council - as Neil Kinnock might say: a Con-serv-ative council - would condemn a woman who has paid taxes all her life to rot in her own waste.
The legal costs of this case alone must run into seven figures. Why not give the money to a low-paid carer instead of a rich barrister?

This case demonstrates - as if any further evidence was required - just how remote the State has become from those it is paid to serve.

Judges, in particular, seem to delight in perverse rulings in favour of the undeserving and undesirable. The same section of the yuman rites act, under which Miss McDonald brought her claim, is regularly used to allow foreign terrorists, drug dealers, rapists and murderers to stay in Britain and live on benefits.

Only this week, as I mentioned here, an unemployed single woman has been given the ‘right’ to IVF treatment on the NHS so she can have a bay-bee. She will be free to bring up the child at taxpayers’ expense and will cost us far more than the £22,000 denied to Miss McDonald.

While the politicians grandstand and pick the fluff from their own navels, and the judges congratulate themselves on their wisdom, it is left to a few charities and this newspaper to speak for the elderly and their right to basic dignity.

Meanwhile, a once beautiful and gifted ballerina is condemned callously to a nightmare existence festering in her own filth.


Heaven knows I’m no socialist. Never have been.  But having lived through what my wife put up with re. her mom for three or more years, and understanding something about bed and nappy changes etc., I can not help but feel sorry for the lady this article is about.  The mil had a daughter.  Apparently, this woman has nobody.  I don’t know what might be missing from her story, if anything at all.  But I damn well believe that there IS the money to help folks like this, provided the govt. use cuts in foreign aid instead of cuts at home where it’s needed.
But the folks who make these decisions are remote from the real world.  They generally do not even have to drive their own cars. Someone does it for em.
They don’t wait in long lines at the grocer or the barber and their needs are seen to immediately. Nuts!  Politicians and committees and “consultations.”
All just a bunch of crap.

I’m outta here. Back tomoro. Stay tuned.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/08/2011 at 01:44 PM   
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Today’s Balloon

I’ve come to the conclusion that our condo complex is an aerial navigation landmark. This kind of thing happens all the time. Even the big jets out of New York and Newark fly over and then bank left for points west and south. I’m glad those are at much much higher altitude.

It’s misty and muggy today, so visibility is a bit limited, so this guy is flying extra low.


That’s the edge of my roof in the corner of the picture.

The Hanger One Blimp is not quite halfway done with it’s national tour. They flew here from Orlando with several stops along the way, had a race in New York City, did a 180 over my back yard, and now they’re on the way to San Francisco via Boston. Eventually they will wind up in the enormous 8 acre building the vodka is named after.

I guess the publicity is paying off. I never even knew Hanger One vodka existed until this blimp rattled the shingles. It would have been nice if they’d stopped by and offered me a drink.

Oh, and this is an A-60 airship, the same model as the one that caught fire and crashed last month in Germany.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2011 at 10:14 AM   
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Almost To The Top

Let’s knock off the BS already DC. It’s pretty clear that the Operation Fast And Furious / Project Gunwalker awareness went all the way up the pyramid from the very beginning.

I’ll keep it short and concise. Here’s 98% proof that Holder is lying. The 2% part is that this operation has two names, so he can play the “depends what the definition of ‘is’” is card:

Operation Fast and Furious, begun in 2009, purposefully allowed known and suspected smugglers to purchase weapons at licensed gun dealers in the United States—sometimes while under active surveillance by U.S. law enforcement--and then allowed the smugglers to get away with the weapons, in some cases delivering them, as the government expected, to Mexican drug cartels. Agents of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) were specifically ordered not to stop the purchases, not to intercept the smugglers after they made the purchases, and not to retrieve the weapons.

The purpose of the operation was to let the Justice Department trace the movement of the guns and uncover the full structure of the gun-smuggling operations.

However, on Dec. 14, 2010, two rifles sold to one of the smugglers that the Justice Department had allowed to buy guns turned up at the scene of the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.

Within 24 hours of Terry’s murder, according to an internal ATF email released by Issa, the FBI had definitively traced the rifles found at the murder scene back to Operation Fast and Furious and had so notified ATF.

