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calendar   Monday - October 29, 2007

Core Beliefs

From the American Thinker, we have a list of core beliefs of both conservatives and liberals.  Interesting opinions put forth.

I’ve recently read two articles that have as their theme the fact that liberals, while currently riding the anti-War, anti-George Bush juggernaut, are defined by negativity and, in fact, offer no new ideas to replace the doctrines and people they seek to defeat.  In that regard, modern liberalism (or, as liberals have restyled the movement, Progressivism) is a political movement akin to the person who rips down an ugly house, but has no idea how to rebuild a new one, leaving the former residents homeless.  Nevertheless, for all their anti-this and anti-that attitude, Progressives at least have the virtue of offering an ostensibly powerful and well-funded united front to swing voters who are often confused or disinterested.

Conservatives seem to face the opposite problem.  They’re awash in ideas, but can’t seem to cobble together a platform of ideas that appeal to the largest numbers of people.  Instead, they’re like high school cliques, with the Pro-Life crowd holding itself aloof from the Hawks, who, in turn, want nothing to do with the Fair Tax group.  Cliques are great, of course, if you actually belong to one, but to the American voters, looking at these disparate groups that can’t seem to find a common bond, they don’t look like a great bet to win either the White House or Congressional in 2008.

Since I would like to see a Conservative win in 2008, it occurred to me that it would be a useful exercise to examine myriad hot button issues to find core beliefs that will appeal to the greatest number of conservatives.  That is, I wanted to find lowest common denominator beliefs that, I think, still define the way most Americans think.  You can layer on the details later, but I do believe that there are certain conservative ideas underlying most issues that will resonate with the greatest number of voters. 

Obviously, since I’m just one person, I couldn’t undertake this task alone.  I started a post with my idea about Conservative and Progressive beliefs regarding core issues.  I then asked my readers to contribute, which they did, intelligently and vigorously.  I’ve now worked their ideas and mine into this article, and hope to take it to the next step, with contributions from the larger pool of readers available here - or, at least, with a larger group of people thinking about positive, unifying ideas to counter the relentless nihilism that characterizes today’s Progressives.

So, without further explanation or ado, and in no particular order, here’s the list:

He then goes on to compare and contrast the Conservative and Progressive beliefs on a number of topics:


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/29/2007 at 02:35 PM   
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Dept of Righteous Shootings

Found on Xavier’s site this morning.

A Shot in the Dark

Arthur Williams is 75 years old and blind, but still managed to shoot an intruder who broke into his southeast Gainesville home early Friday. Cevaughn Curtis Jr., 28, of Gainesville allegedly forced his way into Williams’ home before being shot in the neck. Curtis was taken to Shands at the University of Florida and was listed in stable condition Friday afternoon.

Curtis came to Williams’ door about 3 a.m. and asked to be let in, according to Gainesville police. When Williams refused, Curtis allegedly pushed his way into the house. Williams then fell back into a table, shattering a glass vase. “I don’t know what he had in mind to do,” Williams said when reached at his home Friday afternoon. “I had to stop him.”

Williams said he keeps a .32-caliber revolver to protect himself. After warning the intruder, Williams shot in the man’s direction. “I can hear - I backed up and I shot him,” he said. “I knew I hit him when he fell.” Williams, who had called 911 during the incident, then reported that he had shot the man.

Gainesville Police Lt. Anthony Ferrara said the first officers to arrive at the house found Curtis on the porch. “It appeared he tried to leave the house and collapsed on the porch,” Ferrara said. “He had been shot in the left side of the neck.” Ferrara said surgeons were trying to determine whether to attempt to remove the bullet or leave it in place because it was so close to Curtis’ spine. An update on his status was unavailable late Friday.

Curtis was charged with burglary of an occupied residence and battery on a person over the age of 65, according to police. Florida Department of Corrections records show Curtis was released from state prison in January after serving time for battery. He was on probation for multiple counts of battery and for intimidating a witness.

Williams said he worries about criminal activity in the area, so he keeps his gun close at hand. “I keep my gun on me,” he said. “That’s my protection - I can’t see.”

By Nathan Crabbe and Karen Voyles---The Gainsville Sun

Good for you Arthur.  Good to know that you have the means and will to protect yourself.  What if the Brady Bunch had their way?  They would like this blind man to simply wait for his 911 call to get responded to while the intruder did who-knows-what with him.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/29/2007 at 09:16 AM   
Filed Under: • Self-Defense •  
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Moonbats on Parade

Charles had one of his operatives at the Los Angeles Moronic Convergence.  With pictures!


