Sarah Palin is the reason compasses point North.

calendar   Saturday - May 14, 2005

Tough Love

If you thought human sexual reproduction was a strange, twisted, dirty, sloppy, messy way to keep the species going, then you need to take a look at the Palolo Worm of Samoa (pictured below), which wins this week’s prize for most bizaare sex act ....


The palolo worm makes its home, according to Anja Schulze of the Smithsonian Marine Station, in the shallow reef, where it uses its sizeable jaws to dig itself a burrow in the limestone substrate. Most of the year it lives quietly, feeding on algae and microorganisms, small crustaceans, and even its own young.

As the time approaches for it to spawn—which in Samoa usually happens in October or early November—the palolo worm undergoes an extraordinary transformation. The organs in its posterior end, except those involved in reproduction, begin to degenerate.

Eventually these rear segments become little more than sacks engorged with either sperm or eggs. At exactly the right moment, Fauchald said, “the rear end starts some very heavy muscle contractions and eventually breaks off.”

The liberated segments then start spiraling toward the surface. They float for up to an hour until the outer casings split open, spilling out their contents. Sperm fertilizes the floating eggs in a vast reproductive frenzy that happens just once a year and lasts only for a few hours.

But successful fertilization is not guaranteed. “There are several complicating factors,” Fauchald said. “You must have an adequate sperm concentration. There must be enough mucous present to keep everything together, so that the spawning mass is not fragmented or washed apart. A storm would be a big problem.” So would large quantities of predatory fish.

Did I mention that the Samoans have an annual festival where they wait for the worms .. uh .. sex act to float to the surface, then they gobble up the mess as part of an annual ritual? I just thought you might like to know.

Hardcore palolo connoisseurs grab the wriggling green-and-blue worms and swallow them raw on the spot. Most scoop them up in clumps and dump them into buckets.

The next day there’s a celebration—a kind of Thanksgiving feast, Samoan style. The worms are fried in oil or baked into a loaf with coconut milk and onions. A new daily special shows up on local restaurant menus: palolo worm on toast. It’s considered quite a delicacy.

Now, which is more disgusting .... the worms or the humans? We report, you decide ....


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 05/14/2005 at 08:01 AM   
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In A Produce Section Far, Far Away

Just in time for the release of “Star Wars III” next week, we found the funniest parody of Lucas’ films ever made ....


May The Farm Be With You!


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 05/14/2005 at 01:42 AM   
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The Way We Were

Milt Priggee, Seattle (WA)


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 05/14/2005 at 01:32 AM   
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calendar   Friday - May 13, 2005

Baseball News

The Chicago Cubs are playing tonight in Washington, DC for the first time since 1899.

106 years and two World Series later .... GO CUBS!



Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 05/13/2005 at 07:36 PM   
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Byrd on the Bible

Seems like a good day to heap scorn on our representatives.  This is one of the most inane speaches on the floor of the Senate.  This is what passes for rational debate?  Good Grief.


Via Radioblogger, via Powerline


Posted by Drew458   United States  on 05/13/2005 at 03:39 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat Leftists •  
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Fisking Congress

There’s nothing I detest more than reading minutes of the Congressional Record. Occasionally though, I read a speech and can’t resist laughing at some of the antics of our CongressCritters. Today’s laugh is being provided by Representative Doris Matsui (D-CA) whose husband served in Congress for 26 years before expiring a few months ago. Robert Matsui died suddenly in January of this year and was buried January 8. The next day, Doris was on the phone calling all of her friends to let them know she was going to run for her late-husband’s seat. Doris has been a lobbyist for decades and even served in the Clinton administration. Get the picture?

Well, anyway, Doris won her husband’s seat in the special election and joined the Congress just a week ago. Yesterday, she stood up and made the following speech (as recorded in the Congressional Record). Comments in the text are from yours truly ....

REPUBLICAN ABUSE OF POWER IN SENATE—(House of Representatives - May 12, 2005)

(Ms. MATSUI asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend her remarks.)

Ms. MATSUI: Mr. Speaker, the power grab Senate Republicans are about to take is not about seven judges; it is about clearing the way for a Supreme Court nominee who only needs 51 votes instead of 60 votes.

Doris, Doris, Doris! You just got here dahling! Relax, babe! There’s no power grab here. These Republicans were duly elected by people who are clearly not as ignorant as yourself. Are you declaring a conspiracy exists here? Let’s see ....

Senate Republicans do not want a David Souter, an Anthony Kennedy, a Sandra Day O’Connor, a Ruth Bader Ginsberg or a Steven Breyer, all of whom were confirmed with nearly unanimous, bipartisan support.

Yes, they were confirmed as you say in the 1980’s by a Democrat-controlled Congress with a Republican minority that just rolled over to the Democrats and gave wusses everywhere a bad name. Now that Republicans are in power, the Democrats are whining and crying foul but Doris, dear, the only thing “foul” here is your Depends undergarments.

If President Bush is successful with this extreme power grab in the Senate, he will be able to appoint extreme, right-wing judges to the court.

