Motivational Poster Of The Day


Posted by The Skipper    United States   on 05/21/2007 at 01:36 PM   
  1. The Texas Revolution was an example of what happens when a nation looses control of its borders. 

    The Spanish and the Mexican governments had imported “...Americans to do the work that Mexicans wouldn’t do.” Both administrations couldn’t get people to leave the interior of Mexico to settle the Texas frontier.  That would’ve involved fighting some really savage Indain tribes/nations (Commanche, Apache, etc).

    The solution was to import Celtic-Scot Rednecks from the United States.  The Redneck Celtic-Scots wouldn’t assimilate, wouldn’t learn Spanish, woudn’t convert to the Catholic Church, and wouldn’t give up the institution of slavery.

    Bush, McCain, et al should study history and learn from it.

    McCain has driven a nail in his Presidential coffin.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   05/21/2007  at  01:41 PM  

  2. Very interesting and informative information Maj.  I never knew that and, like all history, we need to learn from it.

    Posted by BobF    United States   05/21/2007  at  02:07 PM  

  3. After the fall of the Alamo, Santa Anna engaged in a campaign of ethnic cleansing to remove all “Anglos” (we Celtic-Scots are Anglos, but nevertheless) from Texas.  The “Runaway Scrape, as it was called, pushed the Texican settlers toward the U.S. border—all farms, ranches, non-Mexican towns were pillaged and burned by Santa Anna’s forces.

    Our schools are drowning in illegals requiring special language and education programs.  The sheer financial burden imposed upon us to support these millions is staggering.

    Apparently, forces on both sides of the political spectrum wish to exploit cheap labor.  Why the labor unions aren’t against all of this is beyond me.  Illegals depress wages in every sector, thus imposing a burden upon our own working poor.

    You McCain worshippers remember all this when you vote for the next President.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   05/21/2007  at  03:11 PM  

  4. Whoops—make that “...we Celtic-Scots aren’t Anglos...”.  My flashing fingers can’t keep up with my brain.

    Posted by MAJ Mike    United States   05/21/2007  at  03:13 PM  

  5. Maj, the unions are okay with this because once legal status is conferred on these millions of workers, they can then come out of the shadows and enjoy openly all the benefits and privledges of union membership! Wage depression will be short lived as organized legalized labor pushes up wages to union scale. Of course, the side benefit of this to the Dhimmycrat-ick party is more millions of grateful voters who will vote against the hateful bigoted eeevvviiilll Republicans.

    The Republicans have been making this bed for years, and now it is going to snap up on them like a Murphy bed on heavy duty springs.

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   05/21/2007  at  04:08 PM  

  6. I wish a state or group of states would decide they have had enough of this invasion and this continual betrayal of the laws that we are all held liable to. I wish that they would inform this government of the rich, for the wetback, by the treason that they were leaving this union to form a new nation based on the old principles and our true culture.

    A nation of English speaking self-sufficient individuals that supports faith and patriotism, and the right to defend your family, home, and property. A nation that does not allow the disciples of the pedophile prophet to survive, nor one that will countenance La Reconquista. A true American nation.

    I want a nation that will secede from this union of communists, male vagina’s, traitors, faggots, child-seducers and baby-killers. It is time we rebel against this treason and reform our own true American nation.

    Posted by babylonandon    United States   05/21/2007  at  06:43 PM  

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