Sarah Palin is the other whom Yoda spoke about.

calendar   Friday - May 06, 2011

Crowder Does Osama

Hey, since it’s a day for misleading headlines, I figured I’d play along too. Heeeeeere’s Stevie!


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/06/2011 at 04:18 PM   
Filed Under: • Humor •  
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Should’ve knocked first

A few weeks ago there were a couple of daytime break ins in some of the condo parks around here. Bold as brass the burglars went right in to several units in the middle of the afternoon and stole stuff. They got away clean, no witnesses, no leads. I don’t know if upstairs units were hit, or just downstairs ones.

There aren’t many people around here in the daytime. Even the retired folks are usually out and about, and everyone else has a job to go to. Well, except me.

We’ve got the computer set up in the back bedroom, and our upstairs unit has a covered balcony area in the back, off the bedroom, above a sort of breezeway between the sides of the two adjoining lower units. Since the back of our building is at the base of a very steep little hill, visibility into that little “canyon” is quite limited. Access to the balcony is through glass sliding doors that open from the right. We’ve got a big thick drapery across them, and then a thinner curtain under that, so that we can let light in without giving up our sense of privacy.

So I’m sitting here blogging and I hear a clang, followed by the unmistakable sound of an extension ladder opening up, and then another clang. I get up, pull the drape aside, and see through the sheer curtain the silhouette of a man climbing over the railing with a medium size L shaped object in his hand. Looks like a gun. WTH?

With hardly a conscious thought I was digging through the drawer where my wife keeps her .45. And it wasn’t there. !!! So in two steps I had my Ruger out of it’s box and a speed strip whipped across the cylinder. And I actually checked to make sure I had my pants on. Not that I’m in the habit of blogging in the buff or even pantsless, I just had that make sure you’re not naked thought flash across my brain, so I checked. Pistol in hoodie pocket by my right hand, I opened the slider with my left. And found the condo association maintenance man. With a cordless electric drill set up as a nut driver.

“What are you doing on my balcony?”

“I’m putting your railing back on.”

“What? It wasn’t off an hour ago?”

“I took it down to repaint the wood, so now I’m putting it back.” (we have iron railings with a 2x6 board for a top piece. Classy, right?)

“Oh. OK. You know, what with those burglaries the other week, maybe it would have been a smart idea to have knocked first.”

“Yeah, probably, but I don’t usually bother because there’s never anybody home during the day.”

“Exactly how those units got robbed. Alright, do what you have to do.”

I don’t think it took 10 seconds from when I heard the ladder clank against the railing to when I opened the slider. The Ruger is back in it’s locked case, safely unloaded, in a secure child-proof area (in case anyone from the government is reading this), the newly painted railing is back in place and the maintenance guy and his ladder are gone. So now I’m getting the shakes and feeling a little light headed. And I’m realizing I was here at the computer the whole time, and I never heard him take the railing off! I think I’ll see if I can’t find better quality locks for the sliders. Maybe a couple of lengths of broom handle to lay in the track too.

not completely concealed, and it prints through like mad
damn, where did those grease spots come from?  rolleyes

I stood there at the slider talking with the guy for a couple minutes. I didn’t say anything and he didn’t say anything, but it would be kind of hard not to notice, doncha think? I bet that next time he will knock first.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/06/2011 at 01:37 PM   
Filed Under: • Guns and Gun Control •  
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an obit but … a bit unusual. take a look.

An unusual obituary cos parts reads funny. Actually, a sort of Inspector Clouseau without meaning to be.

Colonel Albert Bachmann (RIP)

Colonel Albert Bachmann, who has died aged 81, was Switzerland’s best-known and most paranoid spymaster, in a country that traditionally has no enemies and refrains from foreign entanglements.

Mustachioed, pipe-smoking and blessed with an ability to wreak havoc within his own organisation, Bachmann’s resemblance to Inspector Clouseau was striking; by the time his plots and schemes were uncovered by an astonished commission of inquiry, he had reduced the Swiss military intelligence agency, in which he had mysteriously managed to rise to a senior role, to a state bordering on chaos, not to mention bankruptcy. So catastrophic was his impact that, when he was finally unmasked, many assumed he must be a double agent. He was not.

His most controversial, some would say delusional, acts occurred between 1976 and 1979, when he took charge of top-secret operations for Switzerland’s military intelligence force, the Untergruppe Nachrichtendienst der Armee (UNA). Though Bachmann had flirted with communism in his student days, he was by then a fanatical Cold Warrior, and brought the zeal of the convert to the fight against the Soviet Union.

