The Constitution, New Revised Edition


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 05/21/2007 at 09:47 PM   
  1. Hate to be an idiot, but…

    ARTICLE II: Uphold the law.

    Some might be able to work this around to be whatever law they want to put in the books.  If they want universal health care they would just need to make it a law and, under this revised constitution, the government would be obligated to uphold it.

    AMENDMENT I: No person shall serve in government for more than ten years. Ever.

    Might want to keep this limited to non-military government work.

    Posted by Elliott    United States   05/22/2007  at  06:43 AM  

  2. See how it works? 36 words and already folks are getting picky.  grin

    The whole thing could boil down to 4 words:

    Do what is right.

    But then the Nuance Squad would get all lawyerly and argue about what “right” means. Nope, sorry, if you don’t know what is right and what isn’t ... there’s the border, have a nice trip. It really doesn’t need to be any more complicated than that, but you have to have a good citizenry (moral, enlightened, honorable, etc) to make it work. I think the reason we have so damn many laws is because an awful lot of people are schnooks.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/22/2007  at  09:18 AM  

  3. You also forgot to repeal that repeated and constantly raised rape of the Working American - taxes. If you cut that to a Flat Tax (say 10% max) that had no loopholes, no exemptions, no exceptions - most of the pork and fat would be cut as the a**holes in DC who have concocted a 101 ways to avoid paying their fair share of taxes would not have our money to waste daily.

    While I agree with the 10 years (sort of) since they cut the President off at the knees of 2 terms then either 2 terms or 8 years for all. The Supremes need to be off that ‘for life’ crap too.

    And of course the military - the lowest paid, least appreciated and most overworked arm of the Federal Government - living on poverty wages, with substandard housing and minimal healthcare. God Bless Them All.

    Meanwhile Madam Shrieker of the House is accomplishing nothing while wasting zillions doing it. I sent nasty grams to them all (second in a week) to either shut up, do their jobs or resign. Not that it gets me anywhere - but it does make me feel better. For a moment.

    While we are a Nation of Laws - there comes a time when the laws on the books need to be enforced, reviewed and/or revised - not simply added to. Time for these mental morons to do their jobs - anyone else would be fired ASAP for such incompetence.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/22/2007  at  10:44 AM  

  4. Somebody left the bold on by accident? Maybe this will fix it.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/22/2007  at  10:56 AM  

  5. Confession: it was me that left BOLD on. The result of trying to post while under the influence of really strong prescription pain killers.

    This post was interesting in that I tried to distill it all down to as few words as possible and yet the “lawyers” still find flaws. I apologize for calling you a lawyer, Elliott. You know I’m kidding.

    That is the problem with laws though. Unless you have a populace of educated, fair and mentally balanced people with strong convictions or right and wrong (be they religious or otherwise) you are going to have to define every little detail for the stupidest among us.

    The generation that wrote the Constitution were survivors of extreme hardship which instilled in them a belief in God and right and wrong, as evidenced by the festering wound of slavery on the Constitution which eventually had to be reckoned with at a bloody cost.

    The plethora of laws and redefinitions of laws had to be passed as more and more weak and stupid people came into the population from births and immigration. As the country got more and more tame, more and more soft, stupid people came here.

    We are either now or fast approaching the “tipping point” where America will either weed out the weak, stupid ones (by what means I have no clue) or we will enter into a steady decline like Rome and Britain before us. History dictates the latter is more likely.

    It may take hundreds of years but on our present course the end is already defined. I am afraid the future lies on the other side of the Pacific. The transition is what bothers me. Will it be orderly and quiet (like the “fall” of Britain) or will we see a thousand years of chaos, genocide and a backward slide of civilization (i.e., Rome)?

    I’m giving 5:1 odds on the latter. Don’t ask me why. I just have a bad feeling ....

    Posted by The Skipper    United States   05/22/2007  at  02:11 PM  

  6. Better limit that Commerce Clause.  The Feds have been very creative in their use of the existing one.  When a small toad, living in the middle of nowhere becomes the Fed’s business through the commerce clause, something’s wrong.

    Count me with Anonymous on this one.  Without the right of self defense and the means to carry that out, you have no other rights.

    It’s not just he weak and stupid who require ever more detailed laws, it’s those who will use any possible loophole to justify their own cheating and stealing.  Having freedom requires a certain amount of self restraint, otherwise, someone will have to limit your concept of “freedom”.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   05/22/2007  at  03:24 PM  

  7. Dr Jeff, back in the 50s the expression used to be “the price of freedom is eternal vigilance”. While that is true at both the national and personal level, to me it’s more true to say “the price of freedom is responsibility”.

    Yeah, there needs to be a weeding out. Let’s start at the left coast and move east, then start just south of DC and move north.

    Skipper, I’m actually almost hoping for a Tipping Point Event. It’s long past time for the sheepdogs and the remnants to rise up. This house needs cleaning in the worst way. But I have no idea how it will happen, and I’d really prefer to do it without the rivers of blood. First step is getting rid of Teddy and every piece of legislation that he’s authored. (his 1965 immigration reform act is why we have the problems we have today). The next step is to take back the education system from the commie hippies. We’ve had 40 years of their poison and it don’t work. Inculcate (love that word!) children and adults with the sense of destiny, responsibility, honor, and self-sufficiency they should have. Patriotism and nationalism will save us, especially after we purge the elitist gangstas from the government.


    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/22/2007  at  09:26 PM  

  8. I don’t mind the insult of being called a lawyer in this instance.  It got people talking.  You need to spell everything out to the last detail for people or else someone will find a way around it.  It’s important to shoot down great ideas when they’d be easily taken advantage of

    Posted by Elliott    United States   05/23/2007  at  05:06 AM  

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