Sarah Palin is allowed first dibs on Alaskan wolfpack kills.

calendar   Wednesday - August 27, 2008

Aarrgh, Pirates!

Pirates of the Mediterranean?


The $40 million luxury sailboat, The Tiara, was raided by pirates off of Corsica.

I know, it’s been a while. But either those Somali pirates are keeping quiet, or the stories just aren’t making the news anymore. Or ... maybe they’ve moved north, to cooler waters?

Armed pirate gang storm luxury £20m Mediterranean yacht and rob guests of £100,000

A gang of four masked men boarded a £20million yacht in the Mediterranean and robbed guests and crew of more than £100,000.

The modern-day pirates pulled alongside the 160ft vessel in a speedboat, then stormed aboard wielding handguns and rifles.

They ordered the captain to empty the boat’s safe, then told the nine guests - who had paid £130,000 for their one-week charter - to hand over their cash and valuables.

Within ten minutes, the gang were back in the speedboat, making their escape. They stole cash, gold watches, jewellery and several artworks, police said.

A spokesman for the French coastguard said that no shots had been fired and no one was hurt in the robbery.

The yacht, called Tiara, was anchored several miles off southern Corsica when the raid happened on Sunday night.

Its captain immediately alerted coastguard officials on the French Mediterranean island, but the criminals have not been found.



Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/27/2008 at 09:28 PM   
Filed Under: • Pirates, aarrgh! •  
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Bobby Jindal is no fool

Unlike his predecessor, Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal went ahead and declared a state of emergency for his state before hurricane Gustav arrives. Just in case, you know. Four or more days before the storm might even arrive.

Tropical Storm Gustav’s impending arrival in the Gulf of Mexico, potentially as a major hurricane, has prompted Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal to declare an emergency for the state.
“We are going to hope for the best, but we’re preparing for the worst,” Jindal said Wednesday.

The move puts Louisiana in position to receive federal disaster assistance. Jindal also said 3,000 National Guard members will be deployed to vulnerable areas in Louisiana on Thursday to assist with securing shelters and preparing for possible evacuations.

Jindal cited forecasts that Gustav, which killed 22 people in Haiti and the Dominican Republic this week, could become a Category 3 hurricane in the coming days and hit the Gulf Coast by late Monday morning.

I wonder if he’s making sure the school buses are all tuned up and ready to go?

Alluding to Katrina’s disastrous aftermath, Jindal said Louisiana is “better prepared than before” and has hundreds of buses and thousands of shelter beds lined up in preparation for another storm.

He urged residents to fill up their cars, stockpile three days’ worth of food and water, and refill prescriptions in case evacuations become necessary.

The state has requested a “pre-landfall” declaration from President Bush, asking the federal government to release personnel, ambulances and other assistance to prepare for the storm.

Still, Jindal stressed that “our people also have personal responsibility” to prepare for the storm.

Damn, I guess he is!

Mayor Ray Nagin said he planned to cut short his trip to the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado, to return to New Orleans by Wednesday night.

Is that idiot still around? Oy vey. Well Ray-ray, get out your sack and start packing up yo chocolate, it soon be steppin time agin.

I read through almost the whole article and didn’t see any mention of what political party Jindal might belong too ... and you know what that means!

Jindal is scheduled to speak next week at the Republican National Convention in St. Paul, Minnesota, but he said Tuesday that he’ll change his plans if the storm warrants it.

“As long as there’s a chance that we’ll be in this storm’s path, I’ll be here in Louisiana,” he said. “I’m going to make sure I’m here personally to help lead the preparation efforts and, if necessary, any recovery efforts that are necessary after the fact.”

Yup, there ya go. Preparedness, responsibility, a usable plan, some pro-active measures ... sounds like a Republican to me. Let’s hope the storm clobbers central Mexico instead.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/27/2008 at 09:08 PM   
Filed Under: • Climate-WeatherRepublicans •  
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A winning formula

And Disney cranks out another one!

Music video from the unbelievably cute Selena Gomez, all of 16 I think maybe. It’s part of the soundtrack to her new, straight to DVD movie, Another Cinderella Story. I guess that explains the maid costume.


Disney has this shizz down to an art at this point. I can almost guarantee this kid will be a multi-millionaire by the time she’s 22. Sucks to be her, don’t it?