His first significant move was to buy a country estate in Ireland for use by a Swiss government-in-exile in the event of a Soviet invasion. His second bold step was Projekt-26 (P-26), the creation of a clandestine army of Swiss guerrillas trained in weaponry, bombing and assassination techniques to repel the dreaded Soviet attack.
The problem was that neither the Irish venture nor the secret anti-Soviet army had been officially authorised, and were the fruits of what Bachmann called his “initiative”. Others would come to call it insubordination or even fantasy.

But neither plan stalled Bachmann’s rise. Indeed, his intelligence career was curtailed only after a top-level investigation into an operation he sanctioned in 1979 that deeply embarrassed Switzerland and Austria — friendly neighbours with the same neutral status and few if any military secrets to hide from one another.

In November that year, Austrian troops on manoeuvres in the city of St Pölten tapped on the window of a parked car at 2.30am and were surprised to find inside not a courting couple but a Swiss management consultant called Kurt Schilling.
Schilling, an expert time-and-motion man but an inept spy, was sitting in the front seat with binoculars, map and notepad, staring into the darkness. He had been ordered there, he was happy to recount, by Bachmann, his case officer.
When Schilling asked the soldiers for particulars about their positions, they marched him straight to the state police. His arrest on charges of spying for information freely available to Swiss and other foreign observers at the manoeuvres was portrayed in the press as worthy of a comic opera.

At his subsequent trial for espionage, it emerged that Schilling had been seeking to establish how long Austria could hold out in the event of a Soviet invasion. Taking account of the botched execution of his mission, the court leniently sentenced him to a suspended five-month term and deportation back to Switzerland.

The press mocked Schilling as “the spy who came in from the Emmenthaler”, after Switzerland’s famous cheese. But it was Bachmann’s career that never recovered. In the wake of the Schilling debacle, it became clear that Bachmann and his department were out of control. His boss was forced to resign, and Bachmann himself – exposed as a loose cannon, unchecked and unregulated – was consigned to early retirement.

read more here


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/06/2011 at 11:28 AM   
Filed Under: • OBITITUARIES •  
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Worst Headline of the Day

Al Qaeda Warned of ‘Breakfast With Navy Seals’: Hutchinson

Hello to anyone not completely brain dead. What does that headline mean to you?

To me, it is a 100% blatant statement that the news about the impending raid on bin Laden’s compound was leaked. That the most ultra secret, best hidden, only-6-people-in-the-whole-government-knew plan personally engineered by the Great I Am, greatest surprise action in this administration’s history not only got out of the bag, but got to our enemies; that perhaps only a few hours or even minutes separated a Killer Coup from another Carter Disaster.

That isn’t what the story is about. Not at all.

The death of Osama Bin Laden has dealt a serious blow to Al Qaeda recruitment and has diminished the organization’s capability, Asa Hutchinson, former Under Secretary of Homeland Security told CNBC on Wednesday.

Hutchinson said with the operation, carried out by US forces, the US has proven it can and will fight the war on terrorism.

“You think about this being the command center,” Hutchinson said. “Their capability has been diminished …the benefits from this will come over the next year.”

It would also help to limit recruitment for the terrorist organization, he said, as potential fighters might wonder whether they were “going to wind up having breakfast with a navy seal”.

Talk about irresponsible journalism. We’ll ignore completely the obvious facts: a) we probably have no way of keeping tabs on how many splodeydopes sign up for AQ on a weekly or even monthly basis, and b) seeing as OBL got offed less than a week ago, it’s far too soon to be able to spot any kind of trend even if we did have perfect data on a).

No, let’s talk instead about a misquote so wanton that not even “fake but accurate” fits the picture. Undersecretary Hutchinson said nothing of the kind. The only “warning” that could possibly come out of his remarks would be to potential AQ recruits, and potential recruits are just that: not yet members. Not part of Al Qaeda. Raggies merely thinking about being wannabes. Even the context is pretty stupid: AQ leadership has been shown to be one of the world’s most risky jobs for years and years now, as our guys pop them with decent regularity. Knocking off the top goat sucker is just one more deader in the sack. Any potential recruit who hasn’t figured this out by now probably needs a suicide belt labeled “this side towards infidels”. So the “warning” isn’t even a warning, it’s such old news that it’s merely the de facto situation: join us, and you’ll most likely die. OTOH, nuclear DUH moment: that’s why these losers sign up, right? They want to die. They want to achieve martyrdom. Their lives suck so bad that being dead has to be an improvement, whether that gets them 72 raisins or not.