Six weeks later, on Jan. 27, 2011, Senate Judiciary Ranking Member Charles Grassley (R.-Iowa) wrote a letter to ATF Acting Director Kenneth Melson asking him to explain Operation Fast and Furious in light of the weapons found at the scene of Terry’s murder. Five days after that, on Feb. 1, 2011, the story of Operation Fast and Furious broke in the press—with multiple reports referencing Grassley’s letter to Melson. By Feb. 3, 2011, the operation, its link to the murder of Border Patrol Agent Terry, and Grassley’s inquiry to the ATF about it, had been reported in USA Today, The Arizona Republic, The Washington Post, The Los Angeles Times, the Chicago Tribune and the Associated Press.

Yet, three full months after these public news reports, at a May 3 Judiciary Committee hearing, Attorney General Holder, under questioning by Issa, testified that he had “probably” only learned about Operation Fast and Furious in “the last few weeks.”

“We believe that he was aware of it much earlier than he said in his testimony and questioning before the Judiciary Committee,” Issa told in an interview.

OK - Here it is: in the above excerpt we see that Holder testified May 3 2011 that he only learned about Fast and Furious “in the last few weeks”.
But here is Holder talking in Mexico, April 2, 2009, more than TWO YEARS before that:

“Attorney General Eric Holder at the Mexico/United States Arms Trafficking Conference
CUERNAVACA, MEXICO ~ Thursday, April 2, 2009
Last week, our administration launched a major new effort to break the backs of the cartels. My department is committing 100 new ATF personnel to the Southwest border in the next 100 days to supplement our ongoing Project Gunrunner, DEA is adding 16 new positions on the border, as well as mobile enforcement teams, and the FBI is creating a new intelligence group focusing on kidnapping and extortion.  DHS is making similar commitments, as Secretary Napolitano will detail.”

That pretty much clinches it for me. The glove fits so I don’t acquit. But it doesn’t stop there. As I pointed out yesterday, this “rogue action” was specifically funded in the bail-out bill. By name, for $10,000,000. The implication, and it’s a damned strong one, is that for things to be that out in the open then a tremendous amount of backroom action in DC had to have already taken place. Meetings, analysis, proof of concept, all sorts of sign-offs that Agency X wasn’t stepping on the toes or the turf of Agency Y, etc. Lots of documents, lots of meetings, lots of emails, lots of signatures. Updates every 6 months and another round of approvals. In other words, everyone knew. Everyone.

Here is a really long post from someone who understands how the federal government actually works. It was written in early June and labels this whole mess “weaponsgate”. And it points out that it is almost a written in stone guarantee that Janet Napolitano, the Director of Homeland Security, and Hillary Clinton, the Secretary of State, were completely aware of everything, from the very beginning. Oh, and Felipe Calderon, the President of Mexico as well, because of that sticky little treaty thingy called the Brownsville Agreement ( you don’t run ops in my country, senor, and I don’t run them in yours. Si? ) So ask yourself this: If DHS and SoS and El Presidente de Mexico knew, what are the odds that POTUS didn’t?

An operation like Fast and Furious doesn’t just happen. Not if it’s legal.

A Group One Undercover Investigative Operation, and Fast and Furious fits that bill, would first require departmental approval from ATF and, second, approval from its parent organization, DOJ—plans and proposals, with mission, targets and specific outcomes ready for scrutiny.

That means signatures—a senior executive at ATF, and a John Hancock from no less than an Assistant Attorney General at Justice.

After Fast And Furious gets a green light from ATF and DOJ, the same fully fleshed-out proposal, the power-point presentation and the agency-department signoff travel upwards (step three) to what’s called an Undercover Operational Proposal Committee, a body composed of senior executives from every US enforcement agency—Justice, ATF, DEA, DHS, ICE, FBI, Secret Service et al—any department or agency whose interests might be affected or intersected by the operation.

Committee approval doesn’t happen easily.

And had it not been for John Dodson, the one lone whistleblower at ATF, this whole thing would have been the perfect PR storm to re-instate the Assault Weapons Ban, ban semi-automatic firearms, and start a gun grabbing putsch the likes of which haven’t been seen since Hitler came to power in the 30s.