So get ready folks, Farsi is going to be our next “official language” if this lady has her way.  Sheesh.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/29/2007 at 08:25 AM   
Filed Under: • CommiesDemocrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsStoopid-People •  
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Suicide Bomber Kills One


Suicide Bomber Explodes After Iraqi Citizens Corner Him

The Al-Qaeda killer exploded himself after an Iraqi Concerned Local Citizens group cornered him at home.
One person died- the bomber.
MNF-Iraq reported:

MUQDADIYA, Iraq – Acting on a tip from a local citizen, a group of Concerned Local Citizens located a suicide bomber, who detonated himself upon discovery in Muqdadiya Oct. 26.

The suicide bomber, who was believed to be targeting a populated area, detonated as soon as the CLC group entered the house he was located in, causing it to collapse. The collapse wounded one CLC and a suspected extremist who was in the house with the suicide bomber.

“Today’s discovery is a sure sign the population continues to grow tired of al- Qaeda’s barbaric acts,” said Col. David W. Sutherland, commander of Coalition Forces in Diyala province. “The local citizens and CLCs are both playing active roles in securing their areas and neighborhoods across Diyala – an important sign that they realize they must be the definers of their own democracy.”

“Because of the actions by the CLCs, many lives were saved,” Sutherland continued. “This is not the first time the CLCs have saved lives in their neighborhoods.

They truly are patriots serving to protect their families, tribes and neighbors.”

True patriots indeed.  The tide has turned.  These fine people have tasted freedom and are not going to allow the radicals to take back over their country.  They want their kids to grow up free and safe just like we do.  Good job guys.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/29/2007 at 08:14 AM   
Filed Under: • IraqPatriotismTerrorists •  
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calendar   Saturday - October 27, 2007

News Release You Won’t See

Here’s another bit of news you probably haven’t heard about from the MSM:

Unfortunately, most Americans do not consider Iraqis as people. We see them as terrorists or victims, not as everyday people with the same values as our friends, neighbors and relatives. Yet, most Iraqis are decent human beings with the same concerns, dreams, and compassion as most Americans. They want peace and are concerned about their fellow man.

Is it no wonder that we feel differently about the people of Iraq, when the American media only reports sensational news? If it doesn’t bleed or explode, you just aren’t going to see it on the evening news. I received a press release from Baghdad today, which I know the mainstream media will not pass on to you all. Here is an example of Iraqi charity and gratitude which touched my soul. Imagine how incredibly generous these soldiers are. They have little to support their own families. It’s not enough that they are fighting daily to bring peace to their country. They are actually reaching out to help unfortunate Americans.

Richard S. Lowry is author of Marines in the Garden of Eden and The Gulf War Chronicles.

RELEASE No. 20071026-01
October 26, 2007

Iraqi Army at Besmaya Installation Support San Diego Fire Victims
By U.S. Army Sgt 1st Class Charlene Sipperly
Multi-National Security Transition Command – Iraq Public Affairs

BAGHDAD, Iraq — Members of the Iraqi Army in Besmaya collected a donation for the San Diego, Calif., fire victims Thursday night at the Besmaya Range Complex in a moving ceremony to support Besmaya’s San Diego residents.

Iraqi Army Col. Abbass, the commander of the complex, presented a gift of $1,000 to U.S. Army Col. Darel Maxfield, Besmaya Range Complex officer in charge, Multi-National Security Transition Command Iraq, to send to the fire victims in California.

The money was collected from Iraqi officers and enlisted soldiers in Besmaya. In a speech given during the presentation, Col. Abbass stated that he and the Iraqi soldiers were connected with the American people in many ways, and they will not forget the help that the American government has given the Iraqi people. Abbass was honored to participate by sending a simple fund of $1,000 to the American people in San Diego, to lower the suffering felt by the tragedy.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/27/2007 at 10:04 PM   
Filed Under: • IraqMiddle-EastWar-Stories •  
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calendar   Friday - October 26, 2007

Faking Every Mistaken Asshattery

FEMA, apparently not wanting to actually hold a press conference with actual PRESS, decided to just go ahead and fake it with their own staff.

FEMA has truly learned the lessons of Katrina. Even its handling of the media has improved dramatically. For example, as the California wildfires raged Tuesday, Vice Adm. Harvey E. Johnson, the deputy administrator, had a 1 p.m. news briefing.