Aha! I knew it! Here comes the conspiracy theory. Yes, Bush could appoint Satan himself if he wanted to. He also could appoint Donald Duck and Bugs Bunny if he were so inclined but that’s why the Senate has “advice and consent” power to keep Presidents from acting like Fruit Loops (pardon the reference to Bill Clinton there). All Republicans want is an end to this obstruction in Senate committees, allowing the Senate to vote on all nominees instead of having to listen to Robert “Drooling KKK Wizard” Byrd filibuster everyone to death. You must think Bush can exercise mind-control over a majority of the Senate. Is that right?

President Bush wants to turn the Senate into a second House of Representatives, rubber-stamping his agenda, and that is simply not what our Founding Fathers envisioned when they created two distinctly different congressional chambers.

Puh-leeze, Doris! Where did you dig up this language? From the mouth of Teddy Kennedy or Nancy Peolsi? I’d hazard a guess it was the latter. Sure sounds like her trash-talk. If anyone is “rubber-stamping” here, it is the Democrat Party’s “bosses” who are bullying their members into toeing the party line to obstruct anything the opposing party wants to do. And Doris .... the only “rubber” in this context is the one your father should have used.

Mr. Speaker, Democrats will fight to protect our constitutional checks and balances and basic fairness for the American people.

If Democrats do all that it will be the first time in our nation’s history that “fairness for the American people” was a top priority. As far back as I can remember, the Democratic Party has always stood for (a) telling the American people what to do, (b) twisting the laws to their own advantage, (c) taxing the shit out of the American people to pay for socialist programs, and (d) gaining more and more power in order to ultimately create a communist state.

Now, why don’t you just shut the f**k up and sit down, Doris. All we need in the Congress is another loud-mouthed broad spewing out the pre-chewed pablum from the Democratic Party bigwigs. Go back to Kalifornia and leave the rest of us alone. We’ll be praying the San Andreas Fault sends you and your ilk for a swim real soon .... with Teddy Kennedy as the lifeguard.

Doris Matsui (D-CA)

Babbling Bombastic Bubblehead
From Kalifornia


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 05/13/2005 at 12:16 PM   
Filed Under: • Democrats-Liberals-Moonbat LeftistsPolitics •  
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McCain-Kennedy Just Stabbed Us In The Back

While no one was looking yesterday, Senators John McCain (R-AZ) and Teddy Kennedy (D-MA) submitted a bill in the Senate to grant amnesty to illegal aliens and allow more to come into the country as “guest workers” ....

Washington Post - Friday, May 13, 2005

A bipartisan bill introduced in Congress yesterday seeks to revise the current immigration system by allowing millions of illegal immigrants in the United States to apply to be temporary guest workers and permit residents of other countries to seek the same status if they can prove that a job is waiting for them.

The new visa program proposed by Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Edward M. Kennedy (D-Mass.) would allow immigrant workers to leave and enter the United States as they please over the three-year life of the temporary visa.

McCain said current immigration policy is “unacceptable,” in part because it forces Mexican nationals and others illegally seeking to enter the United States to rely on human smugglers or risk their lives crossing the desert alone. In addition, he said, porous borders are “leaving Americans vulnerable” to terrorism.

Under the bill, millions of illegal workers and immigrants who want jobs in the United States could eventually gain citizenship. Illegal workers in the United States would pay $1,000 each to apply for H-5B visas that would require them to work for six years before seeking permanent residency. Foreign nationals would pay $500 each and would have to prove that an employer has a job waiting for them. Both would be required to pass a battery of police background and medical checks.

After working for three years, foreign national visa-holders could ask for three-year extensions and, in the meantime, apply for green cards. If the illegal immigrants continue working, pay an additional $1,000, study English and break no laws for six years, they could qualify for permanent residency. Ultimately, that could lead to full citizenship. In the meantime, visa-holders could leave and enter the United States legally.

McCain said he asked the Bush administration to embrace the proposal. The senator said he did not get a firm answer, but was told that the bill is “in accord with the president’s principles.”

When a large number of people commit a crime, you have two choices: (a) punish them all or (b) make what they’re doing no longer illegal. Guess which one your government is choosing to address the problem of illegal immigrants. I only wonder if this will apply to all invaders. If so, will we become just like France, laying down and rolling over everytime some outside group comes waltzing in? I am sick and disgusted with my government over this blatant disregard for my safety and security, not to mention a complete lack of commitment to preserving the sovereignty of the United States of America.

Forgive me but didn’t every single one of these politicians swear an oath to “preserve, protect and defend the people and the Constitution of the United States”?

This used to be a great country .... until the politicians decided that once elected they need no longer care what the American people think or want. To seal the deal, they try to take our guns away from us leaving them with a fully equipped army to put down any revolt by the people who become sick and tired of their arrogance. My fellow Americans, the end of the greatest nation the planet has ever seen is coming sooner than you think. Our elected officials are throwing it all away, just so they can stay in power. Greedy politicians will be our doom, America. It is happening even as I speak ....


Posted by The Skipper   United States  on 05/13/2005 at 09:57 AM   
Filed Under: • Illegal-Aliens and ImmigrationPolitics •  
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TGIF News Bytes

It’s finally Friday and you all are preparing to go play after the brutal work week (unless you’re a certain Senator from Taxachusetts - in which case you’re continuing the stonewalling over signing the SF-180 Form you promised to sign 103 days ago, releasing your military records for public perusal and verification of all the stories you claimed about your service). Senator Kerry, we’re waiting ....