I Hope Y’All Caught This Bit Of Irony


Posted by Ranting Right Wing Howler    United States   on 03/15/2005 at 07:22 AM   
  1. This sounds familiar.  Before the election, did the donks not work themselves into a tizzy over tons upon tons of war material that allegedly disappeared from a facility that our troops were supposed to be guarding?

    At that time, the donks were trying to make it look as if our people were asleep at the switch and let the facility be pillaged.  And it was all the fault of Dubya, Rumsfeld et al. Thankfully, it didn’t fly.

    Is this another such buildup?  It wouldn’t surprise me if we shortly hear that yes, WMD and WMD material were scattered all over Iraq...but due to the incompetence of the Bush administration and the military, it got away! 

    cool smirk

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   03/15/2005  at  07:56 AM  

  2. The equipment is things like CNC machines,
    lathes and mills, borers ... maybe even
    water jets and plasma cutters. No big deal.
    Many of those machines can be found at OCC.
    For those of you without TV, Orange County
    Choppers. That machinery is de rigeur for
    even basic manufacturing today. For making
    molds, dies and tools. Sure it can make other
    things like precision parts for N
    bombs, but these machine are so sophisticated,
    they can duplicate themselves.
    Too much is being made of this It is more
    likely some very enterprising capitalists
    who are running machine shops now. Making
    parts for the coming industrial age in
    Iraq. A cursory investigation would clear
    this up. Just look around for machine shops.
    Since there was heavy equipment used to
    move some of this stuff ... you might look
    in Turkey, Yemen, even Saudi Arabia. Trust
    me, ANY decent machine shop could turn the
    parts needed to make nukes. Nothing special
    about this stuff.

    Posted by Steel Turman    United States   03/15/2005  at  09:01 AM  

  3. just my thoughts…

    The mobile weapons labs <albeit missing the wmd and/or material> that were found in the desert, are proof enough for me that Saddam Hussein had developmental aspirations or product in the works...or already developed…

    just because it has not been found yet, does not mean it never existed.Perhaps many people have trouble comprehending the fact that it takes very little of a super noxious WMD chemical gas to do major widspread harm

    You would have to be naieve to believe he did not already have some WMD and or capabilty....

    The U.S. had satellite evidence of trucks leaving out back gates of developmental facilities while UN inspectors were arriveing at the front gates…

    gee, whether or not those trucks contained WMD/materials...we will never know...however, Saddam Hussein did know the UN inspectors were coming 2 days in advance...nothing should have been leaving that facility- period- knowing that UN inspectors were due to arrive...was he attempting to *hide* something?...assume the worst case scenario in my opinion..better safe than sorry...or dead

    realistically...are they buried somewhere in the desert like the mobile labs? probably....perhaps they were destroyed during this war..

    I tend to believe that the majority of WMD/materials were/are chemical...saran gas, mustard gas,cyanide gas,etc...the same deadly chemical warfare he used to gas the Kurds...his own Iraqi people

    pretty naive to even entertain the thought that he did not have WMD/materials

    Supposedly after Desert Storm, he *said* he destroyed all WMD...yeah right.The track record is: he is a proven liar, and cannot be trusted all.

    Did he kill the people working on such projects to cover up his activity? probably…

    this is a man who killed his own family members to keep them quiet....

    My thinking is that the media can publish whatever they want...I will read, listen, read some more...and still use my own common sense…

    Which tells me that there are/were WMD in Iraq
    p.s. Happy Tuesday Vilmar grin

    Posted by SouthernDoll    United States   03/15/2005  at  09:12 AM  

  4. Steel..
    I concur about the possibility of shipments into Iraq from other top of the list quess? Syria

    Iraq had embargo’s imposed, but Syria pretty much always had an open border with Iraq...oil pipelines were shipping oil into Syria

    Also...most of his family went to Syria when the war began.

    I am honestly convinced, most of the WMD/materials dealt/deal in Chemical warfare

    and let us not forget

    biological warfare.

    very difficult to trace biological *warfare*…

    Posted by SouthernDoll    United States   03/15/2005  at  09:24 AM  

  5. Ohh yeah it was just another “baby food plant” Right?

    Posted by Infinity    United States   03/15/2005  at  11:13 AM  

  6. OCM:  After 9\11 it became more apparent to more people in power that We need to take out “all” the bad guys and eventually We will.

    To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last--but eat you he will.
    - Ronald Reagan

    We know that dictators are quick to choose aggression, while free nations strive to resolve differences in peace. We know that oppressive governments support terror, while free governments fight the terrorists in their midst. We know that free peoples embrace progress and life, instead of becoming the recruits for murderous ideologies.
    - George W. Bush

    The pacifist thinks that the alternative to war is peace; it is not.  Sometimes the alternative is oppression.  Sometimes certain God-giving rights and liberties can be preserved only by resistance to that which would destroy them.  And to defend certain basic God-given rights and liberties is not immoral but righteous.