Reporters were given only 15 minutes’ notice of the briefing, making it unlikely many could show up at FEMA’s Southwest D.C. offices.

Johnson stood behind a lectern and began with an overview before saying he would take a few questions. The first questions were about the “commodities” being shipped to Southern California and how officials are dealing with people who refuse to evacuate. He responded eloquently.

He was apparently quite familiar with the reporters—in one case, he appears to say “Mike” and points to a reporter—and was asked an oddly in-house question about “what it means to have an emergency declaration as opposed to a major disaster declaration” signed by the president. He once again explained smoothly.


The reporters were lobbing too many softballs. No one asked about trailers with formaldehyde for those made homeless by the fires. And the media seemed to be giving Johnson all day to wax on and on about FEMA’s greatness.

Of course, that could be because the questions were asked by FEMA staffers playing reporters. We’re told the questions were asked by Cindy Taylor, FEMA’s deputy director of external affairs, and by “Mike” Widomski, the deputy director of public affairs. Director of External Affairs John “Pat” Philbin asked a question, and another came, we understand, from someone who sounds like press aide Ali Kirin.

Right guys, you couldn’t get any real press in there inside of fifteen minutes, so you decided the best thing to do is fake it.  Fake but accurate rears its ugly head again.

But the staff did not make up the questions, he said, and Johnson did not know what was going to be asked. “We pulled questions from those we had been getting from reporters earlier in the day.” Despite the very short notice, “we were expecting the press to come,” he said, but they didn’t. So the staff played reporters for what on TV looked just like the real thing.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/26/2007 at 09:14 PM   
Filed Under: • Media-BiasOutrageousStoopid-People •  
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Thank You Senator McCain

DJ Drummond remided me that it was 40 years ago today that Lt. Commander John McCain, USN, was shot down on a combat mission over Hanoi.  He was in the “Hanoi Hilton” for five and a half years, suffering torture and humilation.  He represents the finest traditions and honor of the United States Navy.  No matter what you think of his politics, he is indisputably one of our finest heroes from the Vietnam era.

Thank you, John McCain, for your service and for your sacrifice.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/26/2007 at 09:00 PM   
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Who Needs Rights Anyway?

via SayUncle, we find this lovely bit of news:

I think it’s worth acknowledging the primary functions of the law as it’s used by prosecutors in DC: the gun ban is both a preventive detention statute and an intelligence-gathering tool. At one time when I was a prosecutor, we were prohibited from extending a plea offer in gun cases unless the defendant agreed to come into the office (with his attorney, of course) and be “debriefed” about his knowledge of criminal activity in the city. The statute was also a mechanism for locking up individuals perceived as violent, but against whom other cases could not be brought for whatever reason. It’s pretty simple to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that an individual was in possession of a gun without a license and a lot tougher to prove that he committed a violent crime. These functions may not be relevant to the question whether the statute is constitutional, but it’s worth acknowledging that invalidating the gun ban will surely have a tremendous impact on crime-fighting in the District.

Got that? Here’s a former prosecutor who (a) doesn’t care if it’s constitutional or not (b) knows that the gun ban does nothing to decrease gun crime but makes a nifty tool to imprison people for (c) HAVING A PERCEPTION OF BEING VIOLENT.

I had an interesting conversation a couple of weeks ago with an acquaintance of an acquaintance who is a cop in another city in Virginia.  When I asked if open-carry was common in that city, he scoffed: “If I see anyone open-carrying, they are going to get jumped on by me and any other cop in the district.” We were in a polite setting and it would not have been proper for me to get all in his face about it.  (BTW, open-carry is legal by anyone over 21 in the Commonwealth of Virginia)

On one hand, I know what he meant.  He works in a bad part of this city and the general population he encounters are less than nobel in their collective contribution to society.  That notwithstanding, you can see the parallel in his words to this prosecutor’s above.

It is the general perception by law enforcement and the government that they are our betters.  That we are but sheep needing to be tended to.  If we get out of line, we will be poked and prodded until we comply, or else sent to the slaughterhouse.

It is very disturbing.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/26/2007 at 02:22 PM   
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Particularly Provocative

I can’t imagine the mental gymnastics that one has to go through to justify condemning this action.  Israel has to be the only county in the world that supplies “The Lightning” to its enemies.  Enemies that have as their sworn and published plan to wipe them off the map.

Every time the goons in Palestine shoot a rocket at Israel, they will cut off the electricity to Gaza for increasing lengths of time.

