Cleaner demands compensation claiming lack of English is disability.


Posted by Drew458    United Kingdom   on 09/09/2008 at 05:09 AM   
  1. Let’s see… by that standard, selling anything to someone too stupid to keep from hurting themselves with it counts as taking advantage of someone with a disability, yes?

    Posted by GrumpyOldFart    United States   09/09/2008  at  10:48 AM  

  2. I don’t know if you saw that other story where Poles were passing around information on how to set up bogus bank accounts so that they could defraud utility companies because “everything is done on trust” in Britain. I’m not picking on the Polish by the way, there are plenty of natives who are thieving toerags, but it shows how things have changed in Britain. They are only taking advantage of a system which is there to be abused. In the same way that “Dutch” people who a few years ago were Somali citizens come to Britain and live off the benefit system. One hag I saw was claiming about £28,000 a year for herself and six or so dependants. That’s over $50,000 in state support. When you have a system like this it’s little wonder people abuse it. Hopefully the economic downturn will focus people’s attention about just where 43% of their wealth goes (that’s how much tax Britons pay) yes 43% of everything you earn goes back to those bastards in Westminster so they can pay for the feckless and idle. Is it any wonder I left? The real mystery is why people put up with it and why they continue to elect socialists. I have to go now I need to lay down in a darkened room threebeers

    Posted by LyndonB    Canada   09/09/2008  at  05:47 PM  

  3. Lyndon, 43% can buy a pretty substantial voting bloc.

    Who was it (Will Rogers?) that said that Congress is the best that money can buy?

    So are too many of the voters!


    cool mad

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   09/09/2008  at  08:27 PM  

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