So, just how stark raving mad have these folks become?  See for yourself.


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 12/04/2008 at 02:08 PM   
  1. I just KNEW you were going to post on that article. I saw it and said “Self, this one will surely twist old Peiper’s knickers but good!”

    Silly Britons. Have your Christmas show (BTW, just exactly what is a Pantomime? I saw the other article where some group put on a naughty Cindrella pantomime full of cussing and violence) and leave the muzzies out of it. If they’d rather stay home and murder a goat in the backyard, then fine. Um, is it true that the VAT on sacrificial animals is now 75%?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   12/04/2008  at  05:23 PM  

  2. Buy those burkas now.  You may not have time to go with the new laws before the Sharia Police come after you....

    Posted by TimO    United States   12/04/2008  at  06:37 PM  

  3. Praise Allan!

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   12/04/2008  at  07:35 PM  

  4. So, the West continues to bow to Allah in the name of the new god, Diversity.

    Just wondering, does this new god ‘Diversity’ rule in Islamic countries? Are Catholic confessionals being installed in mosques in Saudi Arabia and Iran?

    I’d continue, but it’s late, and I have a speech to prepare…

    Posted by Christopher    United States   12/04/2008  at  11:10 PM  

  5. They may perform aeronautical intercourse in the direction of an aerial pastry.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   12/05/2008  at  12:44 AM  

  6. Or is that a rotationally motivated pastry?

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   12/05/2008  at  12:45 AM  

  7. Let’s get this straight; moving Christmas to January isn’t discriminating against Christians?  They’re trying to respect everyone’s faith? 

    Sent by the head teacher, Amber Latif, and Yvonne Wright, chair of governors, it apologised for “any misunderstanding” but said it had to respect “the cultures and religions of all the children”.

    It added: “The Christmas performance has not been cancelled outright but has been postponed until the New Year.”

    If this is how respect is applied, then Christmas should have been put off for Chanuka. 

    I find it offensive to Christians and I’M A JEW!  This is not how people of differing faiths get along with mutual respect.  I would no more expect Christians to put off their holiday to make room for mine, then I would be willing to put off mine for them.  My idea of respecting another’s faith does not involve demeaning that person’s beliefs.  There really isn’t that much difference between demeaning a person or demeaning that person’s faith. 

    Now here’s the real corker - even a Moslem sees the idiocy of this policy and is willing to stand up and speak the truth!

    Sajad Hussain, 35, of who has two children at Greenwood Junior, said: “My children will be off for the two days next week to see their family.

    “It’s not that complicated; they could have one event on one day and another on another day, they should have both celebrations at the school.

    “If you do not have both it becomes a racist thing and that’s why you have to be careful If an issue is made out of it, it could become nasty.”

    Someone is smoking much better stuff than I am.  Either that, or they are intentionally trying to destroy (once) Great Britain.

    The U.S. has been sold to China, Great Britain is bending over with buttered tushies for the Moslems, I don’t want to know what comes next.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   12/05/2008  at  03:37 AM  

  8. What is a pantomime, anyway?

    (An explanation for readers from outside the British Isles)

    Pantomime is a curious entertainment - a form of ritual theatre staged around the winter solstice. Originally silent (a form of mime), it is now anything but, with extensive vocalisation from both the performers and the audience.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/05/2008  at  10:18 AM  

  9. I had to comment on this one.. If the Muslims are away from school, wouldn’t that be the perfect time for a Christmas show? I mean, no Muslims to be offhanded by the infidels celebration? Or, is this to make sure that they aren’t being left out? The poor Muslim children won’t get their Christmas Sweets and pressies?
    Christians are too used to making sacrifices for others, even their enemies. Unfortunately, the Muslims are put forth as a oppressed and downtrodden people, because of the way most of them live. You would be amazed at how many people think there aren’t a lot of them, because they normally don’t see many in the US, or at least not in groups, outside of the cab line at the airport. They do not realize that there are more than 1 BILLION plus of them. (1.25 Billion according to the CIA fact book)

    Oh, and Peiper, thanks for the definition, you saved me a jump to my reference library!

    Just my mind sweat.

    Posted by Doctor DETH    United States   12/06/2008  at  12:27 AM  

  10. I’m Jewish and respect and love it when the churchbells chime a mile from my house. I went to public schools and celebrated both Chanukah and Christmas and both were respected and celebrated because of the respect for both but yet I would never of ever pushed the minority view down the throats of the majority.

    This country was created by great men who believed in the Judeo-Christian belief and NOT Islam. There are major differences in the first two versus the last.

    I cannot imagine a film that is truly of what the spirit of Christmas like “Its A Wonderful Life” made by someone in the Islamic faith.

    Posted by earth56    United States   12/06/2008  at  05:14 PM  

  11. peiper to earth ...

    I cannot imagine a film that is truly of what the spirit of Christmas like “Its A Wonderful Life” made by someone in the Islamic faith.

    Well said and says it all.

    When they finally take over europe it’ll more then likely be without having to fire a shot.
    It’ll all just be handed over with a smile.

    Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   12/07/2008  at  07:54 AM  

  12. It. Must. STOP! Why in the everloving fuck is everything all about them? Fuck them. They can celebrate their own shit at home. If they want to be part of the public displays, fine. If they want to insist that there is nothing BUT them, FUCK them. How’s that sound.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   12/10/2008  at  05:39 AM  

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