Read the stories at the links. “"I just want you to know that we are working on it,” said Obama some time ago when asked about gun control by his base, “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.” Maybe so, but all the stealth technology in the world is useless if the pilot turns on the IFF. And Dobson was the pilot. Ping! Contact!

And yet the White House is still playing stupid.

It’s high time we pulled the covers off this cover-up. All of them.

Read more at these:
a timeline of events

Jan. 8, 2011: U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords is shot while meeting with constituents in Tucson. ATF agents were initially worried she might have been shot by a gun sold through Operation Fast and Furious.

The implication there is that ATF already knew damn well that some of those guns smuggled into Mexico were making their way back into the USA.

Issa Says He Doesn’t Believe Holder’s Testimony Was Accurate Grow a pair already Darrell. Holder is lying out his ass, and the absolute proof is posted right here. Would it be raaaacist for me to say it’s time to call a spade a spade?

Obama Administration Not Enforcing Gun Laws, Issa Says Crivens, what an understatement. Water is wet, who knew???


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/08/2011 at 08:25 AM   
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calendar   Thursday - July 07, 2011

School Cheating, Part 2

I couldn’t say it better myself: take 3 minutes and go and read

America’s public education system has been a sham since those very first look-the-other-way decisions were made by social-engineering elites. The biggest lie of all is that liberals will say to their dying day they did it for the children.

Never has such a shameful pile of self-serving poppycock passed for “love.”

I still remember from the ’70s a very prominent ad for charitable giving.  The United Negro College Fund solicited donations to support the system of historically black colleges with this haunting statement:  A mind is a terrible thing to waste. It was so true then.  It is still just as true.

And sadly, the vast majority of those Atlanta school children cheated out of their educations were black. Self-serving, self-advancing, self-deceiving teachers and administrators have succeeded in wasting more genuine human potential than one mind can possibly even conceive — all of it sacrificed on the phony altar of liberals’ vainglorious pretense. If this isn’t a crime against humanity I truly cannot imagine what would be.

If those administrators and most of the teachers had been white, this cheating scandal would be now denounced by liberals as nothing short of “racist terrorism.” But since the highly acclaimed superintendent is black and originally from Jamaica to boot, this whole scandal will be whitewashed in liberal double-speak and individualized in the extreme.  Atlanta’s black mayor can get away with calling the release of the scandalous GBI report “a dark day for the city.” A white mayor would have been rhetorically tarred and feathered for such a blatantly “racist” statement.

I need a font with bold flashing arrows and a built in air raid siren. Bold just doesn’t cut it.

Appearances matter more than content. Period. Video really did kill the radio star. 

Hey, wait, she said “tarbrush”? That’s raaaaaacist!!!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/07/2011 at 08:16 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsEducationCorruption and Greed •  
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This Quacks Me Up

Duct Tape? Duck Tape!

Sticky Stuff Stick Saves Six Three


little swimmer saved by skimmer

BOISE IDAHO -- A few animal lovers rescued a few ducklings that were trapped in a storm drain Tuesday night on Victory Road near Five Mile Road.

A passerby noticed a mother duck acting strangely on the side of the road and stopped to see what was going on.  She realized a few ducklings were trapped in the drain.

A bit later, some others had gathered to help remove the ducklings.  They used a stick with duct tape on the end as well as a swimming pool skimmer to take three ducklings out.

All of the rescued ducklings were reunited with their mother who was by then swimming in a nearby canal.

“Happy ending. It was adorable. It was just wonderful,” Annette Anderson said.

And now everything is just ducky.


One brand benefits from a common misunderstanding

via Insty


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/07/2011 at 07:46 PM   
Filed Under: • AnimalsFun-StuffTalented Ppl. •  
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In The Inbox


It’s good to know I’m not the only one confused!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/07/2011 at 02:11 PM   
Filed Under: • CULTURE IN DECLINE •  
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It’s Getting Higher

Project Gunwalker/Fast & Furious Scandal Goes To The Top

FBI and DEA Involved

Eric Holder’s Toes Held to the Fire

Good! Bring down the government and flush out the shitheels at FBI and DEA. This is a CRIMINAL ACT people, a knowing, willing, purposeful breaking of the law for political purposes. It is BIGGER THAN WATERGATE. This is the Executive Branch and the top powers of law enforcement creating a false flag operation to DENY YOU YOUR 2nd Amendment RIGHTS!!

