Muslim Europe: the demographic time bomb transforming our continent .


Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/09/2009 at 02:41 AM   
  1. This is what is meant by them being a patient people in establishing their Caliphate over the entire world.  The plan is simple, and over a couple of centuries, they’ll simply outbreed us into a minority (controllable) status, elect their own in numbers sufficient to change whatever constitution forms the country, and then it’s all over.

    Our own governments have taxed us to a burden level that discourages us from having children, as we don’t have the necessary funds to have large families, or at least, most of us don’t.  Moderate at best…

    2.1 is the replacement rate (2 children for every 2 adults, with the .1 extra on average covering accidental death.) To grow the population, most everyone needs to have 3 kids per family (or more).

    These people are having 4, 5, and 6 children per family. They will double-to-triple their own population every generation while our replacement rate (without immigration) in Canada is more like 1.9.  How do they do it?  More people in one house, pooled family resources, spending kept to a minimum.  Oh yeah, and the occasional funds-for-jihad-martyrs boost provided by rather large, insanely-rich, islamic countries that like engaging in proxy wars with the infidels, mustn’t forget that.

    If we had governments that wanted to defend against this, they would lower taxes, shift any incentives towards family growth, and openly encourage people to have big families.

    But… we don’t.  And thus we lose.

    Posted by Argentium G. Tiger    Canada   08/09/2009  at  09:27 AM  

  2. The fact that the Left refuses to even recognize that it is happening raises serious questions. Life and politics and opinions on religion have evolved considerably in my 57 years of being here and the direction it is headed scares the hell outta me.

    Those who have their traditions in white, christian, anglo-saxon heritage will really be unhappy living under sharia rules. I truly hope the EU begins to deal with it or at least acknowledge that it is happening. It will take longer to happen in the US but it will happen here as well.

    Look at the Los Angeles area of California and see a perfect example. The hispanics have babies. The white lefties and the blacks have abortions. How much has the hispanic population grown in comparison to the others.

    Posted by RFA    United States   08/09/2009  at  12:02 PM  

  3. The report I believe originated from the US Air Force. They are looking at the long term and just how it will affect their situation having bases in NATO countries that have a rapidly growing minority who are hostile to the West. In Britain yesterday there was a taste of what will become in my view quite commonplace in the future.

    There are anywhere between 200,000 and 250,000 Somalis living in Britain. I used to see them turning up mostly from Holland where the Dutch realised it was easier to give them Dutch citizenship than to try and deport them to Somalia. Once they had Dutch nationaility they headed for the UK where welfare is more generous. The UK can’t stop them as they are EU citizens. Most Somalis have large families. Nine or ten children is not uncommon. My mother came from a family of eight and her father was from a family of seven but in Victorian/Edwardian times there was no welfare and infant mortality was high. Now we have a situation where infant mortality is low and we pay welfare for every child thus we are funding our own destruction.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   08/09/2009  at  12:36 PM  

  4. I think just about every BMEWS member read Steyn’s America Alone several years ago, wherein he talks endlessly about exactly this issue.

    The good/bad news is that the muzzies have at best 20 years to take over as much as they can. Pretty sure that was what he wrote.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   08/09/2009  at  11:24 PM  

  5. And so the road to calamity continues, paved from one end by the Islamists, and from the other by the more rabid Nativists or Authoritarian nationalists.

    If they are allowed to meet in the middle, thousands of innocents shall die, “Kuffar” and Muslim alike.

    And that is perhaps the BEST case scenario for that encounter.

    Dig your bunkers, this could be a doozy.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   08/10/2009  at  04:09 AM  

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