Antonia van de Velde, the CNBC Associate Web Producer who wrote this crap, ought to be terminated. Oooh, I must have just made a warning! “Blogger makes death threats against CNBC!!!” Geez Louise. No, you idiots, all I’m saying is that if your authors have such poor writing abilities and such a drive to provide sensationalist headlines that they are willing to make up BS out of whole cloth, then they should not be working for anything close to a respectable news organization. (which is my opinion of CNBC: close to, but not really, a respectable news organization) What’s next? “Osama bin Laden was secret time travelling love child between Bat Boy and Natalee Holloway, raised by the ghost of Elvis”??

Turn in your press pass van de Velde: TOTAL FAIL.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/06/2011 at 08:42 AM   
Filed Under: • Media-Bias •  
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Captain Clueless Takes The Credit?

This might go a long way towards explaining why the OBL story seems to change by the hour. A 4 page insider’s story that Obama and his minion Jarret are blithering indecisive idiots, and that the whole OBL mission was run by Leon Panetta, with support from Hillary. Or is it just another whack job conspiracy “anonymous source” story written by one of her supporters? It sure goes a long way towards explaining that now famous “Situation Room” picture, where TOTUS looks more like a bad puppy caught peeing on the carpet than Our Bold Progressive War Leader. Hell, look at it: he’s not sitting at the head of the table. He’s not even sitting in a “big people” chair. He’s squatting on the floor. There isn’t even a chair for him to sit in. They just stuck him in for a photo op.


Q: You stated that President Obama was “overruled” by military/intelligence officials regarding the decision to send in military specialists into the Osama Bin Laden compound.  Was that accurate?

A: I was told – in these exact terms, “we overruled him.” (Obama) I have since followed up and received further details on exactly what that meant, as well as the specifics of how Leon Panetta worked around the president’s “persistent hesitation to act.” There appears NOT to have been an outright overruling of any specific position by President Obama, simply because there was no specific position from the president to do so.  President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president.

I have been told by more than one source that Leon Panetta was directing the operation with both his own CIA operatives, as well as direct contacts with military – both entities were reporting to Panetta only at this point, and not the President of the United States.  There was not going to be another delay as had happened 24 hour earlier.  The operation was at this time effectively unknown to President Barack Obama or Valerie Jarrett and it remained that way until AFTER it had already been initiated.  President Obama was literally pulled from a golf outing and escorted back to the White House to be informed of the mission.  Upon his arrival there was a briefing held which included Bill Daley, John Brennan, and a high ranking member of the military.  When Obama emerged from the briefing, he was described as looking “very confused and uncertain.” The president was then placed in the situation room where several of the players in this event had already been watching the operation unfold.

The President of the United States, the Commander In Chief of all the military overruled?

That’s called a coup ladies and gentlemen. Treason in the highest degree. A junta, even if it was one that only lasted a few hours. Obama the sock puppet, his strings pulled from behind the curtain. If this story is even remotely true, how can you have the smallest measure of faith that these strings aren’t being pulled on a daily basis? Read the article.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/06/2011 at 08:11 AM   
Filed Under: • GovernmentObama, The OneTyrants and Dictators •  
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this is not just another same old traveller story … take a look.

It has been awhile since my last post about folks who are called “Travellers,” who have been allowed to claim special status alongside gypsies, as a protected minority and racial group.  In other words, say bad things about the scum sucking bastards and it becomes a ‘race crime.’ Or near to. No wait. In fact it has been claimed as such.

Chances are good that most reading this are tired of the category and have already seen my past rants.  So I’ve pretty much been avoiding these stories cos it’s always the same old same old. 

BUT … This story is very different from all previous articles about how these thieves (travellers) move onto land illegally and just take over. And you can not move them by force even if it’s your property.  The same is true of squatters who move into your house if you’re away on vacation.  Or maybe you went out shopping for groceries, came home and found your house occupied by strangers.

So what the heck is different about this story?  Well, the owner of the property that’s been stolen, or occupied by the thieving scum, is facing a possible fine. Why?  Because somehow he’s now responsible for moving ppl off that land, and they’re refusing to go.

Go ahead readers, try and figure this one out.

