The Twin Pools


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 03/13/2006 at 10:22 AM   
  1. Personally, the best memorial would be one that said a big “screw you” to the terrorists - rebuilding the towers exactly as they were before, but BIGGER (and of course with all the engineering improvements we have today). Have them be office space and everything - and, just for fun, put a synagog and a church near the top (and, for the sake of equality and all that, a mosque under them wink ). Have something in the lobby to remind folks of WHY such a thing was done in the first place, and a book of names of people who died (NOT a wall; personally, I think the Viet Nam Memorial is a pean to the defeatism and pessimism that caused the end of that war).

    Posted by Dac    United States   03/13/2006  at  01:43 PM  

  2. A compromise: A statue of a fairy holding a sword?

    I saw a WW1 memorial at our “War Memorial” (WW2 had not happened when it was built)-- a list of the names of the dead.  Ninety years later—meaningless to us.  I fear that is the fate of the VNam Memorial.  Which,incidentally, I like.

    The USS Arizona Memorial at Pearl Harbor is the model.

    Posted by Oink    United States   03/13/2006  at  04:26 PM  

  3. I saw a WW1 memorial at our “War Memorial” (WW2 had not happened when it was built)-- a list of the names of the dead.  Ninety years later—meaningless to us.  I fear that is the fate of the VNam Memorial.

    Exactly. If some kid was to walk off the street and look at either of these, all they see is a list of names of dead dudes. The memorial - which is to remember those who fought and died in a war - is now meaningless, and more importantly, completely fails at what it is supposed to be. Unless you knew the people the names went to, there is little emotional connection. The Viet Nam Memorial is therefore funcional - for now. When all you old people die, and I am in the “old fart” catagory, to the great, vast majority, it is just this black wall with names on it. At least in a cemetary the headstones are mostly individual. (The statue really works, though; or at least I think so.)

    Yes, the Arizona Memorial is the model.

    Posted by Dac    United States   03/13/2006  at  04:40 PM  

  4. JMHO, but I think former Mayor Guiliani should have been given the final say in choosing the memorial…
    In my opinion, he would have done the best thing for everyone involved, he is well loved and respected by those most affected- the families-and people of NYC and he was THE leader throughout the whole awful nightmare.

    i know! i’m naive.

    9/11 flag  heart  flag


    Posted by SouthernDoll    United States   03/13/2006  at  05:02 PM  

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