It all started with Jimmah Cartah


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/30/2008 at 03:48 PM   
  1. Drew this is brilliant. Maybe a case of synchronicity but I was reading the comments on a blog post here.....

    One of the comments was about B Hussein Obama getting funding from Fannie Mae. There was nothing to back up the claim. Now having watched the video it appears there is a lot to back it up. McCain should use this to pummel BHO into submission. The fiasco over the $700 billion bailout has made the democrats look unfit to hold office. The Republicans should seize the initiative and hammer the Democrats.

    Sadly from watching the tv here in Canada (we get a lot of US channels) it seems the mainstream media is obsessed with BHO. What disturbs me is the blatant bias. I know the BBC is bad but it isn’t as openly biased as some of the US channels. Sadly a lot of Americans can only see the whole breakdown in the markets as attributable to GWB.

    It was interesting to see how similar madness has occured in the UK housing market. The socialists took house prices out of the RPI (CPI) same as the US so that meant interest rates were no longer tied to inflation. House prices increased year on year. Banks offer 100% mortgages to people without checking if they have the means to pay back the loans.

    Some years back when we bought our house in the UK we could get 3 1/2 times a single persons salary, or 2 1/2 a married couples combined salary. However the reckless wankers abandoned this and started offering mortgages up to six times a persons salary. Mainly because the average Joe could no longer afford the absurd prices of even starter homes. I knew it would go horribly wrong 4-5 years ago. Luckily we paid our mortgage off and sold at the top of the market.

    What sickens me is that we are all going to have to pay because of wankers like Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, BHO and Bill Clinton. Socialist bastards, don’t let them get away with it.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   09/30/2008  at  06:06 PM  

  2. I have already passed that video onto a number of people. It disgusts me - you know that I am keen on Term Limits - but there are ways to make this raging beast come back into line - sort of beat ‘em at their own game.

    Make a bill - every bill - a stand alone. That is one way to stop all the earmarks and pork but also to stop them from sneaking crappy laws into things (and their pay raises) that have nothing to do with the issue.

    Line Item veto - it needs to be back to give back to the President some of the control these cheats took away.

    How about someone - anyone researching and putting onto the Web - exactly how We The People - can take these cheats out and hold them accountable. Don’t sell me that, vote ‘em out line - look at the latest stats - the Freshman class has been among the largest porkers and cheats out there (BHO for prime example - busy little lad in his 143 days in the Senate).

    Perhaps a pay only if you vote/minimum time requirement or docking for excessive vote missing.

    There are ways to hold these ‘Public Servants’ accountable. They have enjoyed for too long the intimidation, elitism and completely out of touch greed of power madness - it is time to remind them that they WORK FOR US.

    Such crap that this boondoggle is the onlyway - cut taxes, cut spending, require the pork and earmarks be paid back - there are ways these crooks and liars could fund any damn thing they wanted - most especially if it was vital to save America. Sell freakin’ Save a Minority Deadbeat’s Home Bonds - there are ways to do it other than a fraudulent $700 billion dollar grifting of the taxpayers.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/30/2008  at  08:51 PM  

  3. I like the ideas Wardmama. No attachments to any bill. Ever. Introduce one that isn’t 98% germaine to the original bill - because hey, sometimes some bills need another aspect or two that relates to the whole; they need a little more fleshing out - but try to tack on an earmark and you lose your job. Immediate dismissal, no a dime in severance pay, and you can’t work for the government or as a political consultant or a PAC person for 20 years.

    Pass a law that gives the President the power of the line item veto. How can SCOTUS mess with that?

    Nobody in Washington can stay more than 12 years IN TOTAL if they are in a position higher than the equivalent of a mid-level corporate executive. Exclude the regular workers, the admins and clerks, and the folks at the Post Office, FBI, and CIA, but if they change career paths into State Department, then their time in the other branches counts; they get a maximum of 6 years to serve in an elected or appointed position. And of course the military can have full length careers; give them another 10 years if they want to move into the selected/elected type of jobs.

    Whatever the budget is, no more than 65% of it should be spent. To hell with balancing the budget, collect $3 and spend $2 or less; work down the debt.

    Congressweasels should punch a time clock just like the rest of us blue collar slobs. And since they’re the big honchos, they are expected to work the same amount of time as a corporate executive. That means at least 50 hours a week IN THE OFFICE, and then whatever else.

    Term limits, balanced budget or better unless in times of MAJOR war, no earmarks, no additions, and a line item veto. Sounds like a good Constitutional Amendment to me.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/30/2008  at  10:12 PM  

  4. Personally, I think EVERY law should have a sunset. EVERY. SINGLE. ONE. Say, 10 years. This would have 2 major effects:

    1) All the questionable laws would get re-debated/re-voted every 10 years, and in all likelihood would be re-debated/re-voted while a different party was in the majority from the one that passed it.

    2) Congress would have a lot less time to think of stupid, petty laws to please ___________ interest group, as they would be busy having to re-pass laws concerning things like murder and armed robbery.

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   10/01/2008  at  06:51 AM  

  5. Now see - We The People get it - we get together and come up with a number of workable ideas that don’t come close to costing $700 billion - in fact probably will save $700 billion! I find the utter hypocrisy of the very cheaters who created this situation are now the one’s screaming that the ‘sky is falling, we have to pass this (bailout) bill now’ and we will ‘fix’ it. Yeah, right.  Like it will be any different now than then (geeze this sounds familiar). Like Shamnesty - pass ‘Immigration reform’ in ‘65 and ‘86 and yet now (that there are 12 to 20 million illegals, 19 of which created 9/11) - we must, we must pass these new laws to ‘fix’ the problem.

    I guess McAmnesty and Co did not learn a damn thing from Shamnesty. Screw We The People of America - and you will get shot. We did it in 1775 - We can do it again in 2008.

    My grandchildren are worth it. My children are really worth it. And America is damn sure worth it.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/01/2008  at  12:23 PM  

  6. LyndonB, I too read the Telegraph article by Janet Daley. I have also being reading about kickbacks from Fanny and Freddy to Democrat campaign funds. How in hell has Obama risen to the third largest recipient of kickbacks when he has been a senator for only 4 years?

    Everyone, is there a chart which displays Fanny&Freddy kickback per year for every politician in Congress? I get the impression that Obama will be top of the list by a long way. This chart must be pushed hard on the blogs, and the onside media might also run with it too. Here’s hoping.

    $700 billion is only a drop in the bucket. This shit is going to cost tens of trillions.

    Posted by DWMF    Austria   10/02/2008  at  03:50 AM  

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