Posted by peiper    United Kingdom   on 08/27/2009 at 11:30 AM   
  1. Well Mary, most of Europe is beyond hope or help.  America still has a chance.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   08/27/2009  at  07:08 PM  

  2. Speaking as one whe escaped the inequality, suffering and intollerance in europe to come to north america (abeit Canada) the article is a rose tinted crock of shit, however communist policy will ballance out thanks to oberherrfuhrer hussain

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   08/27/2009  at  07:15 PM  

  3. For there is a mean and merciless streak in mainstream US attitudes, which tolerates much more in the way of inequality, deprivation and suffering than is acceptable here,

    How dare she - my youngest son is alive and doing much, much better than ever expected - We did not pay a dime - it was paid for entirely by the generosity of Americans.

    I am so damn sick and tired of being called mean, racist, heartless, ignorant, gun clinging, abortion clinic bombing, abortionist killing, blocker of funding for 3rd world birth control, bigot, sexist, homophobe - You don’t know me and it is extremely mean, racist, heartless, ignorant, and bigoted to paint every single non-Democrat with one single brush stroke.

    I do not want Government/Socialized/Universal healthcare in America - because it isn’t a right, it isn’t necessary (not having insurance means almost nothing as far as access in America), our government can’t run the IRS, DMV or Post Office - I’ll be damned if I want them involved in healthcare, I am against big Government and already think that America’s government is doing too much for too many, read the bill (Section 431(a) - requires the IRS to divulge tax information?!? WTF does that have to with healthcare.At.All.Ever), and so on and so on. It has nothing to do with being mean - it has to do with not enabling the scammers, shammers and thieves of country so that maybe they will go out and get a job.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/27/2009  at  08:36 PM  

  4. Wardmama4:- dont let one brainwashed, bigited and blinkered asshole get to you. All most people know about the USA is the hogwash in the media and it will be all ok now obamas is in charge! I doubt anyone in Eurostan has a clue about the help the USA gave after the tsunami (has the UN done anything positive there yet?) the emotion these sub humans really solicit is pity, I genuinely feel a bit sorry for them as they are clueless and deluded yet have a level of intelligence that when the penny finally drops they will know the depth of their stupidity, and will have to deal with the shit we will be dealing with, carma can be a hard lady!
    We all will have to be calm when we read this shit, there is a whole heap more coming as it all gout wrong.

    Posted by Chris Edwards    Canada   08/27/2009  at  09:05 PM  

  5. is unlikely to be a national service that looks anything like ours. “

    From your mouth to G*d’s ears, bitch.


    Posted by Dedicated_dad    United States   08/27/2009  at  10:40 PM  

  6. Yeah I know - Chris - that is their battle plan - personal attack not facts. It just gets tiring when I can use just as many, no a hell of a lot more nasty adjectives to describe the other side - and it will all be factual.

    And that is my real problem - it has nothing to do with the facts - it is all about personal smears.

    Give me some facts - more than ‘a universal health system is so basic to a civilised society that only the loony right could possibly oppose it’ - to me it is not basic - when people can get the medical help they need in our current society (SCHIP, Medicaid, Medicare, Public Health & Veterans Administration) and please would someone show me - where in the Bible, Torah, Koran and/or the US Constitution that is specifies health care is a basic to civilized society (your definition or mine?!?) or a right.

    Can’t do it - how about - we use our Auto/Gas Fees, Licenses & Taxes and Uncle Obama makes sure that all the roads are paved and we get a new highway/bridge once in a while? - how about we use our property taxes to simply fund sewer/water piping and finally that we use a little more taxes - not much - to fund a defense of our Nation. Goodbye to Public school (indoctrination) system, Welfare, WIC and IRS and just about every other wasteful, bloated government system.

    The rest stays in our pockets and we can buy insurance, HSAs or go without - no tort unless there is actual proof (maybe this is a good place for that ‘panel’) that it was malpractice and/or avoidable negligence - and no insurance bound by stupid regulations or state boundaries.

    Then and only then (say 25 to 50 years) can we maybe consider healthcare reform. BTW - anyone done a poll as to whether those without healthcare insurance 1) have a Dr but pay cash?, 2) have a car, cell phone, flat screen tv or computer but no insurance? 3) or are even US citizens?

    No - those aren’t the stats that the fiberals want at all.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   08/28/2009  at  07:39 AM  

  7. We do not let the “intellegencia” tell us what to do. We don’t believe in social experiments as they have been tried in other parts of the world and have not worked for the betterment of the populace involved. Mostly it benifited the ruling class who felt they were a notch or two better than the people because they were the “in” crowd. Think of Russia. If you were with the “in” crowd you pretty well had it made. Celebrities, minor government officials, profesors, famed artists. You get the idea? Anything other than that and your a nothing. And especially don’t try to change the style of government!

    We changed it in 1776 and don’t care to go back!!!!

    Posted by harleycowboy58    United States   08/28/2009  at  07:41 AM  

  8. The Independant is just the Grauniad with a spell checker. Same liberal left bed wetters railing against the filthy capitalists as they down their chilled Lambrusco at their villas in Tuscany. Typical sneering at the Americans for the “can do” approach which is an anathema to these people. They seem to overlook that these “beastly Americans” were sufficiently progressive to vote for a mulatto President. You think that would be enough to shut them up.

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   08/28/2009  at  12:46 PM  

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