Be Afraid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The dangers of cross breeding game fish have been pointed out before. [warning!! link contains ethnic humor based on unfounded stereotypes!]

Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/21/2010 at 11:40 AM   
  1. Forget the salmon dude, Show me the LOBSTER!!!!

    Posted by Rich K    United States   09/22/2010  at  01:00 AM  

  2. Ah the slippery slope - how do you test this on humans - and how many years of testing have been done? Yeah, right I thought so. And what is not to say - Yeah now it is a ‘salmon’ but in the future they won’t ‘genetically’ engineer in a ‘cooperation’ modification?

    I no longer trust ‘science’ since it has been bought out to Big Pharme (i.e the diabetes standard lowered in 2003 as the ‘new’ diabetes drugs start hitting the market & to increase the numbers ‘suffering’ from diabetes to scary (fear mongering) heights and sold out to the Goracle to promote a bogus political/social agenda which backdoor shuts down free enterprise and of course common sense. And of course the FDA which now just looks the other way and no longer appears to care about any ‘side’ effects other than their bank accounts.

    I just hope that they force the kind of labeling on these pieces of crap - the exact same way they do to organic, natural and all the other non-Big Food products - oh wait, damn it this will indeed fall under Big Food - chemical cuisine masquerading as food.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/22/2010  at  08:07 AM  

  3. Yeah I thought so - dangerous failing lib idea - nope no warning labels, nothing to worry about here, move along. Hubby just read that frankenfish - isn’t going to be ‘required’ to have any labels at all.

    Meanwhile organic & natural real foods are costing the consumer millions - simply because of the regulations and labeling required.

    I am about to say - two f*#&in’ weeks is all Congress gets to meet a year and 99% of what’s on the books needs to be scraped immediately - and that includes the politically minded and abso-f*^#in’-lutely worthless FDA.

    [Pardon my language]

    God Help America
    A Proud American Infidel

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/23/2010  at  07:59 AM  

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