I hate having to defend Hillary


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/22/2016 at 03:24 PM   
  1. You’re talking about Hillary.  Everything she says is total bullshit.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   05/22/2016  at  05:37 PM  

  2. Ugh, midway through doing a bit about how bullshit Hillary is and we get to this..

    But in general, Venn Diagrams *usually* feature the overlapping areas between the two being where things intersect. For instance: rsz_venn_7958.jpg

    So conventionally, it would be 100% of Americans on one side, 100% of Gun Owners on the other, and in the middle would be whatever bullshit figures she has showing the intersection between the two.

    I’m not saying that what you did is WRONG- my mathiness is pitiful- but it certainly isn’t Usual. There’s also the issue of the overlap, since it’s supposed to show what the two have in common.

    What’s the overlap between the 90% circle and the 83% circle at the end signify? That of those proportions that support magical unicorns, an undisclosed number agree that chocolate is the best ice cream flavors?

    We don’t know, it doesn’t say and it isn’t particularly relevant. So even if what Hitler’s thugs did is true from a technical standpoint, it’s unhelpful. Especially since this is American gun owners (or am I supposed to believe this poll included al-Baghdadi’s personal bodyguards?) and so one circle would basically be subsumed entirely within the other one.

    Just my two cents.

    Posted by Turtler    United States   05/22/2016  at  09:07 PM  

  3. I also thought at first that the Gun Owner’s circle should be subsumed in the 90% Believers circle, but that is not correct. It is subsumed by the universe of All Americans, and since everything else in this problem is also subsumed by that universe, it’s moot. Which is why I stopped drawing the rectangle that represented that by drawing #2.

    The intersection in Hillary’s tweet is supposed to show that at least 73% of gun owners are in support of Universal Background Checks, so come on already Congress, support the will of the people.

    When drawn to scale, that 73% gives you a huge blob, instead of a neat lenticular shape, so messing about with the scale makes for a prettier picture.

    How did I arrive at 73%? Given that the universe is of All Americans, knowing that 90% of them believe in something - in this case UBC - leaves 10% of the population who don’t believe. Making the assumption that those non-believers (infidels??) all belong to the set of Gun Owners who DO believe in UBC - a logical conundrum akin to Caitlyn Jenner. But it works mathematically, and 10% off the 83% leaves a minimum 73% in the middle intersection. A more accurate percentage or a maximum would need real numbers to work, and it would require the set of gun owners to be nearly as big as the 90% Believers set, so that that 10% “non-ners” from the first set can be a number equal to or less than the 17% of “non-ners” from the other set. But this way has no conundrum, as the same people who are in neither group do not change their non-belief based on non-membership in any group. Gak, that’s even hard to write, much less to wrap your head around. It’s like trying to figure out if an sock is clean when it’s inside out.

    So all I can really do is show an unlikely minimum, and state that the real number is much higher. Which supports her thesis - a push for more “common sense” gun laws, more intrusive government, and less freedom for the individual - even more. And that’s why I pointed out the obvious, that her percentages are pie in the sky unicorn farts.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/22/2016  at  10:42 PM  

  4. I also thought at first that the Gun Owner’s circle should be subsumed in the 90% Believers circle, but that is not correct. It is subsumed by the universe of All Americans, and since everything else in this problem is also subsumed by that universe, it’s moot. Which is why I stopped drawing the rectangle that represented that by drawing #2.

    I agree it would be inaccurate to have the entire All Gun Owners’ circle subsumed by the Unicorn Believers’ Circle, while it does get subsumed by the universe of All Americans.

    But there can be multiple levels of subsumption, wheels within wheels (or circles, as it may be...). For instance, if we drew circles of “Dogs”, “Mammals”, and “Animals” you’d get something that looked a bit like a crude target.

    The Gun Owner Believers’ Circle would get subsumed in turn in the 90% of believers circle, while the Gun Owners’ would be 80%+ Subsumed except for the (alleged) outliers.  Since I would guess we’re dealing with figures of American Gun Owners (Unless they did a poll of-say- Russian Bratava that factored this in).

    Everything is subsumed by the universe of Americans, but the figure of Gun owners that believe in unicorns would be subsumed by the total number of gun owners and the total number of Americans that believe in unicorns within that universe.

    I think the overall graph you did shows this fairly well, but around the time we get to the simplified, second graph it starts getting confusing. hillary_venn_2_thumb.jpg

    There really isn’t much need for that smaller circle of Gun Owner Believers, it would simply be represented by the portion of the overall Gun Owners’ Circle that is overtaken by the overlap with the Believers’ Circle.

    Especially since that 83% of Gun Owner Unicorn Believers is what the yellow space is in the first one. hillary_venn_1_thumb.jpg

    While in the second one it gets transmorgified into only a subset of the 83% Gun Owner believers (and All Gun Owners) that is displayed as overlapping with the overall Believers’ Circle. Whatever it’s trying to represent in the second one, it’s not representing the same thing as the 83% it does in the first.

    And I think this is the overall problem with issues with this.

    Yes, all of this is rather confusing and redundant, but I don’t think it is less confusing than implying that American gun owners are somehow a separate group from All Americans except for a small overlap.

    To make things clearer…

    The intersection in Hillary’s tweet is supposed to show that at least 73% of gun owners are in support of Universal Background Checks, so come on already Congress, support the will of the people.

    Alright then, if this is true: what does even one of the circles represent?

    Take the top one for example; is that the Universe of All Americans, or is it the 90% of Unicorn Believers?

    Posted by Turtler    United States   05/23/2016  at  03:07 AM  

  5. Too much noise there Turtler. grayjohn nailed it up top with: Everything that comes out of the D party mouthings is Bullshit.
    blah-blah  shit

    Posted by Rich K    United States   05/23/2016  at  09:46 AM  

  6. The universe is the outer rectangle. the upper circle is the 90% of Believers within it.

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/23/2016  at  08:08 PM  

  7. Damn that lesbo twat to Hell!

    Posted by Macker    United States   05/29/2016  at  01:15 PM  

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