The Big Idea


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/22/2007 at 02:06 PM   
  1. I was gonna post that he had put something new up. But with his buddy <A>Rachel</a> back in business, I’m guessing we might hear from him more often.

    This latest two part essay of his is interesting. While other authors have separated the citizenry into Wolves, Sheep, and Sheepdogs, Bill comes up with a new one called “Remnants” (actually its at least as old as Plato). These are the people who do the right thing when it’s necessary because they’re inherently decent. I guess that’s akin to Sheepdog-lite, but if even a couple percent of your population is made up of these folks, then things will go well as the sheep will follow. This point is hidden in his typically windy set up, which almost lost me with all the gaming theory stuff.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/22/2007  at  01:49 PM  

  2. What he was saying all seemed a bit familiar to me!Scout Motto: Be Prepared

    Scout Slogan: Do a Good Turn DailyScout Oath: (or Promise)

    On my honor I will do my best

    To do my duty to God and my country

    and to obey the Scout Law;

    To help other people at all times;

    To keep myself physically strong,

    mentally awake, and morally straight.

    Scout Law:


    A Scout tells the truth. He keeps his promises. Honesty is part of his code of conduct. People can depend on him.


    A Scout is true to his family, Scout leaders, friends, school, and nation.


    A Scout is concerned about other people. He does things willingly for others without pay or reward.


    A Scout is a friend to all. He is a brother to other Scouts. He seeks to understand others. He respects those with ideas and customs other than his own.


    A Scout is polite to everyone regardless of age or position. He knows good manners make it easier for people to get along together.


    A Scout understands there is strength in being gentle. He treats others as he wants to be treated. He does not hurt or kill harmless things without reason.


    A Scout follows the rules of his family, school, and troop. He obeys the laws of his community and country. If he thinks these rules and laws are unfair, he tries to have them changed in an orderly manner rather than disobey them.


    A Scout looks for the bright side of things. He cheerfully does tasks that come his way. He tries to make others happy.


    A Scout works to pay his way and to help others. He saves for unforeseen needs. He protects and conserves natural resources. He carefully uses time and property.


    A Scout can face danger even if he is afraid. He has the courage to stand for what he thinks is right even if others laugh at or threaten him.


    A Scout keeps his body and mind fit and clean. He goes around with those who believe in living by these same ideals. He helps keep his home and community clean.


    A Scout is reverent toward God. He is faithful in his religious duties. He respects the beliefs of others.


    Posted by accal    United States   05/23/2007  at  10:50 AM  

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