Let’s see if the big D is keeping to form here ... really pretty performer? Check. Taps into the Tweener market? Check. Simple lyrics repeated endlessly so that simple minded people can memorize the whole thing in two listenings? Check. Lots of synth and computer assistance on the soundtrack? Check. Rebellious teen theme? Check. Loaded down with implied sexuality, but nothing actually overt? Check and Double Check. Cha-Ching! Platinum sales guaranteed.

UPDATE: This video may have been pulled from YouTube, or it may just be overloading the servers. MTV may have exclusive rights to the thing for now perhaps. So here is an embed that gets the vid from MTV ... minus all of their extra links, previews, and other junk

I’m such an old fart that I never even thought to go out to Duh. Ok, next time I feel the need to post a bit of pop music I’ll remember. Unless I have another Senior Moment.

My God that girl is adorable. 16 didn’t look 1/20th this good when I was there. 


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/27/2008 at 08:00 PM   
Filed Under: • HollywoodTelevision •  
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Don’t Stop Believing

Talking heads on the news are running wild. Gosh, because of the way the DNC rules are set up, the delegates could nominate Hillary for VP!!!!!!!1111!!! And then Biden would be out and she would be on the ticket.

They just won’t let go. Ever. Even the ones on Fox News.

The spirit of Dan Rather lives on in each of them, denying reality until after the bitter end.



4:50pm Denver time:

Hillary Clinton: “And I move, that we suspend the rules, and that by acclaimation, we nominate Barack Obama as our candidate for President of the United States.”

Motion seconded ... approved ... and the crowd gives voice. Barack Hussain Obama is now officially their choice. Why bother counting? Can we all go the hell home now? Um, no. Now they need to tell us how wonderful he is for the next hour or so, then we have to watch the Biden Bullshit Nomination Nonsense.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/27/2008 at 02:35 PM   
Filed Under: • Media-Bias •  
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Michael J. Totten Reports: Russia started it

“Saakashvili is accused of starting this war on the 7th,” he said.

“Right,” I said. “But that sounds like complete bs to me if what you say is true.”

Thomas Goltz nodded.

Another great job of reporting by Michael J. Totten: The Georgian conflict has been going on since 1991, with tens of thousands of casualties. This latest round was completely started by the Russians, days before the “official” war began, and everything you have heard on the TV news has been almost total bullshit. It’s a long read, but well worth it: GO HERE AND SEE FOR YOURSELF.

A most apt comment there:

All of this information was already available to those with the inking to search. A simple Google search reveals stories from last year and beyond about Russian military movements around Georgia.

Even without that, it was clear from the efficency and specificity of the Russian attack that it had been planned to the letter, and was not an ad hoc reaction to “sudden” Georgian aggression.

A clear 3 step process on the part of Russia:
1. Move troops into place.
2. Have Ossetian puppets provoke a response.
3. Invade.

Yeah, no shit.

H/T to the Rott.

Slightly off topic but still relevant: Cossacks! Links lead to other links which lead to other links, etc. Some lead back to another Totten article here on Tbilisi.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/27/2008 at 12:55 PM   
Filed Under: • No Shit, SherlockWar-Stories •  
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250-year-old journals reveal fears for C of E and ISLAM.

Charles Wesley’s 250-year-old journals reveal fears that Church of England could split.
The 300,000-word journals of Charles Wesley, the co-founder of the Methodist movement, have finally been decoded after a nine-year project to unravel the hidden messages within his complex personal shorthand.

By John Bingham
Last Updated: 11:05PM BST 26 Aug 2008

Rev Prof Kenneth Newport, pro vice-chancellor of Liverpool Hope University, has deciphered more than 1,000 pages written 250 years ago between 1736 and 1756.

He has uncovered details of Wesley’s anxieties over the possibilities of a split from the Church of England, his younger brother’s plans to marry and even over the growing influence of Islam.


He used a handwritten transcription of the four gospels made by Wesley as a guide to deciphering the journals themselves.

Wesley’s concerns over the prospect of the newly founded Methodist Societies splitting from the Church of England echo the Anglican Church’s current debate over the consecration of gay clergy and the threat of schism.

According to his journals, the hymn writer - who is best known for “Hark, the Herald Angels Sing” and “O for a Thousand Tongues to Sing” - was vehemently opposed to any move toward a formal break.