But only if you keep the pressure on. Write, email, phone your reps. Do the same for the media. Demand an honest, open, and huge investigation. AG Eric Holder ACTED UNDER ORDERS, as did the BATFE, FBI, DEA, and who knows who else? Probably the damn Parks Department too. And who has the power to coordinate those departments? President Obama and the Director of Homeland Security.

Americans have DIED because of this con!! And the whole bleeding thing was done to advance the Democratic Agenda: more gun control. Plain and simple.

Yesterday, Acting ATF Director Kenneth Melson answered questions from Rep. Darrell Issa and Senator Charles Grassley surrounding Operation Fast and Furious. Melson voluntarily participated in the interview and appeared with personal counsel, meaning although the Justice Department has prohibited Melson to testify before Congress on behalf of the DOJ about the scandal, he can in fact come forward with information as an individual informant outside of the DOJ and separate from DOJ interests.
Melson revealed the scope of Operation Fast and Furious reaches far beyond ATF and the Justice Department. He said the FBI, DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration) and other agencies were heavily involved:

We have very real indications from several sources that some of the gun trafficking “higher-ups” that the ATF sought to identify were already known to other agencies and may even have been paid as informants. The Acting Director said that ATF was kept in the dark about certain activities of other agencies, including DEA and FBI. Mr.Melson said that he learned from ATF agents in the field that information obtained by these agencies could have had a material impact on the Fast and Furious investigation as far back as late 2009 or early 2010. After learning about the possible role of DEA and FBI, he testified that he reported this information in April 2011 to the Acting Inspector General and directly to then-Acting Deputy Attorney General James Cole on June 16, 2011.

The evidence we have gathered raises the disturbing possibility that the Justice Department not only allowed criminals to smuggle weapons but that taxpayer dollars from other agencies may have financed those engaging in such activities. While this is preliminary information, we must find out if there is any truth to it. According to Acting Director Melson, he became aware of this startling possibility only after the murder of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry and the indictments of the straw purchasers, which we now know were substantially delayed by the U.S. Attorney’s Office and Main Justice.

Looks like it’s finger pointing time in DC as all the little scumrats scurry around trying to squeak “not me! not me!” Snap a trap on their asses. The top crimefighters in the country, working hand in glove with known alien criminals in hopes of pulling a fast one on the American people? Son of a bitch.

Of course, those words have yet to be spoken. It’s going to take some more heat before the big rats squeak that line out. But you know that that is the real truth. For now the focus is merely on everyone in DC with a suit and a badge being involved with a highly illegal straw purchasing scam. We’ll get around to motives eventually. Right now we’re still turning over rocks looking for worms.

Oh, and merely as an aside, when asked about this by the Mexican government, our big honchos denied everything. Do you know what purposely arming a huge group of organized criminals in a foreign country is, to the point where they effectively become a standing army strong enough to topple the local government and law enforcement agencies? It is an act of war. Straight up subversion. Casus belli. See, toldja is was bigger than Watergate.

The October 27, 2009 email from ATF Phoenix Field Division Special Agent in Charge (SAC) William Newell regarded a Southwest Border Strategy Group meeting that focused on Fast and Furious. It contained a laundry list of high ranking Justice Department officials that attended the meeting, including:

* Assistant Attorney General (Criminal Division) Lanny Breuer,
* Kenneth Melson, Acting Director, ATF
* William Hoover, Acting Deputy Director, ATF
* Michele Leonhart, Administrator, DEA
* Robert Mueller, Director FBI

Four other Justice Department directors or their representatives came from the Organized Crime Drug Enforcement Task Force (OCDETF), Bureau of Prisons (BOP), U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), and the Executive Office for United States Attorneys (EOUSA). The chair of the Attorney Generals Advisory Committee (AGAC) also attended the session. Their names were redacted in the released document. U.S. attorneys for all four southwest border states also attended.