Invaded by travellers, ignored by the police. Now this farmer is facing a £20,000 fine

Last updated at 8:06 AM on 6th May 2011

They arrived on his picturesque farm three years ago in a threatening convoy of caravans and lorries. And they have remained there illegally ever since.
Desperate for help, Gerald Cleave turned to police – only to be warned, with frustrating inevitability, that he could be arrested if he tried to force them out himself.

Now officials have finally taken action.

But, astonishingly, that action is to tell Mr Cleave that if the travellers do not move on, it is he who will face prosecution.

The 68-year-old has been informed he faced fines of up to £20,000 if the 50-strong community remains there today.
He was handed an enforcement notice by the Dartmoor National Park Authority threatening prosecution unless the camp was cleared by midnight last night.
The farmer said the brazen travellers have turned his agricultural land into an eyesore and have even arranged for their post – including insurance documents and catalogue orders – to be delivered to his farmhouse.


Yesterday he recalled how he pleaded with the group to leave the one-acre site at Middle Stidson Farm in South Brent, Devon, when they first arrived.
Mr Cleave was shocked when the National Park Authority, which is responsible for planning issues in the area, told him it had no legal powers to evict.
He said police then warned him he could be arrested for assault or criminal damage if he intervened directly.

After the travellers arrived in May 2008, an application to turn the camp into a permanent site was refused. The group was served with an enforcement notice in August last year giving them nine months to leave. But Mr Cleave was furious when a similar notice was sent to him.
He said: ‘It’s ridiculous to think I could be left with a huge fine from all this. I don’t see why I should have to spend thousands getting rid of them. I’d rather go to prison than pay a penny. I have been given notice from Dartmoor National Park Authority that they must leave but they haven’t given me any help.’

He described the past three years as a ‘living hell’ and claimed his ‘hands were bound’.
‘I’ve owned this land my whole life. It was inherited from my father and I have had to watch as it has been turned into a mess,’ he said.
‘I’m desperate to get them out so I can get my land back and use it for agricultural land again. As it stands, there are at least 40 vehicles on the land, which is now a sprawling mess with horses and dogs running about.

I’m at a complete loss as to what to do. I’ve tried everything legally within my powers.
‘I could forcibly remove them but might face prosecution. I’ve asked them to leave and they won’t listen to reason, what more can I do? It’s the law of the land and the reason why this country has gone to pot.’

Dartmoor National Park Authority confirmed it had served an enforcement notice to the landowner ruling the travellers must leave.
Stephen Belli, director of planning, said if the group hadn’t moved on, the authority had five options, one of which was prosecuting the owner.
Others included prosecuting the occupiers or imposing a court injunction to imprison those still there.
He said: ‘I sympathise with the owner as obviously he didn’t invite them there, but that is an option available to all planning authorities throughout the country.’

The travellers had yesterday put up metal panelling and fencing around the site and posted a notice on the gate which read: ‘We live in this property. It is our home and we intend to stay here.’



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/06/2011 at 05:11 AM   
Filed Under: • Travelers/Gypsies/Squatters •  
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calendar   Thursday - May 05, 2011

I’ll Take Manhattan

Had to take the MIL back to Sloan Kettering for more tests today. I thought we were real smart, making an early afternoon series of appointments: come in after rush hour, get out before rush hour.

As if.

Got up through NJ in world record time, traffic flowing along at it’s standard off-peak 85mph. Got through the Lincoln Tunnel with no problems; only about a 3 minute wait doing the world’s largest merge to get 4 or 6 highways down to the 2 lanes in the tunnel. Came out the east end in Manhattan ... into total gridlock.

Thank you Obama.

Took me 1 hour and 45 minutes to go 11 blocks over and 26 blocks up, a distance of perhaps 3 miles. But we got her to her first appointment exactly on time. Then we spent the rest of the day going from doctor to doctor for more tests and consultations. The sister in law gets to take her in next time, and we can get a couple of the tests done here in NJ.

There was no time or opportunity to have anything to eat the whole day, aside from a few cups of coffee and a couple packets of saltines that they have set out in the waiting areas. Glad the two of us split a banana for breakfast before we left. 3 hospital buildings around the city, 4 tests, 3 doctors. Busy every second.

