university idiots give lecture in doublespeak on why yoga is culturally insensitive


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 11/24/2015 at 09:27 AM   
  1. Nuckin’ futz.  crazy banghead

    Posted by Col. Bat Guano    United States   11/24/2015  at  10:18 AM  

  2. Let us ban the growing of cotton and watermelon because of their iconic symbolism of racism. We certainly can’t have college food services offer watermelon to the sensitive future leaders of the universe.

    As others have said - the current crop of alleged intellectuals are spending more time erasing history than learning from it.

    The close-minded administrators are turning out a population of perpetually indignant, thin-skinned, unaware, debt-loaded, 22+ year old adolescents who can look forward to complaining about not being hired by adults looking for college graduates who can observe, analyze, learn and discuss using reason and logic, those aware enough to know what they don’t know.

    Posted by Ed456    United States   11/24/2015  at  11:21 AM  

  3. Uh-huh. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiggghhht. And Cocoa beans used to be Central American currency and drunk or chewed bitter. Who does that anymore? Obviously it’s a product of evil RAAACISSSM!

    What do I even say about this nonsense? Even by the low, low standards of political corrtectness it is Despicable.

    Hey kids! You wanna know how you commit ACTUAL cultural genocide? Limit dissemination in ANY form. Make sure as few people and as few media deal with something as possible. Preferably ZERO. Burn books, kill people, ban everything, try and leave nothing but ashes.

    Among the many other atrocities Kerry’s friends the Red Khmer committed in their crusade to wipe their own country off the map, they VERY NEARLY succeeded in wiping out an entire dancing discipline. 1,200~ year old Royal Khmer Ballet discipline that had attestation of practice going back to the 600’s AD. They murdered its’ practitioners and textual/artistic tradition where they could find it.

    They only failed because a few of the last grand masters of the trade survived and for as monstrous as the Vietnamese Communists were they weren’t interested in this kind of minutae. Which is why after the war the survivors started rebuilding desperately in the time they had left AND MADE A POINT TO SEND DISCIPLES OF THE BALLET ABROAD so that another Khmer Rouge regime could NEVER destroy the entire thing in one fell swoop.

    So this sort of measure is the exact opposite of preventing cultural genocide. Oh but it’s a uniquely HINDU tradition! (As if Yoga hasn’t been practiced in the Buddhist mountains and foothills of the Himalayas for centuries; so is it only appropriation certain groups do it?). Oh, but it makes it secularized! (As if plenty of Hindu traditions aren’t like that already). Boo Hoo Hoo..

    GET OVER YOURSELVES. At least be glad that it is THERE in some form in the first place. Because even if you are oh so bound up in knots about the very IDEA of people “Doing It Wrong”, it’s a LOT easier to show them the “right” way to do something off of a pre-existing base (secular as it may be) than it is to try and build what you want on top of a Barren Ash Heap of a Wasteland.

    If you want to talk about colonization, that’s what our friends the Han Chinese realized. Which is why they too have been steadily waging cultural genocide against the peoples of the Tibetian Plateau using- among other things- edicts like this one.

    The difference is that the PRC can enforce theirs with guns, and I wager that the CCP knows precisely why it is doing it.

    Which gives them an advantage over these nutjobs.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   11/24/2015  at  02:46 PM  

  4. I thought yoga was developed as an exercise routine to keep the palace whores in shape?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   11/24/2015  at  07:54 PM  

  5. hey guys .... there’s even more. see latest post.  they never stop being stupid.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/25/2015  at  08:20 AM  

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