Operation Fast and Furious, now known to many by the more accurate name of “Gunwalker,” was a multi-agency operation that allowed and — in some instances — approved the purchase of firearms destined for Mexican drug cartels by so-called “straw buyers.” The purchasers, who had clean criminal records, would buy firearms from U.S. gun stores for drug gangs. While most gun smuggling involves small quantities of weapons, a small number of high-volume straw purchasers each bought hundreds of firearms for the cartels.

ATF agents were told by their supervisors to ignore their agency’s charter and training and allow the guns to be smuggled into Mexico without interdiction. Roughly 2,000 firearms — ranging from pistols and AK-pattern semi-automatic rifles to .50 BMG sniper rifles — were smuggled into Mexico under Gunwalker and without the knowledge of Mexican authorities. Hundreds of smuggled weapons have turned up at crime scenes across Mexico and the U.S. border states and at least 152 law enforcement officers and soldiers have been killed with Gunwalker weapons.

While it has been known since the beginning of the investigation that the ATF, DOJ, DHS, and the IRS were heavily involved in Gunwalker, the Newell email confirms that every major agency within the Department of Justice was briefed on Gunwalker, including the AGAC, which has the formally ordered functions of giving U.S attorneys a voice in department policies and advising the attorney general.

Not to leave the States out of this federal fuck up, the US Attorneys for California, New Mexico, Texas were also in on this. See the .pdf of the actual email at the above link. Makes me wonder who, if anyone (ha!) they briefed back at the statehouses.

Also known as Project Gunrunner, the Arizona-based operation was supposed to be a sting, under which the federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, which is part of the Justice Department, allowed “straw purchasers” to transfer weapons from gun shops in Arizona to Mexican drug cartels to trace and halt crossborder arms-trafficking.

That’s the official version, anyway—but it’s crumbling, fast.

The ATF’s acting director, Kenneth Melson, has been singing like a canary to congressional investigators as he pushes back against administration pressure for him to resign and take the fall for something that, at the very least, had to include the US Attorney’s Office, the FBI, the Drug Enforcement Administration and possibly the Homeland Security Department.
“The evidence we have gathered raises the disturbing possibility that the Justice Department not only allowed criminals to smuggle weapons, but that taxpayer dollars from other agencies may have financed those engaging in such activities,” they wrote.

“It is one thing to argue that the ends justify the means in an attempt to defend a policy that puts building a big case ahead of stopping known criminals from getting guns. Yet it is a much more serious matter to conceal from Congress the possible involvement of other agencies in identifying and maybe even working with the same criminals that Operation Fast and Furious was trying to identify.”

That’s the key to this mess—and the reason that Operation Fast and Furious might turn out to be the biggest Washington scandal since Iran-Contra.

As Issa and Grassley note in their letter, had the other agencies shared information—theoretically the goal of the post-9/11 revamp of the intelligence and law-enforcement agencies—“then ATF might have known that gun trafficking ‘higher-ups’ had already been identified.”

So if the identities of the Mexican criminals were known to the feds, what was the point of Project Gunrunner—and why is Holder so desperately trying to stonewall by withholding hundreds of documents from Congress?

Law-abiding gun owners and dealers think they already know. With the Obama administration wedded to the fiction that 90 percent of the guns Mexican cartels use originate here—they don’t—many suspect that “Fast and Furious” was a backdoor attempt to smear domestic gun aficionados as part of its stealth efforts on gun control by executive fiat.

“I just want you to know that we’re working on it,” Obama was quoted as saying to gun-control advocate Sarah Brady in March. “We have to go through a few processes, but under the radar.”

Unfortunately for the administration, this one’s out in the open now.

Right to the top. Hang them all. I mean Out to dry, of course. On a nice clean laundry line. Strung up in a federal penitentiary.

And the cover up and the stonewalling that’s been going on for months now? Gosh, glad you asked:

Mr. Melson said that he told the Office of the Deputy Attorney General (ODAG) at the end of March that the Department needed to reexamine how it was responding to the requests for information from Congress.

According to Mr. Melson, he and ATF’s senior leadership team moved to reassign every manager involved in Fast and Furious, from the Deputy Assistant Director for Field Operations down to the Group Supervisor, after learning the facts in those documents. Mr. Melson also said he was not allowed to communicate to Congress the reasons for the reassignments. He claimed that ATF’s senior leadership would have preferred to be more cooperative with our inquiry much earlier in the process. However, he said that Justice Department officials directed them not to respond and took full control of replying to briefing and document requests from Congress. The result is that Congress only got the parts of the story that the Department wanted us to hear.