According to the plan, one of the power lines connecting Israel and Gaza will be shut down at first for 15 minutes after a rocket attack, gradually increasing the cutoff length if the barrages continue, up to a two-hour limit. In addition, Israel will begin reducing the amount of gasoline it allows into the Gaza Strip.

Two hour limit?  Pishaw.  I’d be cutting it off from sunset to sunrise for each rocket.

Palestinians and human rights groups denounced the measure as collective punishment. One of the groups, Gisha, issued a statement warning, “Playing with electricity is playing with fire,” adding, “Even a brief interruption in electricity threatens the safety and well-being of Gaza residents.”

But I guess shooting rockets into Israel isn’t?

Oh, and by the way, Palestinians are using Google Earth to accomplish their task of targeting spots to shoot them.

Internet Savvy Palestinian terrorists are using Google Earth to target attacks on the town of Sderot, Israel.The Guardian reported:

Palestinian militants are using Google Earth to help plan their attacks on the Israeli military and other targets, the Guardian has learned.

Members of the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade, a group aligned with the Fatah political party, say they use the popular internet mapping tool to help determine their targets for rocket strikes.

“We obtain the details from Google Earth and check them against our maps of the city centre and sensitive areas,” Khaled Jaabari, the group’s commander in Gaza who is known as Abu Walid, told the Guardian.

Abu Walid showed the Guardian an aerial image of the Israeli town of Sderot on his computer to demonstrate how his group searches for targets.

The Guardian filmed an al-Aqsa test rocket launch, fired into an uninhabited area of the Negev desert, last month. Despite the crudeness of the weapons, many have landed in Sderot, killing around a dozen people in the last three years and wounding scores more.

Al-Aqsa is one of several militant groups firing rockets, known as Qassams, from Gaza into Israel. A rocket attack by Islamic Jihad on a military base last month wounded more than 50 soldiers. Hamas’s military wing, the Izzedine Qassam Brigades, is not believed to be firing rockets.

What do the Palestinians think:

Palestinian negotiator Saeb Erekat appealed for international intervention and called the Israeli decision to cut off electricity to Gaza after each Kassam rocket “particularly provocative given that Palestinians and Israelis are meeting to negotiate an agreement on the core issues for ending the conflict between them.”


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/26/2007 at 10:49 AM   
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What Happened to the First Amendment?

Apparently I missed this, but Stephen Colbert is possibly plannign to throw his hat in the ring for the Presidential election?  I’m not sure if this is a crank to promote the show or a serious bid, but wither way, it brings up an interesting question:  if he does, is it illegal for him to promote his canidacy on his show?

John Hawkins has a link to Rick Hansen who thinks through this cunundrum.

Does Viacom Get the Media Exemption for Stephen Colbert’s Promotion of His Candidacy on the Colbert Report?

Allison Hayward says yes, and Cliff Jones, in comments to her post, agrees. I’m leaning towards no, but the issue is not a slam dunk.

Here’s the relevant law. A corporation cannot fund the express advocacy of a candidate for federal office out of its treasury funds. So General Motors could not run a newspaper ad saying “Vote for Colbert for President.” The same rule applies to labor unions. The funding has to come from its political action committee.

But there’s an exemption in the law for “any news story, commentary, or editorial distributed through the facilities of any broadcasting station, newspaper, magazine, or other periodical publication, unless such facilities are owned or controlled by any political party, political committee, or candidate.”

He goes through a couple of examples, showing that a serious media personality like Bill O’Reilly would be less plagued by this question than a goof candidate.  He ends with this comment, which sets up my discussion:

Given the dearth of caselaw and useful FEC commentary on this question, we might well ask two questions to figure out how this case should come out. First, what is the purpose that the ban on funding from corporate treasury funds is meant to further? Second, given that purpose (or purposes), what is the justification for the media exemption. I imagine that many of us would answer those questions differently---and the answers we give could provide better guidance on how to treat a question like Viacom’s promotion of a Colbert candidacy.

This is my main problem with the McCain/Feingold law.  It completely disembowels the First Amendment.  Let’s review what that amendment actually says:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The relevant parts for this question are: or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;

Now I am of the mind that not everything qualifies as free speech.  I’m torn about calling someone burning a flag free speech.  I can see how it might be, but its not totally clear to me.

What is clear, however, is what the intent of these clauses was.  They were to prevent the government from squelching people from talking about the government.  I can’t think of something more plain than supporting or dissenting with a political candidate as speech or press.  When a radio host speaks for or against a politician, or a newspaper writes a story about a politician, or a blog claims support or disdain for a candidate...that is actual free speech.

