those darned americans and their border fence. hang on a minute. no. it’s the mexicans?


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 09/21/2010 at 07:24 AM   
  1. border walls “are supposedly intended to halt migration, but that hasn’t happened. Instead they have triggered an economic hemorrhage and a shift in the migratory flow to inhospitable routes that lead to thousands of deaths

    Sounds like a win-win for me - A definable border and thousands of dead criminal illegal aliens. What’s wrong with that?

    These people are not migrants in the sense they do a job and return home - they are criminals in search of easy money, willing to carry drugs, put up with drug dealers and human smugglers and thus - one criminal act leads to dozens of criminal acts.

    Not in my country. I am so glad that the Republicans (who voted) and 2 Dems had the guts to bitch slap Senator Reid with his duplicitous and backdoor scam of attaching the DREAM act, the DADT repeal and the forcing of (Federally funded) abortions at Military hospitals - while denying the Senate debate (which is legendary) on the Defense Authorization bill and denying the Republicans any amendments of their own. Yes in effect it is simply a procedural win - but even with the Republicans in the minority (which automatically implies Dem cooperation) it is a win.

    Even Reids attempt to use the canard - The Republicans stopped the Defense bill - won’t fly much because of the backhanded way this was done - Good for Senator Snowe for making the point that it wasn’t about the Defense bill, it wasn’t even about the tacky Amendments attached - but it was about the unfair and duplicitous way Reid went about presenting this abomination.

    Most ethical Congress ever - what a crock.

    God Help America
    A Proud American Infidel

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/22/2010  at  07:58 AM  

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