russian plane shot down …. pilot dead and crew member a prisoner of syrian rebels


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 11/24/2015 at 08:58 AM   
  1. The only potential good side of this is that Obungler is such a worthless ally that if the Russians decide to avenge the shooting down of their SU24 hopefully the US and NATO wont come to their aid. However given that the Turks are muzzbots who knows? The Kenyan seems awfully keen on keeping muzzbots happy. The Turks should be kicked out of NATO they are financing the terrorists. How else does ISIS get oil out of that shithole. Why is it that hundreds of thousands of muzzbots get to cross the Turkish border unhindered?

    If we side with the Turks we need our heads examined. It seems to me that ever since the Ruskies started bombing the refineries and oil tankers that the Turks have taken offence. Quite why the US couldn’t have bombed these targets escapes me. Surely Obungler isn’t holding the Air Force and Navy back?

    Posted by LyndonB    United Kingdom   11/24/2015  at  12:07 PM  

  2. Right now I’m hoping that both the Turks and Russians keep up the good work and plink off as many of each other as humanly possible. No matter who wins, the world will be better for it.

    All joking aside, it’s been long past time to dump Turkey from NATO, if it was ever worth bringing it in in the first place. Everybody talks about Ergodan and the Islamisation, but the fact of the matter is that even before that the other side of the coin- Kemalism- was toxic and nasty as well. It was never a reliable ally except when it had incentive; I don’t see it changing.

    It’s been a century since the outbreak of the last Russo-Turkish war; we’re overdue for another one.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   11/24/2015  at  02:28 PM  

  3. Well at least Now senior Putin has some skin in the game. Lets see what fun and frolic he has in store for the Turds,er Turks if this behavior keeps up.
    MORE POPCORN, the show is finally gettin Good!!111!!1!!
    nah-nah  skull  mooning  3stooges

    Posted by Rich K    United States   11/24/2015  at  08:00 PM  

  4. So far gentlemen, Putin has only declared financial sanctions against Turks, and no hire rule against Turks residing in Russia now. Don’t know why they’d want to, to start with tho. Meanwhile, I believe Hollande (did I spell his name right?) wants to fast track Turk entry into the EU. That would be another disaster for poor tired Europa.Even some lib. writers are speaking against that.
    Be interesting to read our Turtler take on that one. I

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/28/2015  at  05:04 PM  

  5. Mozzbots?  Love it. You do come up with words that enhance the language and make me grin.
    Mozzbots. Yeah. Gonna add that to my vocabulary.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   11/28/2015  at  05:12 PM  

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