What Parental Rights?


Should the SWAT force intervene if your kid falls on the sidewalk?

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 01/08/2008 at 11:17 AM   
  1. G-d, just think is someone had a been cleaning a gun or had some other type of weapon ‘near by’ when the SWAT came in. They would have sworn they had to kill them because they were more of those crazed ‘christian terrorists’. Too bad they weren’t those peace-loving religous folks. Then they would have certainly been to ‘observant to not offend’ and respected their ‘rights to different ideas’ and ways.

    Posted by museofcheerios    United States   01/08/2008  at  11:05 AM  

  2. The people of CO must stand up and remove these people from office. Given Drew’s posting of the goings on in NJ - it is time we hold our local, state and Federal ‘representatives’ accountable when they cross the line.

    This particular family can do that with a lawsuit - you show me, exactly what amendment of the Constitution that says that the Government has the power to make any US Citizen get medical care? There is AMA (against medical advice) if the parents signed one at the scene - this paramedic is wide open to a lawsuit - but that does not matter. At.All.

    Then they need to go after whichever Sheriff/LEO that made the assine decision to treat a family like criminals over a fall. If blood was not gushing nor bruises rising - they were within their rights.

    The same with all these nanny state/socialistic laws about what we ‘should’ or ‘should not’ be doing. They let criminal illegal aliens run wild, do not enforce the Immigration Laws on the books, hold vigils for Cop Killers and Gang Bangers and yet form a SWAT Team to take a kid to the hospital for a fall?!?

    Personally I’d shoot the mooron who decided this one - but we no longer have anyone in America willing to do that - so SUE THE MORONS.

    Talk to them, in apparently the only language they know - LEGALLY.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   01/08/2008  at  01:42 PM  

  3. This is a golden example of what I mean when I talk about the imbalance in law and responsibility.

    What SHOULD be done here? Precisely what would be done had it been solely civilians involved. The paramedics, the Sheriff and the SWAT team leader should all have their day in court - defending themselves on CRIMINAL charges of breaking and entry, assault with a deadly weapon, attempted kidnapping, and making a terrorist threat. I’m not saying they should be convicted on any or all of those charges. I’m saying they, just like anyone else, should be required to justify such violent trampling of a citizen’s liberties to a jury of their peers.

    The fact that none of that happens, that none of that CAN happen in this country, tells us as plainly as shouting in our ears that anything you hear about “the rule of law”, “equal protection under the law”, “the burden of proof is on the prosecution”, etc., bears pretty much the same relation to reality as a typical Jim Carey movie.

    Please understand, I am more and more impressed by Jim Carey as his career progresses. I have seen him do some EXCELLENT work. “Ace Ventura” provided no clue as to his potential. Nonetheless, I think he’d be a disastrous choice as President or Chief Justice of SCOTUS, not least *because* he is such a skilled portrayer of farce. But it sure looks like that’s the current standard, doesn’t it?

    “Privilege” - from the Latin, meaning “private law”. Yes, that’s the literal translation of the word.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/08/2008  at  02:05 PM  

  4. "It’s for the children.”
    “If it only saves one life.”

    Welcome to the world of enforced conformity.  As museofcheerios pointed out, had there been any excuse, someone would have been summarily executed.  Oops, I mean, that’s justifiably shot because they were a clear and present danger.  Innocent until proven guilty is in doubt.

    Go easy Mr. C.  Right now, it’s the Christian Homeschoolers who are getting the heat.  At other times, it’s been other groups.  Significantly, it always seems to fall hardest on groups most concerned with individual rights and freedom.  The key issue is to remember and preserve our rights.  Not as the ACLU does with ridiculous lawsuits, but with education for the folks around us so that they can appreciate the freedoms they enjoy.  That’s real education, not selected factoids to brainwash, but comprehensive education, so that people learn to inquire and think for themselves. 

    The worst problem in trying to talk to people about how accepting a nanny state will hurt them, is that they only see a small slice of the overall picture and assume that their activities will never fall on the wrong side of the law.  Of course, if you represent a group that they’re dubious about in the first place (personally, I’m a gun owner and a cigarette smoker), any argument you give will be discounted.

    In addition to Animal Farm, Brave New World, Fahrenheit 451 and 1984, I would strongly recommend a book called This Perfect Day by Ira Levin and either movie version of THX1138.  The societies depicted are well regulated for the “happiness” of the citizens.  All 6 taken as a body of work from diverse authors present parallels with the direction of our society that I find frightening.

    btw - museofcheerios, my apologies for not greeting you earlier.  Please let me add my welcome.  New voices and ideas to bounce around are a lot of what we’re about. 


    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   01/09/2008  at  02:37 AM  

  5. Well, darn. Already been said. And I’m in total agreement. But, I’m of the opinion that the msm would not spread around these facts, the law suit, any of it. All you’d hear is crickets, or, at best, about these crazy homeschooler fundamentalists that refused the care of the gummint and had to be coaxed, and now look. The only place you’ll EVER hear of this beyond the city limits is the blogosphere.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   01/09/2008  at  08:18 AM  

  6. On the reading list I would also add “Oath of Fealty” by Larry Niven. And to the list of those who should be required to defend themselves in criminal court for this travesty I would add Lynn Rennick, Garfield County Director of Social Services, the CPS honchette who decided to get a search warrant and a court order so they *could* send in the SWAT team.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   01/09/2008  at  12:45 PM  

  7. I’m assuming we’ve all read the ONE BOOK that matters. If you have, you knew this was coming, and you know its only going to get worse.
    This makes my blood boil as bad or worse then yours Mr. Christian. The medic, deputies, and judge need to pay for their criminal behavior. What they did was just plain wrong.

    Posted by Jeremy    United States   01/09/2008  at  08:33 PM  

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