Let’s Have An Argument


Posted by Drew458    United States   on 09/08/2008 at 10:21 PM   
  1. "Reliable” sources? 


    Who says they are experts?  Too many people fondle themselves with such titles these days.

    For every “expert” there is an equal and opposite “expert.” To me, that simply says that both of them are likely full of shit.

    If we have such a plethora of “experts” who know SO much about our problems, why are there so many problems?  And such large ones?  How can any problem manage to dodge and survive our swarming legions of know-it-alls?

    Oh, I forgot.  The great unwashed masses, so dumb, so refractory, so perverse, simply won’t listen to the “experts.”

    Is that the real reason why the problems persist?

    Or is it because the “experts” don’t WANT the problems solved, lest they work their way out of their usually VERY cushy livelihoods of “solving” those problems?????

    “Experts” be hanged!

    cool mad

    Posted by Tannenberg    United States   09/09/2008  at  07:57 AM  

  2. Well Tanneberg just about summed up what I was going to write except to add that too many ‘experts’ today - don’t even bother to stay with facts - but use distortions and outright lies to ‘fear’ or ‘guilt’ people into doing things - or the most offensive of reasons - the ‘punishment’ of all for the crime of the one.

    PETA exposed (properly and really without any msm assistance) the disgusting and sickening process of Premarin - you could not pay me any amount of dollars to take it. EVER. Yet PETA also uses some of the most extreme activism to attack some of the most mundane venues - that their credibility is shattered. And that seems to be part of the problem with so many ‘experts’ today.

    And here is where I’m going with that - the Pharma Corps, AMA and FDA have gone soooo far off the path of real investigation, real development, proper testing and reviews, and real action concerning the Food & Drugs that are peddled here in America - it takes real research to know or decide what is best for you personally.

    I’m suppose to buy the FDA’s ‘word’ on the drugs coming out (safety, testing, reliability) when it has been exposed that the ‘Medical reviewers’ are on Pharma corps pay rolls, when Drs. who have questioned drug protocols (or worse pointed out deceptions in those protocols or results) are presented as ‘fringe’ nuts or worse - driven out of the profession? Not to mention my biggest buggaboo with the FDA - close to 2/3ds of the additives to foods have never been tested properly nor approved properly - they were put on waivers for 20 years - in other words we are the guinea pigs - and no one (’experts’ AMA & FDA) seems to know or care or even bother to report it.

    Until they start to police themselves (which we know is nigh on impossible) why should I consider them experts.

    Simply stated - Prove it.

    Posted by wardmama4    United States   09/09/2008  at  08:19 AM  

  3. BMEWS readers: skeptics, cynics, and free thinksers all!

    Hooray for both of you! Don’t buy into it, don’t accept the “I’m just a dummy, tell what to do/think/feel” mantra. Question everything, especially the government.

    Allan would be proud. trophy

    Posted by Drew458    United States   09/09/2008  at  12:35 PM  

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