“He was very much opposed to separation, he saw the Methodist Societies as within the established church and anything that smacked of separation was something he took a very strong view of,” Rev Prof Newport said.

“At one point in the journal he is talking to the society at Grimsby and goes into block capitals and says ‘I told them I would remain with them as long as they remained with the Church of England but should they ever turn their back on the Church they turn their back on me’.”

Wesley’s opposition to the split is disclosed despite his older brother John, with whom he co-founded the Methodist Church, being widely credited with setting the process in motion.

It was John Wesley who ordained clergy to lead the movement in America and who set up the structures which would ultimately replace those of the established church.

The whole debate echoes that within the Anglican Church of today, which is threatening to forge another lasting split. The Evangelical wing of the Anglican Communion boycotted the recent Lambeth Conference and set up the rival Global Anglican Futures Conference (Gafcon) group in protest over the ordination of the gay Bishop of New Hampshire, Gene Robinson.

Charles Wesley’s volumes also detail his fears over the possible “encroachment” of Islam into western society
and contain passages outlining his opposition to his brother’s plans to marry Grace Murray, because she had once been engaged to another man.

“He (John) is insensible of both his own folly and danger, and of the divine goodness in so miraculously saving him,” Wesley wrote.

Rev Prof Newport studied the journals from copies of the originals held at Manchester’s John Rylands Library.

Much of the writing is in an idiosyncratic personal shorthand which has never been decoded before.
Rev Prof Newport’s used a handwritten transcription of the four gospels made by Wesley as a guide to deciphering the journals themselves.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 08/27/2008 at 09:44 AM   
Filed Under: • HistoryUK •  
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Mr. Howse is the religion editor and often writes on other subjects as well and is no friend of political correctness.
I posted the story yesterday with my own take, but this appeared in today’s paper and I immediately thought, Yeah.  If had his education and brains and the talent of a good wordsmith, I’d have written this yesterday.
Below the flower bar are a couple of readers comments.

Razor-blading every last man in the book
By Christopher Howse
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 27/08/2008

Last week I delightedly ripped open a parcel from Amazon to reveal The Art of Manhole Covers in New York City by Diana Stuart. These fine cast-iron objects have every right to be celebrated, but it is notable that the author felt obliged in her foreword to apologise for the word manhole.

She just couldn’t use any other, like the unfortunate character in Nineteen Eighty-Four who was given the job of rewriting Kipling and kept in “God” because he couldn’t think of any other rhyme.

Now Chichester District Council, as we reported yesterday, has strongly advised against the use of the phrase “man in the street” lest women be offended by not being in the street too.

This is no silly story like the banning of Baa Baa Black Sheep. It reflects a conviction that it is wrong to use man to mean “human” - morally wrong, like wife-beating.

“Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly,” says the Bible. Not any more, it doesn’t. “Blessed are they who have not walked in the counsel of the wicked,” says the Church of England’s Common Worship, which replaces the Book of Common Prayer in churches of the kind that use stacking chairs instead of pews.

The blessed man has gone the way of the dustman ("My old person’s a dust person"), the postman, the policeman and the fireman.

It’s funny how we fall out of sexism into militarism, being recommended (though not in this newspaper) to say fire-fighter instead of fireman. Chichester wants that man in the street to be replaced by general public, another warmonger.

Even dear old Minnie Haskins’s line “I said to the man who stood at the Gate of the Year” has been gender-reassigned on many an internet site to “the one who stood”. What next?

Perhaps the most famous bungled quotation in history, Neil Armstrong’s “That’s one small step for man; one giant leap for mankind.” How would you like future schoolbooks to put that? “That’s one small step for me; one giant leap for us”? Sounds more like The Two Ronnies.

How did we get into this mess? The Oxford English Dictionary has spent the past two decades revising its entry for man. The article in the 20-volume dictionary now runs to 34,000 words.

No mannish aspect has been left unturned: axe-man, porkman, jazzman, beadsman, woodsman. You could count a whole orchard of cherries with them.

The dictionary now adds an explanatory note. “Man was considered until the 20th century to include women by implication,” it says. “It is now frequently understood to exclude women, and is therefore avoided by many people.”

(but just who is it who “understands” it to EXCLUDE women? Before people were taught, or should that be indoctrinated, to think in those terms?  I don’t think anyone ever thought in those terms.  But as I already have pointed out, it’s a construct of the left and nobody fought them on the issues, the issues being thought themselves to be far too silly to bother with, and so we all lost to the left by default. And so it continues.)