Traffic this evening was not bad at all. I zigged when I should have zagged, and unintentionally went across and downtown through the finance district and then the theater district, so we had a nice tour of the better parts of the city. God, I love driving in NYC when I’m not under pressure to be somewhere at some exact time. Pure aggression. Fantastic. In NY, if you hesitate you lose, so just go for it. The only part I don’t like is that the pedestrians share that same attitude, and will step out in front of you without even looking, knowing they have the legal right of way. Yeah, and I’ll make sure they write that on your tombstone. But that all adds to the fun, along with cutting off buses, richshaws, and limos double parked on both sides of the streets. Woo hoo, Drew’s coming through! Zoom. Dodge. Squeeze. Swerve. Fly!

Got back here exactly 13 hours after we left this morning, to the minute. Very tired now. Dinner and sleep.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/05/2011 at 09:33 PM   
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It’s god damn personal !

I need to get a couple of things off the old chest.
Kinda pissed at what I hear on the radio, especially all the god damned hand wringers whining about the awful Americans shooting an unarmed man.
No justice the jerk claim. One apologist last night suggested suggested that obl’s body was not treated with respect.
Respect?  What fuckin world are these nutcases living in?

To make matters even worse of course, we are now told that the original story issued by the mis-administration, was all wrong.
Oh great. That really adds to our image. What?  Is the left hand aware of the right?  Never mind. That’s not what’s on my mind and churning my gut.
It’s the damn foreigners pontificating on America and generally done by folks who haven’t a clue about us.

I’ve been reading and hearing ppl critical of American celebrations over the shooting death of that murderous, terrorist bastard obl. They don’t seem to approve, as if we need their ok, Americans jumping and shouting for joy that at long last, after all these years, the scum who attacked our country is no more. He’s been deleted. But we shouldn’t celebrate that fact.  One ass wipe on radio last night even suggested 9/11 came in response to our invasion of Iraq. WTF? Did I miss something or did 9/11 happen first?  Another guy, a lawyer being interviewed on his opinion, kept spouting “Law, not War.” OBL should have been arrested and given a fair trial, said the complete and total idiot. Then another lame brain from the Labour Party said much the same. These folks have no idea at all, of how deeply most Americans feel. They just don’t understand us and more to the point, they aren’t interested either.  It was OUR country that was attacked.
Stupid piss ants.
So then, there are a few people I just have to pass a message on to. From me personally to all our critics ...


You schmucks do not run America or pay taxes there or have any allegiance to the USA. You know squat.

I’m a bit tired of moonbat wonders like .........

The Pwince of Wails coming to my country and telling us what to eat and why.  And I really doubt much that BMEWS cares about your dumb assed twee hugging gween campaign to save the pwanet. Go on home you misguided dunce. We don’t need any royals telling us what we should do. I thought that was settled a long time ago.

Here’s what pwincy has to say while visiting America this week.

Prince Charles tells America to cut down on steaks ... for the sake of the world


America’s appetite for beef is jeopardising the world’s water supply, the Prince of Wales said during a visit to the US.

Americans eat more than 41kg of beef a year on average, according to the UN, almost twice that consumed by Britons and four times the international average.
The Prince called for an overhaul of food production, championing organic and sustainable techniques, and also criticised the US for allowing the destruction of vast regions of its rural land.

Up yours jerk.

And then we’re blessed with the opinion of the Arch-jerk of Canterbury, Rowan Williams.  Here’s what he has to say about our deleting of that lice factory on legs, obl.

Unease over Osama bin Laden killing

The Archbishop of Canterbury said the killing of Osama bin Laden while he was not armed has left him with “a very uncomfortable feeling”.

Bin Laden was shot dead in his compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan, and it later emerged he was unarmed when US commandos fired at him.

Speaking in response to a question at a press briefing, Dr Rowan Williams said: “I think the killing of an unarmed man is always going to leave a very uncomfortable feeling because it doesn’t look as if justice is seen to be done.

Well sir, you have my permission to take that feeling and shove it where the sun don’t shine. 
Drew, please put a dunce cap on these guys. I don’t have the software to do it or I would.

These are three letters to the editor of one paper. Three of many like them I’ve read or heard voiced on radio in interviews. It’s what so many are deluded enough to believe.

SIR – British forces would never be allowed to target an individual, because that would breach the rules of war.
American forces have just targeted and killed Osama bin Laden.
Are we in the right, or are our allies? Or is there more than one set of rules?
Rev Richard Haggis

Lemme say it again Rev. Jerk Off. Our country was attacked. Does 9/11 ring a bell you ignorant pile of would be holy shit? Do you see the scum we’re up against worrying about rules of war?  Is everyone in your congregation as stupid as you are? Or are you just one off? Did you get the dumb gene from mommy or daddy? 

