Down with the man


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 08/30/2005 at 07:05 PM   
  1. The video I saw was mostly punks stealing clothing, jewelry and expensive items like sneakers.  I didn’t see anyone stealing plasma TV’s.  Pretty stupid to try carrying one of those heavy TV’s home and it will probably just get wet anyway!  Cops with shotguns were making the punks drop the goods and run.  I saw zero police presence at the super market.  People need clean fluids to drink and canned food to eat.  They have been without food since Sunday morning.  If I was there, I would not stop the looters taking food, most would just spoil anyway.  It is still too difficult for rescue workers and aid workers to get to these areas.  The police that are there can’t get out either. 

    Damn shame those police have to spend time trying to stop the looting!  What they should do is have the national guard round up these scumbags and drive them out of the city in those 2 1/2 ton trucks then erect a detention center.  Put them to work picking up dead bodies for a few weeks as penenance.  Seems the National Guard is going to be used for enforcement. 

    I have little sympathy for those folks in the suburbs needing to be rescued off their roofs.  Especially, the one’s with young children.  They should be charged with child endangerment and risk of injury to a child!  My sympathy is for the elderly who just couldn’t get out.  Seems divers are entering homes looking for survivors or just banging on rooftops and cutting through the roof with chainsaws to get people out of the attics.

    The national guard is going to have to start forcing these folks to evacuate, their health is in extreme danger! That water is going to breed mosquitos, it’s full of chemicals, oil, gasoline, sewage, and soon snakes!  The water is continuing to rise in the city as the lake drains.  Hospitals and prisons are starting to evacuate as the water rises and their generators get flooded.  The Superdome will be evacuated as well, 3 feet of water surrounding it now and still climbing.  Although the tsunami survivors didn’t have a problem with contaminated water, that was because the water actually receded.  The water in New Orleans has nowhere to go! 

    Mississippi and Alabama appear to have similar problems minus the water retention.  Seeing shots of hundreds of shipping containers just flung into residential neighborhoods and piled up lick matchsticks.  I would send money to FEMA but they just write checks willy nilly and from what happened in Florida, I am a little leery about sending them money.  Seems FEMA wrote checks to pay for funerals that had nothing to do with the hurricane, etc.  Just a huge money give away without much accounting going on at all.  Nice to know we paid millions of dollars to con-artists and the greedy!

    Posted by MJS    United States   08/30/2005  at  09:50 PM  

  2. Looting is looting, and very little is ever done for survival in any recent situation in America. Collective behavior theory predicts just the sort of stealing we have seen - things of cost and momentary value but little of any long term value. Food, water, shelter - these are important, but not to these guys who are simply criminals.

    The usual suspect types, of course, saw the entire event through the jade colored glasses of the rich vs the poor, quack quack quack.

    The DU comments thread, by the way, has been locked by the moderator.

    Posted by Rickvid    United States   08/30/2005  at  10:36 PM  

  3. I liked the report at NOLA.COM of the sign “You Loot, I Shoot”. Simple straight forward.

    As of this hour 0100 CDT we haven’t heard a word from my inlaws who live in Covington. They decided to ride out the storm rather than move the livestock.

    Posted by yatalli    United States   08/31/2005  at  01:40 AM  

  4. I notice in the video that all the looters, except for one old woman, were black. I will search the DU and other usual suspect sites for evidence that the Bush Cabal, Neo-Cons and the Jooz are holding back all the video of white people looting. It is all, of course, run by Halliburton.

    Just actually heard some lugnut on the Tony Snow Show screeching about when poor blacks loot to survive, the Neo-Con and other whitists complain but when Halliburton loots the treasury and the Bush Crime Family loots the S&Ls (okay, WE know that was in the 1980’s, but never mind the facts), then nobody says anything.


    Posted by Rickvid    United States   08/31/2005  at  12:00 PM  

  5. I think the military should be sent in, they should round several thousand of these people and then execute them with M-60 machine guns on national television and use various other anti-personnel weapons on a few groups for good measure. Then the bodies should be disposed of in either unmarked graves, incinerated or disintegrated with acid.

    Race rioting and looting on this scale are the only times when I’d whole-heartedly welcome seeing the military mass execute literally tens of thousands of Americans without even a smidgeon of mercy.

    Posted by CodeMonkeyMike    United States   08/31/2005  at  04:37 PM  

  6. Dang, you guys are violent!  wink Heard today that the police are asking those boarding the busses to the Texas Astrodome to give them their guns because they are short on firearms!  Another report of a cop getting shot in the forehead and another saying he was getting shot at while on a rooftop at night enforcing the curfew. 

    All I’ve got to say is that when the shit hits the fan, everyone will need a gun and plenty of ammo!  This just proves the point!  People get out of control when society and law and order breakdown.  One must be able to defend oneself and property from the onslaught of the mob mentality. 

    Looks like I will be investing in a handgun permit and a pump action shotgun for just such an occasion.

    Posted by MJS    United States   08/31/2005  at  08:54 PM  

  7. Skip the permit, MJS. If you have a permit, you are on a list somewhere. If you are on a list then you are, or will be an enemy of someone, which means that the Readers Digest Sweepstakes People will hound you until use the gun on yourself.

    Posted by yatalli    United States   08/31/2005  at  10:14 PM  

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