Back to Hansen’s first question: “What is the purpose that the ban on funding from corporate treasury funds is meant to further?” Is it to protect a right?  Is it to bolster freedom?  Is it to protect politicians?  You can argue that companies have a great deal more money to spend compared to the individual, but does that really change the intent of the constitution?  You may not like the fact that your voice is not as loud a BigCorp’s, but does that change the constitution?

Should any form of speech be regulated by the government when it comes to politics?  Obviously, slander and libel are exceptions, but I’m talking about real, honest support or disagreement with a person’s politics and policies.  If they are running for, or hold, a public office, shouldn’t anyone be able to give their opinion about them in any public forum?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/26/2007 at 09:05 AM   
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We’re having issues with call prioritization

One of my favorite lines comes from Gun Talk host Tom Gresham: “When seconds count, the police are minutes away.” That is not a bash on the police at all, but rather the cold reality that they cannot be everywhere at once.  The laws of physics apply to them as well as me, so if I call them with an emergency, it will take an average of 7-15 minutes for a cop to show up.

Now, imagine if you came home and found someone carting off your household belongings?  You call 9-1-1 and expect them to send someone around to maybe....catch them?

Not in Winnipeg.

Police take 19 hours to respond to woman’s 911 call

WINNIPEG - A Winnipeg woman is a little miffed that it took police 19 hours before they showed up to investigate her 911 call about catching burglars in the act of ransacking her house.

Joanne Martin told Global TV Winnipeg that she thought it would be OK to leave her house alarm off because she would only be out for a couple of hours. But she returned to find a van parked in her driveway and at least three thieves loading up her belongings.

Insurance company officials showed up about an hour after they were called, but though police were called within five minutes of Martin spotting the thieves, officers didn’t arrive at the home until the next day.

“I don’t know what they can do now,” said Martin.

One city official admits something went wrong.

“We’re having issues with call prioritization,” said Gord Steeves, chairman of the city’s protection committee. “Our volumes are in the thousands in terms of calls that we’re getting every single day. But we’re still lined up with way too many calls in the queue and there has got to be a better way to ferret out the less important ones.”

However, police say that since Martin called 911 from inside the home after the thieves had left, they determined she was safe.

“We were reassured that at that moment that no one’s safety or life was in jeopardy,” said Const. Jason Michalyshen. “As a result, other arrangements to take that report were made.”

Ironically, police policy is that homeowners should never enter a house that’s been broken into before police arrive.

The brazen theft took place on a busy street at 4 p.m. while lots of her neighbours were home, but no one appears to have noticed anything wrong.

“They’ve been doing a lot of work on that house,” explained neighbour Barbara Pertson. “They put a new roof on it and there was banging coming from there ... I wouldn’t wouldn’t have paid any attention.”

The crooks made off with a flat-screen television, a VCR and a handful of jewelry after smashing in through the rear entrance.

“That’s what is scary,” said Martin. “They kick in your door at four o’clock in the afternoon. How do they know I’m not there?”

Indeed Joanne.  Too bad your government doesn’t trust you to take care of yourself.  Guess you really are on your own then, eh?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/26/2007 at 08:58 AM   
Filed Under: • Crime •  
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Experience and Youth, Wisdom and Truth

This is Grrrrrrreat!

DOVER, N.H. - Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama says Al Gore would play a key role in his administration if he wants one, but he won’t say whether he’d ask him to be his running mate.

After listening to Obama address a crowded community center Wednesday, a voter asked him to consider naming Gore as his running mate before the nomination is decided “as a way to take the wind out of Hillary’s sails.”

The voter even proposed a campaign slogan: “Obama and Gore: Experience and Youth. Obama and Gore: Wisdom and Truth.”

Not so fast, came Obama’s reply.

The Illinois senator said Gore would be involved in his administration in a “very senior capacity, if he’s willing” but joked: “I will also be honest with you: having won the Nobel Peace Prize and an Oscar, being vice president again would probably be a step down for him.”

What a great ticket that would be.  I mean it.  I can see how much mileage will we be able to get out of these two parading around the campaign trail.  Oh man, let it be.


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/26/2007 at 08:43 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Democrat Strategist Defends Attacks

Unfortunately, it was not attacks against radical Islam, but rather a conservative speaker: David Horowitz.

Incorrect University has the scoop.