    Bishop Fulton Sheen (1895-1979) A Declaration Of Dependence [1941]

    flag = peace

    Posted by DR@HDfixit    United States   03/15/2005  at  12:54 PM  

  7. We do.  Plain and simple.  The rest of the world is like that too.  The 600 pound gorilla ALWAYS gets its way.  WE are the 600 pound gorilla.

    Again, simple.

    Posted by Vilmar    United States   03/15/2005  at  01:27 PM  


    Doesn’t matter.

    Step 1
    Make list of Bad Guys that are dangerous to children and other living things.

    Step 2
    Show the UN your evidence. (the same evidence that all other nations have.)

    Step 3
    Recommend sanctions. Get sanctions approved.

    Step 4
    Announce that “This is your last chance to comply… again.”

    Step 5
    Go explain, directly, to offending ass-hole why he is now in a spider hole with his dick in the dirt.

    Step 6
    Offer aid and comfort to the children and other living things that offending ass-hole has punished for 25 years.

    Step 7
    Repeat as necessary, in no particular order, across the planet until “All bad guys gone”. flag

    Posted by DR@HDfixit    United States   03/15/2005  at  01:34 PM  

  9. I knew the WMDs existed, the un told me after the first golf war. Do you believe that Saddams minions would lie to him and dispose of them behind his back?

    Posted by cornish chris    United Kingdom   03/15/2005  at  04:09 PM  

  10. I hate the term WMD...whoever first started using it should be...never mind.  “Weapons of Mass Destruction” is vague and nebulous at best.  My military brethren will concur that the proper term is NBC - Nuke Bio Chem.  Sounds a bit more specific, yes?  Hits home a bit harder, hmmm?

    Of the 3, nukes I fear the least.  It’s those chems and bios that scare the shit out of me after the Marine Corps was sent me to school to learn about the storage, usage, protection, disposal, and decontamination methods used in NBC warfare.  As many of you pointed out, it doesn’t take much to ruin your day.

    My worst fear is that as few as 100 Islamo-fascist “mules” carrying a small amount of nasty stuff each, after taking the path of least resistance into Mexico via South or Central America, will come over the Mexican border with the illegals and kill tens to hundreds of thousands of our citizens.

    We know that Saddam had chems and bios because we gave/sold them to him when we thought it was in our best interest to play nice with Saddam rather than the Ayatollah Kohmeni(sp?) during the Iran/Iraq War in the 80’s - The enemy of my enemy is my friend.  And that same gas was used against the Kurds. 

    Of course, we would not have had to deal with the Ayatollah had Jimmy Carter not been such a gutless, good-for-nothing panty waste who did all but sell the US down the river.  But I digress…

    OCM, foreign policy is easy.  Like Vilmar said, there is a 600lb gorilla (China may weigh more, but it hasn’t given a true demonstration of how strong it actually is....yet); we are that gorilla at this point in history.  There have been many before us, and our day in the sun will not last forever either.  While we are here, the 600lb gorilla must be fed, and it’s in our best interest to find as many places to “eat” as possible because, if it were not us, it would surely be somebody else.  That somebody could be a lot worse than us. 

    Call it hegemony; call it sphere of influence, but what the US practices is not imperialism.  It is what any large empire does to survive and stay on top.  And of all the ones that have come before us, I can’t think of one off-hand that was as relatively kind and benevloent as the US, despite our blunders and imperfections.

    Posted by Illegitimi Non Carborundum    New Zealand (Aotearoa)   03/15/2005  at  05:23 PM  

  11. Way back when, Vilmar or Allan posted several links to news articles about finding evidence of “WMD’s” in so-called scrap that was sent to either Belgium and/or France. Traces of NBC (thanks, INC) were found in the scrap materiel. I had saved them, but have since lost the links. Of course, the MSM buried the news on the 40th page.

    Vilmar’s right. The US has the ‘bat & the ball’, so if they leave the field, the baseball game is over.

    As for fearing nukes the least, bio’s and chem’s are difficult to effectively disperse. An ERW can be produced in about the size of a common baseball with a few kt yield. Detonated at some altitude (say from a small plane or a tall building) using the Mach-Stem effect, would make them rather devastating. Don’t forget, the ‘Splodey-Dopes aren’t averse to going up with it.

    -Dan D,

    Posted by Dan D    Canada   03/15/2005  at  05:58 PM  


    INC had already said:  “There have been many before us, and our day in the sun will not last forever either.”

    Point is that nothing lasts forever.  This is our time to shine; make the most of it.  Being kinder and gentler will only get you killed by somebody who will exploit that weakness.  In matters of foreign policy it is better to be feared than liked.  NEXT?....  LOL

    DanD, does that baseball sized nuke also include the necessary TNT to begin the fission/fusion process?  That same small plane to drop the nuke can also be used to spray a bio or chem in a crop duster configuration.  And I still say that the bios and chems are more to fear because it’s easier to transport.  Imagine 100 of these asshats getting together and letting off atomized doses of Lewisite or Phosgene Oxime in the New York subway, or JFK or LAX, all at once…

    Posted by Illegitimi Non Carborundum    New Zealand (Aotearoa)   03/15/2005  at  11:05 PM  

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