Hope for Change


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/30/2011 at 11:35 AM   
  1. Did you listen to the eco-whiners on the Pipelne - not in my backyard, it might ruin our water. OMG there is a pipeline in AK and through Canada that has been there forever - no environmental disaster.

    I am disgusted with these people attempting to halt every single source of energy - coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear - in an attempt to get stupid stuff.

    I don’t want the US to fall into the 3rd World, dark ages or the most expensive energy around. Solar was discovered (so to speak) in 1939 - given the Industrial boom that followed in America in the late 40s to 50s - one would have to believe that if solar was so ‘viable’ that it would have boomed during that time (of limited regulation, flowing cash and booming population growth). Instead it has failed to do anything - even with millions/billions/trillions of our tax dollars going into it.

    Just another scam to get rich quick, line the politicians pockets and leave America in debt forever.

    I got a plan - everyone in Congress for the past 40 years has to give up 95% of their healthcare and 75% of their ‘golden parachute’ retirements - to pay back all the corruption, scams, ponzi schemes and outright thefts (Stimulus anyone) of tax payer dollars.

    Then limit unemployment to 6 months, welfare to 4 years, cut Medicaid, SCHiP, and reform Social Security and Medicare - plus cut Dept of Energy (supposed to have gotten us off foreign energy - hows that going, EPIC FAIL), Dept of Ed (umm, how far down has our Ed ratings gone since this corrupt gem was passed) and of course the bane of this post topic - the EPA - who has destroyed more business and opportunities than was imaginable. Repeal Obamacare, deport the ILLEGAL immigrants/seal the border and finally - Flat tax every single worker/income source.

    And watch America rise from the ashes of failed liberal social policies and ‘wealth redistribution’ policies.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   10/01/2011  at  07:36 AM  

  2. The Extreme Pricks Agency needs to be eliminated, along with all the green weenie, enviroscammers who have victimized us all for so long.  Micheal Savage is right.  Liberalism IS a mental disorder.  Time to put the loonies in the bin where they belong.

    Posted by grayjohn    United States   10/01/2011  at  09:01 AM  

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