Sarah Palin's presence in the lower 48 means the Arctic ice cap can finally return.

calendar   Thursday - January 11, 2007

Special Voters

(CNN) - January 8, 2007

New Jersey is to consider cutting the word ‘idiot’ from its constitution so that people with some mental disabilities won’t be barred from voting. State Senate President Richard Codey introduced a bill Monday that would remove language from the New Jersey constitution that was designed more than 150 years ago to prevent people suffering from mental illness or handicap from casting their vote in national, state or local elections.

Codey wants to eliminate a section that says “no idiot or insane person should enjoy the right of suffrage” and substitute with a reference to “a person who has been adjudicated by a court of competent jurisdiction to lack the capacity to understand the act of voting.”

Codey, a Democrat who was previously acting governor of New Jersey, said in a statement the term “idiot” is “outdated, vague, offensive to many and may be subject to misinterpretation.”

He said individuals with cognitive or emotional disabilities may be capable of making decisions in a voting booth, and those people should not be discriminated against. “This is another big step toward removing the stigma of mental illness,” Codey said.

The proposed changes will be included in a constitutional amendment which voters will be asked to approve in a statewide ballot in November. It must first be cleared by the state legislature.

I don’t see what the big deal is.
Massachusetts has been letting retards vote for ages.
Here is living proof.



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/11/2007 at 06:28 AM   
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calendar   Wednesday - January 10, 2007

Through The Looking Glass


“Death Valley”
Photo By: Jon Sullivan
(Click image for larger 1024x768 in popup window)

What? No camels?


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/10/2007 at 05:22 PM   
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What’s That You Say?

It is indeed a sad statement on today’s society that the best insults we can come up with are “Yo momma!” and references to combat boots. There was a time however when gentlemen elevated the dreary task of insults to an artform. At our current rate of progress (?) mankind will be reduced to grunts, howls and finger gestures in mere decades. Here is a toast to those bygone days when men were men and insults were the ne plus ultra of friendly verbal intercourse.

The Gentleman’s Art Of Insults

“He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire.”
-- Winston Churchill

“A modest little person, with much to be modest about.”
-- Winston Churchill

“I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure.”
-- Clarence Darrow

“He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary.”
-- William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway)

“Poor Faulkner.  Does he really think big emotions come from big words?”
-- Ernest Hemingway (about William Faulkner)

“Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I’ll waste no time reading it.”
-- Moses Hadas

“He can compress the most words into the smallest idea of any man I know.”
-- Abraham Lincoln

“I’ve had a perfectly wonderful evening.  But this wasn’t it.”
-- Groucho Marx

“I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.”
-- Mark Twain

“He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.”
-- Oscar Wilde

“I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play.  Bring a friend… if you have one.”
-- George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill

“Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second… if there is one.”
-- Winston Churchill, in response

“I feel so miserable without you; it’s almost like having you here.”
-- Stephen Bishop

“He is a self-made man and worships his creator.”
-- John Bright

“I’ve just learned about his illness.  Let’s hope it’s nothing trivial.”
-- Irvin S. Cobb

“He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others.”
-- Samuel Johnson

“He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up.”
-- Paul Keating

“He has delusions of adequacy.”
-- Walter Kerr

“There’s nothing wrong with you that reincarnation won’t cure.”
-- Jack E. Leonard

“He has the attention span of a lightning bolt.”
-- Robert Redford

“They never open their mouths without subtracting from the sum of human knowledge.”
-- Thomas Brackett Reed

“He inherited some good instincts from his Quaker forebears, but by diligent hard work, he overcame them.”
-- James Reston (about Richard Nixon)

“In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily.”
-- Charles, Count Talleyrand

“He loves nature in spite of what it did to him.”
-- Forrest Tucker

“Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?”
-- Mark Twain

“His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork.”
-- Mae West

“Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.”
-- Oscar Wilde

“He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts… for support rather than illumination.”
-- Andrew Lang (1844-1912)


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/10/2007 at 03:16 PM   
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The Skipper Diet

Gaze upon this before every meal. Repeat as needed.



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/10/2007 at 03:07 PM   
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Motivational Poster Of The Day



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/10/2007 at 01:09 PM   
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Hot Enough For Ya?

