When Sarah Palin booked a flight to Europe, the French immediately surrendered.

calendar   Thursday - May 19, 2005

Geneva Convention fails to save grapefruit tree

There are a bunch of herbicidal maniacs loose in Florida. No citrus is safe.

A squadron of law enforcement agents and chainsaw-wielding contractors descended on a suburban Boca Raton home Friday, destroying a healthy ruby red grapefruit tree whose owners had attempted to save it from Florida’s citrus canker eradication program by citing the Geneva Convention.


Posted by Yellow Dog   United States  on 05/19/2005 at 12:36 PM   
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Bart Simpson Elected Mayor

Well eat my shorts! Northridge, California has a new mayor.

Nancy Cartwright provides the unmistakeable voice of Bart in the iconic The Simpsons animated series and admits her day job could help her as mayor.

“Everyone finds it funny that Bart is the new mayor. I can influence people because I’m Bart Simpson,” she said.

“I live in a nice neighbourhood. But down the road there’s drugs and gangs, stealing and illiteracy.”

I am sure that Chief Wiggam can clean up those mean streets, in no time at all.



Posted by Yellow Dog   United States  on 05/19/2005 at 11:57 AM   
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Ancient man was more resourceful then we thought. I also didn’t know that Piggly Wiggly invented the shopping cart. I have been to the British Museum. That is where they keep the Rosetta Stone. I hope that doesn’t turn out to be a hoax too.

A self-styled art terrorist has caused embarrassment at the British Museum in London by installing his own ‘primative’ painting of a caveman pushing a supermarket trolley.

image image


Posted by Yellow Dog   United States  on 05/19/2005 at 11:30 AM   
Filed Under: • HistoryHumor •  
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Toilet News from Down Under

Those crazy Aussies have developed toilet technology which can destroy the Quran. We have a toilet gap developing here.

Householders in the city of Sale in Victoria’s south-east area are being warned to batten down their toilet lids next week.


Update: The American plumbing industry is fighting back. The toilet gap is narrowing.

An American toilet manufacturer is currently designing a new model that will “flush the bulkiest of Korans,” sources said yesterday.

A spokesman for Krap King, Inc. said the company would have the new “Islamoflusher” model in stores for the spring, when Americans do their most flushing – sacred religious texts included. The new toilet would “help prevent and possibly eliminate” situations like the recent Newsweek story, which reported that American interrogators at Guantanamo Bay flushed a Koran down the toilet to “intimidate” suspected terrorists.



Posted by Yellow Dog   United States  on 05/19/2005 at 10:41 AM   
Filed Under: • HumorInsanity •  
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Coppin’ A Feel?

All of our female readers here may be in deep trouble real soon. According to Wired News, a team of horny geeks in Singapore have perfected the techniques neccessary to implement the “Touchy Internet”, which allows you to “reach out and touch someone” over the internet.

Fortunately, these geeks are a little confused and are testing the device on .... chickens. Don’t go off thinking you’re safe yet, ladies. Sooner or later these nerds will finally go through puberty and then .... watch out!

Researchers have developed a cybernetic system to allow physical interaction over the internet. The system allows touching and feeling of animals or other humans in real time, but it’s first being tried out on—chickens.

Built by a wacky group of researchers at the Mixed Reality Lab at the National University of Singapore, the Touchy Internet works as follows:

You walk into your office, where a hollow, chicken-shaped doll sits on a mechanical positioning table close to your computer.

The doll whirs to life as soon as you switch on the system, duplicating the motion of a real chicken in the backyard whose movements are being captured by a webcam.

Fondling the doll translates into touching the real fowl.

Touch sensors attached to the doll convey tactile information to a nearby PC through radio signals. The data is sent over the internet to a remote computer near the chicken; the remote computer triggers tiny vibration motors in a lightweight haptic jacket worn by the fowl.

The chicken feels your touch in the exact same place where the replica was stroked.

“Fondling the doll translates into touching the real fowl”. Hehehehehe .... I’m ordering my “Phoenix” doll right away so I can be ready. Stay tuned ....


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 05/19/2005 at 08:14 AM   
Filed Under: • Science-Technology •  
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British Declare War on US

Well, it’s not really a declaration of war exactly but you couldn’t be faulted for thinking the Redcoats are a-coming again .... with good reason this time, it seems. Malcolm Glazer, owner of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers is trying to buy Manchester United, the pride of British “football” (that’s soccer for you Yanks out there). Quite understandably, the Brits are up in arms (at least they would be if their liberal government hadn’t banned all ownership of guns by citizens) ....

As far as anyone can tell, Mr. Glazer, 76, has never been to a Manchester United game, or possibly even to any soccer game. Which might not be so surprising, according to his sister Maria. “He has never liked sports,” she told The Daily Mail.

And then, of course, Mr. Glazer, who made his fortune in real estate and investing and has owned the Tampa Bay Buccaneers of the National Football League since 1995, is an American.

So the news that Mr. Glazer - a man said to know so little about any kind of football that he once cheered for the wrong side during a Buccaneers game - was buying their beloved team was bound to upset Manchester United fans. It is as if a Japanese tycoon had suddenly swooped in and bought up the Yankees, using millions of dollars of borrowed money.

“No offense, but it just smacks of imperialism,” said John Marchant, a 28-year-old advertising executive and Manchester United fan, walking past the team’s Old Trafford stadium the other day. His indignation accelerated from 0 to 60 in the space of a single sentence. “He stands for everything that’s bad about globalization.”

This could get ugly. Remember, don’t fire ‘til you see the whites of their soccer balls ....


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 05/19/2005 at 06:06 AM   
Filed Under: • International •  
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Thursday News Bytes

Ah, Thursday again. The day of the week named after the Norse god Thor. You know, the dude with the mighty hammer. Well, it’s time to let the hammer down ....