SIR – If the West represents democracy, should we not have led by example and brought Osama bin Laden to a fair trial? However bad he was, he was human and had rights. It shocks me to see how people in America are celebrating his death.
Edward Kendall
Canterbury, Kent

Rights? Like the ones he allowed the people on those planes and in the towers and aboard The USS Cole and many other outrages? You really are a dumb assed motherfucker. I hope one of yours gets caught up in the next attack. Lets hear what you have to say about “rights” then ass wipe.

SIR – William Statt credits bin Laden with the spread of al-Qaeda around the world (Letters, May 4). Actually, the 9/11 attack produced revulsion everywhere – including almost all of the Muslim world.
It was George W Bush and Tony Blair’s subsequent invasion of Iraq – a country at the time fervently opposed to al-Qaeda – that lit the fires of al-Qaeda around the world.
Jonathan Walsh

And of all the misinformed, dumbassed moonbats wasting good air by breathing, you Mr. Walsh take a special prize for Stuck on Stupid and delusional.
Why are you living. Please kill yourself very soon cos you’re so fuckin stupid.
Maybe this jerk doesn’t remember the monies promised to the families of suicide bombers.  $25,000 was the offer. But Saddam was fervently opposed to AQ. Yeah, right.  9/11 produced revulsion in almost all the muslim world? Yeah. Right. You really are too stupid to live if you actually believe that crap.


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/05/2011 at 11:21 AM   
Filed Under: • Personal •  
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calendar   Wednesday - May 04, 2011

Oh Poo

Actor and director Jackie Cooper has died. He was 88.


Cooper—who was nominated for an Oscar when he was 9-years-old—passed away yesterday at a hospital in Beverly Hills after a sudden bout with illness.

Cooper was a highly respected director in his adult years—winning Emmy awards for his work on “M*A*S*H*” and “The White Shadow.”

Cooper famously played the role of The Daily Planet newspaper editor [Perry White] in the 1978 “Superman” film.

Actually, I think Jackie Cooper got his start on The Little Rascals and other comedy shorts, back in 1929 ...

He also spent a long time in the US Navy, from WWII to 1982, on and off, full time and reserve. Had he stayed in just a bit longer, he would have been promoted to Rear Admiral; Cooper was the second highest ranked military officer in Hollywood, after Jimmy Stewart.

Cooper retired in late 1989, having compiled a list of 127 titles he acted in, and worked steadily in Hollywood throughout the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60, 70s, and 80s.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/04/2011 at 05:08 PM   
Filed Under: • Hollywood •  
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Artsy Farsty Stuff


Is this what happens when you let a redhead play a sunflower in a road version of The Lion King.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/04/2011 at 04:31 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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europes future unless stopped, and what are the chances of that happening?

H/T To our bmews friend and sometimes councilor:

Lyndon B.

Lyndon sent me something days and days ago and I’m embarrassed that I’ve only just discovered the link he provided. Were I a a serious drinking man I’d bame it on that. But no.  The reason must be that I’m blind. Jeesh.

Sorry Lyndon and THANKS again.

I think this is my only post today cos I have to be away, and not too certain when we’re returning. Day out with wife and elderly auntie.

Anyway, I booted to check mail with no intention of posting anything. Have a few things to do before leaving in another hour, but found Lyndon’s very good link which brought me to this link,which you’d think I’d have been aware of since we do get the paper. Not only that, I’m on their site every day. So how’d I miss this?

Some days ago I mentioned immigrant and asylum seekers over running an Italian island.

Click the photo and that is my post for the day and take a look at what new horror Europe and ESPECIALLY the UK face.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/04/2011 at 01:54 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and Immigrationmuslims •  
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calendar   Tuesday - May 03, 2011

Must Be Windy


Somehow her hair has become all disheveled.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/03/2011 at 02:31 PM   
Filed Under: • Eye-Candy •  
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obl is gone but his insects remain and they’re everywhere.

We’re all of us well damn pleased that the murderous bastard obl is no more.  I wish our govt. would release the videos of the whole thing. Especially when the SOB finally gets his.  Don’t guess we’ll even get to see his dead worthless corpse. Lets not fool ourselves though.
We face another new beginning.  There are warnings from the Brits and our own embassy, people generally believe with good reason, that attacks will be made and the worry here is that it could well be some lone wolf fanatic that isn’t yet on the radar. And don’t laugh guys but, if you’re walking around with an American accent, you could be a target. 