Climate Experts Worry as 2006 Is Hottest Year on Record in U.S.
(WASHINGTON POST) - Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Last year was the warmest in the continental United States in the past 112 years—capping a nine-year warming streak “unprecedented in the historical record” that was driven in part by the burning of fossil fuels, the government reported yesterday.

According to the government’s National Climatic Data Center, the record-breaking warmth—which caused daffodils and cherry trees to bloom throughout the East on New Year’s Day—was the result of both unusual regional weather patterns and the long-term effects of the buildup of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

“People should be concerned about what we are doing to the climate,” said Jay Lawrimore, chief of the climate monitoring branch of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. “Burning of fossil fuels is causing an increase in greenhouse gases, and there’s a broad scientific consensus that is producing climate change.”

The center said there are indications that the rate at which global temperatures are rising is speeding up.

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Fine. Now let me put in my two cents ...


We’re in the bloody upswing of a cycle that has been repeating itself for millions of years. The “hottest year on record” was 130,000 years ago!


Source: ”Climate Change: New Antarctic Ice Core Data


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/10/2007 at 12:06 PM   
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Democrat War Games

If any of you actually expected the new Democratic leadership in Congress to play nice and actually cooperate with the administration you need to turn in your tinfoil hat and go sit in the corner. Unfortunately for the rest of us, the Donks are out to challenge the Commander In Chief before he even announces his plans for a revised strategy in Iraq. A pre-emptive strike, if you wish ... and most definitely unilateral.

Washington games continue. The problem here is that Congress is trying to usurp the powers of the Executive Branch with backroom political games and media-pandering. The Democrats want to tilt the balance of power away from the President and assume more power themselves. They wouldn’t even consider this type of tactic if a Democrat were in the White House. It’s all about power, babe.

The whole system of checks and balances built in to our Constitution was intended to prevent this type of power grab. The Founding Fathers wanted a strong President but one who could be countered by Congress and the Supreme Court. They never counted on the opposite happening, giving the President almost no power over SCOTUS and only the power of the veto to control Congress.

The founders never considered that “advice and consent” would one day be used by petty, narrow-minded individuals to advance their agenda. They obviously hoped and believed that such vermin would never get past the voters. It seems they were mistaken ... the voters are about to get the lousy representation they asked for.

It should be noted by all that of all the people in government in Washington only one was elected by ALL OF THE PEOPLE. Only the President had to take his case to the entire nation before getting elected. The rest of this bunch of useless retards in Washington only had to fool enough idiots in small states or districts. Keep that in mind as these Congresstards try to convince you they represent the “will of the people.”

Democrats Plan Symbolic Votes Against Iraq Plan
WASHINGTON (NY TIMES) - Jan. 9, 2007

imageimageDemocratic leaders said Tuesday that they intended to hold symbolic votes in the House and Senate on President Bush’s plan to send more troops to Baghdad, forcing Republicans to take a stand on the proposal and seeking to isolate the president politically over his handling of the war.

Senate Democrats decided to schedule a vote on the resolution after a closed-door meeting on a day when Senator Edward M. Kennedy of Massachusetts introduced legislation to require Mr. Bush to gain Congressional approval before sending more troops to Iraq.

The Senate vote is expected as early as next week, after an initial round of committee hearings on the plan Mr. Bush will lay out for the nation Wednesday night in a televised address delivered from the White House library, a setting chosen because it will provide a fresh backdrop for a presidential message.

The office of Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the House, followed with an announcement that the House would also take up a resolution in opposition to a troop increase. House Democrats were scheduled to meet Wednesday morning to consider whether to interrupt their carefully choreographed 100-hour, two-week-long rollout of their domestic agenda this month to address the Iraq war.

In both chambers, Democrats made clear that the resolutions — which would do nothing in practical terms to block Mr. Bush’s intention to increase the United States military presence in Iraq — would be the minimum steps they would pursue. They did not rule out eventually considering more muscular responses, like seeking to cap the number of troops being deployed to Iraq or limiting financing for the war — steps that could provoke a Constitutional and political showdown over the president’s power to wage war.

