Insensitive, but…


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/25/2007 at 09:00 AM   
  1. Amen - and oh btw - haven’t these natural occurances - fire, flood, tornado, huricane and earthquake been happening since the earth began?  And if you are that stupid to build in a f,f,t,h,e zone - what a shame - I will be willing to help clothe, feed and provide some basic furniture to tide you over until those insurance checks arrive. Otherwise, and if you don’t have insurance - well then find a nice apartment to start over in.

    But to help you re-build in the exact same spot, to help you re-build the nth number of time, to ‘demand’ that the government bail you out - sorry. Make Your Insurance company go after and getthe money from the arsonist. Not me. And if you don’t have insurance - well, I guess you learned a lesson since it’s going to take you a while to replace that plasma tv and SUV, isn’t it?

    Or make all the illegals who are sucking up funds from the welfare, educational, and criminal systems do the damn work for free - at least for the first time they’d actually be doing something for the country that they have been financially duping for years.

    I agree - this is a crock - No More 1040 Extortion. Ever.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/25/2007  at  09:21 AM  

  2. Federal and State disaster relief to rebuild the roads and some necessary infrastructure. And provide some emergency food, shelter, health care. That’s it.

    If my house burns down my insurance company cuts me a check. If my whole town burns down, why should Uncle Sugar pick up the bill?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/25/2007  at  03:02 PM  

  3. This is a trying one.  On the one hand there is no question that not only should the feds or state gov’t not pay for the damage, but it’s actually detrimental to our society if they do.  On the other hand, we are a compassionate and caring people.  When we see someone in such tragic circumstances, our hearts cry out to help them.

    It’s akin to the debate on welfare.  The question isn’t whether or not we’re willing to help someone who needs it.  The question is how will it be administered and where will the limits be?  In particular, how is the situation perceived by those being helped?  Are they grateful for the help they receive and then move on or do they feel they are permanently entitled to handouts?

    I think that any of us is willing to help someone who truly needs it, whether it’s medical care, training or even help with housing and groceries.  We then expect that once the person is back on their feet, that they will no longer get the assistance and will use their good fortune to help the next people who need help.  I’ve had key points in my life where people have helped me and in turn, I have helped others.  The problem is that we now have people who are the product of multiple generations that have never worked.  These people are total leeches on society.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   10/25/2007  at  03:41 PM  

  4. But Dr. Jeff - what is the definition of compassion? Even Jesus said in the Bible - if a man does not work he does not eat. . .There is a big difference from someone who because of age, low mental ability or a disability can not provide for themselves - but that is it. We are now mired in a society in which people have children who either because Uncle Sugar will feed, house and provide medical care for those children - fathers don’t stick around or mothers never bother to even try to get him to stick around and then the criminal aspect increases. . .And they that have grown up without a strong family, provided for all their lives create a new generation who has even less of a clue of real life - and it get worse - to where people expect it. . .

    Every resturant throws out food at closing - if that isn’t decadance and waste - which is where Second Harvest came from - why not offer it to the homeless, poor (man there were days I’d have paid half price for my kids to get a happy meal at 10pm) - the same goes on and on for so much - clothing, appliances, furniture etc - we are a disposable society and don’t even think twice about those - who aren’t getting the true assistance because of extreme poverty - but those just surviving who need that little extra bit - now and then. And why should it be thrown away at all?

    Now, having said that I’ve given and done and watched the utter callousness and disregard from people who should be down on their knees for just getting something. We went through a tornado - lost all our refrig/freezer food - it hurt to throw away food - but our insurance company helped us - as I had the reciept - from the purchase on the day of + the fact being on the edge of town we were last to get power back on - then I went and learned how to not lose so much the next time (grill it and refreeze it) - Live and Learn.

    Which one can’t/won’t do if Uncle Sugar comes in and kisses your boo boo and makes it all better without you lifting a hand. I just thank God I am not that lazy, dumb or uncaring. And that is the definition of compassion.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/25/2007  at  04:03 PM  

  5. Oh yeah - I forgot did you see ole Rep. Charles ‘2millionMEMEMEcenter’ Rangel’s proposed tax hike - largest tax hike in American history with the dirty little secret that the Dems plan to push it through just as the Bush Tax Cuts end - can we all say No New Taxes?

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/25/2007  at  04:07 PM  

  6. Exactly so Wardmama, this is one where I think we could debate and argue for a very long time without ever coming to a conclusion that would properly fit all people. 

    The key problem is the the sense of entitlement.  There’s an old quote about a helping hand vs. a handout.  I don’t mind helping someone get back on their feet and I don’t think you would either.  Both of us will object to 3 or 4 generations sponging off us.  It’s obvious that we need massive welfare reform.  We’ve achieved a very expensive system that actually hurts many of the people it’s supposed to help.  No one living on a sense of welfare entitlement can ever truly feel themselves to be a valuable part of our society.  People outside of a society don’t mind destroying it.  That is the nature of the downward spiral we are on. 

    There is another old quote I’m trying to properly remember about a society can thrive until it’s members realize they can vote themselves benefits, then it goes down the toilet.  Same idea, if we look to the government to solve all our problems, the society will fall apart.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   10/25/2007  at  04:17 PM  

  7. Compassion is a function of the individual.  Government should govern - and in the case of these United States, only that which is directed by the Constitution.

    If I have compassion on my neighbor - as Jesus taught - I can give my goods or that portion I feel appropriate to the poor and needy.  That’s a whole different consideration and circumstance than the government forceably taking my earnings to do good things after wasting much of my earnings on overhead.

    When Jesus commanded His followers to love the neighbor, He was talking to the individual, not a group - either cultural, social or government.

    Change of subject but still being insensitive.

    I live in Southern California, Long Beach to be exact.  (This is Gommorah to L. A.’s Sodom.) As much as I care about others, and have friends in the areas affected by these current fires, I think Southern California would only be improved by burning it from the Northern Los Angeles county line to the Southern end of the Tijuana metropolitan area. 

    Sort of like my dream of seeing New York City slip off into the Atlantic.  Sigh. oh oh

    Posted by Archie    United States   10/25/2007  at  04:20 PM  

  8. I have relatives in the Santa Clarita area. I have been worried about them. They are fine, but I have been worried. I am a victim of the California fires. Therefore, each of you MUST send me $100 in compensation.

    E-mail me for my address and I expect you all to comply, or else...!

    Posted by Rickvid in Seattle    United States   10/25/2007  at  05:35 PM  

  9. It’s been many years since I’ve been to “LA-LA Land” but I can remember driving through one of the many canyons on the metro outskirts, looking up at the mega million houses perched w-a-y up on stilts and remarking, “you got to be friggin’ kiddin’ me, people want to live like that?”. My travelling companion, who had lived aout there 15 years, said, yup
    and every few years either a mudslide, quake or fire takes takes ‘em out and they put up back up right in the same place!. Moon battery!

    When California slides into the ocean,
    like the mystics and statistics say it will...

    - Warren Zevon, R.I.P.

    Posted by memoryleak    United States   10/26/2007  at  01:46 AM  

  10. Time to do a major revision of the rules and get the lazy s.o.b. back to work.  Out here (Harbor City, just up P.C.H., Archie) I live in a condo complex.  Mostly owners and a few renters. Generally a decent bunch, with one exception.  That’s the unit that was rented to Section 8 welfare recipients.  These people would be trash in a bad neighborhood, let alone 2 doors away from me.  Oh yeah, when she got tired of the Jaguar, she got a fancy Chrysler.  I’d like to live that well.

    Posted by Dr. Jeff    United States   10/26/2007  at  03:29 PM  

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