By many people? How many people? Who does Tammy Wynette stand by? Who broke the bank at Monte Carlo? Who knew too much? James Stewart was the What from Laramie? Spider-What? Batwhat?

It goes back a long way. English lacks the distinction of Latin homo (human) versus vir (person with willy). So from the time of the Lindisfarne Gospels (those bright pages from the Dark Ages, finished by the year 721), we have happily used man to mean “person” (as the Germans do today).

Someone will have to go over the illuminated parchment pages with a razor-blade scraping every man out again.

That, metaphorically, has been the effect of the man-ban campaign of the past generation. The aim was partly to explode the fallacy of seeing women as defective men.

Just as important was the struggle to change consciousness, so that every time man popped up, the hearer should think sorrowfully of injustice to women. The campaign has changed the English language, making the use of man even more offensive.

If we remake our language, literature risks being misunderstood. So when Hamlet exclaims: “What a piece of work is a man!” Shakespeare is made to sound like a sexist instead of a Renaissance humanist. That is a pity.


Political Correctness is more than just silliness and sophistry. The intention is to assault Western culture from all sides so as to depict it as racist, misogynistic, discriminatory, war-mongering, etc. It is an assault on individualism and above all, reason, which is the bedrock of Western culture.

All part of the post-modernist, hard-left agenda.

Posted by Capitalist on August 27, 2008 11:16 AM

The people that come up with such stupid PC correct dogma are of course, being paid by the public that have more sense and they will also enjoy very generous pensions. Britain seriously needs rescuing from these idiots but who will do it?
I wish that I could spend just half an hour with the person who thought this one up.
Posted by Clive on August 27, 2008 11:14 AM


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 08/27/2008 at 09:09 AM   
Filed Under: • EditorialsUK •  
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Organised crime gang stopped when ringleader shot.  (Graveyard Dead! )

So now there’s two less gremlins here on our doorstep in the country of Hampshire,England. Score one for the good guys. Wish they could have taken out the
all the other rotters as well but hey, two is good.  I’m happy with that.

Kudos Cops. Well done.

Organised crime gang which stole £500,000 stopped when ringleader shot
A organised crime gang which made half a million pounds in a series of armed robberies was stopped in its tracks after the mastermind was shot dead by police, a court heard.

A organised crime gang which made half a million pounds in a series of armed robberies was stopped in its tracks after the mastermind was shot dead by police, a court heard.
By Aislinn Simpson
Last Updated: 1:09AM BST 27 Aug 2008

The gang carried out detailed reconnaissance trips and used stolen cars to target cash in transit vans outside banks in at least 18 robberies across the south of England, Kingston Crown Court heard.

Its 18-month crime spree was brought to an end in September last year when armed police shot dead two of its number, including boss Mark Nunes, 35, after lying in wait outside a bank in Chandler’s Ford, Hampshire.
The getaway driver, Terrence Wallace, 26, was arrested later that day after fleeing the scene, the court heard.

Wallace and three other alleged members of the gang, Victor Iniodu, 34, Leroy Wilkinson, 29, and Adrian Johnson, 28, from London, all deny conspiracy to rob.

Brendan Kelly, opening the case for the prosecution, said: “This case concerns robberies, sometimes armed, sometimes not, that targeted the carriers of cash in transit, that is guards employed to move money to and from banks and all other retail outlets.

“Over an 18-month period of time, this gang netted in excess of £500,000.”

The court was told Nunes recruited gang members and selected the targets but also joined in on the robberies.

Mr Kelly said: “Despite their skills, their planning and to a degree, their patience, their luck ran out.”

The Metropolitan Police managed to identify at least some of the culprits and they were followed.

Nunes and accomplice Andrew Markland, 36, were under surveillance as they drove to Chandler’s Ford, a small town in Hampshire on September 13.

“Again their victim was a Group 4 Security guard but this time there was a difference,” Mr Kelly said.

“Armed police officers both undercover and secluded in various buildings in the vicinity of the HSBC bank were watching.

“They saw Nunes point a loaded firearm at the head of the guard and as he did so, he was shot dead to protect the life of the guard.

“As Markland went to pick up the gun, he too was shot dead.”