The resolutions would represent the most significant reconsideration of Congressional support for the war since it began, and mark the first big clash between the White House and Congress since the November election, which put the Senate and House under the control of the Democrats. The decision to pursue a confrontation with the White House was a turning point for Democrats, who have struggled with how to take on Mr. Bush’s war policy without being perceived as undermining the military or risking criticism as defeatists.

“If you really want to change the situation on the ground, demonstrate to the president he’s on his own,” said Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr., chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. “That will spark real change.”

The administration continued Tuesday to press its case with members of Congress from both parties. By the time Mr. Bush delivers his speech, 148 lawmakers will have come to the White House in the past week to discuss the war, White House aides said Tuesday night, adding that most met with the president himself.

While Mr. Kennedy and a relatively small number of other Democrats were pushing for immediate, concrete steps to challenge Mr. Bush through legislation, Democratic leaders said that for now they favored the less-divisive approach of simply asking senators to cast a vote on a nonbinding resolution for or against the plan.

They also sought to frame the clash with the White House on their terms, using language reminiscent of the Vietnam War era to suggest that increasing the United States military presence in Iraq would be a mistake.

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Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/10/2007 at 11:30 AM   
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Somalia Update: End Game

When I first saw this story in the NY TIMES, my first thought was a hysterical image of a front page headline in 1944 saying “US and British airstrikes on Dresden Rekindles Germans’ Anger at Allies.” After a few minutes of pondering the greater cosmic irony of such a headline I decided to read the article below.

First, the “general mood” of the populace in Mogadishu came from a single cab driver, who probably drove the reporter from the airport to a local bar before proceeding to his hotel. Second, the reports of civilian children being killed came from an unidentified “Islamic Courts source by phone and could not be verified”. Are you starting to get the picture yet?

It beats me where the TIMES gets these “reporters”. There must be a breeding farm somewhere in LaLaLand where they are hatched. The rest of the story (actual facts from the Somali government and American officials) tell of the complete and utter destruction of the insane IslamoNazis in the South of the country. It should also be noted that the reporter wants you to know that the IslamoNazis were surrounded and bogged down in the mud on the road and were “sitting ducks” for those mean Americans in choppers. What a pity.

Of course the requisite references to “Black Hawk Down” are included to make the bias complete. Well, almost complete. The reporter just had to make sure you know that the IslamoNazis did rule the country before they were ousted by “bringing a much needed semblance of peace.” Go ahead and read the piece and make note of the obvious anti-American bias .... and ask yourself the $64 million dollar question ... what’s up with this “white guy from Sweden” among the IslamoNazi fighters ... ?

Airstrike Rekindles Somalis’ Anger at the U.S.
MOGADISHU, Somalia (NY TIMES) - Jan. 9, 2007

Somali officials said Tuesday that dozens of people were killed in an American airstrike on Sunday, most of them Islamist fighters fleeing in armed pickup trucks across a remote, muddy stretch of the Kenya/Somalia border.

American officials said terrorists from Al Qaeda had been the target of the strike, which they said had killed about a dozen people. But the officials acknowledged that the identities of the victims were still unknown.

Several residents of the area, in the southern part of the country, said dozens of civilians had been killed, and news of the attack immediately set off new waves of anti-American anger in Mogadishu, Somalia’s battle-scarred capital, where the United States has a complicated legacy.

“They’re just trying to get revenge for what we did to them in 1993,” said Deeq Salad Mursel, a taxi driver, referring to the infamous “Black Hawk Down” episode in which Somali gunmen killed 18 American soldiers and brought down two American helicopters during an intense battle in Mogadishu.

The country’s Islamist movement swiftly seized much of Somalia last year and ruled with mixed success, bringing a much desired semblance of peace but also a harsh brand of Islam.

Two weeks ago, that all changed after Ethiopian-led troops routed the Islamist forces and helped bring the Western-backed transitional government to Mogadishu. Ethiopian officials said the Islamists were a growing regional threat.

The last remnants of the Islamist forces fled to Ras Kamboni, an isolated fishing village on the Kenyan border that residents said had been used as a terrorist sanctuary before. Starting in the mid-1990s, they said, the Islamists built trenches, hospitals and special terrorist classrooms in the village and taxed local fisherman to pay the costs.

