Circling The Drain


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 12/04/2008 at 02:02 PM   
  1. I am still betting some military officer will step in and pull the plug on old rubber dick Mugabe. They will have to before the people start getting out the piano wire.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   12/04/2008  at  07:36 PM  

  2. I wonder, how long before our Kenyan-born Presidente advocates the same solution to healthcare?

    Posted by Christopher    United States   12/04/2008  at  11:13 PM  

  3. This reminds me of an old British cartoon I stumbled upon through Youtube recently, called “Headcases.” It basically lampoons various celebrities (including Bush, unfortunately, but that is to be expected, and it is far kinder to him then it is to other targets).

    “Old Mugabe had a farm Zimba-Zimbabwae!”

    It is hilarious, and I would encourage everyone to look on it.

    However, the reality is no laughing matter.

    Mugabe has pr oven to be corrupt and tyrannical, sure enough. However, unfortunately, he has also pr oven to be incompetent. Which is both a blessing and a curse: a blessing because the Chinese will almost certainly not be able to use him as a competent ally in Africa, and a curse because the people of Zimbabwe (they are not *his* people) foot the bill for his stupidity and petty megalomania.

    And it shows.

    People are starving to death amid fertile fields and a once-efficient agricultural system that supplied the whole of Southern Africa because Mugabe’s choice of corrupt AND incompetent cronies and his plainly racist and downright genocidal policies have ruined the breadbasket of Africa, at least for now. His inflation is one of the worst in history because, rather than invest in a stable government and cut down on the corruption and cronyism (something even some of the most evil tyrants in history have had the sense to do, if for no other reason then to support their aims abroad), Mugabe has allowed his henchmen to go too far for even his own good.

    The man seriously needs to get whacked. I can hardly care about who does it, but he needs to go.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   12/04/2008  at  11:41 PM  

  4. Kenyan-born Presidente

    Hate to tell you this, Christopher, but the evidence that he was born in Kenya is about as strong as the evidence that he was born in Hawaii. And, since Obama claims he was born in Hawaii and there is very little proof to disprove that, the Kenya accusations are hardly credible or actually relevant.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   12/04/2008  at  11:43 PM  

  5. Someone tell me again, how bad it was under white rule when the country was still called Rhodesia?

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   12/05/2008  at  03:42 AM  

  6. Well, there is always the alternative protein source: Equitorial Meat.
    Its the primitve version of Soylent Green. Just use lots of gravy.

    Posted by Rich K    United States   12/05/2008  at  04:13 AM  

  7. Hate to tell you this, Christopher, but the evidence that he was born in Kenya is about as strong as the evidence that he was born in Hawaii.

    Well, yeah. That’s the point! Why doesn’t he just release his birth certificate?

    I’m adopted myself. Because of that fact, I always have several certified/notarized copies of my birth certificate available. I actually needed such a copy when I got married, when I applied for a driver’s license the first time, etc.

    Should be an easy thing for Obama to lay to rest. Instead, we get stories like

    this, and this.

    Just produce your birth certificate, Presidente-select Obama!

    Posted by Christopher    United States   12/05/2008  at  07:51 AM  

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