Wallace, of Raynes Park, Wilkinson, of 3 Presentation Mews, 42 Palace Road, Streatham, Johnson, of 79 Abbotts Place, Streatham Hill, and Iniodu, of 297 Derinton Road, Tooting, all deny conspiracy to rob cash in transit between April 27 2006 and September 14 2007.

The trial continues. 

(Trial? What is there to try? Just rid society of the company and save the money. Trial. Jeesch)


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 08/27/2008 at 08:35 AM   
Filed Under: • CrimeFun-StuffUK •  
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How could having a good ‘story’ make Obama a good president.?

But this is the politics of soap opera and the pursuit of ratings, driven largely by a cynical mass media. It is no proof of a man’s fitness to govern a superpower. If the Democrats are starting already to worry about their choice of candidate, that’s why.

Not only is this worth reading, as this guy is speaking not to us but to his fellow Brits, but so are some of the many comments that follow his commentary.
He is in the USA (obvioulsy) reporting on our election process.  So perhaps what he has to say and the comments after may be of some interest to folks back home who are already tired of the Obama story.  Here’s how this Brit. conservative see things. This is the message he’s sending back.

By Simon Heffer
Last Updated: 12:01am BST 27/08/2008


There is an atmosphere over the Democratic Convention, and it is not merely the thin, dehydrating air of the Mile High City on the edge of the Rockies.

Michelle Obama in Denver: She tells a good story but it is not enough.  It is the barely concealed contempt that the supporters of Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton have for each other, undiluted despite the Presidential Election being barely two months away.

“Hillary 12” is on the lips of many delegates here, as they look forward to their heroine having another attempt at the nomination in four years’ time: an attempt that can, of course, take place only if Mr Obama fouls up now. Many Democrats assume, or rather hope, that he will do just that.

Others fear he may not now make the serene progress to the White House that looked assured a month or two ago. Hence the air of tension where Mr Obama’s supporters had once hoped there would be one of confidence.

Hence a convention, so far, devoted to papering over cracks in the Democratic home rather than savaging and burying the Republicans for their years of misrule.

The delegates look forward with trepidation to his speech before 75,000 people at Denver’s Mile High Stadium on Thursday night.

Some fear this is a hubristic act, that of a man drunk on his own mellifluous oratory and, as the old cliché goes, making the mistake of believing his own publicity.

He is a candidate accused of an obsession with image and of putting his distinct personal style ahead of any substance, distinct or otherwise.

Mrs Clinton’s supporters are mainly bad losers who have taken further umbrage in the last few days that she was not picked to be his vice-presidential running mate; they are not the main danger to Mr Obama, however, even though a poll revealed that 27 per cent of them want to vote for John McCain.

The real problem is those who were open-minded towards Mr Obama but who now fear he may not be up to it; and they are not hard to find in Denver.
While we await his turn in the spotlight it was his wife, Michelle, who on Monday evening supplied the first keynote speech of the convention.

It is interesting how the Americans, having rejected the British Constitution in 1776, now seem entranced by the idea of what Walter Bagehot (explaining the appeal of monarchy) called the constitutional device of “a family on the throne”.

We have had the Bush family ad nauseam, the Kennedys ditto (with old Ted yanked from his sickbed to endorse Mr Obama in a stunt that made On Golden Pond seem light on sentimentality), an attempt at the Clinton family, and now the extended family of the Obamas.

Mrs Obama, eloquent, charismatic, articulate, glamorous, felt obliged to make a speech outlining, among other things, the all-American nature of her parents and brother.

No detail of her father’s suffering from multiple sclerosis was too intimate, no reference to her humble upbringing too cloying, to be shared with the American people. Mrs Obama has long since chucked in her job as a stratospherically highly paid lawyer to serve the public in more humble capacities: as she did not hesitate to tell us.

It was a pungent reminder of the differences that remain between our two cultures: any politician, or politician’s spouse, who tried to push such a line in Britain would be laughed out of public life. Here, things are different, and it is felt they need to be different in order to find the right person to govern America and lead the free world.

There is an idealism, or at least a lack of cynicism, in American politics that will be incomprehensible to many in Britain. Family, and its use in politics to identify leaders with the led, is almost a taboo at home.

Here it is an essential part of the process. It is part of that property that every candidate for high office here has to have: what Mrs Obama called his, or her, own American story.