On Sunday, an American AC-130 gunship pounded the area around Ras Kamboni, and also a location father north where American officials said three ringleaders of the bombings in 1998 of the United States embassies in Kenya and Tanzania were hiding. Somali officials said those bombings had been planned in Ras Kamboni after a local Somali terrorist outfit invited Al Qaeda to use the village as a base.

According to Abdul Rashid Hidig, a member of Somalia’s transitional parliament who represents the border area, the American airstrike on Sunday wiped out a long convoy of Islamist leaders trying to flee deeper into the bush, though he said he did not know if the specific suspects singled out by the United States had been with them.

“Their trucks got stuck in the mud and they were easy targets,” he said.

Mr. Hidig toured the area with military officials on Tuesday and said he had met several captured foreign fighters who had come from Europe and the Middle East. “I saw two white guys and asked, Where are you from?” Mr. Hidig said. “One said Jordan, the other Sweden. Yeah, it was weird.”

Mr. Hidig said two civilians had been killed by the airstrike, but representatives of the Islamist forces said it had killed many more.

The Islamists’ health director said dozens of nomadic herdsmen and their families were grazing their animals in the same wet valley that the Islamists were trying to drive across. “Their donkeys, their camels, their cows — they’ve all been destroyed,” he said. “And many children were killed.”

He spoke by telephone from an undisclosed location; his account could not be independently verified.

Mustef Yunis Culusow, a former Islamist leader who abandoned the movement days ago, said the once-powerful Islamist movement’s top leaders were now trapped in a small village with Ethiopian soldiers in front of them, the Indian Ocean behind them and now American gunships circling above them.

“The leaders know they’re finished,” Mr. Culusow said in a telephone interview from Kismayo, a large town north of Ras Kamboni. “They’ve basically told the young fighters they can go, it’s over, and that anyone who stays behind should be resigned to die.”

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Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/10/2007 at 10:58 AM   
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calendar   Tuesday - January 09, 2007

The Enemy Within

Let’s see a show of hands. How many of you are surprised by this news? I’m not. This is what we get for bowing to the whims of CAIR, the ACLU and other Islamist groups here in America who are trying to cover up the Islamic monster in our midst. They’re here and they are just waiting for the call to jihad. Some will join up and go overseas to fight and some will stay in sleeper cells here in the US.

Is it time to start building the internment camps and/or start the deportations yet? As far as I’m concerned we should have started a long time ago. These ratbag bastards hiding in our midst, plotting their attempt to overthrow Western civilization are only going to stab us in the back at the first opportunity.

Why isn’t Washington doing anything about this? Shut down CAIR and the ACLU. Now! Neither group has America’s interests in mind. Neither group has any reason for existing one minute further.

American Passports Found on Bodies of Al Qaeda Fighters in Somalia
(ABC NEWS) - January 05, 2007 2:46 PM

imageimageA senior official in the Somali government’s new Ministry of the Interior told ABC News government forces had recovered “dozens of foreign passports,” including several American passports, on the bodies of al Qaeda fighters killed in combat between forces affiliated with the Union of Islamic Courts (UIC) and Ethiopian forces in Somalia.

According to the same source, most of the foreign passports were Sudanese, Pakistani and Yemeni, but several American, British and Australian passports were also recovered.

The senior Somali government official told ABC News that the American passports found on the dead bodies near Baidoa, in Somalia, would be turned over to the American government. The UIC, which took power in Somalia’s capital of Mogadishu in June 2006, are believed to be linked to al Qaeda networks in Pakistan, the Sudan and Yemen.

Last summer, a senior Pakistani intelligence official told ABC News that his government had collected information on the movement of dozens of al Qaeda militants from Pakistan to Somalia, a migration Pakistani officials believe is part of an elaborate al Qaeda operation not only to provide military and financial resources to the UIC but also to establish bases and training facilities in Somalia.