Acting ATF Director flat out lays the blame for the smokescreen at Holder’s doorstep:

“If his account is accurate, then ATF leadership appears to have been effectively muzzled while the DOJ sent over false denials and buried its head in the sand,” Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said in a letter Tuesday to Attorney General Eric Holder. “That approach distorted the truth and obstructed our investigation.” (news video at link)

Your taxpayer dollars were spent to buy those guns you know. $10,000,000 to be exact:

[ text of HR1 stimulus bill of 2009 ] For an additional amount for ‘State and Local Law Enforcement Assistance’, $40,000,000, for competitive grants to provide assistance and equipment to local law enforcement along the Southern border and in High-Intensity Drug Trafficking Areas to combat criminal narcotics activity stemming from the Southern border, of which $10,000,000 shall be transferred to ‘Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Salaries and Expenses’ for the ATF Project Gunrunner.

Can’t blame Bush for this one.

Now watch it be utterly buried by the MSM. I already checked This story does not exist. AT ALL. The only thing remotely similar is one story on ATF head may quit from TWO WEEKS ago which does outline Gunwalker somewhat, and another one in which idiot Rep Elijah Cummings (D-Maryland) says how Fast & Furious shows the need for more gun control.

Most honest and transparent government, evah!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/07/2011 at 11:10 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsGovernmentGuns and Gun ControlStoopid-People •  
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13 ahead

We went 5-2 at bowling league last night. Nothing exceptional to report really. The 2nd place team lost all 7, so they might fall to 3rd, but our 5 point win puts us at least 13 points ahead of the next team. That’s almost 2 full weeks of full loss we can suffer and still hold our place. Not that that is going to happen.

We bowled the new kids last night. Team “Nighthawk” is 3 just out of high school guys who have never bowled before, and a vacancy. They throw in the very low 100s and below; the vacancy position gets 140 pins and is their anchor - their best bowler. Hey, they’re beginners, and I’m glad they had the guts to join a league.

I wanted so much to give them lessons, but I know better. They’ll figure things out eventually.

We stomped them the first game, bowling well above average while they all bowled well below average. Then we eased up 80 pins and they improved 60 pins and we still beat them. In the 3rd game we weren’t even trying, and they were bowling as best as they could. With the huge handicap they got from us, that lead to us chasing them the whole game, barking at their heels. We did a little rally in the 9th and 10th, and closed the gap enough that had my wife (who is anchor this season) had rolled 2 strikes and a 1 in the 10th we would have won that game as well. She didn’t, so we didn’t. That’s Ok. We still made wood for the extra point. Better to take the one game loss and keep our averages down. Tactical bowling. It’s all part of the strategery.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/07/2011 at 08:21 AM   
Filed Under: • Bowling Blogging •  
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calendar   Wednesday - July 06, 2011

Why I Hate Fashion, Part XXIII

I hate fashion because the designers and make-up people and photographers take someone like this ( Russian model Vlada Roslyakova )


who actually looks like this without the fancy costume


And then they do things to her like this and have the gall to call it art.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/06/2011 at 11:53 AM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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as everywhere else in the world, muslims cause unrest in australia

Well Drew ....

They may have to turn the lights off in Australia also.
Just another example of a country enabling their own take over by the mad mullahs and sub culture of these, these , ???  I can’t bring myself to refer to them as people, as that would imply they are actually human. They are altogether something else but the problem is not so much them as the pc left who allow it. And the conservative lites who go along or say nothing. None of our countries, none, seem able to just pull the plug on these, these, ???. 7th century zealots.


Muslim woman Carnita Matthews escapes jail by remaining behind her burqa

Janet Fife-Yeomans and Paul Kent

Daily Telegraph [Australia]

The woman at the centre of the burqa row, Carnita Matthews, has a long record of driving offences and a history of not paying her fines.

Court documents have revealed that she had been fined seven times for traffic infringements before she was stopped by police in June last year for not displaying her P-plates in the incident that sparked the row that spilled over to the District Court yesterday. ...