The monster in chief of AQ is gone but islam isn’t. These 7th century fugitives are here among us now. Have been for awhile.

There’s a site I visit from time to time called Family Security Matters.  I happen to be reading them today and found further interesting but mostly scary stuff. An update too on previous postings on the subject of muslim intrusion (some call it immigration) of the UK and Europe.
These life forms are very serious about taking over. There’s a couple of videos at the link. You may be interested.

Muslims Creating No-Go Areas in Europe

Will this happen in America?

FSM: Eurabia Watch, The Editor

France has a higher number of Muslims than any other country in Europe. Politically, President Sarkozy appears to recognize that overly high numbers of Muslims are not good for French social cohesion. Sarkozy is already trying to modify the Schengen rules of Europe to prevent the free movement of Tunisian refugees to France.


The Schengen agreement allows any resident of Europe to travel freely within 25 of the 27 European Union nations, without the need for border controls. Italy, whose island of Lampedusa was swamped with economic migrants from Tunisia, has granted six-month visas to thousands of the migrants, and France cannot sustain so many new arrivals. Many of these migrants are heading towards Britain, where a liberal welfare benefits culture awaits them.

The North African Muslim communities of Paris were the main instigators of riots that took place in the northern suburbs of Paris in the fall of 2005.

The riots began after three Muslim youths had run from police, and had tried to hide inside a turbine at an electricity substation. The youths were electrocuted, and two died. The riots then spread throughout Paris and Ile de Cite, with further outbreaks in other large cities with high Muslim populations, such as Lyons, Marseilles and Toulouse in the south.

One should not forget the manner in which such communities are run. The older generation of migrants from North Africa are often out of work, and the power in their fractured households is devolved to young males.

Samira Bellil broke the silence about the plight of young women in such households, where many girls who do not wear the veil and adopt Western attitudes are – at the command of these young tyrants - subjected to gang-rape. Young women who are forced to be raped in turn are called “tournantes.”

I documented the fast growth of Muslim-dominated gangs in Britain in a three-part article for FSM in 2008.  Such gangs have murdered non-Muslims who wandered onto their “turf”. The worst incidents of Muslim gang violence have involved a South London Muslim group called “The Muslim Boys,” who shot a young man called Adrian Marriott for failing to convert to their form of Islam, and an appalling case from Scotland. Kriss Donald, aged only 15, was abducted from a street by a Muslim gang simply because he was white and not Muslim. He had never met his attackers. Kriss was beaten, stabbed thirteen times, and set on fire. His body was found near a cycle track in Clydeside. Seventy percent of his body was covered with burns. There were rumors that he had been castrated.

While male Muslims take over streets of Europe, the plight of the women within such Islam-dominated segregated communities becomes worse. They are forced by their peers to wear veils and to become “submissives.” Those who do not comply with the prevailing veiling norms are then subjected to intimidation.

In London this month, a non-Muslim woman of Bangladeshi origin was told: “Wear a headscarf or be killed.” The woman lives in Whitechapel in East London, where a large proportion of women wear the veil.

Feminists in Britain blithely assume that wearing the veil is a lifestyle choice and ignore the evidence of coercion and compulsion.

In December, Nidra Poller discussed the problem of Muslims illegally taking over a street in Paris where they lay down carpets and pray in the road, completely blocking the thoroughfare.

The situation of Muslims in Italy engaging in prayer in the open (illegally taking over public spaces) really began in Bologna. Here the San Petronio cathedral in Bologna has had threats of bombing, because it contains a 600-year-old fresco inside, painted by Modena. This fresco, inspired by Canto 28 of Dante’s Inferno, shows Mohammed on a rock, with his body split and his bowels extruded. On several occasions in 2006, Muslims in Bologna decided to hold illegal prayers in the square outside the cathedral.

In Moscow too, Muslims engage in illegal occupation of a public street to pray.



Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/03/2011 at 02:13 PM   
Filed Under: • muslims •  
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obl burns in hell but gets 72 virgins ….

This is one of those posts that speak all for itself.

Is this paradise where I get my 72 virgins and a palace?’

Sure thing sport .... she’s hiding her beauty below the fold.

See More Below The Fold


Posted by peiper   United Kingdom  on 05/03/2011 at 11:10 AM   
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
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It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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