Last October, Yemeni authorities arrested eight foreigners, including three Australians, a British national, a German and a Dane, for running an al Qaeda-sponsored weapons and human smuggling network to Somalia.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/09/2007 at 05:18 PM   
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Meanwhile In Iraq …

Another day, another good raid by Iraqi forces in the ongoing effort to root out insurgents and take control of their country ... which is why you’ll never see this reported on the 6:00 news here in the US. How do I know? Because CENTCOM publishes these stories every freaking day and the MSM refuse to acknowledge anything is going right in Iraq. Stupid media. If it doesn’t make the administration or our troops look bad, they’re just not interested.

Iraqi Forces Rescue Hostages, Detain Suspects, Capture Weapons
BAGHDAD (CENTCOM) - 7 January 2007

imageimageIraqi Soldiers freed two hostages, detained 10 suspects, and seized a weapons cache in several recent incidents throughout Iraq, Coalition officials said. Soldiers of the 2nd Brigade, 6th Iraqi Army Division, freed two hostages held by insurgents during a raid Thursday in eastern Baghdad, U.S. military officials said.

The raid also uncovered a weapons cache, including mortars, 60 mm mortar rounds, 130 mm projectiles encased in concrete, homemade bombs and blasting caps.

Wednesday, Iraqi Army Special Forces captured four suspects during operations in the Sadr City neighborhood, officials said. The suspects are believed to be leaders of a kidnapping and murder cell responsible for the deaths of Iraqi civilians.

The Iraqi-led operation, with Coalition advisers, targeted men suspected of violence against innocent Iraqis, including kidnapping, illegal trials and executions. They also are suspected of organizing and directing sectarian-based mortar attacks on neighborhoods surrounding Sadr City. Iraqi Forces detained three additional people for questioning.

On Tuesday, 1st Iraqi Army Division troops, with Coalition advisers, captured the suspected leader of an insurgent cell during operations in Ramadi, officials said. The suspect is thought to be responsible for trafficking weapons and homemade bombs used in attacks against Iraqi civilians and security forces.

Officials said the insurgent cell is believed to be using a section along the banks of the Euphrates Canal as a staging area for explosives and weapons handling and distribution. The cell also is suspected of coordinating and conducting small-arms and bomb attacks in the Ramadi area. Iraqi forces detained two additional suspects for questioning.


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/09/2007 at 09:22 AM   
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Motivational Poster Of The Day



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/09/2007 at 09:18 AM   
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Illegal Perverts

Oh this is just special. Not only do we have a flood of illegals entering our country and our government ain’t doing squat to stop them but the feds are just now discovering that a large number of these criminals go on to bigger and better crimes once they get away with their first crime of invading our country.

I’m not surprised one damn bit. It is just human nature. If a kid can get their hand in the cookie jar and get a cookie while no one is looking and get away with it, before you know it they get the urge to drink up all of daddy’s beer and take the family car out for a spin.

And then we have incidents like this ...

U.S. Border Patrol entry Identification Team site was overrun Wednesday night along Arizona’s border with Mexico. According to the Border Patrol, an unknown number of gunmen attacked the site in the state’s West Desert Region around 11 p.m. The site is manned by National Guardsmen. Those guardsmen were forced to retreat.

The Border Patrol will not say whether shots were fired. However, no Guardsmen were injured in the incident. The Border Patrol says the incident occurred somewhere along the 120 mile section of the border between Nogales and Lukeville. The area is known as a drug corridor. Last year, 124-thousand pounds of illegal drugs were confiscated in this area. The Border patrol says the attackers quickly retreated back into Mexico.

(AZ CENTRAL) - January 4, 2007

Yep, they’re shooting at our National Guard on the border while they’re running drugs into our country - along with the criminals they’re transporting in. Even worse, several thousand of these new illegal criminals in our country turn out to be child molesters and rapists as you can read below.

We had a similar problem with the Mexicans back in 1846 and Zach Taylor and Winfield Scott had to go give them a stern lesson in staying out of our country. It seems that lesson has worn off. Perhaps we need to load up the boats and head for Vera Cruz again. Sooner or later there’s going to be a reckoning along our Southern border. Count on it.

If our DO-NOTHING GOVERNMENT ain’t gonna fix the problem and protect us from invasion by criminals, American citizens will have no choice. When that day comes, our politicians can either pitch in or stay the hell out of the way.