After being stopped by police last year for not displaying her P-plates, Ms Matthews was ordered to pay $276 in fines and court costs.

She claimed on Channel Seven and allegedly in a statutory declaration to Campbelltown police that the officer who stopped her had attempted to tear the burqa off her face, a claim that was proven untrue by the police patrol car video camera.

A magistrate last year found her guilty of making a deliberately false statement and sentenced her to jail for six months. Ms Matthews appealed, saying there was no proof she was the person in the burqa making the statement and Judge Clive Jeffreys in the District Court yesterday upheld her appeal.

The news comes as women wearing a burqa may be ordered to remove it to identify themselves in the wake of the Carnita Matthews case.

Police Minister Mike Gallacher has revealed that police do not currently have the legal power to require women to show their face if the women refuse on religious or cultural grounds. ...

The government is also considering passing new laws requiring people who make complaints against police, or in the case of witnesses giving evidence, to have to provide at least one fingerprint and their signature.

This follows the finding by the judge that he could not be certain that it was Ms Matthews who made the statutory declaration complaining about the officer who stopped her car because the person who handed the document in to the police station wore a burqa. ...

Yesterday, Ms Matthews avoided jail because her identity could not be proven. ...

The absurdity of the law is that, to reach the level of proof of identity to make the case, Mrs Matthews would have been required to identify herself by lifting her burqa at the police station - what started the uproar in the first place.

More than a dozen Muslim supporters linked arms and began chanting “Allah Akbar” as they stormed out of Downing Centre Court with Mrs Matthews concealed behind them. ...

Mrs Matthew’s lawyer Stephen Hopper defended their actions saying: “They are obviously happy with the result and are expressing it in a way that is culturally appropriate to them.”



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 07/06/2011 at 10:17 AM   
Filed Under: • muslims •  
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It’s Over, Over There

Will the last actual Englishman leaving the UK please turn off the lights on his way out? Thank you.

UK Islamists demand 3 “Emirates” where only Sharia Law would apply

Dewsbury, Bradford and Tower Hamlets ... where Islamic extremists want to establish independent states with sharia law

Islamic extremists have called on British Muslims to establish three independent states within the UK.

The notorious Muslims Against the Crusades (MAC) group have named Yorkshire towns Bradford and Dewsbury and Tower Hamlets in East London as testbeds for blanket sharia rule.

The medieval ‘emirates’ would operate entirely outside British law, according to a document on the MAC website.


Typical Londonistan street scene

The MAC group, led by Abu Assadullah, was set up last year and has become notorious because of its violent protests, most provocatively burning poppies during the Remembrance Day silence.

Under the heading ‘Muslims should set up Islamic emirates in the UK’, MAC says: ‘We suggest it is time that areas with large Muslim populations declare an emirate delineating that Muslims trying to live within this area are trying to live by the sharia as much as possible with their own courts and community watch and schools and even self sufficient trade.

London 7/7 bomber Mohammad Sidique Khan lived in Dewsbury, which has battled to diffuse extremism in recent years. In 2007, it was alleged that a number of Muslims in Dewsbury were running an illegal Islamic court from a school and similar claims have been made in Tower Hamlets and Bradford.

Tower Hamlets council was last year accused of falling under the control of extremist groups following a documentary by the Daily Telegraph journalist Andrew Gilligan.

The plan is part of the MAC’s response to the government’s revised Prevent strategy to combat Islamic extremism.

In its document, called Islamic Prevent, the fanatics also call for an end to CCTV cameras in and around mosques.

It says: ‘Muslims must get rid of all CCTV cameras from Muslim institutions. Sadly many mosques have today adopted CCTV cameras to spy on Muslims on behalf of the police and local authorities.’

Other inflammatory instructions include demanding the release of all Muslim prisoners, a ban on Muslims joining the police or armed forces and a rejection of British democracy.

The document ends: ‘We can conclude that measures by the UK government are nothing more than an attempt by them to strip the Muslim community of their Islamic identity and to integrate them into the non-Islamic way of life.’

Dear England: You’ve had your silly Binge. Now it’s time for the Purge.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 07/06/2011 at 09:37 AM   
Filed Under: • MiscellaneousRoPMASharia lawUK •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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