Hillary In A Twist, Oh Boo Hoo


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 05/19/2016 at 05:14 AM   
  1. It works for both the email mess and Benghazi - Watergate (you know a break in at the DNC campaign headquarters - which was NOTHING but politics as usual - and not a single American died)(which oh yeah, two journOlists ‘exposed’ (notice how exposure only happens to those against the DNC)) happened June 17, 1972 - on July 27, 1974 articles of Impeachment were passed and Nixon resigned August 1974.

    Benghazi happened September 11, 2012 - here it is May 2016 - and it hasn’t gotten beyond a House committee. Despite the deaths of 4 Americans.

    The email scandal - started in March of 2015 and once again - it isn’t beyond the investigation yet.

    Must be nice to be a Clinton.

    Obviously - The GOP hasn’t had a desire to stop the Democrats for a long, long time or America would have never reached the place it is right now.

    But then when a Senator who killed a woman is not only allowed to continue being re-elected but is allowed to open our borders and destroy our ‘public’ education without a protest - there hasn’t been a backbone in DC on the gop side since Operation Wetback.

    I love the

    got himself an immunity card. Yeah right, like that will stop him from accidentally stop him from committing suicide 3 or 4 times in a row

    So damn true.

    Much like the psychopath currently sitting in office - Christian/Muslim/whatever - promoting transgender crap (No matter what you ‘feel’ - no matter even if you get surgery - Your chromosomes will ALWAYS be either XX or XY - and they talk about Christians and republicans denying SCIENCE. It’s biology stupid!) which should have every single Christian, American patriot and muslim calling for his RESIGNATION - but not so much as a pathetic bleat from our (GOP controlled) Congress. How people can support this vile, rude and ignorant feminazi (remember w/feminazis it is simply - abortion uber alles) with a serial sex offending ‘husband’ - just goes to show - murder, mafia style retaliation tactics, graft, corruption, and complete and utter abandonment of the American people and American way of life - is simply business as usual in DC.

    And so few people seem to give a damn.

    Two final thoughts - I would love to know how much/what Ted Kennedy gave/said to the Kopechnes to get a lifetime of silence


    How in the hell has ‘survivor’ been on tv for 32 years?

    I guess the second explains why America is limping into this election barely breathing a Free breath of fresh breath of air.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/19/2016  at  10:00 AM  

  2. One simple point on this entire Clinton/Obama destruction of America crap - One single card (yes, I admit it has to be the right card) - pulled out - and this whole 7+ years of pure anti-American unconstitutional garbage will fall apart and be gone and done.

    Too bad there isn’t a single person in DC or the media who has what it takes or the guts to do it.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   05/19/2016  at  10:10 AM  

  3. Thanks for pointing out my typo, Wardmama. I fixed it.

    Survivor has been on TV for 32 seasons; they do 2 seasons per year. First episode was back in Spring 2000. Remember Susan Haaaaaak and Richard the nudist?

    Posted by Drew458    United States   05/19/2016  at  11:52 PM  

  4. Frankly the HRC train is being derailed more quickly by the Bernie Express to Chaos than this little “nothing to See” deal.
    Lets all pray they all congeal into a nice tidy mess just before November 8th.
    shit  toilet  skull  nah-nah  witch

    Posted by Rich K    United States   05/20/2016  at  01:46 AM  

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