SHOCKER! Democratic strategist Liz Chadderdon defends the radical Left’s attack on conservative David Horowitz last night at Emory University.

“Well, I’m not sure that I’d call them radicals. They’re people who are desperate to having their voice heard.”

Like the Leftist message is shut out of the liberal media? Hello?


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/26/2007 at 08:30 AM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsStoopid-People •  
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calendar   Thursday - October 25, 2007

Does this really seem “Fair”?

What I’m talking about is this: The moonbats known as Democrats are proposing a 4.5% surcharge on the income tax on an individual making $150,000 or more.

This may, at first, seem like a good idea? Why don’t we punish those evil, evil rich people who are so obviously keeping the little man down. Except, can you really give an example of them keeping you down? Honestly, wealthy people create more wealth for those around them. Anyone who works at a company knows that. Some rich guy, who has earned his wealth fair and square, starting with nothing and working his way to a fortune, now employs other people--increasing their wealth. He also requires services and supplies from others, therefore increasing their wealth, and the wealth of their employees.

In their personal life, they consume more goods. Shouldn’t we punish their consumption? Well, first of all, why is their consumption your business, other than jealousy? Second, their conspicuous consumption of goods and their expensive lifestyles create, you guessed it, more wealth for others. Their big ticket items are bought from companies that increase wealth. They hire people to do services such as yard work and child care that increase the wealth of their employees.

So, knowing this, what exactly is our motivation for taxing them more? Is it that they can afford a larger tax burden so its fair to tax them more? Well, let me ask you this: just because you can afford to pay more taxes, should you? Taxes, in a large part, go towards social services. Most wealthy people are not taking advantage of these social services, aside from spending on defense. People making less money, specifically below the poverty level, take advantage of these services more. If we are interested in being fair, the people utilizing the services should be taxed more due to their burden on society.

I am not actually suggesting that we tax the poor more. They don’t have the money, first of all, so it doesn’t make much sense--can’t squeeze blood from a stone.

Here is something else to consider: If we tax these wealthy, wealth producing individuals more, what do you think will happen? Imagine this--You are independently wealthy, making $250,000 a year as the head of a small company. Your family employs a landscaper to take care of the lawn because you actually find yourself at work a lot, being the boss, and you didn’t get to your position of success by being a slacker. You utilize a day care service for little Jimmy and little Sue because the Missus volunteers at church a lot, or also works. You are quite comfortable, and not exactly scraping by. Now imagine that the brain-trust that is Congress decides that your share of the income tax needs to go up by 4.5% just because you have managed to succeed (btw, does it make sense to punish success?). That comes out to an additional tax burden of $11,250 a year. Some things will probably go through your head: for instance, “hmmm. A lawn mower only costs me $300. I could fire the lawn guy I’m paying a hundred bucks a month for. Or, I could bring the wife home and save $8500 a year on day care.”

As you can imagine, something would probably have to give so you could maintain your same lifestyle. Lets face it, pretty much anytime you get a raise, unless you are more frugal than the average American, you figure out a way to spend some of it. Bills always seem to rise to meet income. So, what are you going to do? Well unfortunately either option is going to end up destroying wealth. That’s right. You now have less money to spend on services because you are paying more money to the government. So, now someone else is taking it in the shorts. They may even need to lay someone off. Now there is someone else needing the help of government social programs.

Sounds almost like its a conspiracy to get everyone dependent on the government, if you ask me.

What can we do, then, to increase our tax revenues in a fair manner, without penalizing success, growth and entrepreneurship? Check out The Fair Tax, also known as H.R. 25, The Fair Tax Act of 2007. For once, the Congress has named a bill appropriately. Instituting a federal sales tax and abolishing the income tax, you will no longer be penalized for your hard work. There are no exemptions, so the truly rich, who find so many tax loopholes to protect their wealth that many of them pay almost no taxes will pay a fair share. In fact, everyone pays a fair share, and the poor get a break. It eliminates the $1 billion a year governmental burden known as the IRS and replaces the reams of current byzantine tax code with about 133 pages of easy to read text.

Check it out, then write your Congressmen to tell them what you think.... And leave a comment here to tell me what you think.

Phobos also writes for Too Much Liberty


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 10/25/2007 at 11:06 PM   
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On: 03/20/21 07:00

meaningless marching orders for a thousand travellers ... strife ahead ..
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Tracked at Casual Blog
On: 07/17/17 04:28

a small explanation
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Tracked at yerba mate gourd
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On: 07/09/17 03:07



Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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GNU Terry Pratchett

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