Sex-Offender Stings Get Thousands Of Illegals
(WORLDNET DAILY) - January 9, 2007 1:00 a.m. Eastern

imageimageMore than 9,000 sex offenders have been arrested by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials through a series of stings called Operation Predator in three years of operation, a 2006 Department of Homeland Security Report says. But some experts are wondering if the efforts are enough to protect innocent American children from being preyed on by returning criminal alien sex offenders.

Foreign nationals account for roughly 85 percent of child sex offenders arrested by the operation, which was launched by Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge in July 2003, officials say. And as WND previously has reported, authorities also have linked illegal aliens to a wave of gang-rapes across the U.S.

The program was designed to safeguard children from foreign national pedophiles, human traffickers and international sex tourists, and in the first year alone, ICE arrested more than 3,200 child predators in the U.S. who committed forms of child exploitation.

But Deborah Schurman-Kauflin, a researcher of violent crimes and criminal profiler who consults with FBI, state and local police, told WND, “Illegal immigrants who commit sex crimes first cross the U.S. border illegally, then gradually commit worse crimes and are continually released back into society or deported. Those who were deported simply returned illegally again. There is a clear pattern of criminal escalation. From misdemeanors such as assault or DUI, to drug offenses, illegal immigrants who commit sex crimes break U.S. laws repeatedly.”

Re-entering the United States after having been deported is a felony punishable by up to 20 years in prison, but many aliens try and do succeed. Schurman-Kauflin estimates nearly 100 percent of deported illegal immigrant sexual offenders will return to the U.S. and molest again.

“Every expert on sex offenders knows that the likelihood of child predators re-offending is extremely high,” she told WND. “Child molesters in general assault many victims before they are apprehended. And if they can return through an open border, it is very likely that they would. Why not?”

In fact, ICE reported a twice-deported child molester from Mexico was arrested with 25 pounds of marijuana and eight firearms in his possession in May 2004. “Nicolas Sandoval-Medina” first entered the U.S. illegally in 1996 and was deported to Mexico in July 1997. He later re-entered the country illegally and had sex with a 12-year-old girl in a Des Moines motel room, and was subsequently convicted on two counts of Lascivious Acts with a Child in December 1999. He was also criminally prosecuted for re-entering the country after deportation, a felony, and was deported to Mexico again in July 2000.

In another case, an illegal immigrant from Mexico who attempted to abduct a 7-year-old girl from a laundromat was one of 25 arrested in a sting targeting criminal alien sex offenders in Los Angeles last August. Four of the offenders, two Salvadorans, a Honduran and a Mexican, previously had been deported from the U.S. A fifth man, Alejandro Rodriguez Villegas, 50, convicted of lewd and lascivious acts on a child under 14, also faces criminal charges but remains on the loose.

Immigration officials and Border Patrol agents match criminal records databases with Megan’s law directories across the U.S. to apprehend alien sexual predators. However, Americans for Legal Immigration PAC’s president, William Gheen, doesn’t believe the efforts are enough.

“I think that what ICE is doing is the equivalent of putting a band-aid on a shotgun blast,” Gheen told WND. “ICE is attempting to target the worst of the worst illegal aliens when, in fact, we can’t just do that,” he told WND. “We’ve got to address illegal immigration holistically. You can’t just hope the computers are going to tell you which ones to deport and which ones to not.”

He adds that despite some long-needed immigration enforcement efforts, immigration officials may still be doing too little too late while illegal alien child molesters return to prey on more victims.

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Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/09/2007 at 07:49 AM   
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The Exterminator

Ethiopian troops routed the Islamic Courts and their Al-Qaeda buddies in Somalia, flushing them out of Mogadishu and driving them south into the jungle. Finally cornering them in their base camp, it was time to call in ... THE EXTERMINATOR (a.k.a. “Puff, The Magic Dragon").

The AC-130 gunship flew from a US base in Djibouti and, lighting up the sky with its GAU-12 Equalizer 25mm Gatling Gun, nothing much was left on the ground in a breathing condition. Reports from the ground said bodies of IslamoNazis were scattered all over the scenery.