Mr Obama has rehearsed his story over and over again - the white mother, the rapidly absentee black father, the self-confidence that had him churning out his first volume of autobiography at the age of 32. Now it was Mrs Obama’s turn. As stories go it is a good one.

Her humble parents did a magnificent job bringing up their children, they worked hard, they encouraged aspiration, they made the link between effort and reward and they explained the clear distinction between right and wrong. They were, in short, good conservatives, though that was not how Mrs Obama put it. They were good Americans.

As their daughter said - and given some of the slurs about her and her husband’s patriotism in the past few months, she had to say it - they lived the American dream. And the Obama programme is to allow everyone to buy into and live that dream, by means as yet unspecified.
Mrs Obama continued the theme of sentimentality launched by Senator Kennedy, and perpetuated by various other speakers during the evening.

The general theme is this: Mr Obama is wonderful because he is wonderful. Or, if we want to be more rigorous, he is wonderful because he believes in “change”. As with David Cameron’s use of the word (though it appears to have dropped out of his vocabulary) this vacuous term is never defined: we are never told what is changing, and to what.

But the word only has to be mentioned on the floor of this convention for the delegates to be set off on yet more moronic whistling, hooting and clapping. Nobody wants to delve further into what it means; perhaps they will never have to.

The whole business of the personal “story” is the ultimate proof of the triumph of the politics of personality over the politics of substance. At this convention, one is reminded that people who become politically active do so principally because they have a grievance.

How that state of mind can ever be treated by the politics of personality is far from clear. So far, the Obama campaign, with its emphasis on the “story”, has been largely substance free. He needs to start to redress that on Thursday in his speech, and in the three debates with Senator McCain in the coming weeks.

He feels he has solved part of the problem in his appointment of foreign policy “expert” Joe Biden as his running mate, but the real issue where substance is required is the economy.

Even a town as prosperous as Denver starts to look frayed at the edges, with cheap meal deals on offer at most restaurants and large lots of derelict land even in the heart of the city.

Some have wondered how Mr Obama would react to Iran bombing Israel in the first week of his presidency. A better question might be how he would react to a couple of investment banks going under, with defaults on a trillion or two of debt.

Having a good “story” may now be an indispensable part of the job application. Poor old Senator Biden is being lauded here more for having a wife and child killed in a car crash than for knowing where Kazakhstan is.

But this is the politics of soap opera and the pursuit of ratings, driven largely by a cynical mass media. It is no proof of a man’s fitness to govern a superpower. If the Democrats are starting already to worry about their choice of candidate, that’s why.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 08/27/2008 at 06:43 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPolitics •  
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“I am a proud supporter of Barack Obama” Shillary C.

Ya Gotta Start Off Each Day With a Gag!  (apologies to Jimmy Durante)

Couldn’t resist this and filed under humor of course.
I am not posting the article from which the bottom photo appears because you folks at home have already seen and heard all you want to of it. Altho really, maybe more folks from our side should listen to pick up any nuggets of insanity we can use that we may have missed before.
It’s like, have you ever read a book the second time and suddenly found something you missed first time around? 

Not too often, but it does happen.
Anyway,,, somethin’ tells me I have a job cut out here during this week cause everything back home is gonna be what Kim du Toit calls the Democratic Love In.
I may however post how the Brits are recording and reacting to it, and Simon Heffer of the Telegraph has a very interesting word or two on the subject and they are NOT pro Obama.

image cartoon is under ‘comments.’


good grief charlie brown. is this a face anyone should not be frightened of?

That’s my caption.
Where’s yours BMEWers?


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 08/27/2008 at 03:15 AM   
Filed Under: • HumorUK •  
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calendar   Tuesday - August 26, 2008

Like MacArthur, I too shall return

Still no job, but still looking. I am NOT wasting a picosecond of my life watching the DNC convention, so I’ve got nothing to say about Michelle O’s big speech. I did see the talking heads talking about which lies she should spew what they thought she should say to ramp things up for here baby daddy. Snore. Who do you think you are fooling at this point?

