Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/02/2009 at 12:56 PM   
  1. Did you know that if any of the those “kids abused along their mothers” is older than 12, he will be forbidden to enter the shelter?
    Did you know that an abused mom may have to CHOOSE between staying all together, unsafe and outside the shelter or, stay only mothers and daughters while sending their older sons away? Talking about Sophie’s choice!

    You ask how many men are in need of these shelter: The answer is, A LOT. And they pay their taxes. And they deserve help.

    You forget that those men seeking for help are VICTIMS. They ARE NOT THE ONES WHO ABUSED THOSE WOMEN. Are you considering all men guilty for what ONE man does?

    Those in charge of the refuge had a very easy choice: To help VICTIMS. Male and female. Instead, they decided not to help ANYBODY, instead of ALSO helping men. That’s a victory of ideology ("women good, men evil") over reality.

    Posted by tango    Spain   08/02/2009  at  02:08 PM  

  2. "Oh crap, we’d have to spend a whole whack of money on an expanded shelter that could properly deal with men and women, and that would cut into our important meetings to other places (read:  Paid vacations by another name.)

    Let’s come up with a bullshit ‘outreach services’ program, and we can pocket the money we spent on the yearly budget and use it for ourselves.”

    Just a theory, but where politicians are concerned, you usually can’t go wrong in assuming the worst.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   08/02/2009  at  03:23 PM  

  3. "There are not enough shelters for women and children” they say. Well, at the last count there were more than 200 shelters for women and girls in the UK. There are only 3 shelters for men, which all together have 19 beds.

    Nineteen beds.


    And still, those DV managers prefer to leave women helpless, than sharing that help with men.

    Posted by tango    Spain   08/02/2009  at  04:05 PM  

  4. Fucking WHAT?!?! The “abused men” need retreats too? Said “bitch” needs to be more “butch”. That is the only thing that I can think of for a use there. Women are battered far more frequently, and need those retreats.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   08/02/2009  at  04:31 PM  

  5. Wrong. According to unbiased statistics, male-on-female and female-on-male DV are almost equally distributed. And why the scary quotes on abused men? Does being men makes them less of a victim?

    And yes, abused men need retreats, too. Unless you think they deserve to sleep under a bridge just because they’re men.

    Posted by tango    Spain   08/02/2009  at  05:01 PM  

  6. Tango,
    I can’t question your stats because honestly it never occurred to me. They don’t get published much re. abuse of males by females, do they?  Generally what we see are photos of horribly battered women and it’s sickening. I did not have access to the info you posted re. numbers and can’t question it from a standpoint of research as you have done. BUT ...
    I do question anyway the idea that male/female DV are equal when it comes to bodily harm.

    Perhaps male/female verbal abuse might be equal, but again I have no way of knowing that.

    Still, after 14 years (in this case) of providing shelter for women and then discovering no men were there and so closing it down, seems to me to be uncaring and unfair.

    You’d be mistaken if you think I judge ALL men guilty of the actions of a few. Not at all.
    It bothers me that in these modern times, half our population look at ALL men as potential rapists.  Or so I have read.  But the fact is, it is men who rape. And the incidence of battering (reported anyway) seems to favor men again as the abusers. 

    I think it’s quite natural to feel sympathy and lean toward the women’s side of things.
    We quite naturally again seem them as our mothers and sisters and aunts or wives. Seems to be human nature.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   08/03/2009  at  03:40 AM  

  7. Have you ever wondered why they’re never published?
    Have you ever wondered why when a wife hits a husband, it’s not called DV? 

    It’s because it would go against the “women good, men evil” PC-ness.

    Even when women kill men - as in the latest husbands-and-lovers killing spree- those incidents are NEVER called domestic violence. Even though they are. Google for them -like that football player who was killed recently- and you won’t see it called DV. You’ll see pics of men mutilated -like that woman who ran over her husband several times, while his daughter -in the car with her- begged her not to kill her dad. And most women will say that “he did something to provoke her”. Like these, there are hundreds of female-on-male violence incidents. And not even one of them will be called DV.

    Did you know that Erin Pizzey, the founder of DV-Shelters in the UK, was booted out from the organization she founded because she ALSO wanted to help men?

    Did you know that those shelters are not controlled, nor audited, nor have to justify expenses?

    Did you know that some of those shelters customarily cover-up female-on-female rape, mostly by shelter staff?

    Did you know that some of those shelters coach women to lie in court, or blackmail them into make false accusations against men under the threat of kicking them to the street?

    DV shelters are hotbeds of man-hating, radical feminism. And until now, they’re accountable to nobody. They only need to cry “it’s for women and children” and they’re scot free.

    Again, who is to blame here: The ones who say: “Help men too, and we’ll keep funding you” (after all, it’s mostly men’s taxes supporting those shelters, therefore why shouldn’t they be served, too?) or those who say “We prefer to close shop than also help men”. Looks like their love for women was less than their hate for men, don’t you think?

    Posted by tango    Spain   08/03/2009  at  06:44 AM  

  8. Are you considering all men guilty for what ONE man does?

    No.  They consider all men guilty because they are male.  This is obviously one of those fish/bicycle anti-male places.

    Posted by Siddhartha Vicious    United States   08/03/2009  at  05:08 PM  

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