CBS has obviously never seen an AC-130 in action or they would know better than to say ”if the attack got the operatives it was aimed at”. Silly newsmen! When “Spooky” shows up overhead there is no place to hide. End of story.

U.S. Strikes Al Qaeda In Somalia
(CBS/AP) - January 9, 2007

imageimageA U.S. Air Force gunship has conducted a strike against suspected members of al Qaeda in Somalia, CBS News national security correspondent David Martin reports exclusively.

The targets included the senior al Qaeda leader in East Africa and an al Qaeda operative wanted for his involvement in the 1998 bombings of two American embassies in Africa, Martin reports. Those terror attacks killed more than 200 people.

The AC-130 gunship is capable of firing thousands of rounds per second, and sources say a lot of bodies were seen on the ground after the strike, but there is as yet, no confirmation of the identities.

The gunship flew from its base in Dijibouti down to the southern tip of Somalia, Martin reports, where the al Qaeda operatives had fled after being chased out of the capital of Mogadishu by Ethiopian troops backed by the United States.

Once they started moving, the al Qaeda operatives became easier to track, and the U.S. military started preparing for an air strike, using unmanned aerial drones to keep them under surveillance and moving the aircraft carrier Eisenhower out of the Persian Gulf toward Somalia. But when the order was given, the mission was assigned to the AC-130 gunship operated by the U.S. Special Operations command.

If the attack got the operatives it was aimed at, reports Martin, it would deal a major blow to al Qaeda in East Africa. Meanwhile, a jungle hideout used by Islamic militants that is believed to be an al Qaeda base was on the verge of falling to Ethiopian and Somali troops, the defense minister said Monday.

While a lawmaker had earlier told The Associated Press that the base was captured, Somalia’s Defense Minister Col. Barre “Hirale” Aden Shire said troops had yet to enter it and that limited skirmishes were still ongoing, though troops were poised to take the base.

Ethiopian soldiers, tanks and warplanes were involved in the two-day attack, a government military commander told the AP on condition of anonymity because he was not authorized to speak to the media.

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Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/09/2007 at 01:22 AM   
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Night Stalker

Be vewy qwiet. I’m hunting wabbit. At night. Ssshhhhhhhhh ....

ATN Aries MK7800A Defender 3rd Generation Night Vision Rifle Scope 3x 50mm Red on Green Duplex Reticle with Integral Weaver-Style Mount Matte

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Midway USA - $3,214.99



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 01/09/2007 at 01:12 AM   
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The advantage to having a guide with you is thɑt an expert will haѵe very first hand experience dealing and navigating the river with гegional wildlife. Tһomas, there are great…
On: 07/28/23 10:37

The Brownshirts: Partie Deux; These aare the Muscle We've Been Waiting For
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Tracked at head to the Momarms site
The Brownshirts: Partie Deux; These aare the Muscle We’ve Been Waiting For
On: 03/14/23 11:20

Vietnam Homecoming
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On: 03/20/21 07:00

meaningless marching orders for a thousand travellers ... strife ahead ..
(1 total trackbacks)
Tracked at Casual Blog
On: 07/17/17 04:28

a small explanation
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Tracked at yerba mate gourd
Find here top quality how to prepare yerba mate without a gourd that's available in addition at the best price. Get it now!
On: 07/09/17 03:07



Not that very many people ever read this far down, but this blog was the creation of Allan Kelly and his friend Vilmar. Vilmar moved on to his own blog some time ago, and Allan ran this place alone until his sudden and unexpected death partway through 2006. We all miss him. A lot. Even though he is gone this site will always still be more than a little bit his. We who are left to carry on the BMEWS tradition owe him a great debt of gratitude, and we hope to be able to pay that back by following his last advice to us all:
  1. Keep a firm grasp of Right and Wrong
  2. Stay involved with government on every level and don't let those bastards get away with a thing
  3. Use every legal means to defend yourself in the event of real internal trouble, and, most importantly:
  4. Keep talking to each other, whether here or elsewhere
It's been a long strange trip without you Skipper, but thanks for pointing us in the right direction and giving us a swift kick in the behind to get us going. Keep lookin' down on us, will ya? Thanks.


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GNU Terry Pratchett

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