But I will try to find some time to write something. Peiper has been great as usual with the headlines from the UK. “City council fines teen knife attack victim for hazmat contamination after he bleeds all over sidewalk”. gotta love them limeys ... it’s whack over there.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 08/26/2008 at 06:27 PM   
Filed Under: • Miscellaneous •  
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Police officers told to mind their language.  (an oooold story from 2001. but still current)

Gee, this story was three years before we moved here to the wife’s native country to look after her aged and decrepit mom. And that was just her brain at the time.
Now then people, I have very much edited this before posting so do not simply go with my edited version.  Use the link for the whole story.  I’m simply posting it here because it was listed as related to a previous Moonbat post I have.  There may be some fraction, some little justification for rules with regard to
offensive language and behavior.  I do not dispute that and I very much doubt the “man in the street” does either.  However, as one officer has said, they’re
afraid to open their mouths in case they offend someone.  And you just know in this politically correct nightmare the left has been allowed to construct, anything at all can be found to offend someone, somewhere.

Not too long ago and I believe I mentioned it, our milkman went on vacation for a week.  We received a notice informing us that our “MILKPERSON”
was going to be away for a week.  Milkperson. Imagine that.  How fraken stupid!

Stay Tuned and lots-a-luck not getting yourself sued by someone you might offend.

Story from:
Paul Stokes
The Telegraph, June 2001.

The 16-page document drawn up by Greater Manchester Police sets out words and phrases deemed unsuitable and likely to offend. In his foreword to The Power of Language David Wilmot, the Chief Constable of Manchester, draws attention to the importance of using appropriate language. He says the aim is to protect the 6,900 officers, 3,240 civilian employees and 685 special constables from making unintentional mistakes and help them interact within the community.

He said: “We want everyone to respect the views and feelings of others, and to use language that doesn’t offend.”

The term “deaf and dumb” will be replaced by “deaf without speech” and people will no longer be “wheelchair bound” but “wheelchair users”. Political correctness extends to policemen becoming known only as police officers, a spokesman as a spokesperson, foreman as a supervisor and workmen as workers.

Officers are warned against using obviously offensive words such as cretin, spastic, cripple or mongol or even “people with special needs” in relation to the disabled. Pejorative expressions such as happy clappy, bible basher, God botherer and God Squad are also outlawed when describing people with religious convictions.

It is pointed out that homophobic words like queer, poofter, fag, dyke and butch cause offence to gays and lesbians as do phrases such as “gays often do those types of jobs”, “a woman with lesbian tendencies”, “a person of the other persuasion” or “he or she bats for the other side”.

Officers are urged to be extra sensitive when dealing with cross dressers, transsexuals and transvestites in case they cause offence and to try to understand the differences between them. A senior officer with more than 20 years’ police experience in Manchester said: “This document is a waste of time. Police have enough on their plates these days without adding to the problems.

“This document makes out that we are all idiots who need to be told how to address people. We are human beings who are trained to deal with tricky situations, this report makes a mockery of that. We’re scared to open our mouths in case we offend anybody.”


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 08/26/2008 at 05:28 AM   
Filed Under: • Nanny StateOutrageousPolitically-IncorrectStoopid-PeopleUK •  
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‘Man on the street’ is offensive to women.  MAJOR MOONBAT STUFF HERE. OH BOY. can I say boy?


bat batbat

The phrase “man on the street” should not be used in case it offends women, according to a politically-correct language guide for council staff.
By Jessica Salter
Last Updated: 6:56AM BST 26 Aug 2008

The document claims the popular saying is based on the assumption that the world is male and makes the views or work of women invisible.

It suggests that town hall officers should use “general public” a positive and less offensive alternative.

The guide also kills off the phrase “manning the switchboard” and suggests “staffing” or “running the switchboard” instead.

The suggestions, put forward by Chichester District Council, West Sussex, have been criticised as an example of “repulsive” political correctness.

Tony Colpoys, chairman of Ebernoe parish council, West Sussex, said: “This kind of thing really gets my goat - it’s not as though anybody in their right mind would believe that the “man in the street” referred solely to the male sex. It’s just stupid, I’ve never heard anything like it.

“I think political correctness is one of the most ghastly things about our society - it’s one of the most repulsive things ever to be invented.”

The council said that the document, which is distributed to all staff and council members, is not a rulebook but a guide to help staff and members find the correct words.

A spokesman said: “We introduced the guide because as community leaders we must be aware of what modern society requires of the public sector. This includes the sensitivity of various individuals and groups, and current thinking in society in general.

“It is easy to make fun of individual phrases or words but what we are seeking to do is to be more sensitive and responsive to the needs of others in our society.”

