Does this really seem “Fair”?


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 10/25/2007 at 11:06 PM   
  1. Sounds almost like its a conspiracy to get everyone dependent on the government, if you ask me.

    Almost? Ptheh.

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   10/26/2007  at  09:21 AM  

  2. The Fair Tax also eliminates corporate taxation, which is around 20%. So the price of everything should drop about that much, which balances the proposed 23-28% tax rate pretty well. And the nice part is that you get your whole paycheck, and only pay taxes when you buy new stuff.

    And I just have to mention that GOP candidate Mike Huckabee is onboard the Fair Tax express 100%.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   10/26/2007  at  11:11 AM  

  3. I agree - heck just doing away with the IRS alone would save (and solve) a zillion both in money and problems. And as mentioned - no punishing success. And correct me if I am wrong but wasn’t the Income tax suppose to be temporary? [Yeah I know, in my dreams - which is why any New Tax (like Paul’s Iraq War surcharge) is dangerous - it never goes away, ever]

    I can not believe that the left is so hell bent on socializing America - there are dozens of socialistic paradises - go live there and leave America alone.

    As I said yesterday - Ole - Rep. Charlie ‘2millionMEMEMEcenter’Rangel (and the msm) conveniently left out that this largest tax increase in American history would hit at the exact same time as the Bush Tax cuts expire - talk about being hit in the pocketbook.

    No More 1040 Extortion. Fair Tax in 2008.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/26/2007  at  11:43 AM  

  4. Okay then. How about Thompson/Huckabee? WhatEVER we do, by GOD get out and VOTE! Go to the primaries to make sure we get a REAL Conservative to run, then to the general to get him ELECTED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Posted by cmblake6    United States   10/26/2007  at  12:08 PM  

  5. I have several friends that work in the visual effects industry that make $125k a year. A few that make more than $150k

    You know how many hours a week they work?

    Well, the jobs they are working, a ‘standard work week’ is fifty hours. Usually, they end up working sixty to sixty five, every week.

    Posted by Draven    United States   10/27/2007  at  10:04 PM  

  6. i think i blame people’s attitudes about how ‘rich’ people live on the images provided by tv.

    What makes everybody think that the way most people attain that level of wealth is by earning it??  What makes you think that just because they have all this money that they spend dollars like we spend pennies ?? I’m sorry, but not all people with money send like Paris Hilton, or drive $100,000 cars. They don’t all live in mansions. They don’t all wear $10,000 clothing outfits, etc.

    MOST people worth over a million dollars became that wealthy by NOT spending their money. They live just like (or only slightly better than) any middle class family. They came from middle income backgrounds, saved and invested their money, and kept living like their neighbors (read the book “The Millionaire Next Door").

    <u>Under a sales tax, if they don’t spend their money, they don’t contribute to the tax pool.<u>

    Try a flat tax, with income from anybody being taxed after a minimum earnings floor (say $10,000). This floor can be raised or lowered as the gov. finds necessary, but it will effect all people the same (fairly). It does not penalize success, it has no exemptions or loopholes (with the possible exception of medical expenses), and can probably be written in less than 100 pages of plain english.

    Posted by l j    United States   10/28/2007  at  12:45 AM  

  7. Actually, the problem is not one of taxation, nor is it apparently a problem of conservatism. A pox on both houses!

    The problem is a lack of Constitutional government.

    The Fair Tax, which, if given a choice I will support, doesn’t address the ultimate problem: the fact that the Federal Government is inherently unConstitutional.

    Dept. of Education: UnConstitutional. Which of the enumerated powers of Congress in Article One, Section Eight does Congress cite as their authority to meddle with State and local education?

    I can continue with stuff like the ‘National Endowment for the Arts’. Republicans had a Congressional majority for the first time in my lifetime and they couldn’t even kill a small program like the NEA. Ditto for NEH.

    Bottom line: ALL CURRENT MEMBERS OF CONGRESS, HOUSE AND SENATE, ARE IN VIOLATION OF THEIR OATH OF OFFICE. Ditto for all current ‘candidates’ for the Presidency. George Bush is also guilty.

    If it isn’t covered under Article One, Section Eight of the Constitution, Congress and the President have no business legislating about it. Which makes any plans for ‘socialized HillaryCare’ unConstitutional.

    Don’t get me wrong, I do support ‘single-payer healthcare’. Pay for it yourself!

    There is no ‘right’ to healthcare. Once you claim that, you are saying you have a ‘right’ to the labor of another, in this case, the doctor. I believe that asserting such a ‘right’ was called ‘slavery’. And wasn’t it the Democrats that asserted such a right antebellum?

    Democrats haven’t changed, have they? They fought for slavery then, and they fight for slavery now.

    Posted by Christopher    United States   10/28/2007  at  12:57 PM  

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