The seven-page guide offers other suggestions, including avoiding phrases like “old woman”, “old fool” and “old codger”, which, the council said, make old people seem fussy, stupid and dependent. It suggests simply using the phrase “old person” instead.

Have Your Say: Is the phrase ‘man on the street’ offensive to women?


ah-ah-ah.  Don’t touch that dial. Stay Tuned for more !  Coming up after the break .....  Moonbats Galore.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 08/26/2008 at 05:11 AM   
Filed Under: • Nanny StateOutrageousStoopid-PeopleTypical White People: Stupid, Evil, Willfully BlindUK •  
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Iraq police catch teenage girl in suicide bomber vest. (Welcome to Tuesday BMEWSers)

Well, maybe she thought she’d be better off dead then married at 13 to some grizzly bearded, smelly beast.  Who knows.

Yeah I know. Isn’t funny. 

Is everyone tired of these terror type stories? Seems to me that these would be or actual bomber stories are hardly news anymore.
Of course, often times we get a different take on the same story over here.  Sometimes we may get more detail.  Every now and then someone will write and say hey ... we didn’t see that here (USA).  So that’s generally one reason for me posting them. 
But I’m not certain how much real interest there is in this sort of thing. After all, everyone surfs the net and this can be seen under intl. news I’m sure.

Iraqi police have released video footage and photographs showing a teenage girl chained to railings and wearing an explosives vest.
David Williams and agencies
Daily Telegraph

In video footage released by Iraqi police in the city of Baqouba, the girl is seen handcuffed to a metal grid, her head repeatedly falling forward as policemen surround her.

After several minutes, the officers lift her flowered robe, remove the white vest hidden underneath and then take her for questioning. The interrogation, which took place in the presence of reporters, was also videotaped.

The arrest of the girl, who gave her first name as Rania and claimed to be born in 1993, heightened concern about a rise in suicide bombings by women in Iraq.

US commanders believe al-Qaida in Iraq is increasingly seeking to exploit women unable to deal with the grief of losing husbands, children and others to the violence.

The number of female bombers has more than tripled, from eight in 2007 to 29 this year, according to US military officials. They counted only four woman bombers in 2005 and 2006 combined.

On August 14, a woman suicide bomber struck a group of Shi’ite pilgrims south of Baghdad, killing at least 17 people and wounding dozens of others. On July 28, four female suicide bombers struck at a Shi’ite pilgrimage in Baghdad and a Kurdish protest rally in northern Iraq, killing at least 57 people and wounding nearly 300.

Police in Baqouba said the girl told them she was fitted with the explosives by female relatives of her husband. One police official alleged that some in the girl’s family had links to al-Qaida.

Officials said police wanted to “show the desperate level al-Qaida has reached, with members of one family driving each other to death,” said Ibrahim Bajilan, head of the provincial council in the Diyala province, of which Baqouba is the capital.

US and Iraqi forces have struggled for years to contain Sunni insurgents in Diyala. The province has been the scene of much of the recent violence in Iraq, even as the rest of the country witnessed a significant drop in attacks.

Many Iraqi women wear long robes, and Iraqi policemen are reluctant to pat them down at checkpoints because of cultural taboos.

( and the bad guys know that, don’t they?  why honor cultural taboos when killers are using same to do you in? maybe it’s past time to ignore those taboos.)
The exact circumstances of the girl’s arrest remains unclear. US officials said she turned herself in after being hooked to the explosives against her will. But local police said she was caught after arousing suspicion while walking in downtown Baqouba. A police officer is heard on the videotape saying she appeared to have been drugged.

Police later said the vest was packed with 33 pounds of explosives. The garment had six compartments, including two stuffed with what looked like tubes and four holding packages wrapped in celophane.

The girl insisted at first she did not know the women who gave her the vest.

“I swear to Allah that I do not know them. They were strangers,” she is heard saying. However, when pressed whether she knew the woman who put the vest on her, she replied: “Yes.”

Police asked if she intended to blow herself up. “No, no, they put it on me and told me to take it off at home,” she said. “They did not tell me to explode myself.”

Reporters attended part of another interrogation session yesterday, in which the girl told police that the explosives were strapped to her by female relatives of her husband.


Posted by Drew458   United Kingdom  on 08/26/2008 at 04:12 AM   
Filed Under: • RoPMAWar On Terror •  
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Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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